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October 09, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-09

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SATURDAY, OCT. 9, 193'






Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication. of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$490; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertising$ervice, Ic.
Colege Publishers Rpresentaive
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
To Fight Their
Common Foe .. .
ecutive committee of the Amer-
can Federation of Labor has just been made
public, as the 57th convention of the organiza-
tion gets under way. The chief point of interest
in the document is, as was expected, a violent
attack on the Committee for Industrial Organi-
zation, and a demand for authority to expel
unions affiliated with the latter. Several pages
are devoted to a description of the "destructive
policies" of the CIO, although the fact that
these policies have resulted in the organization
for the first time of the great mass production
industries is not alluded to.
In the section dealing with the National Labor
Relations Board, the following statement ap-
pears: "By accepting charges against the inde-
pendet steel companies it (the board) laid itself
wide open to the charge of partisanship in the
struggle, namely the question of representation
which the steel union asserted was the whole
issue." The conduct of the Board in connection
with last winter's automobile strike is also crit-
icized, "in these two instances," the report de-
clares, "it gave the public good grounds for the
belief that it is decidedly pro-CIO."
Now the Wagner Act and the National Labor
Relations Board have been the greatest legisla-
tive benefits labor has received in the United
States since the recognition of the right to picket.
The record of the Board has been above reproach
except at the hands of the Girdlers, the Graces
and their reactionary allies and controlled press.
The spectacle of a labor organization taking the
part of such powerful and unscrupulous com-
panies as Republic, Bethlehem and Weirton steel
against the exposures of their methods of han-
dling labor relations problems is indeed a novel
and elucidating one.
Further light on the Federation's current pol-
icy is thrown by the warm endorsement given in
the report to the Progressive Miners of America
and the Blue Card Union of Zinc and Lead
Miners. The former organization, whose anti)
Semitic and anti-liberal leadership belies its
title, has been set up as a rival to the CIO
United Mine Workers union, while the latter
of the two cited above, a notorious strike-

breaking company-favored group, is in opposi-
tion to the CIO Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
Union. Thus while the Federation castigates
John L. Lewis for splitting the labor movement,
it does its best to further the break already
existing and to extend it to fields which have
not yet suffered from it.
It is difficult to believe that the rank and
file of the AFL is solidly behind its leaders in
the war with the CIO. The organization of the
mass-production industries cannot possibly be
harmful to already existing craft unions, and
the strengthening of labor as a whole which has
resulted from the activities of the CIO is certain-
ly beneficial to them. At the Tampa conven-
tion of the Federation. last year, the Executive
Committee refused to permit a two-thirds vote
on the suspension of the CIO unions, leading to
the widespread belief that the move was not
generally supported by the mass of the Federa-
tion's workers.

Letters Published In this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily.' Anonynous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
In His Solitude
To the Editor:
A few days ago a young chap from The Daily
made inquiries concerning Fred Chase, who
was beaten up last year by police officers. When
told that the University was now functioning
without Fred's services he said that he had hoped
that Chase might get a better job because of
his trouble. There has been considerable mis-
understanding about this man's discharge and
I feel that in justice to all concerned the truth
should be told.
(Now this is not another of my clumsy at-
tempts at satire).
Without going into any embarrassing details
I will merely say that Mr. MacCormack dis-
charged him for perfectly sufficient reasons. I
might add, in passing, that when said Mr. Mac-
Cormack fires them they deserve to be fired.
He hates drunkenness, as do most reasonable
persons, and as far as his authority extends, will
not tolerate it on the job.
But he is only assistant foreman and there
are favored drunkards whom he cannot touch.
I am sure that the janitor staff in general will
not resent the discharge of a member whose
intoxication was endangering University prop-
erty, but we are all asking why these others
are not only kept on the job but one is given
a higher rate of pay with which to purchase
the stuff. We happen to know from working
with this man, that he is no exceptional work-
man but we have also noticed the significant fact
that he has not joined the union.
This case constitutes only one of the many big
questions that the custodians of this campus are
asking. -Will Canter.
'Not That I Object, But..'
To the Editor:
Recently,,a director of the School of Nursing
requested several student nurses to refrain from
associating with some Filipino students in the
"Not that L have any racial prejudices," said
the director, "but such behavior tends to lower
the reputation of Couzens Hall."
'Not that I have any racial prejudices . .
What is it but racial prejudice that this director
is attempting to instill into the minds of nurs-
ing students?
Although we are living in the United States,
occasionally moronic individuals attempt to at-
tack our principles of racial equality, freedom
of speech and press, and religious practice. But
when abominable remarks like the above come
from a member of the University faculty, I think
it's time that the rest of the people here know
about it. -Senior.
LaKermesse Heroique
The Art Cinema League presents LA KER-
MESSE HEROIQUE at 8:15 today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Produced by the American
Tobis Corporation.
A mixture of quaintness and sophisticated hu-
mor with a touch of artistry rarely found in
Hollywood's technically perfect and moronic
comedies has come to this town in the form of
the French film, "La Kermesse Heroique."
Otherwise known as "Carnival in Flanders,"
this story of the bloodless defense by the women
of a Flemish town against a Spanish legion
allegedly bent on pillage and rape presents
some delightfully risque situations that might
not pass the board of censors at a convent.
And it's all done without the stealthy smut and
bare thighs that just get past our own guardians
of morals.

