TH E MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1938 S , THE MICHIGAN DAILY N' I .N .! Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning c cept Monday during the University year and Summer Session, Member of the Associed Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered-at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, -$4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRRSENTD POR NATONA. ADVBRTISNGO IR National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 UADN AVE.G NEW YORK. N. Y CSCnAO.OSTON- LOS AN6ELS -SAN IRANCISCO Board of Editors' Managing Editor . , Robert D. Mitchell Editorial Director , . Albert P. Mayio City Editor . . . . Horace W. Gilmore Associate Editor . Robert I. Fitzhenry Associate Editor .. . . Saul R. Kleiman Associate Editor... . . . .obert Perlman Associate Editor . . . . . . William Elvin Associate Editor ... ... Joseph Freedman Associate Editor . . . . . . Earl Gilman Book Editor . . . . . . Joseph Gies Women's Editor . . . . . Dorothea Staebler Sports Editor.... . . . Bud Benjamin Business Pepartment Business Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager .g. . Leonard P.LSiegelman Advertising Manager. . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager .. Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: NORMAN A. SCHORR The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. Alexander G. Ruthven. Challenge, To Youth . . N A STATEiJMENT made in an ad- dress before a large group of Mich-. igan alumni this year, President Ruthven stated his faith in the youth of the nation. It is in- teresting to find the same point of view cor- roborated in a recent book by a brilliant Eng- lish writer, Launcelot T. Hogben. This book is called "The Retreat From Reason" and has been widely discussed among American students of modern social and economic problems. Among other things, Hogben says that youth in this rapidly changing world can no longer place the same amount of guidance upon the wisdom of its elders as was previously the case. Hogben says, "The educational system of west- ern civilization grew with no prescience of the gargantuan resources which natural science would place at our disposal for better or worse. Judged by the demands which modern social or- ganization makes upon their knowledge, the most expensive products of this system are uneducated men. Democracy is becoming a farce because the expensively uneducated classes from which Capital and Labor alike attract their intellectual leaders and administrators are increasingly at the mercy of technical experts, whose own train- ing involves no recognition of their social respon- bilities. "At first sight there is therefore much to jus- tify the feeling that education is a fraud, and that any solution of present difficulties must be left to leaders with supposedly exceptional gifts. The Retreat from Reason is the penalty we are paying for an inherent dichotomy in the way we educate people. The training of the statesman and the man of letters gives him no prevision of the technical forces which are shaping the society in which he lives. The edu- cation of the scientist and technician leaves him indifferent to the social consequences of his own activities. Hence it is nobody's business to take stock of the resources of knowledge now available for social betterment, and the rising generation cannot hope for intelligent leadership from their elders. If we are to arrest the Retreat from Rea- son, we have to devise an education which is not a fraud-an education which will give us repre- sentatives who can cooperate intelligently with technical experts in constructive social enter- prise and teach us how to choose them." This article carries a challenge to youth. It is a challenge that cannot be accepted without also accepting the responsibilities to became ac- quainted with ;these problems that are creating disorder, poverty, unrest, and inequality in our life today and to strive to make a better social nw luMrelvrt ostar th t i in to youth Thet Editor Gets Told... A Buck-Fifty Well-Spent To the Editor: I read Mr. Kiell's theatre column yesterday morning with the hope that he might aid me in deciding whether I should spend my week-end -buck fifty-at the north or south end of the League. This is what I faced: "If at one moment it was intellectual leg- erdemain, -as in the heaven of Liliom's prim- itive theology, a heaven ruled by mundane powers; or, if at another moment, it was blatant chicanery, as when just after Liliom was pronounced dead and the condolences come, as if in a cataclysmic downfall . .." Is Mr. Kiell trying to impress his grandmother, his high schodl English teacher, or did he just have an oversized hamburger in his mouth when he wrote that piece? After wading through Mr. Kiell's mawkishness, I decided that perhaps he was looking for a means of escaping the use of that familiar epithet "it stinks." I decided to see the play that night to determine what there was about it that should give anybody such literary indigestion. Molnar's play turned out to be a novel and in- teresting experience. LILIOM is a blending of naturalism and fantasy, humor and pathos. 