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June 03, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-06-03

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The Weather
Fair and warmer today; to-
morrow unsettled.


131k igtan


Social Legislation
In The Right Directlon...



___ 1..--.. - -T

Press To Fight
Report Before

Manager Of Local Firm
Calls Trial Examiner's
Decision An Urgent One
May Appeal Case
To Higher Courts
The Ann Arbor Press will petition
within eight days to present oral ar-
gument before the National 'Labor
Relations. Board in Washington in
answer to the "wholly one-sided and
unjust Trial Examiner's ieport that
was issued Thursday with which it is
impossible for the company to com-
ply," Arthur J. Wiltse, co-partner
and manager of the local printing
firm, said last night.
"We might take the case to the
Supreme Court of the United States,
if necessary," Wiltse stated, empha-
sizing that if .the argument on the
report does not produce satisfa~ctory
results, the management will ask a
federal circuit court of appeals to set
aside the final order of the Board.
Company Found Guilty
The report issued by Trial Exam-
iner Frank Bloom found the com-
pany guilty of unfair labor practices
and instructed the management to
rehire with back pay six members
of the International Typographical
Union, who, it was held, were laid off
for union activity; to bargain coIlec-
tively in good faith with representa-
tives of the ITU, which was certified
as the exclusive bargaining agent of
the composing room employes; and to
disestablish an independent labor or-
ganization in the plant.
The Independent Association of
Ann Arbor Press Employes, Inc.,
which was found to be a company-
dominated labor organization by the
Trial Examiner and which he or-
dered dissolved, is not planning to
take any action at present, according
t, Carl J. Ekstrom, president of the
Report Comes Thursday
The labor board also has the power
to appeal to a federal circuit court
for a cease and desist order, in case
an employer, after argument on the
intermediate report, refuses to com-
ply either with the report or with
a formal order that is then issued
by the Board. If an employer does
not comply with the court's order, he
is in contempt of court.
The 24-page intermediate report
came Thursday after a three and
one-half month strike conducted by
Local No. 154 of the International
Typographical Union. The unin
filed charges against the company
on November 24, March 16 and April
Prof. Ara-O lii
Leaves Faculty
Barker And Trow NaikTed
To Rackham Board
Dr. Mehmet Aga-Oglu, associate
professor of Islamic art, has resigned,
it was announced yesterday. He will
teach this summer at Princeton Uni-
versity, but later plans have not been
Prof. Aga-Oglu has ,been editor of
the Ars Islamica quarterly. He came
here in 1932 and studied at the
Universities of Moscow and Vienna.
The University also announced
that the title of Dr. James S. Snow
had been changed from instructor to
research associate in the Medical
Prof. Funest F. Barker of the
physics department, and Prof. Wil-
liam C. Trow of the school of edu-

cation, have been appointed to the
executive board of the graduate
school for four year terms. rr'heyt
succeed Professors Clifford Woody
and Neil M. Williams.
NLRB Asks Court
To Waive Ford Rule
COVINGTON, Ky., June 2.-(A')--
The National Labor Relations Board
asked the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals today to set aside its order
of May 9, denying the board the
right to withdraw a decree against
the Ford Motor Co. and asked that
the case be returned to its jurisdic-

