THE M IICHI GAN DAILY SATURDAY , MAY 28, 1938 Cabinet Member And Bride In Wales Caplan Wins Burkan Award Receives $100 For Best' CopyrightLaw Paper Julian Caplan, '38L, received $100 for a paper submitted in the first an- nual Nathan Burkan Memorial Com- petition conducted by the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, it was announced yester- day. The competition was conducted in the leading law schools of the coun- try, $100 being awarded to the stu- dent in each school turning in the best paper on some phase of copy- right law. The award was made by Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School on the advice of three faculty members of the Law School, Prof. William W: Blume, Prof. John B. Waite and Prof. Grover C. Grismore. All Students, College of L.S.&A.,j Architecture, Schools of Education, Forestry and Music: File change of address card in Room 4 U.H. before June 1st. Blue prints of records and other information will be sent immediately after examina- tions to you at the address given in February unless change of address is filed. Failure to receive your blue print because of faulty address will necessitate a charge of $1.00 for the second copy. Registration Material: Colleges of LS.&A, and Architecture, Schools of Education, Forestry, and Music: Accused As Schultz Ally EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS Harold L. Ickes, the 64-year-old Secretary of the Interior, and his 25-year-old bride, the former Jane Dahlman of Milwaukee, are shown in this radio picture at Fishiguard, Wales. They were married in Dublin and are now on a European honeymoon. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication An the Bulletin 15 constructive notice to all members of the Uvrsty.Copy rceived rt the office of the Assistant to the President SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1938 University Staff and Students: The VOL. XLVIII. No. 170 offices of the Horace H. Rackham To N.Y.A. Student Workers: Al School of Graduates Studies are now .tudents who desire to work under located in the new building of the 1., a N V A , nx - ?n-nP- 1aC --- Schol. James J. Hines, the blacksmith who rose to be one of Tammany' Hall's most powerful leaders, is shown as he left jail on bond after being accused as an ally and "fix- er" for the Dutch Schultz gang in a $100,000,000 policy racket. Hines, first political "higher up" whom District Attorney Thomas Dewey has prosecuted in his1racket-bust- ing war, denied the charge. Summer Session registration ma- terial will be available in Room 4 U.H. beginning May 31. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures before June 24. College of Architecture: Students should call for registration material WJR P.M. 6:00-Stevenson Sports. 6 :15--Synccpation Piece. 6 :30--Melody and Rhythm. 7:00-News'Comes To Life. 7:30-Philip Morris. 8:00-Professor Quiz. 8:30--Saturday Night Serenade. 9:00-Your Hit Parade. 9:45-capitol Opinions. 10:00-Jack Crawford's Orch. 10:30-Baseball Scores. 10:35 Benny Goodman's Orch. 11:00--News-Jack King. 11:15-Art Kassel's Orch. 11:30-Nat Brandwynne's Orch. for summer session beginning May 31, at Room 4 U.H. The College of Architecture will post an announce- ment in the near future giving time of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before see- ing your classifier. Summer Work: Students registered for summer work at the Bureau of Appointments who have secured em- ployment must report that fact to the Bureau IMMEDIATELY. This ap-1 plies to jobs secured with the aid of the Bureau or independently. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information 201 Mason Hall Office Houls 9-12 and 2-4 Summer Work: Small resort hotel in the Upper Peninsula desires a girl for the kitchen with an active knowl- edge of cooking, canning and baking from June' 15 to September 15. Will pay $30 a month and board and room. Resort also requests girl for dining room and cabin work, to do general cleahing, wait table, take care of cab- ins. Girl must be slim, about five feet five or six in height. Will pay $18 a month and room and board. For further information call at the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Modification of Rules Governing Participation .inPublic Activities. Ef- fective September, 1938. 1. Participation in Public Activities: Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a public performance or' a rehearsal, or in holding office or being a candidate for office in a class or other student organization. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but merely is indica- (Continued on Page 4) H. W. CLARK ENGLISH BOOTMAKER Custom-Made Boots to Your Measure Riding Boot, hand-sewn welt, hand- lasted, from $6.75 up. All kinds of oxfords made to measure from $7.50 up. 534 Forest Ave. Ann Arbor, Mich. WWJ P:M. 6:00-Tyson's Sports Review. 6 :10--Sophisto-Kats. 6 :30-Newscast. 6:40-It Might Happen to You. 6:45--Sport Review. 7 :00-Swingology. 7:30-Georges Miquelle. 7:45--La Conga Orch. 8:00-Concert in Rhythm. 