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May 25, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-25

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness and not
so cool, showers today, warmer




General Cedillo And
The 'Good Will'.. .





p I

Publications Board
PostsWon By Quick
S izeinore And Kahn

Bill Passes,
314 To 97

U.S. Adamant Flanagan Chosen
Shinx 'Pharaoh'

Student Se nate Hut


More Than 1,400 Students
Cast Ballots In Annual
All-Campus Election
Voting Is Called
Largest In History
Gerge Quick. :'38, with 713 votes,
Roy Sizemre 9F&C, with 524 votes,
and Robert Kahn, '39, with 506 votes,
were chosen above the eight other
cadidates running for the three
coveted positions on the Board in
Control of Student Publications, when
more than 1,400 students, an unprece-
dented number, went to the polls yes-
terday in the annual all-campus elec-
All the accoutrements of elections
and politics characterized the vot-
ing, and campaigning and interest in
the outcome was described as reach-
int a new high.
The victorious candidates for Men's
Council from the literary school were
Ted Grace, '39, who received 286 votes,
Eliot Robinson, '39, who was second
wjth 203 votes, and. Marvin Reider,
'39, who placed third, polling 194
votes. In the engineering college,
Fred Luebke, '39E, defeated Max
choetz, '39E, by 77 to 5. In the.
forestry college Donald Zimmerman,
'39F&C was elected to the Council
by "write-ins"
In the business administration col-
lege Joseph Bonavito, '38BAd., nar-
rowly won out over Kingsley Kelly,
'39BAd, by one vote. In the archi-
tectural college James Clark, '39A,
defeated Harry Denyes, '39A, by 28 to
In the elections for the six vice-
presidents of the Union, one from
each school, the following candidates
were victorious. In the literary
school. Carvel Shaw, '39, defeated
Eliot Robinson, '39, by 228 to 209; in
the law scp9l Jak- tigo, '39L,
polled 125 votes to 1dn0f'Jack Mc-
Carthy, '39L. In the dentistry school
Tom Clarke, '39D, polled 34 votes on
write-ins to defeat Bill Zack '9D.
In the medical school Louis Staudt,
'39M, received 45 votes to 35sof David
De Weese, '39M.
In the engineering college Fred
Luebke, '39E, won over Donald Van
(Oontinlue on Page 6)
Britain's Poliey
DOn a r Does
Not Tie Canada
PremierTells Cominons
In Ottowa His Country
Is Free Of English Tic,
OTTAWA, May 24.-(Canadian
Press)-Prime Minister W. L. Mac-
kenzie King told the House of Com-
mons today that Canada is not com-
mitted either to go to wor or even to
remain neutral where Great Britiaim
is involved.
Makingda long-awaited statemen
of Cahada's foreign policy, the Prime
Minister described the internationa
outlook as "darns, but not one tha
calls for despair."
1. As an independent nation, Can
ada is not likely to attack or be at-
2. As a member of the League o
Nations Canada will not be drawn
into war through application o
League penalties because the san
tions articles of the League covenan
"have ceased to have effect."
3. As a member of the Britis
Commonwealth of Nations. Canad
has no commitments either to engag
in war or remain neutral. If a sit
uation arises where warlike action i
proposed, it will be a matter for th
Canadian parliament to decide.
Canada is not bound by the de

cisions of the United Kingdom on
foreign policy, the Prime Ministe
"Incidentally," he added, "may
say the time has come to cease speak
ing of the 'dominions' as if they wer
some peculiar half-fledged type c
community, and all alike in their in
terests and views.
"Such a usage leads to confusion
at best and to alibis and misrepresen
tations at worst. South Africa i
South Africa, New Zealand is Ne'
Zealand, Australia is Australia, an

