THEMICIGA t A Yw THE MICHIGAN DAILY i_ W lt[M'G VAI R BOR7N 'flT corflV 1 71OAtlimsOAa.flV Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated' Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail. $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 RIiPRSlWNT5O POR NATIONAL ADYSRtSOING' Sf NationalAdvertisiNgService,Inc. SCoelue Publishers Reresentatlve 420'MAWiSON AVE. . NEW YORK; N. Y. CHICAGO * OOSTO * Los ANGELES - SAN FRAN0ISCO BEoard of Editors Managing Editor.. .......Robert D. Mitchell Editorial Director . . ...... Albert P. Mayio City Editor. ......... Horace W. Gilmore Associate Editor . .. Joseph Gies Associate Editor. . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Associate Editor ........... S. R. Kleiman Associate Editor.... ... Robert Perlman Women's .Editor. . . ..Dorthea Staebler Sports Editor . .. . . .. Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager ..Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager ...... Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager,..... William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager. . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager.. Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: BEN M. MARINO The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. A Statement Of Policy .. perhaps, but nevertheless a forceful reminder that the totalitarian states have no intention of rejecting the bellicose methods which they have re-imported into world politics. Mussolini evidently intended his remarks pri- marily for American consumption. His speech is a direct reference to Secretary of War Woodring's statenent that the totalitarian aggressions might one day rouse our pacific people to such a pitch of indignation that it would be difficult to keep them from going to war. Now, there is no doubt that the American peo- ple feel only distaste and disgust for the fascist dictatorships, but there is no indication that they are consciously preparing for a war against the totalitarian heresy. Individual citizens are ready to fight the fascists on ideological grounds, but there is reason to believe that the mass of the popuation still remembers too vividly the last war for democracy. The next war, if it comes, will not be one between conflicting ideol- ogies. The issues will not be fascism, democracy or communism, but the inevitable issues raised by conflicts in national economic and political riv- alries. It will be the old game of dressing up economic and political issues in idealistic garb, and the American people should by this time be mature enough to give up playing games. Elliott Maraniss. TH EATRE By NORMAN KIELL The Spirit Of '38 When Old Man ,1937 died, he took with him on that day a drama by Sidney Howard called "The Ghost of Yankee Doodle." Broadway had not ap- proved "The Ghost of Yankee Doodle" and it was too indifferent to approve or disapprove its demise., Last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season resurrected "The Ghost of Yankee Doodle" and straightway laid him low again. This time it starred Aline Mac- Mahon as the mistress of the stolid and this time not so mid-western Garrison household, a house- hold composed of liberals who are swept into the cataclysmic miasma of reaction and fascism. It is Christmas time eighteen months after the next World War and into this apparently un- sullied-by-the-world home comes struggle, be- wilderment, defeat, by way of James Madison Clevinger and his illegitimate aviator son, Steve Andrews. The Garrisons own a tool and die factory and a liberal newspaper. Both are up against the proverbial wall of bankruptcy be- cause they refuse, to transform the factory into a munitions plant for foreign consumption; the factory supports the newspaper. Clevinger owns a string of yellow journals of the William Randolph Hearst breed and in him looms the dark shadow of peonage and fascist brutality. He comes to the Garrison home to, renew his wooing of Sara Garrison from where he left off in his youth. With him, he brings his prostituted philosophy and his money to restore . the Garrison fortunes. He wins Sara's hand only to lose it when he capitalizes on his son's death in a crash-up and entangles the country in the war. Sidney Howard has not the genius behind this stroke. It is his latest brainchild and it would. seem as though the germ plasm had run out. While Mr. Howard may want to say something desperately and honestly, he does not or can not say it; while he is crying out for an interpretation of the chaos in which he lives, he cannot inter- pret. Like so many of our liberals today, Mr. Howard takes a dive into the limbo of futility. Howard makes little out of his period of Sturm und Drank; he is the eternal fumbling liberal. He summons all his powers of witty dialogue, all his knowledge of claracterization, but in his dialogue and his characters he forgot to say something worthwhile. If he is accurately and intelligently to present American life, if he is to ,express whatever is sincere in the American spirit, he can not do it in terms of the upper income bracket as he does here. He creates little response and less sympathy. To talk about the next war and oncoming fas- cism in the smug repartee of the drawing room is beyond this reviewer's sense of proportion. Russell Hardie as the daredevil pilot, steals