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February 24, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-24

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy today and to-
morrow; local light snow today;
little changein temperature.


5k igun


The Dally Issues
Its Tryout Call..
The Student Senate
And Congress ...



_ r.

To Bomb Key
Japanese City
Air Raid Warnings Set'
As China Follows-Up
Bombing Of Formosa
Japs Shuffle Army
As Advance Stalls
TAIHOKU, Formosa (By Tele-
phone to Tokyo), Feb. 24.-(Thurs-
day)--(1)-The American consulate
here was shaken but apparently not
damaged in the Chinese bombard-
ment of this Japanese Formosan city
TOKYO. Feb. 24.-(Thursday)--(P)
-Domei (Japanese news agency) dis-
patches from Fukuoka today reported
twelve Chinese bombers were ap-
proaching Kyushu, one of the main
Japanese islands.
The Domei dispatch said the ap-
proach of Chinese planes was reported
by Fukuoka defense headquarters.
about 500 miles west and south of
Kyushu Island, southernmost of the
main Japanese islands, is 750 miles
north of the island of Formosa which
Chinese warplanes raided yesterday,
inflicting numerous casualties.
That raid was the first air attack
suffered by Japan in the empire's his-
Air raid warnings were sounded
throughout North Kyushu, and also
in Yamaguchi province, across the
straits from Kyushu.
Nagasaki, Kyushu's principal port
with a population of 211,000, was'
warned of the approaching planes.
The reports said the 12 bombers ac-
companied by pursuit planes were
sighted flying eastward at a high al-

Gopher, Wolverine Puck Squads
To Clash In Title Series Opener

Collegiate hockey's fiercest rivals
clash on Coliseum ice tonight when
Michigan and Minnesota renew their
belligerent bids for the Big Ten
championship in the thirdBof their
annual four-game set..
The local rink will assuredly bulge
with lusty enthusiasts, who always
anticipate, and usually realize, an un-
scheduled brawl between these bitter
contestants. The Gophers and Wol-
verines reached an even-Stephen im-
passe in their first two meetings in
Minneapolis last semester, each win-
ning a match by the same score, 2-1.
SerieshDetermines Title
Consequently, this series will vir-
tually determine the Conference titl-
ist. Both sextets must face the green
Illini squad, but the latter should of-
fer no great obstacle to either Mich-
igan or Minnesota.
Both Gophertown encounters were
spiced by frequent outbursts of fisti-
cuffs, of the dual and mass variety.
In the past, both squads have op-
erated on the assumption that the
rules of nice rink etiquette shouldn't
interfere with their strong penchant
for victory.
Armstrong Brings 13 Men
Gopher Coach Larry Armstrong,
unmindful of superstitions, brings a
13-man squad to Ann Arbor. They
are, in the main, experienced skaters
and stick manipulators. But the
Gophers lack efficiency in hockey's
most vital department, goaltending,
where a courageous ex-tennis player

functions. He is Earl "Pee Wee" Pet-
rich, who appeared when the regular


goalie became ineligible.
Mariucci Heads Visitors
Tonight's match introduces to the
local patronage one of the most color-
(Continued on Page 3)

,Congress Ends
Election Mixers
in Union Today
Independent Organization
To Be Host To Students
In Pre-Voting Drive
Congress, independent men's or-

Raiders would have to cross about ganization, will be host to zones 6
500 miles df the Yellow Sea to reach through 10 of campus independents,
Japan from China. at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
Zones 1 through 5 held mixers yes-
Japan'sk Stemmed terday.
ptackIThe pre-election mixers, it was ex-
SHANGHAI, Feb. 23.-(P)-Japan's plained, serve to acquaint students
widely-extended expeditionary forces, with the candidates running for of-
stalled on nearly all fronts by the fice in their district and with their
hard-fighting Chinese, were prodded neighbors. At yesterday's meeting,
forward today after a drastic shake- Philip eWstbrook, '40, executive sec-
up of high commanding officers. retary, outlined plans of the organi-
In the air as well as on the ground zation, stressing its service functions
the Japanese encountered desperate and urged,
resistance which threatened to pro- "All candidates and interested per-
long their costly invasion of China in- sons should acquaint others with the
definitely. ! organization and its possibilities."
He laid special emphasis on the need
ifor a large popular vote in the elec-

