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June 05, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-06-05

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The Weather
Fair today and tomorrow;
somewhat warmer today and


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VOL. XLVIII. No. 180


F.D.R. Begins
Pump riming
To End Slump
Lending - Spending Attack
Begun Before Congress
Has Finished New Bill

Faculty Women To Face Danger
On Stormy Colorado For Science

WPA Increases Jobs
By 30,000 Per Week
WASHINGTON, June 4.-(P-()-The
Administration has started its lend.
ing-spending attack on the depres.
sion although Congress still has a
week's work to do on the $3,723,000,-
000 bill that will supply most of the
Officials disclosed today that the
WPA was using funds already or
hand to create additional work relie
jobs at the rate of approximately 30,-
000 a week.
If Congress finally approves the
$1,425,000,000 which the lending-
spending bill now carries for WPA
they said, they expect an average of1
2,800,000 persons to be given work re-
lief employment in the next sever
months. This could compare with
an enrollment of 2,679,656 on May 28
and an officially-expected winter
pea1t of 3,000,000 or more.
Most of the additional jobs pro-
vided since May 28, it was said, were
in large industrial communities where
the unemployment situation was
most acute.
Secretary' of Agriculture Henry A
Wallace also has taken steps to put
the 4dministration's relief program
into effect without waiting for Con-
gress to finish action on the big lend-
ing-spending bill.
' He directed the Federal Surplus
Commodities Corporation yesterday
.to canvass needs for food and cloth-
Sing among persons on relief.
This type of .relief will be tem-
porary, it was declared, and will be
concentrated in distressed commu-
nities typified recently by Chicago
aid Cleveland.
The Reconstruction Finance Cor-
poration already is receiving applica-
tions for long-term loans for business
and industry, and officials of the
Public Works Administration aie get-
ting ready to start new PWA projects
swiftly as so6n as the pending Ap-
propriation Bill becomes law.
Local Churches
Mar Sabbath
In Varied Rtes
Brashares Will Preach On
'Snow White'; Picnc Is
Planned For Lutherans
Ann Arbor churches today wil
conduct early masses, holy commun-
ion services, social hours, teas, youth
conferences, and picnics to supple-
ment the usual morning worship arfi
Holy communion will follow the 9
a.m. early service at the Bethlehem
Evangelical church. Rev. Theodore
Schmale will officiate at this service
which will be conducted in German.
The sermon on "The Promise of
Spiritual Power," will be given at
10:30 a.m. following church school
at 9:30 a.m. The Young People's
League will meet at 7 p.m. to dis-
cuss the topic: "What Constitutes
Good Citizenship?"
Dr. CharlesW. Brashare's subject
*for morning worship at the First
Methodist Episcopal church will be
"Snow White." The choir, under the
direction of Palmer Christian, Uni-
versity organist, will sing "We Praise
Thee, 0 God,".by Stanford and "The
Cherubic Hymnb by Gretchaninoff.
Junior high and post-high school age
classes will be held at 9:30 and 9:45
a.m. in Stalker Hal land the church
pafrlors respectively. Members of
the Wesleyan guild who are plan-
ning to attend the supper and meet-
ing at Island Park will meet at Stal-
ker Hall.
Rev. Carl A. Brauer wili conduct
Pentecost service in German at St.
Paul's Lutheran church at 9:30 a.m.

Preparatory services at 10:30 a.m.
will be followed by a Pentecost serv-
ice in English at 10.45 a.m. with a
sermon "The Comforter," and cele-
bration of Holy Communion. A young
people's outing to a youth gathering
at Ida will be held at 2:30 p.m.
Those attending will be provided with
transportation at the church.
St. Mary's Catholic Students Cha-
pel will conduct 8 and 10:30 a.m.

