The Weather Considerable cloudiness to- day; tomorrow fair not much change in temperature. YI e lr 43acZU VOL. XLVIII. No. 168 ANx1J ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1938 PRICE' FIVE CENTS 0o9 Reported Hurt InAlleged Czech -Incited Sudeten Clash Police A tKomotau Af firl Report Of Disturbances But Deny Any Injured Maneuvers Ronutine, Germany AserLs (By Associated Press) Approximately 100 Sudeten Ger- mans were injured, more or less ser- iously, as a result of an attack by Czech soldiers, Deutsches Nachrich- tenbuero (official German News Agency) reported at Berlin yesterday in a dispatch from Komotau, Czecho- slovakia. The commander of the Komotau Gendarmerie emphatically denied the reports. His answer to telephoned in- quiries was that they were "pure in- vention." There were some clashes but no one was injured, the com- mander said. Late yesterday, reliable sources re- port, German foreign officials had as- sured Britain and Czechoslovakia that current German troop movements merely were routine. Meanwhile, last night in London, Europe's latest case of war jitters grew more severe as France and Italy inaugurated naval and army maneuvers in .Northern Africa. Eu- ropean powers warily shuttled war- ships and troops in imposing num- bers 'in the vital Mediterranean area. Franceand Italy, unable to come to terms in moves for a friendship pact because each backs a different side in Spain, prepared for almost simul- taneous maineuvers in their bordering African colonies of Tunisia and Libya. Significant developments of the day included: 1. King Vittorio Emmanuele of Italy left Sicily for Italian Libya toi watch army manuevers near the bor- der of French Tunisia. ' 2. - Seven French cruisers and 18 ,destroyers anchored off Bizerta, naval b ea French protectorate of J n ia, for combined maneuers with the air force. 3. Four German warships-the pocket battleship "Admiral Scheer" and the torpedo boats "Iltis," "Wolf," and "Tiger" - will stop at Gibraltar today on what officials labelled a routine call. Joe, Jack, Co. EnthrallCrow With Gay Feats By JAY McCOnMIC His name is Joseph Canzone, and the monkey's name is Jack. They both hit town yesterday, and traffic has been tied up on the streets they have been working ever since. At 3 p.m. yesterday there were eight cars parked precariously along Packard Street, and 20 or 30 persons gathered around the small simian, throwing pennies at him. Joseph stays in the backgrouind, letting Jack have all the glory, but Joseph is always ready with a new trick or costume for his friend when he sees that people are getting tired of the old one. There are a pair of glasses, a pipe, a hat, and a rubber ball, and Jack knows how to use all of them. The organ in the picture is com- paratively unimportant; it plays only two or three tunes, but Jack does call attention to it once in a while when he dances in time. Some small children were intro- duced to Jack, and Joseph adroitly controlled his pal by means of a leash, politely bringing the monkey up to a sitting position and having him proffer a small black paw. After the concert, Joseph picked friend Jack up and started on his way. But the way is in the direction of campus. He may be here today.{ Spain Sends Gold To U.S. Via France For Supplies PERPIGNAN, France, May 20.-(IP) R-Twenty-four French trucks crossed the Franco-Spanish border from Bar- *celoqa today with a cargo of gold whicA an escort of Spanish Govern- ment o.fficials said was destined for the United States to pay for supplies, (The United States Neutrality Law prohibits the shipment of armaments PhysicistsJ Existence Here Affirm Of Neutrino Crane And Halpern, In University Laboratories, Reveal Further Proof For Existence Of High-Energy Unit, Neutrino, Using 'Cloud Chamber' And Cyclotron By NORMAN A. SCHORR Further proof of the existence of a particle ,of matter, the neutrino, much smaller than the electron, has been established by two -fniversity research physicists, H. Richard Crane and Julius Halpern, it was made known yesterday. The disappearance of energy in the atom under the process of disin- tegration had lead scientists for some- time to believe in the existence of a smaller, hitherto undiscovered par- ticle. To find this unaccounted-for part of the atom, Crane and Hal- pern have been working since the fall, developing a new technique which combines the use of the Wilson "cloud chamber" and the Cyclotron, the University's giant atom-smasher. Their problem was to measure the "recoil" exerted by the neutrino on the atomic nucleus when the nucleus disintegrates after bombardment. When the atom, made up of a nu- Jackson Seeks Stockyard 'Case Reconsideration Claims Court lieVersedi A Decision Of Two Years Ago In The Same Case WASHINGTON, May 20.