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October 05, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-05

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Working Plans
For Community
Fund Revealed
Zwerdling To Be General
Chairman Of Campaign;
Division Heads Named
Preliminary plans for the 1937
Community Fund drive, which will
take place from Nov. 2 to Nov. 9. were
announced yesterday by Osias Zwerd-
ling, general chairman of the drive.
The drive will be under the man-
agement of different groups, among
which is the Institutes division, which
includes the University proper, the
University hospital and the public
schools, Mr. Zwerdling said. The head
of the Institutes division is Prof. La-
lin K. James of the Law school. Under
him will be Prof. Robert P. Briggs of
the economics department, who will
be in charge of University solicita-
tions; Otto W. Haisley, superinten-
dant of Ann Arbor Public Schools,
who will head the schools group; and
Robert G. Greve, assistant director
of University Hospital, who will have
charge of theework at the hospital.
Mr. Zwerdling announced that
there will be additional appointments
made in the near future.
Tentative plans were also formulat-
ed for the opening banquet, to be held
on the evening of Nov. 2 at the Michi-
-gan Union. The main speaker will be
Col. Henrich Pickert, Commissioner
of Police of Detroit. Other speakers
have not yet been selected.
(Continued from Page 4)
recital in the School of Music Audi-
torium, to which the general public
is invited, Tuesday evening, Oct. 5, at
8:15 p.m.
University Lecture: Einar Gjerstad,
Director of the Swedish Academy in
Rome will lecture on the subject,
"Excavations in Cyprus," on Fridjay,
Oct. 8, 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. The public is cor-
dially invited.
University Lecture. Dr. Edward J.
Dent, Professor of Music, Cambridge
University, will lecture on the sub-
ject "History of the Fugue" Thurs-
day afternoon, Oct. 7, at 4:15 p.m.a
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This
lecture given for music students is,
open to the public, and all those in-
terested are invited wihout admis-
sion charge.
Charles A. Sink, President.
Landscape Design, Special Lecture:
Mr. E. St. John Catchpool of Welwyn
Garden City, England, who is Nation-
al Director of the British Youth Hos-
tel Association will address the
class, Landscape Design 101, at 9
o'clock on Tuesday morning on the
Location and Planning of Youth Hos-
tels and their Surrounding Areas. Mr.
Catchpool was formerly warden of
one of the large university settlements
in London and assisted in the de-
velopment of the famous Welwyn
Garden City. Others who are inter-
ested are invited to attend this lecture
and a roundtable conference that may
be arranged later in the day.
H. . Whittemore.


ime Printing Prospects For Mackinac Bridge Old rad' aveCal Job
Exhibit Shown Still Bright, Prof. Cissel Declares fore He Chose To Run

At LibraryNow

A cross-section of the collection of
5>{£modern fine printing owned by the
General Library has been arranged asI
the library's first exhibit by Ella M.
Hymans, curator of rare books. The.
display is located in the first floor
cases where it will remain for a'
The purpose of the exhibit, Missl
Hymans explains, is to acquaint new
students with the collections in rare
books of which this is the most out-
standing. It also acknowledges a
general trend towards increased ac-
tivity in the art of fine printing.
Cards accompanying the books trace
the history of a modern revival of
artistic printing.
William Morris, an Englishman, led
the revival and is considered one of
the best of the early modern printers.
His "Kelmscott Chaucer" and "Cax-
c, ton's Golden Legend" are his most
outstanding. Morris is noted for hisI
7 heavy type face and extensive useI
of decorations on the page.
In direct contrast to Morris' work
is that of Thomas James Cobden and
his noted Dove's Press of Hammer-
smith, London, established in 1901.'
Products of the Dove's Press are quite
plain with a characteristic colored
George on down to the youngest I letter at the beginning of each page.
member of Prime Minister Chamber- They are described as "very near per-
lain's huge cabinet no official showed fection."

