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May 18, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-18

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited 0
it or not otherwise credited 'in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter. a
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisugService, Inc.
CAlege Publishers Reiresentative
Board of Editors

Insult and ,challenge to the German Father-
The last interview with von Ossietzky was re-
ported in the New York Times in February, 1937.
The man who had led the struggle for human
liberty in Germany, for the preservation of demo-
cratic principles in a Europe doomed to dictator-
ship, was fighting then to escape from passing
into a land from whose borders not even a "hol-
low voice" could be heard.
In the Germany of today it is treason to ap-
plaud a man who loved his country too much
to stand by while it was passing into barbaric
hands. In this part of the world which is still
civilized, however there are men who will take
off their hats in memory of one who fought for
peace and truth. Until the day when a great
people who once loved liberty and fought for
it come to their senses, we here must hold in trust
for them the memory of Carl von Ossietzky.
Elliott Maraniss.
Time Moves Back .
And Forth In Jersey. .
T HE EXTENT to which New Jersey
legislators are obsessed with a mania,
to protect business and industry and make their
state a haven in which corporations will be able
to guarantee stockholders a yearly flow of divi-
dends was indicated in a news item printed Mon-
day by the New York Times.
It tells of a bill which already has passed the
Assembly and which proposes to force observ-
ance of legal holidays on the closest Monday.
Thus, if Memorial Day were to fall on Wednes-
day, paradeg would be held and school dismissed
on the Monday before, and Wednesday would be
an ordinary weekday.
The bill, it is reported, is being sponsored by
shore hotel owners, who could capitalize the
extra day of an extended vacation, but will face
strong opposition in the Senate from fraternal
and patriotic groups.
Luckily for New Jerseyites, whether the bill
passes or no, they will be able to shoot off their
firecrackers on July Fourth this year. It falls on a
Joseph N. Freedman.

Managing Editor'
Editorial Director .
City Editor. .....
Book Editor .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor. ,
Associate Editor ..
Women's Editor ..
Sports Editor . . . .

#Robert D. Mitchell
Albert P. Mayio
.Horace W. Gilmore
. . . . Joseph Gies
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
. . Saul R. Kleiman
. . . Robert Perlman
. . Dorothea Staebler
. Bud Benjamin

Jfe emnsto Me
Heywood Broun
It is a pity that so many of us use labels
loosely and enervate the force of words. I'm
thinking particularly of "Fascist." It doesn't fit
very readily into the American language, and it
has been tossed about so much that the cover
is scuffed and the seams all ripped. The sphere
is out of shape and somebody
may demand that it be
thrown out of play. That
,.would be a pity because we
w ~' need the word or its precise
equivalent. We need it des-
perately and we need it now.
In my opinion the most
formidable Fascist movement
which has arisen in America
is being nurtured in Madison,
Wis., by Phil La Follette. Nor is this just phrase
mongering. In form and substance it follows the
blueprints which have been established by his-
tory. Nor is it reasonable to suppose that the
resemblances between the National Socialists and
the National Progressives are merely coincidences
and a matter of minor unconscious imitation.
Many sincere progressives and liberals leap up
and down in a rage when the charge is made that
the Governor of Wisconsin has definitely bor-
rowed much from the technique of Hitler. They
point out that Phil has an excellent record
as a man who has always been the foe of reac-
tion in America.
AFrGSe From Both Marx, Mammon
But they forget that Fascism begins 'in soil
well to the left of center. It goes directly to the
middle-class group and tells them that they are
threatened both by the greed of the conserva-
tives and the fury of the radicals. And the leader
promises to deliver them from both Marx and
Mammon. He will play the part of St. George
and slay the dragons of both labor and capital.
It is his object to drive a wedge between the
farmer and the industrial worker ,and so he uses
two platters as cymbals and promises to serve up,
as separate courses the head of Wall Street and
also that of John L. Lewis.
A great deal of successful propaganda has al-
ready been planted to convince the argriculturists
that the CIO is allied with the international1
bankers to keep them in subjection. It is char-
acteristic of the Fascist approach to present only
the shadowy sort of program, and to substitute
a kind of mystical excitation built around some
slogan or banner.
The movement may even be infused with a
distinctly religious tinge, and it will always be
animated by an intensification of nationalism.
The statement will be made that the Creator has
set aside certain vast domains in which his chosen
people are to find proper scope for their divinely
designated destiny.
Phil La Follette has done all this in his first
speech. He modestly bounded the scope of
American aspirations to include all lands lying
between the top of Alaska and the tip of Cape
Horn. After a four-hour interView with Gov-
ernor La Follette, Max Lerner, of the Nation,
wrote in that magazine:

