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June 03, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-06-03

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday. during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively .entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein;also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . Robert D. Mitchell

Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Albert P. Mayio

Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
.Saul R. Kleiman
..Robert Perlman
. William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
.Earl Gilman
Joseph Gies
.Dorothea Staebler
. . . . . Bud Benjamin



Business -Department
Business Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager .. Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.

The Editor
Gets Told.,
A Bouquet For The Daily
To the Editor:
Here's a parting word of appreciation for last
year's Daily and the expression of a hope that
it will continue to be a true avenue of student
Realizing the difficulties of the average news-
paper being independent of the advertising bias,
it seems to inethat the Daily, being relatively
free, is in a strategic position to give-the public
an aggressive interpretation of events in line
with the free tradition of the American univer-
If the administration of the University, which
contributes a large sum for the DOB, could
strike some kind of a balance with the students
who subscribe to the paper, the result would be
all to the good.
Personally, I favor a large degree of freedom
in the expression of student opinion. Specifical-
ly, this means an unfettered Daily, a student-
centered peace strike against war, and an in-
creasing degree of student government. I would
also include the recognition by the University of
leftist student groups so that they might have
their meetings on campus:
-Rev. H. P. Marley.
pFor Reform In Politics
To the Editor:
The plan proposed by the -Men's Council for
an electoral college to replace campus-wide
elections has the following defects:
1. It will increase rather than decrease
"dirty politics." The possibility for log-roll-
ing will be vastly increased where there is a
small body of uninstructed electors in in-
timate contact with each other. One need
not have a great imagination to envisage
the great pressure that will be put upon a
few students who have important campus
posts at their command.
2. There will be no opportunity for cam-
pus-wide expression of opinion on specific
issues. Very often an election is joined with
a very definite campus issue. This was the
case in the recent elections to the Board of
Control of Student Publications. The turn-
out at that election indicates that campus
elections can be vital and important, if they
involve real issues.
3. It will eliminate practical experience
in the mechanics of democratic elections.
The fact that these elections have not been
properly conducted in the past or that "dirty
politics" have been connected with them is
not an adequate reason for abolishing them.
Rather it should be an incentive to reor-
ganize them so that they can be properly
conducted. It is a sad admission to say
that the students of our University cannot
conducta clean, intelligent election. I do
not think that this is the case.
I would like to suggest that much of the dif-
ficulty arises from the fact thatthe student-
body is unacquainted with the viewpoint of the
candidates. This may be partially remedied by
statements in the Daily and public rallies at
which the candidates present their viewpoints.
The elimination of useless offices suggested by
the Men's Council should make this practicable.
-Ronald Freedman.
Justice Cardoza's
The Washington bureau of the Star-Times re-
ports that Justice Cardozo may resign from the
Supreme Court next January. The great jurist,
who has dignified the Court of Appeals in New
York and the high bench of the nation, is bur-
dened with ill health.

It has been sad to see, in so many of the
precedent-setting decisions of the Supreme
Court in recent months, that Justice Cardozo
was unable to participate. In his first five years
on the court Cardozo voted with the famous
dissenting wing, Brandeis and Stone. 'Now that
liberal minority has become the liberal majority,
many principles for which Cardozo contended
have been accepted as the law of the land.
And the justice himself has been deprived of the
privilege of helping formulate the opinions.
Yet he enjoyed the first triumph of his ideas.
It was just a year ago that the great break-
through began and the Supreme Court returned
the constitution to the people. Cardozo helped
form the narrow majority in those historic mo-
If happily Justice Cardozo's fears for his
health are too pessimistic, it will be a grateful
nation which views his return to active service.
-St. Louis Star Times.
Democracy 3.
Christianity has ever been a liberator. Even
imperfectly practiced, it has freed men's minds
from the oppressions of hate, selfishness and
superstition. Increasingly political institutions
have reflected that freedom. .The relation has
again been called to attention at the New Eng-
land Methodist Conference by a statement of
Alf M. Landon:
If Christianity does not achieve its aims,
democracy cannot succeed.

