The Weather
F'air today, variable winds;
niot much temperature change.
YI r
Alit iga
A Statement
Of P olcy....
The International
Mexieo Tense
As Six Persons
Are Wounded
in Student Riot
Opposing Political Forces
Battle For Possession
Of University Buildings
'Socialist Youth'
Groups Defy Police
M EXICO CITY, May 16.-tP)---Six
prsons were wounded seriously today
in clashes at the university of Mex-
ico. where Rightist and Leftist groups
battled with pistols and knives for
possession of four buildings.
The outbreak was the most recent
development in growirng tension be-
tween representatives of the country's
two extremes of political thought.
Several hundred armed members of
"Socialist Youth" groups before' dawn
seized possession of the main ni-
versity building, the preparatory
schobl and the schools of commerce
and law. They defied efforts of po-
lice and firemen to eject them
Word of the coup spread and soon
there gathered angry student groups.
They 'attacked the buildings several
times, but at first were beaten back
by the Socialists, who fired from roof-
tops, wounding several.
Finally, at about noon, the stu-
dents completed reoccupation of the
buildings, re-entering by roof-top
from adjoining buildings. The So-
cialist. youths, surrendering, obtained.
assurances they would not be molested
during evacuation, and they left
Six persons were treated at hos-
pitals, including a 3-year-old girl
struck by a stone. The others were
students. four with gun wounds and
one beaten.
Today's disorder "capped long at-
tempts by Socialists to deprive the
University of autonomy guaranteed
it by law and to bring it into the
federal. system, introducing socialis-
tic education.
Rector Chico Georne and the stu-
ett, i ,ad strongly opposed these at-
tempts. Georne charged today's seiz-
ure of the buildings was the result of
"maneuvers" by the National Coun-
cil of Highbr Education and Sci-
entific Investigation, a government
organization created to extend social-
istic teachings.
Card alPolicy
Up To Students
'Not Anti-Semitism,' Says
Wisconsin's Dykstra
President Clarence A. Dykstra of
the University of Wisconsin issued a
statement last night saying the dis-
pute over the control of the Cardinal,
campus daily newspaper, in which the
anti-semitic issue has been raised.
is one to be settled by the students
themselves. .
The controversy arose after Rich-
ard J. Davis, New York, was removed
as executive editor of the Cardinal
because, it is charged, he is a Jew.
Dykstra said that students have in-
formed him the trouble boils down
to "leftist" as against "conservative"
leanings of the Cardinal's policy and
is also a ,division of fraternity and
sorority groups as against students
not affiliated with the Greek letter.
societies. ,
"I have taken the position that the
students must settle their problem as
a lesson in self-government and that
they must not lose their traditional
uncensored newspaper," Dykstra said.
"I feel sure that this opposition has
not extended further than to specific
individuals. I have found no anti-
semitic trend or temper in any of
my conferences." ,
Sophomores Tell
Picnic With 'a s
Members of the class of '40 will
sport yellow tags inscribed "sopho-
more, see you at the picnic Saturday"
for the rest of the week, Don Press,
chairman, announced following a
meeting of the class picnic commit-
tee yesterday.
The picnic, which is expected to
draw almost 350 sophomores, will be-
gin at 2 p.m. Saturday when members
of the class assemble on the steps in
Hill Auditorium to march en masse
to the Island for the afternoon's fes-
8 00 Greeks'
Vie Tomorrow
n Yearlyin
More than 800 iron-lunged Greeks
will "swing" to their interfraternity
sing tomorrow night to the accom-
paniment of cheering sorority women.
"Beauty -aid" will be given the fra-
ternities by the sororities, each of
which has been assigned to support
two fraternities.
An award will be given to the sor-
ority cheering the winning house and
to the sorority attaining nearest to
100 per cent attendance.
Swinging down Washtenaw and
other streets, the ranks will be joined
by each fraternity as the group
passes the various houses. The pro-
cession will march to the main li-
brary at 7 p.m. where each house will
make an effort to annex the campus
musical title.
The Interfraternity Council will
provide escorts for each of the sorori-
ties and arrange for the "cheering
sections" in the bleachers to be erect-
ed in front of the library.
The judges will be Walter Stabler
and Professors David Mattern and Ar-
thur Hackett of the School of Music.
Three trophies will be awarded to
the winning houses.
Peace Council
Sponsors Talk
By Onderdonk
Current Wars To Be Topic
Of Speech At 4:15 P.M
In Science Auditorium
In conjunction with International
Goodwill Day which commemorates
the convening of the First' Hague
Peace Conference May 18, 1899, Dr.
