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March 03, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-03

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studer* Publications.
Puashed every morning except Monday during the
ttniversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
tie for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. A
rghts of republication of all other matter herein also
En~'red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
84.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NatiQnalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Reresentative
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it-to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G..Ruthven.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Welconfe To
Thomas M''ann.. .
T HE CONFLICT between democracy
and fascism has become one of the
hackneyed topics for discussion of many pseudo-
intellectuals and politicians, being used as a
convenient vehicle of creating the impression of
But tonight in Hill Auditorium, the subject as-'
umes its fundamental, dynamic importance with
one of the world's greatest literary figures tack-
ling the problem with a liberal interpretation.
Thomas Mann to us highlights the current
dratorical Lecture Series when he speaks on "The
Coming Victory of Democracy" in Hill Audi-
Alth'ough exiled from Germany, forced to live
and travel under a foreign passport, Thomas
Mann yet considers himself a German. He vis-
ualizes the return of democratic, liberal thought
and government to his native land. His experi-
ence lends to the importance of his talk.
We wish to welcome Dr. Mann to Ann Arbor,
and assure the author of "The Magic Mountain"
that here, as yet, there is that tolerance which he
respects and which he may enjoy.
Irving Silverman.
Will France
Hold Fast?. .
T HE NAZI ATTEMPT to drive a diplo-
matic wedge between the democracies
of Western Europe and their allies to the East
has met with a reverse at Paris sharply con-
trasting to its success in London.. Messrs. Chau-
temps and Delbos received an overwhelming vote
of approval from the Chamber of Deputies Sat-'
urday (439 to 2) on their policy of remaining
firm to the alliances with Czechoslovakia and
In this phase of foreign policy all elements
of the French government and people appear to
stand united. The alliance with the Little En-
tente has been a cardinal point of French policy
since the War, particularly the defense of Czecho-
slovakia against remilitarized Germany. The

treaty with the Soviet Union was the product of
a series of negotiations begun by the conserva-
tive Premier Pierre Laval in 1934, the original
purpose of which was an "eastern Locarno" pact
mutually 'guaranteebng the status quo among
France, Germany, Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia
and the Baltic states. Hitler, however, rejected
thet arrangement on the grounds that he did not
wish to involve Germany in possible disputes
among the$other contracting parties. French-
Russian conversations were continued, and re-
sulted a year later in a military alliance between
the. two general staffs. The alliance marked
a diplomatic .revolution in Europe; previously,
France and Poland, the conservative status quo
powers, had stood together against Republican
Germany and Russia, the liberal and revisionist
powers. With the advent of German fascism, the
Soviet Union, compelled to look to its safety,
broke the traditional Communist policy of non-
cooperation with capitalist governments and wel-
comed the friendship and promised assistance
of the Third Republic. The next year, 1936, the

