THE MICHIGAN DAI [E MICHIGAN DAILY_ I. . I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every ,morning (vccept Monday during the University year and Summer Session, Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicationofs all news dispatches credited to it, or not otherwise, credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00; by mail, $4.50.. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 POPRsKNTSD PON NATIONAL. ADVERTISIN Sv NationalAdvertisingService,inc. College PublishersPReresentative' 420 MADIsom AVES. iew YORK. N,-Y. CNICAOO-SBOSTON LOs ANOEL YS SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors Managing Editor .,. . Robert D. Mitchell Editorial' Director.. .... Albert P. Mayio City Editor..........Horace W. Gilmore Associate Editor . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Associate Editor . . . Saul R. Kleiman Associate Editor..,. . . . Robert Perlman Book: Editor . .....,.....Joseph Gies Women's Editor..........Dorothea Staebler Sports Editor............Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager.. William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager.. ,lelen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: DENNIS FLANAGAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term.. -Alexander G. Ruthven. Henlein And Sudeten Autonomy;. .. NTELLIGENT OBSERVERS of the world scene have advanced the log- ical contention that the composite democratic states like the United States, the British Com- monwealth, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia best preserve the conception of rational political striv- ing as opposed to hereditary passion. These are the states that provide the practical alternative in poitical organization to the militaristic-cave- man ideology which threatens to demolish mod- er civilization. In this respect the minorities issue raised in Czechoslovakia by Konrad Henlein, leader of the Sudeten Deutsche, is of vital importance not only for the continuance of peace in.Europe, but for the existence of democracy in that country and, in a larger sense, in the world. Last week-end Henlein took a flying trip to London, via Berlin, and after. conferring with several British leaders, gave no indication that he would conciliate :in demanding greater auto- nomy for his German followers. It is, in fact, becoming increasingly clear }that what the Hen- leinists-and behind them Germany-most wish to avoid is a reasonable settlement. The demands made at the Carlsbad convention last April are still regarded as an ultimatum, and they have rejected every one of the liberal offers of con- ciliation made by the Prague government. The eight-point program presented by Hen- lein offers an interesting study in authoritarian- ism. He frankly threw off all pretense that the Sudeten German movement is inspired by local grievances against Prague's rule, declaring that his followers, "like Germans in every part of the world" accept the Nazj ideology, and will no longer "tolerate a state of affairs that means for us war in time of peace." His program in- cludes full equality in representation of Sudeten Oermans and Czechs, which would mean an abandonment of the fundamental Czech concept that the Germans are a minority in the Czecho- slovakian state, appointment of German state employees in all German districts, and full libertN for Germans to proclaim their Germanism and their "adhesion to the common ideology of Ger- mans." Without overstepping the bounds of objectivity, it is safe to observe that the Czechs have shown themselves better handlers of minorities than have the Germans. Some of these demands may yet be met in a modified form, but Prague's hesitancy is understandable. Complete accept- ance would mean the establishment on Czech ter- ritory of a totalitarian state within a state, and force the republic to the position of a German vassal. In their essence Henlein's demands mean that 22% of the population of Czechoslo- vakia shall be entitled to renounce the basic prin- ciples of the state in which they live-a legal right to be disloyal citizens of the Czechoslovak R.n,1hhe certainlv grotesque demand in the to Henlein's demands, only to face "peaceful eco- nomic strangulation and gradual dismember- ment by Germany." Still, the Czechs have proven themselves able politicians and sincere demo- crats, and to despair beforehand over the fate of a people with those qualities, is to admit that they are meaningless in the face of barbarism and violence. Elliott Maraniss. Our Inconsistent Foreign Policy.. .. LAST WEEK our government through some of its agencies handed a sharp rebuff to the blustering Nazis who are rattling the gun wagons and disturbing the peace of the world. At the same time, the other pretentious leader of world fascism was given to understand by our government that we are not in the least forced by manufactured fear into recognizing the seizure of territories by conquest. Nevertheless, the State Department has since, in effect, con- tradicted its admirable stand. The afirst important sign of our refusal to ad- here to the supine acceptance of every fait accompli of the fascist conquerors was the speech of Secretary of War Woodring. It warned the dictatorship nations' that if they push too far they will inevitably provoke war. Perhaps the most vital sentence in the speech is this one: "It is essential that continued aggression stop be- fore things get out of hand." Immediately after the admonition, Mussolini's mouthpiece, Virginio Gayda, wrote in charac-- teristic arrogant fashion his dictator's dissatis- faction with our attitude. It must be remem-. bered that the fascists fighting in Spain want more than anything else a continuation of Amer- ica's policy of "neutrality" which allows arms to go to them and not to the democratic govern- ment of Spain. Secretary Woodring's quoted sentence was an, indication that the embargo on Spain might be lifted to support the Spanish gov- ernment. In effect, th'en, Mussolini was seeing the. American government as a major obstacle to his successful war of conquest on the Iberian Peninsula. .