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February 15, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-15

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'.L'UL911A]Y, i EUS 15, i:1StS







1 a so-c---- - -+,...
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studer" Publications.
PuDushed every morning except Mondy during the
Oniversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Errv."ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second Alass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisingSefice, Inc.
College Publishers Reresentative
r 420 MADisom Ave. NEW YORK, N Y.
Board of Editors
=NEWS EDITOR ...................ROBERT P WEES
SPORTS EDITOR .....................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
x only.
The State
Of Frank (JC.) Haue
I N JERSEY CITY the municipal three
:,ring circus continues unabated, with
rIvayor Frank Hague ably imersonating a ring-
master. "I am the law," shouts Hague, mouthing
insults and vituperation at any hapless liberal
that attempts to rock his corrupt ship of state.
But so strongly is Hague entrenched in New
".ersey, as well as the city under his immediate
control, that all efforts to dislodge him meet
failure. Public pressure has forced the State
legislature, many of its members pro-Hague, to
investigate the recent election.
When the legislative committee's investigators
gen t. to Jersey City, the election officials there
refl sed to show them books and records. These
official were appointed . during the regime of
Fr nk Hiague Frustrated, the committee turned
to Gov. A. Harry Moore, a "victor" in the very
election under investigation, who refused to help
them other than suggesting that they appeal to
the courts. Governor Moore was also elected
under the incredible Hague.
When the committee turns to the courts it will
find further obstacles in that many of the judges
were appointed by Governor Moore in former
terms of office, and others by other governors,
among them Republican Harold Hoffman, with
the advice and consent of Hague.;
Thus oPerates democracy in New Jersey. Even
the sovereign legislature is refused the permis-
sion to examine the election records. The vote
is announced, with no concrete corroboration.
So well does Frank Hague have the state of
New Jersey under his personal control that it
seems that the only effective action to depose him
must begin outside. The New Deal could assist
greatly by ousting the Jersey City Fuehrer .from
his position as vice-chairman of the Democratic
National committee.
Dennis Flanagan-.

overt and underground spheres of diplomacy, to-
ward Austria.
Theneteffect of the coup will dcubtless be a
tig teninx 'of Jiscipline in the fascist triple al-
liance At the same time, however, the event may
be taken as an indication, f6ther with the
Catholic-baiting and the trial of the Protestant
minister Niemoller, of the far-reaching discon-
tent within Germany after five years of National I
Socialism under Hitler.
Joseph Gies.
The Editor
Gets Od.,.
Billions For Bombs
To the Editor:
Indeed! It is a most fortunate situation that
a member of the Daily editorial board has un-
veiled the armament question in the President's
message to Congress.
At the present moment the U.S. has no fear
of invasion since it already possesses one of the
largest navies in the world. In addition, our
geographical position is of a nature which would
warrant imperalistic powers to refrain con-
templating such notions.
Billions on a bigger and better navy would only
be an economic and a social loss since methods
in the art of war change so rapidly that dread-
naught "P.Q.R." would be rendered useless in a
few years. But if that money was spent for edu-
cation, think of how many times a human life
would outlive .a dreadnaught sending out cheer-
fullness, happiness and peace instead of horror,
disaster and bullets.
By education, Japan or powers of like nature,
would learn our methods of peace instead of
reenacting America's imperialistic history.
French Newspapers
To the Editor:
We have read much of French politics and
political parties in the American newspapers of
late. Yet none of the French newspapers taken
by the University Library are representative of
the viewpoints of any of the three majority
French parties.
Since all French newspapers are frankly par-
tisan, they make no pretence of giving the op-
posing view. The French newspapers in the li-
brary at the present time give a distorted view of
French politics because they represent minority
parties and minority groups.
There are several excellent newspapers of the
various dominate French leftist parties, such as
l'Humanite and le Populaire. I believe that the
considerable number of French-reading students
who are interested in French politics warrants
their inclusion among the rest.
On Spain's Food
To the Editor:
On Feb. 13 the New York Times published an
article by Mr. Ellery Sedgwick entitled "Life
Found Normal in Insurgent Spain," which ap-
pears to be a cheap piece of propaganda to ap-
peal to the gustatory senses. (Food seems a ma-
jor concern with him).
It is evident that Mr. Sedgwick knows nothing
of the deplorable conditions of the Spanish pea-
sants, particularly before the civil war, and the
privations that they have faced for centuries.
Now, in time of war, this writer would have us be-
lieve that everything is "normal," where nor-
mality means, if we agree with him, a jump from
starvation, by means of a war, to what he calls
His associations in Spain were among the well-
to-do, among those who can load their tables
with the extravagant abundance which keeps the
rest of Spain undernourished. "The Spaniards,"
he states, "are the most magnificent eaters in
Europe," but his "Spaniards" are 15 per cent of

