"--, The Weather Fair weather in most sections followed by light rain tonight. Y 3klt igan :E3ait1 Editorials The Pitt Panther ... Aid For The Needy .. . VOL. XLVIII. No. 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCT. 12, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fraternities Pledge 494; 81 Less Than Total In 1936 Council President Advises investigation To Uncover Cause Of LessPledging Average Number Of Pledges Is 12 Michigan's fraternities finished rushing last night, as 494 men, 81' less than last year's total, were form- ally pledged to 40 houses. Of this number, 46 are residents in Allen-Rumsey House, and will be required to eat all their meals in the 'nion. Pledge classes range in number from one to 26, with the average class numbering 12. Seven hundred persons registered with the Interfraternity Concil for rushing this year, and an effort will be made to determine why all of these did not pledge, Bud Lundahl, '38, president of the Interfraternity Council, said yesterday. a An effort also wil be made, accord- ing to Lundahl, to determine why fewer persons signed up for rushing this year than last, and why fewer were pledged. Last year, 730 signed up, and 575 were pledged. Following are the pledges: Acacia: Raymond Denny, John Durr, Thomas Finlayson, Ansel Hos- mer, Jr., Douglas Jeffery, William Leeder, Douglas Lyttle, John Paup and Robert Shier. Alpha Delta Phi: Richard Ahl- heim, William Beebe, George Chris- tianson, Arthur Cline, Rhodes Copi- thorn, William Cushing, Holden Drury, William Everard, Robert Hook, Adam Kreuter, David Ladd, Owen Lillie, Edward Mancourt, Stan- ley Moore, William Murbach, Robert Sadler, Theodore Shands, J. Blake Thaxter, George Vial, Gordon Ware and Roger Yepson. Alpha Kappa Lambda: Austin Beebe, A. Jerome Fink, Raymond Frederick, Edward Galbraith, Donald Hodgins, Donald Lipp, Cameron Meredith and John Webber. Alpha Sigma Phi: Keith Bronson, John Cooper, David Dehm, Harry Dvorak, Frank Feely, Robert Flora, George Ganuere, William Hall, James Hauser, Walter Hobert, Jr., George Sherman, Leonard West, George Stockbridge Whitman, James Wilkie, Willard Anthony and Lester Fero. Alpha Tau Omega: James Briney Thomas Colbridge, Robert Gabriel, Hamlin Greene, Fred Guertler, Wil- liam Harrman, George Hill, Harry Kirby, Don Metz, Eugene Morze, George Petrouleas, Edward Purman, Kenneth Simpson, Amos Smith, Fred- erick Smith, Baird Thomas, Paul Wheeler , Robert Wood, Arthur Hot- ler, Richard Wade, Tom Courtney, Melvin Lang and Charles Rosenberg. Beta Theta Pi: James Allen, Charles Barrett, Edward Barrett, Charles Boynton, Robert Bush, Frank Cavan, Samual Comfort, Robert (Continued on Page 2)1 New $10,000 Arthritis Clinic Rapidly Nearing Completion Here Research Is Made Possible By Grant From Horace H. Rackham Foundation By ROBERT E. FRYER Plans for the new arthritis clinic, made possible by an annual grant from the Horace H. Rackham Fund for the purpose of intensive research into the cause and cure of this hith- erto little studied disease, are rapidly nearing completion, Dr. Richard H. Freyberg of the department of inter- nal medicine and director of the new clinic, said yesterday. Ten thousand dollars has been granted by the Rackham Fund an- nually for several years for the study of arthritis to be conducted in the medical school and University Hos- pital. A special committee has been named by Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the medical school to set up plans for the research studies and to super- vise the work of the expenditure of the money. Included on the committee are Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, professor of med- icine and director of the department of internal medicine, chairman; Dr. Carl Badgley, professor of surgery; and Dr. Harley H. Haines, director of the Hospital. Dr. Freyberg has been appointed by this committee to di- rect the research studies. In order to ascertain the scope of study in this disease being done throughout the country Dr. Freyberg has recently toured several of the institutions where studies in arthritis are now being carried on. "It is important," Dr. Freyberg pointed out, "that we know exactly Jap Conquest Of North China Now Imminent Neutral Military Observers Say Last Chinese Defense Line Has Been Broken PEIPING, Oct. 11--fP)-The Jap- anese Army's conquest of the five provinces of North China tonight ap- peared to be near completion. In Peiping the capture of Shihchi- achuang, vital railway junction 175 miles south of Peiping, was hailed by Japanese as the beginning of the end. Neutral military men were inclined to endorse the Japanese opinion that the last effective Chinese defense line in