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March 02, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-02

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The Weather
Cloudy, with rain today or
tonight except snow in north;
tomorrow cloudy and colder.


A6F Ap
.Ilitr4t an


A Statement
Of Principle..,
Harlem Awakens.



Nazis Parade
Through Graz;

Mu-Zay-Eni, Roo-Ee-Yay, May-E-
Day; Accidents' On Last Syllables

Air Force Of
Reich 'Ready'
Planes Ready To Defend
Germanas Over Border,
Goering Declares
Heimweh r Revival
Is Asked By Fey
(By The Associated Presst
While an estimated 20,000 Nazis
paraded through Graz, Austria, last
night, Germany's Field Marshal Her-
mann Wilhelm Goering warned that
the Reich's air force was ready to
protect the "ten millions of Germans
on our borders."
Raising his voice to a high pitch,
the Marshal said, "And if the Fuehrer
used those proud words that we no
longer can tolerate the maltreatment
with impunity of ten millions of Ger-
mans on our borders, then you mem-
bers of the air force know that if need
be you must go the limit to make good
those words of the Fuehrer." Goer-
ing's speech, commemorating the
third anniversary of the air force, was
broadcast and also released verbatim
for foreign consumption.
Warning To CzechsE
His statements were taken not only
as a warning to Czechoslovakia and
Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg of Aus-
tria, but also to Premier Camille
Chautemps 'of France, who has been
upheld in his stand to support Czecho-
In Austria, the demonstration was
a welcome to a visit from Arthur
Seysz-Inquort,. the Hitler-approved
Minister of Interior. Authorities made
no attempt to resist the celebration.
Fey Calls Heiiwehrt
Meanwhile Major Ermuil 'Fey, former
Vienna chieftain of the Heimwehr,
the disbanded private army of Franz
Ernst Rudiger von Starhemberg,
called on former members of the or-
ganization to join in fighting "for the
administration and for Austria."
Another faction entered the picture
when it was annoUnced that thou-
sands of peasants under Josef Reiter,
former Minister of Agriculture, were
planning a rally to show their sup-
port to Chancellor Schuschnigg. Other
groups were asked to demonstrate in a
(Coutinued on Page f)

Three Princesses Will Be
Guests Of Phi Delta Phi
Fraternity Here, Maybe
King Zog's sisters three
In the U.S. on a spree-
Upon the Girl Scouts to peck
(If (/') gives the right lead)
Or rich husbands to seek
(If it's Wincheil You read)
Are to come here to try
And enjoy Phi Delta Phi.
Here's the story, fellows: Phi Delta
Phi, a legal fraternity, wired Prin-

really marvelous and they simply
must be coming to inspect us. I
m iean really they are. All right for
you, 32 skidoo."
The young lady had nothing more
to say, and said it.
The Phi Delta Phis are in just as
bad a fix and just as confident about
Tuesday evening the fraternity sent
,he following telegram:
'We wish to extend to you a cor-
dial invitation to visit a representa-
tive Aerican university. The hos-
pitality of the barristers of Phi Delta
Phi is renowned throughout these
I United States. While Girl Scout meet-
ings are prohibited in fraternities,
Michigan men will do their utmost
to make your stay here highly enter-
"Phi Delta Phi."
The immediate acceptance pro-
(Continued on Page 6)
Wolves Prime
For Ohio Swim

cesses Ruhije, Myzejan and Maxhide,
NEW YORK, March 1.--P).-
Here is the way to pronounce the'
names of the three Albanian prin-
cesses, sisters of King Zog, who
are visiting in this country:
Myzejen: Mu-Zay-En.
Ruhije: Roo-Ee-Yay.
Maxhide: Maj-Ee-Day.
The accident in each name is
on the last syllable.