'And it was obvious that only a master craftsman could obtain a solid dramatic structure with such a varied plan. In spite of the fact that the heavy hand of the director slowed up the play's action and caused an occasional dripping of over-sentimentality, the natural charm of the play and the satisfac- tory ensemble acting made the play well worth attending. Miss Rebecca Tarwater, as Julie, gave a beautiful and sen'sitive performance. And though Tonio Selwart's Liliom reminded me more of an obstinate bad boy rather than a hard boiled guy with a sensitive soul, it was an enjoyable performance. -Richard Mason Atkinson. In Re: Mexican Oil To the Editor: The action of the Student Senate Tuesday night in condemning the appointment of Robert D. Mitchell as managing editor of the Daily for next year was based upon the charge that Mr. Mitchell, upon the basis of merit, did not deserve the post. There has been no reply in the Daily to this charge of Mr. Mitchell's incompetency by the Board in Control of Student Publications. But Mr. Mitchell himself has answered the charges sufficiently in his editorial on the Cedillo revolt in Mexico, which appeared in Wednesday's Daily along with the report of the Senate. Mr. Mitchell, in this editorial, added evidence to the charges that he is incompetent. The edi- torial is an outrageous example of distortion of facts almost comparable to the methods of the Hearst press. In his editorial Mr. Mitchell said: "The oil expropriations of the President of Mexico have put that policy (the United States' "good will" policy) to a good test. To date in the face of apparent British efforts to force the United States' hand toward pressure on Mexico ... the Administration has indicated no strong reprisal against Mexico ... " No strong reprisal? Well, that depends upon what you mean by "strong." On April 1, the Treasury department termi- nated the silver purchasing agreement between the United States and Mexico and the United States stopped its monthly purchases of 5,000,000 ounces of silver. Was this a "strong" reprisal? Of course, as the files of the Mexican paper Ex- celsior in the library show, the announcement of the Treasury Department's decision on March 27 (right after the expropriations) threw Mex- ico into a severe financial panic. The New York Times could have told Mr. Mitchell, had he looked, that the -Mexican peso began to drop immediately and that even two days later March 29, "the Mexican peso . . . continued to fall in dollar value." The stoppage of the silver purchases made necessary the levying of a heavy internal loan in 'Mexico, shattering the economic and finan- cial structure of the country so that it has just recently approached stability. Thus there is no doubt that the American action was "strong." In fact, it was the strongest reprisal next to armed intervention the Mexican press felt. Was it a reprisal? Well, what's in a term? Mr. Mitchell may say that the United States gov- ernment merely exercised its right to remove a "favor" which it has bestowed upon Mexico by buying its silver. No one would deny that. If the United States had ceased its purchases be- cause it could not afford to continue them, the stoppage would not be a reprisal. But the Treasury Department stopped the pur- chase of silver immediately after the Mexican government expropriated the American oil prop- erties. The State Department has not denied that the action was dictated as a result of the expropriations. According to the New York Times of March 30, on the previous day Rep. Jerry Voorhis of California said the suspension of silver purchases from Mexico "amounted to a cancellation of the 'good neighbor' policy. Rep. Jerry O'Connell of Montana said that the Administration was trying to "pull the oil monopoly's chestnuts out of the fire." The final touch to proving that the U.S. move was arenrisal is given when we read in the same ''Heywood Broun Henry Curran, New York's deputy mayor, is making a brave but probably hopeless fight against the use of "contact" as a verb. Tech- nically, he is correct, but the emotional tides are against him. Indeed, I fear that his tactics are wrong and that he should build up rather than tear down. It is hideously improper for one advertising man to say to another, "All right; J . K., it's understood, then, that I shall try to contact X. Q. a his earliest con- venience." But what is the poor fellow to say? Some word is necessary. "I'll try to see X.Q.," doesn't fill the bill at all. Nor does, "I will seek to meet him." And "meet up with him" lacks elegance. The missing word must suggest something more than a mere hand wave from one great mind to another. The man who is about to "con- tact" another undertakes a mission. The enter- prise is an adventure freighted not only with significance but possibly with actual danger. I seem to see two strong men of the bulldog breed sitting in a smoke-filled room arranging the destiny of some advertising empire. Al- though they have come together upon the strength of a word ineptly chosen, they are col- \laborating upon a search for the mot juste. Be- fore the conference has ended they must agree mutually upon some noun or adjective which will break down sales resistance and make the en- tire nation tooth-powder conscious. The Magic Formula Naturally, the man who seeks to contact X. Q. does not come empty-handed. It seems to him that he is the bearer of the magic formula. He certainly does not' enter the great man's sanctum with any ideas of losing. But X. Q. is a hard man, and he