North China had been broken. Shihchiachunang was the last im- portant center of resistance in Hopeh. Its fall appeared to open the way as far as the Yellow River, 250 miles to the south. It brought the Japanese legions to the railway penetrating Shansi Prov- ince, and opened the "front door" of that rich area. The consensus of informed persons here was that in the three months of its North China campaign the Jap- anese army had either captured or advanced to within striking distance of the capitalshand nerve centers of the five northern provinces-Ho- peh, Chahar, Suiyuan, Shansi and Shantung. Conference Is Predicted WASHINGTON Oct 11--(A)- what is being done by others in order' that we may avoid any overlapping of: research work and experimentation. It would be a shame to waste effort in reproducing work that has already been accomplished when so much yet remains to be done." Arthritis is now recognized as one (Continued on Page 6) Retains Court Post HUGO L. BLACKt * ,e Court Rejects Moves To Oustd Justice Blackt Kelly And Levitt Proposalsr D e n i e d Consideration; t New Suits Threatened e WASHINGTON, Oct. 11.-(A)-The Supreme Court today brushed asidet two suits challenging the right oft Justice Hugo L. Black to sit upon thee nation's highest tribunal.C It refused to consider ouster ac-C tions proposed by Albert Levitt andI Patrick Henry Kelly, attorneys, whoI contended Black is constitutionally ineligible for the office. Chief Jus- tice Hughes announced that neither had sufficient interest in the case to justify instituting the proceedings. The battle to unseat Black was not ended, however. Levitt declared im- mediately that other courses of ac- tion were open to him and that he would make use of one, or another, of them. Kdlly brusquely accused thel court of evading the issue. Justice Black listened solemnly from the bench while the Chief Jus- tice made the following announce- ment concerning Levitt's motion: "The grounds of this motion areb that the appointment of Mr. JusticeV Black by the President and the con- firmation thereof by the Senate of the United States were null and voide by reason of his ineligibility undert article one, section six, clause two of theConstitution of the United States,L and because there was no vacancy for which an appointment could law- fully be made.1 "The motion papers disclose no in-t teresthupon thetpart of te petition-T er other than that of a citizen andc a member of the bar of this court.t That is insufficient.It is an estab- lished principle that to entitle a pri- vate individual to invoke the judicial1 power to determine the validity of executive or legislative action het must show that he has sustained or< is immediately in danger of sustaining a direct injury as the result of thatf action and it is not sufficient that he has merely a general interest com- mon to all members of the public.I Radio Officials To Meet CIO ParleyGroup Officials of the International Radio Corporation agreed yesterday to meet1 a bargaining committee of their em- ployes at 5 p.m. today to discuss rein- statement of 10 men who walked out of the plant last Tuesday, according to representatives of the United Elec- trical, Radio and Machine Workers of" America, Local 744 affiliated with! the CIO. Three Union organizers conferred] yesterday with C. A. Verschoor, pres- ident ,and R. John Bradfield, vice- president of the Radio Corporation, who agreed to meet a committee from the Union to discuss specifically the reinstatement of the men who were reported to have left the plant because of "unsatisfactory wages," Union spokesmen said. When contacted last night, Mr. Bradfield said that representatives of his company would meet today with "a group of emploves" to talk AFL Council Will Request CIO Return / AFL Committee ThreatensI To Oppose Candidates Favoring Rival Union Group May Expel1 CIO If Peace Fail DENVER, Oct. 11.-(uP)-The American Federation of Labor ap- pealed to the rank and file of the CIOE today to overthrow its "power greedy"1 leadership and return to the AFL,t but empowered the Federation's ex-e ecutive council at the same time toe expel the John L. Lewis Unions as a last resort. By an overwhelming vote the AFLl convention approved a resolutions' committee report giving the executive c'ouncil power to expel the suspended CIO unions. The same report held the door to peace open with a pro- vision that a battle to exterminate the CIO be delayed until all peace efforts failed. In the report the committee also warned political leaders that the AFL's political strength hereafter would be used to oppose any candi- date for public office, "who would in any way favor, encourage or support the CIO." It called upon both politicians and employers "to decide whether to sub- mit themselves to the evils of a dic- tatorship which is no less repugnant because it springs from greedy lead- ers of labor who have foresaken their trust." Usually well-informed sources said the door to peace was left open for the present because the AFL leaders expected the International Ladies' Garment Workers, one of the largest CIO affiliates, soon to desert John L. Lewis' camp and to return to -the AFL. Miners Strike Ends As Ford Factory Closes Bennett Tells Kansas City. Star Plant Will Remain Shut Until Settlement KANSAS CITY, Oct. 1l.