the show from Miss MacMahon; he is the "old- fashioned" cocktail to the drama giving it pep and vitality. Miss MacMahon has been given all the smug. witty lines to quote and she repeats them outside of herself, throwing them off with facility and ease. In an already overwritten part, Otto Hulett as the despicable publisher Clevinger, overacts and shouts all over Emeline Clark Roche's well-conceived stage. The others in the cast, especially Joanna Roos, William Post, Jr., and Frederic Tozere, were personable and competent. Tagopho b h To the Editor: Here is an opinion which I should like to have aired in your column: TAGOPHOBIA Many students are afllicted with "Tagophobia." They have an unreasonable but terrible fear of being "tagged" on Campus Tag Days. There seem to be various reasons for this tagophobia. One group has probably acquired a conditioned reflex against any sort of tag through uncon- scious association with traffic tagas Another Heywood Broun There may be a silver lining even in a bron- chial afliction, for if I had not been confined I would never have come across a curious little book called "Meet Me on the Barricades," by Charles Villanova Harrison. Mr. Harrison runs a notion shop in negations, and if there is any doubt which you cannot find upon his shelves or under his counter he will be glad to send out and sup- ply you. :<: Here one may buy jagged stones for a wailing wall, steins for the sorrowful and the pungent incense of re- nunciation. As a side line the shopkeeper does a little business in taxidermy and stuffs and mounts lost causes. All day long the proprietor sits cross-legged at the back of the room and plays a plaintive hymn to the setting sun upon the oboe. And the mes- sage of this minstrel is that all men are fools, although they may be divided into two camps. There are those fools who do not know the world is out of joint. But still sillier are their compatriots who try to do something about it. And so Charles Villanova Harrison purposes to go on sitting and sounding sour notes upon his oboe. gut the only tune he can play is "Down Went McGinty to the Bottom of the Sea." And yet it would be a mistake to picture Mr. Harrison as an unhappy man. He has his flute and his frustrations. A mug of gall with a dash of worm- wood suits his palate perfectly. Of More Sensitive Stuff Nero had no social consciousness, and so he fiddled while Rome burned. Charles Villanova Harrison is made of more sensitive stuff. Quite often he looks down from his tower at the con- flagration and encourages the firefighters. Be- fore he takes up his oboe he pays his duty to society by remarking, "Isn't it awful and isn't it hopeless?" And then he toots again. The society of American pessimists is one of the most democratic organizations in this coun- try. It bars neither members of the extreme right nor the extreme left. You can get in by saying that the revolution is upon us and that nothing can be'done about it. But you will be equally welcome in the club rooms if you' slogan is that the barricades are being sabotaged by the builders and that no recourse is possible. The common bond which makes buddies of diverse elements is- a mutual belief in the futility of all human en- deavor. The high sign is the doublecross, and the fraternal greeting is a stab in the back. New Slogahs For Old With a stein on the table and a picture of Trotsky on the wall the not very good fellows get together in the card room, and the only game which the house committee permits is solitaire. But if anybody ever wins he is promptly expelled as an opportunist. The club motto runs, "To err is human; to deviate is divine." In certain quarters there is a growing tendency to label this faith in eternal frustration as real- ism. And some of these newer realists are even willing to take over the old sentimental ditty by making a slight change in the words and singing, "There'll be mud pie in the sky by and bye." To my mind, a far more realistic attitude was manifested by the man of whom Bert Williams used to talk. .I refer to the fellow who was chased by a ghost as he was passing the cemetery. They ran ten or twelve miles, and then the man lay down panting and exhausted. The ghost sat close beside him and remarked, "That was quite a run we had." To which the man.replied, "Yes, and as soon as I get my breath we're going to have another." And it has always seemed to me that if the human spirit can remain steadfast and faithful until the cock crow and dawn we will at least escape all the evil apparitions which would de-. stroy us. Revolt In Brazil Whether any outside influence is involved or not; on the face of it it looks as if the quickly quelled uprising in Rio was an attempt of one anti-democratic group to oust another. President Vargas has had considerable experience with revolts since he seized power eight years ago. He has suppressed one rebellion described as "con- stitutionalist," another called "communistic," and 'low a third, in more up-to-date parlance labeled "fascist." Exactly what it represents is not yet clear. Naval officers are said to be involved, a prince-pretender of the house of Orleans and Braganza, and the Integralistas, who under their green shirts seem to integrate or at least cover up the most contradictory ideas. Apparently they are 100-per cent nationalists and