Frances S. Onderdonk of Ann Arbor
will lecture and present motion pic-
tures on the wars in China, Spain and
Ethiopia at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the Natural Science Auditorium. The
meeting is being held under the aus-
pices of th Peace Council of the Uni-.
The talking film on China, "Thun-
der Over The Orient," depicts the
primitive conditions among Chinese
peasants. Another film describes the
development and expansion of Jap-
anese industry since 1891 when For-
mosa was seized. Scenes from the
Shanghai war of 1932 and the fight-
ing of 1937 will also be shown.
Dr. Onderdonk, who has the only
Peace Films Library in the country;
states that "Thunder Over The
Orient" is the most effective film he
has ever used. It includes scenes
of the bombing of the Cathay Hotel
in Shanghai and the attack on Nan-
"Spain's Civil War" is a composite
picture of the Rebel-Loyalist struggle,
containing some silent scenes.
A silent picture on the machinery
of the League of Nations deals with
three of the 40 disputes which have
been settled successfully at Geneva. A
March of Time talking picture of
Mussolini and Ethiopia will conclude
the program.
Flays Government
Radio Propaganda
WASHINGTON, May 16.-(R)-Any
proposal to put the Government in
control of news-distributing chan-
nels is at odds with democratic prin-
ciples and "follows the pattern of,
authoritarian states," Mark Ethridge,
president of the National Association
of Broadcasters, said today.
He spoke before the House Naval
Committee in opposition to a pro-
posal by Rep. Celler, (Dem., N.Y.)
that the Government build a radio
station for broadcasts to South Amer-
Although the announced purpose of
the project is to offset propaganda be-
ing broadcast to South America from
Europe, he said, it might only arouse
resentment among Latin Americans.
The Government should encourage
private interests whose international
broadcasts have been well received
in South America, he said. Declaring
there had been a remarkable trend in
the improvement of private facilities
during the past year, Ethridge said:
"Whether this trend will continue
or be retarded or even whether pri-
vate entcrvrise will entirely abandon
the field depends largely upon your
decision with respect to this proposal."
Scotland Jails Woman
W ~n C' 'Wr I
Great Britain's
Air Secretary
Premier Meets Request
For More Airplanes With
Change In His Cabinet
England Says She
Will Stay In Mexico
LONDON, May 16.--(P)-Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain met the
insistent clamor that Britain surpass
Germany's air rearmament tonight
with a 'reshuffle of his cabinet.
Viscount Swinton resigned the post
of Secretary of State for Air, where
he had been the center of Parliamen-
tary attacks charging the air program
was lagging, and was succeeded by
rotund, energetic Sir Kingsley Wood.
Sir Kingsleys' portfolio as Minis-
ter of Health went to Walter Elliot,
who was Secretaiy of State for Scot-
Elliot's former post went to Lieut.
Col. John Colville, who entered the
cabinet for the first time. He had
been FinancialSecretary to the Treas-
The former William G. A. Orms-
by-Gore, who went to the House of
Lords as Baron Harlech on the death
bf his father, resigned as colonial
Malcolm MacDonald, National La-
borite son of the late Ramsey Mac-
Donald, took the colonial ministry and
his former post of Dominions Secre-
tary went to Lord Stanley, heir of the
Earl of Derby.
It was estimated Britain's air pro-
gram"would have to be more than
tripled if the nation is to reach the
level given Germany by Field Mar-
shal Hermann Wilhelm Goering.
Last Thursday, when the Air Min-
istry was attacked in Parliament, the
government pledged it would have in
the neighborhood of 3,500 first line
planes by April 1, 1940.
This is double the number it plan-
ned to have in active military service
by April 1, 1939. Unofficial estimates
credited Germany with having 2,-
10 first line planes at the present
Lord Winterton, who acted as Lord
Swinton's deputy in the House of
Commons, was understood to have
been relieved of all air ministry du-
Because of the reshuffle, which al-
so affected a number if minor posts,
and the Prime Minister's gout, a fur-
ther debate on air rearmament sched-
uled for next Thursday may be post-
While Chamberlain was held in
Number Te Downing Street by the
gout, his government announced in
the House of Commons that it intend-
ed to continue Britain's commercial
interests in Mexico. t
10 Women Tapped
In Annmal W yvern
March Last Night
Singing their traditional song,
members of Wyvern, junior women's
honorary society, tapped 10 sopho-
more women at dinner yesterday.
' Tapped by the yellow sweatered
women were Pattie Haislip, Anne
Hawley, Jean McKay, Jane Nuss-
baum Suzanne Potter, Jean Ruther-
ford, Harriet Sharkey, Dorothy Ship-
man, Betty Slee and Alberta Wood.