Even from the technical point of view, the
traditional weak spot of foreign films, "La Ker-
messe Heroique" measures up to our best. The
photography and direction exhibit the reserve
and commendable lack of sensationalism that
seldom characterizes American pictures.
An element of weakness creeps in, however,
with a love story sub-plot that breaks the con-
tinuity of the main theme.
No one is starred, no one is featured. By the
excellence of her acting the mayor's wife stands
out with her portrayal of a practical, shrewd
Dutch frau. But the story flows along of its
own momentum and doesn't revolve around any
single overdrawn character.
The written prologue explains that the picture
lays no claim to historical accuracy, so students
of that period around 1616 in Dutch history
shouldn't go with the hope of getting Monday's
reading assignment via the silver screen.
And there's a Mickey Mouse, "Through the
Mirror,'' representing the better side of Amer-
ican film humor. To those super-intellectuals
who turn their noses up another notch, at the
mere mention of Mickey, in critical discussions,
this reviewer can only say, "I've seen more than
a cynical smile on the faces of the best of you
when the little rodent flashes on the screen."
Died-in-the-wool "Shaggers" and "Black Ap-

By Heywood Broun
In some of the European capitals President
Roosevelt's Chicago speech was a boon to the
bootmakers. Many of the Fascist leaders hur-
ried around to put on shoes which seemed to fit.
Ironically enough, the censorship of a controlled
press which is established for concealment may
at times be even more revealing than complete
Some American critics of Franklin Roosevelt
complained that he had been too vague in his re-
marks and had failed to identify the guilty na-
tions which he had in mind. But his words were
crystal clear to Hitler and to Mussolini. Ger-_
man and Italian papers either did not print the.
speech at all or gave very brief extracts. And
the semi-official organs of the two dictators let
loose in fierce condemnation of the President's
* * * *
Stand Confessed Of Guilt
And to what did they object? They objected
that any criticism should be leveled against "law-
less nations" and "aggressors." Indeed they put
themselves into the spot of publicly pleading
guilty to treaty-breaking and violation of Inter-
national Law. They undertook to set up Fascism
as a philosophy above the judgment of man-
kind. Proudly they declare themselves to be the
In Paris, Madrid, London, Leningrad and in
China the Roosevelt speech was printed in full
and was hailed as a step toward leadership in
the making of world peace. If by a concerted
effort of the rest of the world a quarantine can
be established it will be well to arrive at a gen-
eral agreement as to the nature of the disease
which is to be localized. It will serve very little
to say. "We are all against the Japanese pox,
but that fever which Franco and his Moors have
brought to Spain is something quite different.
This is indeed a kind of warm and friendly ther-
apy designed for the health and cure of an un-
happy nation." That would be politically and
medically unsound.
Put the germ of Fascism, wherever found,
under the microscope, and it will prove to be
the same organism. It is that bug which wiggles
its tail like a tadpole, and the microbe is equally
deadly whether it comes from the East or the
West or is found lurking here at home. Indeed
the situation is so not simply one in which it is
possible to point a finger and say "that man is
the carrier," or "here is the nation guilty of
breeding the infection."
Plague Is World-Wide
We are dealing with a plague which has be-
come pandemic. Many of us will be reluctant
to abandon complete isolation. But such a policy
could prove useful only if the disease were un-
known within our borders. Unfortunately that is
not true. Very many in America have openly
applauded the philosophy of Hitler, of Musso-
lini or their creature Franco. Some of those
who help to spread the infection are undoubtedly
ignorant of the fact that they are carriers. Prob-
ably the American tourist who spent a week in
Berlin and returns to remark that "Hitler is cer-
tainly doing a great job" is quite unaware of the
fact that he is adding his mite to the drive
against Democratic government. Fascism is in-
sidious, and we must learn to recognize it even
in its earliest stages.
On The Level
Men's rushing has sung its swan song, but the
smelody lingers on.
*, * * *
However, women's rushing, like women in gen-
eral, goes on and on.
* * * *

