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October 07, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-07

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The Weather
Fresh to moderately strong
southwest winds; generally fair

i 1: r



And Here's
What We Think ...
More Adequate
Descriptions ... .





Reading Leads
Primary Vote;
CIO Candidate
O'Brien Next
Conservative Leader Polls
60,000 Total As Early
Returns Are Counted
Smith, Federation
Candidate, Is' Out
DETROIT, Oct. 6.-(Wednesday)
-P)-The CIO-endorsed mayoralty
candidate in Detroit's primary elec-
tion pulled steadily ahead of his AFL
supported opponent as nearly half of
the returns were tabulated officially
early today.
The two candidates leading the five
seeking to enter the Nov. 2 election
will be the winners, and the present
city clerk, Richard W. Reading,
classed as a "conservative" in the
non-partisan primary, had a lead that
virtually assured him of one place.
Patrick H. O'Brien, former Mich-
igan Democratic attorney-general
who campaigned with the backing of
the Committee for Industrial Organ-
ization, pulled from" behind for the
second spot and widened his margin
over John W. Smith, endorsed by the
American Federation of Labor.
Smith, now president of the City
Council and a former mayor, once
headed a plumber's union. First re-
turns had given him an advantage
over O'Brien.
The official tabulation of voting in
450 of the 918 precincts gave:
Reading, 60,862;
O'Brien, 42,136;
Smith, 32,195;
Clarence J. McLeod, former Re-
publican congressman, 8,994.
Ralph A. Philobrook, attorney, 359.
Polling places were thronged, be-
tween occasional rain showers, as an
estimated 250,000 of the city's 611,-
000 registered voters nominated the
two candidates for mayor and 18 for
the nine-member city council.
Principal object of the labor fac-
tions was the important post of
mayor, a $15,000-a-year-job. As
head of Detroit's non-partisan type
of government, the mayor is empow-
ered to appoint more than 70 depart-
ment heads without consulting the
The Committee for Industrial Or-
ganization, whose United Automo-
bile workers claim a membership in
the Detroit area larger than the ex-
pected total of today's vote, endorsed
Ruthven Invited
To Inauguration
Of Cornell Head
Conant And Hopkins Are
Speakers At Ceremony
To Be Held Friday
President Ruthven will leave from
Lansing tonight for Cornell Univer-
sity where he will take a prominent
part Friday in the inauguration of
Dr. Edmund Ezra Day as president of
Eminent educators from all over
the country will attend the cere-
monies which will start tomorrow
and last through Friday, the formal
inauguration being at 10 a.m. Fri-
The presidents of the three edu-
cational institutions with which Dr.

Day has been associated will be the
principal speakers. Besides Presi-
dent Ruthven, they are Presidents
James B. Conant of Harvard Univer-
sity and President Ernest M. Hop-
kins of Dartmouth College.
President Ruthven will address the
group on "Tax Supported Universi-
ties," President Conant will talk on
"The Endowed University," and Pres-:
ident Hopkins will speak on "The'
Liberal Arts College."
Dr. Day, a graduate of Dartmouth
College, received his Ph.D. from Har-
vard in 1909. He was an instructor
in economics at Dartmouth from 1907,
until 1910, and successively an in-
structor, assistant professor and pro-
fessor of economics at Harvard from
1910 until 1923.
In 1923, he came to Michigan as
professor of economics, and succes-
.sively was appointed dean of the
School of Business Administration
and Dean of Administration of the
University, a position once held by
President Ruthven.
In 1928, Dr. Day went with the
1 wnrnaf-1,. Fnimnrtin anti nn Aq a irr

Challenges Black's Right To Court Seat

Little Chance League Acts
Seen To Oust To Convoke

As Justice Black took his seat on the Supreme Court, two motions
were made to the court challenging his right to the position. One of the
motions was by Albert Levitt, retired justice department official who
is shown as he entered the court building, seeking permission to bring
formal suit challenging the constitutionality of the appointment. The
court deferred action on the motion.
French Fear War But May Send
Troops To Spain, Slosson Asserts

