The Weather Snow or rain, rising tempera- ture today; tomorrow mostly cloudy; moderae. - -.A rl- .tt4r Amt..- &.- q 49mm aw -wr fil tr4 tt.. zt1l aIIM Editorials Whither °emeracy. Paul McNutt Is Riding High,. VOL. XLVIII. No. 103 ASL ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEB. 26, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Poor Gri( DidNotF( Ouster, A Board head Asserts Real Reason Was Not Given Because Not Necessary Criser Given Three Year Contract Here Flatly stating that Harry G. Kipke was not dismissed as head coach of Michigan's football team because of the failure to win games, Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the Board in Control of Physical Education, yester- day upheld the board's action in a radio broadcast here. Although Professor Aigler failed to clarify certain "conditions," which he declared were instrumental in the board's action, it was generally be- Iieved on the campus that those fac- tors affecting Kipke included: () Dubious private associates. (2) Activity in organizing and ad- ministering subsidies contrary to Big Ten practices. (3.) Sanctioning of summer prac- tice, which is also a violation of the Conference code. (4.) Failure to maintain the con- fidence and respect of his own staff of assistants. (5.) General incompetency. Crisler Gets 3-Year Contract Aigler also revealed that the newly- appointed Coach, Herbert 0. (Fitz) Crisler had been given a three-year contract, wlich is a divergence from past University policy of hiring its coaches on a yea-to-year basis. Aigler asserted that the reasons for Kipke's ouster had not been made public becaue "it is not necessary." 'The matcr of Kipke's contract I had been under discussion for a year prior to the announcement of its termination," Aigler said. "If mcm- bars of our board had voted accord- ing to our convictions without regard to other Lctors the action would have been taken more than a year ago. We delayed it in an effort to avoid injustice and hoped that in a year's time the conditions would be cleared up." Does No Tell Conditions He did not explin what was meant by the term "conditions." Discussing the silence that has pre- vailed concerning reasons for Kipke's ouster, Aigler said: "Many institutions have terminat- ed their (football, coaches) contracts without a published statement of the reasons. It will suflice to sa'y that all of the 14 members of our board hadd agreed in taking the action that wa taken." In reply to comment that the Board was "unfair" in that it did not permit Kipke to resign, Aigler said: "The action of our Board which provided that notice should be given that the contract would not be re- newed contained a further provision that Mr. Kipke should be given an op- portunity to resign. But for a reason which he thought was suilcient h' did not do so. Proof eader JoinWak) Otut 4' I Sho 1 #10 L*tik )wing Hull Sets Forth Citizen Rights Mariucci Gives Straight Dope' Hp Ruthven Hits Conservatism YJILI " -11t uetW' I IW *t p"n II TkyoiNotelUniversitie By EIZAETHANDERSON ig le r Sa,) s I Dielaorship, Ienioeraey "When you're booed at home andHod Bi te Edc io 1g le r tTs D ict a torh i fir I sl ocrac Ycheered away, then your days as an H lsBgtdE~xftii Raise Conit roversy In~ athlete are over. But when they Mentally Ages Youth,, cheer enyouat'vhome a) boo you away; .befreTi r rj1 J ap a H o u e , C ab i et goyto b go d."R ce orw LT heJ Tp V ieO n rLcalyphilosophizes John 1Mariucci, M inne- ffiS II L , U . +a , sota's colorful hocl ,y and football ; Says Ilsi ' '.C. Are To Be iA arn "_7 1ea AI a~~ star anent his A ecep! ion at the Coli- F a I1I ra t ateseum Thursday. Fea 'northiodoxy __________ "Of, course, they don't always cheer ______ The annual University Oratorical Contest preliminaries for sophomores, mrcn nae npaeu me at home,", the st llar Gopher de- (BAStf rcsode) juniors and seniors, will be held onpruthaeaigto vewrefnemn admitted anld he predicted NEW YORK, Feb. 25.--(Special to March 17 in Room 4203, Angell Hall,, thattdysgm ol e"xiigte aily)--The school which at- Prof. Louis M. Eich of the speech do- thypesSceayHlIa od n lnytuh"We se i tempts to narrow the thinking of its partment, announced yesterday. Japan, it became known yesterday, asI opinion of the Mid) iigan team, he suet yidcrntn hmwt The finals will be held a wveek later. a bitter controversy on lines of de- i smiled, and after a short hesitation paretticulary theories in pltics, coo- and the winner will go to Cleveland mocracy -against dictatorship pittedlIsaid that they're nic,1 fellowvs off th~e nomics, sociology or religion, or re- nc T~iari-.' P~rc tn~~P i.Japan s Houiseof Repiwpsnnnttives ice. fivgc-c them1141 ho,tdo ., 4 -, - Nazis Resent Snub From Sclrschnigg; Plan Finish Fight 1-on't Jolt Party 1 a t as Ln IiLau r 6 I-tpI-u6n24Kl1VC ill i W"kJ"Al 0 1AU lAO%, V1 1w;VAlLr7L::L 