The Weather renerally fair and cooler showers in morning; row fair and warmer. to- to- ig ~tfr gau ,iJatt Editorials Mr. Abend Begins To Dout .. ( Mobilize Against The Sex Criminal .*. I VOL. XLvII. No. 177 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ann Arbor Press, Policies Indicted In NLRB Decision Intermediate Report Gives Strikers Decisive Gains; Company Union Ousted Right To Bargain Collectively Upheld A stinging indictment of the labor policies of the Ann Arbor Press and recommendations to the company to cease interfering with employes' right to join the International Typograph- ical Union' were contained iri the Intermediate Report, released yester- day, of Frank Bloom, trial' examiner for the National Labor Relations Board. Bloom ordered the management to: (1.) Offer reinstatement to six striking employes with back pay (amounting to approximately $4,000) less earnings, since they were laid off for union activity last February. (2.) Disestablish the Independent Association of Ann Arbor Press Em- ployees, Inc., which Bloom found to be :domninated by the company and formed to comply with the terms of a Michigan statute relating to firms doing state printing. n(3.) Bargain collectively upon re- quest with local No. 154 of the Inter- national Typographical Union (ITU) as the exclusive bargaining agent of the composing room of the plant. (4.) Offer reinstatement to 13 employes who went out on strike Feb. 19, dismissing, if necessary, persons hired since the strike to perform their work. (5.) Post immediately in the plant for 30 days notices that the company no longer recognizes and has dises- tablished the Independent Associa- % tionĀ° and will bargain with the rMU. (6.) Notify the labor board within 10 days of the manner in which the company has complied with the or- ders.. Scompany has 10 days in which to ask for the privilege of oral argu- ment in Washington on the report- the opportunity the Board is extend- ing as a result of a recent Supreme Court decision on procedure in the Kansas City rate case. If the company does not express a willingness to comply within 10 days, the examiner recommended that the three-man national board issue an order requiring the management to comply. Further refusal to comply with. the final Board order means that the NLRB will petition a federal Circuit Court of Appeals for a cease and desist order-refusal to comply (Continued on Pake 2l Final Cocert To Be Played By mp hon Thor Johnson To Conduct; Soloists And Glee Club Will Aid In Program r The University Symphony Orches-, tra, conducted by Thor Johnson will play the final' concert of the current school year at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow In Hill Auditorium. On this occasion two soloists will participate: Burnette Bradley Stae- bier, soprano, and Clare Coci, organ- ist. The Girls' Glee Club of the University conducted by Mary Mor- rison, student director, will also as- sist in the program, making its only appearance of the season, singing Saint-Saens' "Night" with Miss Stae- bler, soprano soloist, John Krell, flut- ist, and Clare Coci, organist. On Friday and Saturday evenings, June 3 and 4, a group of seventy- four selected players from the Uni- versity Symphony Orchestra will give concerts in the High School Audi- torium at Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Helen Barry, soprano, Warren Fos- ter, tenor and George Cox, baritone, will assist in both of these concerts, which will be composed of selections by Bach, Schubert and Wagner. Conference Asks Support Of Welfare Legislation GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., June 1. -(A')-Need for new and more effi- cient welfare administration and sup- port of Michigan's new welfare legis- Ugh! Someone Stealum Heap Fine War Bonnet GRAND CANYON, Ariz., June 1.- OP)-BigJim Gwetva, aged Supai In- dian sub-chief, was on the warpath today. Someone stole the silk hat President Theodore Roosevelt gave him many years ago. When President Roosevelt visited the canyon, Big Jim admired his topper and frock coat. The Rough Rider presented them to the Indian, who has worn them on all important occasions since. Canadians May Oppose Treaty, PittmanClaims Senator Declares Ottawa Will Not Give Approval To Waterway Scheme WASHINGTON, June 1.--(.)