THE M CHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY :r -,aj " . 11# Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the Uniersity year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively, entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited .to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rghts of republication of all other niatters herein also Wesorved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mal. $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTSING BY. National AdvertisingService, Inc. CllegePublIse s Rtresnave 420 MADsoN Ave. !Nv ew YORK N. Y. CICAO - OSTOn * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRACISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR............ TUURE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...........IRVING SILVERAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........WILLIAM C. SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ......... .. ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR......... . RIYLN O EGLAS SPORTS EDITOR.........IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER.............ERNEST A. JONES REDIT MANAGER ...........ON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGE ....NRMAN B.STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY OMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ELLIOTT MARANISS It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools Which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. Alexander G. Ruthven The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only, The United States Chamber Of Commerce C. S. Ching, director of industrial relations for a large rubber company, warned the United States Chamber of Commerce members in their meeting in Washington, that they were compelled "to deal with organized labor to a much greater extent in the future." Business should recognize that fact, he urged, and "sit down together (with labor) and discuss mutual problems, realizing there will always be substantial differences of opinion.,, But the Chamber of Commerce.apparently will not heed this hard common sense. It gives its ap- proval instead to those whose yiews on labor are, to say the least, unfriendly. Its labor section'lis- tened most closely to Senator Edward R. Burke of Nebraska, the leading opponent in Congress of the National Labor Relations Board. .Burke de- manded a congressional investigation . Of the board. 'Myron C. Taylor, recently retired as chairman of the United States Steel Corporation, in his valedictory paid tribute to the scrupulous fairness of his steel workers, whose unionization he had recognized. William S. Knudsen, who fought the automobile union, complained of the "irrespon- sibility" of his workers who. participated in over 200 unauthorized strikes after signing an agree- ment with the company. He insists the "equality" of employer and employe has "vanished" under the Wagner act. The fact is that equality never existed under the old order, when employers were free to discharge and otherwise coerce union members. It is true that the labor board has failed in some instances to grant employers their full rights under the law to a complete hearing. But the board is seeking to amend its errors. It has asked permission to reopen the Ford Motor Co. case and has hinted it may undertake to reopen a few others, including the important Republic Steel case. Faulty administration of the Wagner act, as disclosed by a Supreme Court ruling last week, is no argument against the entire labor relations law. It is no argument against the normal pro- cedure of its enforcement. After all, the Wagner act was something new in our labor history. It had to be tested to determine what adjustments were desirable to render it more workable. De- fects in certain cases have now been shown and the labor board has acknowledged them. The Chamber of Commerce shows little under- sanding of the significance of this action. It has shown few evidences in its convention of any sympathy toward unions. It has disclosed no real appreciation of the fact that, in a modern industrialized society, strong labor organizations are necessary to maintain the balance of power between employer and employe; that they are necessary if democracy is to persist in our com- plex age; that they are essentially a conservative, not a radical, influence. The Chamber could do nothing more beneficial to the country than to change this attitude. Labor uiions have their faults, many of them, and labor leaders have been guilty of many blunders. But the principle of union organization and free collective bargaining is still sound and must be nn a"AAlrr. nrr'c g- 1 al i thaetrcn ie Oxford University By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The enthusiasm of the average American