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May 26, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-26

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The Weather
Considerable cloudiness today
and tomorrow with' some local
showers; slightly warmer today.


I3Ur iga





T VA Accused
Of Dishonesty,
By Dr. Morgan
Ousted Head Tells Senate
Committee Of Costly And

Professor Glover Is ILonored
For Forty-One Years' Service

Prof. William Haber

President Ruthven Cites
His Great Assistance To
Members Of University
Retiring Prof. James W. Glover of
the mathematics department was
honored at a banquet in the Union
last night for his "great service to all
members of the University" and for
his work in introducing at the Uni-
versity "the first systematic course in
actuarial 'training in the United
More than 50 guests heard Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven and John
Little, actuary of the Maccabees Life.

Charges Directors
Failed Public Trust
WASHINGTON, May 25.-3)-Dr.
Arthur E. Morgan, grim and gaunt,
challenged today the "honesty" of
the administration of TVA, the vast
agency of which he once was head,
and charged his former colleagues
of the TVA Board with many forms
of official misconduct. ,
He told a joint congressional com-
mittee investigating TVA that Dr.
Harcourt A.Morgan now chairman,
and Director Dvid E. Lilienthal,
have been guilty of costly "misman-
agement," misrepresentation and in-
tentionally deceitful statements to
the President, Congress and the
erry Got It 'Easy
They tried deliberately, he said,
to make "things easy" for Senator
Berry (Dem., Tenn.) when he filed
a claim for damages against TVA for
marble land submerged behind Nor-
ris Dam, a claim 'later held value-
less by a Federal commission.
The famous "TVA yardstick," a use
of TVA power rates for comparison
with the rates charged by private
utilities, was "dishonest," he said, be-
cause.it took no account of "hidden
subsidies" from other governent
agencies that should be included in
the cost of TVA power.
"I have not charged that any di-
rector of the TVA has taken bribes or
stolen money, he said. "Nor have I
charged that any director has pro-
fited financially through any trans-
action of the authority. There are
other and more subtle forms of fail-
ure to meet a public trust which are
no less a menace to good govern-
Asks Judgment Board .
He proposes that a board of engi-
neers determine what constituted
mismanagement.' He would, he said,
point out specific instances of "mis-
management" which had cost the
goverpment "very large sums," when
he has been given access to TVA's
"My charges relate to the execu-
tion of public duty and responsibility
by the majority of the board. This
has not been open, candid and
straightforward, and . hence, it has
not been an honest administration
of a great public trust."
Faculty Feature
Adult Education
Meeting Continues Today;
International Relations'
To Be DiscussionT opic
Mrs. Emma Fox, 92-year-old parli-
amentarian of the Michigan Federa-
tion of Women's Clubs, opened yes-
terday's session of the Adult Educa-
tion Institute in the Union ballroom
by instructing the delegates in parlia-
mentary law.
Following her address, Prof. Wil-
liam R. Halstead of the speech de-
partment spoke briefly on "The Cur-
rent Theatrical Season in New York."
He sketched the plots and discussed
the players of some of the more im-
portant dramas of the year, pointing
out that although there are many
good plays in New York this year,!
there are no great ones.
"Read less-far less in quantity,
and read deeper in the things that
are worth reading," Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department
advised the delegates. Reading, he
said, is an intensely personal matter.
One must choose the books that suit
one and use that for one's test.
"Never confuse erudition with cul-

ture," Professor Weaver continued.
"It is possible to know many things
and never digest them. Some of the
most cultured people I know have
never been to college."
A group of colored pictures entitled
"Gardens Through the Seasons" were
shown by Prof. Wesley.H. Maurer of
the journalism department, amateur
gardner and photographer. After
such pictures are taken they are de-
veloped by a secret process known