-(P)-The big Ford Motor Company plant here was closed down indefinitely tonight in what the United Automobile Work- ers of America called a lockout and the Ford Company said was a shut- down to await settlement of inter-, union disputes. Harry Bennett, Ford personnel di rector, told the Kansas City Star by telephone from his home in Ypsilanti, Mich., that "The plant will remain closed down until the employes and the 'other people' at Kansas City de- cide tohsettle the thingand stop standing around outside the plant like a lot of kids." "We have nothing to do with this trouble," he said. "The matter is not one which is up to us in any way."~ He said later the shutdown result- ed from a "squabble" between "the CIO" and "some other union." The new labor dispute at the plant which was the scene of a 31-hour sit-down strike last April, was dis- closed with orders to a maintenance crew not to report for work tomorrow. Plant officials told the maintenance men the shutdown would be "indefi- nite." LANSFORD, Pa., Oct. 11.-UP)- The 38 miners who ended a sit-down strike 1,300 feet beneath the surface in the Coaldale colliery tonight emer- ged at 11 :20 for their first breath of fresh air in almost a week. The men were greeted by loud, cheers from a crowd estimated at several thousand as they walked out of the mouth of the mine, supported by relatives and friends. They were hurried into private cars lined up at the mine entrance and were rushed to their homes. 2 Guards Slashed By Prison Inmate JACKSON, Oct. 11.-(P)-A negro inmate slashed two guards of the state prison of Southern Michigan today and Deputy Warden James L. Ryan said tonight the convict will be charged with felonious assault. 11 Duce's Men Are Reported Leaving China Dramatic Move Believed Result Of Understanding With Hitler To Aid Japan Mussolini Remains Cold To Parley Plea ROME, Oct. 11. -(AP) - Reliable sources tonight disclosed Premier Mussolini has ordered Italian avia- tion experts aiding the Chinese gov- ernment to quit now that China is engaged in a bitter conflict with Japan. . This dramatic move was said to be part of an understanding reached with Adolf Hitler, on Il Duce's re- cent Berlin visit, to support Japan in her struggle with China. An order for the large Italian military mission to return home was reported to have been issued imme- diately after Mussolini's return from Germany. Offers No Encouragement LONDON, Oct. 11.-(P)-Premier' Mussolini today gave no encourage- ment to the efforts of France and Britain to make him promise to keep hands off Spain. British and French officials active- ly sought a new plan to bring Italy to the conference table to discuss withdrawal of foreign volunteers from the Spanish civil war, but Il, Duce remained aloof. Authoritative circles in Rome in- dicated little fear that France would open her Spanish frontier to let sup- plies reach the Spanish government. They believed such a move would bring such serious danger of Euro- pean war as to make France and Britain wish to avoid it. Rome also paid little heed to otker suggestions for ameliorating the crisis, such as that emanating from Paris for an Anglo-French occupa- tion of the Spanish Balearic Islands. Experts of the French foreign of- fice were known to have put for- ward the idea that the Balearics, ly- ing athwart France's route to North Africa and Britain's highway to India, might be occupied by an An- glo-French force to "nullify" alleged Italian occupation. The Spanish Insurgents, whom Italy supports,hold the most impor- tant of the islands and there have been frequent charges of Italian ac- tivity there. The French suggestion, however, aroused little support in the British capital. The further suggestion that Italy be invited to join such an occupa- tion likewise appeared likely to re- ceive a cold shoulder in Rome. Pri- vately, authorities there said the idea was to remove Italy from a dominant role as master of the Balearics. They didnot believe Italy would accede to any plea that the three powers should "save the islands for the eventual government of Spain." Prime Minister Neville Chamber- lain and his ministers seemed equally hesitant to bring non-intervention in the Spanish war to a quick end by opening the French frontier and lift- ing the ban on arms shipments to the Spanish government. 