T HE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAf - eaosmm -, -, - 224 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michgan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stuiden- -Publications. Pubiished every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. ErV.eed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as becond class mail matter. Subscriptions duringregular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mall, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937=38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISoN AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -"BOSTON Los ANGELES "SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING ,EDITOR ............. JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............TUURE TENANDER 1'SSOCIATE EDITOR.............IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............WILLIAM C_ SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ...................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR .......................RVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ....... .:........ERNEST A. JONES CRDIT MANAGER.................DON WILSHIER ADVERTISING MANAGzER ... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT D. MITCHELL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are ed- ucational institutions in the best mean- ing of the term. Alexander G. Ruthven. A Statement Of Principle. WE, THE EDITORS of The Michigan Daily, believe so thoroughly in the principles expressed by President Ruthven in his speech Friday, Feb. 25, in New York City, that we have selected a part of his address to serve as a guiding principle for those who are interested in greater freedom for student thought. This selection will appear in the Daily every day here- after in this column immediately below the mast- head. Joseph S. -Mattes. Tuure Tenander. Irving Silverman. William Spaller. Robert Weeks. companies continue to discriminate against Negro workers, they will have to deal with the State of New York, for a 1933 addition to the civil rights law (Sec. 42) provides that: "It shall be unlawful for any public utility com- pany, as defined in the public service law, to re- fuse to employ any person in any capacity in the operation or maintenance of a public service on account of the race, color or religion of such person." We wish success to the Harlem movement, from which should spring some very encouraging re- sults for our democracy. A large group of con- sumers will' come to realize that their apparent weakness in the shadow of a huge monopoly can, with direction and organization, become real strength. But the most significant aspect of the move- ment is that it will deal a well-deserved and long over-due blow to the general practice of discrim- ination against Negroes. As a result of this move- ment, Negroes will realize that by combining with other persons they can make their rights more than mere fictions. The stereotyped phrase, "the right to work," will mean more if it is applied to men and women regardless of the color of their skins. Discrimination against Negroes, whether it rides under the banner of the Ku Klux Klan or "Americanism," must forever be eliminated from the American scene. More power to movements like that in Harlem, for they will help in the fight. Robert Perlman. Trial And Error The newest of the Soviet mass trials, which is to open Wednesday in Moscow, will probably do away with the last of the former Soviet leaders who have been rounded up in the last year as being anti-Stalin. As a domestic policy it is un- derstandable. It will doubtlessly prevent trouble if the war with the Fascist powers which the So- viets believe to be imminent, actually arrives. But to the Soviet Union's friends outside Russia it makes further explanations necessary, and it will tend to deter the Western democracies from any wider cooperation with the Soviets. It places more ammunition in the hands of those who would discredit Soviet Russia. Almost all ofthe men who had connections with the Western world, and had a real conception of what goes on outside the frontiers of Soviet Rus- sia, have gone the way of the GPU. The new leaders who fill their places are less conscious of the effect of their actions on the outside world and less interested. They have become convinced that France and England are not going to take any real steps to stop the Fascist powers. They feel that the League of Nations is dead, that col- lective security is a myth, and they are preparing to "go it alone." The current trials are remarkable because of the lengths to which the Stalin regime has gone in its accusations to discredit the accused in the eyes of the Russian masses, and for the high positions which those accused held before their disgrace. To the charges already used in these trials, sabotage, plotting and spying, are added the charges against three of the defendants of murdering men-including Maxim Gorky-who were hitherto supposed to have died natural deaths, and, perhaps the worst offense in Russian eyes, of having plotted against Lenin. The ex- alted names among the accused include at least two world figures, Bukharin, who directed the Chinese Communists, and Rykov, former Soviet premier. For home consumption such a trial may be an effective way of disposing of elements unfriendly to the government. But outside Rus- sia it will hardly win allies in a coming war, or make enemy countries believe in the stability of the Soviet regime and its power to resist attack. -New