** * * Later in the week Secretary of State Hull said that the United States would continue to main- tain its stated policy that it would not recognize territory acquired -by conquest. In more ex- plicit language Secretary Hull was refusing to accept the conquest of Ethiopia, if it can be called that, for Emperor Haile Selassie claims to have information that his countrymen are still actively battling the encroachment of Italian troops. The German government also had reason to resent America's attitude. Our government re- fused to sell helium gas to the Nazis after weeks of bickering back and forth. Despite any claims to the contrary, one can count on Ger- many's former record as a promise-breaker to believe that the helium would have been used for military purposes. The second strike scored against the, Nazi ag- gressiveness was the note by our Berlin Ambas- sador Hugh Wilson to the effect that Germany should observe her trade treaty of 1923 with us by recognizing the rights of American citizens in business there. The note was written upon re- ceipt of the news that a Nazi decree against property of Jews would operate against American Jews. Our government was asking for the recog- nition of treaty obligations. The Germans made no effective answer. * * * * If it was sincerely intended that the United States as one of the most powerful ecoliomic and political realms should rebuke the bullyism of the dictators, then our State Department failed in its efforts. For, realistically looking at the situation, our State Department balked the at- tempt to lift the embargo which our Neutrality Act imposes on Spain, a legally elected govern- ment with full national rights in the world. But the German and Italian invaders of Spain are able to sail ships out of American ports loaded with war materials, to be used against a weaker sister democracy. / If we were intending seriously to admonish and quarantine two war-crazed dictators, then by all means our government should have allowed the Spanish government to drive them out. Our actions should have followed on the path laid down by Secretary Woodring: ". . that continued aggression stop before things get out of hand." In such action was America's opportunity to serve the cause of world peace. Albert Mayio. Esiiwoja's Democracy At a time when the advantages of dictatorial government are noisily preached to the world by shirted proprets at the microphone, it is reassur- ing to hear of a country which left and has now rejoined the democratic fold. Esthonia, south of Leningrad, on the eastern shore of the Baltic, a country of little more than a million people, has had a hard history. One of Europe's battle- grounds in the past, it fought as part of the Russian Empire in the Great War; it was over- run by Germany in 1917 and invaded by revolu- tionary Russia in the next year. Estonia rose quickly from the ruins of the war; under a Con- stitution which put the power of the state "in the hands of the people" she built for herself the complicated social services of a modern state and showed an excellent progressiveness. The new order did not escape its difficulties, and in the depressed years, 1931-33 when Fascism raised its ugly insubordinate head, democracy was abandoned. But the President, M. Pats, and his soldier ally, General Laidoner had no liking for the hard necessity of ruling as dictators. "If we want," said M. Pats, in 1935, "to establish natural life once more on solid foundations, we must have a new Constituent Assembly." This year a new Constitution became law. The Pres- ident's powers are still great. He appoints cab- inet ministers but the First Chamber, elected by popular ballot on the "English system," can force that cabinet tn resign. The change came auietly The Editor Gets Told... An O~rcid To the Editor: It is with the sincere hope that the editors of the Michigan Daily can stand a little praise that I offer this comment. on your very fine newspaper. I was passing through Ann Arbor this morning and chanced upon your morning edition. Having a little more than passing fancy in news-sheets, working on metropolitan dailies for 20 years, I was immediately taken by your near-perfect makeup. I was astounded to learn that this paper is entirely a student job. May I say that your front page would do credit to many of our big-town dailies? The heads were punchy, concise, direct. And the choice and play of stories could not be bettered. Your editorial page shows distinct signs of the liberalism mentioned in one of your front page stories. Why the signed editorials? Censor? You might be interested to know that I was sitting right next to Broun when he wrote the column in your paper this morning. All in all, your paper looks exceedingly fine and it gives me a great source of pleasure to see young boys doing such excellent work. The night editor who was responsible for this morn- ing's lay-out can work for me anytime. Good luck. -J. M. Frank. New York City. Reviving The 'Ghost' To the Editor: I think that the severity of your reviewer's report of Sidney Howard's "The Ghost of Yankee Doodle" was in part based on certain