sisters of King Zog of Albania, an in-
vitation to visit the fraternity in Ann Revente Today
Arbor. The princesses accepted, and Rev ne
evidently for one of two purposes, or
for both: Visitors, With Aggregation
(1.) To snatch a husband apiece.
(2.) To study the Girl Scout Of Stars, Slight Favorites
movement here. In Return Engagement
As early as last night nobody knew
what the Girl Scouts arc going to do By DAVID ZEITLIN
about it officially. Unofficial senti- A colorful constellation of Ohio
ment was given by a member of the State swim stars is expected to out-
Roving Doe patrol, who said: i shine Coach Matt Mann's Michigan
"Hee-hee! Gee whiz but that's fun- array of aquatic aces in the Intra-
ny. Their coning here I mean. But mural pool this afternoon when the
they couldn't be coming here to get Buckeye and Wolverine natators
husbands-the Roving Doe pa trol is come to terms in a dual meet to start
at 4 o'clock.
,* ,~ Ardent rivals of long standing, the
Brittis Sch r two teams shape up as a pair of
America's outstanding aggregations,
* - and their meeting this afternoon is
To Gtve Lecture sure to attract a capacity crowd to
Ti the limited confines of the I-M tank.
YsOhio State's roster, studded with
I ' stars and champions in all divisions,
defeated the Wolverine Varsity a
Frt r -' r r 1 week and a half ago, and will en-
Frl"!ench ~tl Art C-r j atkcounter a team which this afternoon
On Persian Poets Ft'ri(lay will be bent on revenging the loss, its
first to a college team in eight years.
In Unlversitv Series Heading the visiting aelegation will
One of the outstatnding Universitybe peerless Al Patnik, sensational
neres of the yeafrom Uthersa sophomore diver, who has developed,
lectures of the year, from the popular into swimming's number one draw-
point of view, will be riven at 4:15 ing card. The Buckeye youth, still in
p.m. tomorrow when Prof. E. H. Car z' his teens, has already won both the
professor of international politics at high and low board AAU champion-
the University College of Wales, Ab- hih and ls boa AAy camio
erystwyth, will speak on "Great Bri- s is a i o he fite o.
tain, Italy and the Mediterranean, take fir'st place off the high board
in. tNaral Science Auditorium, this afternoon against his team-
in the Natural Amate, Jim Patterson, himself noth-
Friday, Prof. Eustace de Lorey, not- ing less than the 1937 Intercollegiate
ed French student of Eastern artchampion, and the Wolverines Jack
will give a second University lceture' Wolin and Hal Benham.
on the subject, Persian Poets, I.- What has been created by past oc-
spiration to Persin A tists, also 11 currences as the feature race of the
the Natural Science Auditorium. (Continued on Page 3)
Professor Carr has had a lelva andl
distinguished service in the British l
Foreign Service and the Foreign Office hoim as M ann
before accepting his chair at, the Uni-
versity College of Wales, and conse- Le ture lieltets
."ilortiir i tip 1.l dr~r knnzlrc 't d i

