THE MICHIGAN DAI*I.V RTTNhA'V- VVIft AT 16"tk ATAAA./ VA CTTAX " L 11 At V A U A A. W*Z, ;a THE WORLD OF BOOK S T- Rurn. F rishes A Bea SThinking For AA By Lancelot T. Hogben. Introduc- 1eson each natural science had to tion by Julian Huxley. Notes by learn "It cannot be that axioms Isabel S. Stearns. e;tal"lis led by argumentation can Random House, New York. uice for the discovery of new By EDWARD MAGDOL k since the subtlety of nature is Rarely have we encountered so greater many times over than the large a heap of thick slices of intel- sublety of argument." lectua. meat of the vastest si nifi- TIh Idol of Purity, which depre- con Of Rational BaffledWorld... Crude Portrayal Of Youth Adds c worshippers against dangerous Little To Fame Of Sinclair LewisI thoughts;" an obviously ill-contrived'' uirpcse. For the Rationalist move- inent, need any more be said? THE PRODIGAL PARENTS, by Sin- that all socially-conscious youths are He goes on in his lecture, not de- clair Lewis. Doubleday, Doran, New dupes who should awake like Howard void of razor-edged wit, to cut the York. $2.75. to the error of their questioning atti-, ground out from under the Nine- tude and proceed to close their eyes teenth Century Liberalism and points By HUGO M. REICHARD to everything but their fathers' fnot,- I a A 4 1 S i S x C 1z t t m sl b t' Ia cane in so slender a volume (102 cs as endencious" social investi- out its disappointment for the youth There is no getting around the un steps. pages) as Retreat From Reason by gation leading to conclusions that of today. He then proceeds to wrestle original admission that The Prodigal But Silga and the young Corn- the eminent British biologist, Lance- things should be done, Hogben with Marxism, a contest which Parents is a very poor piece of work. plows are not typical persons at all. lot T. Hogben. mashes by pointing to the manner in should appeal to every man and wo- Aside from the funny joke at the top They are overdrawn caricatures The author of that abundantly which at least two "traditional dis- man with a keen appreciation for of page 18, the book is filled with ey inesolidrswnvciues successful work of popularization of ciplines" overlap in natural science the manly art of defense-of-the- humorless, impotent sacrasm. For the painted in solid colors of viciousness successful workofpopulzati on of to produce important progress. ideology and a well-guarded open satire which Sinclair Lewis intended andr ianity, rpctively, and bearng mathematics, Mathematics for the nohelatonowatsoverCourelihu Million, Professor Hogben delivered The Idol of Caution protects "its mind. fails to come off, and the reason is man beings living in America today. the Moncure Conway lecture of 1936 - - - - that Lewis has attempted in all seri- If Sinclair Lewis had to coin a phrase, entitled The Retreat from Reason, inr ousness to indict the present genera- he might have done better to call London, at a time when the most A l usH xley1 Ed A tonofyuOutlinetooth on charges that are ours theellge eneration, whch urgent and perturbing problems of r .L ] I.II stupidly make-believe. s h questioning l because it is soGerainic hardhput mankind were developing in perplex- , Assuming that we young people of to secure education, to find the jobs ity and increasing in number. I e y )1 N n/- rIoe ce the post-war era are lazy, meddling that it wants so earnestly, and t Since the address was made little '0" "HisTheJyLOfN onV iolence parasites, Lewis calls us the Gimme stave off war. Far from being in- more than a year ago and no visibly -Generation. To prove his point he sincere dilettantes, young liberals and cataclysmic changes have occurred, AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PACIF- organize non-violence in the fascist has set t charactrs as typcal pinks are for the most part extremely what Professor Hogben has to say ISM, edited by Aldous Huxley. nations themselves, the situation young A cans: jna o ads sincere and understanding in their whatProfssorCornpow, a college junior, and hisbeliefs; if Lewis ever looked in on a4 about the established order is vastly Harper and Brothers, New York. would take on quite a different as- sister Sara, a recent Vassar gradu- meeting of a campus progressive relevant and deserves the attention pect, but as a matter of fact it is ate. On their merchant-Father's clubng so aare ogrhssct of all men from the reasonably lit- By JOSEPH GIESct impossible to organize it even in the money, the young Cornplows divide As fo Shl, ao e wo ths ha. erate factory worker to the academ- Ever since his first novel, Crome democratic countries their time between gossiping, danc- As for Silga, anyone who has had icians and the mystifying and mystic Yellow, appeared in the early post- More important to note, perhaps, ing drinking, and