Union Doesn't Love
Golliwog--A ctress
Moves To League
Doris Dalton said, "Love me, love
my dog, Golliwog."
Stanley VWaltz, manager of the
Union, where Miss Dalton had reser-
vations for her stay in Ann Arbor,
said, "Sorry, but I don't love your
dog, Golliwog." (Union House Rule
No. 3348: No dogs allowed in guests'
So Miss Dalton, who is appearing
in "French Without Tears" next week
at the Mendelssohn Theatre, tore up
her reservation, took her trunks, her
dog, Golliwog, and the ten foot leash
attached therefrom, and stood in
front of the Union, stranded on her
first day in town, without room or
"I didn't care about myself," Miss
Dalton explained yesterday, "but
Golliwog, that's no way to treat Gol-
Then Lucille Waltz (official title:
Housing Commission of 1938 Dra-
matic Season Actors) got on the wire.
"Doris is stranded out in front of the
Union without room or bath,', Miss
Waltz pleaded to Helen Arthur, dra-
matic season executive director.
Miss Arthur said, "How big is the
"Five by seven," Miss Waltz said.
"In feet."
The room clerk at the League was
questioned: "Do you allow French
poodles-five by seven-in your
The desk clerk said, "Send the dog
over. We'll take care of her."
So late yesterday Golliwog barged
into the League accompanied by the
ten foot leash and Miss Dalton, con-
tent with a new room and bath.
25-Cent Wage
Bottom Urged
in Committee
House-Senate Conferencet
Group Hears Suggestion
To Prevent Exemptions
WASHINGTON, June 2.-()-A
rock-bottom wage of 25 cents an
hour was one of the major sugges-
tions laid before a Senate-Houset
conference committee struggling to
reconcile differences on wage-hour
No industry affected by the bill
would be granted exemptions fromt
that figure.
The suggestion was put forward
with the idea thlat the bill, as finally
agreed upon, might provide for gen-
eral standards higher than 25 cents,1
but might give a government agency
power to exempt certain industries
from these standards..
There was said to be strong senti-
ment in the Committee to establish
some bedrock figure below which '
such exemptions could not go. It wask
suggested that, besides the 25 cent
an hour minimum, the Committee
agree upon 44hours a week as the1
absolute standard beyond which ex-
emptions could not be granted:
If such a compromise were reached,
it would incorporate provisions of r
both the House and Senate bills, com-
mittee members pointed out. 1
The House measure calls for a 25-1
cent minimum wage, increasing to 40
cents in three years, and a 44-hourt
week declining to 40 hours after twoc
years. The Senate bill sets 40 centsf
an hour and 40 hours a week ast

Japan Agrees
To Terms Of
U. S. Demand
Will Restore All Property
And Return Americans
To ShanghaiWar Zon6
Japanese To Send
Investigation Group
WASHINGTON, June 2.- (P)-
With a swiftness astonishing in mod-
ern diplomacy, Japan gave in along
most of the line today to United
States demands for restitution of
American property in China and re-
turn of American businessmen and
missionaries to their former posts.
Japan began to act within a few
hours after the receipt of the strong
American note announced yesterday
and delivered Tuesday.
Her first step, announced in a tele-
gram frorm American consul General
Frank P. Lockhart of Shanghai, was
to agree Tuesday to the return to
Nanking of American missionaries
formerly resident there. Lockhart
said ten passes had been issued for
this purpose.
The second step was the restora-
tion Wednesday of the two high
schools of the American southern
Baptist mission in the Chapei district
of Shanghai.
These were formally turned back
to the mission by Japanese author-
ities in the presence of the treasurer;
and two other representatives of the
mission, representatives of the Jap-l
anese military and consular author-
ities, and. a representative of the
American consul general.
The property lies within the zone
where the Chinese and Japanese
battled during the initial hostilities in1
and around Shanghai. It was first1
occupied by Chinese forces; they1
were driven out by the Japanese, who
took it over.
The third step, reported in a tele-
gram from Ambssador Grew att
Tokyo, was the announcement made
today by the Japanese foreign office1
that Japan is sending an interde-r
partmental committee to visit thec
Japanese-controlled area in Centralc
China. ,
The purpose is "not only to investi-
gate the situation relating to the oc-
cupancy of American property but
also to formulate means of satisfac-
tory adjustment of the situation."
This '"according to the state depart-
ment, refers particularly to the rep-
resentations made by Ambassador
Grew with regard to the $1,000,000
University of Shanghai, owned by the
Northern and Southern Baptist Mis-
sion Boards and now occupied by
Japanese troops.
The interdepartmental committee,]
composed of representatives of the
foreign office, the army and the
navy, is. leaVing for Shanghai by air.
University Receives Gift
From Detroit Foundation
Gifts totaling $12,400 have been1
received by the University from thet
Earhart Foundation of Detroit, Dr.
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the
President, announced yesterday. e
The money will be used to support
the bureau of industrial relationsa
during the 1938-39 school year and
for a program of creative art, par-c
ticularly ceramics, in the college ofc

