TEMCHIGAN DA kILY.... THE MICHIGAN DAILY -N ; '' r 2-1i Edited and managed by students of the University of. Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.s Published every morning oxcept Monday during the University, year -and Summer Session. Member of. the Associited Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the Use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this.newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second. class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, *4,00; by mail, $4.40, Member, Associated Collegiaje Press, 1937-38 REPNEOENTEO POR NATIONAL ADVERTISINO BY National AdvertisingService, Inc. Collegea Publishers Ro~resswtive 420 MAD NAVE. ., lw YORK, N. Y. CNICAGO . BOSTON * Los ANGELES -SAN PRANCISCO Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Directoi City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell r . . , . Albert P. Mayio . . . . Horace W. Gilmore . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry . . . Saul R. Kleiman . . . Robert Perlman . ., . . . William Elvin . . . . Joseph Freedman . .. Earl Gilinan .. .Joseph Gies . . . . Dorothea Staebler .Bud Benjamin Business Department Business .Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . eonard P. Sieelman Advertising Manager.. William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean .Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON C. JAMPEL The editorials published in. The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous f r it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander . Ruthven. The Futility Ot Wage-Hour Laws... W ITH THE WAGES and Hours Bill referred to a conference committee after having been carried victoriously through the House by a remarkable majority, the obsti- nate difficulties that so far have blocked federal legislation seem to be on the road to solution. Formidable changes have been wrought already in the fabric of the bill, innumerable rewritings have thinned its substance to a watery imitation of the original and further alterations will un- doubtedly be designed by the present compromise body. The outline of the final law seems to be drawn, however, and its shape, and the picture, in perspective, of the long battle to get the bill through poses this question: what has the broil achieved? Both the House and Senate bills propose an eventual forty-hour week at forty cents an hour. The House bill automatically would bring these levels to all industries after three years. The Senate bill provides for a Labor Standards Board with the power to determine where and when the standards are to be applied. It seems clear from reports from Washington that the com- promise measure will introduce the House stand- ards and at the same time will make provision for the exemption of certain industries from the arbitrary standards proposed in the House bill. What remains to be settled is whether the bill itself should contain the exemptions or whe- ther a Board with broad investigatory powers should be created to determine which indus- tries should be exempted and for how long. Neither method is faultless. The choice, in either case, is not very significant. What is significant is that there will be a flexible provision in the Bill. The distinction between the exploiter and the exploited in the sweated industries, especially, is often a tenuous one. That labor is exploited in any cases for the profit of the middle-class entrepreneur cannot be denied; that the margin of profit in other sweated industries is too nar- row even to allow a fair return on the labor of the small factory owner is also a platitude. Further, the arbitrary application of uniform wage standards all over the country without respect to regional peculiarities, the mandatory rise in pay applied to little man and big, regard- less of their position in regard to raw materials, markets or transportation, would undoubtedly operate to force certain marginal producers out of business. Thus the compromise measure that promises to emerge shortly from the conference committee, it seems likely, will combine even standards with provision for individual pecul- iarities of industries and sections of the country. And so, in the "American Way," the United c~otm . ac inu fxnpein hshin Maa othe. union recognition and wage and hour agree- .ments; collective bargaining means machinery for the settlement of the hundreds of petty dis- putes, machinery to develop satisfied labor. And satisfied labor is efficient labor. Grievances, lay- offs, seniority rights, rumors of proposed speed- ups and complaints about working conditions and sanitary provisions are. all minor matters; but when they are not settled amicably around a conference table, the employe feels that he is a little more than a cog, little more than an- other automaton in a gargantuan machine. The effect of this "employe disgruntlement" on plant efficiency has been more costly to many pro- ducers than the more open manifestation of the same cancer in strikes and slow-ups. But even in the question of wages and hours, it is obvious that federal legislation can do no more than set general minima and maxima for various industries and sections of the, country. It is hardly possible or desirable for the govern- ment to alter its levels from plant to plant. They must