25 Announce
They Are In
Senate Race
Progressives Combination
Lists 15 Candidates, YCL
Has 1., Independents 14
Petitdoninl To Close
'Fr'idayAt Six P.M.
Twenty-five students, 15 of them
affiliated with a progressive student
coalition, one for the Young Com-
munist's League, and 14 unattached,
announced their intention of run-
aing for the Student Senate in the
irst two days of petitioning.
A leader of the conservative bloc
announced that the group would sub-
mit 16 petitions and its platform to-
day and was confident that at least
10 of the candidates would win posts.
Petitioning closes at 6 p.m. Friday,
elections will be held March 11 and
the first group meeting, March 15.
M. B. Dworkis Resigns
Martin B. Dworkis, '40, formerly
chairman of the sponsoring commit-
tee, yesterday resigned temporarily
his position in favor of Richard M.
Scammon, Grad., now director of
elections. Dworkis is seeking a Sen-
ate office.
Petitions are being accepted from
4 to 6 p.m. daily until Friday at the
Senate office in Lane Hall.
The candidates, in the order of fil-
ing, follow:
Liberal - Peace - Republican: Carl;
Persons interested in acting as
eluction clerks or counters at the
Student Senate election are asked
to hand in their names at the
Student Senate office between 4
and 6 n.m. daily until Friday in
Lane Hall.
Viehe, '39; Liberal: George Gangwere,1
'40, and Tom Adams, '40; progressive;
coalition: Joseph Mattes, '38, Hope
Hartwig, '38, Phil Westbrook, '40,,
Martin B. Dworkis, '40, Albert Mayio,
'39, Stanley Lebergott, '38,-
ary, '40, Jack Sessions; '40, andl Rob-
ert H. Edmonds, Spec. BAd.
More On Ticket
Also on the coalition are Tom
Downs, '39, George Mutnick, '39, Jo-
seph Gies, '39, Frances Orr, '40, Irv-
ing Silverman, '38, and Tuure Ten-
ander, 138; Young Communists'
League: Philip Cummins, '39; Inde-
pendent, Harold Ossepow, '39, and
Philip Simpson.
On the second day, also; Anti-War'
Committee: Charles C. Buck, '40; Lib-
eral: Norman E. Kewley, '40E; Inde-
pendent Progressive: Richard Loeb,
'40; and Progresive Democrat: Rolfe
Weil, '40.
Trinkets And Candy
Add To Mardi Gras

Parfet Chosen
New Leader
Of Panhellenic
Helen Dean, Alys Pierce,
Harriet Pomeroy Picked
To Fill Other Positions
To Take Office At
Banquet Next Month
Stephanie Parfet, '39, a member of
Alpha Phi sorority, was elected presi-
dent of Panhellenic Association at a
regular meeting of the group held at
4:30 p.m. yesterday at the League.
Other officers, elected at the same
line, are: Helen Jean Dean, '39, of
Gamma Phi Beta sorority, recording
secretary; Harriet Pomeroy, '39, of
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, treas-
urer; and Alys Pierce, '39, of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority, rushing sec-
Miss Parfet was chairman of the
1937 Panhellenic Ball, is a member of
Wyvern, junior women's honorary so-
ciety, a member of the League social
committee, and worked on the Daily
Business Staff in 1936-37.
Miss Dean, also a member of Wy-
vern, was chairman of the 197 Pan-
hellenic Banquet, and she is a mem-
ber of the Daily Business staff. She
also did committee work for the 1936
Sophomore Cabaret.
President of Wyvern, Miss Pomeroy
is publicity chairman for J.G.P, She
was decorations chairman of the 1937
Panhellenic Ball, and was publicity
chairman for the 1936 Frosh Project.
She also was a member of the Daily
editorial staff in 1936. Miss Pierce
was a member of the League'publicity
committee in1936-37, and is now a
member of the League social commit-
tee. Last year she belonged to Stan-
ley Chorus.
The new officers take office at the
regular meeting of Panhellenic Asso-
ciation next month, but they will be
installed with the new League officers
at the annual League Installation
Banquet to be held in the early part
of April
East To Show
Films Of North
InTalK Tonight
Ben East, explorer and outdoor
writer for the Ann Arbor News, will
present a motion picture under the
auspices of the forestry school at
8:15 today in Hill Auditorium.
In talks to school groups yesterday,
Mr. East described his experiences in
the "Far North," and the life, cus-
toms and wild life in the barren lands
of northern Canada.
During the summer Mr East head-
ed a hunting and scientific expedi-
tion into the wilderness areas around
Hudson and James Bays, Canada, on
which he secured the films to be
shown this evening. His narration
will be centered about these pictures.
The primitive, childlike people who
inhabit these regions are the most in-
teresting part of his trip, said Mr.
East. Fear of starvation or freezing
to death make their life a continual
Mr. East will speak at a luncheon
of the Rotary Club at noon today and
will conclude his stay in Ann Arbor
with the evening lecture.
Debaters To Hold
Tryout's Meetin
An organizational meeting of the

