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May 15, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-15

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The Weather
Mostly cloddy today; partly
cloudy tomorrow.



. it

The United States
Chamber of Commerce

! ,


____________________________________________________ T


Mexican Press,
Citizens Back
Relations Rift
On ngish Oil
Cardenas Administration's;
Fate Depends On Ability
To FindForeign Market
British Note Hints
Favoritism For U.S.
MEXICO, May 14.-P -Mexico's
diplomatic break with Great Britain
apparently strengthened popular sup-
port of President Lazaro M. Cardenas
today in his program of nationaliza-
tion of foreign-owned oil properties.-
The press, workers' groups, and
others spoke in patriotic phrases en-
dorsing the President's action, but
the country's most pressing problem
one on which many observers be-
lieved the fate of the Cardenas ad-.
ministration rests - remained un-
This problem, briefly, was finding
a market for the country's govern-
ment-produced oil, output of which
has fallen sharply because of lack
of markets since March 18, when the
President expropriated British and
American oil properties valued at
British Embassy Silent
Owen St. Clair O'Malley, Britain's
Minister to Mexico who last night was
served with notice that the Mexican
Legation was being recalled from Lon-
don, awaited instructions from his
Government today, declining to spec-
ulate on whether he himself would
be taken out of Mexico..,
The breach with London accen-
tuated, the different positions of Lon-
don and Washington in the oil con-
troversy, in which they at first ap-,
peared to have been in the same boat.
Each nation took a strong attitude
towrd Mexico after seizure of the
oil properties, until March 30S when
Cordell Hull in ahington formally
skumwiedged dxes rightttake
the expfopiation step.
Britain, meanwhile, on April 8 de-
livered a firmnrote to Mexico term-
ing the expropriation a -"denial of
justice," and demanding prompt re-
turn of the properties.
U.S. Attitude Cited
On April 12, Mexico rejected the
British contentions, and on April 21
Britain sent a second note substan-
tially a reiteration of her first.
In contrast, on April 23, President
Roosevelt and Mexican officials ex-
changed felicitations, and diplomatic
tension over the oil incideht was
termed buried.
Britain here charged specifically
that Mexico was .following a policy of
"apparently discriminatory" treat-
ment in favor of the United States.
This American angle was continued
beneath the surface right up to the
final break. Minister O'Malley was
given a check for the reparations pay-
ment just before he was advised the
Mexican Minister was being recalled
from London, and Mexico issued a
note announcip the break with Brit-
U. S. Prosecutes
First Criminal Proceeding
Under Labor Act Starts

LONDON, Ky., May 14.-()-
Uncle Sam's first criminal prosecu-
tion under the Wagner Act insuring
labor the right to organize begins in
Federal district court here Monday.
The defendants are 22 coal corpora-
tions, 24 mine executives and 23 for-
mer or present law enforcement of-
fiers of Harlan County, center of
Southeastern Kentucky's rich soft
coal fields.
They are charged by indictment
with conspiring to deprive mine work-
ers of their law-given rights to join
unions and to bargain collectively for
improved hours, wages and working
The trial, which may last a month
or more, offers a new climax to the
long and often bloody struggle be-
tween unions and Harlan coal op-
Much of the Government's evidence
will be based on testimony given be-
fore Sen. Robert M. LaFollette's (Prog.
Wis.) Civil Liberties Committee in
Washington a year ago, when several