Tuesday night will find the gals borrowing
accessories to go with their best formal gowns
for the last time. Then comes the irony of
sorority rushing-the silence period.
.* * * * '
This no-talkie time is especially hard on
women, because women, generally speaking,
are generally speaking.
* * * *
Sorority rushing, unlike fraternity rushing,
takes place only every other night. This gives
the girls an extra day in between times to forget
And, concerning names, the faux pas prize of
the entire rush season was pulled last week by
a Gamma Phi Beta babe. The girl in question
made a habit of remembering names by the
association method, and tied up Ginny Griffin
with the shoe-white of that name.
* * * *
But the system caused blushes when the Judy
introduced Ginny to a herd, of Gamma Phis as
"Ginny Shoe-white."
* * * *
In their rushing talks, sororities claim that
they make up 75% of a college education, fra-
ternities claim 80%, the University says educa-
tion is 90% of college life, recreations compose
about 50%, the opposite sex makes up at least
60%, and extra-curriculars have been said to
be 50% of a college career.
* * * *

Tovarich' In Detroit
HE PLAY which opens at the Cass
comedy which closed the Dramatic
Season at the Mendelssohn last June
-Jacques Deval's Tovarich. adapted
by Robert E. Sherwood. Most of the
original New York cast will be present
including Marta Abba who has the
part of the Grand Duchess Tatiana
Petrovna, played here by Elena Mir-
Senora Abba is a young Italian ac-
tress making not only her first visit
to this country, but playing for the
first time in English, although her
accent is rather less than that of
many foreign actresses who have been
playing here for a couple of decades.
In her native country and elsewhere
on the Continent, Miss Abba is best
known for her work in Pirandello's
plays. But she has played everything
from Shakespeare to Shaw as well as
Ibsen, Turgenieff, d'Annunzio and
others who specialize in the tragic
Tovarich ran for some 800 perform-
ances in Paris and has since been
produced in almost every city and
town in Europe.
Some interesting remarks on the
play are made by Mr. Sherwood in his
adaptor's foreword to the published
version which was brought out by
Random House last winter:
Why this simple play should have
been so conspicuous an international
success I do not know. Certainly it
possesses what the boys are pleased
to call a 'well-worn theme' - the
theme of two great American come-
dies, Clarence and Is Zat So? of
Come Out of the Kitchen, of Lord
Richard in the Pantry and of count-
less others, including certain of
Shakespeare's works. It departs from
the accepted formula only in the;
final scene, which was written on
Jacques Deval's cuff; here we see
the phenomenon of noble servants;
who are supremly happy because they
have been granted the privilege of
staying in the kitchen. However, the,
well-worn theory isn't good enough to
account for the enthusiasm which
Tovarich has evoked from all races
and classes, from Warsaw to Warner
"Tovarich undoubtedly has some-
thing which should engage the atten-.
tion of serious drama students the
world over. In answer to the ques-
tion, which no one has asked me,
'What is this certain something?'-I
must again reply, 'I don't know.' I
can only say that when I first read1
the play it got me, and I was induced;
to make my one and only adaptation.
I was glad of the chance to render
into English that last cuff scene,
wherein two people, whom you can't
help liking, get together with their
worst enemy and make peace with1
him and give him all they possess and
call him 'Comrade' and then go out
to get good and drunk."
THE ARMY MULE tackles the men
of Columbia today at 2-NBC
carries the game, takes the air at
1:45 via WWJ . . . The Notre Dame-
Illinois tussle is aired at 2:45 over
CKLW ..,. WBBM is the outlet for .
the Michigan-Northwestern game at
3 . .. Resume of the afternoon's foot-
ball activities at 6:30, carried by WJR
with Eddie Dooley commentating.
Dick Stabile sticks his band via
CKLW at 7:15 . . . The finest jam-