11J(.L 41 VGA I I the Northern Oratorical League con- against the Cabinet in a critical A cinch for all-American college test on May 6. Prizes there will be struggle. hockey honors, he no only is an out- $100 and $50, and such schools as Meanwhile, an Associated Press re- standing backline man, but plays a Wisconsin, Minnesota, Western Re- port from Shanghai stated that Japan great offensive game. He leads the 1serve and Iowa will compete. claimed today to have struck China's Gopher scorers having tallied nine Any student interested in enter- Air force a paralyzing blow in a great goals and two assists in 11 games. ing should register at the speech of- air battle over the Nanchange air- Last Thursday's game was the flee or see any speech instructor. drome, "nerve center of China's avia- cleanest hockey gime I've ever tion, in Kiangsi province. played, he stated annl his career has RejoiderIs Shriheld plenty of thrillrs. His ability Atu a Res onere Hs Sh iscrs may be judged by the fact that he !M erm en Defeat'uyb ugdb tl atta e At a press conference Hull disclosed' turned down an offer o play with one his reply to a Japanese Army order te dwn a sof th aional T euetg regesiChn o f the leading teams of the National I' wa Uaev i requesting foreigners in China to Hce egei re ocniu evacuate war areas and mark their ki eu to d attack education at Minnesota. propertytoavoidattHis biggest thrill came in a game d "In one of the sharpest rejoinders for the Mid-West A nateur Hockey from the State Department in re- Championship in Chicago, while still By IRVIN LISAGOlI cent years, Hull sent the following in- in high school, when his team went Back home after a 4,000 mile road structions to American Ambassador into the third period six points be- .iaunt, Michigan's tireless swimming Grew at Tokyo: hind and ended up with an 8-6 vic- team defeated Iowa in the Intramural I "There rests upon Ainericain offi- tory and the title. Tl e entire oppos- pool last night, 47-37, in its first home cials and other American Nationals ing team was from 1Is home town, meet of the season. in China no obligation whatsoever to Eveleth, Minn., the so -called home of A capacity crowd watched Iowa,take precautionary measures re- American hockey which made the rated as the underdogs, tic Mattquested on behalf of contending game doubly intermstiig-. Mann's splashcnd twice during the forces towards safeguarding Ameri-- A physical educati )n major, he can lives and interests." (Continued on eage 3) evening,! eveningDispatches from Tokyo showed to- The Wolverines captured five firsts, diypatl from Toyig Hdlt's including the runaway 400-yard re- day that a note embodying Hull's sAcademly ' meluingtherunway 00-ardre-ideas had been delivered to Japanese el e lay, which was climaxed by Michi- as had een authoritiar Debate Is ot ConVe es Here Mit igan's athletic teams swima At Tokyo the controversy was over jio action tonight on three fronts the drastic War Control Bill which a i 1 To 19 c four sports in one of th e sc the Cabinet was determined to make sroIded sprts cards o le s law and which members of Parlia--- - In Ann Arbor the Varsity track iFsCism *91 'ti5 A il0V.ltion of Dr. A. II. Hawsxk To Speak team faces the Ohio State thin- Fascism:. clads in the second and only home N The House which was recessed ycs- .Upon 'ull Recovery Or indoor meet of the season which i terday, when hoots and howls in- Stagnati on" At Meet gets under way at 7:30 p.m. in terrupted debate on the measure, Yost Field House. At 8:30 p.m. fol- 1again assailed it in a tumultuous ses- Outstanding scholars and scientists Ilowing the track meet, the hockey sion and sent it back to a 45-member in almost every field of academic en- teamclashes with Minnesota. at committee for revision. dcavotir will attend the 43rd annual them Colsheu i the gameswhic mmLeades orrte ,len. .meeting of the Michigan Academy of the Coliseum in the game which Leaders ot the opposition were Science, Arts and Letters, March 17 will decide whether the Big Ten cheered wildly when they stormed to 19 here, Prof. Leigh J. Young, see- Title goes home with the Gophers against the legislation's "Nazi style, or is split with the Wolverines, charging it would emasculate the con- Dr. Allan H. Hansen . of the Grad- At Iowa City, the basketball stitution and rob the Japanese pcopln ,quad will encounter the Iowa. live, of their basic rights. iat e School of Public Adiniistration "Giant Killers of tile Big Ten." Reports of the air battle comnflict-" at Harvard, will deliver an address on- Iowa defeated Michlgan in their ed. Friday, March 18, entitled "Full Re- ciy'revia-ous I .tnn tisIe ° orvery or Stagnation," Chnyee sumeeting this n. Cpt erI Tie presidential address will be The wrestlers move into Colum- Chinese disputed the Japanese ver given by Stanard G. Burguist, chair bus, 0., tomght