Phi Delta Phi
And Barristers
Are Penalized
Honor Society Suspended,
Law Fraternity Is Placed
On Semester's Probation
Barristers Initiation
Called Discreditable
In the first such action in several
years, the University yesterday or-
dered Barristers, senior honorary law
society, to suspend activities and
placed Phi Delta Phi, law fraternity,
on social probation. Both bans ex-
pire at the beginning of the second
semester next year.
In announcingits decision, the
Sub-committee on Discipline of the
University Committee on Student Af-
fairs declared that Barristers had
been "found guilty of conduct hav-
ing a tendency to bring discredit upon
itself and the University in connec-
tion with its initiation ceremonies."
Prohibit Public Initiations
Barristers were prohibited from
holding public initiation ceremonies
until 1940-41 and told that at that
time University approval as to form
and substance would be required.
Phi Delta Phi, which is located at
502 E. Madison, was convicted of
"having a tendency to bring discredit
upon itself and the University in
permitting the use of intoxicating
liquor on its premises."
Action was taken against Phi Delta
Phi because .of occurrences when the
fraternity allowed Barristers to fin-
ish their spring initiation there, it
was reported.
To Inspect Financial Condition
Barristers traditionally have their
initiates speak from the General Li-
brary steps. It is believed that of-
fensive statements made there during
their spring ceremonies motivated the
Action came only a day after the
Committee on Student Affairs had
warned officers of honor societies and
professional organizatidns that they
must comply with University stan-
dards of financial responsibility; con-
duct. initiations and public meetings
in an orderly manner and demon-
strate their capacity to comply with
standards of responsibility and or-
derly conduct.
Annual Parley
On Deinquency
To OpenToday
Detroit Police Iispector
To Talk On Mariluana;
Rutyhve To Greet Group
The second annual all-state Delin-
quency Prevention Conference, spon-
sored by the Michigan Delinquency
Prevention Council, meets at 9 a.m.
today at the Union. Between 200 and
400 newspapermen, teachers, service
workers and medical men are expect-
ed to be present.
Features of tne program include
an exhibit arranged by Inspector Ed-
ward W. Kunath, head of the nar-
cotics division of the Detroit Police
department, portraying the effects of
marihuana; a talk on "Why Confer
on Delinquency?" by Lee A. White,
director of public relations of the
Detroit News; a talk on "Improving
Juvenile Probation," by Charles
Chute, executive director of the Na-

tional Probation Association, New
York; and a luncheon talk on "Eco-
nomic Backgrounds -of Delinquency,"
by Dr. William Haber of the Univer-
sity, formerly state WPA administra-
President Ruthven will extend his
greetings to the group at the start
of the program. Prof. Lowell J. Carr
of the sociology department will pre-
sent for discussion a new rating scale
for comparing different communities
from the standpoint of delinquency.
Motion pictures of the work of the
Alpena Boys' Club will be shown at
9 a.m. in Room A at the Union. Mr.
White and President Ruthven will be
the speakers at the first general
meeting, held in the main ballroom
at 10 a.m. Mr. Chute's talk will be
(Continued on Page 6)
Kostelanetz Weds Pons
After Thirteen Proposals
NORWALK. Conn., June 2.-(Spe-
cial to The Daily)-After two years

Jap Lawrence
Of Manchuria'
Nears Rescue
SHANGHAI, June 3., Fiday,-()-
Under cover of artillery fire, a Ja-
panese relief column today began
crossing the Yellow River at Chen-
liukow Ford north of Lanfeng in an
effort to rescue the beleaguered forces
of Lieut.-Gen. Kenji Doihara, Japan's
"Lawrence of Manchuria."
Chinese, advancing from Langfeng,
reported their encircling columns
were driving Doihara toward the
banks of the Yellow River.
Doihara Bottled
(A Peiping dispatch quoted a J-
panese army spokesman as admitting
that Doihara was bottled up, but say-
ing his troops were attacking the sur-
rounding Chinese determinedly.
("By no means can it be said that
he is retreating," the spokesman as-
(He declared the approach of Ja-
panese reinforcements from Kweiteh,
east of Lenfang, was making the
Chinese nervous and that they were
beginning to withdraw to the west.
Reach Liuho
(One Japanese column, the spokes-
man said, had reached Liuho, on the
Lunghai railway, and a motorized
unit was at Kunchuehchuang aftei
brisk engagements with Chinese
forces met en route. Both towns are
about 40 miles east of Lanfeng).
After 23 days and nights of battle,
the exhausted armies in the Lan-
feng sector carried on the fighting in
a downpour of rain, still stalemated.
Court Fines 13
Oil Companies
Ira Conspiracy
Companies Receive Fines
For Fixing Margins Of
Profits Of Wholesalers
MADISON, Wis., June 2.-(P)-
Thirteen major oil companies and
eleven of their officials were fined a
total of $360,000 and $25,000 costs by
Federal Judge Patrick T. Stone today
on charges of illegally fixing the
margin of profit for Midwestern In-
dependent, wholesale gasoline job-
Acceptmg the defendants' pleas of
nolo contendere-by which they
were willing to receive penalties with-
out standing trial-the court im-
posed fines of $15,000 on each com-
pany and individual. The defendants
are to split costs of $25,000.
Refuse To Enter Pleas
Nine other companies and eight in-
dividuals refused to enter nolo con-
tendere pleas and will go on trial
here Sept. 2 .
Indictment against 27 employes
and officials of the companies which
were fined were dismisssed by Judge
Stone on government motion.
The indictment charging illegal
fixing of jobbers' profit margins was
one of two returned by a Federal
Grand Jury here.
Stone Defers Sentencing
Sixteen major companies and 30
officials were convicted last Jan. 22
on the first indictment, which
charged conspiracy to raise and fix
the price of midwestern gasoline in
1935 and 1936. Judge Stone, de-
ferring sentencing, took under ad-
visement motions to set aside the
convictions. Today he stated he