Business Department
Business Manager Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.1
In Memoriam,
Carl von Ossietzky...
month in a hospital near Berlin, bad-
ly broken in body and spirit, unquestionably as a
result of hardships and cruelties inflicted by zeal-
ous Nazi imprisoners. Yet the tragic story of
von Ossietzky is a terrifying one not only be-
cause of the treatment he received since the Na-
tional Socialists came into power, but chiefly be-
cause he stood for ideals which were once ac-
knowledged in civilized Europe-peace, freedom,
justice-and died only because he preached them.
A Prussian nobleman by birth, von Ossietzky,
who had served in the World War and seen its
horrors,became an outspoken opponent of war-
fare as a means of settling international disputes.
An ardent pacifist, he was the "martyr of the
true German Kultur" to millions of intelligent
persons in his own country and abroad. The war
confirmed his pacifist beliefs, and, like so many
others in the rest of Europe, he hoped that the
new Weimar Republic, with its brilliant intel-
lectual life, would mean a break from the old
militarism. Together with Helmuth von Ger-
lach and Kurt Tuchalsky, he fought a desperate
struggle in the Berlin weekly Weltbuehne to make
the young republic's life a peaceful and pros-
perous one. In those post-\ar years his greatest
task was consistently to point out the unreality
and weakness of the republic's resistance to the
spirit of militarism which was fighting all the
time to regain its .power. His criticism was en-
hanced by a deep understanding of human na-
ture, and he became Germany's greatest inde-
pendent journalist.
In 1931 von Ossietzky was found guilty by the
federal supreme court of Leipzig of the betrayal
of military secrets and sentenced to a year and
a half in prison. The trial, which was secret,
was in connection with the publication in the
Weltbuehne of an article attacking the German
government's expenditures on aircrafts in vio-
lation of the Treaty of Versailles. Shortly before
the Nazis came in, von Ossietzky was given an
opportunity to escape to the Czech frontier, but
he refused, saying, "a man speaks with a hollow
voice from across the border." He was among
the first "enemies of the state" arrested in March,
1933, and was immediately interned in a con-
centration camp.
Von Ossietzky's whereabouts were completely
enshrouded by mystery. Only the extreme pres-
sure exerted by prominent international jour-
nalists, including Romain Rolland, Nicholas Mur-
ray Butler and Wickham Steed, forced the Hitler
government to allow a group of journalists to
visit him at a camp in Papenburg. They found
him sick and beaten; he declined to talk or make
any complaint.
At this point the tragedy takes on an ironic
note. In a pamphlet called "What Was His
Crime?" fifteen distinguished English men and