By JACK ANDREWS suspension type of bridge similar to:
Hopes for the eventual construc- the Detroit Ambassador Bridge, a
tion of a bridge linking the penin- cantilever type seems more suitableC
sulas of Michigan at the straits of he said.
Mackinac have by no means been! According to available statistics the,
adandoned, Prof. James H. Cissel of tolls collected would pay for the
the Department of Civil Engineering bridge in forty years, and the intang-
said yesterday. ible benefits would be enormous, he
Despite the impossibility of receiv- said.
ing federal aid, Prof. Cissel said, at
least the preliminary phases of the?
work should be continued. Within Wolverine Revenue
the past month a request for funds For W ee T $2 200
was submitted by the bridge author- ! or Week Is $,20
ity of Michigan to begin a prelimi-
nary survey. Such a survey, said Total meal ticket revenue of the
Professor Cissel, would take about 18: Wolverine eating cooperative for the
months, would cost approximately we einn et 7i 22.6
$150,000, and would include the de- week beginning Sept. 27 is $2223.66
sign and plans for the bridge, report and total membership revenue on that
on the feasibility of construction and date $2,715, according to the report
authoritative recommendations. submitted to the board of directors'
"+ .C+meeting of Sept. 30. Rent revenues

The fact that a graduate of the
University Law School was instru-
mental in the development of the
career of the late Calvin Coolidge was
brought to the attention of The Daily
yesterday with the announcement of
the death of Henry P. Field, '82L, in
It was Mr. Field who took Mr.
Coolidge into his law office in North-
ampton, and started him on his law



career which led to the governor's
chair in Massachusetts, and finally
the White House.

Los Angeles
SULTS. Winner of $35 a month tem-
porary alimony from his schoolteach-
er wife, Ethel, Elwin E. Pope, 69 years
old, hangs out the wash while he
awaits the outcome of his wife's di-
vorce suit. He said that he had acted
as house-keeper for the six and a
half years of his married life under
an asserted pre-nuptial agreement
with his wife whose salary is $2,400
seemed to care today what the Duke
of Windsor and his American-born
Duchess planned to do. From King
fice will be open at the following
Thursday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-8:30
There will be a matinee Friday at
3:15 p.m. All seats are reserved.
Phone 6300.
Phi Sigma. Society: The first meet-
ing of the year will be held on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 6, at 8 p.m. in Room 2116
Natural Science Building. Dr. Henry
van der Schalie of the University Mu-
seums will speak on "A conchologist
attempts to keep ahead of progress."
Visitors are invited.

any interest in what the former mon-
arch and his hard-earned spouse
might do.
President Roosevelt's appointment of
Hugo L. Black to the Senate pro-
voked another fiery attack today.
This time it was The Rev. Charles E.
Coughlin who broke his long silence
on public affairs to denounce the ac-
tion as stupidity.
President Herbert Clark Hoover yes-
terday called for a "positive" and
"courageous" draft of policies by a
committee of "distinguished Republi-
cans" prior to a proposed 1938 con-
vention. He urged the formulation of
principles that would meet the crisis
in the party and country-after a hasty
round of conferences with Alf. M.
Landon, Col. Frank Knox and Frank
0. Lowden.
TRY, TRY AGAIN might well be
the slogan of John McAllister, 23-
year old Detroit burglar who escaped
from the Southern Michigan prison
again yesterday after having made
a failure of his first break in August.

Many universities in America and
England have outstanding presses.
Of these there are exhibited books
from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and
Cambridge. Their output consists of
university publications and other
works in individual styles.
Bruce Rogers, Miss Hymans de-
clares, is America's most noted de-
signer and typographer. Beginning
in 1896 his work has been prolific
as well as outstanding, according to
information in the show cases, one
being his renowned large book, "Es-
says of Montaigne." Another of
America's contributions to the art
are the works of Frederick and Ber-
tha Goudy.
Of local interest, also, is a private
edition in display of President Ruth-
ven's book, "A Naturalist in a Uni-
versity Museum,"

