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May 29, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-29

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The Weather
Unsettled today and tomor-
row with occasional showers or
thunderstorms; cooler in, west.

LI r.

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VOL. XLVIII. No. 175


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Harrison Hits]

Summer Theatre Bill Made Up
Predominately Of Comedies

F.D.R. Scheme
For Assessing
Business Levy
New Tax-Revision Law
Will Have Progressive
Features, He Declares
Fight Is Promised
A ganst Any Change
WASHINGTON, May 28.-(P)-Sen.
,Pat Harrison, Mississippi Deiocrat,
indicated today tlpat the Administra-
tion would have a fight on its hands
if it attempted to write back into the
tax'law the business levies favored
by President Roosevelt.
In a speech defending the 1938 tax-
revision law against the President's
criticisms, Harrison, chairman of the
Senate Finance Committee, declared
that there would have to be a tax bill
next year, but he added significantly
that that would be only because some
"nuisance" and other minor levies
needed revision.
President Still Fighting
Earlier the Treasury disclosed that
'the Administration would ask Con-
gress next session for a thorough re-
writing of the laws to codify and
simplify them and incorporate the
President's favored business levies -
the undistributed profits and capital'
gains tax-in the form he desires.
Harrison said that Mr. Roosevelt
was "misinformed" in mtch of his
criticism of the new 1938 tax-re-
vision statute.
"Congress framed this tax legisla-
tion to help business," Harrison con-
tinued. "I only hope that what
we had expected will not be dampened
or thrown away by this speech the
President made yesterday."
Is An Unsigned Law
Mr. Roosevelt permitted the bill to.
become law without his signature in
order to emphasize his disapproval'
of various changes made in the tax
structure, including principally i e-
vision of the undistributed profits
and capital gains levies. These:
changes he assailed in a speech at
Arthurdale, W.Va.
Harrison, chairman of the Finance
Committee, who guided the five-bil-
lion-dollar revenue measure through
Senate approval, said that the new
flat-rate capital-gains levy provid ad
"progressive taxation" and gave "the
little fellow" a "better deal than he
had received since 1921."
Wa r Veterans
Will Be Guests
At F rst Baptist
'How Large Is Your God?'
Is Dr. Parr's Topic At
Congregational Churcli
In addition to the regular morning
'worship and classes, a wide variety of
entertainments, including picnics,
open houses and special music pro-
grams will be off eredi by Ann Arbor
churches today.
SMembers of the American Legion
and veterans of the American wars
will be special guests at the First
Baptist Church where Rev. R. Edward
Sayles will preach on "Our Goodly
American Heritage." Church school
will meet at 9:30 a.m. under the lead-
ership of Dr. Albert. J. Logan, super-

intendant. The Junior High School
and Senior High School groups will
neet in the church parlors at 4:30
and 6 p.m. respectively.
Dr. Parr Will Preach
Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach at
10:45 a.m. at the First Congrega-
tional Church on the subject "How
Large is Your God?" Special music
will include an organ solo, "Prelude,"
by Florent Schmitt; a baritone selec-
tion, "Hear Me, 0 God," by Donn
Chown. '38SM; and tlhe anthem by
the choir, Parker's, "In Heavenly Love
Abiding." The Student Fellowship
will hold its last meeting of the year
at the home of Raymond Steiner on
Geddes Road. Students wishing to
attend will meet at Pilgrim Hall at
4:30 p.m.
Morning services at the First
Church of Christ, Scientist, will be
held at 10:30 a.m. The sermon "An-
cient and modern Necromancy, alias
Mesmerism and Hypnotism. De-
nounced," will be followed by Sun-
day School at 11:45 a.m.