to clash with the sion of the battle in which about 100 mn of the department of geology and Blrckeye natmene, and will bIn planes were said to have been engaged gography at Michigan State Col- seeking their sixth w simultaneously. lege. His topic will be "'Panorama of For full details, see page 3. Japanese said 50 of their own naval the Glacial Evolution of Michigan." nlanes overwhelmed a fleet of 40 . A ILWS5 Lnem en JIz er y of L LouLght JoUW enjoyed by the scientist, commits the unforgiveable sin of making young men and women mentally old before their time, President Ruthven said last night, speaking before the Univer- sity of Michigan Club of New York. "Specifically," the President con- tinued, "the student is within his right to question the appropriateness of the halo of ethical sanctification over economic expediency or to chal- lenge the calculated and unrelenting pursuit of profit." Universities Not Rede He pointed out that, far from bcimg "red" or even liberal, our universities are, on the whole, really the strong- holds of conservatism, and important in maintaining the "status quo." "Even more," the President stated, "these institutions tend with age to become crystallized by tradition. reg- ulations and departmentalization un- til with them the term "liberal edu- cation" is a travesty, and they func- tion as molds into which students are poured to emerge either as a uniform product or as rejects of the process." "Thus," Dr. Ruthven said, "an evi- dence of unorthodox thinking, the slightest tinge of pink, becomes (On- spicuous as a departure from the norm and causes a spasin of hysteria in timid souls who are fearful of being disturbed." I ANTHONY EDEN Fiulu're Is Foreseen, For British Policy By Prophetic Eden LONDON, Feb. 25 1')I' dthony Eden shouted a prophecy of failure tonight for the policy of dealing with dictators that forced him out of the British Cabinet. He then washed his hands of the battle being waged for his foreign policy by Government op- plneiets. Dashing oppoJition hopes that he might form the nucleus for an at- tack on the government, Eden said ,he government had decided to employ a certain approach to Anglo-Italian friendship - ec addcd: "The decision is made. Parliament has endorsed it. Very well. I gan anchor man, Ed Kirar's 53-sec- ond performance, which duplicated his winning and pool-record break- ing effort in the 100 yard free style race. The old mark of :53.2 was held by Rutgers' great; Walt Spence. The quarter mile race produced an' exciting iinish which found smooth- stroking Bob Christians of Iowa push- ing Tom Maynie to the finish line. In the diving event, both the Iowa and Michigan entrants We'we of' dform. "Russian and American" manufac- tu'ed Chinese combat planes that rose to battle them. Chinese said they counted 59 Japanese raiders. "More than 30" Chinese fighting planes were shot down and extensive damage inflicted on the air base by the bombers, the Japanese naval command declared. Chinese asserted they destroyed eight of the Japanese planes and mentioned neither losses to their own fleet nor damage to the airdrome. i , ;I i E t Other outstanding speakers whoj Iwill deliver addresses at the sectional meetings. D. W. Gdakunst, commis- .sicner of the state department of health, will talk before themedical ; cction at their Friday luncheon. Di'. Michael Heideberg er, of Co- l;tinbi University, 'ill also speak be- fore the nedical group. His topic will ie "Recent Theories of Immune Reac- Lions and Some Practical Applica- t ions,." Connki:iontr Brownrig, of the newly-creatcd state Civil Service Cominmission, will speak before the b istory and political science group jt their luncheon on Friday, March t8, Students Must Think I1"The g'overnmcnt must then go "The college shcid be an agency j ahead on the course which they have to train persons C' M4 a1dl L; enrichment, not to teach t hem what do I desire now to say anything to social efficiency and personal mental make their task more difficult." to believe and what not to believe," But Chamberlain's selection of a the President declar'ed.,u hmeli'sslcino new foreign secretary from the House "The theory. or at least the hope of Lords- Viscount Halifax whom he of education," he continued, "is that ':ent to Berlin last November to start if young people can be taught to use talks with Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hit- their minds some of them may retain ler-brought a new storm of opposi- the ability to cerebrate respectably tion in the House of Commons. and become intelligent leaders and Labor leaders charged Chamberlain followers in what must be a continual- was defying Britain's unwritten con- ly changing social order." stitution "It should be apparent to any sI u -. ___ thoughtful person that no school 'is properly contributing to the education >f its students if