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May 29, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-29

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Edited and managed by students of the University of:
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.;
Published every morning . xcept Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press,
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.-
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisingService Inc.
College Publishers Reresentative
Board of Editors

Managing Editor'
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor.
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Robert D. Mitchell

S. . . Albert P. Mayio
..n . . . Horace W. Gilmore
. . . .Robert I. Fitzhenry
. . . . . Saul R. Kleiman
...tobert Perlman
. . . William Elvin
.Joseph Freedman
. . . . . Earl Gilman
.Joseph Gies
.Dorothea Staebler
.. . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
dredit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials publised in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the vieWs 6of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively ianigerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meanin of the term.
-Alexander G Ruthven.
Twilight Zone
Of Governmient..
DVOCATES of stronger central gov-
ernment have long battled with de-
fenders of states' rights for the possession of
legislative "no man's land," that nebulous twi-
light zone from which Federal action has been
excluded by the courts and into which the sep-
arate states may advance only by futile fum-
bling and groping with problems beyond their
individual control.
As popular a historian as James Truslow
Adams has voiced the fear that further exten-
sion of federal power into this area "will lead
almost certainly to the totalitarian state which
cannot be run except by a dictatorship in some
Opposed to the . stand taken by historian
Adams is the view proclaimed by Franklin D.
Roosevelt in his now famous dire prophesy
of a return to the "horse and buggy days" of
past generations, should the delegated powers of
the federal government continue to be too strict-
ly interpreted by. the Supreme Court.
Granted a growing liberal philosophy in recent
court decisions, and granted tha perhaps the
federal constitution will eventually come to be
interpreted as a "great charter" rather than a
states' rights insurance policy, the line between
federal and state prerogative will obviously be
drawn somewhere, as long as such strongcon-
victions exist on both sides., Thus the prob-
ailities are that there will always be a sort
-of legislative "no man's land" from which fed-
eral legislatiin will be barred and in which the
separate states are at a loss to cope with social
problems of national extenti.
That the separate states have already become
hopelessly enmeshed in the barbed wire and pit-
falls of this "no man's land" is only too evident
in view of the fate of such needed social legisla-
tion as state child labor laws, minimum wage
standards, comprehensive state social insurance,
and adequate state unemployment relief, fi-
n'anced by progressive taxation of large capital.
Past experience with such legislation has dem-
onstrated that capital is prepared to pack up and
move across state boundary lines from states
passing such legislation into neighboring states
where exploitation may be practised unchecked.
Hence individual states, unwilling to commit
financial suicide, have been prone to ignore
social problem.
Something New In Politics
Nor has the problem been confined to what
has roughly been classed as social legislation.
Lack of uniform extradition laws, and difficulty
of cooperation between forty-eight different
agencies for apprehension of criminals, led to
a crime problem that has made the United

