TIhe Wvveather Generally fair and cool today with fresh to strong west winds. LL. iffrian jIaitt Editorials Now Let's Drop The Whole Mater. , Patrol For The Pirates ,. . VOL. VLVIII. No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Dr. Sadler Resigns Engineering Post; Anderson Outgoing Dean Accepts Professorship Without Administrative Duties Member Of Faculty. Here For 37 Years Resignation of Dr. Herbert C. Sad- ler as dean of the College of Engin- eering and appointment of Prof. Hen- ry C. Anderson to succeed him were announced yesterday by the Board of Regents. Dean Sadler, whose resignation was forced by illness, has been appointed Alexander. Ziwet professor of engin- eering. Retirement from administrative duties does not sever Dean Sadler's active connection with the University. The Alexander Ziwet professor of en- gineering is a "distinguished profes- sorship" of the type created by the Regents in November, 1934. Regents' Ruling It was at that time that they established a rule that deans, direc- tors, heads of chairmen of depart- ments of teaching and research might, after a certain period of years, be relieved from administrative duties and appointed to distinguished pro- fessorships in their special fields. Dr. Sadler's professorship is named for Alexander Ziwet, who died Nov. 18, 1928. Professor Ziwet was a mem- ber of the engineering faculty forf Named HERBERT C. SADLER * *I * Daily Articles Bring Cleanup Of Restaurants City's ProblemStill Exists, Fiske Warns; Continued Correction Is Essential Rating Is Planned For Eating Houses Closely following a series of Daily articles denouncing unsanitary con- ditions in Ann Arbor restaurants, an investigation of more than 30 eating places has disclosed a "marked up- swing in sanitation standards." Franklin Fiske, city health engineer, announced yesterday. While gratifying, such improve- ment by no means ends the city's problem, he said. "Continued effort and correction is needed." Publicity accorded such abuses in the press appears directly responsible for improved standards, continued Fiske, who said that the city health officials had received a number of telephone calls from restaurant own- rs admitting infractions of the san- itary code and offering to correct them. Several places will install, in the near future, the new equipment which the health department has been ad- 'vocating for a considerable time. Moreover, he continued, there was a marked improvement in places which had formerly been careless in clean- ing silverware and glasses. Care on the part of patrons in in- sisting upon clean utensils seems to have had results. Emphasizing the attitude of students, Fiske said that no other method is as effective in pro- moting a cleanup as returning dirty silverware. A system under which sanitary condition of the city's restaurants will be rated by the health depart- ment is being planned, Mayor Walter C. Sadler has announced. He de- clared that such a rating, posted in a prominent place in eating places will be an effective guide to the public. Menge Leaves Faculty; Enters Business Firm One resignation from the mathe- matics department and five additions to it became effective this fall. Former Prof. Walter O. Menge left the University to become associate actuary with the Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. in Fort Wayne, Ind. He has written several articles for actuarial journals and is well- known in the insurance field. Dr. Paul S. Dwyer became an as- sistant professor. He is also re- search assistant working with Dean Yoakum in educational investigation in the University.( Four new instructors are: Dr. Tho- mas N E Greville formerlvw ith the T _ 1 l U.S. Condemns Japan' sAggression In China: France, Britain Pres s Ii Duce To Withdraw From Spain Democracies Give Fascists 24 Hours To Act On Bid For Tri-Power Talk Possible Show Of Force Is Indicated LONDON, Oct. 6.-(P)-France and Great Britain tonight gave Be- nito Mussolini 24 hours grace to re- spond to their joint bid for tri-power discussion of Spanish volunteer with- drawal. The two governments, alarmed by new Italian aid to the Spanish Insur- gents, strongly indicated their pa- tience with Il Duce is not unlimited after Foreign Secretary Anthony Ed- en conferred lengthily with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Ambassador Charles Corbin of France. "The two governments have agreed on the desirability of receiving an early reply from Italy," said a state- ment issued following the conferences. Feeling grew in authoritative quar- ters that a stern show of Anglo- French force may be the only way to get Blackshirt Legions out of Spain, a problem that worries Britain as Much as does the Far Eastern crisis. "We may have to take quick, very decisive action to strangle at its Source the prolonged Italian inter- vention in behalf of the Insurgents," said one informed source, thaough just what direct action the British Cab- inet might take remained a secret. The opinion was expressed that Italy's obvious attempts to impress Britain and France of her sti'ength- by sending new powerful planes and troops to Spain-actually were a sign of weakness, and that the possibility remained of solving the problem with, no more drastic steps than opening the French frontier and lifting the arms ban on, the Madrid-Valencia government. The cabinet meeting today was be- lieved to have endorsed fully thej Franco-British stand in international affairs, although most of the session, was devoted to considering legislation to be presented at the forthcoming parliament. Revelli Plans Second Annual VarsityShow The second annual Varsity Night, sponsored by the 125-piece Varsityi hGeneva Receives Announcement with Enthusiasmi; Tokyo Silent' Foreign Office Summons Emergency Conference; Wait For Official Word TOKYO, Oct. 7.