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October 08, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-08

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The Weather
Fair and continued cool to-
day with fresh northwesterly


5k igun


Should We
'Quarantine' Japan? .
Forward Looking



AFL Declares'
Economic War
On Japanesel
Delegates Shout Approval
In Answer To Britishl
Plea Of Japan Boycott
Little Requests Aid
In Promoting Peace;
DENVER, Oct. 7.-UP)-The Amer-
ican Federation of Labor declared
economic war on Japan today, with
delegations to' the Federation's con-
vention shouting their approval of a
boycott on Japanese goods.
Answering a boycott appeal from
British organized labor, the delegates
applauded and cheered President Wil-
liam Green's call for a favorable reply.
Formal action on a boycott resolu-
tion will be taken later, but the dele-
gates left no doubt that they would
adopt it.
Green read the cablegram asking
boycott support just after J. C. Little,
fraternal delegate from the British
Trades Congress, appealed to the con-
vention to help promote peace by pro-
posing "concerted action" of all dem-
ocratic nations.
"The mere threat of such a com-
bination would be sufficient to save
the world for democracy and estab-
lish for posterity a system of collective
security," Little declared.
Franco Trawler

University Presidents Join To Welcome Cornell's New Head

Japan Prepares To Resist
U.S. To Enter In Parley

America's Action Seems To End
Isolation Policy, Remer Asserts,

Say Nipponese Are Equal
To Emergency Despite
What Action Is Taken
Conference May Be
In Washington, D.C.

Denunciation Of Japanese
Aggression, Roosevelt's
Talk Are Main Factors
Startling action by the United
States in the past three days touched
off by President Roosevelt's Chicago
speech and climaxed by the state
department's denunciation of Japan-
ese aggression seems to mark the end
of America's new-found policy of iso-
lation, Prof. C.'F. Remer of the ec-
onomics department prophesied yes-
Events in the Far East forced the
United States to choose between two
fundamentally different war policies,
he pointed out. "Under the Wash-
ington treaty we are pledged to col-
lective action to maintain peace in
"Yet by our isolation policy strict
neutrality is mandatory in all wars
irrespective of circumstances.

der to uphold our guaranties to Chi-



Craft Off Spain
Italian Steamer Reported
Fired Upon By Mystery
Plane In Mediterranean
LONDON, Oct. 7.-O')-Two Brit-
ish ships were captured by an In-
surgent trawler off the north coast
of Spain and an Italian steamer re-
ported she had been attacked in the
Western Mediterranean by an un-
identified seaplane today.
The British ships Yorkbrook, 1,-
235 tons, bound from Antwerp to
north Spain with food supplies, and
the Dover Abbey, once chartered by
the E hiopian Government in an un-
sueersful attempt to bring arms
aain,-t ltalisn invades, "re-umably"
were in Snanish territorial waters.
"e Ainiralty said in announcing
the capture.
The Italian steamer, Ettore. wire-
lessed that the plane disappeared
after firing several shots, Lloyds re-
ported. She was bound from Am:tor-
dam to (e a and had passed G-
braltar yesterday.
French Movie
TodayTo Open
League season
"Carnival in Flanders," the movie
with the French title "La Kermesse
Heroique," will open'the Art Cinema
League's season at 3:15 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Reserved tickets for performances
at 8:15 p.m. today and tomorrow will
be available at the Lydia Mendel-,
ssohn box office after 10 a.m. Be-
cause of the demand for tickets, a,
special showing with no reserved
seats will be held at 10:15 p.m. to-
The film, carrying complete English
subtitles, depicts an episode in a
Flemish village when Iting Phillip's
Spanish legions were threatening the
town of Boom.
Treasury Plans
D raw on Cash
To Meet Costs
WASHINGTON<, Oct. 7.- UP) -
The Treasury disclosed today that it
will draw down its billion-dollar
working balance to pay government
expenses during October and Novem-
ber rather than boost the public debt
by additional borrowing.
Secretary Morgenthau has said in
the past that the cash balance was
being held at the billion-dollar level
because of unsettled conditions
At the press conference where the