Italy's Claims In Ethiopia
May Be Traded For Her
France and England are loathe to
risk a general European war by open-
ing the Franco-Spanish border to the
Loyalists, but if Mussolini attempts a
quick victory in Spain by sending
more troops, the border may be op-
ened, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department said yesterday in
an interview.
Opening of the border, Professor
Slosson stated, would furnish the
Spanish Government with more as-
sistance than Franco could possibly
get from Italy and Germany.
"It is not impossible that France'
and England may recognize Italian
annexation of Ethiopia in exchange
for Italy's withdrawal of troops from
Spain," the European historian de-
clared, "they may even accord Franco
the rights of a belligerent as the
price of isolating Italy from the war."
Belligerent rights are not the same
as those given to a lawful govern-
ment, Professor Slosson explained.
In the case of recognition of a duly
constituted government, diplomatic
representatives are exchanged.
The Spanish conflict has tended to
strengthen European peace by dem-
onstrating that despite improvements
in aircraft a modern war cannot be a
short, easy victory, Professor Slosson
said, and, since no European govern-
ment wants to wage a long, costly war

to attain a diplomatic object, a more
cautious attitude is now prevalent in
Professor Slosson hailed the use of
the League of Nation's authority by
France and Great Britain in rebuking
Italy as one of two signs of renewed
life in the League. The other, he
said, was the League's protest, backed
by United States' endorsement in a
separate note, against Japanese
bombings of civilians.
The "three great unsatisfied pow-
ers, Germany, Italy and Japan, are
like an automobile going 80 miles an
hour through a crowded street -
naturally the others get out of the
way," Professor Slosson said. "So
with Great Britain and France. They
are satisfied and are willing to make
"However, recent English rearma-
ment has stiffened Britain's tone and
she may refuse to get out of the way
of Italy, Germany and Japan," Pro-
fessor Slosson commented. The en-
dorsement by many in the British
Labor Party, formerly pacifist, of
rearmament is a sign that all Eng-
lishmen now agree that their coun-
try has played a weak international
role that must end, he said.
Asked to make a prediction as to*
Italy's moves in the near future, Pro-
fessor Slosson maintained that "so
much depends on one person in a
dictatorship, where a single adventur-
er or opportunist has a country be-
hind him, that peace and war be-
come questions of individual psy-

Justice Black
Opponents Of New Justice
Hope Court Will Refuse
To Accept Him
Move To Impeach
May Be Launched
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.- (P) -
Many opponents of Justice Hugo L.
Black here agreed today that there is
slight chance of removing the form-!
er Klansman from the Supreme
Court, but they clung nevertheless to
three admittedly forlorn hopes.
The first was that the court itself
might hold Black ineligible for his
present office under the ouster action
brought yesterday by Albert Levitt,
former Federal judge in the Virgin
The second was impeachment.
And the third lay in the invocation
of a little used legal device known as
an "extraordinary writ of Quo War-
The general expectation in the
Capital was that the court would dis-
miss the Levitt proceedings without
comment when it meets again next
Monday, together with a similar ac-
tion brought by Patrick Henry Kelly,
t Boston attorney.
Both Levitt and Kelly contend that
since Black was a member of the Sen-
ate which passed the Supreme Court
retirement act, he comes under a
Constitutional ban forbidding the ap-
pointment of a Senator to an office
whose emoluments were increased
while he was in Congress.
Washingtonians generally saw lit-
tle prospect of impeachment pro-
ceedings. They doubtless will be at-
tempted, however, when the House
Levitt hassaid that, if the Court
turns him down on his motion that
Black be required to show cause why
he should be permitted to serve on
the Court, he has a second course of
action in mind. This may be a "Quo
Warranto" proceeding.
The phrase means "By what
It is a process provided by law for
preventing an individual from oc-
cupying or attempting to occupy a
public office illegally.
Ruthven To Talk
With Governor
On Budget Cuts
Lansing Reports Slash Is
Not Final; Murphy Still
President Ruthven said yesterday
that he expects to see Gov. Murphy
within a week or 10 days to discuss
the possible $180,000 cut in the State's
appropriation to the University which
loomed Monday as part of the Gov-
ernor's budget balancing program.
Today, the President leaves for
Lansing to take part in a meeting of
the State Vocational Board. He said
that he didn't know whether he
would get a chance to speak to the
Governor at that time, but if he did,
he would do so.
In the meantime at Lansing, Gov.
Murphy emphasized the fact that the
figure was tentative and said that he
wanted "to learn all I can" of the
University's needs before the reduc-
tion becomes effective.
The proposed cut of $186,930.58
from the University's State appro-
priation is "not final" but is being
weighed by the Governor the same as
other allotments, Fred E. Levi of the
State Budget Director's office told