Radicals Sabotaging Spain
To the Editor:
On Monday four Spaniards spoke in Natural
Science Auditorium, telling of their country's
plight and begging for American aid. One of
them, Ramon Sender, is probably one of the
world's outstanding novelists. The other three
were people of almost equal prominence. Yet 125
people were there.I
When the great Professor Rhine of Duke Uni-
versity spoke at the same spot a short time ago
there was no room for the hundreds of goggling
students. It is hardly to be expected that, the
same people would return to hear a vastly more
important message.
But aside from the yokels, where were the hun-
dreds of student liberals and radicals? Did they
stay away on purpose? Are the radicals in Ann
Arbor sabotaging the Spanish cause?
(For obvious reasons I am using a pseudonym.)
-Fred Brandeis.
Freedom Of The Press
To the Editor:
Freedom of the Press: Does it exist? . . . After
long debates the ultimate conclusions are that,
first, this phrase is only the statement of an ideaV
which has never been reached, and second, that
apparently we approach this ideal in America
more nearly than any other contemporary World
power. At least this is what I have found to be
the consensus at Michigan. Assuming that these
conclusions are valid, then we ask how much bias
is there actually in the news . . , and it seems that
here we have an entirely different debate.
From time to time I have been confronted with
people on the campus who feel that, yes, there
might be considerable selection of the news, Uut
certainly no press association would knowingly
print anything but fact. Now this contention
is a very difficult one to prove or disprove. Only
at a mpch later date than the original publication
of a falsehood can you produce good evidence
against such a proposition as in the case of the
alleged World War atrocities. Then our oppon-
ents say that this is war; it was a time of con-
fusion, and undoubtedly the editors thought that
they were printing facts.
What kind of evidence would our opponents
accept? Well, first it must be recent evidence,
something that bears on our present problems.
Next, we must fully establish our sources of in-
formation. And perhaps last, the miscarriage of
news must be factual.
So I ask you to turn to last Sunday's Daily,
front page, extreme left-hand column where
there is printed an Associated Press dispatch.
Quoting in part, "The Press, workers' groups, and
others spoke in patriotic phrases endorsing the
President's action, but the country's most pressing
problem . . . one on which many observers believe
the fate of the Cardenas administration rests ...
remain unsolved."
If this item had been an editorial and labeled
as such, it would have been quite acceptable
I believe. But isn't this statement concerning
"the country's most pressing problem" entirely
opinion? Reading this paragraph hurriedly one
would think that certain specific experts had
come to an agreement on the matter. Or do I
make too much of this one item? Certainly this
topic is very recent and significant; no secondary
source of information is necessary other than
your own judgment; and, finally, the item is not
factual but is an opinion not properly accredited
to anyone in particular. It seems to meet our
previously mentioned requirements.
But let us consider another approach. Mex-

Wanted: A Playwright
This is the seventh year that the
Group Theatre is functioning. It
Theatre is functioning. To date, it
has produced the works of Maxwell A
Aiderson, John Howard Lawson, Clif-t
ford Odets, Richard Ardrey and oth- u
ers. In the future it hopes to count p
not only on the dramas of these B
men,.but also on an infusion of newi
blood. Toward that end, the Group
Theatre is sponsoring a play contest
for young writers.
The terms are as follows: The con-
test ends Jan. 1, 1939 and is open to
anyone not more than 25 years old. A
The cash award is $500, but the Group F
does not promise production. The
judges will be Howard Clurman, di- 4
rector of the Group; Clifford Odets, o:
its leading playwright; and Molly b
Day Thatcher, its playreader.t
There is no restriction as to sub- F
ject matter or theme nor as to the fi
style or manner of treatment. Since p
form is largely affected by content, n
equal consideration will be given to s
tragedy, comedy, farce, verse, natural-
ism and experimentalism. The flays
will be judged on the basis of the t
talent for theatre which they dis- ir
play, their amenability to dramatic a:
presentation their broad interest and N
their general vitality. Announce- T
ment of the prize-winning play will
be made on Feb. 15, 1939. All entries
should be addressed to the Play Con-
test, 234 West 44th St., New York
City. t
* * * el
Bureau Of New Plays li
Theresa Helburn, director of The a
Bureau of New Plays, announces
that next autumn the work of the
past two years in aiding young play- gi
wrights will be directed to giving c
selected students of playwriting con- t
tact with the actual theatre.- M
Experiments in that direction were b
made last spring and summer with a b
few of the winners of awards and t
honorabje mention who watched re- t
hearsals, or, introduced by the Bu- in
reau, were employed as stage man- re
agers or extras. a
As had been apparent from the 4
first to Professors Kenneth Rowe, d
Walter Prichard Eaton and Frederick
H. Koch of the Advisory Committee.
and to Miss Helburn, work of this o
kind is of the utmost importance to r
young playwrights. For this reason. S
the Bureau will direct its efforts to o
building up a course of study in con- n
junction with attendance at rehears- 2
als from start to finish of Broadway fu
plays, and will include student con- r
ferences with leaders in various de-
partments of the theatre.
* * *
And More Contests C
The Southwestern Indiana Civic A
Association is offering a prize of $1,- w
000 for the best three (or more) act w
play. written about the youth of C
Abraham Lincoln in Indiana between f
the years 1816-1830. The contest will a
close on Jan. 1, 1939. The rules of 2
the contest may be obtained from d
Ernest W. Owen, secretary, 242 East p
12th St., Indianapolis. M
The one act peace playwriting con-
test sponsored by the Religious Drama
council of the Greater New York e
Federation of Churches will close q
July 1. Prizes will be awarded as fol- B
lows: $200 cash, given by the Reli- t
gious Drama council; $100 cash, given D
by Samuel French; $50 cash awarded i
also by the council and a bronze p
medal from Mr. French. Address of t
the contest manager, 71 West 23rd
Street, New York.
And From IrelandI

