THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 28, Whitman ---The Poet Of American Ideals Of Democracy And Free lom By ELLIOTT MARIANISS One's-self I sing, a simple, separate person, Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse. IT IS SINGULARLY SIGNIFICANT that Walt Whitman's birthday falls on the day after Memorial Day. The Civil War marked the end of human slavery and guaranteed the perma- nence of free democratic institutions in the Unit- ed States, but the iconoclastic poetry of Whit- man, with its passionate exaltation of the demo- cratic ideal, its robust, indigenous Americanism, is the first manifestation of the liberated native literature which reached maturity in the twen- tieth century. Whitman was the first genuine force in the creation of an American art. Parrington, Cal- verton, Hicks and Lewisohn have criticized Whit- man for some of the crudities in his verse, his confused, often contradictory thinking and the heterogenous materials he used. However they are all agreed that the liberating influence he injected into American literature, the dominant position he played in clearing out the cultural wilderness of post-Civil War America, his heart- felt. humanitarianism and his sheer genius war- rant placing his name at the head of the great democratic tradition that has characterized the main current of American thought. It was Whitman who first advanced the conception of literature "striking deeply into American society, finding heroic themes in the affairs of daily existence, repudiating the trifling arts and petty polishing devices of the poets of polite society, seeking inspiration in tremendous. sweep of the American prairies and finding guidance in the inherent good sense of the common people." * * * * A Product Of His Environmeut The nineteenth century in America was one in which the new forces and ideas that came in the wake of the industrial revolution-mech- anistic materialism, dynamic change, scientific realism-were mingling with the romantic ideal- isms imported to America in the eighteenth cen- tury to form a peculiarly American philosophy of individualism. It was only in such a milieu that opportunity and destruction could march forth hand in hand, that entrepreneurs could be watering railroad stocks and consolidating entire industries in offices in New York and Bos- ton, all in the name of an individualism that had been a vibrant, pulsing force when the pioneers were pushing their way across a stubborn con- tinent, and that still remained in the psychol- ogical heritage of the people. In Whitman, essentially a product of his environment, there was a fusion of the early agrarian romanticism which was apotheosized in the Jeffersonian ideals rf smallness, individuality and freedom, and the ever-growing faith that it was America's mani- fest destiny to move forward with its expanding frontiers and its booming factories to a na- tionalistic paradise. It was in Whitman, therefore, that the hu- manitarian ideals of the Enlightenment reached NIGHT EDITOR: ETHEL Q. NORBERG The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for. society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. ---Alexander G. Ruthven. THE MICHIGAN DAILY a point of culmination, and the new industrial- ism found a far-echoing poetic voice. He took from Emerson the doctrine of the inner-light, and like Emerson and Thoreau he became the preacher of self-reliance, of the "beauty of in- dependence, departure, actions that rely on themselves." Parrington calls him the poet of self-expression and spontaneity. He dedicated himself without wavering to the "good old cause, the great idea, the progress and freedom of the rpce." In this respect Whitman was the embodi- ment of a philosophy that was fast disappearing in American life. This sensuous and sympathetic passion for liberty, this faith in man and democ- racy was the bequest of the French libertarians of the eighteenth century, and in championing that noble bequest, Whitman was following the lead of Paine, Emerson, Thoreau, Godwin and Chaning. But while Whitman was singing the praises of Rousseauistic philosophical anarchism, Gilded Age America was fast betraying the tenets of Jeffersonianism. This was the age of a ram- pant, unbounded vitality in American life. Her- bert Spencer's Social Statics, Darwinism, and the Huxley iconoclasms were seized by theĀ° apologists of the new industrialism as the phi- losophical and biological bases for their actions. This was the period of the robber barons, the corrupt politicos, the builders of transcontinen- tal railroads, the monopolists and trust-building financiers. American life was without direction; it was full of "grotesque and inharmonious ele- ments," and the fact that Whitman, despite his innate Jeffersonianism, recognized that condition and reflected it in his later poetry accounts for his significance in modern literature. He cried aloud for the old individualism, but as Hicks and Calverton have pertinently indicated, a convic- tion was fast growing upon him that the indi- vidual in a dynamic society could best fulfill his destiny in alliance with his fellow men. From an exalted belief in the anarchistic ideal he developed a realistic belief in the concrete, polit- ical expression of democracy. * * * * Democratic Action Spontaneous Ludwig Lewisohn, in Expression In America, a Freudian interpretation of literature, attrib- utes Whitman's democratic passion to an ab- normal channeling