TIE MICHIGAN DAILY TSA, THE MICHIGAN DAILY ::I ^'==, i _. " t r/ " "' L ,i Edited and managed-by students of, the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning rmxcept Monday during the University year and Summer Session d Member of the Associated Press' The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise: credited in this, newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.A Entered at the Post Office.at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50., Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTiD PON NATIONAL ADVEIRTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CICAGO " BOSTON - Los ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor.. Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor r, Women's Editor Sports Editor . . . . .Robert D. Mitchell .Albert P. 'Mayio . . . Horace W. Gilmore . . . . Robert I. itzhenry .Saul R. Kleiman .obert Perlman . . . William Elvin . . . . Joseph Freedman .Earl Gilman .Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager . . . .Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions 'in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. Order Out Of Chaos. THE MICHIGAN Alumni University held every year at the close of the regular session offers a partial answer, at least, t the problem of student isolation from the cross currents of the world outside the college town. The Alumni University itself will meet this year during the week of June 20, and four classes a day will be conducted dealing with contem- porary events in politics, economics and science. For example, lectures on "The Economic As- pects of The Far Eastern Situation," the "Euro- pean Crisis," the "Situation in Spain," "The Problem of the Near East," and "Recent Aspects of Our Monetary Policy" will be given. And in addition, courses titled "Quest for Se- aurity," "Youth Confronts the World," "Evolu- tion of the Earth," "The Modern Symphony," "Architecture Today," and the "Modern Drama" will be given. Why could not the essential feature of the Alumni study session be incorporated into the regular school year? Such a plan was suggested at this year's Spring Parley in the form of two or three non- credit courses covering outstanding develop- ments in various fields which would acquaint students with the problems facing the world to- day. It was suggested then that prominent men in economics, political science and natural sci- ences be brought here to give the lecture courses. The cost of conducting these courses could be ,borne perhaps by transferring University funds which normally go to bring different University lecturers here to the support of the non-credit sessions. In other words the many totally unrelated and extremely superficial lectures now offered dur- ing the course of the school year could be brought together to make a comprehensive whole which would have meaning for the huge segments of the student population which are lost in the chaos of the modern school curriculum. Albert P. Mayio. Coming Order High as are the barriers that most countries have erected to protect what they conceive to be their economic integrity, the outlook today is international. The rapid interchange of scien- tific ideas and good has made it so. Science has made the interchange possible. It is an interna- tional force. As such it .must resist totalitarian efforts torcurtail its activities-resist, above all, the principle that what the ruling government may order the masses to believe is necessarily ture, which has steadily championed the cause of freedom in scientific inquiry for over a decade, appears another. It comes from Dr. L. L. Whyte, a mathematical physicist, and it is welcome be- cause it indicates the form that might well be given to a credo to which every scientific man would cheerfully subscribe. Its main virtue lies in its stressing the common interest of science and of any enlightened civilization in preserving justice and freedom and in recognizing the com- munity of interest of the whole race. Its con- cluding pledge calls for something more than a passive acceptance of ideals: I pledge myself to use every opportunity for action to uphold the great tradition of civiliza- tion, to protect all those who may suffer for its sake, and to pass it on to the coming generations. I recognize no loyalty greater than that to the task of preserving truth, toleration and justice in the coming world order. Dr. Whyte is right in mentioning "the com- ing world order." The democracy of today is very different from the democracy of. the eighteenth century. What it will be tomorrow no one can say. If it still respects liberty it is because there is as yet no irreconcilable conflict be- tween the aims and ideals of'science and govern- ment. The test is still to come. Meantime a declaration which calls on sci- entists to defend a civilization which they have helped to build is a vital necessity in our crit- ical time. But it is not enough. The scientist must carry into daily life the kind of thinking that sets him apart from the rest of humanity -New York Times. The Editor Gets Told.. Fafnir To The Progressives To the Editor: I have been very much interested in the an- swers that came to my letter which was printed in Sunday's Daily. I admire the spirit with- which. these individuals have come to the sup- port of the Progressive Club. There is no doubt that its members are aggressive individuals. Possibly it is unfortunate