From Dublin. Ireland, just to get a
away from play contests for awhile, f
comes word of the great annual dra- E
ma festival of the Abbey Theatre. The t
Festival lasts from Aug. 7th to the
20th and will consist of morning lec-,
tures and debates followed each night a
by a play, or plays, illustrating thea
morning's - lecture.a
About 19 plays will be performed,
including the work of W. B. Yeats,e
Lady Gregory, J. M. Synge, Lennoxv
Robinson, Padriac Colum, Seah 0'1
casey, George Shiels and Dennisc
Johnston. ,
Student Senate
Backs Liberals,
Encourages Daily Staff;
To Take Broad Views
(Continued from Page 1)
ers and its Building Trade Union em-
ployes over employment of non-union
labor, the Senate passed a resolution
asking representatives of both sides
to air their differences before the next
session of the group.
The text of the resolution con-
cerning the Daily reads in full: "Re-
solved: That the following resolution
be sent to the newly-appointed edi-
tors of the Daily. As duly elected rep-
resentatives of the student body, the
Student Senate desires to encourage
4.Q nmi-nnninte d itors tn con-

Puilication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Universtty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3*30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1938 si
VOL. XLVHL No. 164 vi
To All Members of-the Faculty and
.dministrative Staff:if it seems cer-9
ain that any telephones will not be Ju
sed during the summer months, vi
lease notify the Business Office, Mr.
ergman. A saving can be effected
instruments are disconnected for a
eriod of a minimum of three months.
Herbert G. Watkins,M
Assistant Secretary. w
All Students, College of L,S.&A., d
rchitecture, Schools of Education, G
orestry and Music:
File change of address card in Room p
U.H. before June 1st. Blue prints
f records and other information will
e sent immediately after examina-
ons to you at the address given in
ebruary unless change of address is at
led. Failure to receive your blue B
rint because of faulty address will K
ecessitate a charge of $1.00 for the M
econd copy.
Camp Davis. All students planning C
o take field courses in surveying or i
i geology during the coming summer
re asked to meet in Room 2054,
atural Science Bldg., at 7 p.m. on
hursday, May 19. A
H. Bouchardsp
G. M. Ehlers. W
All students who are competing in N
e Hopwood contests and who haveN
hanged their address since the pub- P
cation of the Student Directory
ould leave a record of their new 7:
dress in the Hopwood Room. 7B
Aeronautical and Mechanical En- w
ineers: One of the large air transport C
ompanies wishes to .select five men
D train as pilots. Those selected °x
ust be able to qualify physically and
ear a relatively moderate financial
urden for the first nine months. De- m
ails of the opportunity may be ob- at
ained at the Office of the Depart-
ent of Aeronautical Engineering. A "Mu
epresentative of the Company will be tu
vailable for interviews, in Room B-
7 East Engineering Building, o Fri-
ay and Saturday, May 20 and 21. g
, n
Choral Union Members: Members e
f the Choral Union are requested to m
eturn their music scored to the gi
chool of Music between the hours
f 9:00 and 12:00 and 1:00 and 4:00,
ot later than noon, Friday, May me
0, to receive other music book re-
nds. After 12 o'clock Friday, no p
efunds will be made. .
Rochdale Cooperative House: Appli- o.
ations for admission to the Rochdale
ooperative House for the coming no
ear, 1938-39, are now being accepted. "
L new prerequisite to consideration, c
hich requires each applicant to
'rite a 100-200 word essay on the
ooperative Movement, is now in ef- w
et. Application blanks are avail- er
ble in Dean Olmstead's Office, Room e
, University Hall, and at the Roch- p
ale House, 640 Oxford Road. All ap-
lications must be in, by Wednesday,
lay 25. F
To All Faculty Members and Wom- s
n Students who have received the i
uestionnaire sent out by the Daily
usiness Staff are urgently requested
o return them immediately to the V
aily. Your cooperation. in return- s
ng these promptly will be greatly ap- h
reciated inasmuch as it is essential C
othe success of the survey.
Academic Notices -h
Abnormal Psychology 42 Clinic at 6
Ypshanti'Hospital will be held Friday
fternoon, May 20. Busses will leave
rom the Mall near Natural Science I
Building at one o'clock., Come early a
o obtain ticket.'
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to