Varsity Debating team will be held at
2 p.m. today in Room 4203 Angell Hall
for all men interested in trying out,
according to Prof. Arthur Secord of
the speech department.
At present the group is completingi
plans for an extensive program. The
negative team will meet Western
State College on March 8, at Kalama-
zoo on the topic, "Resolved: That
the National Labor Relations Board
Should Be Empowered to Enforce Ar-
bitration in all Industrial Disputes."
The Michigan team, consisting of
Robert V. Rosa, '39, and Harry
Schnciderman, '39, has a perfect rec-
ord so far. Negotiations are also un-
derway for a contest against Prince-
ton in April.
Union To Hold Meeting
For Freshman T 'ryouts
An organization meeting for fresh-
men tryouts of the Union will be held
at 4:30 p.m. today in the Union, it
wasi an nou ned ves4trda~ v byPaul

Heads Parnhellenic

(;et Lewissohn
For Talk Here
Oni March 25
Ludwi; L ewiTsohn. well-known au-
thor, lecturer and literary critic, will
lecture here Friday jevening, March
25 in Hill Auditorium. The lecture is
being sponsored by Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman and the Student Religious
Mr. Lewissohn, who for the last 10
years has lived and traveled in Eu-
rope and the Far East, will bring to
his audience his observations and
criticism of the present political and
religious scene.
Born in Berlin, he came with his
parents to South Carolina at the age
of eight, and, except for his Euro-
pean visits, has lived here since. Af-
ter receiving a degree at Columbia,
he taught German at two Middle
Western universities but there en-
countered many difficulties of ad-
justment. Later he became dramatic
editor of Nation.
Among his best known books are
"Up Stream," familiar to many from
their freshman rhetoric courses,
"Mid Channel," "The island With-
in" and "This People."
Warrior -Poet
Of Italy Dead
Gabriele d'An nunzio Dies
At Villa Vitioriale


M u n n C h o se n ' 11
To Aid Crisler
As Line Coach
Syracuse Line Coach Was
Crisler's Former Pupil;
Staf Is Now Comiplete
Clarence Munn, present line coach
at Syracuse, who distinguished him-
self as a football and track star att
Minnusota, will join his former tutor,
Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler, as Mich-
igan's line coach.
Munn's selection completes the re-
organization of the Wolverine foot-]
ball staff under Head Coach Crisler.-
The other newly-appointed aides are
Earl Martineau and Campbell Dick-l
son, backfield and end coach respec-
Described as "one of the greatest
athletes ever developed at Minnesota,"
Munn was twice named an All-Amer-
ican guard during Cisler's regime in
1930 and '31. He was also a shot put-
ter of note, holding both the indoor
and outdoor records in 1931 ands
breaking- the all-time Penn relay,
mark in that event.f
In football he earned the reputa-I
[ion of being the best blocker in the
Big Ten, He was also a fast running
guard and did all the punting. In his]
senior year, he was transferred to the
backfield to carry the ball. He was
an All-Conference and All-American
guard in 1930 and was again named
All-American in 1931. Prior to the re-
eipt of his B.S. degree of Minnesota
in 1932, he was recipient of the Con-
ference medal for athletics and scho-
larship and the Chicago Tribune
Following his graduation, Munn be-
(Continuede on Page 3)
GOP Appeals
To Rebel Dems
Program Committee Plans
Modified Platform
CHICAGO. March 1.-(/P-The Re-
publican Program Committee today
moved to obtain the support of dis-
satisfied Democrats.
Members of the group assigned to
the task of shaping a statement of
of policy on current affairs adopted
a rcsohtio""instructing the commit-
tee to ''keep in mind the desirability
of a field of common thought on
which all elements in agreement with
the political and economic principles
that we consider vital to 'the defense
and development of America's free in-
stitutions may unite." .
Chairman Glenn Frank told re-
porters the new move was the result
of discussion about the feasibility
of making an attempt to form a coali-
tion with dissatisfied or disaffected
The National Program Committee
established nine regional sub-commit-
tees to obtain a cross section of opin-
ion fr'om the rank and file of the
party. 'heregional chairmenwill re-
port to a central agency with head-
quarteis here.
Pershing IRecov ery
Depends On Heart
TUSCON. Ariz., March 1-()~-
The recovery of General John J.
Pershing from a grave illness depends
on the ability of a weak and badly
damaged heart to keep pumping large
amounts of fluid, his physicians said

