The Weather Showers today and tomorrow; Cooler tomorrow in south. VOI. XLVIxII No. 167 ANr ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1938 Editorials The New Caesarism,.. Memo : To The Frateritis... PRICE FIVYE CENTS i I - - I National Strike Looms As Rail Unions Battle Wage Slashes Congress May Withhold Government Financial. Help If Pay Is Reduced Labor Stand Wins. Congress Backing WASHINGTON, May 19.- (A') - Railroad labor unions served notice today that a nationwide strike would be the "only ultimate result if the roads carried out intentions to cut wages. The workers' opposition to the projected 15 per cent pay cut won powerful support in Congress, where a movement developed to withhold emergency financial aid from the car- riers uress they agreed to maintain existing wage levels. Senate Returns Legislation At the request of Chairman Wag- ,ner, (Dem., N.Y.) of the banking c&mmittee, the Senate sent back to the committee legislation which would provide federal loans for the rbads. Wagner said several members of the committee wanted to change the bill to prohibit federal loans to carirers that forced wage cuts. The Wagner group previously had approved the bill in its present form but the New Yorker said the action was taken before the wage issue en- tered the picture. The unions' strike threat was con- tained in a statement by 'the Railway Labor Executives' Association that de- clared: , 'JIRa ilroads Will Strike' "If the railroad management in- sist on going through with their at- tempt to cut ernployes wages 15- per cent, the only ultimate result will be a nation-wide strike. "The railroad workers of America, already grossly underpaid, simply will not accept a wqge reduction of any kind. They have already been heavy sufferers from-the railroads' policy of putting the payment of interest to wealthy bondholders above decent living standards for their employes.", Progressives Vote Solidly For ASU Un1io11 Speech, By Kenneth Born Scans History Of Peace Strikes On Campuses The Progressive Club unanimously voted to affiliate with the American Student Union, an orgapization rep- resenting the progressive student movement, at a nembership meeting held last night at the 'Union. Since its formation in 1935. the ABU has been one of the most im- portant elements in advancing the cause of peace, student security, dem- ocratic education and civil liberties throughout the country, ( Kenneth Born, mid-western organizer for the organization told the Club. The Peace Strike, held this year on campuses throughout the country had three quarters of a million student participants as compared with 25,000 in 1935, Born said. The founder of the Peace Strike was Joseph Lash, ex- ecutive secretary of the ASU. The peace education work, carried on by } the ASU, Born said, has helped great- ly in making students aware of the threat of war and fascism. At a time when men like Mayor Hague can establish themselves as virtual dictators, when unemploy- ment is prevalent and relief measures inadequate, the need for a streng, united peace movement is obvious. Born stated. The time when students regarded themselves as isolated from the rest of the world is passed, he added. MSC Receives $7,200 Gift Of Rackham Fund EAST LANSING, May 19.-(P) -- The State Board of Agriculture today accepted a further gift of $7,200; from the Horace A. Rackham Foundation of. Ann Arbor for continued research in undulant fever. The grant will permit Dr. I. F. Huddleson, professor of bacteriology of A in ira Cz+ 0 .1 Onlar s an l . Weir Asserts SFDIR Policies HoldUp Jobs CHARLESTON, W.Va., May 19.- W I)-Ernest T. Weir, steel magnate, advocating a seven-point recovery program tonight, predicted "men wanted" signs again would hang on factory gates if the Roosevelt admin- istration changed its policies "to aid and encourage private enterprises. In an address entitled "This Gov- ernment-Created Depression," the outspoken chairman of the National Steel Corp. suggested to the West Virginia Chamberof Corpmerce this program for recovery: "Restore confidence by an unquali- fied pledge to retain unaltered the principles and structure of the Ameri- can systems of business and of gov- ernment. "Declare a permanent policy with regard to basic economic control. "Amend tax laws to eliminate puni- tive and crippling provisions. "Amend the labor laws so 'they shall be fair and apply with equal forces to the employer, all employes and all labor organizations. "Remove ° threats of government competition such as the one over- hanging utilities. "Send the Corcorans, the Cohens and their kind back where they came from. Cease attacks on business. Provide a leadership under which all the people can unite. "Make the program clear and then stick to it." A staunch Republican, Weir added a political note to his ad- dress by saying: . "In the coming elections, let us forget party lines and support those candidates who demonstrate they un- derstand and will act for the genuine fundamental needs of our country." Suchow, Falls To JaP Army In Fierce Fight Goal Of 'Grand Campaign More Important Than ,Nanking- To Japanese., SHANGHAI, May 20.