Repertory Players Offer
Anderson's 'High Tor'
To Open_8-Play Series
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary
Season of the Michigan Repertory
Players, a list - of eight outstanding
plays will be presented at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre every week
through the summer from June 24 to
August 17, Valentine B. Windt, direc-
tor of Play ~ Production announced
The varied bill is predominantly
comedy, with a modern classic, ant
Elizabethan drama, two national
prize winners, a favorite of the Irish
theatre, and a musical comedy with
which to close the season in conjunc-
tion with the School of Music.
Whitford Kane and Hiram Sher-
man of the Mercury Theatre, New
York, will return for their second
summer with the Players as guest di-
rectors and actors. Alexander Wy-
ckoff and Evelyn Cohen will again be
in charge of the art direction and
costuming of all productions. Fred-
er;ic 0. Crandall, Claribel Baird of
Oklahoma State College, and Wil-
liam P. Halstead will complete the
"High Tor," Maxwell Anderson's
delightful fantasy of the Hudson
Highlands, will open the season Wed-
nesday evening, June 24. Anderson
received the award of the 1937 Drama
Critics' Circle for this story of a young
man who tries, against the threats

and cajoleries of crooked realtors, to
keep possession of High Tor, his be-
loved mountain of the Palisades.
Fantasy and realism are adroitly
mixed as Van Dorn sits quietly
among the rocks and sees passing
before him in the dusk the figures of
the Dutch sailors who were ship-
wrecked near the Tor in Henrick
Hudson's day, and who now, living
a phantom life for the last 300 years,
are patiently waiting for the ship
that will take them back to Amster-
England's leading dramatist and
man of letters is aptly represented the
second week of the repertory by his
satire, "Arms and The Man." George
Bernard Shaw's cynical attention is
directed against war, against the
survival of barbarity and militarism
which from time to time makes civili-
zation, doubt itself.
Against the background of a ro-
mantic Balkan state just emerging
from the last war, Shaw has, with.
his usual dexterous wit, placed a blus-
tering soldier and a sighing 'lover
sparring for a maiden, all dancing
lightly in a musical comedy plot.
"High Tor" will alternate during
the first two weeks of the season with
"Arms and The Man," each playing,
two evenings in order from June 24
through July 2.
Having secured; the first non-pro-
fessional rights', of production, the
Players will present "Brother Rat"'
for the third week of the summer.
Virginia Military Institute, where
(Continued on Page 6)

I Il ll ll lpl ll iYlll l l l l 1 1 \ \Illfl ll/ 0"Ii Yll li l I II IMiA% w

TCurc-AlJ' Drug
Use Is Foolish,
Forsythe Says
Health Institute Concludes
Two-Day Session Here;
fits Unsafe Dentifrices
I The propensity of the public for'
putting its faith in ,drugs to cure
sickness was deplored by Dr. Warren
E. Forsythe, director of the Health
Service at the final 'day's meeting of
the School Health Education Insti-
tute yesterday in the Union.
Drugs and the taboo of fried or
highly seasoned foods should go the
way of the medicine man, Dr. For-
sythe emphasized, pointing out that
there is so much valuable health
teaching available today that it is
useless to waste time on such "cure-
,Prof. Kenneth A. Easlick of the
School of Dentistry pointed out to the
group that it is important to the con-
stitution and happy life of children
that adequate dental care be given
them, and went on to say that the
many fraudulent and useless denti-
frices glutting the market today con-
stitute a real hazard to that healthy
and happy life.
The chief failing of the school
nurse today is her lack of training,
in educational methods, said Miss
(Continued on Page 2)
YCL Members To Hold
Picnic This Afternoon
Swing and symphony, sports and
speeches comprise the program for
the Young Communist League's sup-
per picnic to ,be held this afternoon
at Evergreen Lake.
The group will leave the Unitarian
Church at 4 p.m. and hike to the
lake, where one of the club members
will speak on "What is Communism?"

MeXico Masses
Armed Forces
In Cedillo Hunt
Officials Report Capture
Near; Expect Fugitive
To Attempt U.S., Entry
MEXICO CITY, May 28.-U(P)-The
Federal government today threw in-*
fantry, cavalry and aviation units in-
to a widespread search for fugitive
Gen. Saturnino Cedillo."
Cedillo, 45-year-old Mexican In-
dian who rebeled eight, years ago
against President Lazaro Cardenas,
was believed wandering in bush-cov-
ered hills in his native San Luis Po-
tosi state.
One army officer expressed belief
the revolutionary chieftain would
seek to escape to the United States
but officials in the War Ministry as-
serted his capture was imminent.
Cedillo narrowly escaped capture
twice yesterday.
General Reynaldo Perez Gallardo
at the head of the 35th and 40th regi-
ments of cavalry captured Cedillo's
hideout on Zezontle (Mockingbird)
Ranch early yesterday.
The rebel with a handful of fol-
lowers escaped by airplane. Their
craft was found abandoned later in1
a cornfield near Estanzuela, eight
miles northwest of the state capital
of San Luis Potosi.
A strict estimate of the rebels still
in the field was unavailable but Gen.
Genoveno Rivas Guillen, who went
to San Luis Potosi last night to a'E
sume the governorship, placed the to-
tal at 800.
With this issue the Daily sus-
pends publication until Wednesday
morning. There will be no classes
tomorrow, Memorial Day.