I today.I

Ten Districts
Pick Officers
For Congress
In First Vote
Independent Menm Finish
Organizational Set-Up
After Almost A Year
Ten Zones Attract
839 MenT o Polls
Eight hundred and thirty-nine in-
dependent men yesterday elected the
presidents and secretaries of their 10
districts, giving Congress a com-
plete organizational set-up for the
first time since it was established al-
most a year ago.
Its leaders expressed confidence
that the unexpectedly large turnout
indicated the demand for an inde-
pendent mens' organization. Plans
were immediately started to launch
the group on its program of service
to all non-affiliated men on cam-
These 10. presidents, comprising the
District Council, will meet Monday
to elect a Council president who will
sit on the Congress Executive Coun-
All committees like publicity and
welfare will continue to function with
the same personnel, Irving Silverman,
'38, Congress president announced.
Those elected to the district offices
District 1: Roland Rhead, '40, pres-
ident; Albin Stannish, '39, secretary.
District 2: Frank Firnschild, '39
president; Sidney Friedman, '40, sec-
retary. District 3: George Gens, '38,
president; Donald Meech, '39, sec-
retary, District 4: Edward Wetter,
'39, president; Aaron Schirman, '39,
District 5: Robert Copeland, '39
president; John MacConachie, '40,
secretary. District 6: Ted Leibovitz,
'40, president; Murray Silverman, '40
secretary. District 7: Robert Hart-
well, '38E, president; Isadore Binder,
'40, secretary. District 8: Wali
Stebbins, '40, president; Martin
Dworkis, '40, secretary. District 9:
Jack Hoover, '40, president; Harold
Veitch, '38, secretary, and District
10: John Weinecke, '39E, president;
Allen Braur, '39, secretary.
Bennett Asserts
Athletes' Johs
Up 11Vl
op ToRuthven
DETROIT, March 1.-(P)-Harry
H. Bennett, personnel director for the
Ford Motor Car Company, said in a
statement today that continued em-
Dloyment of University of Michigan
students, "in many cases athletes,"
by the company 'rests with the
University's executive."
Bennett's statement followed the
assertion of Prof. Ralph W. Aigler,
the University's chairman of the
Board in Control of Physical Educa-
tion, that he hoped employers who
had supplied jobs to athletes would
continue to be interested, regardless
of who was football coach at Michi-
"The Ford Motor Car Company
believes in assistance to boys that
they may earn their education. The
company believes this is a responsi-
bility of industry, as well as sound
Americanism," Bennett asserted in
his statement.

"But in the past month, during
the period embracing the discharge
of Harry Kipke, there repeatedly has
come to the attention of myself and
others the information that such as-
sistance has been criticised by Presi-
dent Ruthven and Professor Aigler.
(Continued onPage'2)
Emergency Relief Bill
Is Passed By Congress
WASHINGTON, March 1.--(P)-A
$250,000,000 Emergency Relief Appro"
priation, overwhelmingly approved by
Congress, went to the White House
today for quick signature by President
Congressional action was completed
wI ien the House accepted, on a 336 to
9 vote, a joint Senate-House commit-
tee's. compromise between bills the
two chambers passed originally.
President Roosevelt initiated the
appropriation February 10 when he
wrote Speaker Bankhead of the House
that hundreds of thousands of needy
unemployed had applied for relief