speeding on the would probaby know Silga ra plyohedther- war days, Aldous Huxley has been is the fact that the most widely ac- one hand, and dallying with agitators, phoney burlesque and everybodyrca AtyclethRerafonRe-steadily developing his 'philosophy1I communist reading, and radical tags see that Lewis has been so eager to. son, the lecture's first point is that of non-violence. For Huxley, pac cepted forms of collective security are andplatitudes on the other. Thee ictre Li "as tdeadlyn as arate- "there has never been a greater need fism embraces the whole scope of so- non-violent in character, and yet the interest of the dizzy young Corn- snakue (ing Lews' dowdn picturaesqu for intelligent understanding of the cial philosophy He has developed, principle of collective security is re- plows in labor conditions and refo snake (tin Lewis' own ictureque social forces which are determining together with his fellow pacifists, a jected by the Peace Pledge Union, programs is the caprice of light- ahfasha esnaity ret the fate of Western civilization." logical line of conduct to'be followed the pacifist organization. The paci- headed idlers, and they are being de- a onsh-and-blood personality. rit Education A Major Factor in all social activities and in all fists are convinced that nothing will luded and rooked by the itinerant types in reality,h strawOg mn wom One of the cardinal flaws in that credible eventualities. The primary bring permanent peace except the in- agitator, Gene Silga. If Howard and Lewiets up reare allsoaggerate order has been the educational sys- object, of course, is the prevention of culcation of the pacifist spirit in Sara were really representative and provided with such unnatral tern which "grew with no prescience war; but clear recognition is made of each' individual. With this opinion Ajnerican students, and if Silga were aoe ta th seai u p- of the gargantuan resources which the i idissoluble connection between few will quarrel. The Encyclopedia a typical radical, than Lewis' im- ove hom e hamailed natural science would place at our industrial peace and international says, "Peace . . . can only come when plications would be true, that all pets ver whom Lewis has failed disposal for better or worse." peace; present-day predatory capi- we create the conditions within radicals are malicious and should be t any wo o ss ox In order to arrest the Retreat talism is rejected as incompatible which Peace is inevitable." Perhaps ostracized as Silga finally is, and substance this etwo possible ex. from Reason," we have to devise an with the pacifist ideal of social jus- so, but -what about the business of ceptons to ths failure, Fredk. Wm. education which .'. . . will give *us tice, and present-day political forms stopping wars already going on and Cornplow, the father, is but a dilut- representatives who can cooperate are equally condemmed for their forestalling the ever looming Second Announce Cast For ed reproduction of Babbitt; and An- World War? nabel is not half the model Amercan intelligently with technical experts over-centralization and resulting in- World War? girl that Lewis fancies her. in constructive social enterprise." jury to democratic government. But to dismiss the question of the Junior GirbsdPlayh L That prescription is one that should In An Encyclopedia of Pacifism practicality of the Peace Pledge If the characterization s et, be studied carefully, shaken well and y method of ending war, the Encyclo- potting and the style are worse yet, swallowed slowly by our American theory of social action in a remark-_i irka contains a great number of Ca______dnian woo liat c episode in the educators and would-be statesmen. tbly lucid form. The book consists, brief and excellent essays on a var- Marjorie Roebeck, Eleanor Smith and Canadian woods as stamped as any. We have a facility for turning out, like other encyclopedias, of a number iety of subjects connected with war. Barbara Talcott. the excesses of his tpsin-eadeg young men and women from our of essays arranged alphabetically ac-i Muchi of the material is not new, The Inn Singers include Dorothy ton ewisshs give hpudding-headed universities (Michigan is prominent cording to subject matter. The ma- but it is admirably organized and Arnold, Marilyn Barton, Mary Bell s n,-itle: The Revolt of The Parents among them) who have their heads ternal is by no means complete, how- effectively concise. The articles on Frances Burgess, Virginia Caldwell sub-t :T stuffed with the most inane agglom- ever, and its shortcomings in this armaments, the morality of pacifism Edith Coffman, Elizabeth Coons, Jean - erations of disconnected studies. Our rzespect make it appear that the e and war, propaganda, defence and Drake, Mary Elizabeth Easterly, June specialization programs falsely