Tokyo Admits
New Set-Back
Near Lanfeng
Report 1,500 Casualties
Of Air Bombardments
In South China Area
Present Offensive
Trops Heavy Battle
SHANGHAI. May 29.-(Sunday)-
(/P)-Chinese made steady gains to-
day in their central front counter-
offensive which has developed into
one of the heaviest engagements of
the undeclared war.k
Major fighting centered about
Lanfeng, whose recapture by Chinese
brought one of the rare Japanese ad-
missions of defeat. Besides taking
Lanfeng, key to China's ancient capi-
tal, Kaifeng, on the Lunghai railway,
Chinese reported they had captured
Lowang, eight miles west of Lanfeng.
Chinese also said they held stra-
tegic Yellow River fords att Mengn-
sien, 120 miles still farther to th
west. North of the river, Japanese
were said to have abandoned Wenh-
1,500 Casualties Found
The Chinese central front gains
came as Canton rescue workers count-
ed 1,500 casualties in South China's
most severe air bombardment.
Reports from Canton said the dead
in yesterday's air raids were estimat-
ed officially at 600 and the injured
At 900.
The intensity of the raid was re-
garde'd as further evidence the .Ja-
panese now are embarking on a large
scale campaign to stop the movement
of munitions through South Chin2.
While a main Japanese force was
engaged in the drive westward along
the Lunghai, other columns moved
south of the railway in an encircling
movement designed to cut the Pei-
ping-Aankow railway below Cheng-
chow and advance on the city from
the south.
Rail Traffic Resumed
In the Suchow area, the Japanese
reported rail traffic had been re-
sumed on the Tientsin-Pukow rail-
way south of the Lunghai and that
full communication between the Ja-
panese controlled areas in North
China and the Yangtze valley soon
would be established.
They released an incomplete tabu-
lation of ammunition and equip-
ment seized in the capture of Suchow,
listing 26,000,009 rounds of amr-'x-
nition, 40,000 hand grenades, 15,00
anti-aircraft shells, 60 locomtives
and 1,500 freight cars. 1
Sehols Need
Federal Help,
Baker Declares
Prof. Maurer Is Elected
President Of Michigan
Federation of Teachers
President Franc E. Baker of Mil-
waukee State Teacher's College yes-
terday told the State Federation of
Teachers here that the Federal Aid
to Education Bill should be passed
as "a means to perpetuate democracy
by making democracy work."
He charged the Federal govern-
ment with laxity in fulfilling the
pledge it made in the Ordinance of1
1787, claiming that,
"In spite of the fact that the free
public school system was established

as a foundation on which to build a
democratic state, the Federal Gov-
ernment has done only one notable
thing for education, namely, the
establishment of the Land Grant
Professor Baker laid aside the two
main objections to the bill, that it
invades local rights and that it "vio-
lates the sacred creed of the separa-
tion of church and state" with the
assertion that both are based on out-
worn creeds.
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the
journalism department was elected
president of the Federation, Theodore
Wisersema, Pontiac, and Dr. Walter
G. Bergman of the Detroit Board of
Education research department were
chosen vice-presidents and Arthur El-
der of Detroit executive secretary.
Others elected are Amelie Him-
mel, Detroit. recording secretary and
Anna Laura Gamble, Pontiac, treas-
Eta Kappa Nu Elects
Robert May President