remain the function of collective bargain- ing.. However, the main function of collective bar- gaining in respect to wage-hour regulation must be to prevent.the minimum wage from becoming the maximum. Forty hours a week at forty cents per hour equals 16 dollars per week. Even were work in all the industries affected year-around work, the income is hardly impressive. It re- mains for organized labor, through collective bargaining as approved by the Wagner Act, to bring "to him who works a more just share of that which he produces." S. R. Kleiman. x''464 The Lord THE LATE CHRISTOPHER BEAN, a comedy in three acts adapted,.by Sidney Howard from the French of Rene Faucho. Starring Paulne Lord. At the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. By NORMAN KIELL After spluttering about on bad spark plugs for the past two weeks, the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season finally hit all six cylinders with the pres- entation of Pauline Lord in Sidney Howard's adaptation of "The Late Christopher Bean." It is a far cry from Mr. Howard's work seen earlier in the season; it is only too evident that the play- wright is -at his best when he is adapting, and not creating, original works. Mr. Howard has transplanted Rene Fauchois's French characters and locale to a New England doctor's household, thoroughly Americanizing his people and situations to meet them for an American audience and accomplishing it with humor and rich invention. Christopher Bean, painter, drunkard, indigent, deceased, received no recognition during his life- time for his artistry except by Abby, the faithful servant in Dr. Haggett's household. He was scorned upon and derided; everyone thought his paintings terrible. Ad; Haggett, the doctor's daughter, painted buttercups on the reverse side of Bean's creations; the doctor covered the inside of his chicken coop with one of Bean's oils. Only Abby thought enough of him to hang a portrait he drew of her in her room. But ten years after Bean dies, the world sud- denly becomes conscious of his greatness and the art mongers and collectors pour in on Dr. Hag- gett's country household and the cheating, swin-1 dling and bargaining for the art works begins. The bewildered doctor is broached with offers to forge Bean's work which are believed to be lost; to sell Abby's portrait-which doesn't belong to him. But that is giving away half the story and my advice is to see it for yourself. Mr. Howard capitalizes on the humor of the situation wherever he can find it and although his strokes are broad, they are adroit. His in- terpretation of the avarice of a Yankee family is frequently hilarious. Dr. Haggett's transfig- uration from a hater of greed to a lover of gold is done with relish and the thrusts at the girl on the marriage market are well-taken. Abby, the faithful servant girl of the Haggett household, is played by Pauline Lord, and Miss Lord has genius in her acting. *'She plays the part with a quiet skill while at Ihe same time being thoroughly animated. A word here, a thrust there, and beneath the outward appear- ance of a drudge, she shows us an honesty and simple depth of character that bespeaks tender- ness and illuminating beauty. It is truly a beau- tifully conceived interpretation, notably free of cliches. Carl Benton Reid, as the harassed doctor of the quiet country home suddenly gone berserk, and Georgia Harvey as his tart-lipped wife, give excellent performances, especially the former.- Mr. Reid plays his role with mellowness and schooled instinct. Edgar Kent, as the scavenging dealer in art, Frederic Tozere as a fast-talking swindler, and Rebecca Tarwater as the redeem- ing member of the Haggett family, stood out like oases in a desert in the minor roles. Agnes Morgan, the play's director, was amply rewarded by the recognition accorded her by last night's audience-an audience that did not sit on their colective hands, but used them for long, loud and deserving applause. Emeline Roche's single set served the mood of the play well. Burns And Scott THE WEEKLY Literary,. Supplement of the Times of London lately devoted its twelve pages to the literature of Scotland, present and post. Its articles recognize "the Scottish Renais- sance of the last ten to fifteen years," but point out also that, although not "subservient to the doctrines of the post-war world" and rarely using "techniques of morbid psychology," the mood of cratic platform? A. That is correct. Q. Is there anything novel in the fact that the, administration prefers Democrats who will support its plans rather than Democrats who are in opposition? A. There is nothing novel in that. Every President wants to see his friends elected and his foes licked. That is not only politics but human nature. tions touching customs., Q.. Is the Jfeeinr6 bVle H-eywood, Broun I want to begin with some kindergarten ques- * * * * In Timhes Past Q. But I mean have other Presidents exerted any pressure within the party to help one op- ponent against another? A. Of course they all have, but various types of tactics and strategy have been employed. Q. But Mr. Roosevelt has stated that he has taken no part in the primaries of the Democratic party. Wouldn't you call that a prevarication? A. I would prefer to call it horse feathers. It is said for the sake of the record. In this respect