Dean Byrl F. Bacher, patroness of
the society, and Mrs. Mira Jordan
were guests at the dinner in the Rus-
sian Tea Room of the League after
the tapping. Mrs. Jordan, who is one
of the founders of the society, de-
scribed the first groups of 20 women
who were arbitrarily picked to aid
freshman women as advisers.
i , .
Quaker Chiefs
Decry Farley's
Olive Branch,
Democrat High Command,
$eeks To Quell State's
New Deal Departments
CIO Slate Opposes
Gov. Earle's Ticket
The Democratic party's high com-
mand stepped into Pennsylvania's
New Deal factional war today in an
election-eve move for harmony.
From both sides came retorts de-
crying "interference" in the state
National Chairman James A. Farley,
fearful that wounds of the slashing
campaign would hurt the party's
chances in the November general
election, proposed a fusion slate of
one major candidate from each of the
opposing factions.
Farley Makes Plea
Farley made his plea in a statement
from New York.
The "only solution," he said, is to
nominate CIO-backed Thomas Ken-
nedy fo'r Governor and Gov. George
H. Earle for Senator. They head op-
posing slates. The battle for party
supremacy in the state, Farley added,
"imperils the success of the Demo-
cratic party in the November elec-
Parley's proposal, in effect, was to
sacrifice Philadelphia's Mayor S. Da-
vis Wilson, running for the Senate
nominationvon Kennedy's slate, and
Charles Alvin Jones, Pittsburgh law-
yer, candidate for the gubernatorial
nomination with Earle.
Condemns Interference
Earle, quickly condemned Parley's
interference as "unwise," reaffirmed
support of his ticket mate, Jones, and
fired a blast at CIO chieftain Lewis
who with Sen. Joseph F. Guffey is
backing the Kennedy-Wilson lineup.
Mayor Wilson warned:
"If Earle should be nominated it
would mean certain defeat for the en-
tire Democratic ticket at the Novein-
ber election."
David L. Lawrence, state Demo-
cratic chairman said Pennsylvanians
"resent" Parley's entrance into the
Prof. Litzenberg
Will Talk Here
Spanish Catholics Not Backing
Franco, Loyalist Speakers Hold
Novelist Sender Asserts
'Spirit Of Truth' Will
Win For Government
The Spanish Loyalists will win the
civil war because they have what
Generalissimo Franco and the rebels
lack-the spirit of truth and justice.
This is the belief of Ramon Sender,
well-known novelist and a member of
a delegation of Spanish citizens who
spoke in Natural Science Auditorium
yesterday, under the auspices' of the
Ann Arbor committee to aid Spain.
Sender's companions were Carmen
Meanda, Jose Bergamin and Ogier
Preteceille, who are now making a
good will tour of America.
Bergamin, who is Catholic, stated
that only one-third of the Spanish
Catholics support Franco. This one-
third, he said, represents the rem-
nanants of the monarchial church
and is composed primarily of mem-
bers of the rich clergy. The other
two-thirds, he stressed, are fighting
for the freedom for which a progres-
sive church stands.
Sender, who is the author of "Coun-
ter-Attack in Spain," told his au-
dience that the Spanish war is a war
to preserve Spanish culture. Cul-
ture holds a place of honor in the
trenches, he added.
Sender said that university deans
and professors, far past the military
age, insist on fighting to preserve
the principles they stand for. Soldiers
on leave have many times volunteered
their services to save art treasures
from museums leveled by fascist
bombs, he declared.
Spain is sacrificing her youth to
prevent the sacrifice of the rest of
the world, according to Preteceille, the
press secretary of the General'Union
Workers. The Spanish war is the
first step in a world conflict being
contemplated by fascist nations, he
added. To prevent this war, democra-
cies should- restore to the legal Span-
ish government her rights under in-
ternational law, he said.
Carmen Meanda, an organizer
of aid for Spanish women and chil-
dren, said that if Spain is not helped
in time, the suffering being felt by
the children of Spain will be ex-
perienced by the children of France,
America and England.
Make Guest Addr
At CongressBanquet
Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the Eng-
lish department will be the guest
speaker at the Congress' installation
banquet to be held at 6:15 p.m.
Thursday in the Union, it was an=
nounced yesterday.
Professor Litzenberg, one of the
faculty advisers to the Interfraternity
Council, will discuss fraternity-inde-
pendent relationships on the Mich-
igan campus.
The banquet will mark the official
installation of the new officers of
Congress who were selected last week.
