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March 01, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-01

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A rrested In. Spy Plot Against (..S.

A lpitne 3Melody'
Is Legionwires'
Call To Hoinc1

Leads Czech DIefentse

uforeapoiuleiwce Study Service
Gi'ves Marty College Training.

Formed -to give college training to


B y E T III L N U IP~~~~tE~ft G Q I ~q u alified h ig hl sch oo l g ra d u a tes w h o, thfor in c al r o h e r as s, i d it 1 C f r
BysnotthebolingOithIe poorfifnaca r te raos fn t a i
It+o tebiin uth!orimpossible to attend college, the de- l endav
food no log, ardmarheswhih ipa tment of correspondence study of: the St
drv{h og ndtuh oeg the Extension Division last month to widr
Leg 'iest esrin u sni gave 1,500 university courses to 1,223 At that
metalalin flksogRa es.._> Th ieo
~..7.::L menal ~ sng, "Rnz desMichigan students. Icrco
gauthorities have consequently for- O oa ubr 85wr corresp
f 5'; iden hesolerstosin,'members of 42 CCC camp'houh semese
jIn this fashion a picturesque d-ootMcia,49blne o- ferrd
fscription of Swiss folk music was I aie td ru n3 ihgnte stu
i ~given inGerman I7byProf. Has IciieYeehearndon1S~
<.. Pick of the School of Music to the I¢:core
Deutshei' ereinrecenly. .. ..ized groups. Over each group of 15 gad
With th aid f phonograph rec- o oesuet spae td aration
ords, Professor Pikdeostae supevisor who is furnished by thewih
WP, 01. in ome ases the grop r
the strong patriotic love of the Swiss tag~ty alocalschool princpal r cir
for hs ountr y which is evidenced lisr i
in tefoksog. lhog Size-gages
thefol sngs iunogn wizer .The courenes ofered by the depart- o~ds a
land is divided into three sections: Ceh will check nina.on offo- nnalfwhcar for frshan}cstn
French, Germn and Italinl withwthch areiiforfo * 'It' d''
Jbuana 1Hoffman (right), 26, red-haired hairdresser onl the liner FfrenhtGeson nd alreinwithiseign nation wiou aiin'Ior ae pepaed by the dierent depat- ,cmathe
Europa., and Gunther Gustave Rtuirfich (left), former U.S. Army SC iffbountogshinleaidbyr higlov outside help, declares Gen. Ludwig ments of the University and include pltc
gezait, wesre arrested in New York by federal agents as suspects in a SPry frtefteln.Cehslv .aedul ulns fmtra ob oee ciology
rigwhich sold U.S. military secrets to a European nation. There are no modern war songs otn ic ile' n esnasinet hc r
oiantsgc Hters Nazifia i maild to the study supervisors who
____since Switzerland has not engaged in ion" of Austria. distribute them to the students. Each
Iany conflict for over 4400.years, Pro- - course has aproximately 16 lesson
DFA ILY OFFICIAL B 'ILETIN fessor Pick said. All of their pa- ( B ck lasigniments, each of which involves
tr iotic songs extend back to a time rrC) gr1esi ves bout a week's work on the part of
Uieit.Cgreevdathofieof the Asistant to 0tlic resileht Knthemn has the same melody as our fCooPlletetsperiso leson bak t th
until 3. sovitn:co a-it, on Saturday the suptovthat date. Themnational the
________A__merica" and Enland's "God Save (Continued frmPg )l University where instructors in the'-
-.the King." Attempts have been made _.__-1_. ,-- ____-____-
(conitnued fro n 'ae 4) mediately. Transportation charge via torelc it by a tune moretyiaprjdc, and leads to another eco-
--bus will be 50 cents. of the country, he continued, but nomic crisis.
the Women's Athletic Building at___ these have all been rejected by the '5. Opposition to all infringements