Forestry Senior
Dinner Revived
Here Tomorrow
Student, Faculty, Speakers
To Be Featured; Will Be
Held At Allenel Hotel
The Foresters' Senior Banquet will
be held at 6:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Allenel Hotel, reviving a tradition
that has been neglected for a num-
ber of years, William E. Towell,
'38F&C, general. chairman,'- an-
nounced yesterday. The banqrv t will
feature talks by faculty members and
students, besides a number of poems
written by graduating seniors.
Representing the faculty will be
Dean Samuel T. Dana, Prof. Donald
M. Matthews, and Prof. Samuel A.
Graham. Among the student speak-
ers, Paul Eschmeyer, '38F&C, will talk
on "Wild Life."
This year's banquet is "held with
the friendly purpose of giving the
graduating seniors a last chance to
get back at their instructors," Towell
Committee chairmen for the ban-
quet are William S. Spain, tickets
and publicity; Willet Y. Wandell,
entertainment, and Thurman E. Ber-
caw, arrangements. Paul F. Hemsler
will be the toastmaster.
U.S. Pilots Said
To Aid Rebels
Mexico Charges Bonbing
To American Men
MEXICO CITY, May 25.--(P)-An
undetermined number of San Luis
Potosi towns were bombed today by
Rebel chieftain Saturnino Cedillo's
planes which the Mexican ministerl
of War charged were piloted by
United States pilots.
Government censorship interrupted
telephone communications with the
San Luis Potosi State capital before
details of the bombings could be
The raids were said by War Min-
ister Manuel Avila Camacho to have
been carried out by Cedillista planes
with United States pilots at the con-
trols. The minister did not disclose
the source of his information.
Uncensored dispatches from San
Luis Potosi, center of the agrarian
leader's rebellion, reported a force of
2,000 Rebels were near Rio Verde, in
the northern part of the state, which
Federal troops captured last week in
the uprising's only important engage-

Insurance Company, of Detroit, pay
tribute to Professor Glover, who is
retiring at the end of this semester.
Vice-President Shirley W. Smith pre-
sided at the banquet.
Professor Glover was graduated
from the University in 1892 and took
his Ph.D. degree in pure mathematics
at Harvard within three years. He
returned to the University in 1897 to
begin teaching.
During his long career at Michigan
Professor Glover has inaugurated
several courses in mathematics of in-
surance and investment, as well as
statistical courses.
During the '1906 life insurance
boom he participated in insurance in-
vestigations in Milwaukee. He was
president of the Teachers Insurance
and Annuity Association from 1931 to
Professor Glover is the author of
the United States life tables, which
are used today in every part of the
While the Social Security Act was
being drawn up, Dr. Glover was an
adviser and participated actively
in the formulation of the actuarial
aspects of the present act.
Professor Glover has contributed
to the business of life insurance
twelve volumes, notably tables, and
nearly 100 scientific articles.
'City .removes
Ban On 'Ken'
And 'Esquire'
"Ken" and "Esquire," two of the
28 publications banned from Ann Ar-
bor newstands last Monday on the
charge of printing "salacious" mat-
ter, have been reinstated, William M.
Laird, city attorney, announced yes-
The council, acting under an old
ordinance prohibiting the printing or
selling of publications containing
"obscene, indecent or scandalous lan-
guage or obscene picture, photograph,
drawing, engraving, print, figure or
description, or articles or advertise-
ments of a scandalous, indecent or
immoral nature," originally banned
the "publictions in response to a ris-
ing 'tide of complaints, according to
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the Forestry
School, president of the city council.
Under the new order, "Ken" and
"Esquire" will continue to be dis-
tributed on the conditiondthat they
refrain from publishing offensive ma-
terial but they will be, outlawed im-
mediately upon violation of that con-
dition, Laird declared. The other 26
magazines involved are still under
the ban.
:aeronautical Group
Will MeetTonight
Grover Loening, internationally
known as the inventor of the Loening
amphibian, will be the principal
speaker at the second aual dinner
of student branch of the Institute o
the Aeronautical Sciences at 6:15
p.m. today in the Union.'Prof. A. D.
Moore of the electrical engineering
department will preside.
Mr. Loening. who was awarded the
Wright aviation trophy in 1921 and
the Collier trophy in 1922 for out-
standing' achievements in aviation,
will discuss his work as technical ad-
viser to the Administration in pre-
paring the Lea and MCarren ills
which deal with air trasportation
and at present await passage in the
Senate and House, respectively.
More than 200 persons, including'
many leading figures in aviation
circles, will attend,