York Herald-Tribue. Unwilling Austria Germany's resentment over the turn which af- fairs have taken in Austria is unmistakable. Only a few days ago it was confidently asserted in Berlin that Hitler's latest coup would soon be followed by a political and economic, union be- twegn Germany and Austria which Austria was pictured as desiring ardently. But now Dr. Schus- chnigg, the Austrian Chancellor who was forced to yield to Nazi pressure in the reorganization of his Cabinet, has aroused enthusiasm in Vienna by declaring open opposition to the absorption of his country in a Pan-German union. "Austria must remain Austria," he told a wildly cheering Diet. And an assembly which, according to our corre- spondent, "cheered as if it would never cease," acclaimed his declaration that his government had gone as far as it could go, but it was "thus far and no further." To the proposal for Anschluss with Germany comes the Austrian reply that "the will to freedom of the Austrian people stands like a strong wall." Resentment in Berlin over this base ingratitude on the part of a small neighbor is mingled with cynicism in official quarters. "What does it mat- ter?" is one comment heard in National Socialist circles. "Schuschnigg's days are numbered, any- how." That may prove to be the case. Small Austria has little chance of holding out unaided against whatever pressure Germany brings to bear. But for the world at large the highly important fact about the Schuschnigg statement, and the Diet's response to it, is its clear proof that Austria will be unwilling victim, and not the, ready partner, in any German plan for a union of these nations. Six years ago, before Hitler and his Nazi party came into power and made Germany what it is to- day, the situation was quite different. At that time a preponderance of sentiment in Austria clearly favored union with Germany. Now sentiment has swung so far in the opposite direction that Dr. Schuschnigg takes great pains to argue, be- fore the bar of world opinion, not only that Aus- tria desires to stand alone but that she is a strong enough position, economically, to remain an independent nation. In this connection he ffeemr o Me H-eywood Broun A young relative of mine dropped in on a week- end absence from College. "Could I have your photograph?" he asked. I was very much touched, because this seemed a break in the tradition of Swathmore indiffer- ence. And so I said that it might be possible to dig one up, and that I would do my best. Will you autograph it?" added the young collegian. By this time my suspicions were aroused.sNever before had he manifested any in- terest in my signature, save in the matter of the monthly allowance and overdrafts. "What on earth do you want with my auto- graph?" I inquired. "It is listed in collectors' catalogues at two cents if accompanied by a long personal letter. -I'd rather give you the money than waste time in looking for a fountain pen." "Oh," said the sophomore, "I don't care any- thing about it personally. The only signatures I'm keeping are one of Patrick Henry and another of Joe Louis, but I thought that maybe I could get the boys to hang it in the fraternity house. "All we've got now is a woodcut of President Garfield, which is unsigned, and a full length view of Senator Arthur Vandenberg, of Michigan, signed 'Yours in the bonds.'" Speaking Of Vandenberg "Leaving poor Mr. Garfield out of it," I said coldly, "just why is that reactionary Republican placed upon your walls? I'm speaking of Vanden- berg." In an awed and reverential tone my young relative replied, "Because Brother Vandenberg is a D. U. He is joined in the bonds with you and with me." "Speak for yourself," I answered in anger. "Maybe he is a brother, but he is a reactionary Republican just the same, and I don't want to share any part of a wall with him. I don't mind Garfield because he isn't around any more, and as I remember he was the victim of a nasty acci- dent. But as long as the Senator smirks down from the living room of your lodge, include me out of this. Get somebody else." "That's the trouble," answered the walking delegate of Delta Upsilon. "We have plenty of alumni rather more famous than yourself, and I don't mean to be particularly offensive, sir, but they are men so wrapped up in public affairs that they wouldn't have time to send any pictures let alone autograph them." "And who are these brothers of such surpassing renown?" I inquired. Calling The Role "Well, there's Brother Charlie Hughes, who is the Chief Justice of the United States at the! moment, and Edgar Bergen, the voice behind Charlie McCarthy, and Robert Benchley, the Hollywood actor. "Now you know that Mr. Hughes and Mr. Ber- gen and Mr. Benchley are much too busy to be bothered about photographs. Don't be tempera- mental. We're really doing you a favor if we decide to hang you. "Give me that picture taken at the age of 28, which they still use as a cut with your newspaper column. And I'll tell you what I'll try to arrange. There's plenty of space on the wall and I'll do my best to get you equal billing with Brother Vandenberg." Veneral Diseases A subcommittee of the Senate Commerce Com- mittee has approved a bill of Senator La Follette looking to the expenditure of $271,000,000 by the Federal Government during the next 13 years in the fight on venereal disease. The money would be used to assist the states in their campaigns to reduce the ravages of this great taker of human life. The position of the Post-Dispatch in the war on syphilis is known to our readers. Year in and year