do directed teaching next semester
are required to pass a qualifying ex-e
amination in the subject which theyI
expect to teach. This examinatione
will be held on Saturday, May 21, atr
1 p.m. Students will meet in the au-I
ditorium of the University High
School. The examination will con-f
sume about four hours' time; prompt-t
ness is therefore essential.1
Candidates for Teachers Ceritifi-I
cale: All candidates for the Teach-
er's ertificate (except graduate stu-
dents who are candidates for ad-z
vanced degrees) are required to passr
a Comprehensive Examination in
Education after they have completed,
or practically completed, the required
Education courses. The examination
this spring will be held on Saturday,
May 21, from 2 to 5 o'clock in the
Auditorium of the University High
School. Bluebooks will be necessary.
Printed information regarding the
examination can be secured in the
School of Education office.
Exhibition, College of Architecture.
Drawings, photographs and maps of
Soviet architecture and city construc-
tion, also illustrations showing the
historical development of Soviet ar-
.hitecture from 1918 to the uresent.

gned and executed by Arthur Ne-
ll Kirk, is, shown in the pier cases
t either side of the Library entrance,
cond floor corridor. Open daily,
:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until
une 1. The public is cordially in-
College of Architecture; Lecture and
ichibit, of Modern Glass Products:
fr. H. M. Alexander of the Libbey-
wens-Ford Glass Company, Toledo.
ill lecture on modern glass pro-
ucts, accompanied by an exhibit of
is material. Friday, May 20, 4:15;
round Floor lecture room. The
ublic is cordially invited.
Events Today
Research Club will meet tonight
t 8 p.m., in Room 2528 EastMedical
uilding. Program: Professor L. B.
ellum will speak on "Studies -in
exico on the Paleogeographic and
ectonic Influence of Stable Plat-
irms in Submarine Areas.", Professor
. C. Fries will speak on "The Chang-
g Grammar of Modern'English."
The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Pharmaceutical Conference: The
nnual Pharmaceutical Conference
)onsored by the College of Pharmacy
ill be held at the Michigan Union
t 2:30 p.m. today.
Dr. R. L. Swain, President of the
ational Association of Boards of
harmacy, Dr. Arthur Curtis and
rof. C. C. Glover will be the principal
)eakers. At the evening meeting at
45 p.m. in Room 165 Chemistry
uilding, Dr. Allan J. McLaughlin
ill speak on "The Outlook for the
ommunicable Disease."
A cordial invitation to attend is
tended to all interested.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
eet in Room 122, Chemistry Building
4:15 p.m. today. Mr. Charles
urray will speak on "Crystal Struc-
ire of Some Silicates."
Graduate Luncheon, today, Michi-
in League, Russian Tea Room, 12
oon. Cafeteria service. Prof. Rob-
t B. Hall of the Geography Depart-
ent will speak informally on "Re-
ons of Conflict in the Far East."
Omega Upsilon. A very important
eeting Wednesday night at 7:30,
orris Hall. All members please be
Forestry Club meeting, today, 7:30
in., Room 2054 N.S. Bldg. Professor
ynoch will 'speak on "Wood Tech-
ology As I See It." This is the
st business meeting of the present
hool year.
University Girls' Glee Club: There
ill be a meeting tonight in the Tow-
r Notice ofI the room will be post-
d. All members expecting to partici-
ate in the concert must be present.
The Interfraternity Sing: The
ourth Annual Interfraternity Sing
ill be held tonight at 7 p.m. on the
teps of the Main Library. The public
s cordially invited to attend.
The Garden Section of the Faculty
Vomen's Club will have a pot luck
upper at 6 o'clock tonight, at the
ome of Professor and Mrs. Floyd N.
alhoon, 2536 West Liberty Road.
Inter-Guild Worship Service will be
eld at ithe League Chapel Wednes-
lay morning at 7:30.
Theatre Arts Committee of the
League: There will be a meeting for
ll who petitioned at 4:30 p.m. today
n the Undergraduate office.
Coming Events