stu- dent for Oxford is exceeded, perhaps, only by the enthusiasm of the average Oxonian himself, who loves his college with the same fierce emotion of an Englishman for anything English. But there is more than emotion to this Oxford fealty. Adhering to an educational plan and ideal, conceived and inaugurated hundreds of years ago, Oxford is still, we believe, on the forefront of world education, with a position as as staunch and unquestioned as the American Bill of Rights. The University of Oxford is a nebulous thing, being only a skeleton organization which controls nothing more than the professorships and the administration of examinations. Oxford is really the twenty six colleges that compose it. And it is within the walls of his own college that the Oxford student sleeps, eats, studies, converses and in general confines his existence. These separate divisions become com- parable to our own colleges or liberal arts schools, except that they are smaller in the main, vary- ing from 30 to 350 and averaging about 150 students. An intense rivalry exists between the colleges, both for academic and athletic honors, a rivalry at least equal to the most obstreporously col- legiate American institutions. And it is not an uncommon event, we are told, to see brawling and cat-calling between the members of the different units, all of whom are thoroughly and wholeheartedly convinced that theirs is the only complete college in the university. Strangely enough, however, it is a common campus admis- sion that different colleges are particular famed for different qualities. And so University College it is that enjoys the dubious honor of having expelled or "sent down" the poet Shelley for "con- tumacy in refusing to answer certain questions put to him" concerning the authorship of "The Necessity of Atheism," of which he was in- dubitably the writer. Brasenose College is be- lieved to house those of the well developed torsos -the cricket and rowing heroes. Magdalen is reputed to be the home of the most aristocratic and affluent. Within her walls the ex-king of England was to be found at one time earnestly pursuing the cultural requisites, Christ Church is for the politically inclined; her roster of graduates includes many of the big wigs now con- trolling the political destinies of England-. Ad Balliol, ah dear Balliol, the haven of the true intellectuals. -Balliol considers itself infinitely superior intellectually to a university which itself dismisses the rest of the collegiate world with a supercilious glance. 4Qf the initiation of women's colleges within the hallowed grounds of Oxford we have read various and contradictory reports. Suffice it to say the women have arrived, four colleges of them. The life of the university seems then, to be concentrated within the colleges. What is this life? Is it worth its salt? Does it differ greatly from the life of our American universities? Let us preface expatiation upon this subject with a transcription of the average student's day at Ox- ford. At approximately seven-thirty the undergrad- uate is awakened by the noisy entrance of his scout-a general factotum who serves two of the day's meals, cleans the rooms and acts as valet to a group of some fifteen or twenty-odd students. The scout tosses the little tin tub, which func- tionsfor a bth, upon the floor, not without some clatter and proceeds to fill it with ice-cold water. Perhaps the young man turns over for 39 winks more, in which event he is abruptly awakened again by the college bells as they toll the hour. Arising, he looks out upon the inclement weather so typical of this section of the country, densely fogged with a biting cast wind. Rtain impends or a flurry of snow is in the air. His rooms are still dark as he splashes abdut in his tub, reaches for his clothes and searches for his shaving equipment. Despairing of finishing his toilette in time for roll call he hastily wraps himself in an ulster and dashes down to the Hall, there to meet his dorm mates, all in various stages of dishabile, and to be marked present by the college porter, who is in charge in the absence of the Don, the latter having found the comforts of his pillow too enticing for his will power this morning. Chapel over, the undergraduate saun- ters back to his room in time for breakfast at eight-thirty. The scout has previously brought in the breakfast tray and placed it on the table, where it now awaits. It is a hearty meal, con- sisting of sausage rolls and beef, richly buttered toast, marmalade and jam, coffee and tea. Break- fast seems one of the major social events of the day and there is much convivality as the men gather in each other's rooms, smoke and converse until a mellow hour of the morning. At this time too, the morning newspapers are read with avidity. Oxford