would rule on them next month.
In connection with the price-fixing
case, indictments pending aj;ainst
Edward Karstedt and E. W. Sinclair
of New York also were dismissed to-
day on government motion.1

Senators Refuse
To Restrict PWA
Loans For Utilities

Fire Engines Banned
At Future Initiations
Honor societies in the future must
"conduct initiations and other public
meetings in an orderly manner" and
must demonstrate their capacity to
comply with specific standards of or-
derly conduct, the Committee of Stu-
dent Affairs decided at a recent
The societies will be further re-
quired toccomply withstandards of
financial responsibility as are other
student groups, as the resolution pro-
vides for a sub-committee of the
Committee on Student Affairs to in-
vestigate the financial conditions of
all honor societies on campus.
Alien Forces'
Removal Seen
,Near In Spain
Withdrawal Of 10,000
Soldiers From Rebels,
Insurgents Is Proposed
LONDON, June '2.-(P)-Withdraw-
al of foreign fighters from the Span-
ish civil war drew nearer toward
reality tonight after nearly two years
of bickering among Europe's major
If the plan works out, Great Brit-
ain will throw her diplomatic power
into an effort to bring about a truce
in Spain.
(In Paris, Jose Antonio Aguirre,
former president of the Basque Re-
public, admitted the possibility of
mediation by outside powers in the
Spanish war. He expected to have
a statement on the matter "within
five or six days").
Soviet Russia, at a meeting of the
nine-nation nonintervention subc.om-
mittee, agreed to the proposal for
sending commissions to Spain for
removing 10,000 volunteers from each
side as a sign of good will.
Remembering many previous dis-
appointments in the efforts to obtain
agreement on withdrawal, the Brit-
ish Foreign Office warned against
undue optimism over today's develop-
But it admitted at the same time
that the situation was "rosier" than
any time since the "hands-off Spain"
committee held its first meeting Sept,
9, 1936.
While Russia agreed to the plan for
sending commissions into Spain, her
representative, Samuel Kagan, de-
manded strict enforcement of sea
control of the country and refused
to agree to contribute the assessment
against Russia for financing the with-
The problems at issue between1
Russia and Britain--considered here
not to be irreconcilable-are, to be
discussed at a meeting of the nonin-
tervention subcommittee called for
June 10.
CIO Cases Dismissed
WASHINGTON, June 2.-(P)-The
Labor Relations Board dismissed to-
day a petition of the United Cigar;
Workers Union (CIO) to be certified
as collective bargaining representa-a
tive for employes of the Tegge-Jack-
man Co., and the General Cigar Cot,
both in Detroit, Mich.

