The Weather Partly cloudy today; tomor- row generally fair and slightly warmer. iiI. - ]v 3k igan Iait ~ .. , Editorials Another. War Of Seven Years? .. . A Better Method .. . VOL. XLVII. No. 15 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Green Rejects CIO- Peace Conference Judge Fines Student For Part In Riot Offer As Insincere Prosecution Ringleaders Of Alleged Is Delayed; n Calls AFL Proposal Fairer, More Practical, And Still Open For Considerations Lewis Aid Denied Seat At Convention DENVER, Colo., Oct. 12.-(P)-The American Federation of Labor late today rejected a Committee for In- dustrial Organization peace confer- ence proposal after refusing to recog- nize a CIO official as a convention delegate. William Green, A.F. of L. president, asserting he spoke "officially" and, he assumed, for the executive council, announced the Federation's refusal of the CIO proposal. Shortly before, the convention re- fused to seat Charles P. Howard, CIO secretary as a delegate. Howard, president of the International Typo- graphical Union, came to the con- vention as a delegate from that union. Green accused the John L. Lewis unions of "insincerity" and bad faith1 in suggesting that each side in la- bor's big civil war send 100 men to a peace parley. After reading the CIO telegram proposing the conference, Green dic- tated the following statement to re- porters: "It bears all the evidence of in- sincerity and of being just another CIO document for CIO consumption. "It does not impress me as being submitted in good faith. "We have a standing committee of1 three members waiting to meet a like1 committee from the CIO. Their pro- posal is for a committee of 100 mem- bers from each side. "We stand on our original pro- posal because we believe it is prac- tical. "We make no stipulations or con- ditions for a meeting. Their proposal sets up stipulations and conditions which must be met before a meeting could be held. "Meantime, our door stands open with the assurance that any unit of the CIO wishing to return may do so without stipulationsror conditions." Green said no reply would be sent to the CIO before the executive coun- cil considered the CIO message. 'Thus the stockyard goat would lead the lambs to the shamble-but in this case the lambs are acquainted with the slaughter which has been prepared for them. "The campaign initiated by the (Continued on Page 6) Parties Mergej In Sophomore Election Move Merger of last year's Independent Party with the sophomore Washte- naw-Cdalition organization was an- nounced yesterday by James Mac- Donald, caucus chairman. A combination slate with an inde- pendent, Phil Westbrook, who ran unsuccessfully for freshman class president last year, as the party's candidate for sophomore class presi- dent has beenagreed upon, MacDon- ald said. Nomnated for vice-president is' Ann Vicary, chairman of the group which last year attempted to put the merit system into campus poli- tics, and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Charles Pink of Sig- ma Chi was chosen to run for secre- tary while Stanley Conrad of Alpha Tau Omega is the nominee for treas- urer. When accepting the nomination for president, Westbrook announced that a sophomore independent's meeting will be held in the near future to win support for the ticket. Announcement of the platform which was described as "a most im- portant development in campus poli- tics" will be made soon, MacDonald Said. N. Y. Racket Smasher Learned Operas Here Thomas E. Dewey, racket-smashing nominee for district attorney of New Spurns Peace Plea Destruction Charged Eubank Faces Two To Ten Year Term Albert Richards, 21, a student in the chemical engineering depart- ment, was fined $10 and assessed $10 costs by Justice Jay H. Payne, yes- terday in justice ,court for disorderly conduct at the student riot Oct. 1, in front of the Michigan Theatre. Souvenir Hunting Richards admitted that he had at- tempted to make off with several tear gas bombs for souvenirs that the po-' lice had placed on the sidewalk. Ac- cording to Justice Payne, there is a city ordinance against removing any- thing which the police place on a public sidewalk or thoroughfare. Richards paid his fine. The examination of Robert Golden, '40, and Martin Messimer, '40, both of River Rouge, on charges of mali- 'Play For Pay' Remarks Costs Teacher's Job PITTSBURGH, Oct. 12.- (k') - President J. J. Callahan of Duquesne University announced the resignation today of Father Thomas R. Jones as a result of "remarksn made" at a stu- dents pep meeting preceding the Du- quesne-University of Pittsburgh foot- all game last Saturday. While a group of students walked off the campus in protest of the resig- nation, Father Callahan said: "Father Jones feels that the re- marks made regarding Pitt's athletic squad, while unintentional, and made' in the heat of a pep rally, had in- advertently placed Duquesne Univer- sity in an unfavorale light, and that his resignation may clarify the situ- ation." Pittsurgh newspapers said the phil- osophy professor had told the stu- dents' rally that Pitt players "play for their weekly pay checks.' Father Jones said he could not re- call making the stattement but that if he did "I certainly regret it." Many former students of the pro- fessor immediately circulated a peti- tion seeking his reinstatement. j Murphy Talkis Budget Slash, With Iluthven France Ready To Give Italy