Ramon Sender, Noted Spanish
Author, Fighter, Will Speak Here

Jose Bergamin, Brilliant
Catholic Lecturer, Also
Will SpeakTomorrow
The delegation of Spanish citizens
will speak here tomorrow include
some of the most distinguished au-'
thors and social workers of that war-
strafed country. Ramon Sender, Car-
men Meana, Jose Bergamin and Ogier
Preteceille are all known far beyond
Spanish borders for their contribu-
tions to the culture of the world.
The Ann Arbor Committee to aid1
Spain is sponsoring the affair, which
will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
the Natural Science Auditorium. A
fee of 10 cents will be charged.,
Author of "Counter-Attack in
Spain," hailed by many American and
English critics as the best book to
come out of Spain since the start of
the war, Sender is probably the best
known of the delegation. Sender's
life is a story of conflict and grief.
He springs from a land-holding fam-
ily in Aragon, but like so many of the
young Spanish intellectuals of that,
China Upheld
By League Bloc
At Final Session
France, England, Russia
Favor Chinese In War;
Chile To Leave League
GENEVA, May 14.-P)-The 101st
session of the League of Nations
Council ended tonight with indica-
tions a strong bloc of France, Great
Britain and Soviet Russia had formed
behind China in the Far Eastern war.
Other developments in the closing
day's session included:
Chile announced her intention to
resign from the League because the
council failed to act on reform of the
organization's covenant.
The Council, with China and Soviet
Russia abstaining, adopted a resolu-
ion givingSwitzerland freedom from
the obligations to impose League pen-
alties when other members do.
Create Refugee Office
it passed a resolution for creation
of an autonomous refugee office to
take charge of all refugees.
With only Poland abstaining, the
Council voted a resolution "earnestly
urging" members of the League to
carry out previous recommendations
for China.
A second part of the resolution,
which Poland joined the other council
members in approving, condemned
the use of poison gases.
France's delegate, Foreign Minister
Georges Bonnet, took th lead at the
end of the day by declaring in a
speech that China had "shown herself
worthy" of the world's admiration
and moral support.
Halifax Backs Bonnet
Viscount Halifax, British delegate
and foreign secretary, backed Bonnet
and Jacob Souritz, speaking for Soviet
Russia, said he only was sorry that
the resolution did not go further.
What sent Dr. V. K. Wellington
Koo, the 'Chinese delegate, out of the
Council rpom with his face wreathed
in smiles, however, was the promises
of individual aid from League mem-
Chinese declined to say exactly
what they obtained but previously
they declared they were given credits
in London to buy arms and munitions
with assurances the League powers
would help get the material into
Other than Koo's victory, which
did little to bolster the League itself,
most of the week's session marked
an open desertion of the bed where
the ideal of collective security lay dy-

Speculation Rife

country his conscience was disturbed
by the oppression of the peasants
and townspeople. When the present
revolt started Sender was settled with
his wife and children in the resort
area of the Guadarramas mountains,
completing a new book. His zeal for
democratic Spain was fired and he
set out on foot for Madrid.
Once at the capital, Sender set
forth for the war fronts as a com-
mon soldier. Months later, he was
informed that his 26 year old wife had
been executed by the Insurgents. His
personal grief as well as an incisive
interpretation of the causes and
progress of the war are included in
"Counter-Attack in Spain." At present
in charge of cultural activities along
the Loyalist lines, Sender is also the
author of "Pro Patria," "Seven Red
Sundays" and several volumes of
short stories and articles.
Jose Bergamin, for years affiliated
with a group of Catholic intellectuals
who opposed the tendencies of reac-
tion among the hierarchy of the
Spanish church, is today deeply con-
cerned with the role of the church
during the present war period, and
on this tour is speking to American
Catholics, presenting the situation as
hie knows it.
Senora Meana, wife of the direc-
tor of Spain's largest film company,
has had extensive experience in child
welfare and educational work among
the women of the Madrid Trade
Unions. Ogier Preteceille, press sec-f
retary of the General Union of Work-
ars, was for many years foreign edi-
tor of some of the leading papers in
Madrid, "El Sel," "Crisel" and "Luz."
Duce Threatens
Fascist Alliance
If Whar Comes
GENOA, Italy, May 14.-(/P)-Pre-
mier Benito Mussolini took personal
note for the first time today of Ameri-
can criticism of fascism, warning that
totalitarian states "immediately would
become a bloc and march together"
should ,the democracies start a "doc-
trinal war."
Fascists regard Il Duce's words, de-
livered before 100,000 cheering Black-
shirts in the Mediterranean port, as
aimed directly at United States Sec-
retary of War Harry H. Woodring.
(Woodring, in a speech May 5,
warned that provocations of dictator-
controlled states some day might force
democratic nations to war).
Ii Duce declared Italy sought to
preserve peace but intended to arm
herself to safeguard it in the face
of "speeches from across the ocean."
Hungary Adds To
Fascist, Nazi Bonds
BUDAPEST, May 14.-(/P)-Newly-
installed Premier Bela Imredi said to-
day that Hungary was strengthening
her relations with Germany and Italy
whose "two ideas are triumphantly
marching through the world."
"It is our function to determine the
Hungarian form in which these two
ideas shall be realized and thus to
color the spirit of the nation in con-
formity with the demands of the
times," he told his fellow citizens in a
nationwide broadcast.