25 millions. The other 85 per cent work on the
land and feed the industries to get scarce food
for their children and themselves. The delicious
sweets, fruits, and wines which our author talks'
about are produced in Spain by the peasants, but
are intended to satisfy the insatiable gluttony of
the Spanish nobles, whom Mr. Sedgwick de-
scribes so vividly. Any fool can deduce that the
welfare of the nobles cannot be extended to the
peasants and be called "normality," unless France
has made more progress in solving the agrarian
problem than on the battlefield.
Spain has been in need of food (both physical
and mental) for centuries and still needs it. My
people present a good example of "human waste"
for lack of agriculture and schools to develop the
natural talents of a gifted race, who fight (per-
haps blindly) to break the bonds of slavery.
E. Gallo, Grad.
"Six meadow mice in a year destroy as much
grass as a cow could eat in a day. Therefore the
mice cut down on the cow's food, its milk pro-
duction and the farmer's milk check." E. L. Pal-
mer, professor of rural education at Cornell
University, suggests a mouse-hunting vogue to
supplant the traditional fox hunt.

ft feeinr toiMe
Heywood Broun
MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 14.-Floyd qibbons has just
arrived down here in his yacht,ahd'when a re-
porter buys a boat that's news l'aven't always
thought so, but I guess it's good news. Certainly,
as I eyed the trim craft from the far side of the
canal there was no envy in my heart. The thought
upon which I dwelt was, "Golly, a man must
have to hit a typewriter a lot of times to get
himself one of those."
And there is a peculiar sort of fitness in Floyd's
having a yacht dropped in his lap. After all, the
beginning of his newspaper reputation was tied
up with a ship. He went down into the sea when
the Germans shot the Laconia from under him,
and it was not mere luck which put him in this
happy spot. When Floyd went to France he fig-
ured that being torpedoed would make a fine
story. Of course, it wasn't possible to arrange
for such a thing in advance, but Gibbons selected
the Laconia as a likely boat to take the rap.
I've always maintained that the story which
Floyd Gibbons wrote about the sinking of the
Laconia stands out as the best piece of reporting
done in our time.
A Popular Story
And I'm not alone in this opinion. As a matter
of fact, Floyd has sold that particular piece four.
or five times to the magazines and used it on six
different radio programs.
I remember very well some years ago Gibbons
showed me an impressive check which he had re-
ceived from a weekly magazine.
"What did you sell them, Floyd?" I asked.
"The sinking of the Laconia," said Gibbons.
Naturally, T raised an eyebrow in astonishment.
"But," I protested, "that's Captain Patterson's
magazine, and originally you did it for his news-
papers. I suppose you've rewritten the whole
"Sure," said Gibbons, "I put in ap. extra com-
ma." But fearing that I might be perturbed by
the suggestion that something was being put over
on an editor, Gibbons added hastily, "The cap-
tain knows it's the same story. HeIs buying the
use of my name."
Now, when a reporter gets to the point where
he can let the "by-line" do the work the words
which come after the signature may not be ar-
ranged in such a manner as to constitute little
Maybe there ought to be a law prohibiting any
working newspaper man from signing his name
in a paper. It might produce better copy. Even
:he most notable journalists would'be compelled
o dig in every day and make their stuff speak
for them. Nobody could get by' me'ely through
flying his kite and letting the labels lift him.
Among The Great Reporters
Gibbons has written much in the last few years
which hardly matched hiis Lacoriia story. Indeed,
some. of the reporters of the younger generation
are inclined to thrust him into outer darkness.
Only the other day I was sitting around with
a bunch of freshmen who were debating which
newspaper men should be classed among the great
reporters. When I threw in the name of Floyd
Gibbons they all laughed heartily. But, as a
matter of fact, they had scoffed at all my other
In this new school of thought the impression
seems to prevail that no one more than 26 years
old has ever done anything of note in newspapers.
And so I pounded my fist on the table and said:
"You listen to your Uncle Heywood. Go and
scrub your neck before you take on these high
and mighty airs about'your elders. The sinking
of the Laconia was a grand job, and Gibbons was
helped a lot by the fact that he was in a hurry.
When the trawler picked him up out of the ocean
and took him to the nearest cable office he had to
sit down and write ten or twelve columns of
copy just as fast as his fingers could carry him.
Beak In The Brine
"He has no time to monkey with a fancy lead

