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March 04, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-04

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The Weather
Lower Michigan: Cloudy
today, probably with light
snow by afternoon.


tA6F 't l


False Issues
Raised About Japan



Dr. Mann AsKs Chemistry May Provide Answer
Social Reform To The Modern Cancer Plague
To Ward Off;

1 i - -

Fascist Threat
Democracies Must Begin
Work Of Rejuvenation,
Renowned Author Feels
Assails Oppression
By Dictator States
The necessity of social reform by
democratic nations in order to realize
their moral superiority over the
fascist states was the message
Thomas Mann, greatest living Ger-
man author, brought to a capacity
audience at Hill Auditorium last
night. Dr. Mann was introduced by
President Ruthven.'
The "golden hope" which fascism
offers to youth in its ideology of force
Dr. Mann characterized as "a snare
and a delusion." "Fascism represents
democracy as stale, effete, decrepit
and boring," he said, "and itself as
lusty and successful. It has the
charm of novelty."
Democracy's Ideals Timeless
Democracy must stop taking itself
for granted, the author declared, and
must begin the work of rejuvenating
itself, which it can do because of the
timeless nature of its ideals as con-
trasted to the passing character of
those of fascism. "Fascism believes
in force," he pointed out, and prac-
tices and glorifies it. both in physical
and mental form.
Truth, freedom and justice, the
three great symbols of democracy,
he described as a complex but in-
divisible whole-the absolute in hu-
man understanding. "Any defini-
tion we make of democracy is inade-
quate if it remains within the bounds
of technical politics," he said. "We
must aim higher; we must define de-
mocracy as that form of society
which permits the realization of the
intellectual and emotional dignity of
man." Terror corrupts men and
turns them into hypocrites and cow-
ards, he explained, adding, "that is
why those who hate mankind love
Quotes Bergson's Dictum
Instead of the regimentation by
propaganda of the fascist states, Dr.
Mann urged as the democratic credo
the dictum of Henri Bergson: "Act
as men of thought, think as men of'
action." The sole consideration of'
dictatorships in connection with the
question of peace or war is which
condition will best serve to maintain
the regime, he said. Since an avowed
foreign war would bring in its wake
an almost immediate civil war, the
fascist dictator keeps his people in a
constant hybrid state between the
two, a state which is fascism's "own
Referring to the title of the National
Socialist Party of Germany, D.
Mann reminded his audience that,
(Continued on Page 3)
Navy Bill Goes
To .Heise Floor,
Committee Votes, 20-3.
To Increase Arms
WASHINGTON, March 3.--
The Administration's "Big Navy Bill"
won the overwhelming approval of
the House Naval Committee today.
Only three of 23 voting members
opposed the legislation, which Presi-
dent Roosevelt requested "specifically
and solely because of the piling uI of
additional land and sea armame: v.
in other countries."
As finally approved, the bill would
authorize construction of 46 men-of-
war, 22 auxiliary vessels and 950 air-
planes. Chairman Vinson (Dem.-
Ga.) estimated these new weapons

would cost $1,083,546.00.
The new warships recommended
include three battleships, two air-
craft carriers, nine cruisers, 23 de-
stroyers and nine submarines. Naval
officials estimated they could be con-
structed in from four to six years,
provided Congress appropriated the
necessary funds and authorized addi-
tional facilities and equipment at
Navy yards.
The committee wrote into the
legislation a declaration of Naval
policy. It declared the fleet should
not be used for aggression but should
be Pig enough to protect both the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts at the
same time. The committee said that

The Swiss mouse (above), injected with a hydrocarbon, developed the
large head-like cancerous growth on the left and died six monthsf
after the injection. The size of the cancer can be appreciated by com-
parison with the eye of the animal, which appears in the upper left center.
* * * *
Dr. James T. Bradbury Works With Hydrocarbons
Here As Possible Clue To 3,000-Year-Old
Mystery Of Freakish Malignant Growth
A drastic harvester of human life, cancer now reaps in this country
alone more than 144,000 victims a year, rates second only to heart disease
in fatalities and is, without doubt, the most mysterious ailment at present
plaguing the human race. Yet - --------------

