FAME TWO -THE MICHIGAN-DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 2,193$ PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MARCH 3,193$ Students View Crine Problem In Ann Arbor (Continued from Page 1) responsible for this increase, he ex- plained. The work of the Dunbar Com- mtiity Center, a Negro recreational and educational organization with 387 members; was explained by its direc- tor, Mr. Williams, who said that clubs, library facilities, dances and lectures are among its varied activities. The membership has increased by more ! than 300 per tent in less than a year, said Mr. Williams, and its facilities are now far from adequate. The International Radio Corpora- ti6n was visited by the group as rep- resentative of Ann Arber Industry. The factory has ceased to manufaec- ture radios because of lack of de- mand and is now turning out Argus cameras. The recession has not af- fected this business at all, a guide stated, adding "we are now 30,000 be- hind our orders." The company em- ploys 88 workers who turn out 600 camieras a day. The Y.M.C.A. was the last organiza- tion visited. Clubs for boys under 15, directed by university students, are now a vital part of its program, Mr. r reund, the directoritold the group. Helping to find employment for men; sponsoring inter-church activities and helping individuals to solve their Problems are amiong its other activ- ities. Many service organizations need volunteer workers, according to Rob- ert Bessey, Grad., who directed the trip. Students interested in lending their services should apply at Lane Hall. The SRA is planning a similar trip to Detroit for the near future. Untrained Mind Seen Cause O Chinese 'Decoy Air Fleet' Fools Japanese Bombers Churches Prepare Morris Impatient With Moderns, For Lenten SeasonAttacks 'Bombastic Criticism 'Continued irom Page 1) Impatient with current criticism 1 appeals to me almost irresistibly, but 1 T Mvlethodtist n hwl Spa1Kon eur- rent religious books at a supper every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Stalker Hall. There will be a special student table for which reservations must be made. Palmer Christian, University organist, will direct the faculty and student choir in special pre-Easter music throughout the Lenten season. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will hold a Holy Communion Service every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. in the church and also every Wednesday at 7:15 a.m. in Harris Hall Chapel. A Student Starvation Luncheon will be held on Wednesday noons in Harris Hall. Thursday from 6:15 to 8 p.m. there will be a parish fellowship supper fol- lowed by a lecture. Instruction classes are now being held for the Confirma- tion Service to take place Sunday, March 27 at which Bishop Herman Page will be present. and the "reverberating bombast that masquerades as literary scholarship," Prof. A. R. Morris of the English de- partment explained to the Daily yes- terday the contention he made at the, English Journal Club that it is possible to have scientific, accurately defined standards of value in literature. The first of four methods of literary scholarship and criticism," he said, "is the traditional fashion as found in Ar- nold's 'Literature and Dogma,' Foer- ster's 'Standards' and Babbit's 'Laoc- cooh.' The method employed by those men suggests more of aloofness than I care to indulge in. Then there is the method of the 'Donnybrook Fair,' where you hit every head you see, the approach of Ludwig Lewisohn, How- ard Mumford Jones, Max Eastman and of the agrarian Dixie group. It is the gay method, and I'll admit that it it is likely to be futile, because it seems to be done just for the fun of the thing." The starting point for a scientific basis for criticism, as envisioned by Professor Morris, stems from the pro- position; that' all experience derives from organic function, orderly, un- varying and in accordance with a law that can be stated with mathematical precision. CHI OMEGA ELECTS OFFICERS Chi Omega recently elected the fol- lowing chapter officers: Jeannette Beck, '39, president; Faitn WatKins. '39, vice-president; Doris Scott, '40, secretary; and Virginia Mulho? and, '39, treasurer. Doris Vogel '39 was elected pledge mistress. Wfth mopk planes of reed matting did shrewd Chinese deceive Japanese planes which rained bombs on NEW VOLUMES RECEIVED "decoy air fleet." Above, Jananese sodiers examine a r eed matting decoy plane at the Pengpu airdrome in Advance copies of volumes three Anhwei province of China. and four of "Transactions of the Su- preme Court of Michigan, 1814-1824," CeAALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA FORMAL by Prof. William Blume of the Law Co-Op M ovem etl Seen ntiE oie Alpha Kappa Lambda will hold an School were received here yesterday initiation formal Saturday. It will by the University Press. re sponsored by Prof. and Mrs. R. D. Volumes one and two of the work To .Forces Crushing Individua3akt wr ulshdi 95 Friendliness Is Stimulated I This bias towards the producer, Dr. Through Cooperation, Waibasse said, makes it necessary j ff InmPC T Wn.,a, Q a i under the present system to employ I MARSHALL Cut-Rate rug, 231 SOUTH STATE - Phone 9242 - 8 Doors Note -. of Kresge s TED'S DAILY DOUBLE - EFFECTIVE TOD NEW! NESTLE CHOCOLATE $1.00 Size CRUNCH BAR Pacquins Hand Cre-:m K c T -9c KOTEX 20c- TAMPAX 33c -- 500 KLEENEX 28c i i.jamus w arv LI asse LIt v __ r I _ _ e _ ---- _ -- -- --- -- &: 4, Law Failures The great majority of failures in the Law School are attributable to the lack of real mental discipline prior to, the law course, Dean Henry Bates of the Law School said yesterday in an interview. Not only should a student entering the Law School have a trained mind, but he should have the broadest and most liberal education possible, the Dean continued. "The lawyer is often called upon to deal with almost all topics in the range of human knowl- edge," he said. Dean Bates stressed the importance of Latin in pre-law training and urged that students contemplating the study of law study some Latin. "Training in translating Latin will