Pan-Amer- icans, anti-Semites and interracialists, capitalists, and proletarians. In his own coup of last No- vember, when he suspended the Constitution to rule by decree and found an authoritarian State, Dr. Vargas used the Integralistas, but since then observers in Brazil have noted that this dissolved but still active movement constituted a threat to his regime which he would have to deal with. -New York Times. resistant and conditioned-reflex types-are not to be blamed. They are the victims of phobias which, like all phobias, must be treated by mental hygiene. The group of adventurers are probably insurable. But it is the last group-those who "just don't have the money" who should be Coinu cidence Paul Y. Anderson has furnished a hilarious afternath to the senate debate on the Government Reorgan- ization Bill, with his discovery that two opposition leaders, Senators Byrd of Virginia and Burke of Nebraska, both delivered the same speech in the Senate, on the same day, in opposition? to the bill, and it passed unnoticeda for nearly two months. a The parallel-column exposure madea by Mr. Anderson could have been c carried on almost indefinitely, for the C duplicate wording of the two speeches j takes up two pages in the congres- g sional record pf March 23. One point, however, escaped the eagle eye of Mr. Anderson. After t Senator Burke had finished deliver- d ing the speech which Senator Byrd n had delivered two hours earlier, he .f kept on talking-Senators have a o habit of doing that-and this was a his first remark on deviating from 1 the Byrd speech: b "I now come, Mr. President, or rather return, to the really vital part c of this discussion."o It is evident that, even though*Sen- t ator Burke did not know he had just e been delivering the speech of Sen- t ator Byrd, he thought it was not soA hot. And it wasn't. But if Senator o Byrd, by right of priority, claims the a paternity of this oratorical Siamese a twins, what will he think of the as-a persion cast on them by their Ne- R braska foster-father? P * * * I The Unlucky Parallel l However, the parallel between the speeches did not end with the dupli- cate wording. When Senator, Burke s quit repeating the words of Senator g Byrd, and launched into something e of his own, he began to discuss the ri difference between pre-audit and t post-audit by the General Accounting Office.L Curiously enough, when Senator w Byrd ceased to utter the words that were to be re-uttered later in the day by his colleague from Nebraska, he too kept on talking, and mirabile die- A tu, he discussed the difference' be- F tween pre-audit and post-audit by the General Accounting Office. 4 Buried in the middle of both of o these discussions, which differ in their b general wording, is this identical sen- t tence used by both senators: F "In my judgment, too much stress f has been placed on the difference be- p tween post-audit and pre-aucit as a n means of preventing illegal expeni- s tures or expenditures for purposes not authorized by Congress." In whose judgment? t In the judgment.of Senator Byrd? a In the judgment of Senator Burke? P No, in the judgment of the man C who wrote the speech they delivered. That man, it is overwhelmingly evi- dent from .the text of the speeches, t was an official of the General Ac- i counting Office. a Z Comedy Of Errors This matter is more than a hilarious comedy of errors at the expense of two senators. It. reveals the hand t that blocks the path of governmental c reform. It shows the workings of 1 bureaucracy. The General Account-s ing Office, charged with the duties of a an annual audit, has not performed that duty once in the 17 years Of its existence. Even if it did, it would be auditing its own actions-a vicious system.z There you have evidence of the hid-c den forces, in addition to anti-Roose-t velt propaganda, that defeated thec government reorganization bill. 1 To all of these discredited propa- t gandists, and to the unseen manipu- lators of senate debate, a swift and effective answer can be made. It is for the house committee on government reorganizationtto report out the bills recommitted to them a month ago. The committee has that 1 power, and now it has that duty. 1 Times have changed, politically, since congressmen frightened by propaganda sent these bills back to committee. without voting on them. The voters have spoken in Florida.; They are getting ready to speak else- where. The wage-and-hour bill was recom- mitted, but it has emerged again, headed for passage. What is being' done with the wage-and-hour bill can be, and should be, done on gov- ernment reorganization, but here the procedure is simpler. The house committee, headed by Congressman Cochran of Missouri, can bring these bills to the floor without referring them to the reactionary rules com- mittee. That should be done. Let them be voted on, and see how many congressmen will knuckle under to propaganda a second time. - St. Louis Star-Times. NaLionwide Syphilis Drive Is Planned WASHINGTON, May 16.