The Weather Rain tod v, slightly warmer;, moderate to fresh southwest wind, L Elk iArn fIaitJ3 Editorials In Memoriam, Carl vonOssietky... Ti-me oe Back And Forth Ia Jey .. . VOL. XLVIII. No. 165 ' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS r Student Senate Gives Support To Liberaism Encourages New, Daily Members To Continue Policy Of Predecessors Library Lighting Conditions Are Hit The Student Senate pledged itself to liberalism last night as it endorsed progressive policies on several fronts and unanimously encouraged the new Daily staff to "continue; the liberal policies of its predecssors.'" Other resolutions, passed with practically no opposition, demanded further investigation of faulty library lighting, closer inspection of men's rooming houses, listing of campus restaurants found exploiting student labor and lifting of the arms em- bago to hit fascist forces in Spain., The only hot debate of the evening centered around the embargo issue as opponents of the resolution deplored it as a futile gesture whose only re- sult would be to prolong the Spanish struggle, scoring it as a concession to munitions makers and an antagon- izing factor in an already precarious international situation. The resolu- tion's sponsors backed it as a fair play measure to give the .Loyalist forces, sadly under-armed, a "fight- ing chance" against the Insurgents, Copies of the resolution will be sent to President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hull. The Senate adopted a resolution by Robert Gill, Grad., advocating University courses in Negro history and culture. The resolution, designed to facilitate understanding of domes- tic racial problems, met with no op- position. A committee was appointed to in- vestigate the eligibility rules of' the Hopwood Awards Contest with a view to liberalizing the rules if possible. Backers of the investigation claimed that the present requirements of a "C" scholastic average and enroll-; ment in a composition course defeat the competition's avowed purpose of ,. a 'gmpus-wide creative writing. In an attempt to forestall: a crisis looming between the Greene Clean- (Continued on Page 4) Private Power Industry Ready To Create obs Government Must Restore Confidence Of Nation' s Utility Investors First WASHINGTON, May 17. -(A")- The private power industry, Philip H. Gadsden said today, is ready to give "full cooperation" in ex- panding plants and creating jobs if the government will restore confi- dence to utility investors. Gadsden, who is chairman of the Committee of Utility Executives, testified before the Senate Appropria- tions Committee in opposition to pro- visions of the Administiration's $3,- 154,000,000 Relief and Public Works Bill which, he said, would mean gov- ernment duplication of private pow- er facilities. Gadsden particularly criticized a provision under which, he said, mu- nicipalities could ,lease government- built power plants, repaying 55 per cent of their cost over a 25-year period. He said this provision would be "tantamount to a federal invita- tion to public agencies to exceed their legal debt limits." Prior to Gadsden's testimony, Sen- ator Vandenberg, (R.,Mich.) offered a substitute for the Administration Relief Bill, Scrapping the "pump priming" features of the Administra- tion measure, Vandenberg would al- locate $2,160,000,000 for relief during the entire fiscal year, compared with $1,250,000,000 for the first seven months of the year, as provided in the Administration measure. Other items in the Vandenberg Bill would bring its total to $2,410,000,000. Marquess Of Bute ell British Port CARDIFF, Wales, May 17.-(A")- Half a city changed hands today when the immensely wealthy Marquess of Bute sold part of this world port of 200,000 population for a price under- Russell Hardie Likes Stage - - But A iso Eyes RHollywood Lucre' Actor Prefers Satisfaction esteem and, he hopes, offer him a Of Lvingtfla Butbig-time contract. Of Living Theatre But If he were financially independent, Movies' Gold Beckons however, he would prefer to be con- By STAN SWINTON nected with the living theatre; Hardie One of these days Russell Hardie declares. "You don't realize the full is going back to Hollywood and make value of a part until you've been as- the industry which gave him "leading sociated with it for several months," parts in punk pictures and small parts he says, "Yet in movies you see your- in good pictures"pay off in big money. self in the completed picture and Take it fro t the handsome leading know you can improve your perform- man whom critics credit with stealing ance u t's in the can.' the show in "The Ghost of Yankee Turning to the present condition Doodle," playing upon the boards is of the American stage, Hardie be- preferable to having your image im- li til theatres, PA theatre printed on canned celluloid-but ma- and little theatre groups have com-1 terial factors make the Coast a