Council of State Gover"nents. Conceived only
a year ago by representatives of most of the
states under a "Declaration of Interdependence,"
the council is dedicated to "repairing the fabric
which unites the nation's many agents of gov-
ernment, and restoring the solidarity which is
vital to orderly growth." As such, the tremen-
dous import of the good already accomplished
in the short space of a year makes the Council
of State Governments the most promising hope
on the political horizon today. It may well solve
national social problems without straining the
dual structure of our national government.
Composed of permanent commissions appoint-
ed from the legislatures of the various states, the
council drafts laws regulating evils lurking in
the twilight zone from which the federal gov-
ernment is barred. After these laws have been
adopted by the legislatures of the states, and
they have done so with conspicuous regularity,
the states present a united front on the problems
in question, having all the effectiveness of a Fed-
eral law.
Concrete Results
Perhaps the most significant success of the
inter-state commission movement has been in
the field of crime. Four laws were drafted
simplifying extradition and allowing state troop-
ers to cross state lines in pursuit of criminals.
These uniform laws, already adopted by twenty-
two states, have made crime control vastly more
Problems relating to flood control, sewage dis-
posal, regulation of the liquor traffic, and con-
servation of previously plundered Great Lakgs
fishing grounds, all a part of legislative "no
man's land," have been solved by state coopera-
tion through the Council of State Governments.
The virtue of the council, however, rests not so
much upon the importance of problems con-
quered as upon the hope which these accomplish-
ments warrant for the future. If the states,
through the council, can pass uniform crime
laws, there is reason to believe that they can
accomplish the same reform for child labor
and other social evils. That they are now for-
mulating such laws is encouraging.
Thus those who fear the totalitarian state as
the only alternative to returning to the "horse
and buggy days" of their ancestors, may rest
assured if the Council of State Governments ful-
fills the promise of its lusty youth.
John Canavan.
To The Victors...
ALTHOUGH it has been a week since
Michigan's trtck team ended its
outstanding season by taking the Big Ten out-
door meet, the Daily still wishes to add its voice
to the many others on the campus in congrat-
ulating the team and its new captain, Bill Wat-
The team has had' an excellent season. Its
record includes victories over Illinois and Ohio
State and leading performances in both the
Penn Relays and the Quadrangular Relays with
Indiana, Ohio State and Notre Dame. Indoors,
it has won from Michigan State and Ohio State
and placed first in the Illinois and Butler Relays.
Championships include both the indoor and out-
door Big Ten titles, and the championship Satur-
day was the sixteenth for Michigan since it has
been in the Conference, and the second in two
years. The indoor championship held by the
team is the fifth straight.
We feel that much of the success of the team
this year was due to the team spirit which has
been noticed by all who have been connected
with or come into contact with the team. Track
is a sport built upon individual performance, and
the existence of the strong group spirit is a real
tribute to the members in addition to their own
Michigan will take part in the National Inter-
collegiate Meet at Minneapolis on June 17 and
18, and in Evanston on June 24 and 25 repre-
sentatives from Big Ten schools will meet a team
from the Pacific Coast. Michigan men who will
be on the Big Ten team include Bill Watson
in the shot put, discus, broad jump and high
jump; Wes Allen in the high jump; Tom Jes-
ter in the 880; Ross Faulkner in the 440; Fred

Martin in the javelin throw; and Jim Kingsley
in the pole vault. To these men and to the
team as a whole in the Nationals, we wish the
best of luck and a fine record for Michigan and
for the Big Ten.
Robert D. Mitchell.
No Nightmare
CZECHOSLOVAKIA is somewhat in the posi-
tion of a man who has just awakened from
dreaming that his dog, which always has shown
a determination not to be washed, had on bath
day grown to the size of an elephant. The man
awakes to find that the dog isn't that big. But
it still has to be washed.
Czechoslovakia's minority problem is big
enough in real life, although not quite so alarm-
ing as troop movements-possibly intended to
influence voting among Sudeten Germans-had
made it appear. It probably swelled up to its
maximum last week end. Shrewd and tactful
pressures by France and Britain, plus such en-
ergetic efforts as the Czechoslovakian Govern-
ment itself is now almost certain to exert, should
bring the dog down to normal proportions.
Particularly encouraging is the visit of the
Sudeten Germany Party leader, Konrad Henlein,
to Czechoslovakia's Premier Hodza Monday eve-
ning. Such a discussion of the minority ques-
tion has seemed precluded by reports that no ne-
gotiations would be considered by the Sudeten
German Party until its terms had already been
accepted by the Czechoslovakian Government.
Butapparently this obstacle wa$ overcome.
Moreover, German troops are reported to have
been withdrawn from the border.
But Czechoslovakia's minority problem remains