chews upon his black cigar and murmurs, "I wonder." Hours, and even days, may elapse while the two sit and puff for inspiration. No sound is to be heard but the ticking of the clock and the clocking of master minds. Then suddenly as if shot from a gun, one of the negotiators leaps to his feet and cries, "Eureka!" The contact has been made and the contract is signed forthwith upon the dotted line. One can readily understand that' "to meet" is an expression far too feeble to express adequate- ly the spirit of such a dedicated assignment. The smoke-filled room gives me an idea for a newly minted word which could cover the situation. The man who seeks to contact the other prin- cipal has the same responsibility as the messen- ger made famous by Elbert Hubbard, and so I suggest that the original statement might well be amended to read, "All right, J. K., it's under- stood, then, that I shall try to Garciaize X. Q. at his earliest convenience." But after that has been won and "to contact" has disappeared from the American language I wish that Henry Cur- ran would undertake another crusade. * * * * 'Termites' Overdone I would have him seek to bar "termites" ex- cept as a reference to small insects which eat the woodwork of one's home. The most recent available figures show that 79.869 per cent of all political orators use "termites" one or more times in each address in describing oppopents whom they do not like. And the word is always flung out as if it were a brand new discovery upon the part of the orator of the evening. As a matter of fact, the word was never very apt, even when first introduced. This was pointed out by a friend of mine who is fair- minded. The other day he went into a clothes closet and dropped through the floor down into the cellar. He was surprised and shaken, but when his wife began to abuse in no unmeasured terms the wee creatures which had caused the catastrophe he held up his hand to stay her wrath. "Don't abuse the termites," he said in muf- fled tones from beneath the floor beams. "I'm sure they have nothing personally against me. They merely happen to like my lumber." And before he went to the telephone to summon the exterminator he added, "Live and let live is what I always say." Shakespearian Slime To the Editor: The venture of the local administration into the realm of "what thou shalt not read" is a most wholesome exercise of legislative power by the city fathers. Not only is there no doubt as to ,the legal power so to act, but the wisdom of the exercise is unimpeachable. But one criticism, and that a constructive one, arises. Why stop at "Hot Lips" and "Hollywood Revels?" Certainly these publications are pikers with respect to their sphere of influence. First of all, however, let me posit my principles. To borrow from Shakespeare, I believe, "There's nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." But, wait, even our master dramatist must have been a scurrilous sort of fellow. One has only to read the titles of some of his writings: "Anythony and Cleopatra." O tempora! O mores! What terrible innuendos are contained in that most suggestive title. "Love's Labour Lost" is an- other, equally flagrant. And then too, we have "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Why even the least imaginative dullard can conjure many un- printable associations with that title. Would that I could revive that bedeviled crea- The Free Press "We do not believe that the press or the public has yet begun to be sufficiently aware of the importance of the future development of the press and the need for watching it." Thus Political and Economic Plan- ning, a group of independent investi-.. gators known as "P.E.P." in thet searching "Report on the British Press" which has recently been added to their valuable series of publica- tions. They are writing of the press c as it is developing within a democ- racy. It is a matter of vital concern to a democracy that the services rendered by newspapers should be efficient., varied and honest. But the mechan- ism is infinitely complex. It depends upon th employment of vast capital, upon a complicated machinery forZ manufacture and distribution, uponr an elaborate technique of news col- lecting and presentdtion, upon jour-a nalistic traditions, upon the initiative of individuals, and upon the judg- ment of its directors. It renders an essential public serv- ice, but also makes profits, some- S times colossal profits. It can help to d make or unmake governments, antd may determine the issue of peace or war. It is constantly subject to this$ influence or that, but in the naturet of the case, it must not be uaduly coerced unless democracy itself is to $ be abandoned and freedom abolished. The freedom of the press is the a sine qua non of its proper function- I ing. Yet its freedom may be abused, may indeed become a public nuisance, leading to demands for restraint. "P.E.P." discusses the question of' Government influence on and even control of the press. It dismisses as l improbable any attempt on the part Y of the State in Britain to own ori control newspapers. But it recognies that certain abuses in the press might have such an effect on public opinion P that it would favor sonie type of in- c tervention to stop the abuses. i "P.E.P." draws .attention to the a fact that the British Press as a whole, f while providing