men, we are told, devote a dili- gence to a perusal of the daily newspapers, sel- dom equalled in any other university of the world. There ensues a warm discussion in the junior common room. Perhaps the subject has to do with current news topics, perhaps with the Ox- ford rowing and football chances this year, or perhaps with a comparison of the poets Shelley and Keats. Definitely more conducive to con- genial discussion the Oxford system concerns itself for the most part with cultural courses. The Oxford man may attempt to cram in an hour or two of reading before lunch, which is at one o'clock. A scanty meal, this, oftentimes con- sisting simply of bread, cheese and fish. In the afternoon all Oxford dons an athletic costume and hastens to the playing fields, there to engage in one of the host of intramural athletic con- tests daily in progress. The climate of Oxford and its purlieus seems too oppressive to permit of any concentrated study during the afternoon. Many Americans accustomed to the brisk, ener- getic atmosphere over here, attempted during their first weeks in England to accomplish some ,anademic work after lunch: inevitablv. however. ffeemr loje Weywood Broun Persons who command large audiences through the spoken or the written word are seldom ut- terly consistent. Offhand I cannot think of one who meets that requirement in my estimation. And if somebody can suggest an individual who has never contradicted him- self at any time I doubt that I would like either the sug- gestor or the candidate. The completely consistent person would be either a god or a devil, and more likely the latter. In the give-and-take of battle changes of strategy are expedient. Those who hew to the line are apt to die in the same way and ineffectually, which is the tragic element. I am not willing to bind myself to the declaration that every Congressional filibuster is an immoral' procedure. Senator Norris, who seems to me, the greatest man in the'national legislature, is an old filibustering statesman himself. And I will grant the obvious emotional appeal of a devoted minor- ity fighting for a good cause and delaying the steam-roller in its progress. Taking But right here I am prepared to make my stand. Champions of a lost or losing cause have every right to try to hold off a vote until the nation knows the inwardness of the issue. But I think that no group, right or wrong, should ever undertake to dilly and dally with the hope of actually defeating a show of hands. Democ- racy cannot endure unless there is agreemert that sooner or later the vote must be taken. I am for the Wagner-Van Nuys anti-lynching bill and was against the Ludlow amendment for a referendum on a declaration of war. The cases are not quite analogous, because it was not tech- nically a filibuster which took the Ludlow pro- posal out of the picture. That was the old fa- miliar dodge of sending the matter back to com- mittee, which in Washington is a synonym for cemetery. It seems to me that supporters of the Ludlow plan have every right to demand a record vote of those for and against. Representative government does not add even a fraction of a cubit to its stature if it passes the buck instead of the bill. Of course, my 'mind dwells chiefly on the anti- lynching measure. Perhaps it will be declared unconstitutional if it passes. I wouldn't know. But I think that in our constitutional scheme the strict constructionists should never be al- lowed more than one bite at a law, if as much as that. If straw Supreme Court Justices are to arise in the House and Senate and argue legal points regardless of popular necessities, then the balance of power is destroyed. Even the most ardent advocate of the sanctity of the High Bench would scarcely contend that we should have two or three Supreme Courts instead of one. * M* * * A Mote To The Right The anti-lynching bill may be a disappointment in its practical result if it is passed and sus- tained. That's a good debate, but let us waive it for the moment. I think the measure is sound in its purpose and potentially highly valuable, but I want to shift the issue. At the moment a minority is balking a de- cision. The minority rather candidly admits that it has not sufficient votes to defeat the proposal. This minority is not even pretending that it seeks delay in order that the rank and file of the country may have a chance to be heard. It is cynically playing on nuisance value and saying in effect, "We intend to kill this proposal by talking it to death." Free speech is a cornerstone of democracy. But so is free vote. If hands are to be tied in such a way that they may not indicate "aye" or "nay," then treason is being committed to the whole theory of majority rule. And without majority rule where does democracy get off? a semi-formal affair and