'-W " THE. MICHIGAN DAILY- FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1938 until the beginning of the second DAMPLT FF Gsemester of the academic year 1938- 39. Whereas the Barrioters Society has been found guilty of conduct having a tendency to bring discredit upon itself and the University in connec- tion with its initiation ceremonies, it is ordered that said society be sus- pended until the beginning of the sec- ond semester of the academic year 1938-1939 and that all public initia- tion ceremonies by it be prohibited until the year 1940-1941 and that the use of such ceremonies thereafter be subject to approval as to form and substance. Sub-committee on Discipline of the University Committee on Student Conduct. To The Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The eighth regular meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1937-38 will be held. in Room '1025 Angell Hall, June 6, 1938, at 4:10 p.m. Edward H. Kraus Agenda 1. Adoption of the minutes of thej meeting of May 2, 1938, which have been distributed by campus mail (pages 428-435). 2. Reports, a. Executive Committe, by Profes- sor Arthur S. Aiton. b. University Councilby Professor Warren E. Blake. c. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, by Professor A. E. R. Boak, d. Advisory Committee on Univer- sity Affairs, by Professor Preston Slosson. e. Deans' Conference, by Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. Election of six members of the University Council (4 regular and 2 substitute) and two members of the (Continuaed On Page 4) Law And Order' Mayor, Co-op Group To Hear Plan Housing Program Would Curb Top Prices A plan for a cooperative housing program which would limit the upper price of homes in the district chosen will be presented by an independent group of interested persons at the meeting of the Ann Arbor Co-opera- tive Society in Lane Hall at 8:00 p.m. today. Among the group proposing the plan are several University profes- sors. If there is sufficient interest in the group to warrant making it a formal organization, construction will probably be started a year from this summer. A unique feature of the program, according to Prof. Richard U. Rat- cliff, assistant professor of real es- tate management, will be the fact that each home 'site will be owned by private individuals, but the parks playgrounds, and public lands will be owned by the association. r kL I i } I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING_ Mayor Daniel J. Shields of Johnstown, Pa., storm center of last summer's steel strike, is shown in a thoughtful mood after he was' charged with bribery, extortion, and malfeasance in office in con- nection with the financing of "law and order" forces during the strike. term. Please Daily. write Box 14x, the DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA. Wanted lady companion. Leaving June 10. Phone 2-3307. Box 13x. FOR SALE "COLONEL," cocker spaniel, male, black and white, registered A.K.C. Blue Ribbon winner. Four years old, housebroken, friendly, $35. 1336 Geddes. 580 WRIGHT and 'Ditson tennis raquet. Light weight, newly re-strung. $3.00. Call 2-2704 after 6:00. 575 WASHED SAND and gravel. Drive- way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co. Phone 7112. 7x NOTICES MEN and women are offered the highest cash prices for their dis- carded, clothing. See Claude Brown, 512 S. Main. Phone 2-2736. 388 TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable rates. L. M Heywood, 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. lox TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x LOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, oldl gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304., LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Single and double rooms for girls, large yard, trees. 1511 Washtenaw. Tel. 3851. 586 FOR RENT: Single rooms, reason- able. Also double and large beau- tiful first floor apartment fur- nished. 716 Arbor. 572 FOR RENT: Downstairs front apart- ment. Private bath and entrance. Between campus and hospital. Reasonable. Will decorate. Faculty or employed. Last tenants stayed seven years. 1324 N. University. Evenings. 574 FOR RENT: Suites and single rooms, available for men in summer school. Directly opposite the cam- pus. Rates very reasonable. 512 S. State Street. Phone 4293. 576 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Silver Omega watch, silver wrist band. Finder please notify D. Adams. Telephone 5617. Reward. 578 LOST: Light leather bill fold con- taining valuable papers. Reward. Call 6740. 577 MALE HELP WANTED IALE HELP WANTED: Summer work. Choice territory available, demand for product in every home, better than average commission; Write Mr. Reese. 1463 National Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 585 WANTED: Men students to work one hour a day to apply on board and room for summer or fall term. 523 Packard. 583 See The New Graduate School - -but Be Sure To Get A Guide li .. a I 1938 DRAMATIC SEASON PRESENTS PAULIN E LORD in her Original Role "THE LATE CH ,RISTOPHER BEAN" EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK at 8:30 Matinee: Saturday at 3:15 Prices: Evenings: $1.50 - $1.10 - 75c - Matinees: 75c and 60c LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Box Office Open Now -- Phone 6300 By HARRY L. SONNEBORN The swarm of visitors who de- scended upon the new Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies Tuesday, together with the fresh re- inforcements which have been pour- ing in hourly since, have kept the staff of guides busier than the pro- verbial one-armed paperhanger af- flicted with hives. Right now is probably the best chance you'll have to explore the building, before the Commencement Week crowds show up. But we would advise you not to make the mistake we made. We tried to find our way around without a guide. Maybe that doesn't sound too hard, but maybe you haven't yet been in the Rackham building. The first floor is not so bad. The main audi- torium is right in the center with the offices on each end, and every- thing can be located from those three landmarks. But once you start up the stairs and get awayfrom terra firma, you never can tell just where you'll wind up. From the head of the stairs you naturally start right down the hall- way, and that's where you make your first mistake. You really should mark your path with chalk or un- wind a lot of twine so that you can find your way back. Because when you turn your first corner, you are completely baffled. There are doors opening every which way, and several other halls coming together, and all of them make at least a figure eight at some time in their length. You find ele- vator shafts where there can't be elevator shafts, because they were someplace else on the main floor, you think. You see great study lounges through glass doors, opening off in directions where you thought East Huron Street must lie, teeming with traffic. In short, everything seems to be where something else should be. If you go right away, you will be R ichherg, Arnold At Detroit Meeting Thurman W. Arnold, recently named first assistant United States attorney general, and Donald R. Richberg, former NRA administrator, will address the thirty-fourth annual convention of the Advertising Fed- eration of America, June 12 to 16 in Detroit. William J. Cameron, of the Ford Motor Co., will also speak. Arnold, director of the anti-trust prosecu- tions of the Department of Justice, will discuss monopoly regulation. Richberg will speak June 14 in a symposium entitled "A Common Road to Progress." He will represent the viewpoint of the federal govern- ment. Others will speak for indus- try and labor. H. W. CLARK ENGLISH BOOTMAKER Custom-Made Boots to Your Measure Riding Boot, hand-sewn welt, hand- lasted, from $6.75 up. All kinds of oxfords made to measure from $7.50 up. 534 Forest Ave. Ann Arbor, Mich. able to see the workmen finishing the small auditorium on the third floor. This auditorium, seating some 500 people, is built in the shape of a cirle, and all the seats are on a steep incline so that full view may be had of the laboratory table on *the rostrum. The auditorium is nearly1 completed, but workmen are still as- sembling the huge screen. This screen will be concealed by draperies that can becontrolled from the pro- jection booth-which, by the way, is entirely invisible, unless you know where to look for it. But if you decide to see the Rack- ham building now or later, don't for- get to go through with a guide. If you don't take one, you may find yourself stepping down elevator shafts, like we almost did. Besides, the guides that we noticed on our way out, Vwhen it was too late, were all very lovely creatures. Read. and Use The Michiggan Dail y Classified Ads. ri G~i 9&aduaicn c0twtme;r LEATHER BOOKLETS CARD BOOKLETS FOUR-FOLD ANNOUNCEMENTS For all schools, are available in limited quantities at 603 Church Street t BARBARA STANWYCK HERBERT MARSHALL "BREAKFAST FOR TWO" With GLENDA FARRELL vDr RT nu I I i