Heywood Broun
The fight for differentials in the wage-hour
bill depends, I think, upon a fallacious argu-
ment. It is argued that the cost of living is much
cheaper in some sections of
the country than in others.
Even that should not be ac-
cepted without some quali-
fication. It can hardly be
denied that rents are lower
in a small country town than
in a large New England in-
dustrial city. But to a cer-
tain extent the lag is be-
tween the standard of living
rather than the cost of living.
Commodities such as canned goods and cloth-
ing cost approximately the same in all sections.
To many types of worker, the automobile is a
necessity rather than a luxury, and it is not the
custom of the makers of cheap cars to temper
the wind for the shorn lambs.
One. of the classic remarks made upon a dif-
ferential in the wage scale came not from the
South but northern New England. It was the
owner of a shoe factory in Maine who said that
his workers did not need as high a wage as pre-
vailed elsewhere because they could catch fish
in summer.
* * *-
Measure Is Only A First Step
Many progressives would fight the current
wage and hour bill if they were convinced that
it would tend to establish a uniform set of
working conditions throughout the country. But,
as a matter of fact, there seems to be no reason
to believe that it will. The measure is only a
first step and, therefore, a very modest one. The
minimum wages set are extremely low. And so
it is not true that infant manufacturing inter-
ests in the South will be wiped out because they
cannot compete with older established institu-
tions in the North.,
In places where labor is well fortified by organi-
zation the wage scale will certainly remain well
above the figures established in the bill before
Congress. The South, with its vast reservoir of
cheap and slightly organized labor, will still be
operating, for some time to come at any rate,
upon a decidedly lower labor budget. Indeed, I
think that time may prove that the South will
gain more from the wage and hour bill than any
other section of the country.
Recent primaries seem to show that a majority
of the voters in the South are of this opinion.
And if it were not for the limitations placed upon
the Negro vote the majorities would be even
greater. To a great extent the only persons who
profit by the maintenance of desperately low
pay are absentee owners. It is simply impossible
to establish flourishing communities in sections
where the wage wavers along the subsistence line
or dips below it. There is no purchasing power.
The small business man and merchant ought
to realize that he has no opportunity to prosper
when his customers are equipped to purchase
nothing more than the bare necessities, and
sometimes not even those.
* * *
Careless Kind Of Thinking
We have slipped into a very careless kind of
thinking when we seek to evaluate our economic
problems in terms simply of men on the job and
men unemployed. It is quite possible to conceive
of severe depression existing even with every
able-bodied person on a pay roll. The reglarity
of the work and the amount of the pay are prime
considerations. To a great extent. the slacken-
ing of purchasing power has not come because
of the millions on relief but becouse of the huge
numbers of our citizens on part time jobs which
may afford them as little as four or five dollars
a week.
As a matter of fact, unless an adequate wage-
hour bill is passed we may soon find ourselves
under the logical necessity of furnishing relief

not only to the jobless but to those whose jobs
pay an insufficient sum to maintain life. Every-
body agrees that nobody should starve outright.
But there may be small mercy in that if we
remain tolerant of the fact that many millions
of the so-called employed right now are starving
Andif it is said that under our present system
we can do no other, the proper answer is not
"What a pity!" but "Let's change the system."

SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1938 in
VOL. XLVIII. No. 171 fe
Notice to All Faculty Members anda
Officers. Arrangements have been B
made with the purpose of having in p
the General Library both for present
purposes and for future historical
value a file of the portraits of mem-
bers of the Faculty and University
officials. From an historical point
of view, it is highly desirable that this
file be kept up to date, and from w
the Library's point of view it is im- M
portant that the file be of portraits fi
of uniform size. The portraits al-
ready on file which were taken six
years, or more, ago should be re- A
placed with up-to-date ones. Por- b
traits will be made without cost to M
any Faculty member or officer by W
Messrs. J. F. Rentschler and Son. S
Members of the Faculty are cordially A
invited to make appointments vWith to
Rentschler and Son for the purpose.
Any special questions arising with
respect to the matter may be asked P
either of the Secretary of the Uni- f
versity,aShirley W. Smith, or of the
Librarian, William W. Bishop.
Dormitory Rooms. A limited num- d
ber of rooms will be available in Al- c
en-Rumsey House and Fletcher Hall p'
for graduates or undergraduate men h
during the Summer Session. For fur- fo
ther information consult the Officeuof 0]
the Dean of Students. t
Student Loans. Applications for a
loans for the summer session or the
year 1938-39 should be made at once
in the Office of the Dean of Students g
'All Students, College of L.S.&A., c
Architecture, Schools of Education, a
Forestry and Music: is
File change of address card in Room o
4 U.H. before June 1st. Blue prints C
of records and other information will O
be sent immediately after examina- t
tions to you at the address given in p
February unless change of address is S
filed. Failure to receive your blue o
print because of faulty address will
necessitate a charge of $1.00 for the p
second copy. d
M. Gomberg Scholarship and Paul a
F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry. c
These scholarships of $200 each are i
open to juniors and seniors majoring o
in chemistry. Preference will be given t
to those needing financial assistance. S
Application blanks may be 'obtained w
in Room 212 Chemistry Building and e
must be filed not later than June 6. e
The following schedule will mark f
the lifting of the Automobile Regu- N
lation for students in the various
colleges and departments in the Uni-
versity. Exceptions will not be made o
for individuals who complete their f
work in advance of the last day of a
class examinations. All students in
the following departments will be
required to adhere strictly to this i
schedule. d
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, Junen
14, at 5 p.m. (
College of Architecture: All classes. t
Tuesday, June 14, at 5 p.m.-
College of Pharmacy: All classes.,a
Tuesday, June 14, at 5 p.m.t
School of Business Administration:
All classes, Saturday, June 11, at 12 E

s. Girl must be slim, about five c
et five or six in height. Will pay $18 o
month and room and board.
For further information call at the
ureau of Appointments and Occu- m
ational Information. t
Bureau of Appointments and V
Occupational Information, 201 t
Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 p
and 2-4. o
The Intramural Sports Building
ill be open regular holiday hours on
Memorial Day, Monday, May 30,
om 8' a.m. to 6 p.m.G
Senior Engineers: Commencement
nnouncements have' arrived and willB
e distributed from a desk outside thef
echanical Engineering office in the
est Engineering Building. Hours:
aturday, 9:00 to 12:00, Tuesday and P
Vednesday, 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00
Modification of Rules Governing
articipation in Public Activities. Ef- a
ective September, 1938.h
Participation in Public Activities:
'articipation in a public activity is
efined as service of any kind on a
ommittee or a publication, in a public
erf:,rmance or a rehearsal, or in
olding office or being a candidate1
r office in a4 class or other student1
ganization. This list is not intended
o be exhaustive, but merely is indica-
ve of the character and scope of the
etivities included.
Certificate of Eligibility. At the be-U
inning of each semester and summer s
ession every student shall be con-o
lusively presumed to be ineligible for
ny public activity until his eligibility
affirmatively established (a). by
btaining from the Chairman of theR
ommittee on Student Affairs, in the S
ffice of the Dean of Students, a writ-
en Certificate of Eligibility. Partici-a
ation before the opening of the first
emester must be approved as at any
ther time.,
Before permitting any students to D
articipate in a public activity (see C
efinition of Participation above), a
he chairman or manager of such A
ctivity shall (a) require each appli-n
ant to present a certificate of eligibil- o
ty, (b) sign his initials on the back:
f such certificate and (c) file with .
he Chairman of the Committee on
tudent Affairs the names of all those
iho have presented certificates ofc
ligibility and a signed statement to
xclude all others from participation. ~
Certificates of Eligibility for the4
irst semester shall be effective until
MIarch 1.
Probation and Warning. Students
in probation or the warned list are
orbidden to participate in any public6
x IV.-
Eligibility, First Year. No freshmans
n his first semester of residence mayr
be granted a Certificate of Eligibility.t
A freshman, during his second se-f
nester of residence, may be granted a
Certificate of Eligibility provided he
has complete 15 hours or more of workE
with (1) at least one mark of A or Bg
and with no mark of less than C, or
(2) at least 21/2 times as many honort
points as hours and with no mark ofl
E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1,
E-0). ,
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Certifi-
cate of Eligibility if he was admitted
to the University in good standing.
Eligibility, General. In order to re-
ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu-
dent must have earned at least 12f
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or six hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding summer
se sionrwith an average of at least'
C, and have at least a C averagefor
his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of