that I used the word "liberals." Possibly it is too vague. However, it does not mean "radical." I believe that the most specific will grant that. The Progressive Club is a radical organization. I assume this from the statement by E. S/in Tuesday's Daily: "At least in one mass group of socially conscious stu- dents the radicals will continue to do the work; they have the 'guts.' " When I think of a liberal, I think of an individual about as far left in sentiment as the New Deal. The radical leaders of the Progressive Club have attempted to incorporate this element into their organization. It has proved to be highly impractical. Therefore, if this element is to have any form of expression there must be two clubs, the Progressive Club for the radicals and another club for those individuals that are not so far left. I, also, believe that a too hetero- geneous body cannot endure. I realize that the platform of the Progressive Club is not radical. It is because of this platform that I joined the Progressive Club. Nevertheless, we cannot get away from the fact that an or- ganization is made up of individuals. The lead- ers of the Progressive Club are radical in senti- ment. As another former member said to me a while ago, "The Progressive Club has come to be just another name for the YCL." I would also like to remind Mr. Ossepow that I did not say that the Progressive Club has pro- posed radical measures. A rereading of my let- ter will clarify that point. At its inception the Progressive Club did have a great many ad- herents. But since then the Progressives have changed. Something has driven the liberals (surely they weren't conservatives that made up the Progressive Club of a year ago!) away from the club. Possibly they have all flunked out. Possibly they have all graduated. My opinion is that they are still here on the campus. The arguments of Mr. Ossepow and E. S. imply that a large majority of the students on the campus are not politically minded. They believe that the average student prefers bull sessions to action. If this is true then the democratic ideal cannot be attained. There must be enough individuals to put into action all variations of opinion. Evidence has proven that a majority of politically-minded students are dissatisfied with the Progressive Club. This is not shown by mere inactivity, but by the fact that a great many individuals have left the Progressives, individuals that think they are liberals and joined the Pro- gressive Club to express that liberal opinion. Will the majority of students be over-shadowed by an active minority? Is democracy merely a sham? I am one that is not a radical. I feel that I hav9 carefully considered my position. I still lie- lieve that an organization can be formed that will be liberal. I still believe that such an organization will receive more adherents than an extreme left organization. Radicals are in the minority on this campus. I believe that the liberals should act and assume the leadership on this campus. -Fafnir. Challenges Liberals To the Editor: It is cheering news tp see the liberals on campus are awakened and at last are willing to act as well as talk: It has been the tendency in the past for liberals to make sporadic attempts at organization. The Progressive Club itself was fho firs,* ,ir nwfi 43tftemlntft orepresent Aninion left-wingers. In order to administrate success- fully a club of this type, it is necessary that a large part of the membership give some of their time to the club. Instead of indicting the Progressive Club for being too one-sided let us indict ourselves, the t liberals. What have we done? The executive b board in the Progressive Club is democratically s elected. It would be an easy matter for any rr group to be represented on this board. Up to the d present, the liberals have shown little interest n in the workings of the Executive Board and have g not even attended membership meetings reg- ularly. A caucus of liberals representing various views could exert a powerful influence in the i club. s We suggest that instead of forming a rival club I we make the Progressive Club an organ of liberal a opinion. It is possible to do this by all liberals t coming together willing to devote their time and i energy to this end. By forming a rival club we weaken ourselves. Progressive groups cannot af- n ford to be divided in times such as these. We issue a a challenge to all liberals on campus to make a the Progressive Club their club'as it should be. h d -Two Prodgressives f Not By Censorshipoa To the Editor: d 0 Mr. Whipple's letter commending the recent a ban of the City Council on obscene literature o deserves observation. Mr. Whipple presented hisf opinions in a very humorous and precise manner. The fundamental problem involved in the leg- islation is, whether the council's action was fa- vorable to the abandonment of the "Creators of These Lecherous Sheets." I agree with Mr. Whip- t pie that such literature is not socially desirable, i but I disagree with him upon the means of abol- p ishing this social evil. n It is very improbable that such literature iso going to disappear, even though the City Council S has acted in Mr. Whipple's vaguely stated ca- pacity of "Right Thinking Americans." Granted z that the quantity of such tripe may disappear, V Its effect will be just as great. C The action represents to me a drastic attempt c of the upright citizens of Ann Arbor to confront s