_______THE MICHIGAN DAILY sumommumomm PRESS- PASSES Don Percival Is Elected Captain Of Tennis Team Cs. S '- By BUD BENJAMIN - Records.. .. THE CURRENT ATHLETIC sea son is just about over. There'sa couple of baseball games left, th cream of our excellent track crop wil engage in two more meets, and then 1937-38 joins a host of past years a just another page in our athletic ar- chives. The wins and losses will soon be forgotten. Only a few of the thrills and chills will be remembered. Cer- tam, to attain some posterity, how- ever, is an imposing list of new rec- ords set by Wolverine participant during the year. It was a rough year on Michi- gan individual performance ree- ords. An even dozen fell to the onsluaghts of Wolverine team members. Collectively they won the national intercollegiate swim- ming title, tied for the Big Ten hockey title, and won indoor and outdoor Conference track cham- pionships. Here's what they did individually: John Townsend, the superb bas- ketball captain, climaxed his three years of play as an All-Conference center by setting a new three-year record scoring mark of 364 points and a new one-year record of 135, dis- placing Bennie Oosterbaan's mark of 129.' Swimming Captain, Ed Kirar, swam 50 yards in 23 seconds flat to lead Michigan to their colle- giate title and set a new national as well as Michigan record. Sophomore Edwin "Smack" Allen established a new hockey scoring mark for 15 games with 23 goals and 12 assists. Dan Smick, the slugging base- - ball star, hit safely in 20 consecu- tive games to better his 1937 rec- ord of 18 games. Track marks were abundant. Elmer Gedeon, hurdling indoors, tied the best listed American marks in the 60-yard, 70-yard and 75-yard highs.- Bill Watson set a new Conference and, of course, a new Michigan mark in the Conference track meet by put- ting the shot 52 feet, 111/2 inches. Wes Allen high jumped 6 feet 6 inches for another new mark. Jim Kingsley's pole vault of 13 feet 8 inches and Ralph Schwarzkopf's 9:11 two mile, both;negotiated at the Conference meet, top off the list of new Michigan standards for the season. IN THE MAILBAG: Big Ed An- dronik, the jocular right-handed pitcher, drops us a card from Madi- son. Asks Ed: Dear Bud: -I met LaFollette. He gave me a cigar. Should I smoke it? It would please him if I would, and it would please Fisher if I would- n't. Please advise-- Ed. Dear Ed: --Where is your school spirit? Don't you dare let that team down. Save the cigar. I know just the fel- low- who deserves it. His job doesn't require training. Be seeing you. *BBudu BONTH WILLIAMS, crack Daily columnist afew years back and present law student, also penned us a squib. We saw Bonth, chortling away with an irrepressible glee the Monday after the Derby. An inveterate racing fan, he took his annual trip to Louis- ville, slapped a four spot on Lawrin and brought back $32 of gravy. Writes Bontk: "To date I have been on Law- rin in the Derby, Dauber in the Preakness, and Menow in the Withers. I pass it along to you that Pompoon looks like a swell bet in the Suburban Handicap Saturday, and War Admiral will win In a gallop from the Biscuit Decoration Day." Bonth wrote this early in the week. Since then, the race between the Bis- cuit and the Admiral has been called off. As to the other one-Jeeves, our racing form please. And thanks, Bonth. * * * PICKUPS: Earle Luby, a fellow really worth knowing, is report- edly working at the T.V.A. project in Tennessee ... . you remember him, of course . . . former football tackle, columnist, Hopwood winner, and af- ter dinner speaker par excellence. To Chuck M . . . thanks for the kind woids ... sorry about the Phil Diamond oversight ... we thought he still called out the times and places at the local track meets ... The lust for an education: asked why he went to Michigan State Normal, Rube Zachar,' their eccentric pitcher retored, "Aw, I figured if I join the little guys and knock off the big guys, I'll get more publicity Seven Netters' Given Awards By CoachWeir Neil Levenson And Cohen' Only Seniors To Receive Letters At Banquet s Don Percival, '39E, of Saginaw, was elected captain of Michigan's tennis team by this year's squad s members at a buffet supper at Coach Leroy Weir's home last night. He will succeed Neil Levenson. The