of erotic impulses. The per- sonal element was, of course, an important fac- tor in Whitman's poetry, yet despite Lewisohn's thesis it was unquestionably second to the environmental. Whitman felt himself to be a part of the common people, and his love for American democracy was a spontaneous emotion, inextricably linked with his passion for common people. America was reaching out, it was be- coming a great world power, and although Whit- man lamented over the passing of the old indi- vidualism, he felt with his age that America "was moving to an ever-widening freedom of men." He saw the common man creating a "new and better civilization on the North American con- tinent." He was, as Lewis Mumford called him, a product of the empiricism of the nineteenth century, yet he transcended that age's charac- teristic chauvinism in his belief that expansion and wealth, although the necessary foundations of a society, are not ends in themselves. He tol- erated wealth and splendor because he regarded them as evidences of a prosperity that would in time be shared by all. In the future he saw an America of "millions of comfortable city homes and moderate-sized farms, healthy and independent, single, separate ownership, fee simple, life within them cheap but complete, within the reach of all." But he recognized that this greatness is meaningless unless it is defined in terms of intellectual and spiritual qualities, superimposed on a materialistic base. And thou America,. For the Scheme's culmination, for its thought and its reality, For these (not for thyself) thou hast arrived. Touched Problem Of Democracy Whitman's greatness today lies in the fact that he touched the eternal problem of democ- racy-"to be one, apart, independent, egoistic, yet to feel with all, to act with all, to compre- hend all." Individualism was the essence of his philosophy, but he was the poet of the masses of the people. He vaguely felt the inconsistency of his stand, but so ardently did he believe in the essential goodness and unity of both, that he proposed as a remedy "for the evils of democ- racy, more democracy." He was not aware, as are his critics today, that the unlimited ex- pression of the individual might conflict with the progress of the cohered .mass, and he strove mightily for the consummation of the ideal of a government that would "advance the interests of all, without restricting the desires of any." The great lessons for contemporary America in Whitman's writings are to retain faith in democratic institutions and to place the guar- dianship of that democracy in the hands of the people. With that modern Americans can agree. But to look at Whitman, and the Jef- fersonian liberalism for which he essentially stands, as a philosophical guide in this age is as futile as the attempts of the southern agrarians to hark back to the old South of ante-bellum days. The attempt to find the seeds of class- conflict in Whitman's poetry is equally futile. He was in harmony with his age, and the funda- mental aspect of that age was not systematic, organic, or coherent. But Whitman at least laid the basis for the later attempts in American literature to find a coherence, a systematic pat- tern in American life. He cut American letters off from the stultifying and devitalizing influence of England, and prepared the way for a native culture. It is for this that Whitman is important today. Jfeemr zb Me H-eywood Broun The prohibition against "cruel and unusual punishments" should certainly include in its scope such sentences as may be inspired by some judge's desire to see his name in the head- lines. It is well enough that judges should be human. Indeed, it is better so, and among all classes of blighted bipeds there are few who do not enjoy being mentioned in the newspapers ." 'x": when that mention is felici- tous ii- Indeed, there are even those who would rather be pilloried than secluded under thunders of silence. There was a man in our town who went around displaying to friends and chance acquaintances a mean dig which had been printed about himself in a gossip column. "Isn't that an outrage?" he would exclaim each time he took the clipping out of a con- venient pocket. Finally the exhibit became so worn that he had to buy a back copy of the offending newspaper to get a clean clipping of the insult which had been bestowed upon him. A Special Discipline And so, while a certain leeway must be al- lowed to publicity seekers, even though they be upon the bench, the folk who wear the judicial ermine should seek to discipline themselves to avoid stunts, epigrams and funny sayings. It is customary to rap for order and threaten to clear the court whenever any answer to a witness invokes applause. And so I think the clerk should be empowered to nudge his chief openly at appropriate occasions and say in aud- ible turns, "No wisecracks, Your Honor. Get down to cases." One sure way in which a judge can find his way into the limelight is to read a lecture about sparing the rod. Within' a short interval two minor magistrates, one in Massachusetts and another in New York City, puffed themselves into a whiff of fame by demanding that parents take youthful defenders home and flog them by order of the Court. I doubt ver.y much that such compulsion toward extracurricular punish- ment has any legal standing, whatsoever. Such sentences certainly should not obtain in states where whipping is not among the penalties which may be prescribed under the code. In