Motor Firms
To Post Bonds
In Trust Case
General Motors, Chrysler
And Ford Officials Face
Anti-Trust Act Charges
Year Imprisonmnit
Is Maximum Penalty
SOUTH BEND, May 28.-()-Dis-
trict Attorney James R. Fleming said
today officials of the General Mo-
tors Corporation, Ford Motor Com-
pany and Chrysler Corporation would
be taken Into "nominal custody" on
grand jury indictments charging then
with conspiracy to violate the Sher-
man Anti-Trust Law.
Individuals and companies named
in the indictments, returned late yes-
terday, will begin posting bonds with
Judge Thomas W. Slick Tuesday,
Fleming said.
Executives Must Appear
"I expect the executives to appear
voluntarily," Fleming explained. "If
they do not, we will institute re-
moval proceedings against those who
do not appear."
Counsel for the Ford Company,
Fleming said, indicated willingness
today to furnish bonds as soon as re-
He said he and his staff were
"pleased with the results" of the in-
vestigation which led to the indict-
ments. He described it as the big-
gest trust investigation since the
Standard Oil prosecutions in 1910.
Charge Coercion
The indictments charge coercion
of dealers and discrimination against
independent finance firms in opera-
tion by the three manufacturers of
their own finance concerns.
The maximum penalty for violation
of the Anti-Trust Law is one year's
imprisonment or a $5,000 fine, or
The indictments came afer a five-
day investigation, during which the
jury heard witnesses from many mid-
western states. Its work finished, the
jury adjourned after making its re-
port to Judge Slick in Federal Court.
Jersey Clergymen
Seek 'Hyde Park'
For 'Hague's' City
JERSEY CITY, N.J., May 28.-0)
-Twenty Protestant clergymen ex-
pressed "alarm" today over "hysteria"
on both sides in the controversy be-
tween city officials and groups they
have prevented from speaking in the
The clergymen suggested in a
"Memorial Day" statement that some
place other than Journal Square,
heart of the business district where
some organizations have sought per-
mits for speeches, be set aside "for
open air meetings for all who de-
sire," as in London's Hyde Park.
Rep. Jerry O'Connell (Rep.,Mon.)
sought to speak last night at Persh-
ing Field, a sports center, but was re-
strained by police from doing so.
Representative O'Connell said to-
Roosevelt to take personal action in
day that he would ask President
behalf of an investigation of alleged
infringements of civil liberties in
Jersey City.
The President recently referred a
letter from O'Connell to Attorney
General Homer S. Cummings, who
subsequently announced that the
Justice Department was investigating.

MINNEAPOLIS, May 28.-(Special
to The Daily):,The Michigan base-
ball team split a double header with
Minnesota here this afternoon, tak-
ing the first game in 10 innings, 6-4,
but dropping the nightcap 'to ithe
Gophers, 5-4.
A long home run by Elmer Gedeon,
varsity first sacker, who was an elev-
enth hour addition on the squad for
this trip because of an ankle injury
suffered Monday night, with Capt.
Merle "Butch" Kremer on base in the
tenth inning put the game on ice af-
ter the Wolverines had rallied in the
eighth to tie the score at 4-4.
Smith Goes Route
Burt Smith went the route for
Michigan in the first tilt and pitched
his usual steady ball game to annex
his third win of the .season against
two defeats. "Bucko" allowed eight
hits and was only in trouble in the
second and fourth innings when the
Gophers scored all their runs.
Smith struck out six men while
piassing five. Pete Lisagor took hit-
ting honors in the opener with a
double and triple in five tries.
Although the Gophers could -garner
but three hits off the combined pitch-
ing of Ed Andronik and Jack Barry
in the second game, they took vd-
vantage of the former's wildness to
take a 5-4 victory.
Andronik walked four runs across
the plate in the third inning before
he was replaced by Barry. The Wol-
verine sophomore proceeded to pitch
hitless and scoreless ball the rest of
(Continued on Page 3)
Spanish Insirents
CaptureKvey City
HENDAYE, France (at the Span-
ish Frontier), May 28.-OP)-Insur-
gent troops fighting down the highl-
way from Teruel to Sagunto today
reported the capture of Puerto Es-
candon, key to the Valencia coast.
Puerto Escandon is 11 miles south-
east of Teruel and 50 miles north-,
west of Sagunto, junction point, of
the vital Valencia coastal highway.
Puerto Escandon was described as
"the last important government de-
fense" on the Teruel-Sagunto-Va-
lencia highway.