continuous news serv- ice from several European capitals, gives most inadequate attention to vital news from the United States; while it is constantly preaching the importance of Anglo-American co- t operation, it fails to provide its read- ers with that continuous account of V American life and events which is 2 essential to true understanding. There is no short road to the quick reform of the press. While the press helps to form public opinion, pubjic i opinion itself will in the long rn de- termine the character of the pre ,s. "P.E.P." is right in saying that the v press should be watched.. To support a the right kind of journal, to discoun- tenance the wrong kind, is to play one's part in contributing to a soun-- der journalism. Christian Science Monitor. a a SCoceties ... Honorary and professional organi- zations on the University campus might profit highly from the advice parceled out at a recent meeting of8 the National Association of Deans of, Men in Madison, Wis. At that meet-f ing, Dean Joseph A. Park of Ohio , State University condemned high ini- tiation fees charged by most orgari- r zations. in his discussion, Dean Park point-e ed out that some groups charge as much as $50 'for initiation. The com- mittee reporting on such fees at the convention handed down the follow- ing decree: "Any society in any field charging more than $15 initiation fee will have to demonstrate an unusual return to the student before beingc endorsed by the committee."E Indiana University long has been the home of many organizations of questionable worth. In October, 1935,1 Phi Delta Gamma, honorary jouml- istic, debating and dramatic frater- nity, recognized its morbidity andj disbanded. When it was announcedj that this group would disband, Dean C. E. Edmondson made the follow-1 ing comment: "Every organization to be justified must'do some construc- tive work . . . Undoubtedly there are other organizations on the campus that are not .justified." Too many local societies fall into the category attacked by Dean Park. It largely is this group whose initia- tion fees exceed those of the organi- zations who actually are doing work that is contributing to the general welfare of the student body and the University. A small but efficient group of hon- orary and professional fraternities, with reasonable initiation fees, could do far more for their members and the University than is accomplishedJ under -the present setup. In addition to this, the honor rightly attached to membership would be enhanced greatly since only those students qualified for such recognition would receive it. Indiana Daily Student. Birth Control Literature (Continued from Page 2)s the following Civil Service Examina- e tions : United States Civil Service: I Principal Poultry Husbandman, N $5,600 a year; Bureau of Animal In- dustry, Department of Agriculture. Senior Veterinarian (Poultry Path- ology), $4,600 a year; Veterinarian (Poultry Pathology), D $3,800 a year; 1 Associate Veterinarian (Poultry i Pathology), $3,200 a year; o Assistant Veterinarian (Poultry I Pathology), $2,800 a year; Bureau of c Animal Industry, Iepartment of Ag- S riculturex Senior Geneticist (Poultry), $4,600 a year; Geneticist (Poultry), $3800 a year; Associate Geneticist (Poultry), $3,- 200 a year;S Assistant Geneticist (Poultry), $2,- 0 00 a year; Bureau of Animal In- S dustry, Department of Agriculture. s Michigan Civil Service: r Game Refuge Superintendent I, S $160 per month less partial main- i tenance. nstitution Dental Hygienist B, $55 per month and full maintenance. For further information, please callA at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office s Hours:B9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointment N And Occupational Informa-N tion. .l -. Student Loans. Applications forJ oans for the summer session or thev ear 1938-39 should be made at once n the Office of the Dean of Students Applications for Membership in the Rochdale Cooperative House for the noming Summer Session are now be- li ng accepted. Application blanks are e vailable at Dean Olmstead's office, d doom 2, University Hall, and at the P Rochdale House, 640 Oxford Road. i n Academic NoticesE English 184, The Development of he English Novel (Prof. L. A. Strauss). The class will not meet on Wednesday and Friday, May 25 and t Fine Arts 182, "History of Archi-E Lecture in Islamic Countries." Final P xamination, Wednesday, June 8, 2-5. T Geology 11 make-up examinationsf will be given on this Friday, May 27, B it 11 a.m. in N.S. Auditorium. They will be given at no other time. Geology 12 make-up examinations lc will be given on this Friday, May 27, P At 9 a~m. in N.S. Auditorium. They A will be given at no other time. v Candidates for Master's Degree in Psychology: The comprehensive ex- t amination will be given Saturday, m May 28, 2-5, in 3126 Natural Science.7 School of Music, Examinations in. Applied Music: 1. Examinations will be held in all t grades and in all fields of applied music in accordance with schedules l for individual (or class) appoint- i ments which will be announced later. f 2. Conflicts in examination appoint- ments for applied music with class course examinations must be report- ed before June 3 to the office of the Musical Director. Applications For Graduation 1. All prospective graduates in Au- gust 1938 or February 1939, must file N a REVISED a'pplication with the Mu- a sical Director before Saturday, May i 28. This application for degree (B.M. or M.M.) must show in the "complet- ed column" all work including the elections for the current semester andn in the "to be completed column," pro- h posed elections for the Summer Ses- sion and/or the first semester. Signa- tures of departmental representatives0 must be obtained before the blank is, filed. 