both the undergraduates and the Dons are garbed in black. Dinner over, there may be several club meetings to attend, there may be a lecture which is worth hearing, or perhaps a game of bridge becomes the order as a group retire to their rooms and play for the duration of the evening. So ends the Oxford day. And it looks like a nifty with a maximum of play and a minimum of work. But the story's just begun. The Oxford curriculum is virtually the reverse of the American plan. The periods of actual residence on the English campus are not thought be best spent in long hours of concentrated study. Rather it is a period of relaxation, of an inter- change of ideas with fellow students and Don, of development of the social faculties. It is an es- tablished credence in England that a good social intelligence is a prime requisite for a satisfactory adjustment to society. The American bolts the university at vacation time with an unmitigated thirst for a complete change from the oppressive burden of study. The Englishman, during vacation time, established himself in a routine of concentrated study. The Oxford holidays are considerably longer than those in .America, being three in number, two for six weeks and one of four months. The men are surrounded by an atmosphere co- gently conducive to serious study and accom- plishment. Unencumbered by the campus in- anities and divorced from the usual social routine, their time is their own. ° Etiquette and advanced etiquette are Cleveland Crolie coulrs es MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER FIFTH CONCERT... ... ....tom.. Excerpts from Wagner's Ring of the Nibelungs: DAS RHEING OLD a. Alberich's Invocation of the Nibe- lungs. b. Entrance of the Gods into Val- halla. DIE WALKUERE. a. Du bist der Lenz. b. Brunhilde's Battle Cry. c. Wotan's Farewell and Magic Fire Scene. SIEGFRIED. a. Forest Murmurs. b. Finale. GOETTERDAEMMERUNG a. Siegfried's Rhine Journey. b. Siegifred's Funeral March. c. Immolation and Closing Scene. Marjorie Lawrence, Soprano; Phila- dephia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, conductor. After Wagner's mighty Rhine had overflown the banks of the orchestra yesterday afternoon and had inun- dated its listeners with a flood of ec- static emotion, Eugene Ormandy fi- nally hushed the applause and cheers of the audience by asking, "What could be played after that?" From our point of view he might have asked, "What could be said after that?'' It was not a concert to be reviewed analytically. Such rapturous tonal poetry should be answered only in the verbal poetry of a Huneker or a Gil- man. It mattered not if Miss Law- rence's voice at times showed a thin-1 ness and a trace of huskiness which bereft it of that heroic fullness so loved in another voice with which one is bound to compare it; it was not vocalist Marjorie Lawrence whoJ stood before us, but a majestic and starry-eyed Brunhilde, all but over-a come with the immensity of her love and the awfulness of her sacrifice. It mattered not if the orchestra, vast instrument of nature and the whole gamut of human emotion, at time rose in volume above a purely musical sonority to a brassy and clamorous Niagara of sound; in the representa- tion of such epic emotions and such a cosmic catastrophe tone must cer- tainly burst the bonds of ordinary art. And surely there has never beer;' such a transfiguration of passion.! both human and divine,,as in the final proclamation of the motive of Re- deeming Love; by the unbelievabl brilliant Philadelphia strings. Truly "what could be played after that?" And yet-=and with complete sin- cerity we say that we blush to think of it-from some fatuous member of the audience came an answer to Mr Ormandy's rhetorically admonishing question. "The Bach Air for the G String!" After years of fatiguing artists and ruining well-built pro- grams by calling always for encores- good encores, trashy encores, any-l thing to get more for its money-the pampered Ann Arbor audience get gently reminded that it is quality anc taste, not vulgar quantity, that counts and that enough is enough-and im- mediately someone asks for the Bacb! Air to be played following the Immo- lation Scene! Mr. Ormandy was not alone in hiding his face. Final May Festival Concert By DON CASSEL The closing concert in the 1938 May Festival series consisted in the presen-! tation of Bizet's "Carmen" in con-~ cert form. Mme. Bruna Castagna sang the title role with Giovanni Mar- tinelli as Don Jose. Richard Bonelli as Escamillo, and Hilda Burke in the dual role of Micaela and Frasquita A brilliant supporting cast of singern aided by the Philadelphia Orchestra the University Choral Union and di- rected by Dr. Earl V. Moore. It was a performance characterized by brilliant singing and fine ensemble both vocal and orchestral. Both