Senators Put
On Industries
Find Manufacturers Spent
$750,000 To Forward
Their Viewpoint In 1937
Liberties Committee
M~'akes Accusations
WASHINGTON, March 3.-(P) -
Senate investigators received evidence
today that the National Association
of Manufacturers raised $750,000 last
year to lay the viewpoint of American
industrialists before the public.
Chairman La Follette (Prog., Wis.),
of the Civil Liberties Committee.
brought out that the Association had
used newspaper space, the radio, mo-
tion pictures, public speeches, the
mails, billboard advertising, contacts
with employes and literature for
schools and colleges.
Walter B. Weisenburger, executive
vice-president of the Association,
denied in response to a question that
pamphlets sent to schools and col-
leges were "propaganda."
Charges One-Sidedness
La Follette charged that the man-
ufacturers had sent out "onesided"
information concerning the Wagner
Labor Act, but Weisenburger disputed
The committee heard Charles R.
Hook, president of the Association
and president of the American Roll-
ing Mill Co., denounce as "ridiculous
nonsense" the charge that "industry
deliberately provoked the present
business slump."
The Committee's session ended
with a brisk clash between John C.
Gall, counsel for the Association, and
La Follette, in the course of which
Gall accused the committee itself of
violating civil liberties.
Recess Till Tomorrow
La Follette, announcing a recess
until tomorrow, said that Hook and
another witness, Ernest T. Weir of
Weirton Steel, were excused from fur-
ther attendance, but that their sub-
poenas would continue "in full force
and effect," and that they would be
notified if further testimony were
desired. Gall was on his feet at
"We feel that calling witnesses and
keeping them under subpoena for
months, and then continuing the
subpoena after they have testified is
in itself a violation of civil liberties,"
he said.
"As a matter of fact, Mr. Attorney,"
La Follette replied, "I was trying to
accommodate Mr. Weir and Mr. Hook
so they could leave today."
He said the committee would have
preferred to have them present
throughout the hearing but had re-
leased them at their own request.
Loyalists Announce
New Rebel Rebuff
HENDAYE, France-(At the Span-
ish Frontier)-March 3.-- (lP) - A
communique from the Spanish Gov-
ernment front today said a day and
night of uninterrupted artillery fire
had smashed Insurgent attempts to
mass troops in the northern part of
Guadalajara Province.
The Insurgent troop movements
northeast of Madrid were believed
attempted with the view of making
a new push toward the Government-
held former capital.

Sweeps Los Angeles Area;
20,000 Feared Homeless
Italian, British Treaty Is Called P Service Is Crippled,
Radio Stations Are Silent