captain elect played as num- s ber two man during the past season and finished the season with a slight- ly bette' thad~.500 average, winning nine singlesamatches while dropping seven. In the Big Ten Meet at Chi- cago, Percival lost his first round match to Rich of Illinois and did not compete in the doubles. Letter Winers Listed Major varsity awards were given at the supper with retiring Captain Neil Levenson, White Plains, N.Y.; Henry Cohen, Brooklyn, N.Y.; John Kidwell, Wayne; Tom Slattery, Brookline, Mass.; Steve Woolsey, Evanston, Ill.; Ed Morris, Youngstown, Ohio and Percival as the recipients. Of these award winners, it is the second major letter for Percival, Lev- enson, and Kidwell. Minor awards were presented to Herb Cisco, Detroit and Jim Talman, Birmingham. Next year's prospects appear par- ticularly bright with only Levenson and Cohen graduating from this year's squad. The advent of a prom- ising yearling crop added to the re- turn' of the five lettermen and two squadmen should put Michigan ten- nis fortunes on an upward swing. Squad Sees Movies At the buffet supper, moving pic- tures in technicolpr were shown of the Southern trip taken by the squad during Spring Vacation. Coach Weir attributed much of the success of the early season matches to the exper- iences and conditioning gained from this southern swing. Doherty Seeks Spear Tossers I-M Baseball Throw Is Means Of Discovery The Michigan track team will suf- fer a great loss this June when grad- uation rolls around. A yawning cavity will be left by Fred Martin, senior javelin thrower, who is wind- ing up his final year of competition with consistent 200 foot efforts. Coaches Charley Hoyt and Ken Doherty are hot on the trail for some potential javelin material for the next few years, and are leaving no stone unturned in their search. They have looked over numerous men this spring and will continue to do so next fall in hopes of finding a successor to Martin in the spear de- partment. Doherty has ..it upon one good method of luring promising pros- pects. He is sponsoring an Intra- mural baseball throw next Septem- ber which he hopes will bring out the presence of some good throwing arms. The best 10 or 12 contestants will be invited out for Varsity javelin train- ing and it is hoped that out of them at least one or two good men will bei salvaged who might never have oth-, erwise come out for the cinder sport.I The baseball throw will be official-c ly Sanctioned by the I-M Departmentc and will offer points for regular In- tramural competition. According tot Earl N. Riskey, assistant director of the I-M, the throw was held severalI years ago but had been discontinued. He is in favor of its renewal and is of the opinion that it will continue to be a yearly event. r r New Net Captain Don Percival, veteran racquet- wielder on Coach Leroy Weir's var- sity tennis team was elected cap- tain of the 1939 team at a ban- quet held last night _ at Coach Weir's home, succeeding Neil Lev- enson. National Collegiates Offer Track Team Next Competition With the National Collegiates and the Big Ten-Pacific Coast meet still ahead, some of the Wolverine track forces have resumed training. The N.C.A.A. meet is set for June 17 and 18 at Minneapolis and the Big Ten- Coast meet will be run off the follow- ing Saturday. Coach Hoyt will name the squad which will try to better Michigan's eighth in the team standings of last year at the N.C.A.A. meet the first of next week. , The Wolverines who will participate in the June 25 meet are those who won first or second in the Conference meet with the pos- sible addition to the squad of anyone who shows well at Minneapolis. The State A.A.U. meet in Grand Rapids will also draw some of the Hoytmen. As the meet is scheduled for next,Friday, the day before finals begin, only a few Wolverine track men will make the trip. There is also a possibility that Rambling Ralph Schwartzkpf will be entered in the Princeton Invita- tional affair June 18. Yanks Win Exhibition BINGHAMTON, N.Y., May 27.