The Daily last night by phone from
The Governor and State Budget
Director Harold D. Smith, who is
now in Ottawa, iCanada, at a Civil
Service assembly, "might very well"
take into account the increased en-
rollment at the University of Mich-I
igan and Michigan State College
when they give their final word on
appropriation cuts, Levi said.
On the other hand, Levi said, the
increased enrollment "may have been
anticipated" when the cuts were de-
cided upon.

Move To Invoke 9-Power
Treaty; Japan Branded
Instigator Of Conflict
Action By League
Proposed In War
GENEVA, Oct. 5.-(A)-The League
of Nations moved today to convoke
a conference of signatories of the
Nine Power Pact, including the Unit-
ed States, to deal with Japanese "in-
vasion" of China.
In short order, the League's ad-
visory committee adopted recom-
mendations of the Sino-Japanese
sub-committee which condemned
Japan and proposed League action in
the conflict.
The sub-committee, after formally
branding Japan guilty of violating
the Nine-Power treaty, the Boxer
Protocol and the Briand-Kellogg
pacts, recommended the nine powers
meet as soon as possible.
It was also recommended by the
sub-committee that the League As-
sembly be kept in readiness for a spe-
cial session to discuss the Far East-
ern situation.
(Signatories of the nine-power
treaty which guarantees the terri-
torial integrity of China, are China,
Japan, the United States, Great Bri-
tain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Ne-
therlands and Portugal..
(The Boxer Protocol provides for
the maintenance of foreign troops
in limited numbers in China for the
protection of nationals, and the
Briand-Kellogg pact outlaws war as
an instrument of national policy).
In its 4,000 word survey of the Far-
Eastern conflict, the sub-committee
charged Japan invaded China with
powerful armies, took naval measures
close to the Chinese coast and Chi-
nese shipping, andsbombarded wide
areas from the air.
When the advisory committee took
speedy action following receipt of the
sub-committee's report, three nations
abstained from voting in committee.
Poland declined on legalistic grounds;
Switzerland and Canada because
their delegates said they had not re-
ceived instructions from their gov-
The Assembly postponed until to-
morrow the vote on the advisory
Postpone Vote
This action was taken in the hope
of obtaining unanimity on the reso-
lution. Several delegations, among
them Canada, Norway, South Africa
and Switzerland had complained that
the last minute haste with which the
resolution was presented to the As-
sembly compelled them to abstain
from voting.
In addition to its recommendations,
the sub-committee voted for League
members to be asked to consider
what aid they could give China in
view of Japan's invasion.eThe Chin-
ese delegation in a statement said aid
should take the form of supplies and
financial assistance.
Europe Uneasy
As New Peace
Threat Looms