Iifeemsrto M
eywood Broun
The "Women's Rebellion" began in Suffern,
N.Y. Mrs. Sarah Oliver Hulswitt and Mrs.
Charles P. Bispham, wife of the Episcopal rector,
came together over the tea cups and\ resolved
to lead a fight to curtail fed-
eral relief for the unem-
I imagine that nobody
* .:-:* starves in Suffern. It re-
mains one ,of our loveliest
suburbs and the milling
mobs of hungry men and
womenin Cleveland are a
long way off.
As Mrs. Hulswitt said to
the Committee on Appropriations of the United
States Senate, "Our husbands and fathers have
to work all summer." That is quite true, and
even in the club car the ride home from the city
is often hot and dusty.
And though the Rev. Bispham does not have
to commute, his lot must be at times extremely,
difficult. I seem to see him in his study pre-
paring a sermon and racking his brains as to
some method by which to make the story of a
certain rich young man palatable to his parish-
ioners. "He went away sorrowful; for he had
great possessions."
* * * *
Suffern Might Not Approve
It was after this encounter that Jesus said,
"It is easier for a camel to go through tle eye
of a needle than for a rich man to enter the
kingdom of God." The Bible records that, "When
His disciples heard it, 'they were exceedingly
amazed." And I have no doubt that the good
ladies and gentlemen of Suffern, N. Y., would
be equally startled if the rector were to remind
them. Of course, he could explain that the
words were an example of Oriental hyperbole.
And yet, if the, maker of inspiring discourses
went on and paused to consider the parable of
the beggar Lazarus he woud find no better ma-
teria for the purposes of his congregation. The
gentleman who was clothed in purple and fine
linen, was rigorously set against a spending pro-
gram, and Lazarus did not linger long upon the
dole of crumbs which fell from the table of Dives.
No, that story could hardly supply a text which
would please the revolutionist of Suffern.
"He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to
the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken
hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives.
and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at
liberty them that are bruised."
But again the good rector would be forced to
shake his head. Decidedly this could hardly be
doctrine to warm the cockle of the community
heart in Suffern.
Things Which Appall
Mrs. Hulswitt made a plea to the Senators
to heed the piteous plea of "the people who
have to work so hard to pay for these appalling
expenditures." The expenditures are appalling.
But I wonder whether Mrs. Hulswitt or Mrs.
Bispham has ever seen a breadline. When thou-
sands of homeless persons stand on the border-
line of starvation-and there are those who have
crossed that line-that, my dear Mrs. Hulswitt,
is also appalling.
Pump priming is merely another way of say-
ing "immediate relief," It will not suffice to say
that these things can be done in time. And it
will be difficult to tell the frightened horde in
Cleveland that private charity or State or muni-
cipal action can attend to these things. 'The
simple answer is that it hasn't.
I am willing to grant that Mrs. Hulswitt and
Mrs. Bispham may have acted out qf the best
possible motives over the tea cups. But these
matters cannot be settled in any such way. The
ladies will be well advised if they forget Suffern
and go out to where the woe begins. Before they

urge less for the masses let them look first
at the legions of the unemployed. Let them look
at their faces.
Fascism Begins
'At Homeoo
The display of home-grown Fascism furnished
by Jersey City and Mayor Hague should have
the continued attention of Americans. Not that
there is great hope that outside intervention will
insure free speech and other constitutional lib-
erties. Indeed, the attempted spectacular inva-
sion of Haguedom by two congressmen actually
boomeranged-arousing local sentiment and
clouding the issue. The invoking of the kid-
napping law by Norman Thomas or of the an-
cient conspiracy law by Attorney General Cum-
mings is also of doubtful wisdom. Straining
federal laws is a poor substitute for the local
civic consciousness which is the most effective
guardian of liberty.
There may be outside influences which will
help. The right kind of word from Washington
might convey to Mayor Hague a conviction that
official hoodlumism does not enhance his social
standing or party prestige. Liberty Leaguers
who publicly ruled the Wagner Act unconstitu-
tional might lend a hand to the Constitution
now by privately persuading the Jersey City
Chamber of Commerce that Hagueism is a bad
business which it cannot afford to support. But
all outside effort should recognize that really
effective correction must come by a change in
thi tahnlina ofemti7.n a ffcals who see