Final Chance Moves To Call 27-Power Non-Intervention Group Over Spanish Problems New Raid Tightens Jap-British Feeling I Emergency Session For Wage-Hour Bill I Calls Special Session Roosevelt Invokes William Green, AFL president, yesterday refused a proposal by John Lewis' CIO unions to settle labor's differences over the council table, characterizing the plan as another CIO document for CIO consumption. .i c b Fi c. a H t J E k G h f t P l Land Utilization Group Will Meet This Week - End Tenth Annual Conference Will Discuss Problem Of Timberland Owners The University of Michigan, Land Utilization Conference will open its 10th annual session at 9:30 a.m. Fri- day in the Union, Dean S. T. Dana of the School of Forestry and Conserva- tion announced yesterday. This meeting which will be a two- day session, has been held every year since the establishment of the for- estry school on the campus, and its function is to discuss problems rela- tive to the business of timberland owners. The program for the 10th annual meeting will include discussions of the following topics: Cost Determina- tion of Logging Operations; Rela- tions Between Capital and Labor and Recently Proposed Legislation in This Field; Federal Contributions to Local Government, Including Spe- cifically Contributions in Lieu of Taxes for Lands Included in National Forests. It is also planned to plant a tree in honor of'President Burton. On Saturday, Oct. 16, the dele- gates attending the conference will be guests of the University at theI football game between Michigan and Minnesota. The wives of members' attending the meeting will be in- vited by President Charles A. Sink of the School of Music to visit the Burton Memorial Tower and the! Baird Carillon. Later they will go to tea at the home of President and Mrs. Ruthven. Karpinski Describes Mathematical Values The importance of mathematics to our modern world was the subject of an address by Prof. Louis C. Karpin- ski of the mathematics department last night to the first monthly meet- ing this year of the; Mathematics Club. In his talk entitled "Descartes and the Modern World," he emphasized the far-reaching power of mathe- matics in physical sciences to ex- plain observed phenomena and more important in "prophetic assertion concerning hitherto unobserved phe- nomena." Professor Karpinski reported also on the progress of a "Bibliography of Mathematical Works Printed in America up to 1850," being prepared for publication by the University. A feature of this list of early works, Professor Karpinski said, is its copious ious destruction of property at the ame riot, was delayed for two weeks Governor Fails To Reach 3ecause Prosecuting Attorney Al . .R.i 1app is busy in Circuit Court. The! Decision On Restoring ase of Richards was a city offense Reduced Appropriation nd he was tried by City Attorney p Villiam Laird. LANSING, Oct. 12.-(UP)-Governorf Arthur Jaeger, 16, an Ann Arbor Frank Murphy and President Alex- igh school student, also seized at ander G. Ruthven of the University he riot, was turned over to Probate of Michigan conferred at length to- 'udge J. G. Pray. . !day upon the state administration's Examination Oct. 14 budget-balancing program. The examination of Richard G. The Governor said he would confer ubank, '38L, who is alleged to have again tomorrow with Dr. Ruthven icked Patrolman Rolland "Barney" and with Dr. Robert S. Shaw, presi- .ainsley in the groin during the riot, dent of Michigan State College, whose ias been set for Oct. 14. Eubank institution also is affected by pro- aces a prison term of from two to posed economies. en years if convicted, according to Murphy said he had reached no ?rosecutor Rapp. I decision to restore a part of the ten- tative $186,930.58 reduction in Uni- versity expenditures for the current Unscarred Molars year. Earlier, he had promised to . i "restore what I can" both in the Now Pay Dividends case of the University and of Mich- igan State College, which lost $316,- To Lucky olders 017.69 of an original $2,600,000 under the administrative knife. Flashing smiles, an evidence of eeth carefully groomed from child- Dupre, Noted On food, are now more than just a so- ial asset. They haveacash value. Organ, To Play This was announced by the Dental Play chool Tuesday when it sent out a In twilight Series LONDON, Oct. 12.--P)-British and French conferees moved tonight to give the international "hands-off Spain" committee a brief last chance to try to get Italian troops out ofI Spain. At the same time, it was under- stood that Great Britain and France were agreed to treat alleged Italian activity in the Balearic Islands, off the Spanish east coast, as a separate problem. The possibility arose that Great Britain and France might try to get all Mediterranean powers together on this supposed menace to the security of trade routes in the Mediterran- ean. Both problems were thrashed out by British Foreign Secretary An- thony Eden and Charles Corbin, French ambassador to Great Britain.1 The French viewpoint, reports from Paris indicated, embraces willingness to give Italy "one last chance" to fall in line by calling the 27-nation non- intervention committee to consider the question of foreign troops. The committee would be given a, limited time in which to act. If Italy refuses to come to definite terms,! France would announce Great Bri- tain's approval of opening the French border