Cas- tagna and Martinelli were successfu in 'displaying their truly dynami( voices and at the same time, making the necessary dramatic concession attendant to a concert version. Since Bonelli, as Escamillo was not called upon to make such concessions he had less difficulty in giving a convincing performance. Hilda Burke proves to be an amazingly realistic Micaela ir spite of the fact that she was occa- sionally overbalanced, making it ne- cessary for her to force her not tot powerful voice. However, the balance was exceptionally good considering the soloists and orchestra were work- ing under acoustic conditions in nc. way similar to those on an opera. stage. Particularly impressive spots in the performance were the "Habanera' sung by Mme. Castagna in the first act, Bonelli's rendition of the "Tore- ador's Song," the exquisite aria "En vain pour eviter les responses" sung by Castagna, Micaelas aria, "Je die que rien ne m'epouvante" and the in- tensely dramatic duet in the final act, "C'est toi, C'est moi" as sung by Cas- tagna and Martinelli. Special mention must be made of the excellent precision and fine qual- ity shown in the choral numbers. Here c .hnrni rr 11Ph k nAl as an osnot (Continued from Page 2)p All members of the faculty whether members of the Association or not are cordially invited.t Attention Foreign Students: Thet Counselor to Foreign Students and Mrs. Nelson wish to entertain the foreign students who plan to leave the University between now and nextf fall in their home Sunday, May 22. If students who have not already re- ported their plans will leave theirl names in Professor Nelson's office, 1 arrangements will be made for trans- portation. Research Club will met Wednesday, t May 18, at 8 p.m., in Room 2528 East Medical Building. Program: Profes- sor L. B. Kellum will speak on "Stu- dies in Mexico on the Paleogeographic and Tectonic Influence of Stable Plat- forms in Submarine Areas." ProfessorE C. C. Fries will speak on "The Chang- ing Grammar of Modern English."' The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m.i Mathematics Club will meet Tues- day, May 17, at 8 p.m., in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. E. D. Rainville willc speak on "Periodic Residue Systems" and Mrs. E. P. Baxter will speak on "The- Geometry of the Dirac Equa-a tions." Biological Chemistry, Monday, May 16, 4 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Icie G. Macy of the Children's Fund of Michigan will discuss "The Nitrogen and Mineral Metabolism Ofr Children." All interested are invit- ed. . I The Graduate Student Council will meet at the Union, Tuesday,'May 17, at 8 p.m. Election Commission to bet set up. Final meeting. All membersf be present.e Physics Colloquium: Dr. C. T. Zahn 1 will speak on "Free Rotation and theI Structure of Organic Molecules" *tt ,he Physics Colloquium on Monday, f May, 16, at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. S.A.E.: There will be a meeting of$ the Society of Automotive Engineers Tuesday, May 17, 7:30 p.m. at the Union. Officers for the coming year will be elected. Professor Nickelsen will talk on shock-absorbers and theirn use -on the new streamlined train. A special invitation is extended to C Transportation Engineers. Astronomical Motion Pictures. Mo- tion pictures taken at the MMath- Hulbert Observatory at Lake Angelus, will be shown in Natural Science Aud-e itorium at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1'7th, primarily for the classes in I astronomy, though others will be wel-n -omne. The films will comprise lunar features, the total solar eclipse ofg 1932, and the solar prominences re- I -orded with the new tower telescope. s Lecture-Professor Jesse Holmes ofn Swarthmore will discuss "Liberal Re-a ligion" at an open forum at Lane Hall, f Monday, 4:15 p.m.I ;c Association Book Group-"Cooper-.. ative Democracy by Dr. James War-l basse will be reviewed by the author's daughter, Mrs. Charles Spooner, Lanev Hall Library, Tuesday, 4:15 p.m.s R.O.T.C. Ceremony, Tuesday, Maya 17th at 4:00 p.m. Report in and get :ifles at Waterman Gym. Home-making Art and Athletic groups picnic Tuesday night, May 17, at Saline Valley Farms. Everyone. meet at the League. South Door, at 5:00 p.m. with or without cars. Graduate Luncheon, Wednesday, May 18, Michigan League, Russian1 Tea Room, 12 noon. Cafteria service. ?rof. Robert B. Hall of the Geogra- phy Department will speak informally m "Regions of Conflict in the Far East." Ann Arbor Independents: There vill be rehearsals all this week at the 4eague for the Campus Sing to be aeld in conjunction with Lantern Night. All the girls are urged to come Vlonday at 4:00 as the group will be imited. If you are unable to attend he first meeting get in touch with VMary Frances Reek. Fellowship Reconciliation Open Forum