THE MICHIGAN DAILY CHIGAN DAl LY I The Ed itor G ets Told4O4 .-- f PI RE Send Them Back To Moscow., .. a qflrA M~kuflOfla w .j Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications...f Published every morning c-xcept Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4"00; by mall, $4.50., r Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937.38 REPRNSENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTIsING 6y National AdvertisingService Inc. College PslIshearaReresegtats ' 420 MADISON AVE. N.W YORK, N. Y. CHInCM . BOSTON . LOS ANGESS . SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors Managing EditorI. Editorial Director City Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . . . . Women's Editor . Sports Editor . . . Robert D. Mitchell . . .Albert P. Mayio . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry . . .Saul R. Kleiman . . .Robert Perlman . . . William:Elvin . . Jogeph Freedman . . . . Earl Gilman . . . . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler . . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager .. Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: BEN M. MARINO 'The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the' neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educatidnal institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. - Alexander G. Ruthven. General Cedillo And The 'Go Wi, I.... IN 1903, with American battleships and troops nearby, revolutionists in Co- lombia set up their own state of Panama, which soon granted the United States valuable canal concessions; in 1922 Louis Borno, pro-American replaced Sudre Dartiguenave as president of Haiti; and in 1933 Grau San Martin fell as pres- ideht of Cuba before the Mendietta party, which was more favorably looked upon by the United States. Now in 1938 President Lazaro Cardenas of Mexico has stepped on American toes by claim- ing for the Mexican nation great oil properties held by American and British companies. And shortly thereafter President Cardenas has found on his hands a revolt by a provincial leader, Gen- eral Saturnino Cedillo. The Cedillo uprising evokes an interesting con- jlecture about new potentialities for America's polity of "good will" toward the Latin-American countries. Through this "good will" the United States, at the apparent sacrifice of important economic and strategic interest, and of its prac- tical rights as a strong nation against weak na- tions, has attempted to negotiate with its south- ern neighbors on a basis of political equality and has undertaken to carry on no part in the in- ternal affairs of these countries. This has called for disassociation from any favorable upheavals or political dissensions of its neighbors. The oil expropriations of the President of Mex- ico have put that policy to a good test. To date, In the face of apparent British efforts to force the United States hand toward pressure on Mexico, and in spite of the efficiency of different Amer- ican policies with regard to the same question in 1925 and 1927, the new policy has stood the test. The administration has indicated no strong reprisal against Mexico nor any efforts to win the support of special parties within the country for a more sympathetic program toward Amer- ican interests. The uprising, however coming as it does short- ly after Cardenas' blow to the large American business interests and apparently without any knowledge on the part of the United States gov- ernment, causes one to wonder whether the influ- ence of the United States is not so great in those American countries where United States capital has been widely invested that the old manipula- tions of the government are not necessary to achieve American political interests. If this is so, the new "good will" policy of the government is destined to be of the utmost importance to the United States and to the world at large. The United States will be free to spread its sermon of equality and peace among nations while at- taining its own interests in the Americas. THE CITY COUNCIL of Ann Arbor unquestionably has acted MOST WISELY in banning the sale of RAW SMUT by the newsstands. The action, of the Council will be saluted by every RIGHT-THINKING AMERICAN, but na- turally enough the welkin will ring with the SQUAWKING OF THE DEPRAVED SEXMON- GERS who need to paw over lewd photographs to satisfy their DISTORTED INHIBITIONS. Probably the lunatic fringe of the press will be filled with the BIASED YAWPS of FREETHINK- ERS AND PLAIN NUTS who will conjure up nightmares about FREEDOM OF THE PRESS being violated, and about denial of the right to make a fair and just profit on the sale of a com- modity. Of course too the CREATORS OF THESE LECHEROUS SHEETS will fulminate and fume and YELL THEIR HEADS OFF. .The clean minded MAJORITY of the public- and we mean the GREAT MAJORITY-will turn a deaf ear to these CATERWAULINGS As citizens of Ann Arbor we can THANK OUR GGD that firm, upright, strong-limbed, clear- eyed YOUNG AMERICANS will not be turned into SHIFTY-EYED BUMS who LOITER ABOUT each and every newsstand so they can SNEAK A LOOK at a group of DEPRAVED HARLOTS who pose, not in the nude, but in POSITIONS OF VENERY, with CLOTHES ON! Miscreants who PERSIST in "reading" sala- cious magazines should be compelled-legally, of course-TO SUBMIT TO A STERILIZATION OPERATION. Again, let