-(A)-So- licitor-General Robert H. Jackson told the Supreme Court today that it h ad reversed itself in the recent Kansas City stockyard case and should grant a rehearing. He thus joined Secretary of Ag- riculture Wallace in 4hallenging the. April 25 decision which invalidated a Wallace ordqr reducing charges of certain commission men at the stock- yards. The. decision had said that the commission men were not given proper opportunity to rebut findings of Agriculture Department agents. Wallace, in a series of statements, has said that the procedure con- demned was inherited from the prev- ious Administration and has been abandoned since the stockyard order was issued. Jackson said the court ruled two years ago in the same Kansas City :ase that theuprocedure was of no ignificanee but now holds that it s "fatally defective." "We do not here question the power of the court to reverse its previous decision if it(conisiders5 it to have been roneous," the Solicitor General said. "We do suggest that the reversal war- :ants a rehearing." recti Attacks PIM1i1)pPr i lif Calls it Artiicial Method To -alt Business Slump ,CINCINNATI May ,0.-(/)-Pres- ident William Green of the American Federation of Labor declared tonight; "We cannot go on fighting emergency conditions with government spend- ing forever." "We must find a solution for our unemployment problem," he con- tinued in an address prepared for the A.FL.'s first annual trade and union label exposition here. "Government spending is an arti- ficial means of increasing purchasing power. What is the natural way? "Higher wages, shorter hours and an end to sweatshop conditions will put money into the pockets of the .reater masses of our people, money they will be eager to spend for the products of American industry. "The natural way to reduce uncm- ployment,"' Green asserted, "is to provide work for the unemployed in private industry. The natural way to increase purchasing power is to raise American standards of working and living conditions." The AFL's chieftain said the or- ganization "is going into the iner-' ,handising business" and proposes to "deliver the union market to worthy American business men who employ members of unions affiliated with the American Federation of Labor." Ann Arbor Milk Prices cleus which contains protons and neutrons and is surrounded by one or more electrons, undergoes bom- bardment by the cyclotron it becomes radioactive, or emits rays similar to those emitted by radium. Disin- tegration takes place and one or more of the electrons is emitted from the nucleus.° Previous experiments had born out the fact that when an elec- tron is emitted, there is a loss of energy on the part of the nucleus the energy ataken away fittaoin9 the energy taken away with the elec- tron. w The two physicists decided to trace the motion of the nucleus as a way to measure its recoil when the electron is ejected and a new atom formed. To facilitate this observation, which had never been carried out before, they developed a new technique with the cloud chamber. They started with atoms of chlorine and made them radioactive by firing deuterons, or nuclei of heavy hydro- gen, at them from the cyclotron at a speed of approximately 72,000,000 miles per hour. The new chlorine gaseous compound was then placed in the cloud cham- ber and the course of the particles emitted during disintegration was photographed. Although it is impos- sible to see or photograph the par- ticles themselves, their lines of motion may be reproduced when the vapor (ontinued on Page 2) President Asks 24 Milions To Enlarge Navy Warships, Plawes, Airship To Be Started According To Naval Expansion Act WASHINGTON, May 20.-U)- Congress received a Presidential re- quest today that it appropriate $23,- 875,000 inmediately to begin streng- thening the nation's sea and air de- fenses in accordance with the three- day-old naval expansion act. The President outlined the intended uses of the fund as follows in a letter to Speaker Bankhead: For three new warships, ten auxil iaries and a fleet of small vessels of great speed and maneuverability, $16.500,000. Nine Patro Plam-s For nine patrol planes of the latest type, $3,375,000. For a rigid airship-the first since the Macon and Akron crashed several years ago--$500,000. For ijmprovemlets at navy yards. $3,500000. The money, scheldiiled to be includ- ed in the second deficiency appropria- tion bill. now pending before the House Appropriations Committee, would be sufficient only for a stat on the new vessels and the dirigible. Unofficial Navy estimates placed their ultimate cost at around $115.000.000. iAisks For Plane Carrier The warships for which the Piesi- dent asked funds are two light crui- ers and an airplane carrier, whi h probably will cost about $22,000,000 each to complete. The auxiliaries include a destroyer tender, a large seaplane tender and two small ones, a mine layer, a mine sweeper, two oil tankers and two fleet tugs. The dirigible is to be of 3,000,000 cubic feet. The Naval Expansion Act provides that its total cost shall not be more than $3,000,000. WPA Fires 10Employes For 'Politics Simultaneous Move Made To Swing CIO Behind Pennsylvania Democrats Jhn 1Lewis Has 'Nolhing To Say' WASHINGTON, May 20.