prom- bined to make the nation "theatre ised land. That's why he's sticking conscious." At the same time, the to the stage at the present time al- I actor is convinced, the public has though he is "reasonably sure" he could go back to Hollywood and work steadily. Producers, figuring the value of their actors by the ratio of how far away they have to go to hire them, would keep the Hardie name from hitting the heights. But been so educated that it will no longer patronize the inferior type of show which caused the downfall of the road. For the college actor the theatre will prove to be a "tough racket" with ultimate success likely to be due if he gets a good part in a smash to luck, according to Hardie, who Broadway production, the film firms made his first hit in "The Criminal will hold his ability in much higher Code." Roosevelt Signs Bill On 10-Year NavyExpansion Twelve Millions Requested As Initial Appropriation In BuildingProgram WASHINGTON, May 17.-(P- President Roosevelt signed today the bill authorizing a $1,090,656,000 ex- pansion of the navy during the next ten years.. The administration measure carried no futids, but the Navy Department has recommended an immediate ap- propriation of about $12,000,000 to start the program which eventually will increase total naval tonnage by 20 per cent. Supplementing construction pro- vided in the regular appropiation of $546,000,000 for the navy during the next fiscal yar t hebill signed today authorizes building of 46 new fight- ing ships, 26 auxiliaries and 950 air- planes.' Three more battleships, two air- craft carriers and a $3,000,000 dirig- ible are included in the authorization. President Roosevelt actively sup- ported the Bill through his support- ers in the House and in the Senate. The new expansion of the navy was first approved by an overwhelming majority in the House and then went to the Senate where it was passed May 3 with a 2 to 1 endorsement. Followers of collective security have opposed the new Naval Bill vocifer- ously. Sen. Gerald P. Nye (Rep., N.D.) contended that the bill were un-' necessary because there was no "groups of foes" that could "even threaten an encroachment on our territory." 'Ensian Enters National Press Annual Cont est Little did the weary seniors who stood in long lines yesterday to get their Michiganensians realize. that their dollars were buying a potential "first" among American college year- books. For the 42nd 'Ensian in the Uni- vei'ity's history is to be entered soon in the National Scholastic Press As- sociation's nation-wide contest for American college yearbooks, accord- ing to Irving A. Mathews, '38, last year's business manager. Whether or not the 'Ensian is a "first" will be known some time during the summer, he said The 50-odd salesmen who yesterday swarmed the campus selling the 'En- sian managed to distribute about 400 copies, but there still are, according to Mathews, a limited number for general sale on campus and in all book stores at the regular price of $5. Distribution of the books will be continued for the rest of the week at the Student Publications Building on Maynard Street and on the diagonal. Students holding subscriptions are advised to call for their 'Ensians at the Publications Building from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The general sale will be on the diagonal from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. Japanese Take Siege Positions Before Suchow Report Infantry Columns Only Five Miles From Important Rail Center SHANGHAI, May 18.-(Wednes- day) --(P) -- Japanese infantrymen moved into position today to storm toe walls of shell-battered Suchow, heart of newly-unified China's resist- ance to the Rising Sun invasion. Two columns of Japanese infantry were reported only five miles west and south of the strategic railway junction, ready to advance as soon as artillery fire breached its defenses. From low mountains to the south- west, big guns hammered walls of the besieged city which was the base of the Chinese army of 400,000 de- fending the vital east central front. Casualties among Chinese troops crowding the city were believed to have been heavy. Japanese declared their air bombs, shells and tanks were pounding Chi- nese into a state of "pitiful confu- sion." Japanese warplanes were said to be machine-gunning fleeing Chi- nese, who broke up into small detach- ments to slip through Japanese units virtually encircling the area. Swados Shows Clerk That Swados Wrote It "The Amateurs," a short story by Harvy B. Swados, '40, appears in the newly published "Best Short Stories of 1938," edited by Edward J. O'Brien. It originally saw print in 1936 in 'Contemporary," now defunct campus Literary quarterly. When Swados dropped into a State Street book-store and asked to see a copy of the volume, the clerk obliged. Proudly pointing to his work in the table of contents, Swados declared, "You should congratulate me; I wrote that story." The unbelieving employe smiled cynically and said, "Prove it." Swados showed identification and the clerk was so surprised she told most of the later visitors to the store about the incident. , "Pro Arte," by Allan Seager, form- er instructor here, also appears in the collection. Nine Feared Dead Aboard Lost Airliner Five Hundred Men Comb Sierra Madre Mountains For Clue Of Transport Heavy Fog Stalls .Search From Air LOS ANGELES, May 17.