Warning To Palefaces
Given By lichligamua
When out from the paleface wig-
From, behind the staring moonface
Came the slow and solemn five
Telling that the evening spirit
Wanders over the woods and
Lights the campfires of the heavens,
Then the Michigamua warriors
In their feathers and their war
Soon will gather 'round the oak
'Round the oak tree called the
There to greet the trembling pale-
Many in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins
For before they take the long trail
To the home of Michigamua
Many trials and many tortures
First must prove their strength and
UAW Removes
In Ford Drive
Removal Of Union's Head
Not A Demotion; Plans
Made To Organize Ford
DETROIT, May 24.--I)-Richard
T. Frankensteen, demoted recently
from assistant president of the United
Automobile Workers Union to vice-
president of the organization, was re-
moved today as director of the union's
committee formed to push organiza-
tion of Ford Motor Co. employes.
Announcement of Frankensteen's
removal was made by Homer Martin,
international president of the U.A.W.
with whom Frankensteen has dis-
agreed over union policy.
Martin said the Union's five vice-
presidents would be given more, re-
sponsibility than before and denied
that Frankensteen's removal was a
"demotion." He said the move was
made so that the vice-presidents "will
now be free to cooperate more fully
in general problems of the interna-
tional and matters of policy rather
than being confined to one particular
Martin said the Ford organizational
drive would continue under a Ford
council elected from Ford locals
throughout the country. He said the
Ford campaign in Detroit would be
under the joint leadership of the five
regional directors for Detroit.
SAdult Education
Meet Attraets
200 Xomnen
t Fis her Welcoies InstituLe
At First Session; Sees
Adult Interest Going Up
f Two hundred Michigan clubwomen,
1 representatives of 50,000 women
if throughout the state, attended the
~ first day of the meetings of the Insti-
* tute of Adult Education which began
its sixth annual meeting today in the
a Union Ballroom.
e Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of
-the Extension Division. opened thc
s meeting with a welcome to themem-
ebers and sounded the key of the meet-
ing. "The interest in adult educatio

is on the increase," Dr. Fisher said
" due to the depression and the part
r the government is playing through
the WPA."
i "Requirements for teachers are in
- Germany very high but, oddly enough,
e they do not have to be a party mem-
f ber," Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the
- School of Education said in his ad-
dress on "Education in Nazi Ger-
n many." The janitor of each school
- is the only one required to be a mema-
s ber of the Nazi Party and as such, he
w is the only one in the school who can
d write official letters.

Act Before Senate SeeksI
An Ultimate 40 Ceni
Low, 40 Hour Limit
Northern Coalition
Forces House Vote
WASHINGTON, May 24.-()-An
overpowering coalition, consistingr
largely of northern Democrats ando
Republicans, pushed the wage-hourj
bill through the House of Representa-f
tives tonight, by, a vote of 314 to 97. t
Many Southern Democrats fought
to the last, but without success, ton
force adoption of amendments givingn
the South lower wage minima than
the North..
The measure, as it passed, appliesb
the same standards in allssections of
interstate industry, with few excep-
tions. It calls for a minimum wage
starting at 25 cents an hour the first
year, and increasing five cents eachh
,year until it attains 40 cents. It pro-b
vides for maximum weekly hourst
dropping from 44 the first year tol
40 after the second.
Few Amendments Pass
Few amendments penetrated the
defense thrown about the bill by itse
supporters. In the late hours of thet
debate, however, amendments wereI
approved exempting the fishing in-
dustry, newspapers of less than 3,000
circulation and child movie actors
from the application of the measure.
The last amendment, dubbed the
"Shirley Temple clause," was pro-
posed by Representative Kramert
(Dem Calif.).
Earlier a committee amendment;
exempting the businesses of process-
ing perishable farm and sea food
products was accepted, together with
an amendment by Representativet
Biermann (Dem., Ia.) exempting
those engaged in the packing, can-
ning, etc. of farm commodities, if
employed in the area of production.
Fight Not Over
The vote tonight did not end the
wage-hour fight, by any means. The
measure must now go to the Senate,
which passed a much different labor
standards bill last year. Parliamen-
tarians said that southern Senators
opposed to the legislation were in a
position to fight it with everything
up to and including a filibuster.
Although frankly worried about
this opposition, which could conceiv-
ably delay adjournment of Congress
for many weeks, administration lead-
ers were elated at their smashing vic-
tory in the House.
Auto Fumes Kill
Senor" Student
Jackson's Death A Suicide
Coroner Dedar'es
Richard R. Jackson, '38. of Gaylord.
was found dead of carbon monoxide
fumes at 7 a.m. yesterday in the closed
garage attached to his rooming house,
1613 Morton St. Dr. Edwin C. Ganz-
horn, coroner, pronounced the death
a suicide.
Friends of Jackson, who would have
been graduated from the literary co-
lege in June and entered the medical
school in the fall, were unable to ex-
plain why lie should have taken his
own life. Members of Phi Beta Pi,
medical fraternity to which he was
pledged, said he had appeared in good
spirits lately and was a good student.
He worked at his N.Y.A. job yesterday
and signified his intention of coming
back the next day.
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the health service, said that no motive
could be found after checking Jack-
son's health record which was good.