each case the judge himself threatened to impose a jail term if his recommendation were not complied with. To me this seems like pub- licity-seeking and decidedly an effort to get around the clear provisions of the law by indi- rection. Magistrate Harris, in New York, said to a mother, "It's either jail or a severe whipping. You've got to prove to me Thursday night that you gave your son a good thrashing or I'll send him to jail. Get a paddle, bore a hole in it and make welts on the boy. Do you think you can do it?" No Sanctions For Home Works I think there should be public indignation about such conduct on the part of a judicial of- ficer who has sworn to uphold the law. Indeed, there ought to be an official rebuke. Mrs. Mary Bradley, the mother in question, was by no means convinced of the guilt of her son. Her son is 16 years old. It was up to the Magistrat to bear in mind not only the relationship of the defendant to the community but his rela- tionship to his home environment. He insisted on introducing a new element which might be utterly destructive to the feeling of an adolescent boy toward his mother. Judges should not undertake to play God. There are domains in human life where their intrusion is utterly unwarranted. Nor is it a healthful thing when men in power begin to talk glibly about "raising welts" and "sound thrash- ings." 000 foreign volunteers from each side, Govern- ment and Insurgent, should be considered suf- ficient to warrant granting of belligerent rights to both." In other words, only Russia stands up against the gigantic fraud being perpetrated against the Spanish Republic by Mussolini and Chamberlain in the name of non-intervention: the incred- ible suggestion that the Government send home 10,000 of its foreign volunteers, in return for which Mussolini will withdraw, or pretend to withdraw, 10,000 of the Italian legionnaires he has shipped to Spain. To crown it all, this one- sided deal will then be consummated by the granting of belligerent rights to General Franco, permitting him to conduct his rebellion on equal diplomatic footing with the legally constituted government against which it is directed. But the worst part of the whole business of non-intervention, to give it its standard mis- nomer, is that it can be laid in great part to the doorstep of the U.S. State Department, which has adamantly refused to respond to the stirrings of conscience of the nation over the continuation of the embargo on Loyalist Spain. Senator Nye, author of the Neutrality Act, has vainly striven to have its unfair and disastrous treatment of Spain remedied; Catholic and pro-fascist pres- sure on Secretary Hull, as revealed by Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen in the "Washington Merry-Go-Round" recently, has tied the hands of the secretary of state and of the President himself. Our government's insistence upon what de- fenders of the embargo call "strict neutrality" E .. 0 BOOKS + Listen, Little Girl LISTEN, LITTLE GIRL, BEFORE YOU COME TO NEW YORK. By Munro Leaf. Stokes, New York.1 $1.50. By LEONARD SCHLEIDER From a juvenile tale of a flower-t smelling bull to a manual for the metropolis-minded weaker sex is quite a step for any author, but Munroa Leaf seems to have the situation welli in hand. Best known as the. author of "Fer- dinand the Bull," soon to become a Walt Disney cartoon, Mr. Leaf now dons the uniform of the battalion of literary success-mongers captained by friendly Dale Carnegie. Munro Leaf's second effort, Listenl Little Girl, is addressed to all the young women who plan to leave theirt home towns for the gold-plated atmo- sphere (sic) of New York City. Taking cognizance of the fact that nothing can deter ambitious girls from theC Big City, Mr. Leaf tells them howh to make the best of it, no matter whatc their ultimate destinations. His efficient, 'breezily-written hand- book classifies girls as Beautiful, Brainy and Nice and declares that: Beautiful girls can model, act, dance, sing or check hats in nightA clubs, usher in motion picture palaces, or act as office receptionists. Compe- tition is terrific and these positions do not last long. Age is an importantf factor. Models are paid five dollars ana hour, but only 15 make the top wage of $150 a week. Actresses, who do not work regularly, draw a minimum of $40 a week. Pre-recession chorines 1 earned less than $600 for an average of 18 weeks each year.. A "glorified" showgirl may make$75 a week and,C occasionally, hear the call of Holly-h wood or the proposal of some Okla- v homa oil overlord.a Brainy girls belong in advertising, publicity, journalism, department stores and publishing. Leading fe- male advertising executives make asE much as $20,000 annually and seven magazine editors earn more than0 $15,000, but beginners get only $250 a week with little chance of promo-c tion. There are 2,000 college grad- t uates in New York today, all yearning for the 20 jobs held by women news- paper reporters.a Nice girls become social workers,d teachers, stenographers, airline host- h esses, .waitresses andusaleswomen. Most of these jobs are underpaid andd emphasize physical labor. Those withs pedagogical leanings are remindedC that 4,000 qualified women are on h New York City's waiting list. Foreign Policy In so far as they embarrass thet State Department, the public speechesa delivered by members of the Admin-b istration condemning or criticizingp either the regime or the policies ofn other Governments justify