-(Friday)-. (1P)-The Japanese army today an- nounced the completa occupation of Suchow, the military heart of Eastern China, The announcement said Japanese troops had taken the city late yes- terday and were "engaged in annihil- ating remnants of the defeated Chi- nese army." Suchow, 330 miles northwest of] Shanghai, had been the goal of Jap- an's "grand campaign" in Eastern China. Strategically, the city was more important to Japanese armies than fallen Nanking, once China's' capital. Its occupation permits Japanese to link the conquered northern provinces with the Shanghai-Nanking area of the Yangtze River Valley and control the Chinese seaboard from Manchou- kuo to Hangchow Bay. Japanese told of the Suchow victory in the face of Chinese reports from Hankow that Such was not imperiled and that the nearest fighting was atE Hwangkow, 22 miles to the west. There, Chinese said, a Japanese at- tack had been repulsed. As the announcement was made, a Japanese military plane took off fromf Lunghwa Pagoda airfield carrying the first foreign correspondents permitted behind Japanese lines since occupa- tion of Shanghai Nov. 9. The Lunghai Railway, which crosses the north-south Tientsin-Pu- kow line at Suchow, has carried Chi- nese troops and \men to the central front. Kipke Is New Lions' Director, Is Unanimously Electedl To Team's Board Officials of the Detroit Lions. pro- fessional football team, revealed yes- terday the unanimous election to their board of directors of Harry Kipke, former Michigan pig-skin mentor. In announcing the election, G. A. Richards, Lions president, declared, "I have always felt that Harry Kipke. would be a great asset on our board Congress Told To Seek Spirit Of Cooperation Litzenberg Stresses Need Of Friendly Fraternity, Independent Relations Awards Presented At Union Banquet. Barriers of antagonism now exist- ent bet\veen fraternity men and inde- pendents must be broken down in the interests of better service to all stu- dents, Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English department, faculty adviser of the Interfraternity Council, de- clared at the Congress installation banquet last night in the Union. Since small, narrow minds are the only ones to engender this antag- onism, Professor Litzenberg prophe- sied the harmonious working of the two groups as soon as Congress had established itself numerically as the true representative of the entire non- affiliated body. Making suggestions for future im- provement and expansion, he advised Congress to keep its ideals simple yet high, and few yet important. Silverman Speaks Irving Silverman, '38, retiring pres- ident, was toastmaster and told the group that next year will be a crucial one for Congress. Above all, Silver- man emphasized, Congress must *al- ways keep in mind its basic ideal- "the ideal of service, of cooperation, of bettering therlot of the student and individual on, the Michigan cam- pus."n Robert Kleiner, '38, co-chairman of the banquet with Silverman, intro- duced the other guests: Miss Ethel McCormick, social director of the League, Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, president of the Assembly, who pledged full cooperation of that group, Prof. Stanley Dodge of the geography department, and Dn Wil- liam Brace of the Health Service. Following the dinner, Kleiner pre- sented awards to those who had earned them by their work, this year. GoldKeys Presented Gold honor keys were presented to -Executive Council members. Those receiving the keys are: William Barndt, '37, former president; Silver- man; Phil Westbrook, '40; Marvin Relder, '39; David Woog, '40; Kleiner; Robert May, '39E; William Rockwell, '41; Julius Rockwell, '40; Edward Page, "39E; Seymour Spelman, '39; Donald Van Loon, '39E; and Hart- well. District presidents, composing the District Council, who were honored with silver keys are: Roland Rhead, '40; Frank Firnschild, '40; George Gens, '38; Edward Wetter, '39; John McConachie, '40; Ted Leibovitz, '40; Walter Stebens, '40; Jack Hoover, '40; and John Lieneke, '39E. Silver keys were also presented to . (Continued on Page 2) Dynes French Club Head; Connell Is Vice-President