-(AP)- Seven adults and two children were feared dead tonight in a giant sky- liner which vanished barely outside the city in a fog so dense that it blocked land and air searchers. Five hundred men unsuccessfully hunted in the Sierra Madre Moun- tains less than 50 miles from here for the lost Lockheed Electra plane which had been labeled "The world's fastest commercial airliner," capable of 250 miles an hour. The $80,000 ship was not on a regular flight but was being "ferried" to St. Paul via Las Vegas, Nev., to be delivered to Northwest Airlines. Air Search Useless Aerial search was useless because the fog extended upward 5,000 feet from the floors of the mountain can- yons. The plane was unreported since 2 p.m. P.S.T. yesterday. Searchers believed the ship crashed before reaching Daggett where it was to pick up the radio beam and proceed to Las Vegas. The pilot's route over the Sierra Madre Range was a relative "short cut." Regular commercial flights skirt the edgerusing radio beam the entire distance. May Have Descended Some aviators theorized that the pilot might have descended through the clouds to check his course by landmarks and have smashed against a peak. The area in which the plane was last reported was the scene of two transport crashes that killed 18 per- sons, within a 16-day period only 14 months ago. Thirteen were killed near Saugus, Dec. 27, 1936, on United Air Lines, San F'rancisco-Los Angeles run.,..; Mexico Moves To Curb Cedillo Agrarian Leader's State Warned By Troops MEXICO CITY, May 17.-()-The Defense Ministry announced today that the 19th battalion of the army had been sent to the State of San Luis Potosi, stronghold of General Saturnino Cedillo, agrarianleader and bitter political foe of President Lazaro Cardenas. Rumors of brewing trouble in the strategic state have, been current for several days, although the Defense Ministry, in announcing the troop movements, -added its denial to that of the President that anything un- toward was happening there. The announcement said the 19th battalion would relieve the 38th sta- tioned at San Luis, the capital, and that the 39th would be used to rein- force garrisons throughout the state. RECOVER FOUR BODIES ATLANTA, May 17.-(P)-Recov- ery of four more bodies from the ruins of the fire-swept Terminal Hotel brought the known death list tonight to 30.1 Sprority Cheering Sections Will Support Favorites; Bleachers To Seat 2,500 Twenty-one fraternities, singing as they march in one group to the main library, will compete in the fourth annual'interfraternity sing tonight at 7 p.m. Each house will give a rendition of its favorite song in competition for three trophies awarded by the In- terfraternity Council. Further awards will be given to the sorority support- ing the winning house and the one with most nearly 100 per cent attend- ance. This is the first year sororities have participated in the sing. Their part as "cheering sections" for each fraternity has been whole-heartedly approved by the Panhellenic Assoia- tion, it was said. Bleachers to accommodate 2,500 people will be set up and'a public ad- dress system arranged. Should rain threaten the sing will be post- poned until tomorrow at the same time. In such case all fraternities and sororities will be notified by 5 I French-British Alliance Seeks Mastery Of Air, England Will Try To Have 3,500 Planes By 1940; France To Have 2,800 LONDON, May 17.-(P)-New men and new money have quickened the pace of the French-British military+ alliance's drive for European air mas- tery. New men have taken control of Britain's air forces. New money for guns and planes has poured from the1 pockets of thousands of Frenchmen. British air armament expansion has been geared to the goal of nearly 3,-' 500 first line planes by 1940. France hopes to have 2,800 by that time. In this way the Democratic en- tente hopes to match phenomenal. German plane production which British members of Parliament have estimated will give Adolf Hitler up- wards of 6,000 planes in another year.; Lord Weir, unofficial advisor on aircraft to the British Government; since 1935, today followed Viscount Swinton, resigned Air Secretary, out, of Britain's buffeted Air Council. Sir Kingsley Wood, the "five-foot+ live wire" who stepped into Lord Swinton's shoes yesterday, started slashing through official red tape to put plane-making in Britain on a real producing basis.,r McCallum Hits U.S. Dictation Fourth Annual Fraternity