Roosevelt Suggests
World Quarantine'
Of Warring Nations

Roosevelt's Speech
Seen Aid To Peace
In Foreign Capitals
President Roosevelt's address in
Chicago indicting aggressor nations
was hailed in foreign countries last
night as an important contribution
to world peace.
British officials termed it "very
significant" and, in London it was
regarded as certain that cabinet.
ministers in an important session
today would discuss it at length.
Sources close to the British gov-
ernment said the American execu-
tive's speech tended to reinforce the
British and French demand, at pres-
ent in the hands of Premier Ben-
ito Mussolini of Italy, for removal
of foreign volunteers from Spain's
civil war.
In Geneva, League of Nations'
statesmen regarded the League's
condemnation of Japan for the Sino-
Japanese conflict as made especially
forceful by President Roosevelt's dec-
League circles interpreted the
President's speech as indirect sup-I
port for League action in the Far,
Eastern conflict.
Officials in Berlin were loath to
comment pending receipt of the text
but there was a tendency to assume
the President referred principally
to the Far Eastern situation.
In Rome, the peace motif in the
President's address was emphasized.
Italian officials called attention to
Premier Mussolini's recent speech in
Berlin in which he expressed belief
peace would result from his meeting
with Chancellor Adolf Hitler.
Fuller To Speak
At Progressive
Committee Heads Will Be
Elected; Membership
Cards Given Out
The Progressive Club will hear Prof.
Richard C. Fuller of the sociology de-
partment talk on "The Student and
the World He Lives In" at 8 p.m. to-
day in Room 318 of the Union.
Election of temporary committee
heads and distribution of membership
cards are on the agenda for the busi-
ness portion of the meeting.
Tuure Tenander, '38, associate edi-
tor of The Daily, will be the chair-
man of the meeting. He will outline
the aims and activities of the Pro-
gressive Club.
Temporary committee chairmen
will head the sections interested in
promotion of peace, security, racial
and social equality, preservation of
civil liberties and academic freedom
and local cultural activity. There
will also be chairmen for publicity,
membership and social affairs.
Seven hundred persons attended
the club's meeting last Tuesday at
which Steve Daduk, commander of
Americans fighting for the Spanish
Government, spoke on the Spanish
Grant Chosen Head
Of Palestine Group
Samuel Grant, '40, was elected
chairman of the newly formed Pales-
tine Club at its initial meeting held
Sunday afternoon at the Hillel Foun-
The club is not a Zionist organiza-
tion, but a discussion group which
aims to study both contemporary and
historical Palestine. Members will

provide the programs for meetings
until the organization grows and out-
side speakers can be provided.
Students Asked To Call
For Identification Cards
Student identification cards, re-
quired at all home football games,
will be given out in Room 4,
University Hall, to students on
Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 6
and 7, Dean Joseph A. Bursley
announced yesterday.
The office will be open from 8
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday

President Scores Barbaric
slaughter Of Peaceful
Peoples During War
Positive Measures
For Peace Sought
CHICAGO, Oct. 5.-(P)-President
Roosevelt denounced the "cruel sac-
rifice" of innocent peoples in aggres-
sive wars today, and hinted that it
may be necessary for the United
States and other peace-loving coun-
tries to "quarantine" the belligerents
to protect themselves.
In what was regarded generally as
the most important speech on world
affairs he ever has delivered, the
President told a lakeshore audience:
"The peace-loving nations must
make a concerted effort in opposition
to those violations and those ignor-
ings of humane instincts which today-
are creating a state of international
anarchy and instability from which
there is no escape through mere iso-
lation, or neutrality.
"The will for peace on the part
of peace loving nations must express
itself to the end that nations that
may be tempted to violate their agree-
ments and the rights of others will
desist from such cause. There must
be positive endeavors to i preserve
Isolate Aggressors
Aides said Mr. Roosevelt's utter-
ances might mean, at some future
time, an effort toward isolating ag-
gressive nations from world com-
His address, which was broadcast
nationally, named no names, but it
seemed clear that some of his re-
marks concerning aggression were
aimed at participants in the unde-
clared Sino-Japanese war, attacks in
the Mediterranean on neutral ship-
ping, outside nations taking sides in
the Spanish civil war, and the Italian
occupation of Ethiopia.
So important did the State Depart-
ment regard the Chicago speech that
copies were cabled to United States
representatives abroad, to be made
available to any foreign power de-
siring to study the President's utter-
Speculation centered on whether
Mr, Roosevelt had any specific course
in mind when he called repeatedly
for "concerted effort" against viola-
tors of treaties and rights when he
warned the world that there is no
escape from "internationalanarchy"
in "mere isolation or neutrality."
Officials Conjecture
No responsible official in the cap-
ital would vision in these remarks the
extreme of a proposal for an inter-
national police force. There was ex-
cited conjecture, however, that they
might mean any of these things:
1. Moral support and encourage-
ment for current efforts of the League
of Nations to dissuade Japan from
its war-like course in China.
2. A specific proposal by the Unit-
ed States some time in the future for
action by "peace-loving nations"
against aggressors, either through
trade measures or other means.
3. Testing of public sentiment in
this country toward collaboration
with other powers.
4. Ultimate invocation of the
Nine-Power Pact guaranteeing inde-
pendence and integrity of China, or
fContnuea on Page 21
Shanghai Holds
As Jap Raiders
SHANGHAI, Oct. 6.-(P)-A daring
Japanese raiding party was over-
whelmed by Chinese defenders early
today when it tried to break a nine-
day deadlock by penetrating the
shattered North Station area.
Behind a screen of artillery and
aerial fire, the Japanese raiders