session in the land airs at 7:30 over
a CBS hook-up. The Saturday Night
Swing Club meets on the lanes of
WJR .. . Robert L. "Believe It or Not"
Ripley talks of oddities at 8 thru
WWJ. It's the music of the former
Lucky Strike maestro, B.A. Rolfe .. .
NBC airs Jack Haley's Variety Show
with Virginia Verrill, lady of song;
and Ted Fio Rito's band at 8:30 . . .
Johnny is still presenting Russ Mor-
gan's wa-wa trombone, the "Swing
Fourteen" and Frances Adair, vocalist
at 8:30 from WABC. The Morgan
band isn't so bad, but he could stay
home and help the show more . .
9:30 finds Walt Schuman's "Swing
Ensemble" on the Mutual hook-up
by CKLW . . . Lucky Strike gives Joe
Nation the favorite tunes of the week
by Al Goodman's orch at 10 thru a
WJR connection . . . George Olsen,
the man who now leads the former
Orville Knapp crew, plays his music
of the future (commercial) at 10:30
via CKLW. . . Casa Loma does a turn
at 11 by the way of CBS's WBBM
outlet . . . Saturday night is a big
date in the life of a dance musician
and from 11 until 3 you can pick fine
bands off the air at a dime a dozen.,
BITS: Deanna Durbin, singing star
of the Eddie Cantor show, is
slated to leave in December and will
be in the market for a new backer
C ..antor is about to turn his tal-
ent?? into another field . . . the
managing of a combined radio, stage
and screen theatre on the Coast.
WGN Chiern is a memhero f th

student organizations are reminded
that only such organizations as are
approved by the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs may insert notices
in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until
Oct. 25 last year's list of approved
organizations will be used, but after
that date only such groups as have
qualified for approval this year, by
submitting lists of officers to the
Dean of Students, 2 University Hall,
and otherwise complying with the
Committee's rules, will be allowed to
exercise this privilege.
Notice to all Members of the Uni-
versity: The following is an extract
of a by-law of the Regents (Chap-
ter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which
has been in effect since September,
"It will hereafter be regarded a.
contrary to University policy for
anyone to have in his or her posses-
sion any key to University buildings
or parts of buildings if such key is
not stamped as provided (i.e. by the
Buildings and Grounds Department).
If such unauthorized keys are found
the case shall be referred to the Dean
or other proper head of the Uni-
versity division involved for his ac-
tion in accordance with this prin-
ciple. Any watchman or other prop-
er representative of the Buildings
and Grounds Department, or any
Dean, department head or other
proper University official shall have
the right to inspect keys believed to
open University buildings, at any
ceasonable time or place.
.. For any individual to order,
have made, or permit to be ordered
or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized
channels, must be regarded as a
special and willful disregard of the
safety of University property."
These regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their
information and guidance. Any per-
son having any key or keys to Uni-
versity buildings, doors, or other locks,
contrary. to the provisions recited
above, should promptly surrender the
same to the Key Clerk at the office
and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith.
Notice: Anyone having Burroughe
adding machine No. 1-162596 please
report to the undersigned.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
N.Y.A. Applicants: All students who
have filed applications for NYA aid
and have not yet filled out their per-
sonnel cards, should do so at once.
Committee on Student Relief
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
R.O.T.C.: Tailors will be at Head-
quarters to take uniform measure-
ments between 'the hours 8:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Independent Women Living in Pri-
vate Homes are reminded to file pe-
titions and report for interviews if
they desire consideration for the. as-
sembly board, Friday and Saturday
from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Michigan
Choral Union Concert Tickets. The
"over-the counter" sale of season
tickets for the 59th Annual Choral
Union Concert series, consisting of
10 numbers, will begin Monday morn-
ing, Oct. 11, at 8:30 o'clock at the
School of Music Business Office on
Maynard St. A limited number of
season tickets at $12, $10 and $8 will
be available.
University Girls' Glee Club: There
will be tryouts for membership in the
club at the League on Monday and
Tuesday, Oct. 11 and 12, respectively,

from 3 to 5 o'clock. We urge all wom-
en who are at all interested to be at
the tryouts. We expect a large, well-
organized group this year.
Crop and Saddle: All women in-
terested in trying out for membership
in this riding club will please sign
the lists posted on the Barbour Gym-
nasium and Women's Athletic Build-
ing bulletin boards as soon as pos-
,ible. Those wishing to try out will
meet at Barour Gymnasium at 3:30,
p.m., Oct. 11. Transportation will:
be arranged. For further information,
call Dorothy White at 2-2591.
Academic Notices
E.E. 7a, Building Illumination, will
meet on Mondays at 3 p.m. for those
who find it impossible or inconven-
ient to attend at the regular time,
Thursdays at 11 a.m. as published.
The instruction is essentially the
same in both sections of the class,
there being occasionally a slight dif-
ference in the slides used to illustrate
the same principles. Both sections
meet in Room 246-248 West Engineer-
ing Building.