3:20 today. IPaIi Sigma Meeting: Wednesday, people. of' civil liberties and the rights of labor A G f h t O l
March 2, 1938 at 7:30 pa. in Room Yodeling, which is a type of music a, injuring the forces for peace and TiktfoFrs FolcDne
March 4, will be open to gimeral sale Miss Lois Jotter will speak onl land, is an art difficult to attain, ac- up a military dictatorship in this You Can Gi e .
on Tuesday, March 1, at the desk in the Yosemite Field School of Natural cording to Professor ick. There are country.?
the Union. History. Moving pictures. various types of ,yodels, some of.j 6. Establishment of the ROTC oi YOUR PORTRAT
___Election of new members. which are sung; as solos and others in~ an optional basis, removal of the CCC y B tFILTERED LIGHT"
Opon Badminton. Open badmin-- ° groups. The violin and double bass from control by the War Department
tniBabiGyniuMna, Reconciliation Trip. The first of a are the chief instruments used as ac- and abolition o .the Citizens' Military Ecuieyb
Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from series of Reconciliation Trips spon- manet.TiigCop.xdt.vlYb
7:30 to 9:00 until further notice. sored by the Student Religious Asso- PatotepongahIeod
ciatin wi be eld archused to demonstrate Professor Pick's TAPPING AND WALTZ TO SPEAK
Thursday evening is being substitutedIcainlbhed Wednesday,Mac lecture were ma de by him when he T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
for Friday evening.) 2, leaving Lane Hall at 1:30 p.. for ; visited Switzerland, his native land, {.tary of the Alumni Association and
J.G.P. Asposia's Dancers will meet a trip designed to further under- two years ago. Stannley G.gt Waltz,o manager ofs thef
from 3:15 to 5:30 today in the Garden standing of Anin Arbor. Students The next lecture in the series spoe- Uniowl ot on lmn o
sored by the Deutcher Ver ein will be morrow night to address the Univer- Poorpe
Roomof he eage. ishng t tae te tipsare given by Prof. Howard S. Ellis of the city of Michigan Club there. M.
- -quested to register at Lane Hall and economics depatment on "Memories Waltz will speak on the Union, its 332 South State Street
(omigty ent to attend a preliminary lecture by of Vienna" in German on March 31. function and management. _________________
i'lc Pychlogca Jorna Clb wllMrs. Brevoort of the Family Welfare I_____
meetWednsda. Mach at :30Bureau Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. before I__
ime ensa.Mrh2a :0the Concer._______-___
p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science. !1__1U~~~
(Professor Edward B. Greene will dis- IMms Teewllb eeii
cuss "The Recent Approaches to Men- of Mim eenesday, Mt arch 2, 1938 P o st aTaagam
tal Organization through FactorofMmsWdeayMrc2,13
Analyses. " at 8:30 p.m. in the Union. The prey- I..t. ..""
All those interested are cordially Iec falmmesi meaie
invite to atend.I Thne Gailem: The box office will be .. . ,
Room 303 Chemistry Building. Mr. etreevdTikt35ens ILO yo ser ,av
E. J. Bird will speak on 'The Ratio: ThItrGidMonn ac lza rds, - Indins droughI,t webbe starvation r
Potassium Bromatc to Potassium TeItrGidMrigWth~~~
Bromide to Silver."Srice will be held at the League}
Cliap)el, 7 :30 o'clock. Welulesda .<. fy. s ,
Naval Aviation Reserve. Lieutenant niunOIin
C. F. Grebe r. Comimanding Officer of
I;he United States Na~val Reserve Banc Anion Tiryouts: TIhen' will be ait{
at Grosse Ile, Michigan, will speak onI meeting of all freshmen tryouts for 15Iw
"Aviation'training for Naval Cadet;. h Mchgn ninreneda a
430,ilRo :32
in Naval Reserve Aviation," Wediics- in<oofr02