us thank our Council and hope they will PRESERVE THEIR VIGILANCE. -Guy M. Whipple, Jr., '36. Apathelti Liberals? To the Editor: A letter in Sunday's Daily implied that a leftist faction dominates the Progressive Club. The writer deplored the lack of a campus organiza- tion in which all liberals, of all shades of opin- ion, could voice their sentiments and carry them into action. However, may I ask why non-leftist liberals do not join the Progressive Club The Progressive Club has never had a closed membership. The policies of this organization are broad enough to embrace all liberal'sentiment, and1 any stand on specific,issues by the Progressive Club is de- termined by majority vote. The leftists have never conspired to keep non-leftists from voting. The truth of the matter is that middle-of-the- road liberals have never been interested enough. in liberalism to join this organization and voice their outlooks. -Frieda Kaufman. To Clarify Things To the Editor: In Sunday's Daily, accompanying a proposal for a new Liberl Club, Fafni remarks: "The ex- treme leftists fail to realize that they are the greatest creators of fascists." Is this implication of a cause-result relationship between leftists and fascists representative of the type of liberal analysis that will stem from "an organization to be a reflection of liberal sentiment on the campus?" In the process of history the fascist state is the almost inevitable form of political, social and economic organization growing out of the successive crisis in national capitalist economies and the breakdown of capitalist democracies. It derives its structure and dynamics from (1) the tendency for monopoly capitalist society to con- solidate and extend itself on a national scale in order to survive against crisis internally and pro- vide a new basis for effective expansion, (2) the conjunction of all the socially reactionary forces in society with this tendency, (3) crystallization of mass rebellion in the face of crisis through- out society as a whole around this tendency. Like the Social Revolution, the fascist move- ment springs from the rebellious unrest of all social groups, but the social revolutionary im- pulses of the masses are synthesized with the in- tensified monopoly capitalist program of the classes in the Fascist party and state. This syn- thesis comes about on the basis of: 1.Offering the activist discontented ele- ments release in direct action against easily dramatized and familiar enemies. 2. Consolidating and sharpening the social fear of (a) social conflicts such as strikes and class warfare, (b) the strange, foreign and unknown, such as communism and "reds," (c) the alien, such as Jews, Japs, and "foreign agitators." 3. Offering all groups security in terms of traditionally supported reforms, solutions, and panaceas. 4. Capitalizing on the heightened nation- alist attitudes growing from (a) imperialist rivalries, (b) national insecurity in the face in a formal accusation who made the move that started the trouble. The revolt does not appear very lasting, and Cedillo has had no support from the nation as a whole outside of his home province. Per- haps the conflict is only one of many revolts that have arisen in Mexico from the programs of greater national unity and break-down of the J/fe emjfo Me Heywood Broun For the sake of the record I would like to ex- press my feeling that both Simon Gerson and Stanley Isaacs appeared to advantage before the McNaboe Committee. It seems to me that the President of the Bur- ough of Manhattan made a perfectly proper appointment. I have known Gerson as a reporter for sev- eral years, and I share the feeling of his other news- paper associates, who regard him as a highly competent and useful citizen. But even if I thought that the appointment had been harmful or unwise I would still feel that the question involved was not one of major importance. The so-called popular clamor has been fomented. I do not think that the amount of news and ed- itorial space which has been devoted to the case is justified by sound journalistic precedent.' I congratulate Mr. Isaacs on his courage. But since I think thewhole business has been vastly overplayed I have no intention of writing an en- ire column on the subject, but prefer instead to deal with something really important, such as the question of a name for Mr. C. V. Whitney's colt out of Top Flight by Man 0' War. Naturally the name of the sire and dam should be linked, but Joe Williams is making it much more difficult by stipulating that there should also be some ref- erence to the Derby, since that happens to be the birthday date of the young race horse, * * * * The Naming Of Horses As a professional horse namer I am not eligible for the competition. I had thought of Sea Plane, since that includes the suggestion both of naval warfare and altitude, but there is no suggestion of the Derby in that. In a fugitive way I toyed with Reserved Seat, since from such a vantage point at Churchill Downs one might see plain. That I tossed aside as unworthy of me. Still, if Colonel Williams were not inclined to bar puns you could do a really intricate play on words and call the horse Shelley. That's a nice name in itself, and the connotation would come from the line. "And did you once see Shelley plain?" However, it would be too much to expect