-(P-A nation-wide campaign against vener- eal disease was outlined by public health service officials today after the House passed a Senate bill call- ing for the expenditure of from $3,- TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 163 Note to Seniors, June Graduates, nd Graduate Students: Please file pplication for degrees or any spe- i ial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi- ti ate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at l nce if you expect to receive a de- g gree or certificate at commence- s nent in June. We cannot guaran- ee that the University will confer a legree or certificate at commence- T Rent upon any student who fails to t 0 ile such application before the close f business on Wednesday, May 18. If e pplication is received later than May S 8, your degree or certificate may not T ie awarded until next fall. Candidates for degrees or certifi- ates may fill out card at once at ti ffice of the secretary or recorder of H heir own school or college (students, nrolled in the College of Litera- ure, Science, and the Arts, College of d Architecture, School of Music, Schoolof f Education, and School of Forestry 01 nd Conservation, please note that pplication blank may be obtained s nd filed in the Registrar's Office, t loom 4, University Hall). All ap- lications for the Teacher's Certifi- ate should be made at the office of he School of Education. 8 Please do not delay until the, last a lay, as more than 2,50e diplomas t nd certificates must be lettered, igned, and sealed and we shall be reatly helped in this work by the g8 arly filing of applications and the L esulting longer period for prepara- L ion. o The filing of these applications does iot involve the payment of any feeW whatsoever. Shirley W. Smith. All Students, College of L.S.&A., a Architecture, Schools of Education,'d Forestry and Music: File change of address card in Room H U.H. before June 1st. Blue prints f records and other information willU e sent immediately after examina- ions to you at the address given inP February unless change of address is B iled. Failure to receive your blue 6 rint because of faulty address will n iecessitate a charge of $1.00 for the o econd copy. ti ti -Freshmen in the College of Litera- v ure, Science and the Arts: Freshmenf re invited to discuss their academic p rograms for next year 'with their counselors before June 1. m Camp Davis. All students planning U o take field courses in surveying or n geology during the coming summer re asked to meet in Room 2054,' atural Science Bldg., at 7 p.m. onL rhursday, May 19. Li H. Bouchard G. M. Ehlers. Ir All students who fare competing in he .Hopwood contests and who have c hanged their address since the pub- ication of the Student Directory should leave a record of their new P address in the Hopwood Room. G Academic Notices EE 7a, Building Illumination. The reading assignment for Wednesday N or Thursday, May 18 or 19, is the three publications concerning effect s of paint on lighting of rooms, which : have been given to all members ofa the class.f C Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Drawings, photographs and maps of Soviet architecture and city construc- tion, also illustrations showing thes historical development of Soviet ar-V chitecture from 1918 to the present,' loaned through the courtesy of the American Russian Institute. ThirdP floor exhibition room. Open daily,' 9 to 5, except Sunday, until May 24. The public is cordially invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture: An exhibition of articles in silver, gold, enamel and sexfi-precious stonies, for ecclesiastical and general use, de- signed and executed by 'Arthur Ne- vill Kirk, is shown in the pier cases at either side of the Library entrance, second floor corridor. Open daily, 9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until June 1. The public is cordially in- vited. Events Today A meeting of the senior class pesi- dents to discuss Commencement plans has been called for tonight at 7 p.m. in Room 227, West Engineering Bldg. Glee Club Men: Meet at 6 p.m. to- day at the Union for the banquet. The Graduate Student Council will meet at the Union tonight at 8p.m. Election Commission to be set up. Final meeting. All members be pres- ent. Mathematics Club will meet tonight l at 8 nm. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Periodic Residue Systems" -and Mrs. P. Baxter will speak on "The reometry of the Dirac Equations." Bibliophiles: F.W.C. The final ieeting of the year will be held at he home of Mrs. Preston and Mrs. dwin Slosson, 2101 Devonshire Rd. irs. Lila Pargment will address the roup on the literature of Soviet Rus- ia. S.A.E. There will be a meeting of he Society of Automotive Engineers )night at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. fficers for the coming year will be lected. Professor Nickelsen will talk n the new streamlined trains. A * pecial invitation is extended to ransportation Engineers. Astronomical Motion Pictures. o- ion pictures taken at the McMath- ulbert Observatory at Lake Angelus, ill be shown in Natural Science Au- itorium at 8 p.m. tonight, primarily or the classes in astronomy, though thers will be welcome. The films ill comprise lunar features, the total olar eclipse of 1932, and the solar rominences recorded with the new wer telescope. Christian SciencehOrganization: .15 p.m. League Chapel Students lumni and faculty are invited to at- nd the services. Home-making Art and Athletic roups picnic tonight at Saline Val- y Farms. Everyone meet at the eague. South Door, at 5 p.m. with r without cars. W.A.A. Board meeting today at the Y.A.B. Association Book