the re-P bt'.e implied in the Baltimore speech of the Under-Secretary of State. In times as critical as these, when therea is every reason for Governments toa keep cool and weigh their utterancesp carefully, individual opinions should not be given the weight of official statements. Mr. Welles is quite right when he intimates that the State a Department is the responsible agencya for dealing with foreign affairs. It was never so necessary that the Ad-a ministration should speak with oneb voice and coordinate its foreign policyt to the end that, when it does speak, there shall be no doubt that it ex- presses the attitude this Governmentc considers best to further the cause ofc peace and the interests of the Ameri- can people.C It is true, as Mr. Welles makes oc-e casion to remark. that the domesticI policies of other countries are "ass much a matter of their own deter-t mination as are our domestic policiesf a matter for our decision." Officially as well as unofficially, we are too much given to moral attitudes, prot and con, that are never translated, into policy. The trouble is that it is becoming more and more difficult to differentiate between the domestic and the foreign policies of totalitar- ian regimes. That is the real cause of the "confusion" Mr. Welles men-{ tions between what is "an attack on our institutions and the purely in- ternal policy of a foreign Govern- ment." The Nuremberg Laws, for instance, may be domestic legislation as far as Germany is concerned, but they have all the effects of a foreign policy in the public indiignation and the prac- tical problem they create in other countries. The same may be said of the persecution of the Catholic and Protestant Churches and their pain- unwanted citizens on other nations ful repercussions in' world-wide or- ganizations. A nation that forces unwanted citizens on other nations makes them a foreign affair. And what about autarchy-is it a foreign or a domestic policy? What aboutl the problem of national minorities? Germany's whole contention, in the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pubilication in the Bulletin Isconstructive notice to all members of th. universtty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2). k tive of the character and scope of the activities included. II. : Certificate of Eligibility. At the be-t ginning of each semester and summer session every student shall be con- clusively presumed to be ineligible for any public activity uhtil his eligibility is affirmatively established (a) byn obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, in the c Office of the Dean of Students, a writ- ten Certificate of El'igibility. Partici- pation before the opening of the first 1 semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any students to participate in a public activity (see definition of Participation above) the chairman or manager of such p activity shall (a) require each appli-1 cant to present a certificate of eligibil- ity, (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all thosea who have presented certificates ofT eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all others from participation. Certificates of Eligibility for the first semester shall be effective until March 1. III.S Probation and Warning. Studentso on probation or the warned list are forbidden to participate in any public s activity. IN. Eligibility, First Year. No freshman ' in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility.A A freshman, during his second se-1 mester of residence, may be granted as Certificate of Eligibility provided he has complete 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A or Ba and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 22 times as many honor9 points as hours and with no mark ofJ E.. (A--4 "points, B-3, C--2, D-l., v E--0). Any student in his first ,semester of residence holding rank above that of freshman may be granted a Certifi- cate of Eligibility if he was admitted l to the University in good standing. e V.d Eligibility, General. In order to re- P ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu- i dent must have earned at least 12 r hours of academic credit in the pre- y ceding semester, or six hours of aca- demic credit in the preceding summer session, with an average of at least C, and have at least a C average for his entire academic career. d Unreported grades and grades of c X and I are to be interpreted as E un- til removed in accordance with w University regulations.A Students otherwise eligible, who in a the preceding semester or summer ession received less than a C aver- age, but with no grade of E, or grade p interpreted as E in the precedingP paragraph, may appeal to the Com- mittee on-Student Affairs for special permission.- VI.- Special Students. Special students w are prohibited from participating inr any public activity except by specialn permission of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs. VII. Extramural Activities. Students who 2 are ineligible to participate in public c activities within the University are prohibited from taking part in others activities of a similar nature, except by special permission of the Commit-s tee on Student Affairs.