the social disorganization rampant in this com- plex society. The method to solve the dilemma is i certainly not by censorship, which only defeats n itself. In other words the righteous youth and a more pliable adults will still find many other y channels of perhaps more subtle literature which n will have a more deadening effect on their char- p acter. Such action of the council shows their s evident distrust in the democratic system, and is characteristic of the fascist trend. In reply to n Mr. Whipple I say, don't let your good sense of s humor destroy your trust in Democracy, which is t supposedly typical of "Right Thinking Amer- p icans." e -Henry G. Cooper, '41. e d n Analogy?c f To the Editor:P Coincidence! t On the same day this week, two widely di- vergent political bodies 'entered upon a similar course of action. The Reichspropagandaminis- terium of the resurrected Greater German Em- pire and the Ann Arbor City Council were in s accord:-- BERLIN, May 24.-({P)-The American maga-t zine Ken was banned from sale in Germany. k ANN ARBOR, Mich., May 24.-(U.P.)-The t American magazines Ken and Esquire were banned from Ann Arbor.t -R.W. Start The Vacuum Cleaner To the Editor:. Now that a start has been made, let's getl together and do a good job of cleaning up Ann Arbor! They have only "scotched the snake, not killed it." The obvious next step is to censor the movies. An eminent biologist (who should know!) has submitted that (to him) "at least one well-known cinema 'star' has a disgustingI and lustful appearance." Let's organize to bring about rigid control of the pictures shown in Ann Arbor. It may then become a safe place for Shirley Temple and Diana Wynyard. When we have done that job, we might turn to the sub- versive magazines, beginning with the Saturday Evening Post, for its propaganda is more dan- gerous to the immature student or professor than any amount of the forthright persuasion of the New Masses. When we have completed our job of taming immoral and subversive things, we might begin on immoral and subversive people. Honi soit qui mal y pense.! -Stanley D. Dodge. Death Of A Dog The passing of Buddy, first of the dogs trained by the Seeing Eye and thus the dean of the 350 dog guides which now lead the blind in this country, serves as a reminder, if any were needed, of the magnificent work which the Seeing Eye has done to add to the richness of life for the sightless. Buddy was twelve years old. She had traveled 150,000 miles, appeared on 1,000 lecture platforms and mastered the in- tricacies of the hotels of many cities. Her friends included Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Cor- dell Hull and Alexander Woollcott, but the man closest to her was Morris S. Frank, the blind young man who is vice-president of the Seeing Eye. He called himself her "property." For sev- eral years Mr. Frank, assisted by Mrs. Harrison Eustis, who once was head of a training school for dogs in Switzerland, has been preparing dog guides at the Seeing Eye establishment at Whip- pany, N.J. The dogs have proved entirely prac- ticable for use in this country, although New v.,. - -+ -inohe m i+ ~l It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN There is every reason why the de- ails of the Pepper-Coffee Fine Arts ill should be debated. It may be pos- ible that there is need of adjust- ment in some of its provisions. But I o not see how a good case can be nade against the contention that the :overnment should properly en- ourage and foster the arts. Certainly there is nothing radical n the suggestion. The question hould not even be argued along these ines. Our federal government did a ittle in this direction in the dim past nd the institution of the national heatre has been successful for years n many foreign lands. The opponents of the bill who make ne sore are those who cry out for the ,rtist's God-given right to starve in garret. And, naturally, it isnt rom the garrets that these pleas for lear old romantic starvation are ounded. On the contrary, the cries or crooked stairs, skimmed rtew and Mimi in curl papers comes from smug nd contented authors who are best escribed by the theatrical adjective f "adequate." These are the boys vho worry frightfully that some man f genius may be crippled in his ormative years by making enough ;o support life. The Exclusiveness Of Art And, again, it riles me when I listen o the dithering of mediocre men who nsist that culture must always be the laything of a special few and can lever be exposed to the masses with- ut fear of vulgarization. Shake- speare, for one, didn't seem to .ink . Only recently a competent mnga- ine essayist whose name is E. B. Yhite delayed into the words of 3eorge Santayana to support the ontention that art must forever con- ist of museum pieces and be kept nder glass. Of course, I have no ntention of denying the distinction f the famous Harvard scholar who nolded the intellect of Lippmann when that mind was malleable. And et I think that even a philosopher nay nod upon occasion. I am not im- ressed when I read that Santayana aid: "Great thoughts require a great nind, and pure beauties a profound ensibility. To attempt to give such hings a wide currency is to be will- ng to denaturalize them in order to oast that they have been propagat- d. Culture is on the horns of ths lilemma-if profound and noble it nust remain rare, if common it must ecome mean. These alternatives an never be eluded until