-(/') -The New York Yankees today de- feated their Binghamton Eastern League "farm team," 10 to 2, in an exhibition game watched by an over- flow crowd of more than 7,000. Baseball Team Faces Gophers In Twin Bill Smith, Andrmnik S are Hurling Duties; Bears Play Here Tuesday Yesterday's game with Minnesota postponed due to wet grounds, the Varsity nine will face the Gophers in a double header at Minneapolis this afternoon. Burt Smith and Ed Andronik, Ray Fisher's No. 1 and 2 right-handers, will share the mound burden for the Wolverines, Sinith working the early game. Howie Schultz, ace of the Go- pher staff, will be Burt's opponent, while Coach Frank McCormack will choose from a group including Cliff Johnson, Ed Dvorak, and Ed Gins- burg for his starter in the nightcap. In defeating Wisconsin Thursda the Wolverines moved into undisput- ed possession of seventh place in the Big Ten standings. By winning the double header today they can end the Conference season with an even .500 record. Minnesota holds the ninth spot with two wins against five losses. Play Two Next Week Two games next week mark the close of the 1938 season. Monday the Wolverines will invade East Lansing for a holiday tilt with Michigan State. The Spartans drubbed Michi- gan, 9-3 in their last meeting but since then the East Lansing boys have suffered a serious slump, drop- ping their last four games, two of them to Michigan\ Normalland Notre Dame, teams whom the Wolverines have defeated. Tuesday, the mighty Golden Bears of California come to Ann Arbor to face the Wolverines in the season finale. Champions of the Pacifi Coast Conference which is generally acclaimed the stiffest t~ollegiate league in the country, and unbeaten thus far on their extensive eastern tour, the Bears will undoubtedly of- fer Michigan their toughest. test of the season.. Chapman Is Missing In winning the coast title, four players placed the California drive. Outfielder Sam Chapman has since joined the Philadelphia Athletics, for whom he is playing regularly and hit- ting hard, but the Bears still claim three stars of the first magnitude in Pitcher Bill Priest, Catcher Ed Lom- bardi, and Third-baseman Jack McNamara. Priest, a big right-hander was unanimously voted to a place on the Coast All-Star team by the various coaches. Capturing eight straight league games, he led his Conference in earned run averages with a mark of 1.2. Irn the past two years, Bill has dropped but one game, In case Priest doesn't work Tues- day, Aubrey Dougherty, another right-hander with almost as imposing a record, will get the call. With Herm Fishman due to hurl for the Wol- verines, a nip-and-tuck pitchers' bat- tle is in porspect. Burt "Bucko" Smith, game little right hander, will toe the rubber at Minneapolis this afternoon in. the first game of a double header between Michigan and the Goph- ers. Smith has won two and lost two this year,-his last defeat com- ing against Notre Dame when he lost a 10-inning pitchers' battle. Ross-Armstrong Go Rained Out Again NEW YORK, May 27.-(RP)-The weather man gave the Barney Ross- Henry Armstrong world welterweight title fight its second consecutive set- back today and caused Promoter Mike Jacobs again to postpone the 15-round battle, this time until Tues- day night. Not only was the big Madison Square Garden bowl on Long Island thoroughly soaked from, heavy rains yesterday and this morning, but more- showers were forecast for tonight. Pitches Again Today Fond Memories Retained By Mi By IRVING GERSON The Big Ten golf championship of 1938 is just a memory, the cold fig- ures being written indelibly on the record books. To the Michigan team and Coach Ray Courtright, the memories are many and vivid and include such things as: The lead that the Wolverines held at the end of 45 holes of play The hard, untrue greens of the Minnesota University course . . The cold, dismal weather on the first day causing the contestants to wear sweaters, jackets and even gloves, contrasted with the bright sunshine on Tuesday .. . Bob Paimer's excellent play which placed him fourth in the standings for the individual title, one shot ahead of Bill Barclay ---. Palmer Leads Squad All three Michigan sophomores, Palmer, Lynn Riess and Tom Tuss- ing, showing that they have the shots and will make Michigan very difficult to beat next year ... The obvious advantage that Min- nesota held on its home course, par- ticularly because of the already men- tioned hard greens and also due to to the large number of blind shots. on the layout ... Sid Richardson's