* * *
Relief Termed
cB i g Business'
By Prof. Haber
Welfare Work Is Seen
As Permanent Item In
Federal Budget Figure
With 80 per cent of the 4,400,000
households dependent upon some sort
of assistance last September form-
ing a permanent or long term relief
role, the dispensing of governmental
aid has become the nation's biggest
business, Prof. William Haber of the
economics department said in an ad-
dress yesterday before the Minnesota
Conference on Social,Work in Min-
Speaking on "The Problem of Re-'
lief and Its Financing," Professor
Haber, who is on the National Ad-
visory Committee to the Social Se-
curity Board, told the group that un-
employment relief, more broadly con-
ceived as assistance to needy unem-
ployed and others, has developed in
the decade since 1930 into an outlay
from all sources of approximately
two and one-half billion dollars per
year and provides assistance in wages
and other forms to upwards of 10 per
cent of the American population.
Unemployment and relief do not
represent a temporary phenomena,
he said. The trend of American ec-
onomic development, observable even
before the collapse in 1929, suggests
a slower rate of growth of invest-
ment opportunities and a slower ad-
justment to economic changes. Re-
covery, Professor Haber believes, will
have to show greater vitality than
appears likely for the next several
years to absorb those who were still
idle in 1937.
The annual cost of the relief bill
will fluctuate with economic condi-
tions but will not fall substantially
below two to two and one-half billion
dollars, Professor Haber is convinced.
Provisions for financing this bill
have been on a hand-to-mouth basis
and the division of financial respon-
sibility between the Federal govern-
ment and the states has not been
clear. It is imperative that this fi-
nancial responsibility be fixed more
clearly and logically than prevails at
present to prevent such tragedies as
occurred in Ohio and Illinois, he de-
The division of the relief load must
(Uontinued on Page 6)
Bates Approves
National Council
Unit To Advise President,
Congress Is Seen Need
(By Associated Press)
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School yesterday in Washington rec-
ommended the formation of a na-
tional council to advise the President
and Congress on problems of the
American people.
Dean Bates said that the council's
greatest accomplishment would be
to "restore the confidence of the
American people in their institu-
The conference of business men'
educators, professional men and
econonists listened to a full day's
speech-making, and throughout the
day's discourse ran talk'of the threat
of fascism to the American system
of government.
The proposed council, it was ex-
plained, would disregard class con-
sciousness and special interests and
would work for the interests of the
nation as a whole.

Iota Alpha Hears
Cm cl r,- ii

W. S. Warren
Is Engineering
Council Head
Dean Anderson Is Adviser
For Second Successive
Year; Chose Committees
New Leader Tells
Of Year's Program
Wesley S. Warren, '39E, of Kala-
mazoo, the junior class delegate to
the Engineering Council has been
elected Council president for the
coming year, it was announced yes-
terday. Dean Henry C. Anderson, of
the engineering college, was elected
Council adviser for the second suc-
cessive year.
Jack Young, '39E. of Ann Arbor,
representing Tau Beta Pi, was se-
lected to the post of vice-president
and Julius Jaeger, '39E, of Detroit,
of the student branch of the Insti-
tute of the Aeronautical Sciences,
was named treasurer. James Brown,
'40E, of Peoria, Ill., representative
of the sophomore class representa-
tive, was elected secretary. s
After his election, Warren an-
nounced a threefold program of pro-
jected Council activities for the com-
ing year: establishment of a new po-
litical system for the engineering col-
lege, an enlarged program of social
functions and a program to better
relations between the engineering
college and the rest of the camp-s.
The new president also made pre-
liminary appointments to the mem-
bership and absence . committees.
Robert Emmett, '39E, and Emory
Stoddard, '40E, were named to the
membership committee and Jim
Moore, Grad., Hadley Smith, '40E,
and Al Andrews, '39E, were appoint-
ed to the absence committee.
The Engineering Council is com-
posed of delegates from every stu-
dent organization set up under or af-
filiated with the College of Engineer-
ing. Warren is the representative of
the junior class,
Chinese B race
To Check Japs
Tienl Thousand Converging
In Anhwei Province
SHANGHAI, May 26.-(Thursday)
-(A')-Ten thousand Chinese soldiers
who escaped Japan's encirclement of
Suchow attempted to brace today for
new resistance to the Japanese cam-
paign inland through Central China,
These forces, scattered by the col-
lapse of China's defenses at Suchow,
were converging near Mengcheng,
about 80 miles southeast, in Anhwei
Apparently they had salvaged
enough rifles and machine guns to
menace the Japanese westward drive
along the Lunghai Railroad.
Japanese; acknowledged a strong
Chinese force was mobilizing near
Mengcheng but declared it had no
artillery. A spokesman said Japanese
forces were preparing to "obliterate
this detachment," indicating they
planned intensive aerial bombard-
Japanese dispatches, reporting con-
tinued swift progress along the Lung-
hai toward Hankow, the seat of
China's government, conflicted with
Chinese war advices.
Chinese reports from Kaifeng, fur-

ther inland, said a heavy counter-
offensive eastward along the railroad
was checking Japan's drive.