some pur- ied and high-bred race succeeds the promiscuous bipeds that now blacken he planet." The Shame Of Popularity I am not impressed because Profes- or Santayana recently wrote a novel alled "The Last Puritan," which promptly became a best seller. I dout that the distinguished author oowei his head in shame and said, "This is terrible. I've got a hit on my hands." .The quality of the book remained the same whether it was read and en- joyed by a few or many. Surely it did not cease to be profound and noble and become mean the moment it sailed by the thousand mark. To be sure, it went a great deal higher than that. Naturally it did not chal- lenge the immense success of Dale Carnegie, but it went well beyond the selling figure of such popular Ameri- can novelists as Clarence Budington Kelland and Sinclair Lewis. I think there is such a thing as popular art, and that it should be fos- tered and accelerated. Great music great writing and great art have a mass appeal. Of course, shoddy stuf sometimes gets by, but it doesn' endure. "Hamlet" has been played more often than "Abie's Irish Rose,' and it is beginning to draw away in the stretch. According to the theory of the lim. ited audience for beauty, the little group of the profound and noble might. sit, in some threesome on penthouse roof and suggest to th Creator that he erase the sunset. On imagines the most profound and ar ticulate of the group exclaiming "This is decidedly a mistake. Th masses just won't get in. After a it's far too good for them." Name GameS Politics in Oklahoma must be good deal like the Irish Sweepstake which is operated by drawing wel advertised names out of a revolvin drum. Democratic aspirants for .)- fice listed so far in the July 12 pr maries include four Will Rogerses, Brigham Young, Huey Long, Dani Boone, Robert Burns, Joe E. Brow Patrick Henry, Sam Houston, Wilbi Wright, John W. Davis, Oliver Cron well, John L. Lewis and Mae We: Mae West of Oklahoma City, moth of eight children and active in tl Baptist Church, is running on a Bit platform for Commissioner of Chas ties and Correction. Of course, not one of them is e: titled to the celebrity implied in t name. This popular patronyrn natime all snrang from the succe (Continued from Page 2) the English Novel (Prof. L. A. Strauss). The class will not meet on, Wednesday and Friday, May 25 and 27. Geology 11 make-up examinationst will be given on this Friday, May 27,1 at 11 a.m. in N.S. Auditorium. TheyM will be given at no other time. Geology 12 make-up examinations will be given on this Friday, May 27, at 9 a.m. in N.S. Auditorium. They will be given at no other time. Candidates for Master's Degree in Psychology: The comprehensive ex- amination will be given Saturday, May 28, 2-5, in 3126 Natural Science. School of Music, Examinations in Applied Music: 1. Examinations will be held in all grades and in all fields of applied music in accordance with schedules for individual (or class) appoint- ments which will be announced later. 2. Conflicts in examination appoint- ments for applied music with class course examinations must be report- ed before June 3 to the office of the, Musical Director. Applications For Graduation 1. All prospective graduates in Au- gust 1938 or February 1939, must file a REVISED application with the Mu- sical Director, before Saturday, May 28. This application for degree (B.M. or M.M.) must show in the "complet- ed column" all work including the elections for the current semester and in the "to be completed column," pro- posed elections for the Summer Ses- sion and/or the first semester. Signa- tures of departmental representatives must be obtained before the blank is filed. 2. Assignments for examinations in this category will be made only if the REVISED blank has been filed. No further examinations will be given for February or for August graduation for students in residence this semes- ter. Students in applied music must submit the tentative graduation pro- gram, the complete repertory to date, and must be prepared to play or sing for the jury, requested portions of the tentative program. Applications For Candidacy In A Department Of Concentration 1. All students who will have com- pleted approximately 60 hours of credit at the end of this semester anust file with the Musical Director before Saturday, May 28, an applica- tion for admission to candidacy in a department of concentration. (Piano, Voice, Violin, Organ, etc., Theory, Music Literature and Music Educa- tion). The application should show the work completed including that for the current semester. In the column "to be completed," the student should enter in pencil, his understanding of the r uirements yet to be taken. 2. pproval of candidacy will be registered by the department con- cerned. 3. In the case of applied music ma- jors, jury examinations before the entire faculty will be required as in the past to prove qualification for junior standing in the major field. In the fields of theory, composition, mu- sic literature and music education, an examination will be required to deter- mine proficiency in piano and in sight-playing as specified under the departmental announcements. Exam- inations in sight-playing and sight- singing will be held at other times than those announced for individual examinations in applied music. 