Hope For Mediterranean Peace
Professor Carr Of Wales
Sees. EdnnChamberlain

throughout the nation yearly expen-
ditures for cancer research would
hardly erect a building the size of
Angell Hall.
Three thousand years ago the Ath-
enians observed with horror this
pulpy malignant mass which seldom
released its victims until death. And
from Pericles to Roosevelt the un-
heckedtumorous growth of cancer
:ells, generally appearing after the
fourth decade, has challenged the'
resources of the whole medical pro-
Some Pseudo-Elixirs
Surgery, X-ray, and radium have,
each in their turn, been hailed as the
elixir. Each has cured some but not
Rated by many the world's No. 1
cancer authority, Dr. James Ewing of
Manhattan's Memorial Hospital pre-
dicted last summer that the establish-
ment throughout the country of six
endowments of 10 million dollars
apiece, would virtually insure the
3apture of cancer by science. As yet
the six endowments have not appear-
:d. Cancer research, meanwhile forges
ahead with what monies it commands.,
Bradbury And Hydrocarbons
In a small laboratory down in the
zorner of the University Maternity
Hospital, ,Dr. James T. Bradbury
works with a new approach, in collab-
oration with Prof. W. E. Bachmann of
the chemistry department. They may
have the needed key. Dr. Bradbury
injects hydrocarbons under the skin
of pure strain (inbred) mice. And the
mice develop cancer! Since one of
these hydrocarbons - methylcholan-
threne-can be derived from the hu-
man bile it is now under suspicion as.
a possible cancer-producing agent of
the bcdy. But there is yet to prove
that the body contains an agent or
enzyme capable of converting the bile
into methyleholanthrene.#
The history of the hydrocarbon clue
is another of science's true detective
stories. Years ago it was noticed that
coal tar workers suffered from an
alarming incidence of "tar cancer."
(Continued on Page 8)
Michigan's Hamlet
Bfreaks Into 'Life'-
A nd W e Mean Mat t
Approximately 3,000,000 persons are
oing to get a look at "Michigan's
riamlet," with ai all-star supporting
cast today.
A four-page picture-story on Matt
Mann and the University's erstwhile
championship swimming team is fea-
tured in this week's Life, which was
released this morning. Two pages are
devoted to Coach Matt Mann, the
other two showing team members.
The Daily's swimming expert, David
Zeitlin, '40, was responsible for the
swimmers' nation-wide publicity. Di-
rectly after the football season, Zeit-
lin wrote to the magazine suggesting
a swimming feature. Life answered
with a request for a scenario, which

New Periodical
Wins Approval;
Editors Named,
Jones Heads Publication;
Brinkman His Assistant
On 7-Man Editorial Staff
The Board in Control of Student
Publications approved the proposed
undergraduate literary magazine yes-
terday when it adopted with several
qualifications the report and per-
sonnel submitted by a subcommittee
which it appointed a month ago.
F. Randall Jones, '39BAd, was
named editor-in-chief; Elizabeth
Brinkman, '40, managing editor;
John M. Brinnin, Spec., poetry edi-
tor; Frances Carney, Grad., fiction
editor; James Robertson, Grad., ess-,
editor; and Martin Greenberg., '38,
review editor. They will all serve
without salary.
A four-man graduate and faculty
Advisory Committee, appointed by
the Board in Control, will have the
power to veto material not in line
with the aims of the magazine. It
consists of Dr. Arno Bader, Giovanni
Giovaninni and Charles Peake, all of
the English department, and Robert
S. Warshow, Grad.
A meeting of the editorial staff to-
day will decide upon a name for the
periodical, the date of first publica-
tion and a publications manager.
Jones said yesterday that he expect-
ed the first issue to appear before'
Spring Vacation.
Under the original report drawn
up by three members of the English
Journal Club and a former Daily
juniorneditor, announcedryesterday,
the aim was expressed to print the
best material available from all
colleges and schools.
The Board in Control statement
provides that it appoint the Advisory
Committee and that the editorial
staff be subject to its approval. It
also stipulated that no financial ob-
ligation be incurred without the ap-
proval of the Board in Control.
The magazine which will appear at'
least four times yearly will circulate
gratis to Daily subscribers and will be
available at a nominal charge to
Of the editorial staff, Jones, Miss
Brinkman, Miss Carney, Robertson
and Greenberg have already had ex-
perience with Contemporary and
Brinnin was co-editor of Signatures,
a national literary publication. I
Chinese Reported
In A 'Death Trap'
SHANGHAI, March 4.-(Friday)-
(P)-Japane;e army dispatches said
today that a Chinese army of 100,-
000 men had been caught in a virtual
"death trap" in southwest Shansi