Michigamua Braves
Scalp 19 In Annual
Foray On Campus
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warrior bold,
In the early moon of greenleaves
Came they forth the stoic valiant;
Forth they romped to palef ace
Wigwam one of friend great chief,
Paleface mighty among his kind;
Came he forth to take their token
Of the warpath they would tread,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming yelling red-
To the tree of Indian legend
When the whitemen pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey like
iAud the warcry stirred the still-
As they seized their hapless cap-
Forth they bore them to their wig-
There to torture at their pleasure.
There around the glowing bonfires,
Heard the words of mighty wisdom,
,Smokedthe pipe of peace and
Thus there came to Michigamua:
Leo Beebe, Don Belden, Paul Brick-
ley, Phil Buchen, Robert Canning,
Elmer Gedeon, Horace Gilmore, Rob-
ert Hartwell, Ralph Heikkinen, Les-
ter Hillberg, Fred Janke, Charles Ket-
tier, David Laing, Irvin Lisagor, John
Mitchell, Frank Morgan, Robert Reid,
Harold Spoden, Phil Woodworth.
Nations Should
Try Reciproci,
Hull Declares,
Self-Sufficiency T e r in e d
Fundamental Barrier To
Enduring World Peace
WASHINGTON, May 25.-(A)-Sec-
retary of State Hull said tonight that
"too many nations," by making ex-
cessive efforts toward self-sufficiency,.
were "steering straight in the direc-
tion of an economic, political and so-
cial Niagara."
Hull, speaking on a national radio
hookup in connection with Foreign
Trade Week, read a message from
President Roosevelt. It said, in part:
"For four years our government
has been engaged in a major effort
to reopen the channels of trade. The
trade agreements that we have con-
cluded with 17 foreign countries dur-
ing this period attest to the progress
that has been made.
"With patient persistence we are
thus gradually building more secure
foundations for our own national ec-
onomic well-being. At the same time;
we are strengthening the founda-
tions of enduring world peace, which
is so essential to the continued pro-
gress of civilization and to the well-
being of the people of every land."
Max Hodge Voted
Mimes President
Max Hodge, '39, editor of the Gar-
goyle, was elected president of Mimes,
honorary dramatic society, yesterday.
Other officers are Jack Wilcox, '39,
vice-president; Dick Humphries, '40,'
treasurer; and Milton Peterman, '40,
It was announced that the Mimes
Opera will definitely be produced

next year. All members who are in-
terested in getting assignments
should report at the meeting next
Wednesday at 4:00.

Nazis Protest
Czech Border
Give Warning
Spanish Insurgent Bombs
Rip Alicante; 250 Killed
During Day-Long Raid
Sudeten Funerals -
Intensify Situation.
(By Associated Press)
Tension in Europe's two storm
spots showed no signs of relaxing
yesterday as Germany protested
Czechoslovak border violations and
Spanish Insurgents killed at least 250
persons and injured more than 1,-
000 in a raid on Alicante.
Insurgent bombs landing in Ali-
cante's crowded market place took
more than 100 victims, officials said.
Many bodies were blown to bits.
Man-made earthquakes sent the
walls of high buildings toppling in-
to dug-outs into which men, women
and children had run for safety.
Alicante Is Raided
Alicante caught the worst of day-
long raids in which it was estimated
more than 100 Insurgent bombers
shuttled bombs from Mallorca Island
to Spain's east coast. More than 50
were killed and hundreds injured
outside Alicante.
Germany regarded the situation on
her Czechoslovak frontier last night
as having taken a new turn for the
worse because of repeated border
violations by Czechoslovak military
The feeling here was 'that the
Czechoslovaks were playing a dan-
gerous game.Apologies, it was feared,
would not remove the causes of ten-
sion which, The Berliner Tagenblatt
warned, might be brought to the
'point of explosion at .any moment by
the reckless act of some Czechoslovak
Eisenlohr 'rotests
Dr. Ernest Eisenlohr, German'Min-
ister to Praha, protested to the
Czechoslovak Foreign Minister, Kra-
mil Krafta, and was given assurances
all efforts would be inade, to prevent
recurrences of the border violations.
A sixth incident in which Czecho-
slovak army planes flew over Ger-
man territory within the past 24
hours was believed to have occurred
after publication of a Deutches
Nachrichtenbuero, Official German
News Agency, report of five border
The Czechoslovak government kept
the peace during a day marked by in-
flammatory oratory, German press
blasts against Czechoslovakia, and
the tense situation surrounding the
funeral of two Sudeten Germans
slain Saturday.
Irn London,;Prime Minister Cham-
berlain won, 329 to 144, a vote of on-
fidence after defending the govern-
ment in its lagging program.
Eleven Given
Rosow, McDonald, Mercer
Awarded $370 Apiece;-
89 Originally Applied

