/ THE MICHIGAN .AILY FRIDAY, 1M 27, . ... . ..... Final Examination Schedules June 4 to June 14, 1938 College of Engineering NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Irawing and laboratory work may be continued through the exam- ination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the egular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exam- ination periods must be reported for adjustment to Professor J. C. Brier, Room 3223 East Engineering Building, before June 1. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period June 4 to June 14. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination. I Final Examination Schedules 'Styles In Acting' Here June 5 June 4 to June 14, 1938 Literature, Science and the Arts, Graduate School, Dorothy Sands, called "the supreme ada," "The Silver King" and Shaw's College of School of Ea G. xam. roup etter Education, School of Forestry Time Time of Examination of Exercise Second Semester A Monday at 1 Monday- at C Monday at D Monday ,at E Monday at F Monday at G 1\onday at H Tuesday at I Tuesday at J Tuesday at K Tuesday at L Tuesday at M Tuesday at N Tuesday at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Monday, Saturday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Wednesday, Saturday, Tuesday, Saturday, June 8 9-12 June 6 2- 5 June 7 9-12 June 6 9-12 June 13 9-12 June 4 9-12 June 9 9-12 June 13 2- 5 June 7 2- 5 June 7 2- 5 June 10 2- 5 June 14 9-12 June 10 9-12 June 11 2- 5 June 8 2- 5 June 11 9-12 June 14 2-5 June 4 2- 5 contemporary mistress of impersona- tion" by Vogue magazine, will bring her "Styles in Acting" to Ann Arbor at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, June 5.f "Styles in Acting," so favorably re- ceived by the New York reviewers, is the enacted story of the Anglo-Ameri- can theatre from the Restoration period when women were first per- mitted on the stage, down to the present. Miss Sands shows styles in costumes, styles in theatres; styles in audiences and istyles in acting during the period. She will present great scenes from noted -plays, impersonating famous actresses in their stellar roles. The entire program is in costume. It be- gins with scenes from "The Way of the World," "The Conquest of Gran- Candida. Miss Sands ends the program with her interpretation of Pauline Lord in her famous role, "Anna Christie," fand "Lady Macbeth," as done by Haidee Wright, Ethel Barrymore and Mae West. HOSIERY MONTH-END SALE SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. Read TheDaily Classifieds No date of examination may Classification Committee. Time of Exercise be changed without the consent of the Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday at at at at at at at at at at at at at at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Time Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Monday, Saturday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, *Saturday, *Wednesday, *Saturday, *Thursday, *Saturday, *Tuesday, *Friday, of Examination June 8 8-12 June 6 2- 6 June 7 8-12 June 6 8-12 June 13 8-12 June 4 8-12 June 9 8-12 0 P Q R Special Special Special Special June 13 June' 7 June 9 June 10 June 14 June 10 June 11 June 4 June 8 June 11 June 9 June 11 June 14' June 10 2- 6 2- 6 2- 6 2- 6 8-12 8-12 2- 6 2- 6 2- 6 8-12 8-12 2- 6 2- 6 8-12 Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual agreement between students and instructor and with the approval of the Examination Schedule Committee. N.B. Within the past year, the time of exercise for several of the courses listed in the Literary Announcement has been changed, but due to an oversight no corresponding change was made in the Exam- ination Group Letter. In order to avoid conflicts in such cases, the time of exercise-rather than the Examination Group Letter-must be employed in determining the time of examination. PRIVATE AND PERSONAL How can a loan be really personal andprivate if you haveto go around asking friendsandrelativestoco-sign or endorse your note? Here you can 'be sure of strict privacy in every way. You don't.have to get co-makers. *Our main requirement is Just your ability to repay small regular amounts. The whole purpose of Personal's loan service is to lend money to people who don't have the security required elsewhere. Unexpected demands hit every. body at some time. When you need cash quickly-come in, and talk it over in a private consultation room. You won't be asking us a favor- we'll appreciate your calling. Drawing 1; E.M. 1, 2; C.E. 2 Surv. 1, 2, 4; French M.E. 3; Drawing 2 Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4 Economics Spanish; Draw. 3; German E.E. 2a; Physics 45 Gram Announces Guards of Honor Seniors chosen as Guards of Hon- or to represent the forestry, music and business administration schools in the Commencement procession were announced yesterday hy Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the engineering college, Chief Marshal of the pro- cession. Guards from other schools and colleges on campus were za- nounced Wednesday. The guards, appointed by the presi- dents of their respective classes, will escort the honor section, composed of the faculties of the various schools and colleges, Regents and other University officials and recipients of' honorary degrees in the march-from the campus to Ferry Field. Chosen as guards from the forestry school are: R. C. Barienbrock, Har- old A. Mathiak, Charles Miller, Rob- ert B. Mitchell, Orville Schmidt and William A. Powell. Elis Hakola and Richard Johnson will represent the music school and John Doelle, James McCollum, Robert Thom, Wilbur Weller, the business ad. PERSONAL FINANCE Co. Personal Loans up to $300 10th Year in Ann Arbor Ground Floor, Wolverine Building Phone 4000 201-203 S. Fourth Ave. R.W. Horn, Mgr. *This may be used as an irregular period provided there is no conflict with the regular printed schedule above. Hayden To Attend Meet) In New York' Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, chai - man of the political. science depart- ment, left last night to. attend a meeting of the Eastern Advisory Re- search Committee of the American Council on Pacific Relations in New York. The purpose of the meeting i, to discuss the manner and extent of participation on a large scale of the Institute of Pacific Relations in the consideration of political and eco- nomic questions. Sphinx To Hold Picnic Sphinx, junior men'sl ciety, will hold its annual honor so- picnic to- R VDG F P s. morrow. Those planning to attend are asked to be at the side of the Al- pha Delta Phi house at 2:30 p m, with drinking glasses. Caps, Gowns and Hoods FOR FACULTY AND GRADUATES COMPLETE RENTAL AND SALES SERVICE Call and inspect the nat- jonally advertised line of The C.;E.Wa rd Company, New London, Ohio. All rental items thoroughly sterilized before each time used. Complete satisfact- ion guaranteed. Get our rental rates and selling prices VAN BOVEN, Inc. -hone 8911 Nickels Arcade Y Ox WhieHts . NEW HIGH BRIMS That Certain Soinething k To Your 95u~p First summer Clothes! SSciller Millinery 219 South Main Street SLIPS MONTH-END SALE SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. i AI r- i 1 Again .. . Miller's Dairy Farm Stores Lead in Price Reductions ti { ,}i SO DAS SUNDAES. MALTEDLMILKS In this novelty spun rayon polka-dot print two-piece cress with a clever version of Molyneaux' bloused Ajcket the belt band fits snugly around the waistline allow- ing the bodice to blouse gracefully .over it. Simple round neckline trimmed with flowered effect in embroidered pique (this neckline trimming can be removed and the dress worn equally as smartly with the tiny shoestring tie lace). Simply tailored buttons close the jacket-attractive pear shaped pockets- pleated skirt. Comes in crushed strawberry, spruce blue, or sun gold, in sizes 12 to 18, at I $6.50 I r C now 1I .. . . . ........ Special . .. .Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Only Ann Foster Dresses ORANGE-PINEAPPLE Brick Ice Cream 15c pt. brick exclusive at day by E. R. Townsend, instructor in physical education. Any activity of- McLeod Drug - Dexter Kolb's - Chelsea .EU I { x . . I