* * *

* * **

Ruthven To Participate In Installation
Of. E. E. Day, Once Professor Here

President Ruthven. and two other'
prominent educators of the country,
President James B. Conant of Har-
vard University and President Ernest
M. Hopkins of Dartmouth College,
will take leading parts in the inaug-
uration of Dr. Edmund Ezra Day
as president of Cornell University
President Ruthven will speak at the
inaugural services on "Tax Supported
Universities," President Conant will
talk on "The Endowed University,"
and President Hopkins wiill address
the group on "The Liberal Arts Col-
Matriculating as an undergraduate
and later as a graduate student at

Dartmouth College, Dr. Day became
an instructor in economics at Har-
vard University, where he also re-
ceived the degree of Doctor of Philos-
ophy and finally became a professor.,
The University of Michigan first
claimed him as professor of economics
in 1923. Later he was made the first
Dean of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, a position once held by
President Ruthven.
In 1928, Dr. Day went with the
Rockefeller Foundation as Director
for the Social Sciences and held that
position until he was named presi-
dent of Cornell University late last,
President Ruthven, President Con-

ant and President Hopkins will march
with him in the academic procession
leading to his induction as the fifth
president of Cornell University.
Presidents- of 35 other universities
and colleges of the United States and
Canada will join delegates from
learned societies and other educa-
tional organizations, representatives
of 132 Cornell clubs, class secretaries,;
directors of the Cornell Alumni Cor-
poration, the Federation of Cornell
Women's Clubs and the executive
committee of the Cornellian Council
in honoring Dr. Day.
Among those who will attend the
ceremony are Gov. Herbert C. Leh-
(Continued on Page 5 ;

"These two policies must always be
in conflict and it has been an attempt
to reconcile them that has led to our
muddled policy thus far in the China
crisis," he said. "Undecided on our
course, we have neither invoked the
neutrality bill to shut out dangers
of war, nor worked for a meeting of
the Washington treaty powers in or-I
Dahl Reprieved
v~~r . r.
Ater Insugen
Couirt Martiali
SALAMANCA, Spain. Oct. 7.-(-1P)-
A Spanish Insurgent court martial
decreed death by shooting today for
Harold E. Dahl, American aviator,
but the sentence was reprieved im-
The 28-year-old Champaign, Ill.,
flier who was shot down by Insur-
gents while he fought for the Spanish
government will be held in jail for
further orders.
Insurgent Generalissimo Francisco
Franco, who granted the reprieve for
Dahl and three Russian airmen, was
expected to decide within two days
whether he will free the prisoners
outright or negotiate their exchange
for fliers held by the Government.
Dahl was tried Tuesday for "rebel-
lion" against Franco's regime. During
the trial his counsel insisted Dahl


"Inevitably, it seems to me, partici-
pation in this conference will mean
the end of even such lip service as
is now being rendered to neutrality.
This is the fault that has been ap-
parent in neutrality proposals from'
the beginning.
President Roosevelt emphasized
such reasoning in his Chicago speech
as he forcefully declared a policy of
isolation was not sufficient in dealing
with today's crises. "A state of in-,
ternational anarchy and instability
exists from which there is no escape
by mere isolation or neutrality," he.
Moreover the apparent culmination
of developments at Geneva in which
the United States closely followed
the League in denouncing Japanese
(Continued on Page 5)
apanese Guns
Duel With Sino
Arms OverRiverr
Artillery Batteries Blasting
Shanghai Shake Foreign
Resident Areas
SHANGHAI, Oct. 8.-(Friday)-P)
-The thunder of war burst on the
doorstep of Shanghai's foreign settle-
ments early today when Japanese,
warships engaged in a duel with Chi-
nese artillery batteries across the
Whangpoo River in Pootung.
/ The dawn bombardment, the sever-
est the conflict has produced, shook
the city. Concussions of the heavy
ordnance shattered windows in scores
of buildings along the international
Mass bombing raids of Japanese
warplanes earlier were reported to
have killed more than 500 Chinese
civilians in -the rich Southern prov-
ince of Kwantung.
These encounters marked the open-
ing of the fourth month of the unde-
clared war which the United States
government and the League of Na-
tions formally have characterized as
a Japanese violation of the Nine-
Power Treaty safeguarding China
against armed invasion.
Under black, rain-laden skies the
deep-voiced guns of the Japanese
warships, anchored in the Whangpoo
downstream from the mouth of Soo-
chow Creek, began to hurl shells into
?ootung, once a rich industrial center.
ororities H-ed;
o Decide Contest
not only of our personality, original-
ity, ability and versatility, but also of
the guidance of the regal Sera. We

+rYr i i wb .