sensational come- back on the final eighteen' holes, where he went three over par on the last three holes and still finished with a one over par 72 enabling him to retain his individual champion- ship ... Courtright Is Satisfied If the Michigan players had each gained pars on the last three holes, the trophy would rest in Ann Arbor today. Coach Courtright, however was sat- isfied with the showing that his charges made considering the hand- icaps. After playing the University course here where the greens are -soft and will hold shots well, the )nly Souventrs chigan Linksmen Varsity had trouble playing to the Minnesota greens. Time after time, according to Courtright, good shots would hit the greens and roll over into the rough. Adding insult to injury, the fairways were soggy with heavy rains and if an approach shot lit short it would stick in the wet ground. National Meet Remains The only comnpetit:on1 remaining on the Michigan schedule for this year is the National Intercollegiate Meet to be staged at Louisville, Kentucky, beginning June 27. A six-man team will be sent with Bill Barclay seeking to repeat his performance of last year when he reached the semi- finals, and possibly go on to win. The players making the trip will be elected sometime next week and it is expected that several of the boys that are not picked will go down on their own. Coach 6ourtright is looking for- ward to next season when it is ex- pected that the Michigan golf team will be considerably improved. The only men to graduate are Captain Al Karpinski and Bill Barclay. Three regulars, Palmer, Riess and ' Tuss- ing will all be back and will be aug- mented by several promising soph- omores and freshmen. Charley Yates Beats Thomson Coach Ray Courtright To Rely On Freshmen To Bolster Squad By LARRY ALLEN also holding high places on the fresh- When graduation depletes the man team. ranks of Michigan's golf squad this Fred Dannenfelser, another prom- year, Coach Ray Courtright will be confronted with the task of selecting ismg neophyte linksman, comes from a few men from an aggregation of Toledo where he attended Libbey promising freshman golfers to fill High. He represented 'them four the gaps. years in the Northwestern Ohio Under the sage tutelage of Coach High School championships, and in Thomas - Trueblood, the first-yearH his sophomore year captured the squad has been rounding into shape State High School tournament at fast. Daily practice has resulted in Columbus. quite a number of scores in the 70's, Two Detroit boys, Phil. Clapp and and this coupled with a 14-13 vic- John Barr have also shown them- tory over the Varsity reserves has selves worthy of recognition on favorably convinced Coach True- Coach Trueblood's squad. blood as to the ability of his charges. Standing at the top of the list is Wins Seventh Fred Lamb, who played his golf for Kennedy Highland Park High School. Over CHICAGO, May 27.-(JP)-Vernon seven years of experience, and com- Kennedy, wiry, Detroit screwball petition in Detroit High School tour- hurler, came back today to the dia- naments have given Fred the exper- mond he called home for three years ience and confidence needed to keep and defeated his old White Sox mates, his game hovering around par, and n to 2, on six hits for his seventh himself in number one position on consecutive victory. the freshman team. _onsecuti _____ctry. Ken Calder who holds the second position claims Flint as his home town. There he attended Flint Cen- tral High School on whose team he obtained four of his six years of golf- ing experience. Playing in the State AN NOt High School tournament he placed T H E D E B U T A second there two successive yars. Flint is well-reprsented here with OF two of Calder's high school team- mates, Cliff James and Dave Rhame, 1 7 1, t I 1 Atlantan Sinks 'Nine Foot Putt In British Golf TROON, Scotland, May 27.