Forty members of the Cercle Fran- cais attended the final meeting of the year, a banquet at the Haunted Tav- ern, last night. The following officers were installed, each giving a short talk in French: Martha Dynes, '39, president; Mar- cia Connell, '39, vice-president; Hel- en Owston, '39, secretary; and John Stiles, '39, treasurer. Mussolini Told France, Britain Won'tSeparate Paris Rejects Duce's Plea For Pact, Making His Itnglish Accord Useless France Issues Order Recruiting 60,000 PARIS, May 19-(A)-France and Great Britain warned Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy today they stood shoulder to shoulder despite efforts to separate them. Il Duce's latest demands for sign- ing an Italo-French friendship agree- ment were rejected and the byword in official quarters in Paris tonight was: "Now it is up to Mussolini; he knows our answers." The deadlock in efforts to reach an accord paralleling the Anglo-Italian pact of April 16 was pelieved in many quarters here to have put southern Europe back under the same war- clouds that hung over it in the early part of the year. Perth Calls Agreement Useless At the same time, Lord Perth, British Ambassador in Rome, was re- ported to have told Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano that the Anglo-Italian agreement was worthless without an Italo-Fench accord. (Cooperation between Britain and France was strengthened in confer- ences in London among Daladier and Pis foreign minister, Georges Bonnet, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and his foreign secre- tary, Viscount Halifax). . Il Duce's main demands for sign- ing an accord with France-and the replies-were reported as' follows: Mussoinis Demands Mussolini: France must close her Pyrenees frontier with Spain before Italian troops fighting in the civil war will be withdrawn., The reply: France will close the frontier only after the Italians leave Spain. Mussolini: Italy will conscript troops in Ethiopia unless France promises not to recruit troops in her colonial empire. The; reply: France refused .and is- 'sued an order recruiting 60,000 ad- ditional colonial soldiers. Eaton To Give Hopwood Talk Dramatist Will Address Winners June 1 Walter Prichard Eaton, well known author and drama expert, will be the lecturer at the annual announcement of prize winners in the Hopwood con- test, Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the English department, director of the committee on the contest awards, an- nounced yesterday. Eaton, who is at present with the Yale School of Drama, will speak on June 1 in the League Ballroom. He is noted principally for his work in the field of native American drama and as a dramatic critic with several met- ropolitan newspapers. He was one of the judges of the 1932 Hopwooc contest. Eaton will continue a long line of distinguished Hopwood lecturers, rep- resented last year by Christopher Morley. Beats CIO Reid And Canning Selected To Head Fraternity Council GOV. GEORGE H. EARLE * *' * Pennisylvan ia Parties Expect New Deal Fioht Recent Primary Returns Make For Clean-Cut Issue In Approaching Eection PHILADELPHIA, May 19.-tP)- Manifest concern in Pennsylvania's primary election developments by the high commands of both major parties marked the state tonight as a pros- pective major battleground in No- vember with the New Deal a clear- cut issue. President Roosevelt, James A. Far- ley, Democratic national chairman, and John D. M. Hamilton, chairman of the Republican national commit- tee,, were quick to note the outcome of Tuesday's record-breaking vote. On the Democratic slate, Governor George H. Earle, (above), state com- mittee candidate backed by Farley, defeated S. Davis Wilson, Guffey-CIO backed candidate, in the face for senator, while Charles A. Jones, com- mittee candidate, defeated Lieut. Gov. Thomas Kennedy, supported by the CIO, Sen. Joseph Guffey and Farley for the gubernatorial nomination. Oregon Tests New Deal PORTLAND, Ore., May 19.-(P)--. The position of John L. Lewis, CIO chairman, and the unofficial partici- pation of a New Deal cabinet mem- ber and a Senator will receive a test tomorrow in the Oregon primary elec- tion. More than half million Repub- licans and Democrats will select can- didates for Governor, short and reg- ular terms in the United States Sen- ate, and three conbressmen. The Democratic' contest for gover- nor between stocky, white-haired Governor Charles H. Martin, former congressman and retired major gen- eral, and Henry Hess, former state senator from La Grande, eclipsed all other races. State Architects Convene Today Members Plan o o Inspect Graduate School A meeting of the Michigan Society of Architects will be held at 2 p.m.