pated that in the event of war, Germany will
again strike first at France as the most accessible
and most immediately dangerous adversary.
The moves for diplomatic rapprochement with
the fascist nations initiated simultaneously at
Paris and London last month were backed by the
most conservative circles of French and British
politics and finance. The different results ob-
tained were due simply to the character of the
governments involved; in England a Tory min-
istry controls a large and well-disciplined Con-
servative majority in Parliament with uncertain
popular support, while in France a moderate-
liberal cabinet is maintained by a People's Front
legislative bloc elected by the masses and solidly
supported by them. -
The personalities of the French goernment
leaders are a possible source of weakness to the
French policy, for M. Chautemps, with his shady
political background marked in particular by the
notorious Stavisky affair which forced his resig-
nation as Premier in February of 1934, is not the
man to be trusted with the destinies of. the
French people. M. Delbos also has personal
drawbacks; his view of foreign affairs has too
much in common with the conservative-nation-
alist statesmen of the '20's to make him a really
acceptable occupant of the foreign ministry. The
next few days or weeks will tell whether the
Popular Front majority in the Chamber of Dep-
uties can keep the government in the path which
the Premier and foreign minister have indicated
as the policy of France.
Joseph Gies.
No Way Out?
To the Editor
I am inclined to believe that the Progressive
Club has acted too hastily in adopting one method
of action towards the promotion of peace, namely.
collective security. Although the club may now
go on record as having a definite program, the
result of such thoughtless action will bring dis-
comfort to those students on campus who are
endeavoring to keep this country out of war,
but differ only as to the means of securing that
end. We may see on the campus upstarts of
new groups who will favor the Oxford Oath
>r strict Neutrality. All will be working for
peace. Can peace groups afford to stan
divided when there is no effective policy for
I shall in brief span endeavor to show why
peace movements are not ready to select any
one program The first shall be an analysis of
strict neutrality. Upon analysis we find that
our neutrality policy in the past few years shows
that it has been definitely in favor of the ag-
gressor, thus encouraging the growth of fascism.
As Italy was about to attack Ethiopia, Congress
put an embargo on munitios for both countries,
but allowed them to purchase steel, cotton, oil
and other materials from which to make their
own munitions. This seems fair but Ethiopia
being unprepared for war had no factories in
which to turn these purchased war materials
into weapons.
At the outbreak of the Spanish war, Congress
passed another neutrality law which injured the
Loyalists and helped the rebels, since Germany
and Italy were smuggling war materials to the
Insurgents. When the President ordered the
forbidding of shipment of munitions on govern-
ment ships to China or Japan, without a sim-
ilar embargo upon raw materials, he enforced.
the worst element of the Neutrality Act, since
Japan is capable of arming but lacks new ma-
terials, whereas China has the raw materials
but lacks a war industry. This resulted in the
announcement of the Japanese Foreign Office
that it was "highly satisfied" with the President's
order while the Chinese Government entered an
official protest.
Nor does neutrality necessarily prevent us
from being involved in a war if measures had
been taken against an aggressor'in the Ethiopian
conflict. England put an embargo on Italy, while
permitting Ethiopia to buy war materials. Mus-
solini, being aware that such collective action
would mean an end to his campaign, was ready
to take on the whole world.
Collective security will not work at the present
time! Collective security as visioned by the League

covenant which expected international coopera-
tion is no longer a reality. But those who put
faith in the "sanctions type" of collective secur-
ity hope no longer for international cooperation,
but rather expect the peace-loving democracies to
take action against "Fascist aggressors." But will
military sanctions also be necessary? Italy threat-
ened to bomb the English fleet if sanctions were
attempted and it is possible that Japan might
take over the Dutch East Indies if its oil supply
is cut off. Thus war seems to be the result from
this action. But even if we can apply sanctions,
what assurance have we of cooperation. When
the crisis in Ethiopia arose, England wanted to
apply economic sanctions against Italy, but
France backed out. When Japan undertook to
conquer Manchuria, U.S. was eager to apply sanc-
tions and England refused to cooperate. Her
interests are in South China and not in North
China. The very basis on which collective secur-
ity is founded--cooperation-fell through.
The Oxford Oath which has its place does
nothing to prevent fascist aggressors who have
become powerful enough as a result of conquest
while we have been hibernating, to come sweep-
ing over our isolationist walls much like the
Japanese are doing over in China, or as the
barbarians did when they invaded the Roman
empire. Good ideals of individuals in isolated
communities aren't respected by plunderers.
-C. T. Piecewicz.
Only a handful of senators listened to the
reading of Washington's farewell address. That,
ought to make the father of his country feel, let
us say, like the chairman of the bored.