Sing Will Be Held Tonight At Library p.m., Bud Lundahl, '38, president of the Interfraternity Council said last nigh . The judges will be Walter Staebler, Prof. Arthur Hackett andProf. David Mattern of the School of Music. Last year the winners were Acacia, Sigma Chi, and Beta Theta Pi. The program will be as follows: Alpha Sigma Chi, Within the Mystic Circle; Phi Kappa Tau, The Fireside Song; Alpha Tau Omega, Dream Girl of ATO; Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi Sig Moonlight Girl; Kappa Sigma, Boys, I've Found a Man; Sigma Phi, Rise, Ye Loyal Sons; Phi Gamma Delta, Jubilante; Hermitage, Fill Your Tankards; Chi Phi, Drink a Health to Dear Ann Arbor; Theta Chi, Theta Chi Rouser; Acacia, Here's To Acacia; Beta Theta Pi, The Loving Cup; Delta Kappa Epsilon, Come Brothers, Raise a Song; Alpha Kappa Lambda, Fill Your Tankards; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Violets; Theta Delta Chi, Stars Ablaze; Sigma Chi, Sweetheart of Sigma Chi; Pi Lambda Phi, Kally Laddien; Psi Upsilon, Serenade; Chi Psi, Chi Psi Marching Song; Delta Upsilon, The D U Sweetheart Song.. Ypsi Avenges Earlier Defeat With 5-4 Win- Senator Phi Speaks Kappa To Phis 122 Wolverine Batterd Collect Ten Hits; Loose Fielding Responsible' For Defeat By HERBERT LEV Michigan Normal's baseball team avenged an earlier defeat, when they took advantage of four Michigan er- rors, in addition to several other lapses in the field and on the base- paths, to eke out a 5-4 victory over the Wolverines, yesterday afternoon at Ferry Field. In losing, the Wolverines proved once more that Martin "Rube" Zach- ar, Ypsi's ace pitcher, was no puzzle to them. The' Fishermen combed the Rube's offerings for 10 bingles, with each of the regulars but Don Brewer sharing the total. Big Ed Andronik, who started on the mound for the Wolverines, hurled a much better game than the box score indicates. Ed allowed six hits in his seven inning tenure, but his support was faulty from the start. At least two of the Huron bingles were of the doubtful variety, caused by mix-ups among the Michigan field- ers. Sophomore Jack Barry succeeded Ed on the mound, but the standard of Michigan fielding went from bad to worse, and, young Jack was charged with the defeat. The trouble all started in the first inning, when Augie DeFroscia and Jim Walsh, the first two Ypsi batters, reached first on muffs by Elmer Gedeon and Pete Lisagor. Both scored on Fran Scripter's sharp single. Michigan, thanks to some fine base running by little Charley Pink, gained back one of these runs in their turn at bat. Charley beat out an infield hit, stole second, advanced to third on Brewer's sacrifice and counted on 'Butch' Kremer's long fly. More trouble came along with the Ypsi fifth. Jim Walsh, first up, poled a long fly to right, but Danny Smick and Lisagor, duplicated their Al- phonse-Gaston performance of the first Normal game, and Jim pulled (ContUiued on Page 3) Hodge Announces New Gargoyle Staff "Next year's Gargoyle will include a picture section, be larger and, of course, funnier," Max Hodge, '39, newly appointed editor, declared yes- terday in announcing his staff ap- pointments. Women's editor for the 1938-39 magazine will be Carolyn Ross, '39. Members of the editorial board will be James Hollinshead, '39, K. Conrad August, '39, Marcia ' Connell, '39, Hodge and Miss Ross. Junior appointments include Al Williams, Richard Humphreys, Jane Nussbaum, Stan Swinton, Jean Smith and Ellis Wunsch. Seniors to hold minor staff positions are Al Ev- ans, '39, Jack Sullivan, '39, Lorraine Mantler, '39 and Marjorie Barowsky, '39. ROTC Gives Commissions To 70 Senior Officers Seventy outoing seniors, members Primary Vote InQuakerState SeeskCIO Men FacingDefeat Gov. Earle Gets Long Lead Over Lewis Candidate In Race For Senate Post New Deal Factions Draw Many Voters PHILADELPHIA, May 17-(A)- Candidates supported by CIO leader John L. Lewis fell behind in early returns tonight from Pennsylvania primary voting that climaxed a bitter factional row which split the state's New Deal Forces. Early returns also showed Gifford Pinchot, seeking the Republican gu- bernatorial nomination a third time at 72, 'lagging behind Arthur H. James, Superior Court judge. Jones Forges Ahead In the Democratic gubernatorial fight, Pittsburgh's ,Charles Alvir Jones, backed by the Democratic state committee, led CIO-supported Tho- mas Kennedy by 66,708 to 47,215 on the basis of returns frorn 715 of Penn- sylvania's 8,075 election districts.-In- dependent Charles J. M~argiotti had 18,576. Gov. George H. Earle, running , n the state committee ticket with Jones, jumped into a long lead--80,691 to 26,276 in 663 precincts-over Mayor S. Davis Wilson of Philadelphia who ran on the Kennedy slate. Returns from 929 districts gave Judge James 117,638 ito 76,190 for former Gov. Pinchot. Davis Assumes Lead Silver-haired Sen. James J. (Pud- dler Jim) Davis, after trailing State Sen. G. Mason Owlett on first reports for the Republican Senatorial nomin- ation, moved into a slight lead with 668 districts heard from. The count: Davis 64,516; Owlett 54,543. 