- today followed by a dinner at the League and an informal evening meeting to which the alumni of the School of Architecture are invited. Included on the program is an in- spection trip thrdugh the recently completed Rackham Memorial Grad- uate School, conducted by William Kapp, a member of the firm of archi- tects who designed the building. Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, wife of the Dean of the architecture school, will be at home to wives of the visiting architects during the afternoon for tea. Tom Mooney Film To Be Given Today "The Strange Cas of Tom Mooney," a talking film showing the story of a man "unjustly imprisoned," will be presented by the Ann Arbor Branch of the American League for Peace and Democracy at 7:45 p.m. today at Labor Hall. This picture, beginning with scenes from the 1916 Preparedness Day bombing in San Francisco, shows how Mooney was convicted for his sup- posed participation in this incident, Ernest Goodman, secretary of the Detroit Lawyers' Guild, will comment on Mooney's case, and Rev. 'H. P. Banquet At Union Honors Meader On His Retirement Prof. Clarence L. Meader of the general linguistics department, who will be retired at the end of this year's summer session, was honored at a banquet held last night in the Union ballroom. President Ruthven, speaking at the close of the ceremonies, stressed the' fact that the banquet should not be looked upon as a memorial, but rather as a fiesta held in honor of an old friend who was not leaving the University, bt rather changing his concentration from teaching to the scholarly work he loved, Following President Ruthven's talk, a wrist watch was presented to Pro- fessor Meader by all those present at the affair. Prof. John G. Winter of the Latin department acted as toastmaster of the banquet. Hoyt Trackmen Expect To Win Big Ten c'ow Three Squads Conceded Chance To Win Meet At Columbus Tomorrow By BUD BENJAMIN (Daily Sports Editor) COLUMBUS, 0., May 19.-(Special to the Daily)-Comfortably quartered in a downtown hotel, Michigan's track powerhouse awaited the opening gun of the 38th Annual Western Confer- ence Track and Field Meet today. Trial lats in ten events are on the program for tomorrow beginning at 3 p.m. The finals will commence at 1:45 p.m., Saturday. b "Beat Michigan" is the cry which emanates from the nine opposing camps again this year. The Wol- verines, odds on favorites to, annex their second' straight title, have a typically strong, well-balanced squad. It will take a real upset to deprive the Wolverines of their second straight title. Three other squads are given a chance to overtake the undefeated forces of Coach Charley Hoyt. Wis- consin,-with strength in the dashes, pole vault, 880, mile, and two-mile. seems to be the chief Michigan con- tender. Others who are doped- to threaten are Ohio State and Indiana. The Buckeyes should pick up firsts in the 100. 220, and high jump with another five points possible in the 440. In- diana will gain most of their points in the distance events-a traditional Hoosier policy-and is the outside team in the race. The entire Conference will be rep- resented, which is certain to spell trouble to some of the bigger boys. The stars from the underdog schools are 'apt to decide the final outcomc cf the meet by depriving the favored outfits of needed points in the var- ious events. Michigan breaks traditional policy this year, Wolverine track teams us- ually sweep to victory on the strength of their running power, but the chief strength of the Hoytmen is in the field. With Big Bill Watson -vir- tually certain of three firsts in the broad jump, shot, and discus, and John Townsend trailing him with sec- onds or thirds in the latter two events, the Wolverines have an edge which will be hard to conquer. Then too, there's Jimmy Kingsley in the pole vault. Kingsley should do no worse than place second, Mil (Continued on Page 3) Delta Sigma Rho Hears Dorr Today Prof. Harold Dorr of the political science department will be the guest speaker at the annual banquet of Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary speech fraternity, to be held at 6 p.m. today at the Union to honor new members. Harry L. Shniderman, '38, presi- dent of organization will serve as Lundahl, In His Farewell, Urges All Fraternities To Present United Front District Delegates Chosen At Election Robert Reid, '39E, Sigma Phi, was chosen president of the Interfrater- nity Council at 'the annual elections held last night. The out-going execu- tive committee selected Robert Can- ning, '39, of Chi Phi as the new sec- retary-treasurer. Reid, a native of Detroit, was chair- man of the 1938 J-Hop. Canning comes from Tonawanda, N. Y. and is head varsity cheerleader. .Reid, as president of the Council, will represent the fraternities from District 1 on the executive committee. Representatives elected by the fra.