greatly help in later law work," the Dean said. "The lawyer is always dealing with languages, and his work is largely that of interpreting writ- ten documents. This requires a very close study of the language involved and Latin is a great help in training the mind in language work." Dean Bates pointed out that his- tory, particularly institutional, con- stitutional and social history of the t~nited States and England and at. dast some outline of ancient and modern history are important in pre- law training. "It is a great mistake," he de- clared, "for a student to elect a large number of beginning courses, carry- ing few, if any of them, on into ad- vanced work in fields which he will enter. Only as the student deals with the more difficult concepts of his sub.ects and acquires some degrees of mastery and confidence does he develop his mind in the best way." an army of inspectors 'o see that the " Along the path of consumer coop- consumer as a species is not wholly FOR SALE eration lies salvation for the individ- eliminated. "We can look to the with- LARGE RESIDENTIAL lot on Vine- ual, standardized by a decadent capi- ering away of this group," he said, wood Boulevard. Exclusive and re-a talism and harassed 'with a loss of ' stricted section. Cash. Phone 8544. entity by both fascism and commun- if consumers cooperation mnbot416 ism, Dr. James P. Warbasse, former the retail and manufacturing field __ _ _ _ lecturer in the economics department becomes general, for the consumer's FANCY APPLES, popcorn, fresh sweet and president of the Cooperative own self-interest would supplant pro- cider. No preservatives. Will deliver. League of the United States, assert- fits as the guide to production. And Phone 3926. 1003 Brooks. 417 ed yesterday. self-interest can be as impelling a' We are witnessing the breakdown force as the desire for gain." WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive- way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co. of the private profit system, he said More important perhaps than the waynGrave. Gr in an interview, as business abdicates elimination of profits and the conse- in many fields and forces the govern- ouent savings are the psychological LAUNDRY ment to provide first aid and even- gains, he said. Drawn together to T EUh. tually to supply the service. The only save money the history of coopera- STUDENT LAUNDRY. Shirts 12c. effective antidote lies in the organ- tive organization outlines clearly, the Call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for ization' of consumers for the purpose growth of a richer friendship and other prices. 360 of supplying their needs collectively. neighborliness within the group. LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Profits would be eliminated under Careful work at low prices. this .system, one that has been foundN C compatible with democracy and in- Graduate Student To Give NOTICES diVidual liberty, he said. Piano Recital For Degree MEN and women are offered the high- By such action the sphere of gov- est cash prices for their discarded ernment will be hemmed in rather Helen Titus, Grad., will give a clothing. See' Claude Brown, 512 S. than expanded and an agency much piano recital in partial fulfillment of Main. Phone 246. 388 1 closer to the individual will be sub- the requirement for a Master of Mu- E stituted, Dr. Warbasse said, empha- sic degree at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in E AVE 4A crs. fams from sizing that at present there is a per- the School of Music Auditorium. one acre to 430 acresm Some have - petual open season on the consumer Miss Titus, a student of Prof. Jo- privateaK lake front- and that producers are legally armed seph Brinkman, is a pianist of wide with economic machine guns to make experience. She has supplemented her their killing. The end of economic ac- American training by extensive travel tivity is consumption, he said and for abroad and for two years, in addition 150 years the economic system has; to pursuing graduate work in the 218 S. State - NEXT TO G been operating as though production School of Music, has served as an were the goal. instructor of piano. age. See Us. Whaley or Clapp. Ph. 2-1964. 424 ACCURATE typing done. Reasonable price. Phone 779,. 423 LEAVING for St. Peiers;urg, Florida this week. Room for four in Pack- ard 12. Phone 5139. 418 VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone 0327. Experienced typist. Reason- able rates. 232 CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Fountain pen, Parkette, mot- tled red, between 718 Tappan and Natural Science. Reward. Call Davy 2-3203. 422 LOST: Pair of camel's hair gloves with pigskin palms, near 201 Nat. Sci. Bldg. Please call 5847 if found. Reward. Warren Breidenbach. Ph. 5847. - RATEDrugs OLDMAN'S Phone 9392 ONLY F ART CINEMA LEAGUE ''" presents Europe's Greatest Actor < HARRY BAUR n Lydia ME NDE LSSO H NTheatre I V1Lr, TISSUE 6 for WE DELIVER -- Phone 9392 - LIFEBUOY or LUX SOAP 5 for 25c Limit 5 bars Welch's Grope Juice pint 25C 25c ,IE 1 7- . _ . _ _ - _ U. . _ __-__'. __ 4_ 't DAILY at 2:00-- 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. If1 Recital To Be Given By LittleSymphony The Little Symphony Orchestra which has just returned from a three week concert tour of the south under .the direction of Thor Johnson will give a program Saturday afternoon at the Durant Hotel in Flint and will present the second in the League Con- cert Series Sunday night in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the League. The Flint program will consist en- tirely of music for children and is sponsored by St. Cecelia. Alice Manderbach, harpsichordist, and Andrew Ponder, violinist, will ap- pear as soloist in the League concert. .9 ---.----- - "'"'!f ---- __-- -TEXTRA "SOAK "BUG. THE POOR" CARNIVAL" "GIRLS WORLD AHOY" NEWS lli It. =EVERYDAY SPECIALS it i '3 A' KRUGER'S NEW DEAL POLICY for MONEY SAVERS Complete Evening Dinner 40ic Buy a Meal Ticket and Save an Additional 1A% 50c ICE CREAM F 60c MUMk mum. -We Believe e Most Thrilling-ictUre-i -History -I 3 3 3" I. i'll W/////,.fI l__ % Ili 'U