Amendmnent To Relief Bill
Killed After President's
OppositionIs Reported
Barkley Conveys
Roosevelt's Wish
WASHINGTON, June 2.-(P)-The
Senate complied with President
Roosevelt's wishes today by refusing
to restrict federal financing of pub-
licly-owned utilities.
On a voice vote, the chamber re-
jected a proposal by its Appropria-
Lions Committee that the PWA be for-
bidden to advance funds for building
public plants which would compete
with existing privately-owned sys-
Previously, the Chamber had voted.
the PWA $965,000,000-$100,000,000
more than the Appropriations Com-
mittee recommended. A portion of
the appropriation can be used for
utility construction.
Barkley Conveys Message
Word of the Administratdn's
wishes was conveyed to the Senate by
Majority Leader Barkley (Dem., Ky),
who read a statement on power policy
which had been authorized by Mr.
While announcing the President's
opposition to the proposed restric-
tion, Barkley tempered it with a
statement that Mr. Roosevelt would
not allot funds for utility construc-
tion until municipalities had nade
"reasonable" offers in "good faith"
to buy existing private .plants.
Barkley said, under questioning,
that Mr. Rooseveltr. would judge
whether offers were reasonable and
whether they had been advanced in
good .faith.
Restriction An Amendment
The proposed restriction was aec-
ommended by the Appropriations
Committee as an amendment to the
Administration's Spending-Lending
Bill. Prior to the vote which killed
the proposal, the Senate rejected, 46
to 30, a compromise advanced by Sen-
ator Maloney'(Dem., Conn.).
The Maloney Amendment provided
a system of compulsory arbitration
under which' cities and utilities would
agree on prices at which cities would
buy existing privately-owned plants.
Mine Exposion
Kills Ten Men
Gas Is Blamned For Second
Recent Coal Disaster
SCRANTON, Pa., June 2.-(A)-Ten
men were killed and six injured to-
day in an explosition of gas almost a
mile down in the Volpe Coal Com-
pany's mine. It was the second ma-
jor mine disaster within two months
in the Eastern Pennsylvania anthra-
cite field.
Rescue crews, wearing gas masks,
worked down the slope in search of
at least two other miners reported to
have been in the mine at the time of
the blast.
Those who survived the blast said a
rock fall preceeded the explosion,
shutting off the ventilation, and that
accumulated gases were ignited either
by the miners' lamps or sparks from
motors. Gov. George H. Earle sent his
son, George H. Earle, IV,, to investi-
gate the explosion.
The blast was the second in Eastern
Pennsylvania in a little more than a
month. Eight were killed and ten
injured April 27 by an explosion in
the St. Slair Coal Company mine,
near Pottsville, in the southern an-
thracite field.

Rebels, Loyalists
Battle Without Gain
HENDAYE, France, (At the Span-
ish Frontier), June 2.-(P)---&ack
Spanish Government and Insurgent
troops fought steadily today along
the Teruel-Mediterranean highway
without scoring appreciable gains.
Government dispatches said 1,200
Insurgents were killed from midnight
to noon along the 10-mile battle front

Famous Thespians Played At Old
"Wiitney, Helen Arthur Recalls

Ethel Barrymore, Maude Adams,
May Robson, Sothern and Marlowe,!
Otis Skinner, Richard Mansfield,'
Mrs. Fiske, all played at the old Whit-
ney Theatre back in the days when
both Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti were.
one night stands for almost every
road show traveling the middle west,
Helen Arthur, executive director of
the Dramatic Season recalled in an
interview yesterday.
As executive secretary of the Shu-
bert's office, Miss Arthur was well
acquainted with the booking routes.
These shows played every night in
medium size towns like Ann Arbor,
Kalamazoo, Jackson with Detroit as
the hub city, Miss Arthur said. They
played to audiences of from 800 to
1,200 every week night, traveled light,
used the trains, and required no
heavy advertising before hand.

The theatre found itself divided
against itself.
Then war made. traveling costs
prohibitive and theatre owners be-
gan to run plays when they could get
them and movies the other nights.
But the movies were so much more
profitable that they started to show
them alone.
Stock companies have gone the
same way, Miss Arthur explained.
Where formerly there were 75 of
them, not one winter company re-
mains. They have had to give way
to the movies which are prefered be-
cause they are so much cheaper, and
run continuously so that people are
not restricted as to time of beginning.
Only amateur groups, as here in
Ann Arbor, have kept the interest in
the theatres alive, she pointed out.
University groups, student produc-
tions, community playhouses and lit-
tle theatres have arisen. They have
been able to do the more literary

New Microfilm Process Makes
Graduate Theses Easily Available

Through the increased use of mic-
rophotography, graduates of Amer-
ican universities are now finding .it
possible to have their theses made
available at a personal cost of only
$15, according to Eugene B. Power,
'30BAd., of University Microfilms.
Microphotography is the reproduc-
tion on a 35 mm, film of typed and
written material.
Under the plan a candidate for a
doctor's degree sends his thesis to
Ann Arbor together with a 400-word

film form. The scholar who finds a
reference in the card index and de-
sires, after reading the summary, to
study the complete manuscript, can
ask the library to obtain the film
from University Microfilms at 11/4
cents per typewritten page. The or-
iginal negative will be kept in Ann
Arbor, so that other libraries can
obtain copies of the thesis. Since the
prices of the reading machines neces-
sary for these microfilms are priced
at the cost of an ordinary typewriter,
it is expected that all leading libraries
will soon be eauipned with them.

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