as- I cyclopedic arrangement was only em- mineral sanctions, which latter Mr. Fleming, Marion Getoor, Mary Good- sume that the desideratum is purity ployed for convenience's sake and not Huxley seems to look on with rather rich, June Hoapoja, Muriel Haskins, in every branch of learning, And because a real handbook for pacifists surprising favor, are among the best. Martha Horllick, Margaret Johnson, then we are confounded when we was intended. To the average reader Perhaps the most important con- Marian Karch, Rosalind Kahnheim, discover that our engineers have no the most serious omission will doubt- tribution made is the demonstration I Mary Jane Kehoe, Jane Kidder, Mar- realizations of why they are con- les be an essay on fascism certainly that under modern conditions of war gery Lee Lehner, Mary McNeil, Clar- D itructing house upon house and fac- the most important adversary with the forces of national defence can issa Meloy, Ruth Meyers, Vera Mil-P R tory upon factory, what relation which pacifists are faced today. only "protect" their respective civil ler, Claire Mosher, Doris Newman, hose houses have to those factories, There is, instead, an article on "Com- populations by offensive operations Estelle Poposki Marion Price, Caro- what consequent modifications and munism and Fascism," the essence against the enemy civil population, lyn Ross, Nancy Saibert, Ruth See- eadjustments will have to be made of which is simply that violence be- and that this fact is cynically and kamp, Twila Traver, Helen Tucker, n the community. Our mistake has pets violence, that the attacks upon brutally recognized by the general Elizabeth Unti, Mary Louise War- een our failure to train our young the Bolsheviks in 1917 and the injus- staffs of the world. J. G. ner and Rhoda Wilson.for your cohes,r people so that the statesmen and tice to Germany at Versailles were --- - - nen of letters will get a prevision of the chief instruments in provoking echnical forces- shaping society and the violence of the Russian Revolu- the scientist and technician will tion and of National Socialism. This SOME AG earn to be "not indifferent to the is all very well, but how, persons,"Q _ _ M O scial consequences of his own activ- interested in pra ctcal peace move- B OMH itis" mets are likely to ask, are the ag- ~' Science Within Society 1 Gnessicns of the' fascist nations to bebyjs This failure in our educational bys- stopped right now, today? b with one 'em becomes even more deplorable Not by violent 3sistance, the Hux-y vhen we stop to consider our great leyists would auswer. Perhaps ,not, ,ocial heritage, which Professor Hog- but mot assuredly not by sitting with en outlinedin an enlightening a-,folded hands sunk in Confucianist ,ile in the Winter, 1937 issue of the mediation. If it were possible to Aarxian quarterly, Science and So- - iety. Here he demonstrated that ;e man of science cannot be "au- essus de la melee." y iong0 Buddenbrooks . . . 95c and $3.00 In line with this paper Professor (for All Kinds of Work) logben in his lecture tips over the AER*A DElN * Death in Venice 50c . . c dols of Purity, Logic and Caution, 209 Wolverine Bldg. 326 E. lb Guaran o 58lp him cut cown the Idol of 884583 * Freud, Goethe, Wagner . $2.00 ogic Hogben calls on Bacon, whose ---- --- -_. ---* J o s e p h a n d h is B ro th e rs . . . $ 2 .5 0 1 0 A The Magic Mountain . 95c and $3.00 \ Past Masters . $2.50 Not ji ew pringNot jus * Young Joseph .2.50 \N TEXTURED MARTEX BHE Joseph in Egypt, (2 vols.) just published $5.00 )BATH TOWELSQ S All Spring Colors We have a few close-out patterns at Reduced Prices. WA H D e 23.2 iAHi NE U zfor details GAGE LINEN S IOP The Newest and Best in Books" 10 NICKELS ARCADE TATE STREET MAIN STREET oe->0::::>0<-:-:>0-->0-->0<->o<-yM<-IN<-S<---EET gainst the Revolt of Youth. Inas-,described as the revenge of libeled nuch as the rank and file of Ameri- youth. For in this botched book with an youth are innocent of the charges J a mistaken thesis, Lewis certainly ewis levels against them, The Prodi- I comes close to committing literary al Parents might more accurately be suicide. N E WA REMINGTON MONARCH PIONEER Case $19.95 150E Extra Headquarters for TYPEWRITING SUPPLIES Students Supply Store 1111 South University Phone 8688 A. Toast! To the traditionally fine foods of the ALLENEL Hotel - to the unsur- passed excellence of its cuisine, from which come those meals with the tang and' flavor of good eating that one never forgets. And A TOAST to the- modern and comfortably decorated dining room where these foods, prepared to satisfy the most discriminating, are to be found. ALLENELHOITE L 126 fast Huron Dial 4241 m a, ! ' ANENT ECTION s Q. a rugs, upholstery, etc. AINST DAMAGE application of teed for E ARS! i inonths-. 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