race track fans to carry not only a program but also "Bartlett's Book of Familiar Quotations." I know one name which dods take in both the Man O' War and Top Flight strain and also drops a Derby hint, but I'm under the impression that another horse is using it. The name I have in mind is Brown Bomber. But maybe the horse is black or roan. I studied the art of naming thoroughbreds, at the knee of Herbert Bayard Swope, who used to be a newspaper man before he became State Rac- ing Commissioner. I can't remember the breed- ing, but the Commissioner was very proud when he thought up the name Sidereal for a promising yearling. It didn't turn out so well because all the gamblers in the betting ring invariably re- ferred to the horse as Side Reel, which spoiled everything. And terrible things happen to horses with French names when eager bettors are trying to get down two dollars to show just before the bar- rier is sprung. What chance has a horse called Fils De Liral in a situation like that? I do not want to seem a narrow nationalist, but I believe the Jockey Club should save the poor bookmakers by insisting on the exclusive use of the American language on our native tracks. Of late there has been a sizeable invasion of horses from Chile, and there be few who give just the proper nuances to the name of Caballero 2nd. Sounds Which Sing It has been said that good horses have good names; but that it not always true. Twenty Grand, Grey Lag, Gallant Fox and War Admiral all have a swing to them, but there was a Man O' War colt which won a Kentucky Derby undert the not too exciting label of Clyde Van Dusen. Moreover, I am a little weary of finding that all the sons of Gallant Fox are named by the simple process of changing the adjective, so that you get Wise Fox or Fighting Fox or Crafty Fox, and so on indefinitely: That's too easy. Seabiscuit was not what I would consider a stand out in the matter of names, but he be- comes more pleasing to the ear now that the railbirds have by tacit consent shortened it to the Biscuit. For me the glamor of the big match race grows when I hear arguments which run, ."Do you think the Admiral can beat the Biscuit?" I have said that my own amateur standing as a horse namer is gone. A very promising filly of the Falaise Stable marks me as a professional. She is by Sun Briar out of Comixa. I hope I've spelled that last name right, but, at any rate, I suggested Lady Nicotine. They tell me she's a neat trick, and I think it's a nice name. of the general war crisis, (c) the fixation of the attention of all groups on the symbol of the state in the struggle for a solution of their problems. 5. Capitalizing and sharpening the hos- tility of all groups to democratic institutions as the cause of economic breakdown and political impotence. 6. Offering a solution for social disor- ganization in terms of social order and effi- ciency. 7. Appealing to the mental inertia, inse- curity and dependence of the masses by sup- plying a "father symbol" in the form of in- THEATRE By NORMAN KIELL A new generation has grown since "Liliom" was first produced in New York in the post-war period of disil- lusionment. How our contemporary audience will take the frankly senti- mental story of "Liliom" is a matter of conjecture. The listeners last night of the second presentation of the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season were, on the whole, lethargic. "Liliom" is Tonio Selwart's and Re- becca Tarwater's show. In the name role, Mr. Selwart was all of the "bad, rough, wicked, unhappy, dear boy," Miss Tarwater, as Julie, called him- after Liliom was dead and it was too late. For Ferenc Molnar's 'legend' is essentially a tragedy of inarticulate- ness. Liliom, the cocksure circus bar- ker, has been so buffeted about by life that love can never find verbal ex- pression in him. He is ashamed to admit that he can't bear to see Julie weep and he can not tell her that he loves her. And it is only after he has 'died that Julie can find the courage to tell him that she loves him. It is all too late, so sentimentally late. But we could afford to let ourselves go along with the many moods of the play, if at one moment it was intellec- tual legerdemain, as in the heaven of Liliom's primitive theology, a heaven ruled by mundane powers; or, if at another moment, it was blatant chi- canery, as when just after Liliom is pronounced dead and the condolences come, as if in a cataclysmic downfall, that both Liliom and Julie are better, off this way; or if it were mawkishly sentimental, as when Liliom returns to earth after spending 16 years in purgatory as penitence for his obstin- acy, slaps his daughter's hand and she does not feel it. Mr. Selwart plays his part for all that it is worth, with irrepressible buoyancy and with a clear-cut crea- tion. Miss Tarwater's Julie was in good contrast to Mr. Selwart's Liliom. She played with quiet restraint, dig-i nity, and simplicity. It was fortunate theatre to have these two on the( stage together. Frederic Tozere, asi the slinking Ficsur who leads Liliom on to his ultimate destruction, seemed rather illogical with his cockney ac- cent. (As a matter of fact, there were so many different varieties of speech on the stage last night, that it proved1 disconcerting.) Marie Brown, asI Marie, Julie's innocent country friend,I was delightfully