it is essential that such a survey.
be made," continued Professor Cis-
sel, "for without it nothing definite
can be decided about the bridge."
"It is logical to believe," Professor
Cissel declared, that the bridge would
be a marked success. It would solvel
the problem of transportation across
the straits which is daily becoming
more acute and which State Highway
Commissioner Van Wagoner declares
the ferry system can never handle."
As a vacation land the Upper Pen-
insula is almost inaccessible during
the holidays as is evidenced by the
eight hour waits for the ferries which
are common on such days as the
Fourth of July or Labor Day, he
As far as feasibility of construction
goes, said Professor Cissel, every con-
dition seems most favorable. Pre-
liminary borings have shown excel-
lent support for such a bridge at
Point St. Ignace and while the Straits
are about a mile and a quarter wider
here than at the narrowest point, the
length of five and a quarter miles
is not unusual, and the place seems
most satisfactory, he said.
To construct a combined railway-
highway bridge, Professor Cissel
stated, would cost approximately 32
to 35 million dollars. A highway
bridge alone would cost about 25 mil-1
lion dollars, Professor Cissel con-
tinued, and this type is more serious-
ly contemplated. Rather than the

from the co-op's property at that date
were $51.50.
It was decided at the Sept. 30 meet-
ing to pay $320 to four students who
spent part of the summer organizing
the move of the co-op from Lane Hall
to the present cite, at the former lo-
cation of Chubbs'.
A 20 per cent reduction for cleaning
and pressing work will be given to
members of the Wolverine by an
Ann Arbor firm, the board has an-

t,-_- ------___ - ._


For Breakfc
The meal that deci

Read Daily ClassifiedAds

Coach Harry G. Kipke, Fielding H.
Yost, Director of Athletics, Emory J.
Hyde, President of the Alumni As-
sociation and T. Hawley Tapping,
secretary of the Association will at-
\tend the annual University of Michi-
gan Club of Chicago rally to be held
at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, in the
Palmer House.
347 Maynard Cor. William
Watch Crystals 35c

dst dav.
des the dayv.

Our coffee and toasted rolls
are Just right.

Betsy Ross Shop
13-15 Nickels'Arcade



Who is your






Events Of Todayj
Junior Research Club: The Octob-
er meeting will be held on Tuesday,
Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 2083
Natural Science Building.
There will be a bdsiness meeting
following which Prof. Arthur E.
Woodhead of the Zoology Depart-
ment will talk on "Recent Research
in the Field of Human Parasitic Pro-
University Men and Women: A;
dancing class for beginners will meet
in the Michigan League ballroom at
7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 5.
Intermediate class will meet the
same place at 8:15 p.m. Those wish-
ing to join either class report at the
Sigma Rho Tau. All active and past
members of the Stump Speakers' So-
ciety of Sigma Rho Tau should be
present at a general meeting to be
held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 214
W. Eng. Important plans for the
coming year must be made. Please;
be prompt.
Tau Beta Pi: Important dinner
meeting at the Union tonight at 6
Coming Events

;,M !Rol A


I'flWaorking wo'
I m aand I desk'
Bed et stil °kn
.iomea lt.., jend ge 10
and CedA tri
other Y~uareta

ght t~ the V
Sunil vr
re afSa 1uf AXe a ,
ora ickel

Introducing H. J. Lutcher Stark,
Texas football Angel, The Man
With The Million-Dollar Hobby...
H E brought Nebraska's famed Dana X. Bible to
coach football at Texas at triple the salary of the
highest-paid professor... gave $100,000 towards a giant
stadium ... spent $2000 for band uniforms... laid out
$100,000 for needy, students and football players... and
is happy to buy his own tickets to the games.
Meet the ideal alumnus, the man who never keeps
any record of his gifts or loans, the Santa Claus of the



His Bible




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Chemistry Colloquium will meet
Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 4 p.m. in Room
303 Chemistry Bldg. The speakers!
will be Prof. 0. S. Duffendack, Prof.a
K. Fajans and Prof. H. H. Willard.
Carnival In Flanders: The box of-

insahe se gmt
in stc edhr a a soyby Sane
granted ie~'ba dfrd51th -
Carol' Carnero rie over 1ea ry B rdod n' "4
~Cb~nastoy bytO.Marsro.
orneS Read .sn eVitry'oY yston air Mask' by
m~all c. a BuccaneerMCan" aLyrd Re


WM ;I-m "Se'"Imm, max, lqm - 'AGE=


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