The Weather Mostly cloudy, showers prob- able today and tomorrow. Not quite so carol. LI Mfilr ig an ~IaitF Editorials To Fight Their Common Foe ... VOL. XLVIII. No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCT 9, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Britain Of fers To Cooperate, i To Stop Wars' In, Spain, East' Chamberlain Warns Italy To Remove Volunteers From Iberian War Japanese Charge ' China Started War' TOKYO, Oct. 9.-(Saturday)-(1P) -The Japanese foreign office charged, China with the responsibility for the Sino-Japanese conflict today in a, formal answer to condemnations o Japan by the United States and the< League of Nations. "It is the Chinese governmenta which is violating the spirit of the peace of the world.", LONDON, Oct. 8.-(A)-Prime-1 Minister Neville Chamberlain tonight promised President Roosevelt Great Britain's whole-hearted cooperation to end "the sickening and horrifying spectacle" of two major wars. The Prime Minister also cautioned Premier Mussolini of Italy that last- ing Anglo-Italian friendship depends on Italy's decision on withdrawal of Italian volunteers from the Spanish civil war. While Chamberlain was speaking at a conservative party mass meeting at Scarborough, there were reports from Rome that Italy was reinforcing her garrisons in Libya and from Gib- raltar that 4,000 to 5,000 troops of undetermined nationality had landed at Algeciras, in southern Spain. "Three days ago the attention of the world was arrested by a clarion call from the other side of the At- lantic, as welcome as it was timely in its utterance," Chamberlain said. "Hitherto it has been assumed the United States, the mst powerful country in the world, would remain content with a frankly isolationist policy. "But Mr. Roosevelt has seen that if-what he calls an epidemic of world lawlessness is allowed to spread, no country will be safe from attack: "In his declaration of the necessity for a return to belief in the pledged word and the sanctity of treaties he has voiced the convictions of this country as well as his own, and in his call for concerted effort in the cause of peace, this government will be whole-heartedly with him." Powers Plan To Confer WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-(P)-An international conference to discour- age Japanese ",aggression in China was a step nearer reality tonight. Hugh Wilson, for the United States, and V. A. L. Mallet for Great Britain began a discussion of preliminary ar- rangements, with the result that a date and place for the meeting may be announced within a few days Their meeting at the state depart- ment was preceded by significant de- velopments both here and in Great Britain. Returning from the western trip in the course of which he suggested that, war-like nations be "quarantined," President Roosevelt devoted much of his attention to the troubled far Eastern situation. With Secretary Hull, Undersecre- tary Welles and Norman H. Davis, (contlnuea on Page 2 Report Rebel Plane Bombed British Vessel MADRID, Oct. 8.-(P)--Reports from Tarragona, on Spain's eastern coast, quoted shore observers today as saying an Insurgent airplane flew over a British merchant ship eight miles offshore and dropped several bombs. The observers said the ship was not damaged but was forced to change its course several times. Insurgent planes also raided Reus, 10 miles northwest of Tarragona, and Alicante, on the southeastern Spanish coast. Bombs fell near the Alicante breakwater, injuring 15 persons. Madrid newspapers expressed the hope that France immediately will throw open her frontier for ship- ments of munitions to Government Spain if Italy does not reply favorably to the Anglo-French note asking a three-power conference on with- drawal of foreign volunteers from Spanish Insurgent forces. Ehrmann Discou That Italy, Ger r Conflicting Interests Need Not Interfere, He Says; They Can Be Tabled By S. R. KLEIMAN Arguments attempting to prove that Italy and German could not ally, because of their conflicting interests in Austria, the plight of the Germans, in South Tyrol, and the force of cen- turies of conflict between the two peoples, were discounted yesterday by Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the history department.