-(Thursday)--(P) -The Japanese Foreign Office called an emergency conference today fol- lowing United States action con- demning Japan as a treaty violator. Simultaneously, newspapers extra began appearing with the bare text of the pronouncement issued in Wash- ington. No comment was published immediately. Government officials reserved com- ment today on action by the United States and the League of Nations As- sembly condemning her for her role in the undeclared war with China. They said they were awaiting offi- cial notification from the Japanese ambassador to the United States, Hi- roshi Saito, on the pronouncement is- sued by the State Department in Washington. League Diplomats Expect: Important Developments To Follow Over Weekend: GENEVA, Oct. 7.- (Thursday) -(P) -Prompt and firm steps to halt the undeclared Sino-Japanese war are now assured, diplomats at the League of Nations said today, following American condemnation of Japan as a treaty violator, The State Department's declara- tion issued in Washington was re- ceived with widespread enthusiasm here. "I think we may expect to see im- portant developments over the week- end,' 'said a spokesman for one signa- tory country of the nine-power pact guaranteeing China's territorial in- tegrity. League officials, who two weeks ago were pessimistic concerning the pos- sibility of concerted international ac- tion on the Far Eastern question, de- scribed the American action as "ex- tremely encouraging." 3 37 years and professor of mathemat- ics from 1904 until his retirement in 1925. Prfoessor Anderson, who has been acting executive head of the College of Engineering since May 1, when Dean Sadler went on a leave of ab- sence, is the fourth dean in the his- tory of the college. His predecessors were Charles E. Greene, 1895-1903, Mortimer E. Cooley, 1903-1928, and Dean Sadler. Graduate Of Kentucky Professor Anderson was graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1897, and came to the University in 1900 as an instructor in mechanical engineering. In 1912 he was appoint- ed professor of mechanical engineer- ing and since 1917 has served as head of that department. He is a member of the American Electric Railway Association, the American Society of Mechanical En- gineers, the Society' for the Promo- tion of Engineering Education, the Detroit Engineering Society, Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi. Dean Sadler was graduated from Dulwich College, England, in 1880, and took graduate work at Glasgow University. Came Here In 1900 He came to the University as junior professor of naval architecture and marine engineering in 1900, and since 1928 has been dean of the College of Engineering. He is a member of the Institute of Naval Architects of London, the In- stitute of Engineers and Shipbuilders of Scotland, the American Society of Naval Architects and Marine En- gineers, Sigma Xi, the Society of Au- tomotive Engineers, the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Edu- cation, the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers and the Engineers' Club of New York. Dean Sadler's resignation is effec- tive immediately. Riot Pictures Are Panorama Feature When Panorama, campus semi- monthly picture magazine, makes its debut as a regular publication to- morrow, it will include six pages of, pictures of Friday night's pre-game riot, a pictorial record of Saturday's gridiron disaster and the more cheer- ing moral victory which followed it. This issue's "psychography" section (the word is a combination of psy- chology and photography, and means a photographic record of the develop- ment of a personality from infancy to maturity) is, according to Joan V. Hanson, '40, editor, complete with baby pictures. A new type of paper and ink, more glossy and better adapted to printing of photographs than ordinary maga- zine stock is used in the forty page publication, Miss Hanson said. Prof. Arno Bader of the English HENRY C. ANDERSON May Restore Part Of Cut In Appropriations Murphy Will Confer With Ruthven Next Monday; M.S.C. Is Promised Aid Gov. Frank Murphy said last night, according to The Associated Press, he would restore to Mich-ganj NLRB Ruling Curbs Scope Of CIO Demands Board's Decision To Make Possible 3 AFL Unions In Illinois Steel Industry, ST. LOUIS, Oct. 6.-(A)-In a de- cision apparently limiting the scope of the Committee for Industrial Or- ganization, the National Labor Re- lations Board ruled today a minority craft union may be a bargaining agent for workers within its jurisdic- tion in a plant where the majority of the employes are members of an industrial union. The effect of the ruling in the case in which the Board acted was to make it possible for three American Fed- eration of Labor Unions to obtain recognition as collective bargaining agents at the Commonwealth Plant of the General Steel Castings Corpor- ation in Granite City, Ill., where an overwhelming majority of the work- ers belong to a CIO affiliate. The Board, in its decision reached at Washington and announced at the regional office here, found that the CIO's Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers repre- sented at least 2,100 of the Common- -> 11, r. r~ 13 nn nr~l <>' 7 1 I "'""^" -"-O ^--N.,..