Marsh-Mandelbaum Scholarships
in the literary college, totaling ap-
proximately $1,530, have been award-
ed to one senior, four juniors and six
sophomores, it was announced yes-
terday by the special committee of
Simon Mandelbaum Scholarships
with stipends of approximately $370
each were given to Francis McDonald,
'39, Detroit; Robert Mercer, '40, Dear-
born; and William Rosow, '40, De-
Fanny Ransom Marsh Scholarships
were awarded to Regina Olsen, '39,
Iron River, $60; Marguerite Rabe, '39,
Montrose, $50; Morton Linder, '40,
Buffalo, N.Y., $50; and Albert Mayio,
'39, Detroit, $50.
John Pitt Marsh Scholarships were
given to Ann Sylvester, '40, Ypsilanti,
$60; Edward Jurist, '38, Newark, N.J.,
$50; Paul Lahti, '40, Iron River, $50;
and Daniel Suits, '40, Kirkwood, Mo.,
The scholarships are awarded on
the basis of character, financial need
and scholastic standing. 2.08 was the
average of the candidates considered

Many Experiments Preceded
Work Of Neutrino Explorers

Athletic Admission Tax Invades
States' Rights, Aigler Declares

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of
at sers of articles dealing with the
actual work behind and implications
of the recent announcement that Doc-
tors H. Richard 'Crane and Julius Hal-
pern, two University research physi-
cistshad unearthed further evidence
to prove the existence of the "neu-
trino," a particle of matter smaller
than the electron.)
If the existence of bullet-like neu-
trinos can be definitely proven, it will
mean that one-sixth of the energy
generated by the sun is generated in
the form of these minute swiftly
moving particles, Dr. H. Richard
Crane, declared yesterday.
In answer to the claim that the
particles may revert to some other
form of energy, Dr. Crane declared
that it is not known how long these

radium and associated substances.
Whenever an electron was thrown
out of a nucleus this mysterious dis-
appearance of energy was noticed,
according to Dr. Crane.
It was agreed that the energies
of all electrons were not' alike al-
though all the nuclei of a given
species were supposed to lose the
same amount of energy. Upon dis-
covery of a third particle rested af-
firmation or discrediting of the law
of conservation of energy as applied
to these microscopic systems, Dr.
Crane said.
After the existence of this addi-
tional particle was suspected, physi-
cists set out to definitely "put their
finger" on this elusive, yet vital unit

The recent Supreme Court decision
legalizing the levying of a federal tax
on admissions to state university ath-
letic contests is merely another man-
ifestation, of the present political
trend toward encroachment on states'
rights by the federal government,
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law
School, Director of the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics, declared yesterday.
"If the states of New York or Maty-
land were to attempt to tax the ad-
missions to Naval or Military Aca-
demy games," Professor Aigler point-
ed out, "the United States would cer-
tainly contend that in operating
those institutions it was carrving on

supports intercollegiate athletics only
as a part of its educational program,
and'that it must not be deemed to be
acting ultra vires as it certainly would
be in conducting amusement enter-
prises for the public."
In answering Justice Roberts ma-
jority opinion in the University of
Georgia case last week, in which it
was said that federal tax immunity
"does not extend to business egter-
prises conducted by the states for
gain," Professor Aigler insisted that
football or any other university ath-
letic contest, cannot be said to be
conducted for profit or public amus. -
Any consideration of this problem,

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