More Than 40
Intend To Vie
In Senate Race.
More than 40 students have already
indicated intention to petition for the
position of Student Senator, Martin
B. Dworkis, '40, chairman of thea
sponsoring committee of the Senate
said yesterday, in urging applicants'
attention to scholastic eligibility.
Dworkis also indicated that candi-
dates will be asked questions on in-3
ternational and national affairs to
determine their political affiliations.
It is expected that their replies will
be publicized so that voters will know
for whom the yare voting.
Meanwhile, as the Liberal Coalition
and conservative tickets continued to
formulate a ticket for the election.
the Young Communist League an-
nounced Monday night that it would
support its president, Rafael Has-
kell, '38E, in the race.
The forms, accepted from 4 to 6
p.m. daily from Feb. 28 through
March 4, require five signatures and
a 25 cent fee.
"We, the undersigned, being stu-
dents of the University, hereby de-
clare our intention of supporting:
"(Name of Student) (Class)
"(Local Address) (Phone No.)
"(Nane of sponsoring organization
or appropriate title if any) for the
position of Senator on the Student
"I, (candidate's name), having an-
nounced my intentions of candidacy,
hereby do petition for a place upon
the ballot."
Yodeling To Top Talk
On Swiss Folk Music
Phonograph records of yodeling
will be featured by Prof. Hanns Pick
of the School of Music in his lec-
ture on Swiss folk music (Sweizer-
ische Volksmusik) at 4:15 p.m. today
in Room 2003 Angell Hall.
The lecture"by Professor Pick, who
was born in Switzerland, is the third
in a series of five sponsored by the
Deutscher Verein. Adomission is byj
ticket only, I

senate Sends
Patched Relief
lill To House
Iouse May Either Accept]
Senate Amendments OrI
Ask For A Conference
loosevelt Passes On
Emergency Fund
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-(A')-A 67
a 1 Senate endorsement sent the
50,000,000 Emnergeny Relief Bill1
ack to the House today for actionc
n amendments.
Only Senator Bailey (Dem., N.C.),
'ho waged an unsuccessful fight to1
equire communities to contribute to'
VPA projects, voted against passage
f the appropriation measure.
The House may either accept Sen-
tte amendments or ask for a confer-
nce to work out a compromise. One
enate change would exempt the ap-
ropriation from provisions of the
Voodrum Amendment, attached to
ast year's relief bill. This provided
hat the funds must be spread over
he fiscal year.
Another alteration eliminated a
louse amendment designed to grant
Belie fto aliens who had "lived hon-
rably" in this country for ten years
>ut who were barred from citizenship.
resent law withholds relief from
liens who have not taken out their
irst citizenship papers.
The Senate rejected, 47 to 25, Bai-
ey's amendment which would'have
equired local contributions of 25 per
ent in the form of cash or materials
n all projects financed by the fund.
President Roosevelt allocated $17,-
19,862 of relief funds to 31 states
oday for use if spring thaws bring
lood conditions and emergency relief
While specific sums were earmarked
'or each state, no part of the money
nay be spent except under emergency
onditions and under authorization
rom the national WPA.
Aubrey Wiliams, acting WPA ad-
ninistrator, said the allocations were
nade "in accordance with our prac-
ice of maintaining adequate provi-
sion to enable states to act promptly
vhen an emergency arises."
The allocations included: Michigan,
Social Service
Seminar Held
Mrs. Irene Ellis Murphy
Talks On Welfare Work
The first meeting of the Ann Arbor
Social Service Seminar was held yes-
terday at the Washtenaw Welfare
Relief Commission office. The sem-
inar, under the chairmanship of Mrs.
Theophile Raphael, is sponsored by
the Women's Committee of the
Community Fund..
Mrs. Irene Ellis Murphy, director
of the Central Volunteer Bureau of
the Council of Social Agencies, De-
troit, spoke on the relief situation in
Ann Arbor and Detroit. The prob-
lem was discussed by the group fol-
lowing Mrs. Murphy's address.
As many relief applications are re-
ceived at present, Mrs. Murphy said
as were received at the depths of the
last depression. Only two months o
the recession, she pointed out, creat-
ed as many relief cases as did twc
years of depression.
The purpose of the seminar is t
enable "interested lay persons t
have an opportunity to participate i

a much larger adventure than mere-
ly knowing their own social agency.'
The seminar will meet at 10 a.m
each Wednesday through March 30
Next week the group, which has2
closed membership of 30 determines
on the basis of earliest application
will meet at the Hoover favtory. Prof
William Haber of the economics de-
partment will discuss "Men and Ma.
Union Still Pickets
At Ann Arbor Press
There were no new development;
yesterday in the International Typo
graphical Union's strike against th,
Ann Arbor Press which began las
The union is still picketing th
Press building and will continue to
picket until an agreement is reache
union officials stated last night.
Arthur J. Wiltse, co-owner of th
company, reported that his shopi
operating normally and that as far a
I~ ,,- -+H nlrAia Pno

Gain In Value
Of University
President's Report Shows
Over Two Million Spent
In Erecting__Buildings
University Received.
Many Large Gifts
An increase in the value of the
educational plant of the University
from $45,460,351.94 toh$48,574,449.87
during the past school year was an-
nounced in the President's report for
the school year 1936-37, released yes-
terday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the President.