Institute of the Aeronautical Se-
ences: There will be a meeting of the
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences, Thursday, May 19th, at 7:30
pm. in Room 1042 East Engineering
Final plans and details of the Buf-
falo trip and ,the Annual Banquet
will be discussed. Everyone plan-
flingf to take the Buffalo trip or to
attend the Annual Banquet should be
present at this meeting.
A.S.M.E. Members. There will be a
meeting of the Student Branch of
The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Thursday, May 19, at 7:30
p.m., at the Michigan Union. The
purpose of this meeting is for the
,election of officers for the coming
'year, and it is urged that all mem-
bers attend.
Delta Sigma Rho: This society is
giving its annual formal banquet May
20 at 6 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
Those who have not been contacted
who would like to come, please. call
Grace Gray, Sec. 6923.
The Graduate Outing Club will hold
its annual week end party at Patter-
son Lake Fresh Air Camp on May
21-22. There will be swimming, boat-
ing, hiking, baseball, dancing and

"Phil proposes to equip
symbol through which the
since he cannot write laws
speeches . . . will get a sense
mystical sense of unity."

democracy with a
common man--
or articles or make
of participation, the

"All this may sound dangerous to many," adds
Mr. Lerner. "It sounds very dangerous to me.,
And Phil knows that he will be called a Fascist.
But he is willing to venture it."
* * * *
,Ied Many iter Poles
As a matter of fact, Phil can hardly have any
choice in the matter, since it is on record that
he visited Germany in 1933 and wrote a series.
of articles for the Hearst press in which he ex-
pressed admiration for many of Hitler's policies.
He was also much impressed by the achievements
of Mustapha Kemal. In 1933 he made a public
statement against the Jewish boycott of German
goods. '
"The Jew," he feels," writes Max Lerner, "have
- because of their economic success in a declin-
ing cabitalism ... become easy marks for vindic-
Senator Norris was not invited to sit in on the
conference where the party was born, nor did he
attend the first meeting at which the flag with,
the cross within the circle was unfurled.
Phil purposes to lead. The business of his fol-
lowers is to follow.
Norman Thomas has indicate4 at least a cor-
dial interest. Oswald Garrison Villard welcomes
the leadership of Philip. Both gentlemen have
the privilege of changing their minds. They owe
it to themselves to look at the record and compare
it point by point .with the opening phases of
Hitler's rise to power.
profits did too. The only profit that remained
in Mexico was in the form of wages and what ex-
port taxes existed.hAnd now, though Mexico may
be able to market only a fraction of the amount
previously exported, she will be able to actually,
retain for her peoples 100 per cent of the profits.
Logic, you say. Indeed, yes! But I hope that it
is much better than putting down an opinion and
dressing it up as a news item with the weight
of "MEXICO, May 14.-(W)."
-James M. Vicary,
Thank You
To the Editor:
Thi s is tocongratilate You on your fine

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