Botanical Specimens Goal
! Of Michigan Scientists
In PerilousExpedition
In the interests of science, two
Michigan faculty-women will this
summer attempt to traverse 650 tur-
bulent, rapids-filled miles of Colo-
rado River-a feat never before ac-
complished by a member of their sex.
Hemmed in by canyon walls which
at times will stretch a mile above
them, Dr. Elzada Clover, an instruc-
tor in 'the botany department, and
Miss Lois Jotter, Grad., an assistant
in the same department, will face
over 300 rapids and travel down wa-
ter which sometimes attains a speed
of 30 miles an hour. Their reward
will come in the form of botanical
specimens collected for the Univer-
Another Michigan member of te
party of seven will be Eugene Atkin-
son,. Grad., a botany department as-
sistant who will collect zoological spe-
cimens. Norman Nevills, of Mexican
Hat, Utah, will lead the' expedition
which also bears his name. Other
members are a newsreel cameraman,
a U.S. Geological Survey representa-
tive and a San Francisco artist.
Possibilties of discovering a relic
flora combined with hopes of find-
ing important cacti and other plants
provide the goal which causes the
two women to enter a region hereto-
fore unknown botanically and zoolo-
Dorothy Sands'
Sow To Open
'Styles In Acting' rought
Here For The First Time.
By Noted Impersonator
Dorothy Sands' one-woman show,
"Styles In Acting," will make its first
Ann Arbor appearance at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn
"Styles in Acting" is the enacted
story of the English and American'
theatre from the time of the Renais-
sance when women were first permit-
ted to appear on the stage down to
the present. Miss Sands demonstrates
how the great actresses of all time
have costumed and played their most
famous roles. She will show the
styles in costuming, theatres, audi-
ences and acting in the various
The program consists of "Milla-
mant" in "The Way of the World" by
William Congreve, "Almahilde" in
"The Conquest of Granada" by John
Dryden, "Madame Vestris" in the
song "Buy A Broom," "Nellie Hatha-
way" in "The Silver King" by Henry
Arthur Jones, "Candida" in "Candi-
da" by George Bernard Shaw, "Annie
Christie" as Pauline Lord would play
it, and the sleep walking scence of
Lady Macbeth from Shakespeare's
"Macbeth" as it would be portrayed
by Haidee Wright, Ethel Barrymore
and Mae West.
The Mendelssohn box office will be
open from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. today
to receive orders for tonight's per-
formance, which is a one night stand.
Tuesday night will see the opening
of the fourth play of the present sea-
son when Doris Dalton will open,
starring in Terrence Rattigan's mod-
ern comedy, "French Without Tears."

gically although it has been visited
by several geological expeditions.
Because earlier groups found heavy
boats more easily destroyed, the in-
trepid seven will embark at Green
River, Utah, in three 15-foot boats
especially constructed for the jour-
ney. These have five-foot water-
tight compartments at each end for
food, equipment and specimans. In
the center is a five-foot "cock-pit"
for passengers.
By early warnings, one-way radio
transmission will safe-guard the
group from swirling masses of flood
water which sometimes sweeps down
the canyons, boxing up and smash-
ing boats which may be in their path.
When rapids must be shot, the ex-
pedtion's craft will go stern first
with orasman rowing as hard as they
can against the current. Sterns are
especially designed to ride over rocks
and obstructions.
Whenever possible and necessary,
boats will be portaged or "lined"
around rapids. The latter is accom-
plished by attaching ropes to the
boats and "lowering" the craft from
shore. However, many of the worst
rapids can't be lined because of tow-
ering rock walls bordering the water.
8upplies will be replenished at Lee's
Ferry, Ariz., and at Bright Angel trail
in, theGrand Canyon.
The journey is being undertaken
because a pack trip originally plan-
ned by Dr. Clover was not possible
due to the lack of feed for pack ani-
_______(Continued on Page '7)


Canton Bombed
Again Japs*
L os ses Severe
City Suffers Sixth Air Raid
In Eight Days; Foreign
Protests Terined Futile
CANTON, June 4.-,4P)-Japanese
air raiders continued their heavy
bombings of this industrial city today
with two devastating attacks.;
Officials feared casualties would ex-
ceed .those of a week ago. when they
estimated 750 persons were killed and
1,350 wounded.
Today's raids marked the sixth day
of attacks on Canton in the last eight
days. Only on Wednesday and Thurs-
day were there respites.
(In Tokyo, Domei, Japanese News
Agency, said a "well-informed source"
-the usual designation for official
opinion-indicated British and Amer-
ican denunciations of air attacks on
civilians would not alter Japanese
About 40 warplanes took part in the
first raid, appearing over the city
shortly after 10 a.m. and unloading
their expolsive cargoes for 35 minutes
before heavy clouds and rain ended
the attack.
Many persons were crushed be-
neath falling masonry when build-
ings were wrecked by three missiles
in Winghon Road, Canton's main
street. Saichuen, where electric
power and waterworks are situated,
also was bombed.-,
Hospitals were filled to overflow-
ing and doctors scarcely had time to
attend to one lot of wounded before
another arrived.
Sirens for the second raid sounded
while rescue work was in progress
for victims of the first. Thirty-five
planes swept over the city in the sec-
ond attack.