Group-"Coqper- ive Democracy by Dr. James WCar- asse will be reviewed by the author's aughter, Mrs. Charles Spooner, Lane all Library,'Tuesday, 4:15 p.m. Phi Kappa Phi. The spring initia- on banquet of the Honor Society of 'hi Kappa Phi will be held in the allroom of the Michigan Union at :30 p.m., tonight. Several musical umbers will be included and Sen. reorge P. McCallum, Sr., will speak n "A Typical Legislature in Ac- on." Members may secure reser- ations by calling the secretary be- ore 2 p.m. on that date. Campus hone 649. Theta Sigma Phi will hold its last le'eting of the school year tonight at he League at 7 o'clock. It is im- ortant that all members be present. Ann Arbor Independents: There ill be rehearsals all this week at the League for the Campus Sing to be eld . in conjunction with Lantern ight. All the girls are urged to come f you are unable to attend, the first neeting get in touch with Mary Fran- es Reek/ R.O.T.C. Ceremony today at 4 eport in and get rifles at Waterman xym. Coming Events Itesearch Club will met Wednesday, day 18, at 8 p.m., in Room 2528 East Vedical Building. 'Program: Profes- or L. B. Kellum will speak on "Stu- lies in Mexico on the Paleogeographic nd Tectonic Influence of Stable Plat- orms in'Submarine Areas." Professor C. C. Fries will speak on "The Chang- ng Grammar of Modern English." The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Pharmaceutical Conference:- The Annual Pharmaceutical Conference sponsored by the College of Pharmacy will be held at the Michigan Union at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18. Dr. R. L. Swain, President of the National Association of Boards' of Pharmacy, Dr. Arthur Curtis and Prof. C. C. Glover will be the principal speakers. At the evening meeting at 7:45 p.m. in Room 165 'Chemistry Building, Dr. Allan J. McLaughlin will, speak on "The Outlook for the' Communicable Disease." A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all interested. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122, Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18. Mr.; Charles Murray will speak on "Crystal Structure of Some Silicates." Fraternity Presidents: Interfrater- nity Council meeting Thursday, May 19 at 7:15 in Room 306, Michigan Union. It is important that all presi- dents be there as election of next years officers will be held.,, GraduatesLuncheon, Wednesday, May 18, Michigan League, Russian Tea Room, 12 noon. Cafteria service. Prof. Robert B. Hall of the Geogra- phy Department will speak informally on "Regions of Conflict in the Far East." Omega Upsilon. A very important meeting Wednesday night at '7;30, Morris Hall. All members please be DAILY OFFICIAL BIILLETIP Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Universtty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. the the ing THE ICHIGAN DAILY is the news- paper of the students and faculty of University of Michigan, and as such it has twofold purpose of representing and of serv- them. The editors of 'the Daily join in asking you who are the students and faculty of Michigan to help us in making the Daily in every sense your paper,, to make it of real service to you, and truly rep- resentative of you. On the campus .are found a wide range of interests and activities. Mich- igan men and women are interested in varied fields: some in fraternities or sororitiet, some in the Congress or Assembly activities, and some in the cooperative houses; they are interested in sports or drama, campus, social doings or the local research clubs; they are interested in labor or Big Business, in the Republican or Demo- cratic parties, in the wars in Spain and China or the intrigues of Central Europe. All these in- terests appear in the composite life of the Uni- versity, and-it is the desire of the Daily to include and give expression to each and all of them. The editors appreciate the fact that this is a difficult and extensive assignment. Of necessity, in covering such a wide range of material, every article and editorial will not appeal to all readers. Nevertheless it is intended to represent, insofar as possible, the entire range of interests presented by University life. In the news coverage the staff plans to reach every campus activity, and in this connection it will be of assistance if groups, man- agers or faculty members will telephone in items, of interest or request special reportorial service when necessary. The Daily will also continue to give information on scores or other matters of special interest at any time. The new staff takes up its duties withthe en- thusiasm for challenging opportunities and with the earnest intention of being of service. Robert D. Mitchell.! 'thle Internlational Nationals. W HILE THE DEMOCRACIES of the world were continuing in their futile attempts to fashion realistic foreign policies by watchful waiting, non-intervention and power politics, Mussolini took occasion in the course of a speech Saturday at Genoa to remind them, with all the subtlety of a battleship, that the totali- tarian states will present a united international front in case of world crisis. "Two worlds," he said, "the German and the Roman are in immediate contact. Their friend- ship is lasting. Collaboration between the two revolutions, which is destined to leave its impress on this centurv of ours, cannot but be fruitful of