VEDNESDAY, MARC 2, 1938 '!1:l A1ICAN )ADAILY_ _eT PAGE TRUEE -ASIDE Oos .Ij, Natattors Favored -0 Over Varsity Here ILINES* .: 8y IRVIN LIAGOR HARBINGER Robins may herald the advent of Spring, The snows may turn into rains; But the harbinger to me Is the turbulent spree Of the Gypsy blood in my veins. The Coffin Closed ... W ITH THE SELECTION of Clar- ence Munn as line coach, Head Coach Fritz Crisler has driven the last nail into the coffin of "Michigan foot- ball." Cappon, Oosterbaan and We- ber have been displaced by Munn, Campbell Dickson and Earl Mar- tineau-two Minnesotans and a Chi- cagoan. The first trio grew and ma-] tured in the Michigan tradition, and with the exception of Cappy, who spent some time at Luther College and Kansas University, spent their formative coaching years in the Wol- verine fold. Still young men, they're only beginning, but right now they're intensely curious about their future. And they should know their status within a week. This man Crisler seemingly doesn't haggle, and works with assuring dispatch. The statement that Munn will be employed in the athletic de- partment on a full-time basis rakes our faculties of conjecture. Since Dr. Sharman left the Phys- ical Education -shool, his posi- tion' has been vacant. Perhaps, Elmer Mitchell, head of the In- tramural Department now, will be transferred to the campus, where- upon Munn would replace Mit- chell in the I-M dept. An aside line anent Munn: When lie was an All-American guard at Minnesota, he played a loose style of game, and Michigan figured out a play whereby ie would be the vic- tim of a ruse and drawn out of posi- tion to pave the way for an offensive smash. It was called the "Munn spe- cial," but to the Wolverines' disap- pointment, it didn't work. Munn was too smart. Beebe Opines . . LEO BEEBE'S classic description o the basketball team after a dis- astrous weekend at Iowa and Illinois is perhaps the best way to dismiss the double tanning. Riding up from the local depot, the boys passed a hearse going in the other direction. "A funeral going each way," whined Leo. Coach Cappon makes no at- tempt to explain the losses. "They had an eight-point lead with three minutes to go at Illinois. Instead of playing smart and holding on to the ball, they took chances. If they had played safe, that one was a cinch. I sent a man in with those instructions, but they kept going." And now to complete the schedule, the Wolverines mee Nor thwestern here Monday night. In the early sea- son optimism, several prophets vn- tied that this game would dtermin the outcome of the title race. But Ohio State's long-range gunners have blown the Wildcats almost from the running, and unless Purdue-wit Jewell Young hotter than a ward- heeler after the deluge-cracks up suddenly, Dutch Lonborg and his 'cats may get nothing more stimulating from victory, provided they win, than a joyous train ride back home. Headline in a Cleveland pper: "Indians Start Training; Vitt Will Fine Players Who Drink With Ilemsley." So, Rollie wants to drink alone, eb? . . - )OTS AND AS ES: The orioles are pestering us again: Joe Louis will1 never survive a Schmeling barrage ofl right hands, if he doesn't chill Max early in their proposed fight . . . The Daily Northwestern refers to Harvard as "an Eastern university"--that clears things up considerably . . . Have you heard that the reason Minnesota objects to a Thanksgiving Day game is that it would interfere with their spring practice .. . i Quayle, Kirar It Isn't The lHeat, It's TegThe lumidity-Or Is It?I To Meet Again * PARIS, March 1.-(P)-Japanese I Spi tproposals to hold the 1940 Olympic Games at Tokyo in the early fall, in- stead of during the usual mid-sum- Capcacity Crowd To Watch mer dates, projected another source Michigan Mermen Strive of Olympic controversy today when] discussed at the closing session of For Revenge the International Amateur Athletic Federation.I (Continued from Page 1) The subject came up unexpectedly,' 114r 4-1_ - - - Meets The Champs IVIU1111 t4hosell Recession Hits B- Seports Ut1 etwins -. -, . I To Aid Crisler AsLine Coaclh' Syracuse Line Coach Was Crisler's Former Pupil; Staff Is Now Complete (Condtuiued fturom Pafg e ) { inasmuch as compromise agreement'-T_ - --- day will be the 100-yard dash in previously had been effected in set- r'ame assistant line coach under Bier- which "Buckeye Billy" Quayle, twice ting the dates for the Tokyo games man and HIauser at Minnesota, re- the conqueror of Michigan's Capt. for Aug. 25 to Sept. 8, inclusive. This atthat past three years, . is two weeks later than usual. Due to I mainin Ed Kirar, will meet the Wolverine -.