Awards will also be given at the ban-
quet to those who have earned them-
The new president, Robert Hartwell,
'39E, will speak, as will the retiring
president, Irving Silverman, '38. Rob-
ert Kleiner, '38, is co-chairman of the
banquet along with Silverman.
Several faculty members and stu-
dents have been invited to the ban-
quet which is open to all independent
men on campus. Tickets may be se-
cured at the Union desk or from Con-
gress' officers.,
Flames Destroy
Atlanta Hotel;
27 Feared Dead
Many Are Missing Or
Injured In Wreckage;
Register Was Burned
ATLANTA, May 16.-(RP)-A pre-
dawn fire. that turned the 3-year-
old Terminal Hotel into a flaming
horror in ten minutes killed 27 per-
sons and left a score more missing
or injured today.'
Engineers estimated it might be two
days before the wreckage was cleared
and the full toll determined. The
hotel register was lost.
George P. Jones, hotel manager,
said at a hospital he was "too sick
to talk," but estimated at least 75
persons were in the structure. A
Negro porter awakened him and his
wife, asleep on the .third floor, and
firemen rescued them with a ladder.
The blaze broke out in the base-'
ment of the 50-story, brick and frame
building about 3 aim. when most of its
guests were asleep. Flames and smoke
shot skyward and in a moment every
floor was ablaze.
Home to many railroad men, the
$1 and up a day hotel was situated
oposite the Terminal Station on
:spring Street, in downtown Atlanta.
Traffic for blocks around was jam-
med today as police roped off the
area against danger of falling walls.
May Is Awarded
$600 Fellowship
Griffiths, Morris Also Win
In Booth Contest
The $600 Booth Fellowship for the
best solution to an architectural prob-
lem has been awarded this year to
Robert V. May, of Ann Arbor. The
fellowship is intended to be used as a
means of travelling and studying
architecture abroad.
William A. Griffiths of Detroit, al-
so a student in the architectural col-
lege, placed second and Robert L.
Morris of Ann Arbor was third.
The competition this year was
judged by members of the faculty of
the architectural college and promin-
ent architects from Detroit. The
problem was to design a repertory
theatre to meet given conditions and
A sum of $20,000 was set aside by
George Booth, owner of Cranbrook
school in Birmingham, some years
ago. The interest from this was to
be used to provide the travelling fel-
lowship each year to the designer of
best solution to a given architectural
Ann Arbor Artists
Works On Display
An exhibit of oils and watercolors
painted by professional Ann Arbor
artists is now on display in the upper
lobby of the - Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. The artists are members of
Golfers Rally
To Top Irish
By 17.5 To 9.5
Barclay Stars As Varsity
Conquers Notre Dame
In First Contest Here
Michigan's golf team turned out to
be poor hosts yesterday for they
whipped Notre Dame's colorful squad
by a score of .171/2 to 91/2 in the first
visit that the "Fighting Irish" have
ever paid to Ann Arbor.
The match was tied at 41/2 points at
the conclusion of four-ball play in
the morning but the Wolverines
picked up considerably to capture 13
out of 18 points at stake in the after-
noon singles play.
'Bill Barclay, playing number one
man for Michigan, regained the form
that he displayed at the close of last
season and defeated Capt. Tom Shee-
han 4-3 after being all even at the
tenth tee. Bill finished the round and
turned a 38-34 card for the day's
medal honors.
Walter Hagen, Jr. played sixth man
for the visitors and added a great
deal of color and interest to the meet
but as far as the Notre Dame cause
was concerned, he proved a liability.
His opponent in singles play, Fred
Schwarze, showed little respect for
the "Haig's" son and fired a 75 to
sweep all three points. Hagen could
do no better than 78 despite the
moral support given by his girl who
followed the match around. In best-
ball play he teamed with George No-
lan and needed 83 shots. Nolan could
do little better having an 81 and they
lost three points to Jim Loar (76) and
Schwarze (80).
Capt. Al Karpinski shot a 77 which
enabled him to gather 2%/2 points
from Phil Donohue, when after halv-
ing the first nine, Karpinski took ad-
vantage of Donohue's slips to win the
back nine and consequently the
Ed McCabe, playing number three
man for the visitors, made the neat-
est comeback of the day. The tall,
lanky, bespectacled player was one
down to Lynn Riess by virtue of a
missed trap shot on the ninth hole,
which cost him a point for losing the
first nine. But his putter warmed up
and his 35 on the back stretch, capped
by a birdie three. on the 17th gave
him the match, 2 and 1.
Bob Palmer was the victim of one
(Continued on Page3)
Jewish Aid Drive
Brings $2,190 Total
More than $2,190 was collected by
the Hillel Foundation for the national
five million dollar fund being raised
to aid Jews in Europe, it was an-
nounced by Samuel Grant, '40, ex-
ecutive director of the local drive,
at the annual Hillel Banquet, Sunday
at the Union.