-OP)-The Roosevelt Administration announced the dismissal of ten WPA employes in Pennsylvania for political activity today and simultaneously made what was widely interpreted as an effort to swing the CIO behind the Demo- cratic ticket in that state. Harry L. Hopkins, the Works Prog- ress Administrator, disclosed that the ten employes had been dismissed and eight others penalized for "political activities for rival candidates" in the recent bitter primary campaigns. John L. Lewis, whose CIO ticket in the Pennsylvania Democratic pri- mary was beaten by candidates of the state Democratic organization, was a luncheon guest at the White House during the day. High party leaders who talked with the President later seemed confident, however, that Lieut.-Gov. Thomas Kennedy, Lewis' beaten candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor would not reenter the race as an independent. Jones, who supported Kennedy in the primary, subsequently issued a public statement saying he would sup- port the party nominees and predicted the remainder of the "squad" would line up promptly and solidly. Mr. Roosevelt reiterated his often expressed hands-off attitude toward primary elections. He refused to comment on the outcome of the Penn- sylvania voting, saying he took no part in the campaign. And, he added, he was taking no part in the Oregon primary today. Members of the cabinet had a hand in the primaries of both states, how- ever. Postmaster General Farley, the Democratic National Chairman, endorsed Kennedy's candidacy and simultaneously gave his support tp Gov. George H. arle, andidate of the Democratic organization for the senatorial nomination. Board Reveals Canididate List Publications Elections Will lake Place Tuesday A revised list of 10 candidtes wlo will run for positions on the Board in Control of Student Publications in Tuesday's all-campus election was announced yesterday. Those selected are Bruce Campbell, '39; Phil Clark, '39; Richard Knowe, '39E; Roy Sizemore, '39F&C; Bernard Schweid, '39; Edward Macal, '39; Charles Jacobson, '39E; Kevin Hepp, '39; Hamilton Morris, '39 and Rob- ert Fryer, '38. Out of the list, campus voters will elect three to replace incumbents Bud iumdahl, '38; Frank Coolidge, '38 and William Shackleton, '38E. Spganisi-Anerican War Vets Hold Reunion Today Veterans of the 31st Michigan vol- unteer infantry in the Spanish Amer- ican War wil hold their annual re- union here today. More than 300 are expected to attend the affair, for which a special program of entertain- ment has been planned by 19 mem- bers of Company A, veterans who still reside in Ann Arbor. Mayor Walter C. Sadler has asked that the Amer- ican flag be displayed throughout the city to honor the veterans. Bows To Fishnan Pitches Superbly In Shutout; Michigan Plays Errorless Baseball Smick And Beebe Lead Hitting Attack By HERBERT LEV While Herm Fishman was holding Notre Dame's baseball team com- pletely at bay in registering his sec- ond consecutive shut-out yesterday, his teammates hopped on the offer- ings of two Irish hurlers for nine solid hits to give Michigan a 6-0 vic- tory. Fishman was in top form. Although he allowed the invaders nine safeties, the little southpaw kept 'them well scattered and was invincible with men on the sacks. His control was flaw- less as he issued nary a base on balls while retiring five batters on strikes. Varsity Pounds Mandjiak Meanwhile, Michigan showed little respect for Notre Dame's highly tout- ed left-handed ace, Mike Mandjiak, who lasted less than two innings un- der the Wolverine onslaught. Danny Smick and Leo Beebe led Michigan's attack with two bingles apiece. The Wolverines' defensive play was by far their best of season. For the first time since the southern trip, they played errorless ball in the field. Sensational stops by Walt Peckin- paugh and Hank Greenberg, sopho- more first baseman, were features of the day. Peckinpaugh Scores Michigan wasted no time in getting started. In the first inning with two men out and Peckinpaugh on first by virtue of a pass, Bob Campbell and Smick hit successive singles to send Peek across the plate. Four Wolverine base-hits coupled with a pair of Mandjiak's own .bon- ers led to the hurler's downfall in the second frame. Leo Beebe, first man up, slapped a Texas leaguer, and counted Michigan's second tally on hits by Fishman and Freddie Trosko. After Don Brewer had grounded out, Peckinpaugh lined a single to left scoring both Fishman and Trosko. Campbell, next up, hit to Mandjiak, but the Irish hurler tried forda force (Continued on Page 3 Hold-Ups Net Bandits $400 Resident Escapes Death After Resistance An Ann Arbor resident escaped from death by a hairs-breadth last night when the gun of a hold-up man missed fire three times: The incident took place during one of two grocery robberies which netted a bandit pair over $400. Another man, Harry Cazepis, pro- prietor of a grocery at the corner of Spring and Miller Avenues, was clubbed by the pair when he resisted them. He is in Saint Joseph's hos- pital with a deep cut in his head. The hold-up men escaped from his store with $300 after cutting telephone wires Louis Klager, the man whom one of the bandits attempted to shoot down, was in the grocery of Harry Yarmain at 1612 Jackson Ave., when the robbery took place. The bandits entered the store and forced cus- tomers to the floor, taking at least $60.60 from the cash register. Klager, attempting resistance, threw his cane at the men and charged. One of the pair pulled the trigger of