Toward Plea'
On Czech Crisis c
France, England Advance C
Invitations To Stave Off F
War In Czechoslovakiaa
Sudeten Germans J
Remain ResoluteS
The State Department yesterday
received with distinct coolness newsI
of a French and British plea forC
joint diplomatic aid to prevent war=
from ever increasing German-Czecht
tension, the Associated Press reported.r
A French Foreign Ministry spokes-n
man said Georges Bonnet, foreign
minister and former Ambassador to
Washington, had asked the United
States to join France and Britain in
bringing pressure on Germany to re-
frain 'from any move against her mid-
European neighbor.
Denies Request
An American Embassy spokesman,
however, insisted no such request had
been received and there was no ques-
tion of joint action including the
United States.
Diplomatic quarters believed the
need of American support was dimin-
ished now that the Czechoslovak gov-
ernment at least had started nego-
tiations with their Germanic minor-
ity, source of the war tension, but
that France might renew her re-N
quest if a new crisis arose.t
Request Made Twice
The French Foreign Minstry as-£
serted its request had been made1
twice through United States Ambas-
sador William C. Bullitt in Paris and1
through the French Ambassador int
Washington, Rene Doynel de St.
A chilly atmosphere prevailed at<
the State Department tonight when
it became known that France andI
Britain wanted American help in pre-
venting war as a result of German-I
Czech tension.
Officials here would make no an-
(Continued on Page 6)
Lo alists Split
Rebels' Forces
Offense Against Northern
Army Enters 3rd Day
HENDAYE, France, at the Spanish'
frontier, May 24.-(P)-Spanish Gov-
ernment forces reported tonight they
had split the left flank of ,the Insur-
gents' Northern army in Western
The drive to dislodge the Insur-
gents from their foothold in the
mountains just south of the French
frontier was described as the heaviest
and most sustained by a government
army since the campaign in which
Teruel was captured Dec. 22 and held
for two months.
Government aviation has been
playing an important part in the of-
fensive, now in its third day, which
is aimed against Insurgent bridge-
heads on the west side of the Noguera
Pallaresa River, a tributary of the
River Serge.
Some of the sharpest fighting in
the Civil War has developed all along
the 60-mile front from Lerida north
to Sort.
Government dispatches said attack-
ing troops drove a spearhead between
Sort and Llavorsi, seven miles to the
north, cutting the road which links
those towns on the Pyrenees end of
the front.
Government advices declared also

the gap cut earlier between Sort and
Tremp, 21 miles further south, still
was being held. Sort was said to be
encircled on three sides.

At Annual Dinner
Sphinx, junior men's honorary so-
iety, held its annual initiation yes-
erday after tapping 20 sophomores
and two faculty members. At a ban-
iuet following the initiation Dennis
Flanagan, '40, was elected president
)fk the society for the coming year,
and Gus Dannemiller, '40, treasurer.
Sophomores tapped were Fred Tros-
ko, John Nicholson, Archie Kodros,
Jim Rae, Charley Pink, Ralph
Schwartzkopf, Dye Hogan, Ed Hutch-
ens, Don Nichols, Spike James, Stan
Swinton, Dennis Flanagan, Elliott
Maraniss, Stuart Robeson, Paul Park,
Dick Humphreys, Larry Vandenberg,
Gus Dannemiller, Jack Gelder and
Don Treadwell. Faculty members
tapped for the society were Prof. Sum-
ner Myers of the mathematics depart-
nment and Prof. Donal Haines of the
journalism department.
Watson Named
Track Captain
For Next Year
Green Chosen Manager;
Twenty - Four Awarded
'M's' At Yearly Banquet
Coming as a fitting climax to a
great year, Bill Watson, Charlie oyt's
"One Man. Track Team," last night
was named to captain the Wolverine
track team for next year.
The selection of the big Saginaw
athlete was made at the annual track
banquet held at the Union. He suc-
ceeds the late Stevens Mason, Jr. as
leader of the undefeated Wolverine
track forces,
Jack Green, Babylon, N.Y. was
named to succeed Bill Bourke as man-
ager. 24 letter winners and seven
secondary award winners were also
Watson's selection came as no sur-
prise as his performances of the past
two years have placed his name high
on the list of all time Michigan
Watson's performances this year
have been such as to stamp him as a
leading decathlon candidate for the
1940 Olympics. One of the first out to
practice every day and one of the last
to leave Watson earned every honor
his efforts have brought him.
His phenomenal feat of winning
the shot put, discus and broad jump
in addition to a third in the high
jump in the Big Ten meet last week in
Columbus paced the Wolverines to
their second straight Conference out-
door championship. His 52 feet 11%
inches in the shot established another
new Conference record.
Among those introduced by Master
of Ceremonies Phil Diamond last
night were past Wolverine captains
Jack Campbell, Chuck DeBaker, Tom
Eleerby and Bob Osgood. Other
speakers included Doc Carpenter,
team physician; Dr. May, veteran
(Continued on Page 3)
Senators Fight
Curb For PWA
New Deal Is Battling Any
WASHINGTON, May 24.-#P)-Ad-
ministration leaders in the Senate
called tonight for a no-compromise
fight against a proposal to restric
PWA's authority to finance munici
pally-owned power projects.
The restriction, penciled into the
administration's $3,247,000,000 spend-