or throw in any literary lugs. Being under pres-
sure, nothing could come out of him but the
unvarnished truth. The salt water was still up
his nose.
"The worst thing anybody can say to a real re-
porter is, 'Take your time.' Leisure is the death
of journalistic literature.
"And let me tell you young squirts that if
Bleeck's was to blow up this very minute Gib-
bons could get to his typewriter and outwrite any
one of you if a deadline was hanging over his
And so it is both fitting and fortunate that
fabulous Floyd should be cruising around Miami
in his own yacht. If anybody shoots this from
under him he could once more. sit down and do
another Laconia story.
A cross-section of Hunter College students, in
a voluntary peace poll sponsored by the World
Youth Congress, revealed they believ that in
case of armed conflict, the United .Sates should
prohibit shipment of munitions to all countries at
war. They were divided about half and half on
the question of whether they would fight for De-
mocracy against Fascism or fight only in case
the country is invaded-.

It is far too seldom that the Luce
trust, publishers of Time, Fortune
and Life, acts for the greatest good
for the greatest number of this coun-t
try's population, but they have defi-
nitely rendered the American people a1
public service by their presentation ofe
the March of Time's "pictorial jour-
nalism" feature, "Inside Nazi Ger-
many," whichappeared at the Mich-
igan Theatre this last week-end.
The film merits praise and shouldf
be seen, because it presents graphi-
cally the life of men, women and chil-
dren under Hitler's regime and
thanks to the commentator, does so
in a way that leaves little doubt about
the desirability of fascism in the mind
of one who believes in democracy and
the dignity of man.
Actually the picture is composed of
shots that could be not only innocent
but pro-Nazi, if the commentator had
not dug beneath the surface and
pointed out that the superficial con-
tentment of a Berlin crowd does not
show the constantly dropping stan-
dard of living of the mass of German
people and the headlong race toward
war and destruction.
"Eiery man who wants to work is
given a job by Hitler," the commen-
tator says, but hastens totadd that the
worker will produce tools for spread-
ing death, will be told when, where
and how long to work (without the
right to strike), will come home at
night to butterless and meatless
meals (because Germany must import
iron for the artillery and not badly
needed foodstuffs) and will be bom-
barded over the radio and through
the newspapers by Dr. Goebbels'
propaganda about regaining Ger-
iany's lost colonies and about the
thousands who were killed in Com-
munist riots in Detroit.
Particular emphasis is placed on
the process of Nazifying Germany,
which is being accomplished by prop-
aganda, medieval torture and ma-
chine guns. Every minute of every