it insists upon putting Studente m s ta ct their minds in strait jackets." Foolish Adults "To have a harmi-ofiious work]d ar< I e s ~4I111JA (~ der," President Ruthven went on to e ''b say, "either we must be reconciled for List 01 R les years to wade through rivers of blood, to inhale the miasma of class and race hatred and to witness the starva- The sponsoring 'committee of the tion of many thousands of men, Student Senate, in one of its final women, and children, or we must in- sessions, yesterday voted to recom- sist that the minds of the young have mend seven resolutions on procedure freedom to cogitate upon and to de- or the Senate which will hold its first termine the kind of a world they meeting March 15. It also appointed want. " CAuzommittee of three to work with Continuing he said, "A society ttheSenate in codifying structural which wishes to offer development to - a people's energy, intellect and virtues Following are -the recomnmenda- 'cannot succeed by the efficient large- : tiols: scale production of cowed, culturally- "i '[hat the SItudent Senate us adrift, factozy-made minds whose somi system of proportional represen- owners become slaves of tradition, tation in its elections. cannon fodder for scared or selfrish "2. That the Student Senate elect adults, and units resistant to progress, it; own officers, and that it be com- toward a better world," pletely independent of any control by "Indeed," the Presiden4 said, in the Sponsoring Committee, or any this direction lies disaster, for (I c iother outside body. (Continued on Page 6 3 'That. the Student Senate con- CONTENTION AT SOUTII HAVEN Ider only national and international SOUTH HAVEN, Feb. 25.- (J) - affairs, touching upon local issues onl yas they bear reference to these na- Fruit spraying methods were ex-=I ioaanitr'toalqeins plained by Michigan State College ex- 4onal and international questions. perts at the concluding session of the be made a ternDeent advising official. Michigan State Horticultural So- I tothe Student Senate but without ciety's two day spring convention vt.e orveint proced is heretoda. Oter seakes inlude vote or voice in its proceedings. here today. Other speakers inicluided "5. That the secretary of the market and packing experts. ( Co,1rled on Page 2) Detroit Soldier, Back1 Hnie Again,, Recounts Story Of Spanish War Chautemps To Ask House For Mandate To Follow Great Britain Stand Austrian Situation Is Termed Critical BERLIN, Feb. 25.-W- Behind of- ficial German -reluctance to comment on Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schus- chnigg's defiance to Nazi am- bitions for union of Austria and Ger- many there is no doubt that disap- pointment-if not actual resentment -is felt. The two Austrian-born leaders of the German people--Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and Schuschnigg--are farther apart today than they ever have been. A number of leadin Nazis in Berlin said that Schuschnigg had failed to seize an opportunity inhis'speech yes- terday to the Austrian Parliament to support Hitler and, therefore, must go into the discard. They said the "a'- dress was his swan song." Indignation was felt that Schus- chnigg had praised Italian Premier Mussolini for his interest indAustria's independence but had failed even to mention Hitler by name, much less praise him as a friend. Official Germany expressed the opinion, however, that "there is no evidence whatever that Mussolini had anything to do with the Schuschnigg ;peech." Unofficial Nazi comment, imme- diately after conclusion of the speech which was broadcast to Germany as well as Austria, had emphasized that Schuschnigg "is finished.history will take its course without him." "Austria is ours," one commentator said. "We got the police and the Min- istry of the Interior as well as large seetie ft he r v" 'Jiyre ganization of the Austrian govern- snent that followed ,Sehuschnigg's conference with Hitler Feb. 120 Austrian Nazis Seethe VIENNA, Feb. 25-~i)-Austrian Nazis, seething with dissatisfatio,, declared tonight they planned a fight o the finish against Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg and his determined stand (or a free and independent Austria. Fatherland Front members of Aus- tria's only legal party, pleased as they were by the Chancellor's defiance of Nazi hopes to unite (Jermany and Austria,"admitted the situation was "critical." The forthright speech of Schus- ,hnigg to parliament last night led ',o wide conjecture that someody or omething had given him the assur- ance to speak so boldly of indepen- lence and freedom in the face of Ger- mnan support of Austria's Nazis, One widely believed report said Schuschnigg had talked to Italian ?remier Benito Mussolini by telephone efore the speech and was told to speak out. France May Follow Britain PARTS, Feb. 25 .