fresh, and Doris Rich,1 as Mrs. Muskat, was appropriately bawdy. S. Wesley McKee's direction was asc sure as it was slow and Emiline Roche's many sets were serviceable but unimaginative.I More For Fafni To the Editor: In answer to Mr. Fafni's letter pleading for a truly liberal organiza-, tion on campus, we believe that such; an organization already exists in the Liberal Students' Union. This or- ganization offers students the chance to express all types of opinion. No onei group dominates the discussion. Due to the fact that all shades of opinion are represented, the conclusionsi reached are truly representative of a1 sentiment which moves in the liberalI tradition rather than stands in it. Another factor which might be men- tioned is that younger faculty mem- bers and non-students are often pres- ent to contribute to the discussion. The Liberal Students' Union, a non- sectarian group, meets at 7:30 p.m. every Sunday during the school year in the library of the Unitarian Church. Helen L. Zbinden, Secretary, Liberal Students' Union. Reminder To the Editor: The following is quoted from the "Red Schoolhouse" address delivered by President Alexander G. Ruthven before the New York Alumni of the University, Feb. 25, 1938: "A conservative young man has wound up his life before it has un- reeled. We expect old men to be con- servative, but when a nation's young are so, its funeral bell is already tolled." -Prof. M. Levi. A Sane Mve The House Naval Affairs Commit- tee has acted wisely in pigeonholing the bill providing for construction of a Government radio station. The purpose of the measure-to enable the United States to administer an "anti- dote" for the foreign propaganda broadcasts that now are deluging Latin America-had much to com- mend it. However, as was brought out at the hearings, commercial radio chains are willing to give the Gov- ernment full use of their facilities, without charge, for such broadcasts. This would mean a higher order of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the UDiversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) DavisBivin Foundation, Inc., the availability fol the year 1937-38 of several prizes for graduate and un- dergraduate students for the encour- agement of research and study on problems concerned with the mental hygiene of childhood. Similar awards were made for the year 1936-37.- Awards of $35, $20 and $10 are of- fered to graduate students for a Mas- ter's thesis or special studies. Awards of $20, $10 and $5 are offered for papers submitted by advanced under, graduate students. The following conditions govern the awards: 1. Papers may be submitted by stu- dents in any division of the Univer- sity. 2. Doctoral dissertations are exclud- ed from consideration for the awards.' 3. In order to be considered for an award for the current year, papers must reach the chairman of the com- mittee, 2509 University Elementary School, not later than four o'clock, June 10, 1938. 4. Copies of all prize winning pa- pers are to be sent to the Secretary of the Foundation. The Foundation reserves the right to publish such pa- pers if it so desires. 5. Awards may be withheld if, in the judgement of the committee, no pa- pers of sufficient merit are 'con- tributed. The committee also re- serves the right to adjust the amounts when papers of equal merits are sub- mitted or if such division will better serve the purposes of the grant. 6. The following committee has been designated by the Graduate School to administer the award: Professor Martha Guernsey Colby, Professor Howard Yale McClusky, and Profes- sor Willard C. Olson (chairman). C. S. Yoakum, Michigan Wolverine Student Co- operative, Inc.: The date for payment of members' notes has been set ahead to May 28, 1938, and members may obtain payment on that date or dur- ing the following two weeks. Since a deposit of $3 will hold a membership for next year, and since past experience has shown that many members have been disappointed in finding the membership closed when they have returned to school, note holders who will return in Septem- ber are urged to apply their notes to this deposit.- The Wolverine will close on June 10, then open again June 24 and close on Aug. 19. Present memberships are applicable for use during the sum- mer period, and special summer mem- berships are available at $1 for any- one attending the University. Memberships for the school year 1938-1939 are now available. Rochdale Cooperative House: Appli- cations for admission to the Rochdale Cooperative House for the comifig year, 1938-39, are now being accepted. A new prerequisite to consideration, which requires .each applicant 'to write a 100-200 word essay on the Cooperative Movement, is now in ef- fect. Application blanks are avail- able in Dean Olmstead's Office, Room 2, University Hall, and at the Roch- dale House, 640 Oxford Road. All ap- plications must be in by Wednesday. May 25. Academic Notices, English 184, The Development of the English 'Novel (Prof. L. A. Strauss). The class will not meet on Wednesday and Friday, May 25 and 27. Candidates for Master's Degree in Psychology: The comprehensive ex- amination will be given Saturday, May 28, 2-5, in 3,126 Natural Science. School of Music, Examinations in Applied Music: 1. Examinations will be held in all grades and in all fields of applied music in accordance with schedules for individual (or class) appoint- ments which will be announced later. 