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October 07, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-07

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Says Stream Life Must Be Preserved Name Field CoursePre-Marital Tests For Syphii
, Staff For1973

rHURSDAY. OCT. 7, 1937

Measures must be undertaken im-
mediately to safeguard the animal1
life of our streams against the rav-
ages of pollution, silting and power1
dam developments, Dr. Henry Van
der Schalie of the zoology museum
said yesterday.
Dr. and Mrs. Van der Schalie have*
just returned from an expedition to'
the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Georgia
where they spent the summer col-
lecting thousands of shells from the
Ogeechee River. The object of the.
work was to make a complete surveyr
of the Atlantic Coastal drainages to
determine the status of the species'

inhabiting those rivers. Little of the It has only been found in a restricted Twenty members of the staff of the
type of work done by Dr. Van der region of the Altamaha River. High School of Education under the chair-
Schalie has been attempted since water conditions of the river at this manship of Dean James B. Edmonson'
1860. point, however, made it impossible form the instructional committee of
The expedition made a special at- for the University expedition to ob- the 1937-38 Field Course in Educa-
tempt to obtain specimens of a spined tain the desired specimens. tion, it was announced yesterday.
mussel known as Elliptio Spinosus.1 The course, entitled "Studies Re-
lating to Pupil Personnel in Elemen-t
DAHL TO KNOW FATE 'Dean-mentsWhitney tary and Secondary Schools." will be
SALAMANCA, Spain, Oct. 6.-(- Talks At School 0penig given in nineteen sections. Six sec-{
The American aviator, Harold E.1 tions of seven meetings each will be
Dahl, court-martialed by the Insur- Dean-emeritus Allan S. Whitney, given in cities of the Upper Pen-
gents for fighting for Government first head of the School of Education. insula beginning Monday, Oct. 11.
Spain, will know his fate tomorrow was named today to speak on the Thirteen sections of eight meetingsI
at 6p.m. (1 p.m. Eastern Standard program of the formal opening of each will be given in cities of lower
Time). Slauson Junior High School which is Michigan beginning Tuesday, Oct. 26.'
scheduled for Monday night. The Field Course is intended for
He will speak on the educational persons who are prepared to do grad-
Ryideas and contributions of the late uate work of university quality. The
low Herbert Slauson, who was superin- course is offered through the cooper-
tendent of the public schools of Ann ation of the University Extension.
Arbor for 20 years. Service.
SINGLE ROOM, rent reasonable,
well furnished, across from Archi-
tectural School. 912 Monroe. DialQyKL
8741. Hair CuttingGRACE JOHNSON
ROOMS for students or business -'
men. 1 single room. 1 double room. V e V
1105 E. Washington. Tel. 4027. Through our forty years of u3 t io 0oo1e ^
service we have done our Ut-
806 Arch. Nice clean one room Apt. most to give you quality and Classes are forming for c
for housekeeping for student or . . individual and group in-
business woman. 77 satisfaction. struction in voice training
2 ROOMS at 608 Monroe. Single, nd singing.
$5.00. Double, $3.00 each. Call 6118. 0. A. Moe
Close to law school. 78 E~ TERM BEGINS OCT. 1
Barber Shop
SOUTHEAST SECTION, 4-room apt. o For registration call at the
Private bath, refrigeration, garage. New Location
Phone 2-2829. 71 studio at 1908 Austin Ave.
SINGLE ROOMS for men. 533 QAR HN 85-
Thompson. Back of Michigan __yo<o_-ce-yc-yc-
Union. 69_-
LAUNDRY -------

Michigan's new law requiring syph- applying for marriage licenses must
ilis and gonorrhea examinations forapligfrmraelcnss ut
coups applingfor mxaiagens fr submit to tests for the disease at the
couples applying for marriage li-
censes should be a major step in the offices of physicians accepted by the
check and preven'tion of the spread state department of health. Presen-
of these diseases in the state, Dr. tation of the certificate will be neces-
Tnhn AW i 7 it hI lth dire- hsary before licenses are granted. Anv

for him to marry in Michigan. T/"
would be expected'to take treatments
until his tests give a negative reac-
tion, and then he would be granted
the license.

john . wessinger. c ay earnur-totl JV1 1:1OGaG rV1G. 151.
tor, said yesterday. person marrying without the test or
The law, which will go into effect any clerk granting licenses without
Oct. 29, is designed to insure that all the certificate is liable to misde- - , .k 'w
couples married in Michigan are free meanor charges and prosecution by WM. B.AMSTUTZ
from the diseases at the time of mar- the state. 610 Wolverine Bldg.
riage, and thus prevent their spread In the case of couples marrying nn Arbor Phone 8946
to persons previously uninfected or outside the state, there is probably Th A I IC*
to following generations. little the state can do to enforce its UaROI
"There is a real need for the act," demand for tests, Dr. Wessinger said. -----
Dr. Wessinger said, "for it is estimat- He added he doubted whether there
ed that one out of every 10 people is would be an attempt to ask married
infected. Chances of spread through couples coming into the state to sub-
marriage are thus very great. At least mittothe examinations. t
75 per cent of the cases should be In case a patient is found to have 1T
prevented under the new law." one of the diseases, he stated, it NOW PLAYING
The act provides that all couples would not necessarily ban any chance
) *Tfe firstflami a


(a jamw~tf~m

EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Will call for and
deliver. 4863. lx

Twenty-two bottles

. 0 0






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