-Breaking Flood

Split A Superficial One
An Anglo-Italian agreement, by
which Il Duce would get monetary
assistance, the recognition of Ethiopia
and British support in Austria in re-
turn for the withdrawal of his troops
from Spain, is the only basis at pres-
ent for securing peace in the Medit-
terranean, according to Prof. E. H.1
Carr of the University College, Abery-
stwyth, Wales.
Speaking before an audience of 450
in the Natural Science Auditorium
yesterday, Professor Carr claimed
that Great Britain wished to reestab-
lish her position in the Mediterranean
without resort to armed force. He
went on to say that England "would
prefer to get 80 per cent of her de-
sires by peaceful means rather than
100 per cent by war."
Although he maintained that he
knew only what he had read in the
Thomas Gives
Peace Lecture
This Afternoon
Socialist Leader To Head
Pacifist Program; ASU
Representatives To Talk
Norman Thomas will head the in-
itial program of the Michigan Anti-
War Committee at 2:30 p.m. today in
the Congregational Church with a
talk on "Students, Democracy and
Mr. Thomas, three-time candidate
of the Socialist Party for the Presi-
dency, will be the first of a group of
speakers for peace to be brought
here by the Committee this semester.
Other speakers will include George
Edwards, first chairman of the Amer-
ican Student Union and at present
organizer for the United Automobile
Workers in Detroit, and Al Hamilton,
who was on the first executive board
of the ASU.
Petitions to "Stop American Mili-
tarization" will be available at the
meeting. The petitions addressed to
President Roosevelt call for sharp
reduction in military appropriations,
immediate removal of U.S. armed
forces from China as well as from all
other foreign territory, abandonment
of the Sheppard-Hill Industrial Mob-
ilization Bill and passage of a gen-
uine war referendum amendment.
Members of the executive commit-
tee of the Anti-War Committee are:
Charles Buck, '40, chairman; Sam
Weisberg, '39, Secretary; William
Scott, Grad.; Robert Bessey, Grad.;
S. R. Kleiman, '39E; John R. Platt,
Grad.; and Jack Sessions, '40.


papers about the recent British Par-
liamentary crisis, Professor Carr did
not believe that the split between
Prime Minister Chamberlain and for-
mer Foreign Secretary Eden, who re-
signed, was any deeper than a dif-
ference as to the timeliness of nego-
tiations with Italy. "They both agree
in principle," he said, "that an agree-
ment with Mussolini should be at-
The time is propitious at present
for such a treaty, this former first
secretary of the British Foreign
Office feels. He sad that the Italian
economy has been severely weakened
by the war in Ethiopia and in Spain
and that recent events in Austria
must seem threatening to I Duce.
Italy cannot afford to allow Germany
to swallow Austria, he said, explain-
ing that a quarter of a million Ger-
man-speaking people reside in Italy
in the South Tyrol, bordering on Aus-
But he emphasized that the key
point is the internal weakness of
Italy: "They can't go on lowering
the standard of living indefinitely,
you know.
Britain, Professor Carr pointed out,
is anxious for such a pact. He went
on to say, however, that unless Italy
agrees to withdraw its troops from
Spain no agreement cangbe reached.
(Continued on Page 8)
New York Tops.
Enrollment List
For Out-Staters
1,206 Students Are Here
From Empire State; 694
Are Listed From Ohio
New York had the largest out-of-
state representation in the University
last semester with 1,206 students, ac-
cording to figures released yesterday
by Miss Marian Williams, Registrar's
office statistician. Every state in the
Union and 30 foreign countries were
Ohio, with 694 students, and Illin-
ois, with 491, were second and third
respectively among the states, while
Nevada sent one student to take home
the consolation prize. There was a
total of 4,508 out-of-state American
students enrolled.
Detroit students totaled 1,243, and
Ann Arbor was second among Michi-
gan cities with 1,172 students. En-
rollment from the remainder of Mich-
igan came to 3,417, exclusive of grad-
uate students.
Chinese students in the University
totaled 136, and Canada was second
with 72. The Philippine Islands sent
14, and other countries brought the
total foreign enrollment to 302, some
of which came from as far away as
India and Turkey.
The total first semester enrollment
was 10,962. Complete figures for the
second semester are not yet available.
Lawyer Asks Repeal
Of Railway Clause