The drive will be kept open offi-
cially until next Saturday evening
to accept late contributions and mail
contributions that are still coming
in, Grant said.
Ann Arbor townspeople contributed
$844, odf the total sum students gave
.917 and $432 was donated by the.
Rules Strikers
Possess Right
Uphold Order Of Board
That Telegraph Workers
Be Reinstated In Jobs
Cardozo And Reed
Do NotParticipate
WASHINGTON, 1May 1.-(P)--The
Supreme Court decided by a 7 to 0
vote today that a workman who goes
on strike is still an employe of his
company within the meaning of the
Labor Relations Act and therefore is
entitled to the protection of that Act.
In so ruling, the Court upheld an
order of the National Labor Board in-
structing the Mackay Radio and Tel-
egraph Company to reinstate in its
San Francisco office five strikers who,
the Board said, had not been taken
back because they had been active in
a labor union,
Justice Cardozo and Reed did not
participate in the case.
No' Reversal Needed
The justices decided that' the
Board's failure to follow "its usual
practice" of submitting a Trial Ecam-
iner's tentative report to the comr-
pany, and then conducting hearings
on the company's objections to the
report, did not call for reversal of the
reinstatement order.
There was no positive indication
from the Court, however, a to whe-
ther it would take the same view"to-
ward similar failures in other Labor
Board cases involving different cir-
Complaks Made
The Ford Motor Company and the
Republic Steel Corporation, among
others, have complained in other lit-
igation that the Board's failure to
give them Trial Examiner's reports
and hear objections about them had
prejudiced their rights, and the Board
recently moved to withdraw its or-
ders against these companies for fur-
ther procedure.
In one of its rulings today, the Su-
preme Tribunal ordered the three
judges of the Federal Circuit Court
of Appeals at Philadelphia to show
cause Why they should not permit the
Labor Board to withdraw an order
against the Republic Steel Corpora-
tion, directing reinstatement of ,000
workers. Argument on this question
was set for next Monday.
Council Backs
Appointment To Police
Board Affirmed
Ann Arbor's city council confirmed
Mayor Walter c. Sadler's appoint-
ment of Prof. Johns . Worley of the
Engineering college to the police com-
mission by a .9 to 4 vote last night.
The split was entirely on party lines
with Republicans favoring the ap
Placing of Professor Worley on the
commission was regarded in local po-
litical circles as a personal triumph
for Mayor Sadler, also an engineering,
college professor, as members of the
council had previously shown their
opposition by postponing endorse-
ment. Professor Worley takes over
his new post immediately.
Aldermen voting in favor of the ap-
pointment, all Republicans, were
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School
of Business Administration; Prof.
John E. Tracy of the Law School;
Prof. Glenn L. Alt of the engineering
college; Prof. Leigh J. Young of the
Forestry School; Russell T. Dobson,
r.; Elmer'.C. Kapp, Cecil 0. Creal;
Charles H. Eaton and Floyd D. Elsifor,
Professor Worley's special field is
that of transportation engineering.
He has shown an interest in civic
affairs for a number of years.
Professor Worley's , appointment,
according to Mayor Sadler, was made
so that his experience in the field of
transportation could be used to im-
prove traffic conditions in Ann Ar-
bor. Professor Worley has done work
in that field in Detroit, Boston and
other cities.
Seniors Will Swingout Sunday
In All Commencement Finery
Revived three years ago after a
five-year slumber, Swingout, to be
held at 4 p.m. Sunday, has once again
become one of the traditional high-
lights of the senior year.
Seniors won the privilege of pa-
radin$ in cap and gown a quarter of
a century ago after opposition from
a conservative faculty, and the cus-
tom soon grew to be a favorite an-
nual event. A strenuous engineer-
law school feud in its early days
served to arouse added interest. But
when the law school became a gradu-
q+p -hnI +e a r a iedntft and a
Men's Council together with Univer-
sity honor societies submitted a pe-
tition to, the Committee on Student
Affairs guaranteeing an orderly
Swingout if the march were restored.
Accordingly permission was granted.
This year the Swingout Committee
headed by Wally Ladd, 38, and Fred
Cushing, '38, has announced it will
definitely maintain an orderly af-
fair that will be lots of fun.
This year the line of march will
form on the library steps and the
highest classmen arrayed in their
Commencement finery, will encircle
+he camnus and end the anrae at
'38'Ensians Out Today
At Publications Bldg
Distribution of the '38 'Ensian
will be conducted today from 10