- Senator Pittman (Dem., Nev.), chair- man of the Senate Foreign Relations' Committee, predicted today that the "real objection" to the proposed St. Lawrence Waterway Treaty would come from Canada. Secretary Hull made public yester- day a propoEgd agreement between this country and the neighboring Do- minion under which the Great Lakes area would obtain a shipping outlet to the Atlantic Ocean through the St. Lawrence River. The treaty also provides for extensive power develop- ment. The United States Senate refused by 13 votes in 1934 to ratify a water-_ way treaty negotiated by the two governments. Many senators who op- posed the treaty said it would work economic hardship on the states they represented. Pittman said he believed many of these sectional objections had been eliminated by the new treaty, but he expressed anxiety lest the State De- partment's newest proposal be less cordially, received by the Ontario and Dominion governments. The Senator indicated doubt that the Liberal Ottawa Government of Mackenzie King would be as friendly to the waterway as the Conservative administration it succeeded. Hook Chosen Druids' Head At Organization Meeting Wally Hook was chosen president' of Druids, senior literary college hon- or society, at the annual initiation banquet of the organization held last night in the Union. Charles Lovett was elected vice- president, Bill Farnsworth, secretary, and Bill Newnan, treasurer, in the other elctions. Walt Peckinpaugh and Danny Smick, who were with the baseball team in Minneapolis at the time of the regular initiation last Thursday, were taken into the group at the meeting. Detroit ,CIo Plans March To City Hall Strike Committee Cancels Rally As 90 0 Police Guard Brass Company City Council Rejects Petition For Hearing DETROIT, June L.-00)-The De- troit committee for Industrial Or- ganization Strike Committee today cancelled one scheduled demonstra- tion but immediately launched plns for another-a march on tie City Hall at 10 a.m. Friday. The rally that was deferred indefi- nitely was scheduled for this after- noon at the American Brass Co. plant, scene of rioting in which 63 persons were injured last Thursday. A detachment of 900 policemen guarded the plant yesterday morn- ing and afternoon but only eight pickets appeared, the number per- mitted under a Circuit Court in- Junction granted the company. Spokesmen for the Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers Union (CIO) said they would-continue to abide by the court order which allows four pickets at each of the twd entrances. Announcement of the march on City (all came after the City!Council today rejected by a 4 to 3 vote the CIO's, petition for a hearing of oharges that its members were beaten "by police to help Wal Street beat down wages." The dispute at the American Brass Co. developed after a 10 per cent wage cut was an- nounced. Other major developments on the Detroit labor front today included: (1) A group of pickets stopped employes of the Gear and Axle plant of the General Motors Corp. Chev- rolet bivision when they reported for work, requiring them to show their United Automobile Workers (CIO) dues cards,, 2. The CIO expressed disapproval of a proposed ordinance suggested by Mayor Richard Reading that would create an "industrial peace board" to which labor and management could take their grievances. b The CIO committee asserted that Mayor Reading's peace plan con- tained a number of "jokers." The principal objection to the plan, the committee said, was a clause that provides for 24 members on the board. Only six of the 24 would be labor representatives, the CIO pointed out in making its objection, claiming that the plan is "heavily loaded in favor of the employers." British Map Peace Plan For Europe LONDON. June 1-(P)-The Brit- ish Cabinet wasaunderstood tonight to have mapped a sweeping, two-fold peace plan for alleviating war-dan- gers In, Europe's two sorest spots- Spain and Czechoslovakia. The plan was said to call for an attempt to bring the Spanish Govern- ment and Insurgents together in an armistic ending the 22 %-month civil war and for negotiations for solution of Czechoslovakia's difficul- ties with her restless Germanic mi- nority which Adolf Hitler has pledged to protect. Reports of the Cabinet's mediation program were seen as indication Prime Minister NevilleaChamberlain sought, to justify his foreign policyt of bargaining with dictators. Nightie Patrol Beats It Out; Gets Big Hand Paj ama Serenade-spontaneous In- dependent Sing-was, inaugurated last night as 50 lusty Allen-Rumsey troubadors, swathed in lurid nighties and-robes, circuited the sororities and girls' dormitories' in the first an- nual pre-exam warm-up. Marching in single file, the boys tramped through the Michigan Union and paraded up State Street-virtual- ly a walking advertisement for "Es- quire." Assemblying between Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry, they yodeled a few Michigan songs and swung one or two barroom ditties 'mid interspersed jeers and cheers from the silhouetted figures dotting the windows. As the last echoes of "Good Night Ladies" died away, the songsters pro- ceeded to Mosher Jordan, swinging riotously through the League on their way. They went on to give repeat' performances at the Theta, Sorosis, Delta Gamma, Kappa and Tri Delt houses. German Press Again Attacks Czech Incident Cafe Brawl In Border Town Vigorous Nazi Western Incites Charge BERLIN, June 1.