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February 26, 1938 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-26

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Uncle Sam Sends 6''Flying Fortresses' South

As Good Will Gesture

6 :00-Ty Tyso?.
6:30-Press Radio News.
6:45-Religion in the News.
7:00-Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten.
7 30-Georges Miquelle.
7:45-Sport Review.
8:00--Believe It Or Not,
8:30-Jack Haley.
9:00-Dance Music.
9:30- American Portraits.
10:00-NBC Symphony Orch.
11 :30-Dance Music.
2:00--Dance Music.
6:00-Day in Review.
6 :l5-Urchestra.
6:30--Harold Nagel Orcb.
7:00-Message of Israel.
7:30--Town Talk.
8 :00-Harry Lewis Orch.
:30-Larry Funk Orch.
8 :45--Victor Ardlen.
9:00 -National Barn Dance.
10:00---NBC Symphony Orh

The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 is good enough for 1938 decides the U.S., increasingly conscious of European influences developing in South
through radio propaganda, trans-oceanic plane trips. As a recent "good will" gesture, the U.S. dispatched six "flying fortresses" like
inauguration of Argentina's president, Roberto Ortiz.

these to

Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membe
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the i
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.th

rs of the Univesity.
An ex
iings an

A manuscript will be used.
Kenneth Rowe

SATURDAY, FEB. 26, 1938 off. If a locker is ieeded by any stu- with acirate and complete informa-
VOL. XLVII. No. 104 dent not enrolled in one of the Mech- tioll.
All Students in :the College of L.S. anical Engineering design courses -
& A., and Schools of Education, For- this semester, he should make this heU nhs eceivedntaotice o
estry, and Music receiving a grade of request of Professor Frank A. Mickle. tjchfgn-Cioil Service Examina-
I (incomplete); X, (absent from ex- Aniy Junior Mechanical Engineers tions:
amination), or (.) (nr report), should interested in the possibility of sum- Junior Landscape Architect, $2,000
make up all work by March 14 or the mer employment during 1938 are re- a year; National Park Service, De-
grade will automatically lapse to an quested to fill out a personnel record I partment of the Interior, and The
National Capital Park and Planning
card in room 221 West Engineering Commission.
Participants in Extra Curricular Building at once. Medical Pathologist (Research),
Activities are reminded that certifi- $3,800 a year; Associate Medical
cates of eligibility received from the Senior Aeronautical Engineers: Pathologist (Research), $3,200 a
Office of the Dean of Students must Attention is called to the notice post- year; National Institute of Health,
be submitted to the managers or ed on the Aeronautical Engineering U. S. Public Health Service, Treasury
chairmen of activities in which they Bulletin Board, announcing the U.S. Department.
wish to participate on or before Civil Service Examination for Junior Landscape Architect, $3,800 a year;
March 1. Aeronautical Engineer. Students who Associate Landscape Architect, $3,-
will graduate in June, 1938, are eli- ( 200 a year; Assistant 'Landscape
Managers and Chairmen of Extral gible: Applications must be filed with Architect,* $2,600 a year; National
Curricular Activities are reminded the Civil Service Commission before Park Service, Department of the In-
that they must file with the Chair- March 7, 1938. terior, and The National Capital
man of the Committee on Student Park and Planning Commission.
Affairs the names of all those who Aerorautical Engineering Students: Interviewer and Manager Classes;
have presented Certificates of El- Students obtaining either bachelors Salaries raiging from $115 to $300
igibility and a signed agreement to or masters degrees in Aeronautical per month; Michigan Civil Service
exclude all others from participation. Engineering in June or August, 1938, Examination
Blanks for this purpose may be se- should fill out the Department per-
cured in the Office of the Dean of sonnel records at the earliest possible For further information, please
Students. date. Blanks for this purpose may be call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.

mano i
Art Ass(
of Alun
for Arm
14 throu
daily ir

xhibitions 1 1 :30--Dance Music.Ay-j
xhibition of paintings, draw- i2:30-Dan Mus
A drypoints by Umberto Ro- CKLW
s offered by the Ann Arbor 1 P.M.
6:00-Turf Reporter.
ociation in the South gallery 6:15-Aces high.
rni Memorial Hall, and an 7:00-Sportscast.
on of etchings by John Tay- 7:15-Oano uogram
s in the North Gallery, Feb. ! :00--Barnstormers.
ugh March 2. Open 2 to 5 p.m. Rules Are Ses
ncluding Sundays, admissionr

F or Sophomore
Class Chosen
Forty-Eight-Are Appointed
By Philip Westbrook To
Four New Groups
Appointments of 48 sophomores to
class committees were announced yes-
terday by Philip Westbrook, president.
The committee on cooperatives, of
which Don Treadwell is chairman, in-
cludes Ted Leibovitz, Louis Grossman,
James Everett, John McConachie,
Douglas Tracey, Richard Livingston
and Julius Rockwell.
James McDonald heads .the com-
mittees on student government. Mem-
bers are Lorraine Lieyr.oQnw, Walter F.
Stebens, Jean Gomon, Walter Neilson,
Murray Silverman, Isador Binder,
Adeline Mason, Bernard Goldman,
David Woog, Helen Goldberg,. Betty
Slee and Harry L. Sonnenborn.
The finance committee has Stan
Conrad as its chairman. Gertrude
Hyde, Janet Beveridge, Richard Dick,
Zenovia Skoratko, arbara Benedict,
Betty Thompson, Je2nie Morgan,
William Black, Harriet Lovy, Norman
Newley, Betty Rouse, Robes ta, Leete
and Peter Gossard compose its -nem-
Stan Swinton is chairman of the
publicity committee. Serving upon
it are Suzanne Potter, Morton Linder,
Richard Mann, John Hulbert, Larry
Rinek, Jean Langford, Harold Gold-
man, Ben Marino, Jack Gelder, Claire
Ford, Jane Mowrers and Don Press.
Franklin Fiske, sanitary inspector
is delivering a paper "Tests for Phos-
phates" at a conference of state niilk
inspectors being held in Grand Rap-
New Classes Now Forming
Day and Evening
Business College
William at State :. Ph. 7831