Dorothy Sands
As a "special added attraction" to
the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season,
Dorothy Sands will appear at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre this Sun-
day evning in her program of "Styles
in Acting."
"Styles in Acting," our foot notes
tell us, "is the enacted story of the
Anglo-American theatre from the
time of the Restoration in England,
when women first appeared on the
stage, down to the present. Miss
Sands tells of styles in theatres, styles
in audiences, styles in costume, styles
in acting during that period. She
presents great scenes from noted'
plays, impersonating famous actres-
ses in their stellar roles."
Studied Artist
Miss Sands made her debut just
six years ago in New York City at the
Booth Theatre .At that time, Burns1
Mantle, drama critic of the Daily
News, said that she had a wider1
range than Beatrice Herford, a more
limited range than Ruth Draper, and
a fluffermore engaging humor than
any of them . . . Miss Sands, happily
free from any desire to obtrude,
perfectly content with what she has
seen that she enjoys reproducing, and
blessed with a sense of humor that is
gorgeously keen and impishly exact.
. From Miss Sands, you get per-
fection in the art of the intelligent,
imatatrix, because you get some-
thing moxe than mere vocal inflec-
tions. You get character and study
and a close approximation of perfect
art as well."
Progran Varied.
With this testimonial, Miss Sands
appearance here should be well
worth witnessing. Her selections will:
be a bit different from those given
here three years ago. The seven num-
bers include "Millamant," in "Thef
Way of the World," by William Con-
greve; "Almahide," in "The Con-
quest of Grenada," by John Dryden;
"Madame Vestris"; "Nellie Hatha-
way," in "The Silver King," by
Henry Arthur Jones; "Candida";
"Annie Christie," in Eugene O'Neill's
play; impersonating Pauline Lord in
her original role; and lastly, Lady
Macbeth's sleep walking scene as it
might be portrayed by Haidee Wright,
Ethel Barrymore and Mae West.
Dorothy Sands comes to Ann Arbor
from her world premiere pefformance
of "Alcestis" at Harvard's Sanders
theatre. It is a modern version of
Euripedes' tragedy interpreted by the
Poets Theatre of Harvard, which al-
so premiered T. S. Eliot's "Murder
in the Cathedral." Miss Sands' role
of Alcestis was particularly solemn,
it is reported, but she enacted it well.
Last Lion
Of Judah 4..
He was too ill to perform the pain-
ful and hopeless office he had under-
taken when he appeared before the
Council of the League of Nations at
Geneva two weeks ago. Again, he was
"too sick 'in mind and body"
to attend a London meeting which
he was to address. And anything
Haile Selassie might -have said to
the London audience would be as fu-
tile as were the poignant words ut-
tered by the spokesman to whom he
delegated his task at Geneva.
The London crowd, it must in self-
respect be believed, would have given
the exiled Emperor a kindlier hear-
ing. No one would have interrupted
to say impatiently, as Lord Halifax
said at Geneva: "No cause is served

by vain lamentations.i They were
just ordinary people in that London
crowd.', No one of ministerial rank~
was there; no one with a riband in
his coat. If such a personage had
been present out of curiosity, he
would prudently have kept silence
But the disillusioned ex-ruler of an
humble kingdom could only send re
grets. So London and the world wer
spared the humiliation of listening t
another expression of "vain lamenta
Haile Selassie had a fine faith in
the honor of the nations. He com-
pletely trusted the pledges embodied
in the Covenant of the League. Tc
him, in his remote, backward, im-
poverished land, Geneva was a shiel
and buckler. It was the gurantee of
his pitiful territory's integrity. I
symbolized the resurrection of hu
inanity's conscience after an im
maesurable atonement.
No such naive vagaries beguile(
Mussolini. He knew his official world
So he proceeded on his conquerinj
way, contemptuously pausing to flinp
at all the chancelleries: "With Ge
neva,, with Geneva, against Geneva.
Geneva has now come supinely 1,
heel. The signatories to the Cove
nant have been absolved of any ob
ligations in that instrument. Th
conquest of Ethiopia is, in the lan
guage of diplomacy, a fait accompl
The heartless cynicism of Lor
Halifax flaunts an effrontery Ma
chiavelli might have shrunk from
t One wishes, foolishly, of course, for
V Zola to intemize the ignominy of tI
Powers with another "J'Accuse." E
. win Markham's muse is too wearil