Nearly two and a half million dol-
lars was spent on additions to uni-
versity buildings. These included the
Horace Rackham School of Graduate
Studies, the Burton Memorial Tower,',
Allen-Rumsey House and the new ad-
dition to the Union.
Gifts totaling more than $1,190,-
000 to the University were reported
to the Regents during the school year
1936-37. Of this total, $894,778.10 is
in money and the remainder is in
other forms.
Seventeen hundred and eighty-
three students received part-time em-
ployment through National Youth Ad-
ministration. The total payroll for
these students amounted to $172,-
President Ruthven urged the crea-
tion of an educational planning com-
mission as a part of the University>
organization in the report. The com-
mission will gather, marshall ano
study information needed to frame
broad policies, be able to present at
all times exact knowledge of the status
of each department in respect tc
major educational objectives and solve'
the general problems whicharise in
the building and maintenance of the
Increased enrollment in the regular
and summer sessions was noted dur-
ing the year, a nine per cent jumr
occurring in the regular enrollment.
and a 13 per cent in the Summer Ses-
Freshman enrollment increased
over previous years. In the class en-
tering in 1936, thirty-six states, the
District of Columbia, Canada, Mexico.
Puerto Rico and Cuba were repre-
During the first semester of last
year, 9.4 per cent of freshman grades
were A, 28.8 per cent were B, 44 per
Sent were C, 12.2 per cent were D anc
1.7 per cent were E. In the second
;emester, 11.2 per cent of the grade.
vere A, 28.7 per cent were B, 42.2 per
.ent were C, 11.8 per cent were D and
3.5 per cent were E.


Rigid Ban On Nazis
Prefaces Austria's
Reply To Germany



Daily Tryouts
The first meeting for second-se-
mester freshmen and sophomores
interested in becoming members of
The Michigan Daily editorial,
sports or women's staffs will be
held at 4:30 p.m. today in the
Student Publications Building,
Maynard Street.-
A general meeting for all edi- c
torial staff tryouts will be held firstc
and arrangements will then be
made for meetings for the indi-
vidual staffs.
De Madariaga
To Give Peace
Lecture Tonight
World Foundation Head
Believes General War
May Still Be Averted
Salvador de Madariaga, formerE
Spanish ambassador to the United
States and renowned pacifist, will1
deliver a lecture on "What Is Peace?"
at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
In spite of the precarious nature
of the present international situation,
Senor de Madariaga believes that a
general European war may still be
avoided, if partisan passions can beJ
subdued and a rational attitude;
adopted by the governments involved.
"While Europe is a powder maga-
tine and international tensions have
never been higher than they are
now," he says, "nevertheless power-
ful and responsible statesmen recog-
nize the tremendous disaster that a
war would be for Europe."
Elaborating on this statement,
Senor de Madariaga declares that
"never in the history of the world
has there been such plain speaking
and plain dealing; never have states-
men indulged' in such strong accuse.
tions of one another without precipi-
tating war, or even breaking off dip-
lomatic relations."
Senor de Madariaga and the
World Peace Foundation of which
he is chairman, are keen on the idea
-,f peace based on liberty. "We put
-iur faith in the, idea that there is
nothing in the way of organizing
'ife that the will of man, guided by
he mind of man, cannot do," he
ays. "If the will and mind of man
-tre set on getting peace in the world,f
hen we will have peace."
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the po-
litical science department will in-
'roduce the speaker.