Ii fe ems to )Me
Heywood Broun
This is getting around to the season during
which the Pulitzer Prize Committee makes its
awards, and also the Critics' Circle. It seems
to me that the award of the Circle carries more
weight than the judgment of the elderly gentle-
men of Columbia. After all, the reviewers who
face the ordeal of seeing
every show are in a better
position to decide than any
group which merely makes a
short sightseeing trip along
the surface of the cream. No
' one can appreciate a good
show as much as a man who
has sat in the blinds along
the aisle and watched the
wild turkeys flutter by. But
since I am neither a Pulitzer nor a newspaper
critic. I will have to play a lone hand. Maybe
my choice will find no no official support.
But at least I can get in the first word. And
so without either plaque or palms I nominate
"The Cradle Will Rock" as the best play of
the present season.
And I like it so much better than anything
else that I would not compromise on any second
choice. I like it both for its substance and its
shadow. Marc Blitstein's play with music (which
is really a slightly longer way of saying "opera")
strikes the only optimistic note of the serious
shows along Broadway.
No More Cute Stuff
This is a better season than usual, and the writ-
ing men have been less disposed to turn their
backs on reality. The antic attitude, the cute
stuff and the whimsy-whimsy have gone some-
what out of fashion.
Just the same, there are many sprinters among
the dramatists. They have chosen a new direc-
tion, but the creative artists of the American
stage still show too keen a disposition to run for
their lives. This year the finishing line for the
annual marathon has been the local cemetery.
The popular slogan celebrated in the show shops
is the contention that it is better to be dead
than alive.
Without any disposition to pose as a final
authority on that moot question, I vote "No," and
if my side loses I am prepared to brig in a mi-
nority report.
"The Cradle Will Rock" is not wholly a series
of humorous interludes. It does deal with things
somber and sad. But its final note and its con-
tinuing philosophy appear to be the conception
that even a bitter and muddled world still remains,
putty in the hands of those who are disposed to
get together in organized effort
The world is not your oyster or that of your
neighbor, but with a little lemon juice and a dash
of tabasco it can be made not only palatable but
wholly desirable.
Pollyannas Not Welcome
It shocks me to find so many men and women
who are professedly idealists rushing around and
shouting, "All is lost!" For instance, most of
the announcements that war is just around the
corner come from pacifists. And I think the an-
swer ought to be, "Stuff and nonsense." This
is no time for Pollyannas, and there never has
been an era in which they were of any use. Just
the same, it is well within the possibility of man
to change a tragically imperfect world from stem
to stern.
Such plays as "Our Town" and "On Borrowed
Time" suggest a placid surrender to the reaper
upon the theory that he is not nearly as grim as
he has been painted. But even if he has a
smiling face I still think it is a mistake to court
his attention. There is no sense in arranging ap-
pointments in Samara by long distance telephone
I have nro personal complaints against the next
world at the moment, but certainly there is need
to make something out of this one first.
And so I urge again preferment for "The Cradle
Will Rock," because it shouts and sings that this

earth can be made to glow and glisten if working
men and women will only decide forthwith to
kindle flame by rubbing together souls and shoul-
"Hello, hello, hello" (what a wonderful word,
etc.), and it will be Frankie Masters, Friday
night for the Frosh Frolic. Having spent many
moons at Hotel Sherman's College Inn, lately re-
placed by a surprising Buddy Rogers band, the
Masters ensemble has, of course, become a little
calloused with the routine accompaniment of
nightly floor shows. But never growing any
better or any worse, Frankie Masters is probably
the best choice of the field of four (Paul Pen-
darvis, Benny Meroff, Bill Carlson and Frankie)
from which the freshmen could choose.
S * *
Harry Wismer, WJR's popular young sports
announcer. has been using a lot of Michigan
material recently in his midnight sessions from
the Book Casino on Friday nights. Until now,
Captain-elect Fred Jahnke, Coach "Cappy" Cap-
pon and sports editor Irvin Lisagor have been
interviewed from the Book, where the typical
Detroit entertainment consists of Ernie Holst's
"inew continuous style" music, a rhumba band
and Tony, who makes those interesting flaming
desserts right before your eyes. The word around
now is that Harry will have as his guest at an
ec rly d c. Colonel Tuure Tenander of f l