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Vuiverstty. Copy received at the ofce of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)
Administrative Board. Nominating
Committee: Professors R. C. Angell,
Rene Talamon, and Paul S. Welch
4. Resolutions on the retirement of
the following members of the Facul-
Associate Professor G. C. Cone,
Professor E. W. Dow, Professor J. W.
Glover, Associate Professor J. A. C.
Hildner, Associate Professor Mar-
garet Mann and Professor C. L.
To All Students Having Library
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books drawn from the University
are notified that such books are due
Monday, June 6.
2. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Tuesday, June 7, will be
sent to the Recorder's Office, where
their semester'scredits will be held
up until such time as said records are
cleared, in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Comprehensive Examination in
Education scores are available in the
office of the School of Education,
1437 University Elementary School.
Officers of Honor Societies and
Professional Organizations: At a re-
cent meeting of the Committee on
Student Affairs the following resol'-
tion was adopted:
RESOLVED: That the officers of
honor societies and professional or-
ganizations be notified (1) that such
groups are expected to comply with
standard of financial responsibility as
are other student groups, and to con-
duct initiations and other public
meetings in an orderly manner and
(2) that they will be required to
demonstrate their capacity to comply
with such standards of responsibility
and orderly conduct; RESOLVED
FURTHER: That a sub-committee of
the Committee on Styident Affairs be
appointed to examine the present fi-
nancial conditions and conduct of
such organizations and to discuss with
their representatives methods of as-
suring future compliance with the
standards applicable to all student so-
The Maison Francaise, 1414 Wash-
tenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, will be
open for the coming Summer Session
under the auspices of the French De-
partment of the University of Michi-
gan. Application for residence must
be made through the Office of the
Dean of Women. Room and board
will be ten dollars a week. A fee of
two dollars for the term will be
The English House, 1501 Washte-
naw Avenue (Sorosis house), will be
open to graduate students in English
for the coming Summer Session un-
der the auspices of the English De-
partment of the University of Michi-
gan. Rooms will be $30 and $35 for
I the eight-weeks term. Board will be
k $6.50 a wek for breakfast and din-
ner. Application for residence must
be made through the Office of the
Dean of Women.
The following schedule. will mark
the lifting of the Automobile Regu-
lation for students in the various
colleges and departments in the Uni-
versitlr. Exceptions will not be made
for' individuals who complete their
work in advance of the last day of
class examinations. All students in
thefollowingddepartments will b
required to adhere strictly to this
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, Jun
' 14, at 5 p.m.

College of Architecture: All classes
- Tuesday, June 14, at 5 p.m.
e College of Pharmacy: All classes
o Tuesday, June 14, at 5 p.m.
- School of Business Administration
All classes, Saturday, June 11, at 1

senior, please present identificat on
card when applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins
Registration Material: Colleges of
L.S.&A., and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Summer Session registration ma-
terial may be obtained in Room 4
U.H. Please :see your adviser Anid-se-
cure all necessary signatures bore
June 24.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited. amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room e00, South Wing, Uni-
versity Hall.
Senior Women: Get your recheck
examination at the Health Service
before graduation. Appointments for
this examination may be had by call-
ing the' Health Service, 23248. The
examinations will be given until June
English 6, Report Writing: Last
semester's students in English 6, Re-
port Writing, Engineering College,
can get'their' last semester's reports
by calling at Room. 9, University Hall,
at any regular office hour beginning
Monday, June 6.
Mechanical Engineering Seniors and
Graduate Students: You are request-
ed to fill out an information sheet
for the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, upon the presentation
,of which you may receive your'copy
of the group picture.
Hopwood Contestants: All contes-
tants are requestged to call for their
manuscripts at the Hopwood Room
on either Thursday or Friday after-
noon, June 2 or 3. Copies of the
judges' comments on individual man-
uscripts may be obtained at the desk.
Senior Engineers: Commencement
Announcements will be distributed
through Friday of this week, from a
d esk outside the Mechanical Engi-
neering office in the West Engineer-
ing Building. Hours: 9:00 to 12:00
and 1:00 to 3:00.
Please present your orders imme-
diately, as it will be extremely in-
convenient to make distribution later
than Friday.
School of Music Seniors. Senior an-
nouncements may now be obtained
rt the School of Music building. Hours
posted on bulletin board.
Commencement Announcements:
The Burr, Patterson & Auld Com-
pany, 603 Church Street, will begin
their distribution of Commencement
Aniouncements on"June 1. An extra
supply of booklets and folds are like-
wise available and may be secured by
those who failed to place their orders.
Senior Engineers: Those who have
not yet obtained their Commence-
ment Announcements ore requested
to do so immediately, since the dis-
tribution will be very inconvenient
after today. Hours: 9 to 12.and 1 to 3
at' the Main Bulletin Board in West
Engineering Building.
Any engineers buying announce-
ments from Burr, Paterson and Auld
will please be sure to signify that
they are engineers, so that the pro-
ceeds will go to the proper class!
Rochdale Cooperative House: Ap-
plications for membership for the
coming Summer Oession are now be-
ing received. Application blanks are
available in Dean Olmsted'k' office,'
Room 2, University Hall, 'or at the
RochdaledCooperative House, 640 Ox-
sford Road.
e Academic Notices
Anthropology 32: Room assgn-
nents for Final Examination. Stu-

dents whose names begin with A to L
nclusive report to Room 25 A.H.; all
>thers to Room 231 A.H.
2' E.E. 7a, Building Illumination, will
Nave its final examination on Fri-
. lay, June 10 from 8 to 12 o'clock in
doom 445 West Engineering Building
S. it top of north stairway. Those few
who have conflicts may procure the
questions from me, and write the ex-
4' amination, as soon thereafter as
s- H. H. Higbie.