-11-11 111 Banwilbegiven Tuesayday, Oct. 26, wealth plant's 2,700 employes State College--and perhaps to the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Com- at Hill Auditorium, according to Prof. University of Michignpany in Washington, D. C.; Dr. Mor- William D. Revelli, of the School of T Parley Unversiy ofdcin par ofnd th vris L. Kales, formerly of Brown Uni- Music, director of the band. Last age economy reductions in funds for EriyDrRoetMThalfojyeimetan600psnsw- maintenance of the two institutions t . R t I. isand r.yeasdmore than 6,000 persons wit- this year. the University of Illinois; and Mr. nessed the affair. Is Requested - The governor said that State's en- rEarl D. Rainville who was a govern- The show, which will be a benefit rollment, 10 per cent higher than the performance to send the band to Phil- registration a year ago, is already delphia for the Pennsylvania game B vc TT greater than expected a few weeks .Nov. 13, will be divided into two parts 1 ago when the State finance depart-' Situation In China this year and will again take the form A letter requesting an interview ment contemplated a cut of $316,- of a contest. 017.69 from an original appropriation Is Discussion Topic First on the program will be a com- Monday, Oct. 11, with John R. Brad- of about $2,600,000. petition open to the more talented field, vice-president of the Interna- musicians in Ann Arbor. Members tional Radio Corporation, Ann Arbor Murphy, after conferring with col- Dean C. K. Searles, director of the f the band and anyone who can manufacturers of Kadettes and Ar- lege officials, said "While I can't give School of Commerce at the University play, a musical instrument will be gus cameras, was sent last night by them all they ask, I shall restore what of Toledo and authority on Far East- eligible to participate The award a committee of the plant's two-day- I can, I'm sure the figure will be ern commerce, and two faculty mem- for this section will be one semester old unit of the United Electrical, e esaid he would confer with Pres- bers of the University will discuss of free study with any teacher in the Radio and Machine Workers of Hdent Ruthven concerning the Uni- various aspects of the war in China School of Music or the fmancial America, CIO affilate. versity's reduction Monday. Univer- at a meeting to be held at 8 p.m. equivalent. The walkout Tuesday morning of sity appropriations of $4,673,253.58 Sunday, Oct. 10, in the Methodist The second portion of the show is allegedly 10 workers in the radio were reduced tentatively by $186,- Church. to be in a humorous vein, following 4 plant, whose demand for a four-cent 930.58, and may remain as they are Dean Searles will talk on the pres- the lines of an amateur hour, much an hour wage raise went unanswered in final summaries. ent situation in the Orient, while like last year's. Anyone who can put by company officials, according to Prof. Charles F. Remer of the econ- on some funny antid or skit may try- the union representatives, began the omics department will give the back- out, according to Professor Revelli. organization of the union. Union Coffee Hour ground of the conflict. The need for The applause of the audience will Since the 10 walked out, it was relief in China will be the subject of decide the winner of this part of claimed by the union the corporation Will Be Resumed a third talk by Dr. Willis E. Brown of the performance, while judges will has announced pay raises of two to the University Hospital staff. Dr. rule on the winner of the musician's five cents in various departments. Brown was for several years a resi- contest . Henry W. Byler, plant manager, Mrs. George McConkey will officiate dent of Wuhu, China, where his when questioned last night denied at at the first of the Union's coffee hours father, also a graduate here, is in M eeting Of Peace first that there had been a walkout, to be held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. charge of a hospital. but later stated that "four or five men Monday in the main ballroom of the Council Is Tonight left the plant Tuesday and have not Union. _returned to work." He said at the * The Union -coffee hour, a feature Orchestra Aspirants Are time he had no information to give started last spring, is held daily ex- The Peace Council will hold its concerning the reported increases. cept Saturday and Sunday, and pur- Requested To Try Out l first regular meeting of the year at i ports to improve student-faculty re- St7:30 p.m. today in Room 319 of the lotions, and to furnish a place fory Students interested in trying out Union. Plans for the Armistice Day Saginaw Forest ISScene aionsand to furinga place for for the Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra, program to be held Nov. 11, will be Of Foresters' Camnfire freds 'tof eet accnring Et Jdirected by William R. Champion, discussed, it was announced yesterday Parker.'39, of the Union Executive are asked to come to rehearsal at 8 by Richard Samuels, '38, chairman of The forestry club campfire, an an- Council. who is in charge of arrange- p.m. today at Ann Arbor High School the organization. nual event since, 1906, was held last 89,620 Voters Carry Hopes Of CIO In Detroit O'Brien, CIO Candidate, Expresses Confidence In Gaining AF Of L Support DETROIT, Oct. 6.