X and I are to be interpreted as E un-
til removed in accordance with
University regulations.
Students otherwise eligible, who in
the preceding semester or summer
session received less than a C aver-
age, but with no grade of E, or grade
interpreted as E in the preceding
paragraph, may appeal to the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs for special
Special Students. Special students
are prohibited from participating in
any public activity except by special
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs.
Extramural Activities. Students who
are ineligible to participate in public
activities within the University are
I prohibited from taking part in other
activities of a similar nature, except
by special prmission of the Commit-

line to grant a student the privilege
f participation in such activity.
Special Permission. The special per-
mission to participate in public activi,
ies in exception of Rules V, VI, VII
III will be granted by the Commit-
ee on Student Affairs only upon the
ositive recommendation of the Dean
f the School or College to which the
tudent belongs.
Academic Notices
Conflicts in Final Examinations-
oligee of Engineering: Instructions
or reporting conflicts are on the'
3i~letin Board adjacent to my of-
ice, Room 3223 East Engineering.
3uilding. Attention is called to the
act that all conflicts must be re-
orted not later than May 31st, 1938.
J C. erier.
Geology 12, make-up field trip to
ibley Quarry, Wednesday, June 1,
t 1 o'clock. No other make-up will
e given for this trip.
Geology 11 make-up field trips:
(1) Rocks, Friday, June 3, 4 p.m.
(2) Saline, Tuesday, May 31, 1 p.m.
(3) Dexter, Wednesday, June 1, 1
(4) Ann Arbor, Thursday, June 1,
(5) Lima, Friday, June 3, 1 p.m.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot Pratt,
Jniversity Carillonneur, will play a
Special Memorial Day recital Mon-
lay afternoon, May 30, at 4:15
Band Concert: The University of
Vichigan Concert Band, William D.
Revelli, Conductor; ThelmaLws
Soprano, soloist, will give a concert
program Tuesday evening, May 31st,
t 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to
which the general public is invited.
Graduation Recital: Hardin Van
Deurseii, baritone, with Ava Comin.
Case at the piano, will give a gradu-
ition recital in the School of Music
Auditorium on Maynard Street, Wed-
nesday evening, June 1st, at 8:15
o'clock. The general public, with the
exception of small children, is in-
Graduation Recital: Norman Spi-
cer, organist, pupil of Palmer Chris-
tian, will appear in graduation reci-
tal, Tuesday afternoon, May 31, at
4:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The
general public is invited.,
Exhibition, College of Architectur:
Student work from member schoo
of the Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture is being
shown in the third floor exhibition
room. Open daily, 9 to 5, except
Sunday, until May 31. The publid
is cordially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
An exhibition of articles in silver,
gold, enamel and semi-precious
stones, for ecclesiastical and general
use, designed and executed by Arthur
Nevill Kirk, is shown in the pier clases
at either side of the Library entrance,
second floor corridor. Open daily
9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until
June 1. The public, is cordially in-
The Hopwood Lecture will be de-
livered in the ballroom of the Wom-
en's League at 4:00 o'clock Wednes-
day afternoon, June 1, by Mr. Walter
Priclhiard Eaton. Immediately follow-
ing the lecture announcement will be
made of the Hopwood Awards for this