Newark Vets
Rout Thomas
New Jersey Talk Stopped
By Ex-Soldiers Crying
'We Don't Want Reds'
Socialist Battles
HagueSpeech Ban
NEWARK, N.J., June 4.-(P)-So-
cialist Leader Norman Thomas was
showered with rotten egges and
howled down, tonight by 100 men,
most of them wearing veterans over-
seas caps, when he attempted to speak
at Military Park.
There were flurries of spectators'
fists and police nightsticks as friends
helped Thomas, his face smeared with
egg yolks, to a park bench.
A temporary stand erected for his
speech was splintered.
Others in the crowd of 500 Thom-
as sympathizers were hit with eggs.
As Thomas was introduced by Clara
Handelman, Essex County secretary
of the Socialist party, and stepped
forward to speak, shouting and flag-
waving veterans, accompanied by a
25-piece band, marched through the
Thomas crowd and a melee broke out.
Mounted policemen, patrolmen and
detectives helped Thomas supporters
form a protective circle around him.
The veterans marched a short dis-
tance away and then returned to the
ruins of the stand to listen to more
band music.
"We want Americanism-we don't
want Reds," the veterans shouted.
Standing on the bench, Thomas
raised his hand continually and
pleaded in vain to be allowed to
"I still. have my permit and I
would like to sayma few words," he
cried into the din.
More eggs and cucumbers were
thrown at him.
After a half hour, Deputy Police
Chief Phillip Sebold, one of those in
the circle guarding the former so-
cialist candidate f o r president,
jumped up beside him and an-
nounced: "On my advice this meet-
ing is disbanded."
Six mounted policemen surrounded
Thomas as he walked with friends to
socialist headquarters 400 yards
A delegation of representatives of
a number of veterans organizations
sought in vain today to have a city
permit for the Thomas meeting re-
scinded on the ground it would "in-
cite riot and create bloodshed and
Student Attends
China Sends Tsu Ying-Hu
As Its Representative
Tsu Ying-Hu, graduate student in
the School of Education will repre-
sent the Chinese government at the
International Youth Conference to
be held Aug. 1 at Poughkeepsie, N.Y.,
for a nine-day period. Mr. Hu is a
principal of a Shanghai school, but
came here for graduate study in edu-
cation. He has translated several
works from English into Chinese,
among which are a work on elemen-
tary education, and a life of Baden-
Powell, noted Boy Scout leader.
The Conference will consist of dis-
cussions of international affairs by
delegations of youths from more

than 50 countries. The purpose of
the movement is to develop mutual
understanding between the youth of
different races, different religions,
and different opinions in the further-
ance of world peace.
Study and discussion will be con-
ducted under four main commissions,
"The Political Organization for
Peace," "The Economic Organiza-
tion for Peace," "The Economic and
Cultural Status of Youth and Its Re-
lations to Peace," and "The Ethical
and Philosophical Bases of Peace."
Inland Steel Loses
NLRBAppeal Case
CHICAGO, June 4.-(IP)--The In-
land Steel Company lost today its
attempt to win an Appellate Court
review of a National Labor Rela-
tions Board order directing it to sign
a contract covering any collective
bargaining agreement reached with
The United States Circuit Court of

Rebels Deny He Cones Through Athletic Board
Prisons Hold Votes To Back
Ralph Neafus Trainmg Table
Ex-Student Was Reported For G ders
Captured On March 13
By CarneyOf Times No Possibility Of Action
Fouht For Loalists Taking Effect Next Fall;
Aigler To Head Board
With Internationalsi

Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, who was re-
ported captured in Spain by the In-
surgent forces while fighting as a
volunteer in the International Bri-
gade. is not in any of the rebel pris-
ons, the Daily learned last night from
a State Department letter addressed
to one of Neafus' friends here.
The letter was the result of an in-
quiry by the State Department
through the American Consul at Se- JOHNNY FISCHER
ville, Spain, Mdale at the request of
many of Neafus' friends here who
wired Secretary Hull when the dis-F
covery of Neafus' capture was made
here on March 21.
Text Of Letter Fails To Save
The text of the letter follows:
"Reference is made to your idesire
"eeecismdtoyu(dsr Tto obtain information' regarding Mr. Cup vor, .S.
Ralph Neafus, an American volunteer
with the Spanish military forces, who F ih
was reported to have been captured Forner Michigan Captain
by the forces of General Franco. Cones Up From Behind,
"A despatch has now been received But Britain Gets Trophy
from the American Consul at Seville___
Spain, in which he states that he has 5T.,ANDREWS, ScotlandJune4.
been informed by the appropriate
authority that according to informa- -OP)-Johnny Fischer, ex-Michigan
tion received from the Inspector of golf captain, played brilliant golf to
Concentration Camp of Prisoners, come from behind and win, but
Ralph Lawrence Neafus was not in- Chuck Kocsis and the United States
luded among the prisoners."itdSae
Waler Cup team met their first de-
Capture Known Definitely
Neafus is known definitely to have re ahe hands of the Britishers
been captured March 13 at Calandaj here today.
since he was interviewed the next day This day marked the only time
by William P. Carney of the New that Great Britain has been able to
York Times at an Alcaniz cathedral, take home the renowned Walker Cup
converted into a prison. Neafus, who in sixeen years of competition, and
came from Las Vegas, N.M., was a some 10,000 persons turned out to
battalion observer attached to the cheer the presentation by the Amer-
MacKenzie-Papineau battalion of the ican captain, veteran Francis-Ouimet.
International Brigade at the time of Americans Once Led
his capture. The Americans led at one time to-
The mystery of Neafus' fate caused day, four matches to three, by virtue
by the conflicting nature of these two of Fischer's win over Leonard Craw-
reports is further complicated by a ley. The ex-Michigan captain and
Burgos dispatch from Carney printed present United States Amateur chain-
in last Sunday's New York Times in pion, playing one of the most heroic
which he mentions Neafus in discuss- games of his .life, reeled off sixteen.
ing American prisoners of Franco's holes in six under 4's to make up a
forces. four-hole deficit and gain a 3-2 win.
Carney tells of his so far unsuc- Kocsis, also a former Michigan
cessful attempts to get the military leader and present state amateur
authorities to permit him to interview champion, was the victim of a late
18 Americans who are incarcerated spurt by Charles Stowe, losing 2 and
at a concentration camp at San 1. This marked the end of the De-
Pedro de Cardena, just outside of troit golfer's first competition on
Burgos. He says that the authorities British soil. Last week he reached
have even refused to give him the the quarterfinal round in the British
names of those held. He goes on to Amateur championship.
say that he has information that -ward Is Spectacular
there are other Americans being held ar d Iar
(Continued on Page?)} Marvin (Bud) Ward, the Pacific
____t___ ed______ge __) _Coast youngstei\, played the most
spectacular golf of the two days play
Freud Quits Vienna as he toured 25 holes in five under
For London Seclusion par to defeat Frank Pennink, 12 and
11. He put together nines of 32-35
for a 67 and one under Bobby Jones
LONDON, June 4.-(P)-Sigmund amateur course record. But match
Freud, world-famed founder of cards are not accepted as records al-
psychoanalysis, is coming to London though in this case Pennink made his
from Nazified Vienna, determined at opponent hole every putt.
the age of 82 to complete his psycho- Charley Yates continued his win-
analysis of the Bible. ning ways defeating 18-year old Jim-
Friends said he was virtually pen- my Bruen, 3 and 2. Johnny Goodman
niless and "had a great shock" with lost to Hector Thomson, 6 and 4,
Germany's absorption of Austria. Ev- Reynolds Smith went down before
er since the Anschluss of March 13, Gordon Peters, 9and 8 as did slim
they said, he has remained in the se- Fred Haas to Alex Kyle, 5 and 4.
clusion of his Vienna home, "dread- Cecil Ewing, British amateur runner-
ing insults if he emerged-because up downed Ray Billows in the final
he is a Jew." match, 7 and 5.
Michigan - Ontario Historians
To Hold University Program