( He pointed out that alliances are of use to states quite apart from the. question of mutual support in the event of war. Alliances frequently serve the immediate purpose of strengthening the hands of govern- ments in the conduct of their for- eign relations, he explained. Professor Ehrmann believes that conflicting interests are not neces- sarily a barrier, as these can be temporarily tabled in order to present Far East At A Glance; Japan 'Declares' War SHANGHAI - General Iwane Matsui, Japanese Commander-in- Chief told the Chinese public in a statement today "The sole aim of Japan's armed expedition in China is to eradicate at any cost China's anti-Japanese policy." This statement comes on the heels of the proclamation yesterday of Japanese invasion in which Mat- sui declared the. Japanese army "is now prepared to use every means to subdue its opponents." NANKING-Chinese spokesmen characterized the Shanghai state-I ments of Japan's Commander-in- Chief as a "modern declaration of war." TOKYO-Japan worked on a draft of a reply to the condemna- tion of the United States and the League of Nations. It was reported she would brand the nine-power' treaty as obsolete and inapplicable and would refuse to participate in a conference. Commissioners Divided Over Appropriation Liquor Control Members Approve Anti-Gambling Restriction, Then Split LANSING. Oct. 8.-(P)-Mediation powers of Governor Murphy that al- ready have cemented one split in the ranks of the state liquor control com- mission, were needed again today as the commission approved a contro- versial anti-gambling restriction, only to split again, two to two, over an $18,000 appropriation to install a tab- ulating system, in the commission's offices here. Members of the Liquor Control Commission, the guiding words of the Governor still in their ears, passed by a three to one vote the ruling that banned all games of chance from drinking establishments. The lone rebel was Commissioner V. F. Gor- mely. Passage of the anti-gaming rule brought to an end a controversy that has plagued the commission since it first adopted the regulation more than two months ago. Originally, the rule was designed to oust slot machines from drinking establishments. With the one sweep-j nts Arguments many Can't Ally a united front in the furtherance of interests held in common. He went on to say that Italy and Prussia had allied in 1886, with a view to a war on Austria, and that between 1882 and 1915 Italy had been a member of the Triple alliance,, along with Germany and Austria- Hungary, although the latter state still held lands inhabited by Italians. Regardless of any alliance, Italy' would only support Germany in the event of a war if the Italian govern- ment considered that to be her inter-' est, Professor Ehrmann believes. He drew attention to the situation in 1914 when Italy, an ally of bothGer-t many and Austria-Hungary, declinedT to fight and instead proclaimed hers neutrality.I "In 1914 Italy interpreted her ob-t ligations under the terms of the treaty of alliance in such a fashionT as to justify a policy of neutrality," Professor Ehrmann said. "From then i until May, 1915, Italy used the pro-t visions of that alliance to seek a ter- ritorial compensation from Austria- Hungary in return for a continuation of that neutrality. "During the period from March 4 to' May 24, 1915 the negotiations with, the Central Powers were paralleled by dealings with the Allies, looking (Continued on Page 6) Five .Injured As Cars Crash On Saline Road< Lucille Schmid Reportedi 'Still Unconscious' After Seven Hours In Hospital' Five were injured when two cars met in a head-on colision at 6 p.m. yesterday on the Saline Road atl Pleasant Lake Foad. Both were de- molished. Lucille Schmid, 23, of Saline was reported "still unconscious" at 1 a.m.t this morning by the Saline hospital.' She suffered a fractured left leg and' right arm, face lacerations and a possible skull fracture. The, other four were hospitalized at the St. Joseph's Hospital here. They are: Raymond Barbour, 19, and his sister Katherine, 15, both of Chelsea; Irvin Schmid, 24, brother: "of Lucille, and Nova Milhan, 19, both' of Saline. Schmid, who drove the car going' north, suffered a fractured left leg, possible chest injury and minor bruises. Miss Milhan was reported to have received head lacerations and hand and right leg lacerations. She was in the Schmid car. Barbour drove the south-going car. He received head lacerations. Miss Barbour suffered from shock, lacera-' tions and minor bruises. U. Of D. Stages Football Rally And Theatre Rush DETROIT, Oct. 8.-()-Several hundred University of Detroit stu- dents holding a football rally around a bonfire at the intersection of Liver- nois Avenue and West McNichos (Six Mile) Road tied up traffic for an hour tonight. The fire was built after the cele-j Satisfactory P Restaurants;co 11The p To Be Listed broken through givings, Daily To Publish Weekly up its m - -- in case, List Of Establishments their Pa Coming Up To Standard About monthl rushed Wessinger Reports availab tors de Better Conditions copiesv stands, Restaurants judged by the Ann Panorai Arbor health departments to be Building maintaining satisfactory sanitary the pri standards will be listed weekly in The hand to Daily according to a plan endorsed scribers today by Mayor Walter C. Sadler. editors. "Such publicity will give restau- I rant patrons definite information to' go on," the mayor declared in dis- ussing schemes for reform. "We in- tend to put the plan into operationo . as soon as possible." 