Events Today
The. Christian Student Prayer
Group will hold its lastemeeting of
this semester at 5 p.m. today in the
Michigan League. The room will be
announced on the bulletin board.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
scheduled for May 30 will be post-
poned until further notice because of
Memorial Day.
Tau Beta Pi: Final dinner meet-
ing of the year and installation of
new officers Tuesday at the Union at
6:15 p.m. There will be no speaker
and the program will be a short one.
The Last Inter-Guild Morning
Watch of the year will be held at
the League Chapel, Wednesday
morning at 7:30 o'clock.
Swimming Tests: Individual skill
test in swimming will be given on
Tuesday and Thursday evenings,
May 31 and June 3 from 7:30. to
c 9:30 at the Union Pool.
. 1938 Dramatic Season: Opening
a Tuesday evening at 8:30. Pauline
d Lord in her original role in "The

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; i1:0 a.m. on Saturday.

I.. ,-- 2

tion : All

of Education: All classes.
June .14, at 5 p.m.
of Engineering: All classes.
June 14, at 5 p.m.
of Forestry and Conserva-
classes. Tuesday, June 14,

principles of democracy as understood and
practiced in Czechoslovakia. There are,
for example, many Germans in Czechoslo-
vakia who do not accept the views of the
Sudeten Party, and the Constitution gives
freedom of political views and decisions to
the individual and not to a collective, totali-
tarian entity.
Czechoslovakia's task now is to satisfy the de-
mands of the Germanic minority short of al-
lowing it to identify itself with the totalitarian-
ism of the Third Reich. Within the borders
of a democracy the minority within the minority
-even down to the individual-must be -guar-
anteed the liberties which distinguish free coun-
tries from dictatorships.
In elections influenced by the threat of armed
strife and, no doubt, by the vacillation of other
European democracies over the future of Czecho-
slovakia, 12 per cent of the German minority still
dared to vote for something other than the
totalitarianism which Konrad Henlein's party
represent. To this 12 per cent the Czechoslo-
vakian government owes a debt-a debt whose
payment may depend upon the genuine concern
of other great self-governing nations for the
continuanceo f individual freedom in central

at 5 p.M.
School of Music: All classes. Tues-
day, June 14, at 5 p.m.
School of Dentistry: Freshman
class; Wednesday, June 8, at 12 noon.
Sophomore class; Friday, June 3, at
12 noon. Junior class; Saturday,
June 4, at 12 noon. Senior class;
Saturday, June 4, at 12 noon. Hy-
gienists; Tuesday, June 7, at 5 p.m.
Law School: Freshman class; Tues-
day, June 7, at 5 p.m. Junior class;
Tuesday, June 7, ata 5 p.m. Senior
class; Wednesday, June 8, at noon.
Medical School: Freshman class;
Thursday, June 9, at 12 noon. Sopho-
more class; Saturday, June 11, at 12
noon. Junior class; Saturday, June
11, ata 12 noon. Senior class; Wed-
nesday, June 8, at 5 p.m.
Graduate School: All classes, Tues-
day, June -14, at 5 p.m. Candidates
for Masters' Degree; Tuesday, June
14, at 5 p.m. Candidates for Doctors'
Degree; Saturday, June 4, at 5 p.m.
Office of the Dean of Students
Registration Material: Colleges of
L.S.&A, and Architecture, Schools of
Education, Forestry, and Music:
Summer Session registration ma-
terial will be available in Room 4
U.H. beginning May 31. Please see
your adviser and secure all necessary
signatures before June 24.


tee on Student Affairs.
College of Architecture: Students V .II.
should call for registration material Physical Disability. Students ex-
for summer session beginning May cused from gymnasium work on ac-
31, at Room 4 U.H. The College of count of physical incapacity are for-
Architecture will post an announce- bidden to take part in any public
ment in the near future giving time activity, except by special permission
of conferences with your classifier, of the Committee on Student Affairs
Please wait for this notice before see- In order to obtain such permission, a
ina your classifier. student may in any case be requirec

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