on "Non-Violent Methods" led 1y Professor Jesse Holmes of Swarth- more, Lane Hall, Monday, 8:00 p.m. Phi Kappa Phi: The spring initia- tion banquet of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi will be held in the Ballroom of the Michigan Union at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 17, 1938. Several musical numbers will be in- zluded and Senator George P. Mc- Callum, Sr., will speak on "A Typical Legislature in Action." Members may secure reservations by calling the sec- retary before 2 p.m. on that date. Campus phone 649. Monday in the Undergraduate OIice of the League. Glee Club Men: Do you have your ticket for the banquet yet? Meet at he Union at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday. Churches Ann Arbor Friends will hold their regular meeting for worship Sunday, 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. Jesse ' Holmes, professor of philosophy at Swarthmore College and nationally prominent 'Friend, will address the group at 6 o'clock. All who are in- terested are cordially invited. Ann Arbor Friends are also invited to the annual May Breakfast of the Detroit Meeting of Independent Friends in the Highland Park YWCA cafeteria, 13130 Woodward Ave. at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, following which Dr. Holmes will speak. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 5:00 p.m., The Guild will entertai the foreign students of the University in an outdoor picnic and vesper serv- ice. Students are requested to meet promptly at the Guild House. In case of rain the meeting will be held at the church. First Baptist Church. Sunday, 10:45 a.m., Rev. R. E. Sayles will speak on 'The Ministry of Beauty." 9:30, The Church School. Dr. A. J. Logan, superintendent. 4:30 p.m. The Junior High group will meet at the church. Mrs. Her- man Frinkle, leader. 6:00 p.m. The Senior High Group will meet at the church, Mr. Sayles, eader. Roger Williams Guild, 503 E. Huron, Sunday, 6 p.m. A special program by four members. Paul Slabaugh, For- ester, Octavius Osborn, Chemical En- gineer, Miss Ruth Enss, Director of Music, Miss Mary Welch, Teacher. These will discuss their chosen voca- tions and how they furnish avenues for a Christian contribution to society. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday' morning service at 10:30. Subject, "Mortals and Immortals." Golden Text: 1 Corinthians 15:48. Sunday School at 11:45 after the morning service. There will be a free lecture on Christian Science by Miss Margaret Morrison of Chicago, at Ann Arbor High School Auditorium Sunday af- ernoon at43:30 p.m. First Congregational Church, Cor- ner of State and William. 9:30 a.m. The Junior High School Department of the Sunday School meets in Pilgrim Hall.' At ,10:30, the Srimary, Intermediate, and Kinder- garten classes assemble in Pilgrim Hall. .10:45 a.m. "Strange Things" is the ubject of Dr. Leonard A. Parr's ser- mon. Mrs. Gwendolyn Zoller Wolfe, a former Ann Arbor resident in town for two weeks, will sing the. solo "O, Divine Redeemer" by Gounod. The hoir will sing Hand's "Souls of the Righteous" and the organist will play Franck's "Allegretto." 4:30 p.m. The Student Fellowship will meet at Pilgrim Hall, prior to spending the afternoon in a picnic at the Island. Hearty refreshments and a jolly time are anticipated by all. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. 10:45 a.m., "Does Prayer Change God?" is the subject of Dr. W. :P. Lemon's sermon at the Morning War- ship Service. The student choir di- rected by Miss Claire Coci and the the junior choir under the' leader- ship of Mrs. Fred Morns will take part in the service. The musical numbers will include: Organ Pre- lude, "Ich steb'mit einem Fuss im Grabe" by Bach; Anthem, "Jesu, Joy of Man's desiring" by Bach; Solo, "Panis Angelicus" by Cesar Franck, George ox; Postlude, "Thou art the Rock" by Mulet.1 5:30 p.m., Westminister Guild, Supper and Fellowship Hour. Round Table discussion on "Marriage." First Methodist Church. Morning Worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Bra- shares will preach on "Why Not Christ." Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45 a.m. Prof. Rufus will lead the dis- cussion. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton will speak on "Christianity and'Personal Living." Mrs. Overton is a well-known writer and lecturer. This year she has been one of a group of 15 persons who have been visiting college campuses and speaking to students. All Metho- dist students and their friends are urged to be present for this meet- ing. Fellowship hour and supper at 7 o'clock. St Andrew's Eninnzal Church. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive netiee to all members of the Universtty. Copy -received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I'