- aerwi, nCsersrom n- the high humidity in Japan during after which, on.Crisler's recommen- star in a renewal of their rivalry. the late summer, it is the suggestion dation, he became athletic director Quayle bettered the Big Ten record of the Japanese delegates now that and head football coach at Albright' while winning over Kirar in a close I the games be held the last week in College, Reading, Pa. During his first race at Ohio 10 days ago, and all in-. September and first week in October.year at Albright, his team won 8 and dications point to a clocking this $ Avery Brundage, American mem- lost one game by only 1 point. In his d ber of the International Olympic second year, his tram won 7, tied 1 afternoon which will again under-~, Committee, pointed out that later snd ye r, h tgm wonti mine the I-M pool record for the dates would work a hardship upon and Cisler's recomnepdatioin, Munn century which Kirar owns at :53.0. U.S. college athletes. went to Syracuse University last year Tomski A Threat 1 where he became line coach under Long Walt Tomski, Michigan's Y Ossie Solem. number two sprinter must not be u g'sSprce. Athletic Director Fielding II Yost counted out of the 100-yard picture, ' . last night expressed considerable however as he is capable of bettering For p pleasure at Munn's choice. "He's a 53 seconds himself, and any slip on ' fine fellow," Yost commented, "and the part of the already mentioned he has a good backarouild of compe- pair may find one or both of them L ead, ,o tition and preparation for coaching." behind the lanky Detroit merman. Munn will be employed in the ath- With Kirar and Tomski slated for By ART BALDAUF tetic department on a full-time basis. action, Michigan is listed as the fa- Next Monday night the Big Ten His duties in the off-season depends vorite to take first and second in the cage schedule will be over for another upon Crisler's realignment of those 50-yard free-style battle, and Tom season. Last Monday night the Con- men still remaining and his new as- Haynie is expected to give Michigan ference individual scoring race was sistants. two more firsts with victories in the completed._ 20- and 440-yard races. Ohio is Paradoxical as this may sound, it is * weakest in the two longer free-style nevertheless all too true. For Monday Allen Up In Air " events, and it is in these races tlb't night, against Chicago, Jewell Young I the Wolverines may come upon val- led his mates to a smashing 64-33 vic- 1 * uable second and third place points. tory with a personal scoring spree of To T ying Every man in action will be swim- 29 points. His total, which tied the ming as hard for a second or a third high for the season made by Illinois'y as he will be for a first. Pick Dehner a month ago, gave him By IIEIUILEV Relay To Be Close an 11 game total of 174, two ahead of A pair of Clevelanders met for the Bill Neunzig, 1937 college champ his season finale last year, which set first time Saturday and the result' is expected to romp off with a back- a new Conference record. was a tie. stroke first, while Johnny Higgins, In second place in the stands after When Wes Allen, Michigan's col- Olympic veteran who has been re- holding the lead up until the last Iored sophomore high-jumping ace, cently bothered by sinus, but who brace of contests is Pick Dehner. The was a youngster back in Cleveland, will be fit for duty this afternoon. Illinois junior is 35 behind the leader anothcr colored boy in another see- and Al McKee, runner up last year with 139, only separated by a few tion, oa the city inaned Dave Arec- in the Conference breast-stroke final points from Stephens of Iowa, In- inthwas setting newscholasticrec- to Michigan Jack Kasley, give Ohio diana's Andres, and Hod Powell of oAds in the high jump. a set of strong representatives. John Wisconsin, in third, fourth and fifth few yea later, whe a re Haigh is Michigan's best bet to con- places respectively. mentioned Mr. Allen was breaking test the Ohio duo for top honors Jake Townsend, relegated to face these records, Albritton was com- in this race. Dehner last Monday night found his meneingwan ass lf t on theld The two relay races will find the opponent well-practiced in the mat- Olympic team, and eventually fain- Buckeye forces sending strong teams ter of keeping his total down, was int a share of a new world's record. into action, but Michigan will be no only able to connect for six, and an s eaew word slouch in these races and promises 11-contest total of 122. While the Michigan's new-found hope had strong competition in both. tally is only good enough for a sev- en looking forward to meeting Ad _________________entlh place listing, it is already one enloincowro etn l b 1it ton for years, but Saturday the i -better than his finial of the 1936-37 season.dual nieet with Ohio State was his Phi Psi t inenSt phason. sof Iowa completed his first chance, and he made the most of ck Binahfoehtie meet, Wes decided lie 1- VI 1 ic [year's work with13asi ma mark. Good enough for a third place rating for the time being, it will prob- wasn't going to let Albritton beat him W i_1 St ably be bettered by at least two more and he kept his word, tying the Olym- O of the men who are now below him. I pie veto aln at a height of six feet 4', _________ Iinches. THE