ing-lending bill by the Senate Appro
priations Committee, would prohibi*
the use of PWA funds for building
plants which would compete with ex
isting privately owned systems whose
rates were subject to public regula
Want Provision Killed
Senator Alben W. Barkley, of Ken
tucky, the Democratic leader, an
Senator George W. Norris, Nebraska
stanch administration supporter, saiu
that they favored complete elimina
tion of the restriction.
Earlier Barkley considered offerin
a compromise under which the PW4
could finance utility construction onl
when the management of a privat
system had turned down a bona fid
purchase offer by a municipality.
lekes On Honeymoon
With 25-Year Old Brid
. TRTTf n M a v2 9-4 - HaT- rol I

Daily Appointrmen

Asks New

Belly Laughs'
Win Vincent
Rosy Wreath
That man wearing the crown of
roses around the campus today isn't
an escaped lunatic -=he's Prof. E. T.
Vincent of the mechanical engineer-
ing department, who was awarded
the "Tung Oil Crown" at Sigma Rho
Tau's annual Tung Oil banquet last
night for getting most laughs.
C. F. MacCaulay Schwader, '38E,
was presented the Cooley Cae, tra-
ditional honor passed on to the senior
member of the engineering speech so-
Addressing the meeting was S. M.
Dean, vice-president of the Detroit
Edison Corp, who declared that the
engineer of tomorrow must toss out
the profession's traditional view that
labor is a commodity and recognize
a cooperative society.
Labor, he said, can serve, but
not "run government."
Engineering faculty members in-
itiated into Sigma Rho Tau were Prof.
Emeritus E. Riggs of the civil engi-
neering department, Prof. Ransom
S. -Hawley. of the mechanical engi-
neering department, Prof. Harry
Bouchard of the geodesy and sur-
veying department and Prof. Roy S.
Swinton of the engineering mechanics
Professor Hawley acted as toast-
mast r, introducing Prof. Walter J.
Emmons of the highway engineering
department, who gave the welcome.
Prof. William Godfrey of the Univer-
sity of Detroit responded.-
Mexico Unions
Ask Muntions.
To Fight Rebels
War Office Denies Cedillo
Uprising Serious; Labor
Calls Rebellion Fascistic
MEXICO CITY, May 24.-(P)-Two
of Mexico's largest unions asked to-
day for arms to fight a rebellion in
the state of San Luis Potosi which
government officials apparently were
not taking very seriously.
The few attaches of the war office
who were not on vacation said noth-
ing startling was happening on the
front of Saturnino Cedillo's insurrec-
tion which the labor unions regarded
as a "Fascist rebellion."
Neither did the war office seem per-
turbed over a lesser outbreak in the
adjoining state of Queretaro although
the capital still did not know whether
the uprising there was allied to the
Cedillista revolt.
Federal troops were sent in pursuit
of the Queretaro rebels, a well or-
ganized band of about 300 who raided
the Galindo, Miranda and La Noria
ranches, took horses and disarmed
agrarians in the neighborhood.
The appeal for arms to help Presi-
dent Lizaro Cardenas subdue the Ce-
dillistas came from the Crom, the re-
gional confederation' of Mexican
_workers, and the CGT, the Genera
Confederation of Labor. Previous re-
quests by the Socialist youth organi.
zation for permission to voluntee
had beeh politely rejected by the de.
fense ministry. .
The CMT, Confederation-of Work.
ers of Mexico, still was to decid
e whether to propose that the govern-
(Continued on Page 6)


Claims Publications Boar
Abandoned Past Criteri
Of Merit In Selectio
To Adams Voted-
Leader Of Majorit