-)- One hundred yards from the sea and nine feet from glory, Charley Yates of Atlanta stood on the nineteenth green of the old Troon Course this evening and made golfing history as 10,000 Scots surrounded him. Hector' Thomson; his r.ival in this semi-final match of the British Am- ateur Golf Championship, stood aside and twitched nervously at his putter. Then Yates, with a tug at his cap and scarcely a glance at his line,walked up and stroked his ball across those nine green feet and into the cup for a birdie 3. When the ball vanished into the cup, Yates took off, his vcap.' One. American let out .the southern rebel yell. Charley looked around, and smiled. He was in the final round of the British Amateur-the first American ever to get there without previous competitive experience in the gusting, veering winds of these sea-side links. Tomorrow in the 36-hole final he meets Cecil Ewing, conqueror of U.S. Walker Cup captain Francis Ouimet on Wednesday and of C. Ross (San- dy) Sumerville of Canada, 2 up, in the other semi-final this afternoon. The gigantic Irish insurance agent, one of the longest hitters in the game, is a determined and, for this week at least, a lucky golfer. But he is given only a 1 to 2 chance of beating the Atlantan. Mw. w rri i r .wi i i ire riir i 1 Z 3 r" 1 Morris' World Decathalon Mark May Be Bettered By Bill Watson I Major Standings -I By KEN CHERNIN The consensus of opinion of Mich- igan's track authorities seems to be, that Bill Watson of the Varsity track team, stands a good chance of cracking Glenn Morris' world rec- ord of 7,900 points in the Decathlon, should he decide to try for a place on the 1940 Olympic team. A comparison of Watson's best per- formances with those of the former automobile salesman from Denver, who at present isin H1ollywood, mak- ing Tarzan pictures, reveals that Saginaw Bill has surpassed Morris in four events, is capable of beating his marks in two others, and would prob- ably fall short of Glenn's achieve- mepts in the final four events. Bill Leads 'Field Events Big Bill has put the shots52 feet 111/2 inches. Glenn's winning tossI in the last Olympics was 46 feet 2 33/64 inches. Watson has tossed the discus 165 feet, while Morris' mark is 141 feet 47/64 inches. Michi- gan's track captain has covered 24 feet 11 3/4 inches in the broad jump, whereas the best Morris could do at Berlin was 22 feet 10 13/32 inches, and Bill has high jumped 6 feet > inches, as against Morris' leap of 6 feet 27/32 inches. Morris finished second in the 100- meter dash in the excellent time of 0:11.1, but, Bill ran 100 yards in 10 flat in high school, and according to Ken Doherty, Freshman Track coach, he should be able to cover 100-meters in 0:10.8. On the basis of Bill's marks in the shot and discus, he should be able to toss the javelin at least 1801 feet, which tops Morris' Olympic ef- fort of 178 feet 10 inches. Morris Best In Hurdles Glenn's best performances were in the 400-meter dash, in the 110-meter hurdles, in the pole vault, and the 1,500 meter run, and it is more than likely that Watson would be unable to match his marks of 0:49.4 for the 400, 0:14.9 for the hurdles, 4:33.2 for the 1,500, and 11 feet 5 inches for the pole vault. But, since points are awarded on the basis of performance in individual events, rather than on the basis of first or second place, Bill's superb efforts in the field events would carry him far past the Olympic and world Decathlon record of 7,- 900 -points, held by Glenn Morris. 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE , W L Cleveland...........22 11 Boston' ................19 12 New York ............17 12 Washington ...........19 17 Detroit ...............15 17 Chicago..............12 14 Athletics............11 19 St. Louis .............. 9 22 NATIONAL LEAGUE (Not including night game). W L New York .............22 9 Chicago ...............22 13 Boston...............16 12 Cincinnati ............17 16 Pittsburgh............15 16 St. Louis ..............12 18 Brooklyn..............12 23 Phillies ...............9 18 Pct. .667 .613 .586 .528 .469 .462 .367 .290 Pct. .710 .629 .571 .515 .484 .400 .343 .333. i N C I N G AT MICHIGAN THE i Parachute Jumps Sunday and Monday FIRST JUMP AT 1:30 i- S.OPH IS-TO- CATS NATIONAL HOOK-UP SWING BAND Brought by popular request From Whitmore Lake engagement for DANCE at the ARMORY' Friday, June 3 9 1 Couple $1.00 . . . . . . . . .. . . - STROH'S CARL ING'S FRIAR'S ALE At All Dealers J.J. O'KANE, Dist. Dial 35001 JEFFERSON ISLAND I OARAND JEFFERSON ISLAND BRAND For All Types of " '1 and $1.50. Flight In- struction - $2.00 per lesson. Free transporta- tion furnished with a Airplane Rides - 1.00 $1.5 0 ride. Call 9270 I I