(Continued from Page 2)
student or students involved to par-
ticipate, the names of all those who
have presented Ceitificates of Eligi-
bility, and a signed agreement to ex-
clude all others from participation.
The issuing of Certi'icates of Eli-
gibility for the second semester will
be greatly facilitated if each applicant
brings with him or her a record of
first semester grades.
Second semester Certificates of El-
igibility will be required after Mar. 1.
Research grants from the Miclii-
gan Academy of Science, Arts and
The Committee on Promotion of
Research of the Michigan Academy
wishes to remind the members of the
Academy that applications for grants
in aid of research from the American
Association for the Advancement of
Science must be in the hands of the
secretary of the Committee not later
than Feb. 25, 1938, if they are to be
considered for the 1938 award.
The total amount9available for
grants is usually between one hun-
dred an dfifty ($150.00) and 'two
hundred dollars ($200.00).
A statement containing a detailed
description of the problem, the pro-
posed use of the sum requested, and
of the probable length of time to
complete the problem should accom-
pany each application. At least two
letters in support of each application
are also requested, one of which
must come from the head of the de-
partment or the dean of the college.
Textbook Lending Library: Stu-
dents who would like to borrow books
from the Textbook Lending Library
at the Angell Hall Study Hall must
be recommended for the privilege by
Professor Arthur D. Moore, Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Alice C'.
Lloyd, or by any one of the academic

Tuesday afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00
in Room 308 Library.
R, W. Cowden.
My section of English 298 will meet
as usual on Wednesday evening at
7:30 in Room 406 Library.
R. W. Cowden.

;ifutication in the .ulletin is constructive notice to ial rmeznbrs of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Asistant to the President
untii 3:30; ii :00 a.m. on Saturday

English 300E, Seminar in Criticism,
will meat Thursday, 3 p.m., hours for
the semester to be arranged then.
Mathematics 120, Life Insurance
Accounting. The first meeting of this
course will be Tuesday, from 2-4 p.m.,
in 3201 A.H.
Mathematics 248, Thory of Elas-
ticity. For those who are interested
in this course, there will be a meet-
ing to arrange hours on Wednesday,
Feb. 16, at 3 o'clock in Room 20 East
Mathematics 371, Seminar in Mod-
ern Algebra. First- meeting will be
held in Room 3001 A.H. Tuesday,
Feb. 15, from 3-5. The program will
be arranged and Mr. Ollmann will
report on the Steinitz paper.
M.E. 33 and 38: Students electing
these courses will meet at 4:30 p.m.
on Wednesday, Feb. 16, in oom 209
West Engineering Annex. Laboratory
schedules and all semester arrange-
ments will be made at this time.
Mechanical Engineering 36: Stu-
dents electing this course should
meet in Room 220 West Engineering
Building Tuesday, Feb. 15, at 4:00
Naval Architecture 2. Will meet in
Room 336, West Engineering Build-
ing instead of Room 222 as given in
the announcement.
Philosophy 114. This course will
meet in 206 S.W.