day, Oct. 11. The'examinations will
be given Thursday, Oct. 14 at 3 p.m.
in Room 207 Ec.
Geology 11 and 12, Make-Up Ex-
aminations. Make-up examinations
in Geology 11 and Geology 12 will be
/held on- Friday, Oct. 15, from 3 to 5
in 2054 N.S. for those students who
missed the final in June. At no other
time will these examinations be given.
Preliminary Examination for the
Doctorate in Education: The exam-
inations will be held on Oct. 14, 15
and 16. Graduate students in educa-
tion planning to take these examina-
tions should leave their names in
(Room 4000 University High School at
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. Degree in Economics: These
examinations will be held on Nov. 1,
2 and 3. All those who contemplate
writing papers at this time should
leave their names and the fields in
which they expect to write in the De-
partment office as soon as possible.
I. L. Sharfman.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Donald D.
Van Slyke of the Rockefeller Insti-
tute for Medical Research will speak
on "The Physiology of the Amino
Acids" in the Chemistry Amphi-
theatre at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct.
12. The lecture is under the auspices
of the University and the American
Chemical Society. It is open to the
Events Of Today
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at Lane Hall, at 3 p.m. Saturday,
Oct. 9, for a trip to Crooked Lake.
Hiking, varied activities, refresh-
ments. All Graduate students are
cordially invited.
A Radio Dance open to all, will be
held at the Hillel Foundation tonight,
Coming Events
Church of Christ Disciples: Mem-
bers of the Disciple Guild and their
friends will meet at the Guild House,
438 Maynard St., at 3:30 p.m., Satur-
day and hike three-fourths of a mile
to the Island for a picnic. There
will be a 15 cent charge for the
picnic supper. Those desiring trans-
portation should call phone 5838.
The Hillel Foundation extends a
cordial invitation to all members of
the Freshman Class to attend a tea
in their honor at the Foundation on
Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m.
The Foundation is located on the
corners of Oakland and E. University.
Union Coffee Hour: Men students
and faculty members are cordially in-
vited to visit the coffee hour held each
day starting Monday, Oct. 11, from
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the small ball-
room of the Union.
Women Graduate Students: Any
woman graduate student wishing to
play hockey with the Ann Arbor Field
Hockey Club is invited to come out on
Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. Meet at
the Women's Athletic Building.
Open Fencing Tournament: Mon-
day, Oct. 11, at 4:30 p.m. in the small
gymnasium entries will be taken for
the first round of this tournament
which is open to all students on the
campus. The members of last year's
intramural fencing team will not
The first round of this tournament
will start as soon as the entries have
been arranged on Monday. Be pre-
pared to compete at that time. This
is not a fall championship, but the
first tournament of the season to
establish rankings. All fencers are
'urged to be present so that rankings

may be established for later tourna-
For others, not interested in this
tournament, fencing instruction will-
be available. A tournament will be
arranged for them at a later date.
University of Michigan Glider Club.
The first meeting of the University of
Michigan Glider Club will be held at
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 12, in Room
348, West EngineeringBuilding. All
old members, and those who are in-
terested in gliding and soaring are
invited. Membership is open to any-
body in the University. No previous
experience is required .
St. Paul's Lutheran Club: Luther-
an students will meet this Sunday
evening with visiting Ministers at St.
Paul' Lutheran Church for a supper
and tour of fellowship. The supper
will be held at 6 p.m., followed by
short talks by ministers present for
the Mission Sunday services. Regular
mission services will be held in the
morning at 10:45 a.m., Rev. A. G.
Wacker preaching, and at 7:30 p.m.
with a sermon Dy the Rev. Louis G.
Heinecke of Utica, Mich. All in-



Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
#lversity. Copy received at the oame C the Asstsat to the PzeuMeM
'''32"0; 11"00ca."turday.
SATURDAY, OCT. 9, 1937 examinations in 'these two courses
VOL. XLVIIL. No. 12 should leave their names with the
Student Organizations: Officers of secretady of the department by Mon-

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