Play Production
When Professor Windt, Director
of Play Production, firs; came to

VOL. XLVIII. No. 108


Michigan nine years ago, he found Automobile Regulation: Those stu-
himself without a theatre or even a dents who possess driving permits is-
stage to work on, anamalous as the sued while their cars bore the 1937
case may be. Mimes ocupied the Lab State license plates and have failed
Theatre, the auditorium in Univer- to renew them, are requested to do
sity Hall had been condemned, and so at once. All 'old permit tags are!
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre had voi as o arc , 1 and ir
not as yet been built. However, years continued use will constitute grounds1
before, Professor Hollister had put for disciplinary action. Applications
some curtains on the stage of U Hall, for renewals must be made at Room
had made a false proscenium with 2, University Hall and new sets of
canvas, and had also put up a huge permit tags will be issued at no ad -
strip of canvas across the dome of { ditional cost.

the auditorium for better acoustics.
But now, three thousand seats had
been removed, dirt and grime piled
high on one another, and the theatre
mice had a wonderful time of it.
Mr. Windt was delighted. The place
might be i'n terrible shape, the stage
might slope, but here at any rate was{
a stage and a theatre. For seven
weeks, the enthusiastic students who
gathered around Mr. Windt, washed,
scrubbed, and cleaned the theatre.
Anxiously, they called the fire chief
in, in order to get his permission to
reopen the theatre. That important
official gave them the good word. onj
proviso that no more than two hun-
dred people be in the theatre at the
same time and that there be no ad-
mission charge.
The enthusiastic group opened with
Rachel Crother's "Little Journey."
There were two sets in the show-
one, the interior of a Pullman, the
other a mountain top. People who
remember it say it violated every prin-

Pubuiication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received atthe office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturday.

Gtudents who have cars stored in
Ann Arbor and those who are in the
exempt classifications are also re-
quested to report their 1938 license
numbers if they have not done so to
Office of the Dean of Students.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: A meeting will be
held on Thursday, March 3, at 4:15
p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall for
students in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts and others in-
terested in future work in law. A talk
on .the profession will be given by
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School. This will be the first meeting
of the vocational series designed to
give information concerning the na-
ture of the preparation for the vari-
ous professions. The second meet-
ing, to be addressed by Dean R. W.
Bunting of the School of Dentistry,
will be held on Tuesday, March 8th.
All Students in the College of L.S.
& A., and Schools of Education, For-
estry, and Music receiving a grade of
I (incomplete); X, (absent from ex-

ciple of stagecraft-because of lack amination), or (.) (no report), should
of material. Supplies were limited; make up all work by March 14 or the
there was only a meagre income; and Iae autoatcalylpse tr an
the shows were free. Nevertheless, Ed
"Little Journey" was a success be--
cause of the ensemble playing, and Attention Chinese Students: The
the enthusiasm and sincerity of the report to the Emergency Committee
youthful actors. The University Hall for Far Eastern Students in America
Players were a definite hit. Their must be complete by the end of this
next show was even more ambitious. week. Any Chinese students who need.
It was "Redemption" by Tolstoi. The assistance because of the crisis in
crowds grew to such proportions that their countrydshould fill out the
five new shows were presented during blanks provided by the Committee
the course of that first year. at once. These blanks are available
By 1929, The Lydia Mendelssohn in Room 9, University Hall.
Theatre was completed and Play Pro-.
duction's first show there was "Beg- Guidance and Occupational Inf or-
gar On Horseback." With it, Play mation Conference will take place
Production was recognized and its next week, Tuesday, March 8 through
popularity and following grew to Saturday, March 12 at the Michigan
such proportions, that Dean Kraus Union. The vocational discussions will
provided them the opportunity to be given by leaders of business and
continue their work during the sum- industry. All students, faculty, or
mer. That very first summer in '29 anyone interested in the meetings are
gave to Ann Arbor a stimulating di- cordiglly invited. The program of
version and to the University an meetings will appear each day during
additional attraction. With a small the conference in the D.O.B. ,
staff, Mr. Windt and Mr. Chester M. Dr. T, Luther Purdom, Director.
Wallace put on seven plays. Out of I University of Michigan Bureau
obvious necessity they were one-set of Appointments and Occupa-
plays with small casts, but The Mich- tional Information,, 201 Mason
igan Repertory Players were estab- Hall.
lished and they had accomplished
their duofold purpose in entertaining Any identification cards left at the
the community and in building up a Congress voting booths may be called
school of the theatre. for at the Union desk.
Students stayed on and made a nu- Sociology 51: Make-up final exam-
cleus with which to work; many came ination will be given on Saturday,
back summer after summer. The act- March 5, at 2 o'clock in Room D,
ing mellowed and gave students the I Haven Hall.