4. Application bianks for candidacy may be obtained at the office of the t Musical Director. Conicerts Graduation Recital. William R - Dawes, student of Professor Arthu e Hackett, will give a recital of songs e in partiaj fulfillment for the degree a of Master of Music, Friday evening, e May 27, at 8:15 o'clock, in the Schoo e of Music Auditorium on Maynard - Street. The general public, with th xception of small children, is invited 11 Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture Student work from member school of the Association of Collegiat Schools of Architecture is bein a shown in the third floor exhibitior room.. Open daily, 9 to 5, excerI Sunday, until May 31. The publi Lg is cordially invited. f- p- Exhibition, College of Architecture a An exhibition of articles in silve iel gold, enamel and semi-preciou . stones, for ecclesiastical and genera ur use, designed and executed by Arthu - Nevill Kirk, is shown in the pier clase st. at either side of the Library entranc er second floor corridor. Open dai he 9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, unt yle June. 1, The public is cordially in ri- vited. n- Events Today ,he iic Psychological Journal Club w ess meet this evening at 7:30 p.: r k A C Z S Y "E Y f LY 3 t F fL t 2 t S r E i 1 T S e . A ,d e d, l: tf 1g )r p .ic r u >e CE it Gt'. n vi .r r Dw)AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIf Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Universtty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturday. at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Mr. Grover Loening will be the prin- cipal speaker. All are cordially in- vited to attend. Civil Engineers: A.S.C.E. meeting at Michigan Union, Thursday night at Michigan Union this evening Mr. Louis E. Ayres will be the speak- er. Movies will be shown of the new vacuum curing process for concrete. German Journal Club: There will be a meeting today at 4 p.m. in Room 302 Michigan Union. Scimitar, there will be an important short meeting in the Union Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. Please come in order to sign our petition. Crop and Saddle: There will be no ride Thursday because of Lantern Night. Lantern Night: Lantern Night will take place tonight. The line of march will form at the Library at 7:15 and proceed to Palmer Field for the Sing. In case it is actually raining at 7:15, the line of march will not be held but the sing will take place at 8 o'clock. in Waterman Gym. If it is not actually raining but too wet to use the fields, the line of march will be held at 7:15 and the Sing will take place inside. For qu'estions as to the weather, call the Women's Athletic Building after 5 o'clock. Scabbard and Blade Pistol Team: All men are to report at Headquar- ters today, May 26, at 4 p.m. If you have a .22 caliber pistol bring it with you. Women's Intramural Championship Debate: Gamma Phi Beta and Delta Gamma will contend for the debate championship at 3:15 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of tke Mich- igan League. The public is invited. Michigan Dames: The Child Study Group is sponsoring a picnic at the home of Mrs. H. S. Mallory, 3315 Washtenaw Road on Thursday after- noon. All members, their husbands and children are invited. Those With cars are asked to call Mrs. Ollman or Mrs. Kingman. Each family, is asked to bring its own lunch . Freshman Luncheon Club: Final dinner tonight at 6:15 p.m. in :ihe Union. There will be a good pro- gramnand all members are urged to be present. Civil Engineers: A.S.C.E. meeting at Michigan Union, Thursday night at 7:30. All Civil Engineers invited Mr. Louis E. Ayres will be the speak- _r. Movies will be shown of the new vacuum curing process for concrete. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at eight o'clock this morning (Ascension Day). 1938 Dramatic Season presents To- nio Selwart in "Liliom," every night this week at 8:30, at Mendelssohn theatre. Matineee: Saturday at 3:15. Box office open now, phone 6300. Coming Events Aeronautical Engineers: The trip to Buffalo, sponsored by the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, will start from the front door of the East Engineering Building, at 3:00 pm., Friday, May 27. The Curtis-Wright plant in Buffalo will be inspected. Those who have not yet signed up fur the trip should do so immediately. Please be at the East Engineering Building promptly at 3:00 p.m. Riding Test: Any woman student . wishing to take this test is asked to sign at Barbour Gymnasium, office s 15. The test will be given at the e following hours: Monday and Wed- ' nesday, 2:30 p.m. d Tuesday and Thursday 3:20 p.m. until June 2nd. Students will ,meet e at Barbour Gymnasium at the time signed for. Stalker Hall. The last session of the class in "Through the Old TestL- ment" will be held Friday night at s 7:30 p.m. Dr. Brashares is the leader. e At 9:00 o'clock a group will leave g Stalker Hall to go to the Island for a weinie roast. Call 6881 for reserva- t tions. Roger Williams Guild: The annual Spring Retreat will be held at Whit- : more Lake Saturday and Sunday, r, May 28 and 29. Meet at the Guild us House at 2 p.m., Saturday. If pos- al sible, bring blankets and luggage ir over by 11 a.m. If you have not al- es ready done so, call 7332 before Fri- e, day noon to make reservations. ly il Sphinx will hold its annual alumni n- picnic-social on Saturday, May 28. Meet in front of the Alpha Delt house at 2:30 p.m. Please bring own drink- ing glasses. ill Tau Beta Pi: Owing to Prof. Ma- M. rin's illness the steak roast planned