Anderson Asks
NYA Applicants
To File Records,
SI C'.Vol A *11 - I

Couorhlin Gets
Mooney's Ire
For Interview
(UT r' -T *9TT 1

Cut In Budgetj
Still Probable
For University,
0-1 1 '" 1 .

TOKYO, Oct. 7.--P-The Jap-
anese Foreign Office was quoted today
as declaring that no matter what de-
cision a nine-power conference may
make, the Japanese Empire's "funda-
mental policy will remain un-
The Domei (Japanese) News Agen-
cy reported that the Foreign Office
spokesman declared "Japan is con-
fident she will prove equal to the
contingency, nq matter what meas-
ures the powers take- against her."
.Firm Policy Declared
Domei represented the Foreign Of-
fice as feeling certain, in view of the
United States Department of State's
disapproval of Japan's actions in
China, that signatories of the Nine-
Power Treaty would be called into
session by the League of Nations.
Japan is one of the signatories of
this treaty which, among other
things, binds the signers to respect
the sovereignty of China. Neverthe-
less, the Foreign Office made it clear
that Japan would not participate in
any meeting of the treaty powers.
"No matter what decision such a
conference should take," Dome ut-
ed Foreign Office officials as saying
"Whether moral pressure, concrete
measures or materialrsanction
against Japan, the Empire's funda-
mentaldpolicy will remain un-
Japan 'Bewildered'
Japanese statesmen were described
as "surprised and bewildered" at
President Roosevelt's declarations .in
Chicago concerning' "concerted ac-
tion" against aggressor nations and
the subsequent State Department
condemnation of Japan.
"We had been certain prior to this
that the United States understood the
situation better than any other coun-
try in the world," a high ranking
statesman said as Japanese officials
were called into emergency session
at the Foreign Office to discuss the
news from Washington.
"We felt that the American public
was completely enlightened and was
;raditionally neutral. We complete-
ly fail to understand the American
action, which is bound to make a very
bad impression on the Japanese
U. S! To Cooperate
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.- 0-The
United States government prepared
tonight to participate in a momentous
nine-power conference on possible
measures to halt the Chinese-Japan-
ese War.
Following up speedily the State De-
partment's denunciation of Japan for
its invasion of China, Secretary Hull
made it clear that America intends to
accept an expected invitation to meet
other signatories of the nine-power
treaty, which guarantees China's sov-
The conference was suggested by
the League of Nations Assembly, with
which the United States has aligned
itself firmly in efforts to stop hos-
tilities in the Orient.
Some high officials in Geneva and
London suggested that the conference
be in Washington-birthplace and
depository for the nine-power pact.
Secretary Hull and his aides would
give no hint, however, as to this gov-
(Continued on Page 5)
Rushees Asked
To Return Slips
To Dean Today
Persons wishing to pledge a fra-
ternity were reminded yesterday by
Bud Lundahl, '38, president of the
Interfraternity Council, to hand in
their preference slips today at the of-
These slips are distributed by that
office upon presentation of the re-
ceipt for the rushing fee paid to the

Council. Upon this list, every pros-
pective fraternity pledge places, in
order of brfrec the fraot'1,itIPw