tial fulfillment of the requirements
for a Master of Music degree, in the
School of Music Auditorium, Friday
evening, March 4, at 8:15 o'clock, to
which the general public is invited.
University Lecture: Professor Eu-
stache de Lorey, of the Ecole du Lou-
vre and the Oriental Department of
the Bibliotheque Nationale, will lec-
ture on "Persian Poets, Inspiration
to Persian Artists," on Friday, March
4, in Natural Science Auditorium at
4:15 p.m., under the auspices of the
Research Seminary in Islamic Art.
University Lecture: Professor E. H.
Carr, of the College of Wales, Univer-
sity of Aberystwyth, will lecture on
"Great Britain, Italy, and the Medi-
terranean" on Thursday, March 3,
at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science
Auditorium, under the auspices of
the Department of Political Science.
Events Today
Dartmouth Alumni Dinner will be
held at the Michigan Union at 6 p.m.
today. All Dartmouth men are cor-
dially invited to attend.
A.S.M.E. Inspection Trip: To Tren-
ton Channels Power Plant, of De-
troit Edison. Leaving this after-
noon at 1:00 p.m. from the En-
gineering Arch, returning at 5:00.
Sign up on M.E. Bulletin Board im-
mediately. Transportation charge via
bus will be 50 cents.
Zoology Seminar: Mr. Charles G.
Dobrovolny will report on the "Life
History of the Fish Trematode,
Plagioporus sinitsini, and Studies on
Cotylocercous Cercariae from the Hu-
ron River System" tonight at 7:30
p.m. in Room 2116 N.S.
A.S.C.E. There will be an important
mieeting of the Student Chapter of
the American Society of Civil En-
gineers tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the
Michigan Union.
Prof. Menefee, of the Engineering
Mechanics IDepartment will give an
illustrated talk concerning the Il-
linois Waterway.
Scimitar: There wil be an import-
ant meeting of Scimitar this eve-
ning at the Union at 7:30 p.m. It
is urgently requested that all mem-
bers be present as a new president
must be elected.
Michigan Dames. Mrs. Ira Smith
the faculty. advisor of the Charm
Group cordially invites the members
of that group to a tea at her home at
4 Geddes Heights today from 3:30 to
5:30. Geddes Heights is the first
street. east of the cemetery and is
only a 10-minute walk from the
League. Or take Geddes Ave. Bus.
Michigan Dames. Rehearsal for the
Style Show, Thursday night, March
3, 8 o'clock at the Michigan League.
Every one taking part in the style
show is requested to be present.
All students interested in working
on box office and tickets for the
Hillel Play "Roots," should report to
the Hillel Foundation on Thursday
at 4:15. Bring eligibility slips.
Tryouts for French Play: Today is
the last day for tryouts for French
Play, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Room
408, Romance Languages Building.
Open to all students interested.
Women's Fencing Club: There will
be a meeting at 4:15 on Thursday in
Barbour Gymnasium. Important.
Anyone with second semester
standing or higher who wishes to
try out for the Editorial staff of the
Gargoyle, please report to the Gar-
goyle Editorial Office on Thursday at

Women who wish to try out for the
Women's Editorial Staff of the Gar-
goyle will please report at the Gar-
goyle Editorial Office on Thursday
at 4:00.