- VIIl. Physical Disability. Students ex- cused from gymnasium work on ac- count of physical incapacity are for- bidden to take part in any public activity, except by special permissiont of the Committee on Student Affairs.s In order to obtain such permission, af student may in any case be required to present a written recommendation from the University Health Service. IX. General. Whenever in the opinion oft the Committee on Student Affairs, or in the opinion of the Dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled, participation in a public activity may be detrimental to his college work, the committee may de- cline to grant a student the privilege of participation in such activity. X. Special Permission. The special per- mission to participate in public activi- ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII, VIII will be granted by the Commit- tee on Student Affairs only upon the positive recommendationtof the Dean of the School or College to which the student belongs. Student Loans. Applications for loans for the summer session or the year 1938-39 should be made at once in the Office of the Dean of Students M Gomberg. Scholarship and Paul F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry. These scholarships of $200 each are open to juniors and seniors majoring in chemistry. Preference will be given to those needing financial assistance. Application blanks may be obtained in Room 212 Chemistry Building and be distributed from a desk outside the Mechanical Engineering office in the West Engineering Building. Hours: Saturday, 9:00 to 12:00, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:100 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:00. Academic Notices English 128. This class will not meet today. Earl L. Griggs. Geology 12, make-up field trip to Sibley Quarry, Wednesday, June 1, at 1 o'clock. No other make-up will be given for this trip. Geology 11 make-up field trips: (1) Rocks, Friday, June 3, 4 p.m (2) Saline, Tuesday, May 31, 1 p.m. (3) Dexter, Wednesday, June 1, 1 p.m. (4) Ann Arbor, Thursday, June 1, 1 p.m. (5) Lima, Friday, June 3, 1 p.m. Candidates for Master's Degree In Psychology: The comprehensive ex- amination will be given Saturday, May 28, 2-5, in 3126 Natural Science. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Stuent work from member schools of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture is being shown in the third floor exhibition room. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday, until May 31. The public s cordially invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture: An exhibition of articles in silver, gold, enamel and semi-precious tones, for ecclesiastical and general use, designed and executed by Arthur Nevill Kirk, is shown in the pier clases at either side of the Library entrance, econd floor corridor. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until June 1.. The public is cordially 'in- vited. Lectures The flopwood Lecture will be de- ivered in the ballroom of the Wom- en's League at 4:00 o'clock Wednes- Jay afternoon, June 1, by Mr. Walter Prichard Eaton. Immediately follow- ng the lecture announcement will be nade of the Hopwood Awards for this year. Events Today Biological Chemistry Seminar, to- lay, 10:00 a.m., Room 313 West Medi- al Building. "The Deamination of Amino Acids with Special Reference. to Glutamic Acid" will be discussed. All interested ire invited. Sphinx will hold its annual alumni picnic-social today. Meet in front of the Alpha Delt house at 2:30 p.m. Please bring own drinking glasses. All Freshman: Don't target the pic- nic this Saturday at the Island. Meet n the Library steps at 2 p.m. There will be baseball games,, races, and refreshments for everyone. Come and meet your classmates. The Outdoor Club will go on a Bike Hlike today, meeting at Lane Hall at p.m. All students interested are :ordially invited. Last two performances of "Liliom" starring Tonio Selwart, presented by the 1938 Dramatic Season at Mendel- ssohn Theatr. Maetinee at 3:15. Eve- ning at 8:30. A few tickets still avail- able at the box office. Phone'6300. Coming Events " German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting scheduled for May 30 will be post- poned until further notice because of Memorial Day. The Christian Student Prayer Group will hold its last meeting of this semester at 5 p.m. Sunday, May 29, in the Michigan League. The room will be announced on the bulle- tin board. Riding Test: Any woman student wishing to take this test ,is asked to sign at Barbour Gymnasium, office 15. The test will be given at the following hours: Monday and Wed- nesday, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 3:20 p.m. until June 2nd. Students will meet at Barbour Gymnasium at the time signed for. Churches Ann Arbor Friends will hold their regular meeting for worship Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League, followed by a discussion of "The Spiritual Message of the Society of Friends" with Esther Dunham as leader. All who are interested are welcome. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Ser- mon by H. L. Pickerill. 7:00 p.m., Open house for membrs of the Guild and their friends at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning mxcept Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38, REPREENT6D FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. Cofege Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON LOS ANGELES -SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors (I Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Robert D. Mitchell .Albert P. Mayio Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry . . . . . Saul R. Kleiman ... Robert Perlman . . . . . . William Elvin I