8:30-American Portraits. 9:00-NBC Symphony Orch. 10:30-Organist. 10:45--Dance Music. 11:30--Hotel Statler Orch. 12:00-Webster Hall Orch. CKLW P.M. 6:00--Wheel of Chance. 6:30-Xavier Cugat's Orch. 7:00-Studies in Contrast. 7:30-What Do You Know? 8:00-Drums. 8 :30-Barnstorlners. 9:00-Renfro Barn Dance. 9:30-Bunny Berigan's Orch. 10:00-Dance Orch. 10:15-Jimmy Dorsey's Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15--Isharn Jones' Orch. 11:30-Bob Crosby's Orch. 12:00---Jan Garber's Orch. 12:30--Anson Weeks' Orch. 1:00-The Dzwn Patrol. P.r,.. 6 :00---Sandlotters. 6:15-Special Delivery. 6:30-Uncle Jim's Question Bee. 'i :04l-'own 'Talk. 7:15-Melody Serenade. 7:30-To Be Announced. 8:00-Barn Dance. 9:00-Design for Music. 9:30-Dick Gasparre Orch. 10:00--Glen Miller's Orch. 10:30-Horace Heidt Orch. 11.:30-Herbie Kay's Orch. 12:00-Graystone Orch. TODAY IRE E DUNN in "JOY O F LIVING" ALICE BRADY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. GUY KIBBEE ERIC BLORE SUNDAY "ROBIN HOOD"- ..... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MALE HELP WANTED 10 WEEKS summer employment, NYA students with car preferred. We finance and give sales training --$25 up at start. More to hard workers. Also opening for two seniors interested in Field ager's position. Write Fuller Co. 505 Book Bldg. Detroit, Man- Brush Mich. 566 WANTED WANTED: Two students to share ex- penses driving car to Seattle, Washington, June 11. Call John Walker 2-3179. 564 DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA. Wanted lady companion. Leaving June 10. Phone 2-3307. Box 13x. DRIVING TO CALIFORNIA: Pas- senger(s) wanted to help with driving to San Francisco. Leave end of June. Phone Dr. W. Woods, University Hospital, 2-2521 during day. 557 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Packard electric razor, used 2 months. $7.50. Call Baker or Kraft, Room 234, Michigan Union. 568 FOR SALE: 1933 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan. 6 wheels, trunk, mechanically perfect. Best offer. Call 2-2994. 564 ELECTROLUX kerosene operated re- frigerator. Never used, ideal for cottage or summer home. Drastic reduction in price. Phone 3514. Electric Service Co. 330 S. Main. 551 WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive- way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co. Phone 7112. 7x NOTICES TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable rates. L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. lox TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical instru- SHOWS TODAY AT 2:00-4:00-7:00-9:00 ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. LOST AND FOUND LOST: At University Hospital. Large navy blue purse containing papers of personal value. Please return to room 2025 University Hospital. Jean Ritchie. 570 LOST: Five-months old female Welsh terrier puppy. Markings, tan head and front legs. Black back. Last seen wearing tan leather harness. Phone Dr. John Alexander. 5879. Reward if returned. 569 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Well-furnished two- room apartment with private bath with tile shower. In modern build- ing, two blocks from campus. $35. Tel. 3516. 567 i/ I U SEE THE" 4/e sww"ON OUR SALES FLOOR IN THE RING IT'S PUNCH THAT COUNTS i c The Michigan Daily ClAssified Section also gives has caused people for years to NOW! reaching the I Classified Advertising has a definite function and pre- sents a clearly defined service to the people who read it and to those who use it. It is invaluable in recovering lost articles, or finding the owners of lost articles. If you have something of value in the way of a service or a commodity, use our Classified Col- umns. Rooms for rent; instruction in music, dancing, or violin; typing; and a great host of personal services - all come under the head of Classified Advertising. CALL 23-24-1 for Quick Results at Reasonable Rates. I The miracle in motion Trio- tures! .. .'The new wonder of the show world!., A full hour and a half of the most enthralling story ever told! Positively a new experi- ence in entertainment! WALT DISNEY'S FIRST FULL-LENG TH FEATURE PRODUCTION New Beauty New Efficiency" in the New Magic, Chef Gas Range ONLY MAGIC CHEF HAS: 1 2 3 Exclusive Swing-Out Broiler with non-smoking grid-pan. High-Speed Oven-preheats to 350' in less than 5 minutes. Red Wheel Oven Regulator - con- trols oven heat, saves time. Magic Chef 3-in-1 Top Burners-any desired heat instantly. Magic Chef Construction-built to last a lifetime. Magic Chef Reliability--every fea- Lure laboratory tested. * We present with pride the Magic Chef for 1938- the last word in kitchen ranges. Its graceful, trim lines will fit into the most modern kitchen. Its efficiency and features of convenience will thrill any housewife. Its lower cost and remarkable fuel economy will please the person responsible for the home budget. The delicious meals cooked on it will delight the entire family. Convenientcredit terms will be gladly arranged. WASHTENAW GAS COMPANY i .i II p - - -I