'The Student Senate last night,
.barged that the appointment of the
nanaging editor of the Michigan
Daily for the year 1938-39 was not
nade on a merit basis and demanded
hat the Board in Contrpl of Student
Publications immediately reconsider
ts own action,
With votes from all political fac-
ions in the Senate, the body voted
he resolution 22 to 1. Tom Adams,
40, (Conservative) of Jacksonville,
'la., was elected president, to hold f-
'ice until the next Senate elections
.n early October.
The Senate fu'ther asked that
President Ruthven, in making new
aculty appointments to the Board
'take into account the present
Board's violation of its own estab-
ished rules of appointment."
The resolution, as passed by the
Senate, reads as follows:
"We, themembers of the Student
Senate of the University of Michigan,
while not wishing in any way to d-is
credit the person involved, who wa
in no way responsible for his ap-
pointment, believe that the Board in
Control of Studergt Publications in
making the recent appointment of
the managing editor of the Michigan
Daily failed to' use the criteris. of
merit established by- the Board Itself,
"The Senate urges that thG Board
in .Control of Student Publications
mmedlately re-examine the w 'e
situation with regard to the editor
slp of. thDily trgh.
hearing at which all persons con-
cerned may appear.
"The Senate further urges that
President Ruthven in making new
faculty appointments to the Board,
take into account the piesent Board's
violation of its own establishedrules
of appointment."
The Senate moved this action afte
evidence was introduced by Speaker
Richard M. Scammon, who inter-
viewed the chairman of the Board and
the outgoing senior editors upon the
petition of 10 members of the Senate
The seven criteria for the Board's
appointments as enumerated by Prof.
William McLaughlin, chairman ol
the Board, were reported by Scam-
mon at the meeting to be: the recom-
mendations of the retiring senior edit
tors, vote of the entire Daily staff
grades, recommendations of the com-
posing room staff, individual peti-
tions of the applicants for the post
personal interviews and the genera:
record of service of The Daily.
It was claimed that as far as couk
be determined the appointee led the
field in only one of these respects
namely grades. However, Sammz
submitted that he had discovered tha
four of the other five leading con-
tenders for the position possesse
better than a "B" aeraege.
Prof. Louis Strauss, a member o
the Board, was reported to have stat
ed at the Spring Parley discussioI
that the recommendations of the re
tiring Senior editors were rated as 91
per cent of the basis for the Board'
appointments. Scammon further re
ported that Professor McLaughili
told him that never in past year
have the recommendations of all th
outgoing senior editors been disre
Senators claimed that the appointe
was not named by any one of the re
tiring senior editors for any one C
the three major senior positions, an
thus maintained that the Board ha
ignored its own standards in makin
the appointments.
Another resolution passed by ti
Senate called for a boycott of Greene
cleaners until that establishmex
agreed to bargain collectively with i
employees. The body also went o
record in favor of the revival of t
Michigan Union opera.
Scarmon was made honorai
member of the Senate and was a
corded a rising vote of thanks for h
work in the Senate's behalf throg1
out the past year.

Huge Airliner Falls In Flames
Killmo Te i Persons In Cleveland

CLEVELAND. May 24.-W) --A
United Air Lines plane carrying ten
persons crashed in flames near Cleve-
land tonight and firemen at the scene
said all aboard must have perished.
Flames fed by gasoline shot high in
the air for two hours after the plane
crashed into a 40-foot wooded ravine.
Firemen from suburban Indepen-
dence village, near the scene of the
crash, quickly exhausted their chem-
icals to no avail.
They said they saw two bodies for

The United Airlines ship was due
in Cleveland from Newark, N. J., at
10:20 p.m. E.S.T. It was a twin-mo-
tored Douglas plane, one of the larg-
est in regular passenger use.
The crash occurred in a sparsely
settled section near Independence vil-
lage, a suburb, ten miles south of the
center of Cleveland, The ship was
headed toward the Cleveland airport
about eight miles west.
Special Policeman James Walters
of neighboring Garfield Heights vil-

State Civil Service
Results Released
LANSING, May 24.-(AP)-Annou ic -
ing the completition of its 34th com-
petitive examination for prospective
State employes, the civil service de-
partment revealed today that 2,541
had passed tests out of 3,750 who took
The department reported 162 have
already been employed out of 483
certified to department heads for em-
ployment and that there are an addi-
tional 300 posts available. The re-
mainder of the successful applicants
are on eligible lists awaiting employ-

County Legionnaires H4
vm ' h i n vl '..v:


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