quenuy as rloayan nte atof
European diplomacy and intenatiOn,-

I A A -m -v * I

al relations. He entered the Foreign . 1HiUsLt UI1U0 LI
Office in London in 1916, became
Third Secretary in 1922, and was Tickets for the leure by Thomasl
made First Secretary in 1930. Mann tomorrow are still available.
S Professor de Lorey, who is profes- the Oratorical Association reported
nor at the Ecole du Louvre and head yesterday but the ones remaining
of the Oriental Department of the are going rapidly and are expected
(Continued on Page 2) to be gone today. The lecture, on
"The Coming Victory of Democracy."
NJ c a t will be given at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Au-
Up ed' F ' In his lecture Dr. Mann will stress
(the relation of democracy to culture,
Ciicism of Anm Arbor ocial agenand the destruction of cultural in-
cies for duplication of effort and stitutions under fascism. He believes
needless meddling with private lives thattuc deinocracy honors "aristo-
is largely unfounded, Mrs. Gordon ratic cooperation," declaring tno
Brevort, director of the Family Wel- "in a democracy that does not honor
fare Bureau, said in a discussion held the higher life of the mind and is
last night at Lane hall preparatory rot determined by it, demagogy has
to the Student Religious Association's a free course."
reconciliation trip today. He asserts that in the fascist states
rThe Council of Special Agenciesa today the lowest concession to the
planning body representing 37 dif- judgment of people without learning
ferent interests, integrates the work has been made, stirring up the most
done in the fields' of family case- primitive instincts of the public. He
work and relief, child care, health believes that the spirit of youth which
and group work, she explained, for some time has been fascinated
The trip, leaving Lane Hall at 1:30 b.v the pseudo-ideals of fascism has
p.m., will visit the county iail, the already started to turn away from
Juvenile Court, the Dunar Corn- them and that the idea of liberty
munity Ce.ter and the jI>"erna1 iiawhchJ Tl some time ago was out of
1 Ra.din 4n, fashion, has gained in vigor more re-

Rex, king of Mardi Gras,
New Orleans today and the
acclaimed him.

1 --(P)-

Riding at the head of 20 floats,
bowing graciously as his court tossed
favors to the massed thousands, he
loosed the city to abandon and icv-
All the streets along the parade
route, for many miles, were packed
with people and all the hundreds of
thousands, with one voice, were yell-
ing, "Hey! hey!"
They wanted favors, little neck-
laces, rubber trinkets or candy. And
the maskers on the floats, the aristo-
'crats of New Orleans, obliged, in keep-
ing with a century of tradition.
Administration Bill
1s FoughtBy Byrd
WASHINGTON, March 1.-(I1-
The Administration's government re-
orgamuizjrtion bill would hand over to
the President vital policy-making
powers now lodged in Congress. Sen-
ator Byrd (Den., Va.) said today.
Byrd, beginning a floor fight
against the measure, cited provisions
permitting the Chief Executive to re-
duce, merge, reorganize or transfer
government agencies. He told the
Seate that"the President thus could
"a bolish functions of government
which have been fixed by Congress "
His voice ringing, Byrd found fault
with numerous provisions of the mea-
sure. He said it would permit an in-
crease in the number of government
employes and might raise the cost
of government "many millions of dol-

1 .-P)-Gabriele d'Annunzio, Italy's r , .
great warrior-poet, symbol of Italian tLffe 0 .Xl
nationalism and president of the ' H A ni n-m e
Academy of Italy, died unexpectedly 1oil r
today in his Villa Vittoriale.
D'Annunzio was the man who de- I harry M. Stelley, field represent a
fied his own government to capture tive and staff evaluator of the Detroit
and hold Fiume after the World War Insuring Office of the Federal htousing
and who later became a symbol of the Administration, will give a detailed
nationalist dreams of Fascism. He explanation of the National H ousin2
would have been 75 years old March Act tomorrow night in Room 231 An=


Among his literary distinctions, Dr.
Mann won the Nobel Prize for litera-
(Continued on ?age 5}
I Women Debaters Win
Over Sigma Rho Tau
'Three women debaters from Ypsi-
i tanti Normal College defeated a trio
of representatives from Sigma ho
} Tau, engineering debate society, here

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