Mr. Roosevelt is merely following an ancient customa All Presidents petend to be neutral and assert that they love their foes just as much as their friends. You can hardly call such statements prevarications, because nobody be- lieves them or is expected to believe them, Q. But don't you think it was a terrible thing for James Roosevelt, the son of the President, to declare in an impulsive moment for Pepper in the Florida primary? A. Rollo, you are now going on 10 and taking size 13 pants. Be your age. That was no im- pulsive moment. James Roosevelt had his as-. signment. He was not strutting his own stuff. Q. And is the same thing true of Ickes' declaration in regard to the Oregon primary and Harry Hopkins' statement about Killette in Iowa? A. The same thing is true. A Call For Candour Q. But why does there have to be all this flub-dub about it on both sides? Why can't a President openly come out and say, "I think that Mr. So and So, the gentleman from such and such a State, is a representative of reactionary interests, and I hope he gets a terrific trimming from the able young man running against him"? Wouldn't it be perfectly logical for a President to point out that in his function as leader of his own party he had every reason to prefer one Democrat against another Democrat or one Re- publican against another Republican, as the case might be? A. It would be perfectly logical, and it would save a lot of useless and irrelevant recrimina- tion. Q. ( Then why hasnt it ever been done quite openly that way? A. Because it isnt the custom. Q. But I want to know why it isnt the cus- tom? A. Run along, Rollo, and eat that blamed bun you're holding. Papa can't be bothered answer- ing silly questions all afternoon. once prophesied that he would be more famous a hundred years after his death. Judged by the sale of his poems at that distance to time (1896 was the centenary) the prophecy was correct. Indeed, the reader of the Nineties had to be fair- ly familiar with Burns in order to qualify as a well-read man. Is it so today? Some of Burns's pithy and picturesque metaphor survives in the common speech; but does any one nowadays read his works from cover to cover? The writer of the article on Burns produces one rather strik- ing bit of contributory evidence. Whereas in the nineteenth century a dozen formal biog- raphies of Burns were published, eleven more have appeared in the less than thirty-eight years of the present century. Sir Walter Scott, in line with usual present- day criticism, is pictured as having lost ground almost completely in the popular interest of the day. Hugh Walpole, after asserting in the Sup- plement that "in 1900 Scott seemed safe forever" -a comment based upon enthusiastic articles on him by some of the highest English critics of the day-expressed the somewhat cryptic judgment that, in1938, Scott "occupies a lowlier place than will ever be his again." Walpole ascribes the present-day reaction to "the stern realism of the Great War, the seriousness of the psycho- analytical novel, the international stress and tur- moil." But he.has to admit that, even in 1900, small boys and girls no longer, like the children of two or three decades before, read the Novels with high pitched interest and excitement, but were already protesting and. complaining when forced to do so by older-school parents. The cause lies deeper than the change in char- acter of the times. It is not waning of interest in tales of adventure: books of that nature still I iss'uei successfuilly from the ress. It is not. dis- on American political modes and administration in Washington working for the defeat of Democratic Senators and Representatives who have opposed the President upon vital measures? A. Of course it is. Q. Is it true that in many cases the so-called program of the President is actually an attempt to fulfill the pledges made in the Demo- MUSIC By DANN CHOWN Following is the program for the University Band Concert yesterday evening: Manitou Heights March .......-. .............. . Christiansen The composer of this march is well known for his direction of the fa- mous St. Olaf Choir. It is interesting to note that Mr. Christiansen was originally the band director at the college, but later worked into the choir position for which he is noted. This composition is dedicated to the place where the college is located: Manitou Heights. Russian Sailors' Dance from "The Red Poppy"...............Gliere This composition is a product of the new Soviet Russia. The music, as the title implies, describes a group ofI vodka-laden sailors as they dance on the wharves of St. Petersburg to mu- sic which comes from a nearby sea-I men's bar. While listening to the work one may easily imagine thesee large, heavy-booted men as they per- form their grotesque ballet., Ensemble Selection, . This group is thebwinner of the first annual ensemble contest inc which the members of the University Band participated. The object ofP this contest is to further the cause ofl ensemble performance and to makes more familiar the music written for these groups. Modern Atmosphere Mood Mauve ..............Howlanda Portraying an atmosphere that is charminglymodern, melodically cap- tivating, and even reminiscent of thep dance, Mr. Howland in this composi-4 tion has made a noteworthy additiont to the