-(P)-The Ger- man press attacked Czechoslovakia anew tonight over a "provocative" in- cident at the troubled frontier town of Eger. Eger, on Czechoslovakia's extreme Western tip where the country juts, far into Germany, was the scene of a cafe brawl last night in which two Sudeten Germans were wounded when a Czechoslovak army sergeant fired his revolver. Some Nazi quarters responded with a bitter charge of "continued mon- strous Czech provocations," and the Berlin press referred to the "intol- erable situation" of the Sudeten Ger- mans, a 3,500,000 German minority living in Czechoslovakia along the German border. In other quarters, however, the episode, one of a long series involv- ing Czechoslovaks and Sudeten Ger- mans in recent weeks, was viewed more calmly and was minimized as an act of "a drunken Czech." The Berlin newspaper Nachtaus- gabe, taking a belligerent view of the new Eger incident, warned "London, Paris, and Praha to note that we are keeping a record of every incident, every murder, every shooting, every provocation, and every border viola- tion, and that some day we will pre- sent a bill of responsibility to those who, whether in Praha or other cap- itals, have assumed command of the Czechs." Rare Volumes Exhibi-ted Here Library Displays Books Of Colonial America In conjunction with the annual con- vention of the Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan, the William L. Clements Library is displaying rare books and maps dealing with early investigations of the natural history of North America. The exhibit includes Thomas Har- ot's "A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia" published in London in 1588, which is the earliest natural history survey of the country south of the Potomac. This volume has been translated into French and German, but there are only five copies of the original pub- lication left in the United States. On display also are maps of New France and New Spain drawn by Champlain and Hernandez in the early 17th century; some by John Mitchell, one of the outstanding car- tographers of colonial America, whose maps were accepted as the basis for the Webster-Ashburton Treaty; seed catalogs published in 1938; early dic- tionaries on the ways and metho is of farming; and the reports of the first natural history survey in Michigan. Student Awarded Medal Senate Tacks Farmers' Aid To Relief Bill Amendment Passed After Hour's Debate Despite President's Opposition Norris Leads Fight AgainstREA Cut WASHINGTON, June 1.-()-The Senate tacked $212,000,000' for farm benefits onto the House-approved Re- lief Bill tonight. The amendment, submitted by Sen- ator Russell (Dem., Ga.) was ap- proved after an hour's debate despite arguments that taxes should have been provided to meet the payments. Earlier, President Roosevelt had indicated his opposition to ear-mark- ing funds in the Relief Bill for spe- cific purposes. Writing to Senator Adams (Dem., Colo.), the Executive urged that no restrictions be includ- ed to prevent the selection of projects which could be undertaken "most speedily." Holding its first night session on the $3,247,000,000 spending-lending bill, the Senate quickly disposed of numerous amendments recommend- ed by its appropriations Committee. A committee suggestion that the House-approved $100,000,000 alloca- tion for the Rural Electrification Ad- ministration be whittled to $25,000,- 000 was rejected. Senator Norris (nd., Neb), "father" of the TVA, led a fight against the reduction._ The Russell Farm Benefits Amend- ment, revised slightly from the form in which it was approved by the Appropriations Committee, provides payments of up to two cents a pound for cotton, ten cents a bushel for wheat, five cents a bushel for corn, one cent a pound for tobacco and one-fourth of one cent a pound for rice. Substitute proposals offered by Senator Shipstead (FL., Mia.) Gil- lette (Dem., Iowa) and Pope (Dem., Idaho) were rejected. Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) criticized the Senate for rejecting taxes for additiona farm benefits when the tax- revision measure was under consideration, and then, later, voting "blithely, blindly and smugly" to appropriate the money. Graduate School OpensJune 17 'atlock, Moulton, Ruthven Talk At Dedication Prof. John S. P. Tatlock of the University of California and Dr. F. RU Moulton, permanent secretary of the 'American Association for the Ad- vancement of Sciences, will speak at the dedication of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies June 17. The dedicatory exercises will also include addresses by F Dr. Alexander Grant Ruthven, president of the University, and Bryson Dexter, chair- man of the trustees of the Rackham Fund. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,1 counselor in religious education in the University, will deliver the invo-1 cation.1 Prof. Tatlock is a former memberE of the faculty here and a member of the advisory board of the American1 Council of Learned Societies.c Flash! Garg Finally Admits That It Stinks! The "We Finally 'Admit It Stinks" issue of Gargoyle goes on sale today. the last to appear under the editor- ship of George S. (For President in 1951) Quick, '38. It's a last gasp and really isn't any good, according to the retiring editor. It's even worse, if the incoming staff is to be believed. Containing such dull stuff as short stories, cartoons, an "exclusive" interview with Pauline Lord and jokes which were left out of previous issues to avoid lynchings, this Gargoyle, it is said, is by no means worth the 15 cents charged. "Perfume your issue before you read it," was Quick's laststatement. Hull Demands Japs Evacuate U.S._Property Note To Tokyo Officials Says American Rights In China Are Violated WASHINGTON, June 1.-WA)--Ja- pan is violating American rights 'in China by refusing to evacuate Amer- ican properties 'and allow our citizens to return to them, Secretary of State Hull told the Tokyo Government to- day in a strongly-worded note. The United States demanded that Japan turn back to their American owners the $1,000,000 University of Shanghai and other properties now occupied by Japanese troops. This government expressed its"in- creasing concern" at Japan's refusal to let American businessmen and missionaries return to the posts in coastal and inland 'cities they for- merly occupied. Secretary Hull regarded as flimsy Japan's excuse that "peace and order have not been sufficiently restored." He questioned it by calling Japan's attention to "the fact that Japanese civilians are freely permitted to go into and reside in such areas-as, for example, at Nanking where some 800 Japanese nationals, including ,a substantial number of women and children, are reported to be in resi- dence." Spanish Loyalists Claim Air Victory MADRID, June 1.--(AP)-Spanish Government pilots won a/ bitterly fought air battle with Italian and German airplanes high over the Eas- tern Front today, an official Govern- ment communique stated tonight. The announcement said that a large number of the Italian and Ger- man Insurgent planes were chal- lenged by the Government craft, and that 12 were shot down during the engagement. The Government said five of its planes were lost, four of them within Government lines. Norrhan Rosten Is Only Double Winner; Given Poetry, Drama Awards Four Major Fiction Grants Set Record Thirteen students were awarded a total of $8,500 at the annual Hop- wood meeting in the ballroom of the League yesterday. The amount was the same as that distributed last year. Norman Rosten, Grad., was the only double award winner this year, receiving the only award made in the field of major drama, $900, and one of two $600 awards made in major poetry. Rosten. is the author of "This Proud Pilgrimage," a poetic drama which was produced recently by Play Production. He was studying here on a scholarship from the Bu- reau of New Plays. Four Fiction Awards Four awards were made in the field of major fiction, the largest number ever given. All four awards were won, by graduate students, thelar- est amount, $1,300 going to Helen Ann Wilson. Vivian LaJeunesse Par- sons received $1,000, Bernard M. Wolpert, $700, and Plena Mitcff, $700. Two major essay awards were made. Richard L. McKelvey, Grad., received $1,000, and Robert G. Wal- ker, Grad., $500. The other major poetry award of $600 was given to Christos E Pulos, Grad. 'Only five awards were made in all fields of the minor division. John Malcolm Brinnin, Spec., received $250 in the field of poetry; Bethany L. Wilson, '38, received $200 in drama; Robert J. Wayne; '39, received $250 in essay, while Maritta M. Wolff, '4, and F,. Randall Jones, '38, each re- ceived $250 in fiction. Cowden Ainnounces Jluges The judges for the various fields were announced by Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the English department, director of Hopwood Awards, who also announced the contest winners. The judges in the field of drama were John Mason Brown, dramatic critic of the New Yorki Evening Post; Richard Lockridge, dramatic critic of the New York Sun, and Burns Man- tle, editor of