to arms shipments for the Spanish government, authoritative French sources said. On the far eastern scene, The Jap- anese aerial attack on British em- bassy automobiles stirred anti-Jap- anese feeling but officials, saying they had no official report, continued cau- tious. A meeting here of the general coun- cil of the League of Nations union, however, urged suspension in all countries of plans for participation in the 1940 Olympic games to be held in Japan. The next formal move on Sino- Japanese affairs from the western hemisphere will come late this month when the nine-power conference of signatories tothe treaty guarantee- ing China's territorial integrity is ex- pected to meet to consider curbs! against Japan's warfare in China. Church Defeats Move To Alter, to h c I rush call for students with perfect teeth, teeth whose enamel has never been marred by, decay of any kind. If owners of such teeth will report to Dr. Philip Jay in the Dental Building, they will receive money in payment for their services which will consist of observation by groups of dental students who are studying dental caries, or piecemeal disinte- gration of the teeth. Houses Respond In Homecoming Decoration Plan Marcel Dupre, the distinguished French organist of St. Sulpice Church and the Paris Conservatory, will be heard in the Twilight Organ Recital Series, 13, in7 The grams Series, charge crowdi at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. Hill Auditorium. Marriage Law concert, like all of the pro- in the Twilight Organ Recital R Lewis Leads Gou is gifen without admission IRev.Ops . In order to prevent over- Seeking Episcopal Favor ng the Auditorium and to avoid To Liberalize Divorce K :-:'..' ... .. President Roosevelt yesterday summoned Congress to a special session to enact legislation stabil- izing the nation's farm income and providing greater earnings for America's lower paid industrial employes.1 Mad Armenian Kills American EnvoyIn Syria Attacks Diplomat For Not Granting A United States Visa To Future Enemy BEIRUT, Syria, Oct. 12.-)- James Theodore Marriner, United States consul general, died here to- day under the gun of an Armenian who professed personal hatred for a man he had never met. The 45-year-old bachelor diplomat, one of the best-known American for- eign servicemofficers, was shot as he stepped from his automobile at the consulate and fell dlead on the steps. His chauffeur captured the at- tacker, whom police identified as Me- jardich Karaan. They said the Armenian asserted the motive for the attack was Mar- riner's refusal to issue him a visa for travel to the United States. "He conceived a violent hatred for Marriner," a police official said, "whom he accused of insults which were purely imaginary because they never met. "He admits having acted for per- sonal vengeance and without any po- litical motive." Remer Considered For Oregon Post Prof. Charles F. Remer, acting chairman of the economics depart- ment last year, is one of five men now under consideration for the pres- idency of the University of Oregon, it was disclosed yesterday. Dr. C. V. Boyer, former head of the University of Oregon, recently re- signed. Professor Remer has been a member of the economics depart- ment since 1928, and is considered an outstanding authlority on the eco- nomic problems of the Far East. When. contacted late last night, Professor Remer stated that all he knew was that his name was being considered along with those of several others. Six Sailors Die As Flames Rake Ship HOUSTON, Texas, Oct. 12.-()- Humble Oil and Refining Company officials said six Venezuelan sailors were killed and nine were injured today when an oil-line broke on the tanker Paraguana at Baytown, spray- ing the men with blazing oil. The men, the oil company officials said, were in the vessel's galley Flames from the galley stove, the company announced, ignited the oil burning the men. The fire which raked the aft part of the Venezuelan tanker still was raging, the company spokesman said. Crop Control, Court Curb, Executive Change, TVA ExpansionHinted President Pushes Social Legislation WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-(P)-- President Roosevelt called a special session of Congress today to consider legislation which he said would stab- ilize the income of the farmer and increase the income of the lower-paid employes of American industry. To these tasks he added: 1. Land utilization legislation - the spreading of the TVA idea to oth- er sections of the country. 2. Reorganization of the executive branch of the government. 3. (Tentatively) anti - monopoly legislation. Legislation Needed "I shall ask this special session to consider immediately,' the President said in one of his fireside chats by radio tonight, "certain important leg- islation which my recent trip through the nation convinces me the Ameri- can people immediately need. "This does not mean that other legislation, to whih I am not refer- ring tonight, is not important for our national well-being. But, other leg- islation can be more readily discussed at the regular session." Congress will convene in special session Nov. 15 instead of waiting until the regular session in January. In his radio speech the President declared those who oppose calling Congress into session are fearful of letting democracy operate, and re- peated previous asurances that the administration is concerned