1.0 Completing the investigation of restaurants ordered by the Common R Council, Dr. J. A. Wessinger, city R health officer reported surprising im- provement in sanitation since the ROse last formal inspection in June. Making the rounds of over 100 eat- Pra ing places, he stated that many of, them have installed new sanitary Re equipment and all are evidencing a new willingness to cooperate with the DEN" health department. Much of that NRA of spirit seems to have sprung from eration recent newspaper publicity, he said. that la There remains a definite need for bilitiest continued efforts, Dr. Wessinger de- Sol R clared, but progress thus far has been of labo satisfactory. "We are confident that dustry it will continue," he said. tor of t Dr. Wessinger and Mayor Sadler the A.F united in promising all signed com- sidw plaints will be investigated by the keeping health authorities and the results "The given a thorough airing. Ter In response to inquiries from city under t business men the mayor has stated be dist that there will be no relaxation of ments efforts until eating places remaining will no in business fulfill the city's health re- "But quirements. use an congres tures w Drama Season protect withdr Post ResignedI recogni By Henderson thse l I. M Federal Made 'Personal Sacrifice' toldeth Last Year By Staying;t this SIpart i To Tour With Winwood conflict Robert Henderson has resigned his chaser position as director of the Ann Arbor 1 sequen Dramatic Season, it was disclosed goods, yesterday by the civic committee in he add charge of the event. "If t After holding the post for the eight boycott years of the spring festival's exist- Japan ence, Mr. Henderson was forced to China, give it up because his present direc- imper tonal work made it advisable that he so grea be released from responsibilities. He: made a "personal sacrifice" in hold- ing the position last year, Mr. Hen- Ila desnstated." No successor for the 1938 season has been named but a committee H headed by Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., of Ypsilanti is going ahead with plans, it was announced, and will appoint Mr. Henderson's successor. The son of Dr. W. D. Henderson of the extension division, Mr. Hen- RUnited rso wa sa graduate o teWUniver- Uike sity in 1926 and the holder of aWok master's degree granted in 1933. He comm has been directing plays for the fed- day wi eral theatre project on the west coast. Radio This fall .in conjunction with Miss reques Estelle Winwood, he is presenting Wages, Noel Coward's "Tonight At 8:30" in I the re leading American cities on a national were r tour. The play was produced in Ann walked Arbor by Mr. Henderson with Bram- been t well Fletcher and Helen Chandler in The the leads. was v oama, Printed Broken Press, mes Out Today printers had to work with a press, the editors worried a hectic night filled with mis- the business staff polished ost business-like excuses "just " but the readers will have norama today. 100 copies of the new semi- y picture magazine have been off the presses and will be e at the news-stands, the edi- clared last night. Additional will be placed on sale at the on the campus, and in the ma office in the Publication g as fast as they come from nter. Enough copies are on take care of the regular sub- it was announced by the or Meeting 4d To Accept Rsponsibilities nblatt, Ex-NRA Head, ises AFL For Clean ord In Contracts VER, Oct. 8.-GP)-A former1 fficial told the American Fed- of Labor convention today bor must accept its responsi-1 or face loss ofits privileges. 'osenblatt of New York, arbiter r disputes in the garment in- and former NRA administr- the movie code, complimented '. of L., however, for what he as its "unsullied" record for its contracts. recognition of labor's rights he laws of the land must not urbed, and so long as agree- are kept and performed, they t be disturbed," he said. the old distinction between d abuse still holds. The same s and the same state legisla- hhich have enacted measures to collective bargaining may aw those statutes and laws be- xperience may have demon- that labor was unwilling toI ze its responsibility under Iws." . Ornburn, secretary of the ton's union label department, e convention the women of untry could play "a' dramatic n stopping the Sino-Japanese by boycotting Japanese goods. .nation is the greatest pur- of oriental products and, con- tAy, so