2. Assignments for examinations in this category will be made only if the REVISED blank has been filed. No further examinations will be given fort February or for August graduation. for students in residence this semes- ter. Students in applied music must submit the tentative graduation pro- gram, the complete repertory to date,1 and must be prepared to play or sing for the jury, requested portions of the tentative program. Applications For Candidacy In A Department Of Concentration 1. All students who will have com- pleted approximately 60 hours of, credit at the end of this semester' must file with the Musical Director before Saturday, May 28, an applica- tion for admission to candidacy in a department of concentration. (Piano, Voice, Violin, Organ, etc., Theory, FNfusic Literature and Music Educa- tion). The application should show the work completed including that for the current semester. In the column "to be completed," the student should enter in pencil, his understanding of the requirements yet to be taken. 2. Approval of candidacy will be registered by the department con- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. singing will be held at other times than those announced for individual examinations in applied music. 4. Application bmanks for candidacy may be obtained at the office of the Musical Director. Concerts Graduation Recital. William R. Dawes, student of Professor Arthur Hackett, will give a recital of songs n partial fulfillment for the degree f Master of Music, Friday evening, May 27, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School Af Music Auditorium on Maynard Street. The general public, with the :ception of small children, is invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Student work from member schools if the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture is being hown in the third floor exhibition oom. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday, until May 31. The public s cordially invited. Exhibition, College of Architeture: An exhibition of articles in silver, old, enamel and semi-precious 'tones, for ecclesiastical and general ise, designed and executed by Arthur Nevill Kirk, is shown in the pier clases t either side of the Library entrance, econd floor corridor. Open daily :00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until une 1. The public is cordially in- 'ited. lectures The Hopwood Lecture will be de- vered in the ballroom of the Wom- n's League at 4:00 o'clock Wednes- ay afternoon, June 1, by Mr. Walter richard Eaton. Immediately follow- ng the lecture announcement will be ade of the Hopwood Awards for this ear. Events Today Aeronautical Engineers: The trip o Buffalo, sponsored by the Institute f the Aeronautical Sciences, will tart from the front door of the East engineering Building, at 3:00 -p.m., 'riday, May 27. The Curtis-Wright lant in Buffalo will be inspected. Prose who have not yet signed up or the trip should do so immediately. =lease be at the East Engineering Building promptly at 3:00 p.m. Suomi Club: There will be a meet- ng on Friday, May 27, 1938 at 8:00 .m. at Lane Hall in the Upper Room. klI Finnish students are cordially in- ited to attend. Stalker Hall. The last session of he class -in "Through the Old TestaL- nent" will be held Friday night at :30 p.m. Dr. Brashares is the leader. At 9:OQ o'clock a group will leave talker Hall to go to the Island for a ,veinie roast. Call 6881 for reserva- ions. The Congregational Student Fel- owship will hold a party with danc- ng, games, and refreshments tonight, rom 9 till 1. Everyone is invited to oin in this final social event of the year. Coming Events Sphinx will hold its annual alumni picnic-social on Saturday, May 28. M'eet in front of the Alpha Delt house at 2:30 p.m. Please bring own drink- ng glasses. Roger Williams Guild: The annual Spring Retreat will be held at Whit- more Lake Saturday and Sunday, May 28 and 29. Meet at the Guild House at 2 p.m., Saturday. If pos- sible, bring blankets and luggage over by 11 a.m. If you have not al- ready done so, call 7332 before Fri- day noon to make reservations. Make reservations for the Congre- gational Student Fellowship picnic this Sunday, by Saturday afternoon, by calling 21679. The Christian Student Prayer Group will hold its last meeting of this semester at 5 p.m. Sunday, May 29, in the Michigan League. The room will be announced on the bulle- tin board. AlI'Freshman: Don't forget the pic- nic this Saturday at the Island. Meet on the Library steps at 2 p.m. There will be baseball games, races, and refreshments for everyone. Come and meet your classmates. Riding Test: Any woman student wishing to take this test is asked to sign at Barbour Gymnasium, office 15. The test will be given at the following hours: Monday and Wed- nesday, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 3:20 p.m. until June 2nd. Students will meet at Barbour Gymnasium at the time signed for.