opportunity to play parts they could
not get in the professional theatre.,
The Repertory Players did sW wellt
that they were able to invite actorsf
and directors who brought a kngwl-t
edge of the professional theatre, a
new point of view, and invaluable
contacts. Some of these men includet
Lennox Robinson, Thomas Wood Ste-
vens, 'Alexander Wycoff, Evelyn Co-
hen, Fiancis Compton and Whitford

Psychology 31: Makeup examina-
tion will be held Thursday, March 3,
from 7 to 10 p.m. in Room 1121, Na-
tural Science Building.

Botany I make-up final
tion Wednesday, March 9.
2004 N.S.

7-10 p.m.

Chemistry 47: The correct solution
for Problem No. 291, forming the.

In the meantime, the winter the- basis for the next assignment,'. will
atrical seasons in Ann Arbor found be found posted just outside Rooms
the Mendelssohn Theatre being used 174 Chemistry and 1047-A, East En-
less and less by Play Production be- gineering.
cause of the latter's meagre incomet
and the prohibitive rent of the Men-
delssohn Theatre. But in 1930, Mimes
discontinued work at the Lab Theatre Graduation Recital: Helen Titus,
and Play, Production was permitted pianist, will give a recital in par-
to move in. All of November of that
year, students in the course made the Unneeded PenSiOn
Lab Theatre more serviceable. Stu-


dents from the Architectural School The stand of Senator Walsh of
decorated the rear of the auditorium Massachusetts against the payment ; aingEvenh;
with murals, arranged for curtains ( of a $5,000 annual pension to the The Political Science Club will
and draperies, and designed a pleas- widow of Benjamin Harrison, Presi- sponsor a tea for Professor E. H. Carr
ant lighting system. dent of the United States from 1889 Friday, March 4, 4:00 p.m.,. in the
WORKSHOP THEATRE I to 1893, is no discourtesy to the 80- Michigan League. All members are
ISRESENT THEATD year-old Mrs. Harrison. It means urged to be present.
Play Production stayed here for merely that Senator Walsh believes
threearsPndtosed hre y s that pensions should not be paid International Council Group: The
marked some of their best presenta-C SImply for the sake of paying ahem. first game party for the second se-
For that is essentially what a mester will be held on March 4 at 8
ions, notable amongwhich are "The pension for Mrs. Harrison would o'clock in Room 316 at the Michigan
Taming of the Shrew," dThe Good come down to. Mrs. Harrison, who Union. Foreign Students and Ameri-
Hope," "Journey's End," and "Hay was married to the twenty-third can students interested in interna-
Fever. The latter was such aphe-;President three years after his retire- tional affairs are invited to atter'.
inomenal success that the audiences m aent, was well provided for by a


jammd te Lb Teate t suh a' provident husband. The trust fund
capacity that the local Fire Depart- of $100,000 which he established for
ment, ever fearful and concerned, her yields an annual income of
deemed it necessary to condemn the $5,000. Under these circumstances,
Theatre as unsafe. And so, in 1933, a Government pension for her would
after three happy and exciting years, be, as Senator Walsh says, "discrim-
a halt was put to experimental drama inatory against widows whose hus-
and teaching methods at the Lab I bands as public servants served the
The atre.badasub ernsseedhe
Taye.n1dGovernment long and faithfully and
Today. Play Production has ad-~ who are now living on the bare neces-
vanced to the stage where furthers ties of life"
iodrs nc(;ment no om heu ~rt m'erlka 15 rIU~ Als - ,, ..a

N otice to All League Committees,
Delegates. to Panhellenic and As-
sembly: Eligibility slips must be in
by 12 o'clock noon, Friday, March 3.
Deposit in Undergraduate Office.
Outdeor Club: Swimming and bad-
minton Saturday evening at the In-
tramural Building. Meet in the lobby
at 8:30. Games, refreshments, and
riadio dancing at Stalker Hall. All

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