long as we buy these we are financing their war," ed. he women of America would all Japanese goods until stops its aggressive war against the economic effect on this alistic nation (Japan) would be t that it would end the war." dio Workers ope For Talk [ith Company Varsity Pins Hopes On Ability To Halt Star Wildcat Backs Bolsters Front Line Northwestern Faces First Defense Of Conference Crown In Game Today Snick And Kodros Probable Starters STARTING LINEUPS P c 3 l r 1 B K S F T R1 S g w c: - Don Siegel, star Wolverine tackle, who was outstanding in the Mich- igan line last week, will today again lend his six feet four inches of height and 200 pounds of bone and muscle to the forward wall in a drive to stop the Northwestern Wildcat's vaunted all-star back- field. Vichigan Pos. Northwestern Nicholson LE Kovatch Seigel LT Voigts Brennan LG Calvano Kodros C Wegner Heikkinen RG Wells Savilla RT Cutlich Smick RE Diehl Farmer QB Vanzo Trosko LH Heap Renda RH Jefferson Stanton FB Ryan By IRVIN LISAGOR (Daily Sports Editor) EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 8.--Michi- gan's 36 gridders challenged North- western this afternoon as they charged into Dyche Stadium to lim- ber up and grovel in this foreign turf, but fortunately the Wildcats were absent. For nearly two hours the Wol- verines pranced through their paces, shouting loud defiance to the Con- ference title defenders, and when the session was ended Coach Harry C. Kipke made his customary pre-game pronouncement to the effect that his minions were fit and impatient for their opening Big Ten endeavor to- morrow. Experts Favor Wildcats Lynn Waldorf's reputedly ferocious Wildcats lurked in their lair for this irst defense of the crown which hey acquired last season by virtue of their 6 to 0 defeat of mighty Min- nesota in a quagmire. They were comforted by the fact that the ma- 'ority of. experts, favored them to beat Michigan. Kipke, however, felt if he could whip his squad into a vengeful frame of mind, they might repeat last sea- son's remarkable defense against Northwestern and possibly emerge on the long end of the score this time. Although defeated 9 to 0, Michigan threw a terrific scare into the 'Cats last year. Feature Running Game The Wolverines' chief concern to- morrow will be the thwarting of one of the finest backfield quartets in the nation. In Capt. Don Heap, Fred (Continued on Page 3) Ruthven Tells r Of University'sv Modern Taskf Speaks At Inauguration Of Dr. Day As Cornell b University's President The state university must assumeo the task of supplying all of the need of society which fall within the sphere,1 of higher education as resources per- t mit, President Ruthven said yester- day, speaking at the inauguration of Dr. Edmund Ezra Day as president of Cornell University at Ithaca, N.Y. He stressed that higher education should include four points in its pro-n gram.o "They include training at the col-r lege level for all those who are quali- fied to pursue it, service of an ad- visory nature to the extent to whic' this does not interfere with the ob- jectives of instruction and research, investigation and other forms of crea- tive work, and the group of activities collectively known as adult or post- graduate education," the President stated. He went on to say that the state University should accept the respon- sibility for both the technical and the (Continued on Page 6) Inquiry Proves Life Raft Not Earhart'sl HONOLULU, Oct. 8.-(/P)-An in- vestigation today apparently elimin- ated the possibility that a deflated rubber life raft found on the island of Hawaii came from the ill-fated plane of Amelia Earhart and Fred- erick J. Noonan. In Clifton, N.J. officials of air cruisers, Inc., the firm which sup- plied Miss Earhart with a two-place raft for her world flight, said thepraft found in Hawaii bore markings dif- ferent from the one they furnished. Naval and commercial fliers said the raft was not of the type they used. George Palmer Putnam, husband of Miss Earhart, and others who took part in the flight preparations ex- pressed doubt that a raft would have floated to Hawaii from the area in which Miss ,Earhart vanished July 2 while attempting to fly 2,500 miles from Lae, New Guinea, to Howland Island. They said currents about Howland would have carried the raft westward. Howland is more than 1.500 miles south of here. ' z: orating students had failed to rush" the nearby Varsity Theatre. The Rev. Aloysius, S.J., dean of men, admon- ished the students to "Go home and be good." The demonstration followed the an- nual bonfire on the campus at which freshmen burned their green caps and tams. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE 48.2 Mean annual temperature in Ann Arbor is 48.2 degrees. The average annual rainfall is 29.74 inches. resentatives of Local 744 of the Electrical, Radio and Machine rs of America, CIO union, will unicate by phone at 9 a.m. to- th officials of the International Corporation, repeating their t for an interview to discuss hours, working conditions and instatement of 10 men who eported by the union to have d out Tuesday and have not aken back. decision to take this action oted at a meeting o f thei nin ing order the commission eliminated the machines from the premises of its licensees, but commission inspec- tors, interpreting the ruling as ap- plying to all forms of gambling, sum- moned several hundred liquor dealers on gambling charges because they' displayed punch boards, or allowed' card games to be played- Formely attributed his opposition to the ruling to this action by the inspectors. Although he originallyj voted for it, he argued that it should apply only to slot machines, and that the license revocation penalty was too severe for dealers who merely permitted punch boards or card games in their establishments. a C yrs Joined East And West, Gjerstad Holds' Ancient Cyprus was a great me- diator of culture between the Orient and the Occident, according to Dr. Einar,. Gjerstad, who lectured yester- day in Natural Science Auditorium on "The Excavations in Cyprus." Dr. Gjerstad was head of the Swedish Cyprus expedition from 1927 to 1931. Dr. Gjerstad traced the history of Cyprus, based upon excavations made there, from the Stone Age to Roman times. He told of the discovery of large milk bowls, tending to show that the early Cyprians were engaged in agriculture. Ancient Cyprus was a strong commercial nation, he said, and there is proof of trade with Syria and Egypt and of immigration from Asia Minor. Increased immigration threatened the culture of Cyprus, the lecturer added, but assimilation was accomp- lished by 1,000 B.C. Colonists from Greece and the Levant came to Cyp- rus, Dr. Gjerstad said, but shortly after this its power and culture de- clined. Edmonson Names Student Advisers Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Education announced yesterday the following advisers to the student organizations of that school for this year: Phi Delta Kappa, honorary educa- ,___________W___________at,_a__ 'mLo of c e union plast night at their headquarters, 115 H ectc n l~l n 1 r U E. Washingtn. Hectic Rushing Period Proves EWnirsfor the various depart- ments of the plant were elected at the AS A lmeeting and plans were pushed for Tryig For Actives And Rushees :C"ODanuerbeh daor T yng F rA tvs'nlR sesthe All-CIO Dance to be held Satur- day. Oct. 16 at the hall on E. Wash- By FRED BAXTER tenaw house, replied, "I'd be glad to ington. Michigan's 41 general fraternities come. How much does the ticket CIO Field Representative Walter finished rushing Thursday night, and, cost?" Moore of the International Umon will some 1,500 actives leaned back and lIt is generally agreed among fra- work with union members in the radio breathed a sigh of relief. ternities that the rushing system is plant tomorrow in requesting the in- To them, it has been a hectic pe- outmoded and hypocritical. Actives terview. riod-a period characterized by long I complain of the manner in which A letter asking for an interview was "bull sessions," trying to decide what it is necessary to treat rushees, sens- sent Wednesday, Oct. 6, to John R. boys should be asked to join, a pe- ing the false front, and those being Bradfield, vice-president of the In- riod full of mental torment and a pe- rushed seldom feel at home in fra- tternational Radio Corporation, but riod crammed full of bickering and , ternity houses. no reply had been received up to last "false politeness" on many occasions.: But, no one has ever taken any night, according to union officials. To the rushees, it has also been a I definite thought on how to revise the French Movie Delayed, Spectators Wait For It One hundred patient spectators kept their seats for half an hour yes- terday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre while the "Carnival of Flan- feverish time. They have been be- sieged by many houses, asked to join by some, rejected by others. Many of them have been tormented men- tally, trying to decide which house to. n.npnt (Otb.hpchn rp 0lcn hppn rushing system. At one time, de- ferred rushing was practiced on the' Michigan campus. Under this sys- tem, rushing lasted throughout the} semester, and only occurred a fewI Kane Will Arrive Today To Direct Student Play SWhitford Kane will arrive this r T S 'Ask My Father,' You Mussolini Says Of ung Peace tion fraternity, Dr. Harlan C. Koch; Pi Lambda Theta, honorary educa- xyT l TVT - -l- - _ e..' - t - I