day a relentless mental regimentation
of the Germans is going on in the
army, the churches and especially in
the schools. Propagandists (and that
term has in the past included many
clergymen, teachers, and artiss)
know that one ideological injection is
far more effective at the age of seven
than twenty such injections at the
i'ge of 18 or older, and the commen-
tator in "Inside Nazi Germany"
makes it very clear that Goebbels is
taking full advantage of his oppor-
tunity to train the smallest children
to think of themselves as future sol-
diers and mothers of soldiers.
We cannot criticize "Inside Nazi
Germany," for failing to bring the
lesson right into our backyard. That
was not the purpose of this film; its
purpose, which it very adequately
achieved, was to give us a glimpse of
Nazism. But the March of Time can
render an even greater service to the
American people by making a "pic-
torial journalism" feature of the
American variety of fascism.
School of Music Graduation Reci-
tal, Sara Linton, pianist. Bach C
minor Partita, Schumann Carnaval,
Op. 9, Sonata in F sharp major, Op.
78, Chopin Fantasie, Op. 49. 8:15
p.m., School of Music Auditorium.
Choral Union Concert, Roth String
Quartet. Quartet in F minor, Op. 95
of Beethoven, Dohnanyi Quartet in
D-flat major, No. 2, Quartet in A
minor, Op. 41 No. 1 of Schumann.
8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Cincinnati Conservatory Symphony
and Madrigal Singers, conducted by
Alexander von Kreisler and John A.
Hoffman. Beethoven's Fifth Sym-
phony, Mendelssohn's Fingal's Cave
Overture, madrigal group. 11-12 a.m.,
Metropolitan Opera Company in
Wagner's Lohengrin. Flagstad, Mel-
chior, Branzell, Hofmann, Huehn,
conducted by de Abravanel. 1:40,
NBC Blue.
Indianapolis Symphony, Fabien
Sevitzky, conductor, Albert Spaulding
violin soloist. Handel "Water Music,
Lalo Symphonie Espagnole, Bloch's
American Epic Rhapsody. 9:15-10:45,
NBC Symphony, Arturo Toscanini,
conductor. Handel's Concerto Grosso
No. 12 in B minor, Haydn's G minor
Symphony (B & H No. 88), Roussel's
The Feast of the Spider, Weber-Ber-
lioz Invitation to the Dance, Taran-
tell from Op. 44 of Martucci. 10-11:30
Union To Sponsor
Activities Smoker
Freshman and new students inter-
ested in outside activities are invited
co. an activities smoker to be spon-
sored by the Union at 8 p.m. Thurs-
day in the main ballroom.
The meeting will be informal, and
five minute talks will be given by
Jack Thom, '38, president of the
Union; Bob Williams, '38, head cheer

counselors of
ture, Science,

the College of Litera-
and the Arts.


Students may leave requests for
books not now in the Textbook Lend-
ing Library with Mr. Van Kersen,
Assistant in Charge of the Angell
.all Study Hall. Such requests will
be printed in The Michigan Daily so
that donors of books may have the
opportunity of satisfying specific
The Bureau has received notice of
the following United States Civil
Service Examinations:
Agronomist (Soil Conservation),
$3,800 a year; Associate Agronomist
(Soil Conservation), $3,200 a year
Assistant Agronomist (Soil Conser-
vation), $2,600 a year; Soil Conir-
vation Service, Department of Agri-
Junior Scientific Aid ' (Parasitol-
ogy), $1,440 a year; Bureau of Ani-
mal Industry, Department of Agri-
Senior Scientific Aid (Preparator
in Pathology), $2,000 a year; Army
Medical Museum, War Department.
Printer-Proofreader, $1.32 an hour
(40 hour week); Government Print-
ing Office.
Physiotherapy Aide, $1,800 a year;
U. S. Public Health Service (Treasury
Department), and Veterans' Admin-
JuniorEngineer, $2,000 a year;
Senior students may apply.
Customs Examiner's Aid, $2,300 a
year; U.S. Customs Service, Treasury
For further information, please
call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Academic Notices
Notice to Seniors: The examination
in foreign languages (French, Span-
ish, German) for the New York State
teacher's license will be held Friday,
Feb. 18, at 1:15 o'clock, in Room 100
Aeronautical Engineering Stu-
dents: Students enrolled in Profes-
sor Thompson's sections of Aeronau-
tical Engineering 14, i15a 19, and 24
will meet to arrange hours in Room
B-308 East Engineering Building to-
day at 4:00 p.m. Students unable
to be present at this time should
leave a copy of their schedules in my
Anthropology 32 will meet in Room
1025 Angell Hall instead of Room 231.
Anthropology 152, The Mind of
Primitive Man, wil meet in Room
1035, Angell Hall, nstead of Room
Economics 175 (First semester).
The first semester final examination
in Economics 175 will be reviewed
at the first meeting of Economics 176,
on Tuesday, Feb. 15, at 10 a.m. in
103 Ec. Bldg. All first semester 175
students are welcome.
E. M. Hoover.
English 190: The class will meet at
5 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 17, 2215 A.H.
Any student unable to keep this ap-
pointment will kindly report to the

PsychOlogy 34L, 36, 38: All labora-
tory sections of these courses will
meet this week at 1 p.m. in Room
3126 N.S. on their respective days.
Students who have not yet arranged
laboratory sections and students in
34L who have not aj ranged their dis-
cucsion section should do so at once
in Room 2122 N.S. The regular place
of meeting for 34L is Room 1139
N.S. on Wednesday at 1 and Satur-
day at 11.