'More than 200 of the ditricts re- ported early were in Philadelphia, the state's first city. Less than 100 of them were in the almost equally pop- ulous Allegheny' County which in- cludes industrial Pittsburgh. Heavy voting at a late hour contrib- uted to confusion that led to some delay in counting in bg districts after a day that brought out charges of irregularity in Philadelphia. Peace Movies Shown Today Films Illustrate Lecture By Dr. Onderdonk Under the auspices of the United Peace Committee, Dr. Frances S. On- derdonk of Ann Arbor will lecture and present silent and talking pic- tures on the wars in China, Spain and Ethiopia, at 4:15 p.m. today in Na- tural Science Auditorium. The il- lustrated talk is being held in con- junction with International Goodwill Day which commemorates the con- vening of the First Hague Peace Con- ference, May 18, 1899. Dr. Onderdonk, who owns the only Peace Films Library in the country, will first show the talking film on China, "Thunder Over the Orient," which deals with the primitive cor- ditions among Chinse peasants. It also includes scenes of the bombing of the Cathay Hotel in Shanghai and the attack on Nanking, -1 A film called "Spain's Civil War," dealing with the Rebel-Loyalist struggle, will be shown next. The program will conclude with a March of Time talking picture of Mussolini and Ethiopia and a silent picture depicting the workings of the League of Nations. Three .of the 40 disputes which have been settled suc- cessfully by the League will be dealt with specifically. Prof. Mickle Addresses SAE; Officers Elected Prof. Frank A. Mickle of the en- gineering college spoke before the local chapter of the Society of Auto- motive Engineers at the Union last night on the subject of "The Use of Shock Absorbers on Streamlined Trains." The chapter elected Fritz Bridges, '39E, chairman for the coming year. Other officers are Clare MacKichan, '38E, chairman of the program com- mittee; Foster Gaylord, '39E, chair- man of the membership committee; T-nh ahurae '3 E nne 'Ewards 'Floyd's Boys' To Solicit Funds. Saturday For Underprivileged Speaking before 122 newly-initiated members of Phi Kappa Phi, honorary fraternity, last night at the initiation banquet held in the Union ballroom, Senator George P. McCallum, Sr., at- tacked what he called Federal dicta-' tion in the Michigan legislature. The Senator told of bills which he declared were sent to the legislature directly from Washington. One of these, he said, was House Bill No. 51,3 dealing with state rural electrifica- tion and cooperatives. On the strength of provisions in this bill, Senator McCallum said, three men went to the Detroit Edison Com- pany and demanded large loans on their personal notes. He scored the bill for giving too much power to a three-man board of directors, which he said had power to set up banking institutions under the provisions of the act. Another bill which was also sent (Continued on Page 6) Glee Club Officers Named At Banquet Officers of the Men's Glee Club for the coming year were announced at the Club's Installation Banquet last night. They are: John W. Col- lins, president; Carl A. Viehe, man- ager; Hugh 0. Roberts, vice-presi- dent; Harley O. Spencer, secretary and Robert Nelson, treasurer. Toastmaster at the banquet was Paul Yergens. retiring president. You will meet him Saturday as you drift Parrotward for a coke after that 10 o'clock lecture-a smiling little fellow whose freckled face and unruly, red hair under a green pot will mark him as one of "Uncle Floyd's boys." He will have a coin box in his hands, and if you want to quaff that coke without a guilty feeling, you will buy a tag from him, for Saturday is Starr Commonwealth Tag Day in Ann Arbor. Twenty-five years ago on an Albion hilltop, Floyd Starr, an Albion Col- lege graduate fired with an ideal, in- vested a slender parsimony in a home for friendless boys. Since that day thousands of underprivileged street 'waifs have entered the Starr' Commonwealth and have later left it university counsellor for foreign stu- dents and a trustee of Starr Com- monwealth, said yesterday. "The policemen, firemen, postmen, newspapermen', doctors, lawyers, en- gineers, mechanics, farmers, electri- cians-and college students-who have proved so conclusively Floyd Starr's faith in the normal boy, typify the nation's finest potential. Among them is a militant Americanism, a sturdy, God-fearing, self-respecting valuation of the privileges that attach to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,'" professor Nelson said. "The broad American Common- wealth has urgent need of 'Uncle Floyd's boys. They and their splendid kind constitute the nation's most sub- stantial hope for the preservation of