)ondence study office grade 'VII
correspondence study oftfee
r t organized as a cooperative
,o between the University and
'ate W.P.A, in 'January, 1936
cn the scope of college -activity.
t time Dr. Stevenson was made
amount of credit allowed far
Dondence study courses is 30
;r hours, which can be trans-
to any college or' university
ident may desire to enter. Coin-
sive examination n t h e
sare required four a passing
in addition to faithful prep-
aof daily work. The courses
the student can take through
Pondence study include Eng-
natural sciences, foreign lil-
taught by pronunciation rec-
,d over the University Broad-
Service, geography, historJ,
matics, mechanical, drawlng,
al science, psychology 'and so-


347 Maynard Ccpr. William
Watch Crystals 35c




Dial' .5031


'Jay evening=, March 2, at 7:30 p in.,
in Room 348 West Engineering Bld5g.
Varsity Men Debaters: rrT'here will
I be an organization meeting of all
omzen interested in Second Semrester
debatin,. in Rom 4203 A.14. Wc-.
I tzcsd cly, March 2 at 4 o'clock.
! ota oi'v'a I Sienar meets Wedtw" -
day, Marchz 2.. 'at 4:30, Room 1139,;
iN.S. Bldg. 3aper by W. C. Steere,
{ "The Mosses of Arctic America."
Forestry Oub Meeting, Wednesday,
March 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michi-
gan Union.'
P resident Rutlivem will speak on
'Educcation for Private versus Pub-
lic Work." The meeting will adjourn
in time for the Tien East lecture aetI
IJutcriior Ikeerora fiiig Croup of thez
F;-!cimiy Women's; Cluf) will meet Wed-
no!!, ~,, March z2.at 2:45 pain. nt theI
Leaguee "The Role of Wallpaper,
PPitamd Diapez-?et in the' Home"
will be demonstrated by Mr, Hlermian
Frinkle, interior decorator.I
Ltineheoii for Graduate Students
on Wednesday. March 2 at 12 o'clock
in the Russian Tea Room of the
~Michig an League, Cafeteria service.f
j'rof essor Lawrence Preuss of the Po-
litical Science D)epartment will speak
informally on "'The Present Status of
International:Law," Ti:T rn
ton Channels Power Plant, - of De-
troit Edison. Leaving 'Tuesday after-
noon, March 3, at 1:00 fromnJEn-I
gineering Arch, returning at 5:00,
Sign up on M.E. Bulletin Board im-~

1Freslinan and Sophomore' I'x i -
naeers: Last call for tryouts for thev
Technic. Please report in Room
:3046 East Engineering Building Wed-1
naesday at 5:00.I
1k,11 students interested in workhig
on box office and tickets for the,
IHillel Flay "Roots," should report to
the Hillel Foundation on Thursd,,,y,
at 4:15. Bring eligibility slips5. i
Sailing Club: The initial org aniza-
Lion meeting Wednesday evening at'
the Union, 7:30 p.m. This Club is~
being organized for all those interest-
edl in sailing irrespective of ability.
All those interested arc urged to bo
present at this meetinig so that deft-.
nite plans may be worked out.
O)ffer Last Opportunity
"11o Pay Senijor W;,,-s
:t'inal oppvortunity for the ,paymentj
of cl a i;dues will lbe given serdors
from 0 a.m., until 4 p.m. today, to=-
morr~ow. and Thursday in the lobby of
Angell Hall, it wads announced yester-
d (ay by William Centner, '33, 2lit.s
fThe clues must be paid, Centner-
taid, if a Senior wishes to have his
name on- the comnnieneinent an-
Inounceients the class publishes.
Every fornt of dancing.
~Open 10 to 10. Teriae
w~arden 9tudlo. Wuerth
I 'theatre lidg. Ph, 96;95
'nd 1Floor

"The Coming Victory
of Detmocracy"

"'Cowvboy, don't get roped by that
The boys in the bunkhouse shook their
heads when Buck Langdon fell for a wealthy
Eastern girl. Maybe Eleanor was different
-but suppose it turned out she just went
for the big hat, and the spurs, and the
:scenery? What then? Buck knew a way to
find out, and he staked everything on it.
A ahort story, Coun try Boy.
ALSO ..What's happening to America's
crusade for peace? Stanley High tells you in
Peace, Inc.... Guy Gilpatric describes a
battle, octopus vs. octopus, and Garet

YJOUNG DAVID BEAT ON jie the rush when
~the thrilling cry of "Free land!1" lured h-omnesteaders
westward. There lay opportunity, and adventure. His
bride, Mary, felt the excitement of' it, She trembled
when she heard about the perilous land ahead of them;
-the tough, lonely land that might break them before
they could break it ... Turn to your Post today and
begin "Free TLand1" new full length novel of pioneer
life in the Dakotas.


Beginning a Ne Novel of Adventurous
Pioneer Days by



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