- ternities from the other districts aree: Charles Lovett, '39, of Trigon, District II; Charles Peckinpaugh, '39, of Chi Phi, District III; Charles Whittemore, '39E, of Psi Upsilon, District IV; Wil- liam Farnsworth, '39, of Phi Kappa Psi, District V. Alumni Members Named Alumni members of the executive committee are: Dean' of Students Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Karl Litzen- berg, Mr. Al Connable and Mr. Charles W. Graham. Two members of the new executive committee were formerly on the coun- cil staff. This marks the first year that an effort has been made to put men on the executive committee who have gained experienced working as try-outs on the Council staff, a prac- tice it is hoped will be continued, according to Bud Lundahl, retiring president of the Council. Candidates Speak Each of the candidates made a brief speech to the council of fraternity represnetatives, introducing them- selves and their policies and platform for the coming year. After the victory of Reid was announced, Bud Lundahl urged that they houses support him and present the 41 houses at Michi- gan as one unit and "so go to town." The retiring secretary-treasurer is Roy Frazier, '38, Theta Delta Chi. The members of the old executive council are: Francil Anderson, '38, Walker Graham, '38, Hugh H. Rader, '38, Thomas McCann, '38 and Bud Lun- dahl, '38, the retiring president. T ilom' Opens Here - esd Selwart Stars Actor Ti" To Appear Second I" A n"Abr~ Fri Valencia Will Withstand Franco, Wounded Volunteer Maintains By JOSEPH GIES Franco's drive to the sea by no means heralds the end of the Spanish war, Steve Nelson, former lieutenant- colonel and second-in-comand of the 15th International Brigade, said in an interview yesterday. Col. Nelson, one of the most widely- known of the American volunteers HENDAYE, France (At the Spanish Frontier), May 19.-(/P) -Rain - drenched Government and Insurgent troops sparred for positions today in two mountain ranges in Eastern Spain. In the Sierra de Corbalan, 10 miles northeast of Teruel, Insurgents attempted to straighten their ea s- tern front to the sea but found the way blocked by solidly en- trenched Government forces. alist people have something to fight for," he said. "The peasant knows that his landlord will return with the fascists; the worker knows the fac- tory owner will come back. The people realize that their struggle against fascism is the struggle against ex- ploitation. They know what life was like under the monarchy, and they know that their old oppressors are in the ranks of the enemy." The Loyalist cause is far from lost from the military point of view, Col. Nelson said. "If the Republican army could get airplanes and ~ artillery in sufficient quantities it could open a major offensive immediately," he as- serted. "The lifting of the American embargo would be most important for this reason, and also for its moral val- ue. If America began sending arms to Spain the people would feel that m iiie iii niui Ilr or L ror Lead In Current Drama Tonto Selwart, well known in Ann Arbor because of his appearances here in last year's Dramatic Festival, re- will return to star in the second ,play of the present season, "Liliom," open- ing Tuesday. Selwart had the male lead opposite Beatrice de Neergaard last 'year in "The Laughing Woman." Support- ing Selwart in this years piece' are Otto Hulett, Frederick Tozere, Jus Addiss, Alan Hewitt, Emmett Rogers and Barbara Dirks who are now ap- pearing in "The Ghost of Yankee Doodle" and William Post, Perry Wil- son, Marie Brown, Doris Rich and Rebecca Tarwater who will arrive from New York to play here. "Liliom" was written by F'erenc Molnar, one of the leading Hun- garian playwrights, and first pro- djuced in Budapest in 1909. Although it was not at all popular at first, when revived 10 years later it was an in- 3tant and overwhelming success. It was first produced in New. York by the Theatre Guild at the Garrick Theatre in 1921 starring Eva La Gal- liene as Julie and Joseph Schildkraut as Liliom. It was also an immediate success here making one of the great hits of the Guild's early seasons. Since that ,time it has been played by every stock company and amateur dra- matic group in the country. The word "liliom" is Hungarian for "lily" but it also is a slang term for a bully. It'is a play of fantasy