out, we have urged frank discussion and widespread dissemination of the facts. It is therefore, no lack of sympathy with Senator La Follette's commendable aim which leads us to question the advisability of enacting his, bill atj this time. A paramount need of the country is the reduc- tion of Federal expenditures, with a view to bal- ancing the budget. The Government cannot go on forever spending more than it receives. The proposed expenditure of some $20,000,000 annual- ly for the next 13 years would undoubtedly greatly assist in the war on venereal disease; it would also makethe balancing of the budget that much more difficult. Are the states throwing their own resources into this fight as they should? It is doubtful if a. single one is so doing. Let them all enact laws such as Illinois now has for withholding marriage li- censes from persons infected with venereal dis- ease. Let them set up clinics and educate their people. Let them provide treatment for indigent sufferers. Government resources should not be drawn upon until those of the states have been found inadequate. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The Olivet College Echo, student newspaper of Olivet College, here, is planning an editorial con- ference of small Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana col- lege paper staffs Friday, March 4. Purpose of the meeting will be to discuss problems and future possibilities of the college newspaper-what can be done with the small college paper, why it must be limited to local news when it is the only paper 70 per cent of the students see during the school year, why it cannot have definite social aims, etc. music By DON E. CASSEL Georges Enesco Concert The final concert in this year's TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1938 Choral Union series, which was given VOL. XLVIL No. 107 last night, presented that very re- Student Teas: President and Mrs. markable musical personality, Geor- Ruthven will be at home to students ges Enesco. Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. Enesco's talents as a conductor, composer and violinist- have been Students, College of Literature, Sci- adequately praised; even so, one hardly expects tose ar such concen- ence, and the Arts: A meeting will be trated perfection in one branch as held on Thursday, March 3, at 4:151 was heard last night in a man of such p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall for diverse talents. Enesco is a stylist and with one exception his program was admirably suited to that style. That one ex- ception was the Mozart-Andante, Minuet and Rondo. The simple, bal- anced, straightforward style of Mo- zart cannot be loaded down with ru- bato, and exaggerated nuance and hope to preserve the much of the true character. The Andante movement suffered most in this respect. Mr. Enesco's technique was beyond re- proach throughout; in fact in this work he seemed in complete control of everything but his emotions. The remainder of the program was so constituted as to give no evidence of this stylistic discrepency. Mr. Enesco's performance of the "Foun- tain or Arethusa" by Szymanowski was unquestionably one high point- of the program. If ever a tone could accurately be described as luscious, Enesco had that tone. In the way of1 technique, his trills and double stops: was particularly fine. In two Ravel, numbers which followed, the "Kad- disch" and the better known "Tzi- gane," the same intense tone pre- vailed. The "Kaddisch" was full of melancholia and introspection, two qualitiesdwhich Mr. Enesco is more than adept at portraying. In the "Tzgane" we heard one of the most authentic and most convincing por- trayals of true gypsy abandon that has ever been displayed.E The last half of the program was devoted to a very remarkable piece of music, the Sonata in G major by Lekeu. In all three movements there is evidence of excellent workman-1 ship, and an adherence to a precon- ceived plan which makes the work as1 a whole quite convincing. Artistically_ it shows both immaturity and genius. The immaturity being apparent from unnecessary extension of musical ideas which had already been ade- quately stated and from use of some- what hackneyed musical devices. Here, again the thoroughly intro- spective character of the music was very capably unfolded at the hands of Mr. Enesco.< In answer to the enthusiatic ap- plause, Mr. Enesco played two en- cores: the first, Variations on a theme by Corelli by Kreisler and the second, Minstrels, by Debussy. Educ ition ; Newspaper readers, down to the last man, know that Fritz Crisler, for everal years football coach at Prince- ton, has accepted an offer to direct the University of Michigan's grid- iron affairs. And the Springfield, (Mass.) Republican irreverently ven- tures that, if Michigan had drafted Princeton's president, Dr. Dodds, the event would have commanded less publicity. Corroborative evidence may be of-. fered in support of that somewhat cynical observation. Simultaneously,l two New England colleges have en- livened their chilly calendars-Dart- mouth with its carnival, Williams with its midwinter reunion. Pictoral- ly, Dartmouth ran away wth the honors. The contagious joy of that bonnie lassie from Tulsa, Okla., whom1 Dartmouth gallantly crowned Queen; of the Snows, has smiled beaminglyt from all the newspapers of the coun- try, but how many persons in your set, or yours, or yours, have seen or heard or suspectd that Prseident Conant. of Harvard was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws at Williams and made a necessarily learned talk to attentive thousands? Those are the facts. Should we report them, say, as a herald of glad tidings or as the bearer of bad news? No comment. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Bilbo Blather Senator Bilbo of Mississippi, who threatened to talk for 30 days as his contribution to the anti-lynching bill filibuster, has put in most of his time arguing that American Negroes -- - , _y 11 _ _ 1 _ _l. L _ A X..]... 11 IT1_"4 r- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy eceived at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a m. on Saturday, students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others in- terested in future work in law. A talk on the profession will be given by Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School. This will be the first meeting of the vocational series designed to give information concerning the na- ture of the preparation for the vari- ous professions. The second meet- ing, to be addressed by Dean R. W. Bunting of the School of Dentistry, will be held on Tuesday, March 8th. School of Education Students, Changes of Elections: No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, March 5. Students enrolled in this school must report all changes of' elections at ihe Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Arrange- ments made with the instructors are not official changes. L.S.&A. Juniors now eligible for Concentration should get Admission to Concentration blanks at Room 4, U.H., have properly signed by the adviser, and return the white slip before March 5. Robert L. Williams Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week. Saturday, March 5th is therefore the last date on which new elections may be ap- proved. The willingness of an indi- vidual instructor to admit a student later would not affect the operation of this rule. Any student who has put a lock on any locker in Rooms 323, 331, and 335 without having it assigned to him by a member of the Mechanical Engineering staff must remove it at once, or the Department will cut it off. If a locker is needed by any stu- dent not enrolled in one of the Mech- anical Engineering design courses this semester, he should make this request of Professor Frank A. Mickle. Any Junior Mechanical Engineers interested in the possibility of sum- mer employment during 1938 are re- quested to fill out a personnel record card in room 221 West. Engineering Building at once. Academic Notices Preliminary Examinations for the Ph. D. in Economics. -These examin- ations will be given during the week of May 2. It will be appreciated if thosepersons planning to write the examinations this spring will leave their names in the Department office as early as possible. Sociology 51: Make-up final exam- ination will be . given on Saturday, March 5, at 2 o'clock in Room D, Haven Hall. Concerts Organ Recital: Porter Heaps, guest organist, of Chicago, will provide a program of organ music Wednesday afternoon, March 2, in Hill Audi- torium, to which the general public is invited without admission charge. Exhibitions An exhibition of paintings, draw- ings and drypoints by Umberto Ro- mano is offered by the Ann Arbor Art Association in the South gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall, and an exhibition of etchings by John Tay- lor Arms in the North Gallery, Feb. 14 through March 2. Open 2 to 5 p.. daily including Sundays, admission free to members and to students. Exhibition, College of Architecture: A sh-owing of the Margaret Watson Parker collection of Pewabic pottery, the work of Mary Chase Stratton, is now on display in the central cases on the ground floor of the Architec- ture Building. Michigan outdoor writer, in his lec- ture, "The Land of the Midnight Twi- light," at 8:15 p.m., Wednesday, March 2, in Hill Auditorium. The lecture is under the auspices of the School of Forestry and Conservation. Students and faculty of the Univer- sity, and others interested are invited to attend. There will be no admis- sion charge nor will seats be reserved. University Lecture: Professor E. H. Carr, of the College of Wales, Univer- sity of Aberystwyth, will lecture on "Great Britain, Italy, and the Medi- terranean" on Thursday, March 3, at 4i:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium, under the auspices of the Department of Political Science. Mr. A. V. Karpov, Chairman of the Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers and Hy- draulie Engineer for the Aluminum Company of America, will give two lectures on the "Fundamentals Con- trolling Structural Design" at 4 p.m., Room 445 West Engineering Bldg. March 1 and March 2. These lec- tures are sponsored by the Civil En- gineering Department and all stu- dents and facult'y members interest- ed are cordially invited to attend. La Sociedad Hispanica announces the third lecture of its series "Ensen- anza Universitaria en Hispano-Amer- ica" by Professor Julio del Toro on Wednesday, March 2 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 231 Angell Hall. This lecture will be illustrated with stereoptican views. All members are urged to be present. Events Today The Psychological Journal Club will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science Professor Edward B. Greene will dis- cuss "The Recent Approaches to Men- tal Organization through Factor Analyses." All those interested are cordially invited to attend. Forestry Club Meeting tonight at 7:30 p-.m. at the Michigan Union. President Ruthven will speak on "Education for Private versus Pub- lic Work." The meeting will adjourn in time for the Ben East lecture at Hill Auditorium. Varsity Men Debaters: There will be an organization meeting of all men interested in Second Semester debating in Room 4203 A.H. today at 4 o'clock. Botanical Seminar meets today at 4:30, Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by W. C. Steere, "The Mosses of Arctic America." Harris Hall, Ash Wednsday. Holy Communion 7:15 a.m. Student Star- vation Luncheon 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. All Episcopal students urged to at- tend. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Ash Wednesday. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m.; Litany and Choral Even- song 7:30 p.m. (Music by St. An- drew's Choir). Chemistry Colloquium will meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 303 Chem- istry Building. Mr. E. J. Bird will speak on "The Ratio: Potassium Bro- mate to Potassium Bromide to Sil- ver." German Play Tryouts: Tryouts for the German Play will be held from 2-4 p.m. today in Room 300, South Wing. Tryouts for French Play; Tryouts for French Play Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Room 408, Romance Language Building. Open to all students in- terested. Junior Girls Play: The Changing of the Guards chorus will practice at 4:30 p.m. today in the Garden Room of the League. All members should bring tap shoes. Junior Girls Play: The Costume committee will begin to sew, today. All membersshould report to the sewing room of the League any free 'hour. The Radio Club will meet Wednes- day, March 2, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 302 of the Michigan Union. Mr. S. Bowsky will talk about "Making Measurements to One Millionth of an Inch." Everybody is invited. Delta Chapter of Pi Tau Pi Sigma will meet tonight at 7:30 p.M. in Room 301 of the Engineering Bldg. Annex. Brother Yee will speak. University Girls' Glee Club: There will be a meeting tonight at the League at 7 :15. All members must be present and prompt. Thor Johnson will be present for the first time. Tryouts will be held after the meet- ing. Druid's Lunclheon at the Union today. Harlem Awakens . 0 0 INCOLN'S Emancipation Proclama- tion and the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution gave Negroes political equality-at least on paper. But since 1865 discrimination against Negroes in the polit- ical, social and economic spheres of American life has persisted. This problem is now being dragged into the sunlight by a group of New York citizens. Only three Negroes are among the 25,000 em- ployes of the New York Telephone Company. The reason was made clear by Walter J. Williams, Manhattan Traffic Manager for the company, in his testimony on Dec. 15, 1937 before the Brownell Commission of New York. Said Mr. Williams: "It is correct that I would feel it necessary to give a position to a white person rather than to an equally fitted Negro. -In my judgment it is not possible to give a high grade of telephone service when white and Negro girls work together." Awakening to the complete negation of democ- racy implicit in that statement, an estimated 50,000 citizens, both white and Negro, in Harlem, New York's Negro district, have formed an or- ganization headed by a Negro clergyman to com- bat racial discrimination practiced by the tele- phone and certain other public utilities. Realiz- ing that consumer cooperation promotes the smooth functioning of the utilities, the group proposes that its members take the following steps: 1. Withhold payment of gas and electric bills until all meters have been inspected. If 5,000 persons held back their payments, 12 additional inspectors would have to be hired the first month. 2. Institute a lightless night each Tuesday. If 5,000 did this, they would save $2,500 and the company would lose that revenue. 3. Dial "Operator" instead of dialing the num- ber on every call. This would not only compel the telephone 2ompany to hire more operators, but would be a concrete protest against the company's policy toward Negroes. 4. Pay gas and electric bills en masse on a given date and hour set by the coordinating com- mittee of the organization. This united demon- stration each month would throw out of gear the usual even distribution of payments coming in to the company, which is easier to handle, and would also solidify the consumers' organization on the very doorstep of the company. G , should "go back to Africa." That, he says, would solve both race and Lectures unemployment problems. The ancestors of these Negroes did University Lecture: Professor Eu- not exactly insist on coming to Amer- stache de Lorey, of the Ecole du Lou- ica. They were -brought here in vre and the Oriental Department of chains. If now their descendants are the Bibliotheque Nationale, will lec- to be ordered back to Africa, it would ture on "Persian Poets, Inspiration be logical for Senator Bilbo to insist to Persian Artists," on Friday, March first that the Europeans who have 4, in Natural Science Auditorium at grabbed most of Africa should get 4:15 p.m., under the auspices of the out of there. Research Seminary in Islamic Art. -Then it would be logical for the T white people, who came to this coun- Thomas Mann Lecture: Patrons of try and created quite a race problem the Oratorical Association who are for the Indians, to return to the planning on purchasing single ad- homes of their ancestors. The In- mission tickets for this lecture are dians, to be sure, might object to urged to do so immediately as the , .. .. - r ...-.- Irnr ,-,AYI';,-. i tT tt ,-,-,, - - T -.+. -.,