Many Jobs Still Available - tUnfortunate Words' Used Governor Slashes Federal had joined Spanish government
All Wanting Work Urged In Attack On President 'Aid-Matching' By Five forces merely to act as a flying in-,
structor, but was forced into combat
To ReportImmediately Roosevelt, He Writes Million; Welfare Loses at pistol point.
Students who have already filed DETROIT, Oct. 7.-UP)-The Rev. Figurative question marks still re-
NYA applications must also fill out Charles E. Coughlin's first utterance main after the University of Michi- Athena' Calls S
the student employment record at on current public questions since the gan and Michigan State College bud-Cal,
the NYA bureau before they can re- get items, Gov. Frank Murphy de-
ceive NYA appointments, Harold S. Archdiocese of Detroit was created dared yesterday. as the Governor dis- ecora
Anderson, of the NYA department drew from his new Archbishop to- closed in detail a multitude of finan-
stressed yesterday. night the comment that he used "un- cial short cuts which is believed will!
Stating that many NYA jobs are fortunate words." bring the State's budget within $3,- "Where is the glory that was
still available. Mr. Anderson advised Archbishop Edward Mooney, writ- 000,000 of balance for the current Greece?" That is the question that
those students who have applied and ing in a church publication, the fiscal year. was foremost in the mind of the In-
still wish jobs to come immediately gan Catholic, referred to the The Governor intimated, according terfraternity Council yesterday as
to the NYA office. The chief diff-i gto the Associated Press, that both the they issued a challenge to the Pan-
culty in assigning the jobs, he pointed Rtyal Oak priest's statement in a University's and Michigan State's Hellenic Society to decorate the cam-
t atnossthatStheauuretbthas been un- press interview that President Roose- budget items may be increased after: pus sororities better than the fra-
able to contact these applicants be- velt showed "personal stupidity" in conferences with budget-making au- ratio ming cle-
cause they have failed to send in appointing Justice Hugo Black to the thorities. He will also confer with
their Ann Arbor addresses. The NYA Supreme Court. President Ruthven Monday. Declaring tahat "Athena's ringing
office has already sent out more than The Archbishop said he felt "called Th a call should bring the Greek gals
o hasale30 cards asking these students to upon to state publicly that Father ut announced yesterday by galloping," Bud Lundahl, '38, presi-
300ard aking the studensg tougn'statema publicly" tht Father he Governor approximated 10 per dent of the Council, issued the fol-
appear, and fill out the remaining Coughlin's remarks were not "sub-! cent and virtually no department lowing challenge:,
blanks immediately. mitted for review to me or to some cn n ital odprmn oigcalne
Thnk iYAmmeprdpiaty.he - mited fpporneew t me or tosave welfare will receive, under the ; "Where is the glory that was!
The NYA appropriation for the cur- one appinted by me." gr plan, materially less than in the pre- Greece? Now as then women are sub-
rent year has been set at $12,000 per~ "Priests have the right to disagree ;ceding year of 1936-37. ordinated, even subdued. Must Sa-
month, $6,000 less a month than last with the President," Archbishop Moo- Inap
year. The requirements governing ney wrote, "and they may feel the The greatest single reduction in the pho be the sole standard bearer?
the NYA are more stringent this year duty of publicly expressing such dis- detailed schedule, according to Asso- Athena's ringing call should bring
than before, Mr. Anderson stated. agreement especially in matters of cited Press reports, was the elimina- the Greek gals galloping.
No student over 24 may receive finan- high moral import. tion of a $5,000,000 Federal aid- "Our warriors are girded for the
cial aid through the NYA. The aver- matching appropriation. An unex- fray, but what of the towns and vil-
age wage for a student will be be- pected spurt in highway department lages? Maidens, the challenge is being
tween $10 and $12. Graduate stu-d Poll evenues from other sources made it hurled for the decoration of your?
dents will receive more than $40 with te -lappear its construction program local temples. Take up the gage if
the average being $20. On Union Affiliation could be completed without legisla- you can!
tive assistance. "We doubt not only your personal-
Auto PlantAWorkers BUFFALO, N. Y., Oct. 7.- (AP)-Un- iyt ybtyour originality, ability and
Aut Plnt ork rs UFFLO.N. ., ct.versatility. Until Oct. 16, then, mar-
AWA licensed seamen aboard two Great UAW Organizer Posts shal your forces. Festoon your dwell-
VOte ainst Lakes Transit Corporation packet Bond Afte d ings. Make gay the market places.
freighters in port here began ballot- B de isoers Can you vindicate your place on the
GRAND RAPIDS, Oct., 7.-(P)-- ting in an election to determine their GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 7.-(AP-P Icampus? We doubt it!"
Incensed at the thought that Mich-
Employes of the W. B. Jarvis Coni. exclusive union affiliation. Harry Spencer, organizer here for" 1-.tnlr n

prepare ourselves for Olympia, Oct.
16, and may the mighty Zeus be our

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