-(A-A"Premier Ca- niille Chautemps sought a clear man- 'late from the Chamber of Deputies 'oday to follow Britain's new diplo- 'nacy of conciliation to Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Despite fiery epithets and a near ist fight on the Chamber floor at he start of a twoday debate on his foreign policy, the Premier's supports eredicted he would win a vote of 'onfidence. The vote was expected tomorrow night. Yvon Delbos, foreign minister, and Francois De Tessan, undersecretary for foreign affairs, followed the tumul- tuous session closely, striving to keep the majority in line behind the cab- inet. Gries of "spy!" and "traitor!" rang hrough the verbal battles. "The time has come to admit that the People's Front government led -'rance into financial, economic and 'olitical bankruptcy both at home and abroad," shouted Marcel Baucher, a rightist Independent, over boos and hisses from the left. Pershing Siking Fast; Placed In Oxygen Tent TUCSON, Ariz., Feb. 25.--UP)-Re- ports from the hospital where Gen. John J. Pershing lay gravely ill to- Fortner Student Deplores Working Conditions *Ihe Intcm'national Typograihical Union's strike against the Ann Arbor Press spread into the proof reading! department yesterday when Mabel Clair Gold, head of proof readers, joined strikers with a profession of sympat hy for thei' demands." Miss Gold, forimrly a University student and, i1929, editor of the Uiversity of Arkansas Traveler, had this to say in explanatiom-: "As far as our own working con-! ditions go, they are not satisfactory. I've worked 70 to 80 hours a we k 1o wveeks on end. In joining the strike, 1 am hopeful of improving working conditions in the plant for everyone." Miss Gold, who began work for the Ann Arbor Press seven years ago as a Linotype operator, was once a mem- ber of the 7T.U and is again eligible for membership in the union. which includes proofreaders, Linotype oper- ators and hand compositors. It was rumored locally yesterday that there is a national movementr afoot to organize press men. KERMIT EBY TO TALK ErE Kermit Eby, former instiractor at I Europe P ivots On F ascist I ans LOf Expa s011 Prof. Slosson Stays By JIO1ACE W. GILMORE I hitler and Mussolimn would never sign The pivotal point of the European an 'greement with Russia. situation today is whether Hitler and I "The pact, if it were drawn up,-" he Mussolini desire definite territorialj said, "would probably be a non- expansion to fulfill certain needs, or whether they want expansion in gen- _ oral that knows no end when started. I Prof. Prc)ton W. Slosson of the his- tory depairtment -;id yesterday- The whole qustmn hinges aroud I Q-1e two tr' s of imucrialists, h pointed out. One 1ind I impei'ia = ist, such as Frederick the Great of Prussia, desires certain things, and' when lie has obtained them, is sati - tied. The other type, exemplified by Ale 'ander the Great and Napoleon. has no definite aims in territoria ex- pansion. but wishes to acquire all lie *-,~ can. "It would be my gues'," ProfessorI Slosson continued. "that Mussolini and Hitler are of the latter type. If this is correct, Anthony Eden was justified in his stand. If, however. they are of the former kind* Neville 1- Chamberlain undoubtedly holds the I ,ther papers anmd speeches are to ie LIvemi at sction meetings which _e o;en to the public. Only the meeting of the Academy at 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 19 will be closed to ,he general public. Moehi man Takes UP . . .istiani Here1 Continuing from his assertion Thi 'sday that the solution of the in- evitabie state-church conflict lay in i Kom-e a daptation of its treatment in America, Prof. Conrad Moehiman of Ihe Colgate - Rochester Divinity School yesterday qualifiedly said in a lecture that America is Christian. 'Statistically speaking," he de- clared, "Christianity is the religion of the minority, constitutng about 43 per cent of the population," and add- ed that the mores of the country, however, may be called Christian or non=Christian according to one's point of view. TIhis variance in values, he traced in our laws to Article VT. in the Con- stitution which requires no religious Bty ROBERT PERLMAN Behind the war now devastating Spain lies the story of a country "rlunged into war because a few rich landlords refused to abide by the decisions of a government elected by a majority vote of the people" de- clared Robert Taylor of Detroit, who returned last fall from seven months of fighting with the 3,000 Americans Neutrality Act as actual aids to Fran- co, because litler and Mussolini can still buy war suuplies in America and send them to Spain The 22-year-old former WPA writer ws one of 100 Detroiters who have fought in the three American bat- talions, the Abraham Lincoln, the George Washington and the McKen- sie-Papeneau (part Canadian) Bat- t'al is.TWounded 1twvie-. Taivloi- wnt I