-(P)-The Com- mittee for Industrial Organization's hopes for gaining control of Detroit's non-partisan city government rested tonight on success of it sefforts to corral most of the 89,620 voters who supported losing mayoralty candi- dates in Tuesday's primary. Patrick H. O'Brien, CIO-endorsed nominee, will contest in the election Nov. 2 against Richard W. Reading, whom he trailed by more than 38,000 votes in the primary. In its first direct political effort, the CIO succeeded in nominating O'Brien over John W. Smith, city council president who had endorse- ment of the American Federation of Labor, and in naming its five can- didates for the council (a nine-mem- ber body) to places on the November ballot. The AFL endorsed six incum- bent councilmen who led the CIO candidates in Tuesday's record pri- mary vote of nearly 327,000. Results in the mayoralty race showed: Reading, 137,984 votes; O'Brien, 99,129; Smith, 68,827; Clar- ence J. McLeod, 18,542; Ralph A. Philbrook, 1,251. O'Brien leaders expressed belief that despite the CIO-AFL clash, the Labor support given Smith would be turned to O'Brien Nov. 2. The Read- ing group pointed out that Reading, who received support from "conserv- ative" elements Tuesday, was a for- mer Typographical Union man who still holds a non-paying membership card . Hillel Group Starts New Dance Series Activities of the Hillel Foundation this week-end will include a radio dance, a freshman tea, a buffet sup- per for members of the Hillel coun- cil and faculty advisors, and a forum at which Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineering college will speak on "The Machine Age - Some Misconcep- tions." The radio dance is to be held Satur- day night at the Foundation and will be the first of a series of weekly dances. By this series Dr. Bernard Heller plans to make Hillel a social as well as a spiritual and cultural center. Betty Steinhart, '40, and Dorothy Arnold, '39, are in charge of the Sun- day afternoon tea in which will hon- or the freshmen. At .the buffet supper to be held at R n- m !Zil ,..-, n v~- - - - 9-Power Treaty, Kellogg Pact Are Cited By State Department's Message Conclusion Accords With League Stand WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-(P)-The State Department tonight formally condemned Japan for waging war against China. Closely following today's action of the League of Nations, the depart- ment issued a statement asserting: "In the light of the unfolding de- velopments of the Far East the Gov- ,rnment of. the United States has been forced to the conclusion that the action of Japan in China is incon- sistent with the principles which should govern the relationships be- tween nations and is contrary to the provisions of the Nine Power Treaty of Feb. 6, 1922, regarding principles and policies to be followed in matters concerning China, and to those of the Kellogg-Briand pact of Aug. 27, 1928. "Thus the conclusions of this gov- ernment with respect to the forego- ing are in general accord with those of the Assembly of the League of Na- tions." , By its action the State Department moved swiftly to put into practical force the speech made yesterday at Chicago by President Roosevelt in which he called 'for "concerted" in- ternational efforts to restore world peace. It left no doubt that the Unit- ed States intends to collaborate with the League of Nations toward this end to the limit of its ability. Italy Backs Japan ROME, Oct. 7.-(Thursday)-(A)- American condemnation of Japan as a treaty violator in China today fell sharply athwart an Italian tendency to justify Japanese activity. Reliable sources reported that weeks ago the Fascist press was in- structed to play up the Japanese side of the Sino-Japanese conflict, Observers said the explanation was that Fascists see Soviet Russia behind China. Fuller Urges More Interest In Real World University students must take an active part in their real world,-the campus/the community, the nation and the international scene, Prof. Richard C. Fuller of the sociology department told 200 persons at the Progressive Club's meeting last night in the Union, Rejecting the "conventional defi- nition of a college student as a unique animal spending four years in an ar- tificial atmosphere of intellectual in- cubation," Professor Fuller endorsed a "militant attitude" on the part of students in facing social and econom- ic problems. A motion was passed by the mem- bership of the club to cooperate with the American Student Union chapter at Wayne University in the calling of a state-wide congress of liberal students. Tuure Tenander, '38, associate edi- tor of The Daily, was chairman of the meeting. He outlined the organiza- tion's platform. Dent To Give First Lecture Of Series The first of two successive lectures in the University Lecture Series will be given at 4:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by Dr. Edward J. Dent, professor of music at Cambridge University. Professor Dent will speak on "The History of the Fugue." The fugue is an old form of musical composition that has had important influence of other forms of compo- sition. Dr. Dent has recently com- pleted extensive research on the sub- ject. He is well known in England and the Continent, and has been a speaker at many music festivals and meetings on both sides of the Atlantic. Last fall he was given the degree of tonptrf ,f 1',ffiiAi' a m - I