Hitler Followers Downcast
At Order Handed Down
By Pro-Berlin Minister
German Opposition
Sounded In Vienna
VIENNA, Feb. 23.-(o)-Austria
laid down a set of rigid restrictions
on Nazi activities tonight on the eve
of Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg's
speech explaining his side of the new
Austro-German agreement.
The new order, issued by the de-
partment of security, banned the
wearing of Nazi insignia and Nazi
uniforms, prohibited, Nazi party ac-
tivity and limted the use of Nazi
songs and the greeting "Heil Hitler."
"Heil Hitler" would be tolerated,
the order said, only if spoken with-
out intent to political demonstration.
And Nazi songs were forbidden ex-
cept on occasions approved by the
Fatherland front.
The flag law was unchanged, which
means the swastika flag may be dis-
played in hotels by German citizens
but only beside an Austrian flag of
equal size.I
The decree brought acute disap-
pointment to the Nazis, particularly
because it came from the security de-
partment which is controlled by Ar-
thur Seysz-Inquart, new minister
friendly to Reichsfuehrer Hitler.
A brisk challenge to the Nazis was
voiced by Vienna's Catholic mayor,
Richard Schmidz, at a meeting of
4,000 members of the Fatherland
"We have tolerated a lot," the
mayor said, "but up to now we have
preserved discipline. Our unchal-
lengeable motto remans 'Liberty and
Atistrian Independence.'"
Police precautions were redoubled
as nervousness mounted on the eve
of Schuschnigg's speech.
Czechoslovakia Ready
PRAHA, Feb. 23.-P)-Czechoslo-
vakia is ready to defend heilelf
against sudden attack without wait-
ing for outside help, the chief of ,the
general staff said today.
He did not mention Germany but
there has been uneasiness here since
Chancellor Adolf Hitler Sunday pro-
claimed protection of German mi-
norities in central Europe.
Debaters Back
Ludlow Bill

Eastern Alumni
Hold Breakfast
Crisler To Speak At Yearly
Atlantic City Reunion
Between 200 and 300 former
University of Michigan students are
expected to be present at the an-
nual Michigan Breakfast, Tuesday,
March 1, at the Ambassador Hotel in
Atlantic City. Fritz Crisler, new,
football coach, has been invited as
special guest.
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Eucation and Frank Cody,
Superintendent of the public schools
of Detroit, will be the toastmasters at
the breakfast which is held in con-
nection with the annual convention
of the American Association of School
Administrators. The meetings are
being held from Feb. 26 to March 3.
The breakfast, sponsored by the
School of Education, is under the
direction of Prof. George E. Carroth-
The Detroit Schoolmnan's Club
Chorus, composed of 35 or 40 mem-
bers, will sing severalaselections. Dean
Edmonson will read a letter of greet-
ing from President Ruthven to the
friends and alumni of Michigan.
RuthvenTo Address
New York Alumni
President Ruthven and other dis-
tinguished alumni of the University
will address a dinner meeting of the
University of Michigan Club of New
York City tomorrow evening at the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
Dr. James Rowland Angell, '90, for-
mer president of Yale, will be the
guest of honor of the evening, and
Dr. Christian F. Gauss, '98, dean of
Princeton University, will be the

tions Tuesday as a basis for enlarging
all aspects of the Congress, program.
The campus has been divided by
Congress into 10 districts of approxi-
mately 400 independent undergrad-
uates, each with its own internal or-
Petitions by independents will be
accepted until tomorrow at Con-
gress' office, Room 306 in the Union.
Election will be held in the South
Lounge of the Union Tuesday.
Following are the rooms assigned
to the zones for tonight's mixers:
District 6, Room 316; District 7,
Rooms 318-20; District 8, Room 319-
21; District 9, Rooms 323-25 and Dis-
trict 10; Room 302.
The Michigan Daily Business
Staff requests all tryouts, both men
and women, for the advertising
or business staffs to report to the
Publications Building, Friday, Feb-
uray 25, at 4 p.m.

Hobbs Finds Europe
Taut; Sees Antarctic
As U.S. Discovery
Prof.-Emeritus William H. Hobbs
.f the geology department, back Tues-
lay from a seven-week tour of Eu-
rope, called the situation there tens(
and predicted a war in "the not dis-
tant future."
Professor Hobbs traveled in France
3ermany, Denmark and Great Bri-
tain, making an address Jan. 28 at the
University of Hamburg on "The Dis-
;overies in the American Sector of the
Antarctic Continents." After a 10
lay stay in Hamburg, he continued
his tour, investigating maps and rec-
ords of the Antarctic exploration.
He went to study the history of the
Antargtic exploration in the Americai
sector as a University research proj-
ct and returned ready to substan-
tiate assertions that an American;
Zapt. Nathaniel Palmer, had discov-
ered Antarctica .