2. Conflicts in examination appoint- ments for applied music with class course examinations must be report- ed before June 3 to the office of the Musical Director. Applications For Graduation 1. All prospective graduates in Au- gust 1938 or February 1939, must file a REVISED application with the Mu- sical Director before Saturday, May 28. This application for degree (B.M. or M.M.) must show in the "complet- ed column" all work including the elections for the current semester and in the "to be completed column," pro- posed elections for the Summer Ses- sion and/or the first semester. Signa- tures of departmental representatives must be obtained before the blank is filed. 2. Assignments for examinations in this category will be made only if the REVISED blank has been filed. No further examinations will be given for February or for August graduation; for students in residence this semes- ter. Students in applied music must submit the tentative graduation pro- gram, the complete repertory to date, and must be prepared to play or sing Voice, Violin, Organ, etc., Theory, Music Literature and Music Educa- tion). The application should show the work completed including that for the current semester. In the column "to be completed," the student should enter in pencil, his understanding of the requirements yet to be taken. 2. Approval of candidacy will be registered by the department con- cerned. 3. In the case of applied music ma- jors, jury examinations before the entire faculty will be required as in the past to prove qualification for junior standing in the major field. In the fields of theory, composition,, mu- sic literature and music education, an examination will be required to deter- mine proficiency in piano and in sight-playing as specified under the departmental announcements. Exam- inations in sight-playing and sight- singing will be held at other times than those announced for individual examinations in applied music. 4. Application rnanks for candidacy may be obtained at the office of the Musical Director. Exhibitions Exhibition. College of Architecture: Student work from, member schools of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture is being shown in the third floor exhibition room. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday, until May 31. The public is cordially invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture: An .exhibition of articles in silver, gold, enamle and semi-precious stones, for ecclesiastical and general use, designed and executed by Arthur Nevill Kirk, is shown in the pier clases at either side of the Library entrance, second floor corridor. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until June 1. The public is cordially in-, vited. Events Today Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing today at' 4:15 p.m. Mr. Win. H. Sullivan will speak on "Chain Reac- tions in the Oxidation of Hydrocar- bons." Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity: At- tention all members and pledges! Formal initiation ceremony tonight at Michigan Union, time 8 p.m., room on bulletin, to be held in conjunction with the Detroit Alumni Chapter. There will also be a joint dinner held with the members from Detroit at 7 p.m. in the Union cafeteria. All mem- bers and pledges are urged to be present. Inter-Guild Worship Service will be held at the League Chapel Wednesday morning at 7:30. Stalker Hall. Today from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Tea ald Open House. All Metho- dist students and their friends are cordially invited. Congress Executive Council: There will be a meeting today in Room 306 in the Union at 7:30 p.m. Mimes: There -will be an important meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the Union. Nomination and election of officers for next year will also occur. Ann Arbor Independents: Final rehearsal for the Campus Sing to be Wednesday at 4 p.m. at the League. All those who plan to sing must come to this rehearsal. The last meeting of the year will be held after the Sing.' Coming Events Psychological Journal Club will meet Thursday, May 26, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3126 N.S. Prof. John F. Shepard will discuss his recent ex- perimental work in comparative psy- chology. All those interested are cordially invited to attend. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: The University of Michigan Student Branch of the Institute of the Aerdnautical Sciences will hold its second annual banquet on Thurs- day, May 26, at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Mr. Grover Loen- ing will be the principal speaker.aAll are cordially invited to attend. Civil Engineers: A.S.C.E. meeting at Michigan Union, Thursday night at 7:30. All Civil Engineers invited. Mr. Louis E. Ayres will be the speak- er. Movies will be shown of the newr vacuum curing process for concrete. Scimitar, there will be an important short meeting in the Union Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. Please come in order to sign our petition. Crop and Saddle: There will be no ride Thursday because of Lantern Night. Lantern Night: Lantern Night will take place on Thursday, May 26. The , line of march will form at the Library at 7:15 and proceed to Palmer Field