in Unprecedented Storm
Death List Mounts
To More Than 100
LOS ANGELES, March 3.-()-
Flood waters virtually isolated Los
Angeles from the rest of the world to-
day and raged on through the metro-
politan lowlands to add more death
and havoc to the record'of an un-
precedented storm.
More rain fell during the morning,
and snow added its potential menace
in the mountains to the East, but
skies began clearing shortly before
noon, giving air lines a limited op-
portunity to function.s-
City All But Paralyzed
The metropolis of more than 2,000,-
000 population was all but paralyzed.
Power service was crippled. Large
radio stations were silent. Telephones
were dead and transportation was.
blocked in many places.
The death list stood tentatively at
124, with 16 identified, 41 unidenti-
fled and 67 missing and believed to
have perished. The number of home-
less was estimated at 20,000.
Those arriving in San Francisco
told vivid stories of flood rescues and
of houses tumbling down hills.
The flood-torn area lay roughly
from Ventura on the north to San
Juan Capistrano on the south and
from the Pacfic ocean on the west to
the San Bernardino Mountains on
the east.
SMountains Create Drainage
Torrential rains fell for more than
four days in the city and in the
mountains alike. The abrupt rise of
the mountains behind the city creat-
ed a tremendous drainage. The rain-
fall in Los Angeles alone exceeded
10 inches. Nearby dry arroyos be-
came raging streams.
An undetermined number of storm
spectators were washed into the
ocean near Long Beach when the
bridge on which they stood collapsed,
The number lost was generally esti-
mated at 10, but an appeal to ships
at sea to watch for survivors . or
bodies said 45 were on the bridge at
the time.
John Roberts, air lines pilot who
flew from Los Angeles to San Fran-
cisco with the first to get away, said:
"There literally is water every-
Danger Past, Mayor says
Mayor Frank Shaw issued a state-
ment tonight declaring all danger in
the Los Angeles area appeared past.
"We are at work on a preliminary
estimate of damage to public and
private property," he said, adding
the work of rehabilitation already
was under way "with every resource
of the city government cooperating
100 per cent."
Mrs. Esther Chadburn, field repre-
sentative for the American Red Cross,
said reprts from stricken areas
where communication was possible
showed 1,500 homes were uninhabit-
able. The Red Cross was caring for
more than 3,000 homeless in Los
Angeles County alone.
Golem Legend
Told By Heller
Current Film Has Basis
In Medieval Belief
"The Golem," French film appear-
ing tonight and tomorrow at the
Lydia Mendelssohn, picturesquely
tells the medieval Jewish legend of a
clay figure brought to life to protect.
the Jews of Prague and finally re-
turned to dust before it could de-
stroy its creators, Dr. Bernard Heller,
Hillel Director, explained yesterday in
an interview.

Tickets for the 3:15 p.m. showing
tomorrow are available at the League
box office. A few seats .are still left
for the 8:15 p.m. performances today
and tomorrow.
Taking its name from the Hebrew
word for "embryo" or "incomplete,"
the Golem and the legend woven
around it were traced by Dr. Heller

Collective Action Is Necessary
To Avert Fascism, Mann Thinks

Thomas Mann believes collective
action on the part of the democracies
of the world "absolutely necessary"
to halt the advance of fascism, he
said in an interview yesterday after-
noon .America in particular he con-
siders "the strongest bulwark against
fascism." He regards France and the
Soviet Union likewise as powerful
forces for peace.
Questioned concerning the relation
of the fascist movement and univer-
sities, Dr. Mann related the story of
the infiltration of National Socialist
ideology on the campuses of German
universities in the period just prior
to the accession of Hitler.
"The Nazi movement was con-
sidered fashionable in German uni-
versities before the students became
aware of the anti-intellectual char-
acter of fascism," he explained. At
present, however, the students are

ment developing among American
students is foreseen by the author of
"The Magic Mountain," because stu-
dents here, he believes, are not spir-
itually isolated from the events of the

I. - ~.. I

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