the year book of best plays. The judges in the essay field were Christopher Morley of the Sat- urday Review of Literature, last year's Hopwood lecturer; Katharine Fullerton Gerould and Donald Cu- oss Peattie,noted essayists and au- thors. The poetry judges were Ba- bette Deutsch, an editor of College Verse and author.'of 'This Modemn Poetry," Padraic Colum, noted Irish poet, and Arthur Guiterman, writer of light verse. The fiction Judges were Oliver LaFarge, author of "Laughing Boy," Pulitzer Prize win- ner in 1929; Martha Foley, an editor of Story Magazine, and Walter D., Edmonds, author of "Drums Along the Mohawk." Walters Pritchard Eaton, widely known drama critic and professor in the Yale School of Drama, delivered (Continued on Page 8 Garden Clubs COnvene Here 550 Gather For Opening Program At Union More than 550 women and men gathered at the U ion yesterday morning for the opening session of the Federated Garden Clubs of Mich- igan convention. Features of yes- terday's program were a tour of the campus previous to a tea which was served in the Horace H. Rackham building. Mrs. J. S. Symons, of Saginaw, president of the federation, presided at the banquet held last night in the Union. She introduced Mr. J. N. Darling, former chief of the United States Biological Survey. Mr. Darl- ing spoke on national conservation, emphasizing the need for universal support. After the banquet the delegates were entertained at a reception in the home of President and Mrs. Ruth- ven, who were guests of the federation at the dinner. 13 Students Win Hopwood Prizes Totaling $8,500 Michigan And Ontario Historical Groups To Hold Joint Convent10n In recognition of the Detroit River settlement's being the oldest center of civilization in the Northwest, and in view of their common history and probably common future, the organ- ized historical agencies of Ontario and Michigan will hold a joint con- vention June 9-11 in Detroit and Windsor, with several meetings in Ann Arbor, under the University's auspices. The Detroit River which is part of the boundary which separates the United States from Canada, stretches from Lake Erie to Lake St. Clair. It wasaon his river that Cadillac founded the little village of Detroit in 1701. From.that tiny community to" which Cadillac brought 100 Frenchmen, half soldiers and half artisans, the years have brought Henry Ford and his factories and all grove College, the Michigan Historical Commission, the Michigan State His- torical Society, the University of De- troit, Wayne University and the Hereditary Colonial, Revolutionary and 1812 Societies. Headquarters have been established at the Prince Edward Hotel in Wind- sor and the Hotel Statler in Detroit. Everyone interested in the history of the region has been invited to attend. Prof. L. G. Vander Velde, of the history department, will preside over a breakfast conference of Michigan college and university history teach- ers at 8 a.m. Saturday at the Hotel Statler. A luncheon will be held at 12:15 p.m. Saturday in the Union as part of the University's activities in the convention. Dr. Charles A. Sink, k i C i X 1. C r 1. t i h L, t f r i Even Mae Lilies Miss Sands' impersonation Of Miss' West At a conservative estimate there came backstage, and with a toss of are 5,000 impersonations of Mae West the hips and a switch of the eye floating around the United States. (which Miss Sands displayed with What makes Dorothy Sands' differ- impromptu mimicry), told me that ent, she will tell you proudly, is that she never knew she was so good." "Mae herself likes it!" "There's a difference between mere Miss Sands is in Ann Arbor to pre- imitation and impersonation," Miss sent her "Styles in Acting" repertory Sands explains. "And I stick to the at a special performance at 8:30 p.m. latter. It depends upon an analy- Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn tical study of the character involved theatre. She will also appear here and the addition of the impersona- later in the Dramatic Season in tor's originality," Miss Sands says. "Rain From Heaven" with Jane Cowl. "In doing Pauline Lord (who is It was when the Neighborhood appearing in the Dramatic Season's Playhouse first stared producing the production of "The Late Christopher Grand Street Follies that Miss Sands Bean" this week), I add very little began her career of imitating the comment of my own," Miss Sands sagestas."I as n ctrss hosays. "But Ethel Barrymore is an- stage stars. "I was an actress who other story. Her theatrical tricks, couldn't keep from taking a dare," ther crackling voice, her prominent she says. "I started 'taking off' var-hrr alivoceler pbomisent ious~ members of te roesio d profile, all give excellent basis for