misconcep- tions. For instance, his references to "chaos" "the limbo of futility" and "the eternal fumbling liberal," assume that Mr. Howard ought to have written a propaganda play in which the answers are neatly indicated instead of a problem play which was intended all along to end with an in- terrogation. One might as well find faut with Shakespeare's clumsy art in making Hamlet ap- pear hesitating and indecisive. Mr. Howard means that life today is often chaotic and futile and that the best that any of us can do is to fumble; though, it should be added in fair- ness to him, he believes we can worry along with unconquerable courage, hope and good humor. The strangest remark in the review is that American life is here interpreted "in terms of the upper income Bracket." Liberalism in the play is embodied in four persons: a business man within two weeks of bankruptcy, a lady in danger of losing her home, a publisher whose liberal paper, we are told, runs an annual deficit in the best of times, and is now on the verge of being closed out, and a discharged college pro- fessor whose income could never have been large and is now zero. Outside the windows is a mob of the unemployed. There are only two char- acters in the play who are even solvent, the news- paper tycoon and the aged politician, and surely Mr. Howard is not looking through their eyes in this play!I There are other and minor misconceptions, For instance, it is true that the newspaper mag'- nate is verbose and theatrical. He rents, because he is the sort of man who does rant. It would be as impossible to overact him as to overact Hitler. For any of the other characters to act In such a fashion would have been bad art, but none of them do. Again, it is implied that the hero- ine's lines are mere gags or wisecracks artificially tacked on to her, so that the actress must speak them "outside herself." This may be true of some few of the lines, almost no modern (or Elizabethan) dramatist has been able to resist the temptation of getting off a good thing even at an inappropriate moment; but that the heroine should be witty is as much the author's inten- tion as that she should be wise or brave. With- out a daring wit she could never have attracted Clevinger. In short, the whole review, both as to the book and the acting, takes as its premise that Sidney Howard ought to have meant something else than he did mean. Every work of art must be criticized from the angle of its own intentions It is unfair to call a gargoyle a badly carved angel, and equally unfair to expect a subtle prob- lem play dealing with the intellecttfal difficulties and ethical hesitations of impoverished middle class Americans to be a simple forthright anti- capitalist tract. I agree most heartily with your reviewer's comnmendations of the acting of most of the principal characters, and think that it might in- deed have been even stronger. My main concern, however, has been with the interpretation of Mr. Howard's excellent play. I should be most sorry if my expression of opinion at variance with that of your reviewer should be taken as a criticism of the policy of examining and discussing the ide- logogical aspects of the drama. There is no bet- ter means of ventilating ideas than on the stage; and both Mr. Howard and the reviewer have grasped the central point, that the drama. is not a mere amusement to fill an idle hour, but a major activity of the human spirit. In this, as in so many matters, the Michigan Daily, dur- ing the past three or four years in particular, has been doing an educative work comparable to that of any department of the University. Preston Slosson. Re : RosecruCitn To the Editor: This morning's issue of the Michigan Daily prints on the editorial page a letter which implies that a subscription:to the Rosecrucian Magazine is paid for from the funds voted by the Regents to the General Library. It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN Increasingly it becomes difficult for the American reader to understand foreign politics. It never was easy, and the growth of Fascism has not helped comprehension. I have par- ticularly in mind the speech which Mussolini made to many thousands in the city of Genoa. Here in our large industrial cen- ters we come to think that we know the Italians pretty well. As we see them in our own communities they] are distinguished by gaiety and a very lively sense of humor. But the top man seems to be a person who has4 never made a joke in his life or lis- tened to one. At times it almost seems as if] Benito were trying to burlesque the movement which he leads. Of course, it isn't a laughing matter, and it will take more than satire to stem the tide upon which he rides at the moment. Possibly the speeches may seem less preposterous before they are put! into - English. But the very back- ground of these public appearances always suggests an operatic setting. Mussolini himself seems to be hang- ing on to a high note, and at any moment one expects to hear the vio- lins and woodwinds chime in to swell the effect. Verdi is just around the corner. And, worst of all, even the most friendly correspondents can't make it sound like a good production. One suspects that a fly-blown troupe has straggled into some small Western city of the plains and that "Aida" is about to be done very badly. * * * A Street In Genoat Look at the scene in Genoa. "He spoke to an enormous crowd packed in the Piazza della Vittoria from a high stand built in imitation of a battleship prow." One wonders wheth- er the Duce did not fear that some- body might break a bottle of cham- pagne over his