literature for the modern band. Intermission Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring..... .. S. Bacha Although the great Johann Sebas- tian Bach conceived most of his works for the organ, many of them may bec faithfully transcribed for concert, band. Such a one is that which the band is playing this evening. It is from the Cantata 147 and is based on I an original choral melody written by Johann Schop. . Air de Salome, from the opera "He-r rodiade" ...............Massenet Thelma Lewist The scene is the courtyard of He- rod's palace. Salome comes there seeking John, the prophet of a new gospel. She meets Phanual, chief ad- vosor of Kin Herod, and relates to him how John had found her lost in the desert and hlped her to return to safety, and how good and kind he isS to all whom he meets. This she nar- rates in a lovely aria. Japanese Scene Two Little Japanese......Charrosin A little boy is playing with his two lead Japanese soldiers. After a whilet he tires of his game and tumbles into5 bed. Down in the playroom the littlea soldiers start a game of their own. The other toys join in the fun, and. the game becomes quite exciting. But hush! Something .is coming! It is the cat, who wanders about the room knocking over -the little soldiers. Allt is quiet once more. Morning comes, the child comes downstairs, sets upn the toys, and commences to play again. Valse Triste ................ Sibelius This well-known work is an excerpt from incidental music which Sibelius' wrote for the drama "Kuolema" by Jarnefelt. On a bed in a dimly light- ed room lies a dying woman. The soft strains of a waltz are heard ande she rises out of her coma and im-f agines herself waltzing again in theI days of her youth. The dance con-~ tinues,tbecoming more and more energetic. But suddenly a knck is heard at the door; the music ceases. She opens the door and utters aI dreadful cry, for she is looking intoy the face of Death.x An Old Favoritek The Bells of St. Mary's..,.Furber The popularity of this song hasl lasted so long that it might almost be ,termed an American classic. During its performance this evening various members of the band will be heard as soloists or as part of a solo group. Included in the score are some ef-f fects which are somewhat unusual to a concert band. The arrangement was made for the Michigan Band byl Donn Chown. The Hut of Baba-Jaga. The Great Gate of Kiev, from "Pictures at an Exhibition".......Moussorgsky In response to numerous requests these two numbers are being repeated on this program. The movements of the suite de- scribe in music a series of 10 pictures painted by Victor Hartman, a friend of Moussorgsky. The first of the two excerpts, "The Hut of Baba- Jaga," portrays a picture painted in the surrealist manner, in which is seen a hut in the form of a clockcase supported on a foundation of fowl's legs. A Male's Lament To The Editor: Sunday night we went to see "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and we were fools enough to stay until the end. The flight home was breath taking hut in vain for as w erossed DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pubication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Vaiveratty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President ~until 3:30. 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) dents ih any division of the Univer- sity. 2. Doctoral dissertations are exclud- ed from consideration for the awards. 3. In order to be considered for an award for the current year, papers must reach the chairman of the com- mittee, 2509 University Elementary School, not later than four o'clock, June 10, 1938. 4. Copies of all prize winning pa- pers are to be sent to the Secretary of the Foundation. The Foundation reserves the right to publish such pa- pers if it so desires.. 5. Awards may be withheld if, in the judgement of the committee, no pa- pers of sufficient merit are con- tributed. The committee also re- serves the right to adjust the amountsn when papers of equal merits are sub- mitted or if such division will better serve the purposes of the grant. 6. The following committee has beenI designated by the Graduate SchoolI to administer the award: Professor Martha Guernsey Colby, Professor Howard Yale McClusky, and Profes- sor Willard C. Olson (chairman). C. S. Yoakum. The Bureau has received notice of the following United Civil Service Ex- aminations: Engineering Draftsmen, $1,440 to $2,300 a year; Optional Branches: 1. Architectural. 2. Civil. 3. Electrical. 4. Mechanical. 5. Structural. Open to anyone who has completed one or more years in Architectural or En- gineering Schools.Z Maritime Research Assistant, $3,200a a year; United States Maritime Com- mission. Assistant Electric-Rate Investigat- 3 or, $2,600 a year; Federal PowerF Commission. Maritime Personnel Representative, $2,600 a year; United States Mari- time Commission.t For further information, please callA at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12, and 2-4. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation. Commencement Announcements:a The Burr, Patterson & Auld Com-A pany, 603 Church Street, will beginn their distribution of Commepcemento Announcements on June 1. An extrae supply of booklets and folds are like- v wise available and may be secured by those who failed to place their orders. Literary Seniors: Commencement u Announcements will be distributed inJ the lobby of Angell Hall from 2:00 to0 5:00 in 'the afternoon on Wednesday and Thursday, June 1 and 2. All seniors are urged to, secure their an- nouncements during those hours. s Senior Engineers: Commencementn Announcements will be distributedI through Friday of this week, from a desk outside the Mechanical Engi-I neering office in the West Engineer-a ing Building. Hours: 9:00 to 12:002 and 1:00 to 3:00. Please present your orders imme- diately, as it will be extremely in- convenient to make distribution later than Friday. Mechanical Engineering Seniors andg Graduate Students: You are request- ed to fill out an information sheet u for the Department of Mechanical1 Engineering, upon the presentationa of which you may receive your copys of the group picture.- School of Music Seniors. Senior an- nouncements may now be obtained at the School of Music building. Hours posted on bulletin board. Rochdale Cooperative House: Ap-I plications for membership for thee coming Summer pession are now be-4 ing received. Application blanks are1 available in Dean Olmsted's office,a Room 2, University Hall, or at the7 Rochdale Cooperative House, 640 Ox- ford Road. Hillel Library. All books were due May 31. Please return immediately. Crop and Saddle members: There will be no more Crop and Saddle rides until next fall. Academic Notices Mathematics 49, Dr. Greville's Sec- tion will meet today at 11 instead of Friday. English I and II Final Examination Schedule, Tuesday, June 6, 2 to 5 p.m. English II Ackerman, 3231 A.H. Allen, 3209 A.H. Baum, 201 U.H. Calver, W. Phys. Lect. Dean, 205 M.H. Ellinger, 2215A.H. Everett, 203 U.H. Giovannini, 205 M.H. Green, 103 R.L. Haines, 103 R.L. Hanna, 103 R.L. Hart, 1020 A.H. ' Hathaway. 16 A.H. German 1, 2, 31, & 32. Room Assign- ment for Final Examinations, June 14, 1938 2-5 p.m. German 1. All sectins: 1025 A.H. German 2. Diamond, Schachtsiek, Braun, Striedieck, Van Duren: West Lecture Physics. Graf, Philippson: 25 A.H. Gaiss, Sudermann: 231 A.H. German 31. All Sections: C Haven Hall. German 32. Graf: 25 A.H. Gaiss: 231 A.H. Wahr: 201 U.H. Van Duren: C-H.H. Scholl: 301 U.H. Nordmeyer: 203 U.H. Philippson: 25 A.H. Willey: C-H.H. Physical Education for Women: Tests are to be given in archery, golf and tennis on Palmer Field at the following hours: Archery, Wednesday 1-12, 2:30- 3;30, 4:30-5:30. Thursday, 3:305:30. Friday, 11-12. Golf, Thursday, 4:15. Tennis, Thursday, 4:15. Stud nts wishing to take these testts Mould sign at the Women's Athletic Building desk. Concerts Graduation Recital: Hardin Van Deursen, baritone, with Ava Comm Case at the piano, will give a gradu- ation recital in the, School of Music Auditorium on Maynard Street, Wed- nesday evening, June 1st, at 8:15 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is in- vited. Graduation Recital. Vivienne D'- Arkos, pianist, will appear in a. grad- uation recital Thursday evening, June 2, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music Auditorium. Orchestra Concert. The University Symphony Orchestra, Thor John- son, Conductor; with the following soloists: Clare Coci, organist; Bur- nette Bradley Staebler, Soprano and Alice Manderbach, Hrpsichrdit; assisted by the Girls' Glee Club, Mary Morrison, Student Director: will give a concert Thursday afternoon, June 2, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The public is invited to attend. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: An exhibition of articles in silver, gold,- enamel and semiprecios stones, ,for ecclesiastical and general use, designed and executed by Arthur Nevill Kirk, is shown in the pier clases at either side of the Library entrance,. second floor corridor. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until June 1. The public is cordially in- vited. v Lectures The Hopwood Lecture will be de- livered in the ballroom of the Wom- en's League at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, June 1, by Mr. Walter Prichard Eaton. Immediately fol- lowing the lecture announcement will be made of the Hopwood Awards for this year. This lecture is open to the public. Events Today The Last Inter-Guild Morning Watch of the year will be held at the League Chapel, Wednesday morn~ing at 7:30 o'clock. Scimitar: All members of Scimitar are requested to report to the small gymnasium in the Intramural' to- day, Wednesday, at 5:00 for pictures. These are necessary as the first ones did not come out. 1938 Dramatic Season: Matinee at 3:15 today of Pauline Lord in "The Late Christopher Bean." Also eve- ning performance at 8:30. Tickets still available at Mendelssohn box office. Phone 6300. Coming Events English Journal Club: Messrs. Greenhut and Weisinger will discuss Professor Crane's "History versus Criticism in the University Study of Litreature," English Journal, XXIV (1935), 645-67, at the meeting Friday, June ,a t 4-15 nm .in the T eao'u Ogden, 229 A.H. O'Neill,-2219 A.H. Peake, 205 S.W. Peterson:, 2203 A.H. Roellinger, 18 A.H. Rowe, 215 A.H. Stevens, W. Phys. Lect. Stibbs, 2003 A.H. Stocking, 101 Ec. Taylbr, 101 Ec. Walcutt, W. Phys. Lect. Weimer, W. Phys Lect. Wells, 2003 A.H. White, 101 Ec. Williams, W. Phys. Lect. Woodbridge, W. Phys. Lect. English I Bertram, 6 A.H. Ford, E. Haven. I I