Psychology 106 meets in
W. Med. con TuTh at 10.
PWychology 116 meets in
W. Med. on MWF at 11.
Psychology 166 meets in
W. Med. on MWF at 2.

Room 307,
Room 307
Room 307


IN SPITE of attempts at camouflage,
and conciliation, Hitler's piurge of
the German army and diplomatic service has
caused reasonably widespread alarm in European
capitals. For the last likely brake on the Nazi
military machine now appears to be off, with the
rest of the route downhill.
Gen. Werner von Fritsch, boss of the Reichs-
wehr, and his most important supporters on
the general staff and in the high posts of the
army, have paid the penalty for opposition to
German intervention in Spain by their dismissal,
together with two conservative ambassadors and
Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath. The
fascist defeat at Teruel probably brought the feud
to a crisis, but there is no doubt that dissension
had long existed behind the Nazi facade. Von
Fritsch is known to have quarrelled with Hitler
on the rate of speed of the enlargement of the
Reich military forces, urging that the foreign
policy be kept within bounds until the army
could be brought to a peak of numerical and
mechanical strength, while on the other hand the
Fuehrer insisted that the growth in military
power keep pace with foreign affairs. Last year's
scheduled increase did not materialize fully in
spite of Hitler's expostulations and the tremen-
dous concentration of the nation's productive
forces on it.
Von Ribbentrop, the new foreign .mibister, is
one of Hitler's closest associates, a'kel',ble Party

Psychology 176. Will the students
who intend to work with Professor
Adams pelase report in his office on
Thursday, Feb. 17, either at 2 or 3
Beginners' and Advanced Classes
in Speech-reading are being formed
for this second semester. Possible
class hours are daily 9 or 3, with
laboratory practice at 10 or 4.
Bessie Whitaker.
Graduation Recital: Sara Grace
Linton, pianist, will appear in reci-
talin partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Master of Mu-
sic degree, in the School of Music
Auditorium, Tuesday, Feb. 15, at
8:15 o'clock. The public is invited.
Choral Union Concert: The Roth
String Quartet of Budapest, Feri
Roth, First Violin; Jenor Antal, Sec-
ond Violin; Ferenc Molnar, viola;
and Janos Scholz, violoncellist; will
give the ninth program in the Choral
Union Concert Series, Thursday,
Feb. 17, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Audi-
An exhibition of paintings, draw-
ings and drypoints by Umberto Ro-
mano is offered by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the South gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall, and an
exhibition of etchings by John Tay-
lor Arms in the North Gallery, Feb.
14 through March 2. Open 2 to 5 p.m.
daily including Sundays, admission
free to members and to students%
University Lecture: Professor Wil-
liam A. Robson of the London School
of Economics and Political Science
will lecture on "Democracy in Eng-
land Today" in the Natural Science
Auditorium today at 4:15 p.m. under
the auspices of the Department of
Political Science.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. V. N. Ipa-
tieff, of the Universal Oil Products
Company, will speak on The Cata--
lytic Alkylation of Paraffins and
Naphthenes in Room 165, Chemistry
Building, at 4:15 p.m. today. This
lecture is sponsored by the U. of X'.
Section of the American Chemical

J-Hop Bands Please Customers

Both Jimmy Dorsey and Kay Kyser received
a warm reception from the Hoppers Friday night
although, as might have been expected, the latter
probably drew a greater share of the plaudits

clarinet. The alto still remains his best medium
of expression. His band was well-balanced, the
rhythm section performing very steadily, with
McKinley setting an excellent example for the
other members of the section to follow June

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