his revolver three times but the gun missed fire. At a call from his companion, he fled. Police do not know whether the pair possessed a car. In the second robbery, the bandits also took $45 from Yarmain, who was celebrating his birthday. It was the fourth time in three years that the store owner had been robbed. Once he was shot in the back by bandits. Police are investigating the hold- ups, which took place only a little more than a week after a request for seven additions to the force were denied. At Columbus; Notre Dame Bill on the evidence of four witnesses, later proven perjurers, was pre- sented, in a film last night at Labor Hall under the auspices of the Amer- ican League for Peace and Democracy. Mooney was convicted for partici- pation in the bombing of a San Fran- cisco Preparedness Day . Parade through the efforts of public utility magnates, said Ernest Goodman of the Detroit Lawyers Guild. Mooney's attempt to organize the utility work- ers made him a dangerous man in the eyes of employers, he continued, and through collusion with the prosecut- ing attorney, they secured his convic- tion. , Since the original trial in 1917, three of the four main witnesses have confessed to offering false testimony; and the fourth has been proven a per- jurer by testimony of his friends,, Goodman stated. In view of the fact, both the judge and all the living jurors who convicted Mooney, have admitted his innocence, headded. De- spite this, he explained, the courts of California have repeatedly denied Mooney a new trial. Mooney has become a symbol to or- ganized labor throukhout the world, Goodman declared, and unions have been tireless in their efforts to secure justice for him. Since he was im- prisoned for his attempts to help the working class, he said, laborers feel it their duty to fight for his freedom. Short Story Gets Honorable Mention "The Wedding," a short story by Mrs. Henry Branson, formerly Anina Coniglio, who attended the Univer- sity in 1935 and 1936, appeared in the Honor Roll of the "Best Short Stories of 1938" edited by Edward J. O'Brien, discus, topping the field with a throw of 152 feet 4 3/4 inches. On the strength of his perform- ances today, Watson is virtually con- ceded the retention of his Conference titles in these events. The Wolverines lived up to expecta- tions in all events and added a few surprises along the line to strength- en their title bid. Coach Charlie Hoyt's crew qualified 13 men to top the field. The rest of the teams trailed in the following order. Michigan Power In Field Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and In- diana each qualified eight; Ohio State was next with seven ; Chicago_ and Purdue had five each;' while Minne- sota and Northwestern wound up the list with three and one respectively. As expected it was Michigan power in the field events which provided most of the points. John Townsend garnered points behind Watson in the shot and discus and was within strik- ing distance of second place in both events. Fred Martin placed second among the javelin throwers, finish- ing behind Iowa's Bush Lamb with a mark of 201 feet 4 inches. Lamb set the pace at 202 feet 7 inches, and it'll be a fight between the two for the title tomorrow. There ,was no qualifying round in the pole vault where Michigan's Jim Kingsley is expected to nab a second place behind Milt Padway of Wiscon- sin. All entries in the high jump, ad- vanced to the final, round without qualifying preliminaries. On the track, the Wolverines quali- (Continued on Page 3) Starr Tag Sale Begins Today, Proceeds TQ Help Educate Under-Privileged Boys The Starr Comonwealth opens its fund drive for under-privileged boys today with a city-wide sale of tags. Green-capped boys, all recruited from the ranks of "Uncle Floyd's Boys," will be stationed throughout town and campus to exchange tags for contributions. All donations will be applied to the support of the home for friend- less boys, founded by Floyd Starr, Al- bion College graduate, on a hill-top near Albion twenty-five years ago. Lauded by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, University Counselor for Foreign Stu- dents, as a "character factory" and - "one of the country's finest goodwill enterprises," the Starr Common- enior Senior Cap And Gow Parade Is Fme Tradition Tiaping Says By MORTON JAMPEL color movies of the Swingout and "The fact that Swingout, one of has been displaying them to alumni Michigan's oldest traditions, came groups throughout the country. back after five years, indicates that Swingout originated at least a quar- it is a worthwhile thing," T. Hawley ter century ago, the alumni director Tapping, general secretary of the Al- said, and anything that old must umni Association, said yesterday, have some fundamental value. The Seniors in the "good old days". used same spirit that brought 3,500 stu- to hold Swingout earlier in the semes- dents to the Interfraternity Sing ter and then wear their caps and should make Swingout a big success, gowns to classes every Wednesday, he said. Mr. Tapping, who will speak at the Mr. Tapping will speak to the sen- Swingout gathering in Hill Auditor- iors Sunday on getting acquainted