not with abolishing property but increasing the number of property owners. In addition, he referred again to foreign affairs, with a statement that America must "actively" seek peceI and that she is doing so by participat- ing in the forthcoming international conference on the situation resulting from Japans undeclared war in China. "The kind of prosperity we want," he said, "is the sound and permanent kind, which is not built up temporar- ily at the expense of any section or any group. And the kind of peace we want is the sound and permanent kind, which is built on the cooperative search for .peace by all the nations which want peace." Varsity Show Auditions Now BeingHeard Skits, Musical Comedy, As Supplement For Serious Musical Works Auditions for places in the musical contest section of the second annual Varsity Show, sponsored by the Uni- versity Varsity Band, will be held from 3 to 4:15 p.m. and from 7:30 to 9 p.m. today and every day ex- cept Sunday until Oct. 22 at Morris Hall. The Varsity Show will be pre- sented Oct. 26 in Hill Auditorium. There will be two fields open to contestants. The first part of the program will be confined to perform- tances by accomplished musicians ren- dering the more serious works. This contest will be judged by a jury of three musicians. The second part of the program will be devoted to the lighter type of entertainment, such as musical com- edy, monologues, skits, and diversified talent. The applause of the audience will decide this section. Prizes to be awarded will be $25 first prize in each section and $15 for T the second prize, making a total of $80. Tickets to the affair will be sold 1 by members of the band. Last year, more than 6,000 people witnessed the affair. Also included in the program this year will be nov- elty numbers by the band and group singing of Michigan songs by the audience. FRESHMEN TO MEET There will be a meeting of all freshmen men to elect a captain to lead them in the class games at 4 p.m. Thursday in Natural Science Audi- confusion on this occasion, however, admission to this particular recital will be by ticket. These may be ob- tained so long as they last, at the office of the School of Music on May- nard St. A limited number are still available. Sororities Will Have Own The concert will begin promptly Competition ToPl8: 0 and holders of admission tic! ; To Present should be seated promptly on tim Three Cups To Winners 4 y at kets e. 1 r '1 Outlook for a well decorated cam-I pus for homecoming Saturday bright-I ened yesterday when more than 80 per cent of fraternities contacted by the Interfraternity Council indicated that they would decorate their houses for the occasion. Twelve more houses have yet to answer concerning -plans for the af-' fair, but it is expected that the ma- jority of them will signify their in- tentions of decorating. Sororities Withdraw Sororities yesterday withdrew from1 the all-campus decorating contest,' and will have a contest among them-' selves for the most beautifully dec- orated house. They had previously announced their intention of competing with the fraternities for the three cups to be given, but they withdrew because the Panhellenic Society decided to keep! competition among the sororities.' The Society will give a cup to the best decorated sorority. Three Cups Offered Three cups will be given to the best decorated fraternity houses. Awards will be based upon originality, per- tinence to homecoming and general effect, according to Hugh Rader, '38, (,Ila~ ullet 4 i Silences Brady BANGOR, Me., Oct. 12.-(AP)-The notorious Al Brady's boast that he would "make John Dillinger look like a punk" was abruptly silenced by G-man bullets today. The 35-year-old Indiana bandit- robber-killer, one-time neighbor ofj the deadly-fingered Dillinger, was cut down with one of his mobsmen, Clar- ence Shaffer, Jr., in an early morn- ing ambush in a Bangor sporting goods store. The only casualty among the fed- eral men was Walter Walsh, crack shot of the G-man forces, who was nailed in the shoulder by a gangster. Sbullet. CINCINNATI, Oct. 12.-(RP)-The traditionally conservative house of deputies of the Protestant Episcopal church said "no" tonight to proposals to liberalize the churchs marriage and divorce laws. Its action killed any chance of re- laxing at the 52nd triennial general convention a church canon which permits remarriage only for the in- nocent party in a divorce for adultery. The debate in the house of deputies over marriage and divorce, which be- gan yesterday, found proponents of liberalization declaring the church was far behind other protestant de-! nominations in helping to rehabilitate' family life. Opponents contended that relaxa- tion of the canon would damage the church's moral power. A joint commission after a nine- year study recommended that bishops (Continued on Page 6) Reuther To Speak To SWFThursday The Student Workers Federation will hearVictorbReuther, recently- removed Ann Arbor organizer of the UAW, and two students discuss cam- pus labor problems at the SWF's first meeting of the year at 8 p.m. tomor- row in Room 316 of the Union. Tom Downs, '39, last year's presi- dent of the SWF, will talk on the function and activities of the Student Workers Federation and Jack A. Ses- sions, '40, will speak on reductions in Smoker Is Given By SigmaRho Tau More than 100 freshmen attended the smoker held last night in the