Local 'Clairvoyants' Experiment
With Extra-Sensory Card Tests

International interest aroused in
scientific circles by the work of Dr.
J. B. Rhine in extra-sensory percep-
tion is having its local manifestationsI
in tests conducted by Dr. Thomas
Greville of the mathematics depart-
ment and a group of interested per-
sons in the Parapsychology Club.
Experiments attempted here fol-
low the plan laid by Dr. Rhine, pi-
oneer in this phase of psychological
work, and are progressing satisfac-
torily, Dr. Greville reported yester-
The primary motivation for the
work started by Dr. Rhine and be-
ing continued here is to find some'
reasonably accurate test for deter-
mining whether thoughts can be
transmitted by means other than the
recognized senses. Previous to Dr.
Rhine's experiements there had been

which bear one of five simple sym-
bols, is used for the tests. The sub-
ject attempts to guess the order in
which the cards appear in the deck,
and this procedure is repeated many
times before the test is considered
complete and accurate. If a person
attains a sufficiently high average
on a large number of decks it is con-
sidered highly probable that he pos-
sesses the telepathic quality.
The work in Ann Arbor, Dr. Gre-
ville explained, consists of conducting
these card tests in an effort to find
people exhibiting the telepathic fac-
ulty. The persons participating in
the work here are eager to have any
interested members of the faculty,
student body and townspeople take
the preliminary tests.
The work of the recently-formed
Parasychology Club is to promote in-
terest and extend research in the

Fear Foreign Militarists
May Keep Grip On Spain
When War Is Finished
GIBRALTAR, June 4.---)-Re-
ports of bitterness against Italian
and German influence in Insurgent
Spain were brought to Gibraltar to-
night by visitors from Insurgent ter-
The unrest was said to have de-
veloped over fears of Insurgent of-
ficers that Italians and Germans in-
tended to maintain a military hold
on the country when the civil war
Insurgent officers arriving here to
buy medical stores for Seville hos-
pitals themselves confirmed the re-
"The dictatorial manner, of the
Italian and German officers is un-
bearable," one officer said.
Franco Sues U. S. Bank
NEW YORK, June 4.-(P)--Fiscal
representatives of General Francisco
Franco, head of Insurgent Spain,
brought court action today against
the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York in an attempt to gain tposses-
sion of a 186-ton shipment of silver
sent here from Madrid vaults of the
bank of Spain.
President George L. Harrison or
one of two other leading officers of
the Reserve Bank was ordered by
Supreme Court Justice Ferdinand
Pecora to appear in court Monday
morning for an examination regard-

Delegates to the Michigan-Ontario
historical convention will take part
in a special University of Michigan
program Saturday at the Union. The
convention has been convoked by his-
torical organizations throughout
Michigan and Ontario to trace the
growth of the Detroit river area from
the founding of Detroit in 1701 to
the present day.
While in Detroit they will be taken
around that city's thriving sectors
and will be shown just where there
were located such places as Dode
mead Tavern, one of Detroit's lead-
ing inns before and after 1800, and
the whipping post where petty crim-
inals were publicly flogged during
the period of 1818-1831, and the In-
dian Council House in the British
period which was also used following

this Michigan-Ontario historical con-
At 8 a.m. Saturday, Prof. L. O.
Vander Velde, of the history depart-
ment, will be chairman of a discus-
sion at a breakfast conference of
Michigan college and university his-
tory teachers.
At 12:15 p.m. Saturday, the Uni-
versity's special program will be
started at a luncheon in the Union.
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music, will be chairman;
Presicdent Ruthven will give the ad-
dress of welcome; and Dr. Duncan
McArthur, deputy ipinister of educa-
tion for Ontario, will give the re-
sponse for the Canadian visitors.
At the conclusion of the luncheon,
the visitors will be conducted on a


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