4 t
("J i
J j
,l +

free to members and to students. ;
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A showing of the Margaret Watson
ParKer collection of Pewabic pottery,
the work of Mary Chase Stratton, is
now on display in .the central cases
on the ground floor of the Architec-
ture Building.
Public Lecture: "Trade Routes be-
tween China and the West" by Dr.
Robert McDowell. Sponsored by the
Research Seminary in Islamic Art.
Monday, Feb. 28, 4:15 p.m., in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission
University Lecture: Professor E. H.'
Carr, of the College of Wales, Univer-
sity of Aberystwyth, will lecture ont
"Great Britain, Italy, and the Medi-
terranean" on Thursday, March 3,t
at 4:15 p.ni., in the Natural Science
Auditorium, under the auspices of
the Department of Political Science.
University Lecture: Professor Eu-
stache de Lorey, of the Ecqle du Lou-!
vre and the Oriental Department of
the Bibliotheque Nationale, will lee-I
ture on "Persian Poets, Inspiration
to Persian Artists," on Friday, March
4, in Natural Science Auditorium at
4:15 p.m., under the auspices of the
(Con tinued on Page 4)

For Studen t Senate
(Continued from Page 1){
Sponsoring Committee be continued
as secretary of the Student Senate.
"6. That members of the Student.
Senate shall at all times be scholas-
tically eligible within the rules of this
University, that they shall be students
of this University, and shall be resi-
dents of the United States.
'7. That the name of this body
shall be the Stuident Senate."
Faculty members will be invited
to a meeting at 3 p.m. Thursday in
the Union to discuss the Senate. The
committee members appointed yester-
day are: Doris Daitz, 38, Saul R. Klei-
man, 139, and Richard M. Scammon,
Petitioning for the 32 available of-
fices will begin Monday and continue
throughout the week. Complete in-
formation will be available in to-
morrow's Daily.

Any student who has put a lock
on any locker in Rooms 323, 331, and
335 without having it assigned to
him by a member of the Mechanical
Engineering staff must remove it atI
once, or the Department will cut it ,

obtained in the Department office.
Requests for information concerning
our graduates are already beginning
to come in from manufacturers, and
it is essential that personnel records
on all students be on file in the office
in order to supply the manufacturers

University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-

Classified ire__o .


Call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for
other prices. 360
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices.
VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone
6327. Experienced typist. Reason-
able rates. 232
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit-
ers, old gold and musical instru-
ments. Ready cash waiting for you.
Phone Sam. 6304.
LARGE double with adjoining lava-
tory. Also single room. Shower.
Steam heat. Phone 8544. 422 E.
Washington. 414

SOUTHEAST section. Large, pleasant,
sunny room in private home.
Shower, garage. Graduate student
or instructor. Phone 7540. 409
PIANO: Modern upright. Very good
condition. Must sell at sacrifice. Call
FANCY APPLES, sweet cider, pop-
corn. Will deliver. Phone 3926. 1003
Brooks. 390
OAK WOOD, best grade, for fireplace,
or furnace. Delivered. 106 Barker
Road, Whitmore Lake. Phone 57,
or 2-1964 mornings. 392

The Bureau has just received notice
from the Los Angeles City School
District Personnel Commission, of an
examination for a Working Fellow
Position, which is to be held on or
about March 19, 1938.
Duties: Under supervision to do re-
search work in the field of public ad-
Requirements: College students
with a major in one or more of the
following fields: Public Administra-
tion, Political Science, Economics,
Business Management, Vocational
Guidance, and Occupational Orien-
Age Limit: 18 to 45 years.
Salary: $97.00 to $121 per full
$48.50 to $60.50 per half time.
Applications must be at the Los
Angeles office not later than 3 p.m.,
Friday, March 11, 1938.
Further details of the examination
may be obtained at the office of the
-University Bueau of Appoint-
mcnts and Occupational Infor-
mation. 201 Mason Hlall.
Academic Notices
English 150 (Playwrighting) class

231 SOUTH STATE -'Phone 9242 -- 8 Doors North of Kresge's
KOTEX 20c - MODESS 19c - TAMPAX 33c -- WIX 39c
50c Mollk 29 Geuuinw Gillette Style
33c I31C

_ ,. , .
" ._.
. , ..

---- - - e .

- y.

WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive-
way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co.
Phone 7112. 7x
TYPEWRITER, Royal portable. Good
condition, but outmoded by Xmas
gift. Sell for $20. Call 2-1250.

will meet as usual Monday evening,

' SHOWS TODAY ft 2:00--4:00- 7:00 - 9.00 P.M


( t





This is indeed a streamlined age. In the last ten

years, great progress has been made along these
lines, until at the present time, anything that moves
with appreciable speed, has been designed in such
away as to reduce its resistance, to the wind
BUSINESS, TOO, has a huge problem to overcome .
the resistance of the buying public. To accomplish this end
the Michigan Daily offers to its advertisers increased facilities
that find expression in the indidual servicing of accounts,
the adaptation to the advertisers' needs of two exceptionally
fine mat services, the Stanton and the Manhattan, and an
increase of 3 S 0 over last year, bringing the reading public
of the Daily well over 10,000. The Michigan Daily keeps
up with the times.




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