Garg To Appear Today,
Edytor Quick Confides
The Gargoyle, which was to have
Tone on sale yesterday, will appear
his morning, George Quick, '38, ed-
tor, said late yesterday afternoon.
Mechanical difficulties at the strike-
>ound Ann Arbor Press Co. forced
>ostponement of the sale.
Thirty hand-picked beautiful
vomen grace two pages of the Gar-
oyle, and a sure-fire formula to
each this dizzy pinnacle is advanced
n this issue. Irvin Lisagor, Daily
ports editor, turns his talents to short
,tory writing in "When Television
Scooped the World."

See U.S. Tired Of Blind
Date With Death
Characterizing the American people
as "tired of having Congress make
a blind date with Death for them,"
Sidney Davidson, '40, upheld the af-
firmative in the no-decision debate
with University of Illinois "Resolved:
That the Ludlow Amendment Be
"The people are not fit to decide
foreign policy. They have not the
knowledge," countered Jack Bryan of
Illinois, upholding the negative.
The other speakers were Jack Schu-
ler, '40, and Norman Hannah of Illi-
nois. Questions and criticisms in the
open discussion that followed indi-
cated further that the audience was
as widely divided on the question as
the speakers themselves.
The Michigan team worked on two
basic principles: that the people in a
democracy have the inherent right- to
a vote on a matter concerning their
lives, and that the Ludlow Amend-
ment would serve to keep= us out of
Michigan's negative team of Rob-
ert V. Rosa, '39, and Harry Schneider-

Ann Arbor To Get New Theatre
But No Stage Shows, Hoag Says


Worker Convicted On Charge
Of FalsifyingTo Obtain Relief

Ann Arbor has seen its last stage
-how if Jerry Hoag, manager of the
'Michigan Theatre, has anything to say
%bout it-but as a sort of consolation
arize he announces that "before the
present freshmen have graduated
here will be a new theatre in town."
He won't elaborate upon the new
Theatre statement, but when you men-
,ion stage shows Mr. Hoag breaks
sown. "There'll be no more stage
hows as long as I'm manager here,"
'me declares. "They've brought nothing
)ut financial loss and trouble." Mar-
veling at the crowd Tommy Dorsey
irew Tuesday, Hoag still holds to his
tatement. No, not even band shows.
The lone exceptions will be the Uni-
7ersity. band, which plays for one

Barn Dance-and it wasn't the stu-
dents who came to it.
Whether they furnish the majority
of business or not, collegians have
definite tastes in stars. Myrna Loy,
Alice Faye (she's on the way up),
Sonja Henie, Bette Davis, Ginger
Rogers and Katherine Hepburn are
the leading feminine lights in that
order, Mr. Hoag says.
Among the males, William Powell,
W. C. Fields, Spencer Tracy, the Ritz
Brothers, Robert Montgomery and
Gary Cooper head the parade. Cary
Grant (who played the Michigan in
person some years ago as the rear
end of a horse in a comedy act) and
Fred MacMurray are popular but
don't seem to draw. The male lumi-
nary who lost caste with students

After four hours of rapid-firingt
questions, denials and contradictory
testimony, Peter Savage, 35 years old,
of Platt, was convicted of fraud yes-
terday by Judge Jay H. Payne on thej
grounds that he falsified and with-
held information last month about
his alleged part-time employment at
Ford's Dearborn plant in obtaining
$16.20 in relief funds for his wife,
himself and his four children. Sav-
age, laid off by the Ford Motor Com-
pany Tuesday, was sentenced to 60
days in the county jail.
Local relief administrators, County
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp and a
I'renentative for Savage will con-

Rev. H. P. Marley of the' Unitarian man, '39, defeated theT PurdueT-affir-
Church. mative team on the Ludlow Amend-
The testimony of relief workers as ment question last night at Lafay-
to what Savage had told them con- ette, Ind.
flicted with the defendant's answers
from the stand. Savage had been con- il '
fused because of his difficulty in
understanding and speaking' English 10o Staff Members
(he was born in Greece) by Prosecu-
tor Rapp's constant firing of ques-
tions on unimportant points, Sav- Scholarships of -$50 each to be
age's attorney, Harold D. Golds said awarded each year will be available
in his appeal to the court. to members of any student publica-
On Jan. 4, according to the testi- tion maintaining a B average o'ver
mony of Miss Mary Elizabeth Brad- the four semesters prior to their ap-
ley, "in-take" interviewer for the plication for the award, the Board in
local relief office at 417 E. Liberty, Control of Student Publications $n-
Savage came to the office, said he nounced yesterday.

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