head. "At the foot of the stand were 16 large female figures with their arnis raised in the Fascist salute symboliz- ing the victories of Italian arms dur- ing the Fascist regime." This would seem to florid touch and also rather generous bookkeeping, but it so hap- pens that Mussolini is his own of- ficial scorer. No errors are ever set down. Miscues go as drives which1 were too hot to handle. And speaking from a setting adorned with palpable slices of ham, the Duce proceeded to live up to the scenery. In fact, he chewed it. ItI was a papiermache prow and a tinsel1 oration. Public men in America are not averse to discourses in which they lay it on a little thick, but even the most shameless of our native spell- binders warms up a little before he turns on his full effects. And there is generally some process of letting down here and there with what passes for homely wit. This is not so of Benito Mussolini. An. oration by him is an aria from start to finish, and not a note ever falls below high C if he can help it. He speaks not of today or tomorrow but always in terms of eternity. The alliance with Germany is not just a successful diplomatic coup but an alliance which is to be everlasting. Speaking of agreements between him- self and Hitler, the Duce said, "They are something solemn and definitive in history." Even the helter-skelter pact pushed through with Chamber- lain was mentioned with the dog- matic statement, "This agreement will be lasting." - . * * * t Jgal ing JWitg Destiny He told his audience that his visit to Geona closed one period of Genoese history and opened a new one. Pos- siblythis explains why Mussolini sel- dom smiles and never laughs out loud. One might as well expect a chuckle to come from a still small voice in a burning bush. Probably the Emperors of ancient Rome took themselves quite seriously, too, but Julius Caesar in his Com- mentaries once cracked a minor wit- ticismn. If I remember my high school Latin he did present the claim that "Caesar said not unwittily." I have forgotten the joke. But as I remem- ber it wasn't very hot. And prob- ably the great man-I trust he wasn't ghosted-set it down because he felt that even his lightest words should be remembered. Those old boys preened themselves. and they, too, had the feeling that what they said and did was carved in stone, and would never be erased by wind or weather. But the winds came. The names of the Kings and great ones of Rome remain. They are not without their fame, but history has caught up and passed them by. Much of what they did is dust by now. And if Mussolini were touched at all by superstition he might have taken that artificial prow from which he spoke as a sort of omen. It will go back to the lumber yard, and the 16 large plaster ladies will return before long to the chalk pile. Operas come to an end. The cur- tain falls. The last notes of the viol- (Continued from Page 2) a E hours of academic credit in the pre- o ceding semester, or six hours of aca- E demic credit in the preceding summer t session, with an average of at least M C, and have at least a C average for A his entire academic career.-S Unreported grades ad grades of P X and I are to be interpreted as E un- e: til removed in accordance with S University regulations. Students otherwise eligible, who in the preceding semester or summer ti session received less than a C aver- age, but with no grade of E, or grade interpreted as E in the preceding paragraph, may appeal to the Com- mittee on Student Affairs for special permission. VI. ti Special Students. Special students h are prohibited from participating in c any public activity except by special to permission of the Committee on Stu- A dent Affairs. fl VII. 9 Extramiural Activities. Students who T are ineligible to participate in public activities within the University are prohibited from taking part in other A activities of a similar nature, except e by special permission of the Commit- e tee on Student Affairs. si VIII. vi Physical Disability. Students ex- a cused from gymnasium work on ac- s count of physical ineapacity are for- 9 bidden to take part in any public J activity, except by special permission vi of the Committee on Student Affairs. In order to obtain such permission, a student may in any case be required E to present a written recommendation;M from the University Health Service. O IX. w General. Whenever in the'opinion of d the Committee on Student Affairs, or t in the opinion of the Dean of the G school or college in which the student p is enrolled, participation in a public activity may be detrimental to his college work, the committee may de- cline to grant a student the privilege of participation in such activity. X. 4 Special Permission. The special per- y mission to participate in public activi- m ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII, VIII will be granted by the Commit- tee on Student Affairs only upon the M positive recommendation of tle Dean a of the School or College to which the ti student belongs. p s The Bureau has received notice of 6 the following Civil Service Examina- 0 tions: Student Personnel Assistant A, $100 per month; Michigan Civil Serv- ice Exam. Medical Technician (Field P Roentgenology), $1,800 a year; U.S. Public Health Service, Treasury De- partment; U. S. Civil Service Exam. For further information; pelase call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. 1i Bureau of Appointments and e1 occupational Information. 