2 Engineering Groups To Hold Meetings Today Engineering college student groups will begin this year's activities today and tomorrow with the first meeting of Quarterdeck, Sigma Rho Tau and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Three hundred engineering college students are expected to attend Sigma Rho Tau's, national honorary engin- eering college society, smoker at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 321 of the Union. The purpose of the meeting, Prof. Robert D. Brackett of the engineering college,-faculty adviser of the group, said, is to acquaint new students with the functions of the society. Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engin- eering college, formerly. national president, and Prof. James H. Cissel of the engineering college will talk before the society. Professor Brackett emphasized that the smoker is for upperclassmen and freshmen. Cider, doughnuts and a speech by the recently appointed Dean H. C. OGDEN L. MILLS Ooden L. Mills Dies Suddenly Of HeartAttack Dies Of Heart Attack Leader Wing Wife, Of G.O.P. Right Stricken At Home; Doctor At Bedside NEW YORK, Oct. 11.-(A)-Ogden L. Mills, an aloof aristocrat of-Ameri- can politics and one of the last great leaders of the once powerful Republi- can old guard, died today of a heart attack. He was stricken suddenly-only three days ago he had played a vig- orous golf game with friends-in the old red brick and brownstone Mills townhouse that in itself is a symbol of a way of living that is passing. Closely Follows Mellon His death occurred just two and a half months after that of his pre- decessor as "Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew W. Mellon. With him was Mrs. Mills and the family physician, Dr. Henry James. He was only 53, young in the light. of a long and brilliant national ca- reer. Unquestionably he had been one of the great hopes of the party's conservative wing that he had helped so long to guide and direct. An hour after his death became known, the street outside the door was filled with limousines, as weep-. ing friends came to call at the gloomy old house. The funeral arrangements had not been announced. Resembles Former Secretary Mills had many political mentors, but save for President Hoover him- self the most powerful was Andrew Mellon. They were in some respects strangely parallel men. Both were possessors of great wealth; each had a great flair for finance, each was an unquestioning advocate of political conservatism; and each moved in an air of great person reserve, although the younger-Mills-was as ableas the next man in political rough and tumble when it seemed necessary. Band Makes Hit At Purple Tilt; To Hold Benefit Michigan's Varsity Band, formerly known as the "fighting hundred" but recently increased to 125, gathered whatever glory Coaches Kipke and Anderson missed Saturday at Evans- ton, according to the reception the spectators gave it. Sports announcer Ted Husing, broadcasting the Michigan-North- western game, devoted nearly the en- tire time between halves to the band, saying that it was "the best march- ing band I have ever seen." In the pre-game program, after marching in to the tune of the "Vic- tors," led by three drum majors, the band formed a compass with an ar- row pointing northwest and played "Go U Northwestern." Between halves, serenading North- western's stands, the band proceded to form a huge pipe to the tunes of "Smoke Dreams" and "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes." After this swing ses- sion, a bubble poured forth from the pipe as the band played "I'm For- ever Blowing Bubbles." Finally the bubble burst into the initials "N.U." enclosed in a huge square. This fig- ure expanded into a block "M," to the tune of the "Yellow and the Blue." Soviet Purge Removes Last Of Premiers From Office Report Firing Squads Are Q u e 11 i n g Secessionist Attempts On Frontiers Russia Sets Dec. 12 For Secret Election MOSCOW, Oct. 11.