BIG TEN'S BIG TEN inches. Fred Schwarzc, Phi Psi goalie, and Including games of Feb. 28. i i inc mh removed irom nWes',,_,peak, he two rugged detenSemen, Jack Dc- 1b f 1p t gp ci emve;ro W pa,th twiler gand Dae ne n, Jprkov e Young, Purdue .....67 40 21 174 11 having jumped 6 feet 5 in a city meet lawiler and Dave Barnett proved to ,Dehner, Ill........55.29 17 139 11 be the slender margin of victory by Stephens, Ia.........51 33 26 135 12 which Phi Psi eked out a 1-0 wini Andres, Ind........ 52 28 24 132 11 against Sigma Phi in the playoffs of Powell, Wis. .....,.52 27 19 131 11 the Intramural hockey last night. Hull, O.S.U. .......46 35 21 127 10 This pits Phi Psi against Chi Psi Townisend, Micli. ...0 42 20 122 11 in the intrafraternity finals to be held Anderson, Purdue . .41 21 21 103 11 - ND fALp Y z Thursday night. - Lounsbury, Chi. ... .40 17 18 97 11 ,I , lmh Ae 'WmaRs The first period of the game started Rooney, Wis. ......34 23 26 91 11 ,,)r Legend: b, baskets; f, free throws; "ae401eAIS very slowly, with both teams feeling Ca fbiPi, o f, mw [all1.1, ,g 'ljp, (~ .p,,' g,,t. A each other out, Sigma Phi having the gmes played. ;,s , WM AMSTUZ PHONE 8946 ga mes p aye 1-oekey Team Takes New Fide As Cagers Bow The pirevious week-end's heavy ort card took a slump Monday I night with only two Michigan team's in action, both away from home. Din't Needf Loknidreiii MTciiiman lost it-s sixth Conference b'vo'1211 game, bowing to Illinois Monday, 36-32, and about all the ilercnce it made was to give th: few thousand Illini rooters an en- l i,!able evening. Nothing was decid- 2d bv the outcome except that Michi- gan dropped in the Big Ten stand- ings. An overtime period furnished the major part of the cmowd's ex- citement. Capt. John Townsend was held to six points, Pick Dehner, high scoring Illinois center, likewise, Jimmy Rae tallied 13 to lead the Wolverines. Michigan couldn't hold an eight point lead with victory two and a half min- utes away and Illinois tied, came through. A I I A Jack Wolin, Coach Matt Mann's number one diver, will run into the stiffest sort of competition any college swim team could offer this afternoon when he meets Ohio State's pair of Jim Patterson and Al Patnik. Patterson is Cie present Intercollegiate champion off the three meter board, and Patnik, a sophomore now, captured both the high and low board titles at the National AAU meet at Yale last winter. V-hen It -Comes ,1low iClevelandler in his last year in high school, but in- dications are that it is far from his ceiling. The Michigan high jump pit is known throughout the circuit as a bugaboo for Big Ten jumpers. Such men as Albritton and Mel Walker. who share the world's record at 6 feet 101% inches have jumped here many times, but nevertheless the best mark made here is less than 6 feet 6. The presence of Allen gives Mich- igan its first real high jump threat, since Willis Ward hung up his spikes back in 1935. /Ioter Itowcey Crown Four things happened at Hough- ton Monday night. The Wolverine hockey team beat Michigan Tech for the third straight time, 2-1; they captured the mythical state title; Smack Allen was injured again as he crashed into the board; and Gib James was given a major penalty for fighting. The Maize and Blue scored first on Jphnny Fabello's fluke in the second, the puck bouncing off a Huskie into the net. *George Cooke gained the winning edge late in the third unas- sisted. Phone 3 205 Groceries - Beer,- Wine Ty's Service Market' 420 Miller Ave. ReadI~ The Daily Classifieds R ESTAU RANT on State Street at Libert ®.. I E advantage. in Une second frame, the play speeded up, with much hard blocking in evidence. Late in the period, Paul Strickland of Phi Psi scored the only goal of the game, his shot bouncing in off Goalie Conger's arm. Solo dashes by Sigma Phis Chuck Hoyt and Jim Talman kept the Phi Psi defensemen busy in the third period, and Fred Schwarze made sev- eral saves. The Phi Psi forwards showed up well on defensive play in this frame. hard blocking Chuck Jacobson turned in a fine exhibition for Sigma Phi, and Bob Reid's aggressive tactics more than oncestopped the Phi Psi's Bill Griffiths and Ralph Zimmerman before they could cross the blue line. The game was hard fought but clean, and not once did Referee Laforest .find it necessary to call a penalty. _ F I . j' wI I / ______ OR VAN BVIKN'S selection of Spring Shirts represents the finest li obtaflabIc. Bodies are cut in a generous manner allowing you full comfort. The shirts are available in assorted collar styles; The C&'1n, al olutstanding favorite for Spring, features a new Collar with short poinits and is worn pinned. Remember, only at VAN BOVEN 's are you able to obtain Van Boved shirts. L 20 $1-350 HjJERE'S our suggestion lo a camera that's handy to take aL(ng-Kodak Junior Six-2tJ. It's well .-quipped to do the job of remembering the exciting happenings in generous 2%" x 3%/" snapshots. Best 2.50 to 5.00 ,I Q)I&~0 II