1 Rochdale Cooperative House: Appli- f cations for admission to the Rochdalen Cooperative House' for the cominga year, 1938-39, are now being accepted.p A new prerequisite to consideration. which requires each applicant to write a 100-200 word essay on then Cooperative Movement, is now in ef- fect. Application blanks are avail- able in Dean Olmstead's Office, Room 2, University Hall, and at the Roch- dale House, 640 Oxford Road. All ap-t plications must be in by Wednesday, May 25.- To All Faculty Members and Wom- en Students who have received ther questionnaire sent out by the Dailyi Business Staff are urgently requestedi to return them immediately to the Daily. Your cooperation in return- 1 ing these promptly will be greatly ap- preciated inasmuch as it is essential to the success of the survey.- Senior Engineers:,.Attention. Final -dispensation of all caps and gowns will be made from the Leaguie, Satur-i day, May 21 from 9-12 a.m. and 1-5] p.m. Consult League bulletin board for room number. A deposit of $4 will be required, $2.50 of which will1 be refunded when cap and gown are returned after graduation. Issuances cannot be made unless class dues are fully paid up. Attention Seniors: Get your caps and gowns for Swingout, May 22, at George J. Moe's Sport Shop, the of- ficial Literary School outfitter. Academic Notices Abnormal Psychology 42 Clinic at Ypsilanti Hospital will be held Friday afternoon, May 20. Busses will leave from the Mall near Natural Science Building at 1 o'clock. Obtain tickets at Secretary's office, Psychology Dept. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a qualifying ex- amination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, May 21, at _ ,., c .An" c trl ...n +100, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive 'notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Comprehensive Examination in ducation after they have completed, r practically completed, the required ducation courses. The examination his spring will be held on Saturday, day 21, from 2 to 5 o'clock in the Lditorium of the University High chool. Bluebooks will be necessary. rinted information regarding the xamination can be secured in the chool of Education office. Mathematics 51, Dr. Greville's' sec- on will not meet Thursday. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture. Drawings, photographs and maps of oviet architecture and city construe- on, also illustrations showing the istorical development of Soviet nr- hitecture from 1918 to the present, aned through the courtesy of the merican Russian Institute. Third oor exhibition room. Open daily, to 5, except Sunday, until May 24. he public is 'cordially invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture: n exhibition of articles in silver, gold, namel and semi-precious stones, for cclesiastical and general use, de- gned and executed by Arthur Ne- ill Kirk, is shown in the pier cises t either side of the Library entrance, econd floor corridor. Open daily, :00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until une 1. The public is cordially in- ited. College of Architeciure; Lecture and xhibit of Modern Glass Pr'ducts fr. H. M. Alexander of the Libbey- wens-Ford Glass Company, Toledo, 'ill lecture on modern glass pro- ucts, accomfanied by an exhibit of his material. Thursday, May 19, 4:15; round Floor lecture room. , The ublic is cordially invited. Events Today Dormitory Board meeting today at p.m. Representatives who have not et turned in their eligibility slips rust do so at that time. Meader Banquet. Prof. Clarence L. leader of the Department of Speech nd General Linguistics whose re- irement from active service takes lace at the close of the Summer Ses- ion is being honored at a banquet at o'clock this evening in the ballroom f the Michigan Union. Glee Club Men: Don't forget the arty being given by the Lyre Club onight. 8:30 at 217 South Ashley treet. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- nces: There will be a meeting of the nstitute of the Aeronautical Sci- nces, tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 042 East Engineering Building. Final plans and details of the Buf- alo trip and the Annual -Banquet vill be discussed. Everyone plan- ping to take the Buffalo trip or to ttend the Annual Banquet should be present at this meeting. A.S.M.E. Members. There will be a meeting of the Student Branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. The purpose-of this meeting is'for the election of officers for the coming year, and it is urged that all mem- bers attend. Fraternity Presidents: Interfrater- nity Council meeting tonight at 7:15 in Room 306, Michigan Union. It is important that all presidents be there as election of next year's officers will be held. Senior Society: There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Under- graduate office of the League. Transportation Club: Meeting at Mrs. Poe's Thursday night. Meet at East 'Engineering Building at 7:30 where transportation will be provided. This is our final meeting and elec- tion of officers. Be sure and be there. Scabbard and Blade: There will be a final business meeting at R.O.T.C. Hdqrs. Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Uniforms required. Progressive Club: There will be a membership meeting this evening at 7:30 at the Union to discuss affilia- tion with the American Student Union. Ken Born, Mid-west Secre- tary will be there to explain the A.S.U. All members and any one interested in the A.S.U. are urged to attend. Coming Events Delta Sigma Rho: T is society is giving its annual formal banquet May 20 at 6 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Those who have not been contacted who would like to come, please call Grace Gray, Sec., 6923. The Outdoor Club will join the