Europe, I desire to say that the gov-
ernment of the United States has
been following recent developments
with close and anxious attention.
"Nearly 10 years ago the Govern-
ment of the United States signed at
Paris a treaty; (The Kellogg-Briand
Pact) providing for the renunciation
of war as an instrument of national
"There are now parties to that
treaty no less than 63 countries. In
that treaty the contracting parties
agree that 'the settlement or solution
of all disputes or conflicts of what-
ever nature or of whatever' origin
they may be, which may arise among
them, shall never be sought -except by
pacific means.' That pledge is no
less binding now than when it was
entered into. It is binding upon all
of the parties.
"We can not shut our eyes to the
fact that any outbreak of hostili-
ties anywhere in the world injects
into world affairs a factor of general
disturbance the ultimate consequence
of which no man can foresee, and is
liable to inflict upon all nations in-
calculable and permanent injuries.
"The people of this country have in
common with all nations a desire for
stable and permanent conditions 'of
peace, justice and progress, and a
most earnest T desire that peace be
maintained no matter where or in
what circumstances there may be
controversies between nations."
Offiials explained the statement
was issued in line with a policy in-
augurated just before the Italo-
Ethiopian war began.
At that time, the United States
affirmed its con-lction that the na-
tions which signed rthe anti-warL-
ought to consider themselves still
bound by it. Its appeal failed to avert
hostilities, however.
Suspected Spy
Eludes G-Men
Key Figure In Spy Case
Sails O Nazi Liner
NEW YORK, May 28.-(P)-Fed-
eral agents today sent an urgent re-
quest to French officials at Cher-
bourg to intercept a second "run-
away witness" in the government's
investigation of a suspected major spy
ring in this country.
United States Attorney Lamar
Hardy disclosed that the witness,
Werner G. Gudenberg, whom he de-
scribed as a key figure in the espion-
age probe, slipped through the Gov-
Pr.1m gt'not' qn4 ar~I sa 4ilpd 1 ,nEii

Pauline Lord To Recreate Role
SOf Abby' In Christopher Bean '



Pauline Lord, one of America's
foremost comediennes, will revive the
role which she created, "Abby," in
the Dramatic Season's production of
Sidney Howard's comedy, "The Late,
Christopher Bean," which opens
Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play, although based on Rene
Fauchois' "P renezGarde a la Pein-
ture," has been thoroughly done over
and placed in a New England back-
ground. It was a great success in
London, Paris and Berlin, and ran
for more than two seasons in New
York. It tells the story of the rush
to locate and buy the paintings of
Christopher Bean, deceased, whose
works have just been "discovered."
The places where they are found
are peculiar and the complications,

$2,000,000 Rackham School'
To Be Open To Public June
By HARRY L. SONNERORN tion of speeches, reception and1
Michigan's new Horace H. Rack- mission of radio programs, souni
ham School of Graduate Studies will tion pictures, and even the futu
be opened to the public June 14, and stallation of television.
formally dedicated June 17. Only a The entire auditorium is 1
few select groups have viewed the in- through tiny holes in the dar
terior of the $2,000,000 structure ceiling which spread cones of
since its final completion, over the audience.
Probably the most impressive fea- Two large lounges for men
ture of the entire building is the women open off the central lot
main auditorium, located in the cen- front of the auditorium. O
ter of the building at the first floor east side of the building are th
level. The long curve in the wall of ministrative offices and large w
the building along E. Huron St. roomfs, all paneled in walnut.
marks the front of the auditorium. offices are already occupied.
It is a semi-circular room with the A large study hall, with l
aisles radiating out from a lecture and periodical facilities, occupi
platform in the center of the north- front of the second floor. Th
side. The 1,200 seats, all of them ter of the floor contains a ci
deeply upholstered, have been so foyer 26 feet in diameter, wh
spaced that one can move to and memorial portrait plaque of
f'rm the aisles withoutf djiurhin~ya k ,,hram nn, a v-,i hrntv7. t

d mo-
ire in-
k blue
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bby in
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he ad-
es the
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f Mr.

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