--(P)--The So- viet purge of "traitors" brought the downfall today of the head of the eleventh and last republic, compos- ing the Soviet Union to have its president removed from office. It was disclosed that shots from firing squads are snuffing out sep- aratist (secession) movements along the Soviet Union's western and east- ern frontiers. Remove Rakhmanoff Removal of Useyn Rakhmanoff, premier of Azerbaijan, oil and cotton region bordering the Caspian Sea, was announced today in a newspaper published at Baku; its capital. In Karelia, on the Finnish border; in Ukrane, which lies beside Poland and is believed to be coveted by Ger- many; in Tadjikistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan on the Asiatic front, officials from presidents and premiers down have been removed. Whether they secretly have been tried and executed, exiled or merely imprisoner has not been disclosed. At least one, Panas P. Liubchenko, pre- mier of Ukrane, committed suicide rather than face the fate that ap- parently awaited him. Izvestia, the Government's news- paper, had accused him of plotting to sell out the Ukraine to the Germans. Poles and Japanese. Finland also has been accused of being an "enemy neighbor." Large-Scale Cleanups Large-scale cleanups in other fron- tier provinces, from Crimea to Asiatic Bashkiria and Turkmenistan, have been disclosed. Leaders of a suspect- ed peasant revolt in Georgia and the Caucasus were tried and shot. Chiefs of the Buryat-Mongolia Republic were accused of fomenting pan-Mon- golia ideas. Article 17 of the new Constitution says that "to every union republic is reserved the right freely to secede from the U.S.S.R.," but officials see no anomaly in the drive to stamp out tendencies in that direction which would "dismember the socialist fath- erland." Superficiality Is Worst Fault McClusky Says Scores Stereotyped 'Line' And Overdressed Women On UniversityCampus Superficiality is the most undesir- able characteristic of a large state university located in a small town, Prof. Howard McCluskey of the School of Education told the Congre- gational Young People's Society Sun- day. Evidence of this superficiality is the overdressed women students and the stereotyped "line," he said, point- ing out that loneliness is very preva- lent on the campus even among those who seem to have many acquaint- ances. Friendships and acquaint- ances are far from the same thing, he said. Another disadvantage in the pres- ent system at large institutions is the stratification of the student body into cliques, Professor McCluskey said. Although it is not now as bad as it used to be, money, fraternities and sororities and kindred qualifica- tions do abolish complete democracy among the student body to some ex- tent, he stated. On the other hand a number of. advantages are found on a campus of this kind-a campus like Mich- igan, the speaker stated. The atmo- sphere is cosmopolitan--in Ann Arbor more cosmopolitan than at any other state university. An unlimited op- portunity of meeting interesting peo- ple, especially foreign students, is of- fered and by far the best chance of life to meet more and better mem- bers of the opposite sex is exper- ienced. Professor McCluskey stated. ____ __________ -There were unofficial predictions to- daythat Brussels will be selectedas Reserve Unit the place for a nine-power treaty conference to deal with the Sino-Jap- anese conflict. Nam es Cadet No public confirmation of this came, however, from conferences in which President Roosevelt canvassed Officers Here the international situation. The President talked over foreign affairs generally, including Amer- 55 ROTC Appointments ican participation in the nine-power 2 parley, with Sumner Welles, under- List 12 Cadet-Captains, secretary of state, and William Phil- 28 First Lieutenants lips. American Ambassador to Italy. _______There' was no indication afterward' Appointment of 55 students as as to what if any decisions were Appontmnt f 55stuent asreached. Talk persisted in some quar- cadet-officers in the Reserve Officers ters, however, that the Chief Execu- Training Corps unit here was an- tive may devote part of his radio nounced yesterday by Major R. E. broadcast tomorrow night to a fur- Hardy of the military science de- ther discussion of United States co- partment. operation with other nations in an The list includes 12 cadet captains, effort to restore peace to the world. 28 cadet first lieutenants and 15 cadet 2nd lieutenants. They aAe ef- fective immediately. The Cadet Cap- Alumin m Strikes tains are W. B. Archer,'38; R. G. At- kEndedn, Detroit kinson, '38E; E. J. Carpenter, '38; J. E. Cornelius, '38; R. S. Hawley, Jr., '38; K. Kelly, '38; T. G. Manos, '38E: DETROIT, Oct. 11.-(UP) - Sit- C. L. Nelson; R. A. Pommerening. down strikes involving 3,500 employes '38; F. A. Weber, '39; J, G. Young, in seven plants of the Bohn Alum- '38E; and R. S. Young, '38E. inum & Brass Corp. ended abruptly The Cadet First Lieutenants named today with a truce between corpora- are B. A. Campbell; C. H. Clement, tion and the United Automobile .Tr '3R- W. T. Comer. '3R- .T E .Workers Union. i T