hurled themselves against the Chi-
nese entrenchments just north of the
International Settlement on the edge
of embattled Chapei.
A blistering spray of machine-gun
and rifle bullets met the Japanese
soldiers, but did not halt them. The
survivors of that hail of death came
to grips with the Chinese in their
sand-bagged positions and were over-
powered by sheer numbers.
The repulse of the raiding party
brought a climax to an earlier fierce
encounter that saw the two armie


Ask Sororities
For Decoration
At Homecoming
For the first time in the history of
the University, sororities this year will
be askedto decorate their houses for
the annual homecoming to be held
the day of the Michigan-Minnesota
football games, Oct. 16, Hugh Rader,

Spanish Armies
Both Victorious
In Small Fights
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, Oct. 5.-(A)--Government forces,j
routed from many of their defenseI
positions, resorted to guerilla tactics
today to stem the Insurgent offensivel

president of the Men's Council, an- in northwest Spain.
nounced yesterdayrAAlthough the Insurgents have ad-
The Women's Greek letter groups j vanced across the Europa Mountains
have been asked to enter the contest and the Covadonga range east of Gi-
this year so that the campus may jon, as well as other heights of South-
have more decorated houses for the ern Asturias province, Government
annual affair, Rader said. snipers still resisted stubbornly.
Several cups will be given to the Advices to Insurgent headquarters
fraternities and sororities that have at Irun, Spain, from General Fidel
the most attractive decorations. Davila's column said snow which fell
Judging will be done the Friday night in the Asturian hills failed to halt his
before the game, the awards will be forces but that they were being
made sometime Saturday. Judges slowed down by sharpshooting Gov-
will be persons selected by the Coun- ernment troops.
cil. At Madrid Government troops
As a special feature of homecoming fought forward tonight in a claw-like
this year, the freshman-sophomore formation that threatened to trap
class games have been tentatively set several hundred Insurgents en-
for the morning of the homecoming.,trenched in an advance salient south
This is being done, Rader stated, so of Madrid.

English Sea Might Defied
By Mystery Sub; Italian
Air Aces InSpai;n
LONDON, Oct. 5.-(R)-Fascist re-
ports of a crack new Italian air fleet
carrying Il Duce's aviator son in
Spain and a pirate submarine's defi-
ance of Britain's sea might created
what informed observers tonight
termed "an ugly situation" for world
These two new factors brought
France and Britain face to face with
a grave turn of events made more
critical by bitter warfare in two parts
of the world.
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden,
taking at least moral support from
President Roosevelt's indictment of
creators of "anarchy," broke off a
country holiday and hurried to Lon-
don for tomorrow's important cabinet
Rome dispatches reported a squad-
dron of 23 of Italy's best planes was
believed to have made an inaugural
plunge into the Spanish conflict by
bombing Valencia. Premier Mus-
solini's son Bruno was said to be with
i the aerial expedition bolstering Tn-


Seems Imminent
Port Huron Strike

PORT HURON, Oct. 5.- (P) -A
battle between striking and non-
tririno- mnlyinvcf othe AmPvrip:,u



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