Social Legislation
In The Right Direction. ..

T HE CONSUMERS' interest, long neg-
lected in the "social" legislation of
the nation, has been given new recognition as a
result of a recent act of Congress which has
not been given the publicity and celebration
its importance deserves., This measure, the
Wheeler-Lea Act, effective May 21, amends the
Federal Trade Commission Act to include, "un-
fair or deceptive acts or practices in commerce"
as well as the "unfair or deceptive methods of
competition' clause it already contains. Spe-
cifically it prohibits false and deceptive adver-
ising practices by the addition of four new
sections to the original d act.
,The need for'this amendment was seen several
years ago when a "cease and desist" order of
the F.T.C. against the makers of Marmola, an
obesity cure, was taken into the courts. A lower
federal court upheld the order on the ground
that the product was harmful to the public, and
should be kept from the market. The Supreme
Court, basing its decision on the legality and
not the expediency of the order, said, "If the
necessity of protecting the public against dan-
gerously misleading advertisements of a remedy
sold in interstate commerce were all that is
necessary to give the Commission jurisdiction,
the order-could not be assailed." But the order
was not upheld because the Commission could
not show that "competitors" were injured. In all
such cases, harm to consumers was not a legal
The only other recent attempt at this type
of reform was made in the Copeland Bill. Here,
direct amendment of the Pure Foods and Drugs
Act was planned. The opposition given it by
druggist and advertising interests was so vigorous
that, when it finally emerged from a Congres-
sional committee, it was so weak and disfigured,
that it did not pass.
The Wheeler-Lea Act, however, employs a new
strategy. Rather than striking directly at "in-
terests," it sets up, thro.ugh the addition of four
new sections of the Federal Trade Commission
Act, the mechanisms for stamping out false and
misleading advertising as applied to "food, drugs,
devices, or cosmetics." So, in the newly amended
act, the "unfair or deceptive practices" clause
plugs an old loop-hole, and the four new sections
give explicit legislative permission for the con-
trol of advertising. Specifically, these additions
make it unlawful to disseminate any false ad-
vertising through the mails or any other means
to induce the purchase of foods and drugs. Fur-
thermore, the advertising agency, publisher, or
broadcaster is liable to punishment in the event
that the manufacturer of the product cannot be
Although this measure was badly needed. and
long in coming, it cannot in all fairness be ex-
pected that the Commission will immediately

tion: All

of Education: All classes
June 14, at 5 p.m.
of Engineering: All classes
June 14, at 5 p.m.
of Forestry and Conserva
classes. Tuesday, June 14

at 5 p.m.
School of Music: All classes. Tues
day, June 14, at 5 p.m.
School of Dentistry:' Freshma,
class; Wednesday, June 8, at 12 noor
Sophomore class; Friday, June 3, a
12 noon. Junior class; Saturday
June 4, at 12 noon. Senior clasE
Saturday, June 4, at 12 noon. Hy
gienists; Tuesday, June 7, at 5 p.m.
Law School: Freshman class; Tue,
day, June 7, at 5 p.m. Junior clas
Tuesday, June 7, at 5 p.m. Seni
class; Wednesday, June 8, at noon.
Medical School: Freshman clas
Thursday, June 9, at 12 noon. Soph
more class; Saturday, June 11, atl
noon. Junior class; Saturday, Jur
11, at 12 noon. Senior class; We
nesday, June 8, at 5 p.m.
Graduate School: All classes, Tue
day, June 14, at 5 p.m. Candidat
for- Masters' Degree; Tuesday, Jul


English I and II Final Examination
Schedule, Tuesday, June 7, 2 to 5 p.m
English II
Ackerman, 3231 A.H.
Allen, 3209 A.H.
Baum, 201 U.H.
Calver, W. Phys. Lect.
Dean, 205 M.H.
Ellinger, 2215 A.H.
Everett, 203 U.H.
Giovannini, 205 M.H.
Green, 103 R.L.
Haines, 103 R.L.
Hanna, 103 R.L.
Hart, 1020 A.H.
Hathaway, 16 A.H.
Helm, 225 A.H.
Knode, 1209 A.H.
Nelson, 101 Ec.
Ogden. 229 A.H.


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