Relief Control
Senate Committee May
Delegate Public Works
Program To Roosevelt
Control By Agencies
Preferred By House
Strong sentiment developed in the
Senate AppropriationsRCommittee to-
day to give Prsident Roosevelt unre-
stricted control over the $3,154,000,000
relief public works program.
As passed by the House, the meas-
ure would appropriate funds directly
to lending and spendingagencies
instead of to the President. Mr.
Roosevelt would retain authority to
approve or veto projects, however.
Chairman Adams (Dem., Colo.), of
a Senate sub-comittee handling the
bill, said he favored making the ap-
propriations to the Chief Executive as
has been done in the past.
Adam's Stand Endorsed
Some other committee members
privately endorsed Adams' stand say-
ing they did not wish to "tie the
President's hands" in administering
relief funds. If the appropriations
were made directly to the agencies,
they said, individual agencies would
spend all their appropriations, whe-
ther or not the money could have
been spent more advantageously by
some other agency.
Senator Byrd (Dem., Va.), leading
a coalition of Republicans and con-
servative Democrats seeking changes
in the lending-spending program,
said he thought appropriations should
bae made directly to the agencies and
that the President's power to approve
or veto projects should be eliminated.
Bill Due At Senate
The bill may go to the Senate floor
Thursday or Friday, and about a
week of debate is expected.
While Senate interest centered to-
day on the relief bill, rumors re-
curred that Mr. Roosevlt would seek
reconsideration at this session of his
government reorganization bill, which
has been pigeon-holed in the House.
Senator Byrnes (Dem., S.C.), who
piloted the Reorganization measure
to Senate passage, said he had re-
ceived no intimation that Mr. Roose-
velt would like to revive the bill.
Preakness Stake
Taken By Dauber
BALTIMORE, May 14.-(A)-Dau-
ber, the horse that didn't start run-
ning in the Kentucky Derby until it
was too late, found the shorter dis-
tance of the 48th Preakness at Pimli-
co's rain-soaked course made to his
order today and romped to an im-
pressive victory.
Under the guidance of Maurice
(Moose) Peters, the Foxcatcher ace
tossed slop and mud in the faces of
eight worthy rivals, finishing the mile
and three sixteenths of America's
richest race for three-year olds with
seven lengths to spare over Townsend
B. Martin's Cravat, a rank outsider.
Hal Price Headley's Menow, the early
pace setter as he was in the Derby,
was third, losing runner-up honors by
a nose.


ext Year; Buchen Picked


Edit Daily






Hoytmen Defeat
Buckeyes 78-53
For 12_Straight
Kelly Takes Both Hurdle
Events; Watson Makes
New Record In Shot Put
OHIO STADIUM, Columbus, O.'
May 14-(Special to The Daily)-
Driving rain and paralyzing cold
failed to stop Michigan's track jugger-
naut here today as they thumped
Ohio State 78 to 53, before a mere
handful of dripping spectators, for
their 12th consecutive dual meet tri-
Intermittent downpour during the
morning and afternoon turned the
Ohio Stadium track and field into a
quagmire of cinders and mud, limit-
ing record performances to two, both
by Michigan's Big Bill Watson who
accounted for 15 points and high
scoring honors with firsts in the
discus, shot and broad jump.
Watson's 50 feet 6%/2 inches in the
shot and 155 feet 6 inches in the dis
cus erased the old meet standards for
the events. His effort in the discus
gave him possession of the Michigan
record, replacing the 154 feet 10 inch
marks set up by Booker Brooks in
Buckeye distance runners still had
the Indian Sign on Michigan's sopho-
more phenomenon, Ralph Schwarz-
kopf, two weeks ago trimmed Don
Lash and Joe McClusky.-It was lanky
Jim Whittaker who beat out Ramb-
ling Ralph in the two-mile after
leading most of the way and stand-
ing off Schwarzkopf's powerful kick.
Schwarzkopf had previously taken the
mile by inches from team mate Harold
Davidson. The time for both races
was slow due to the soggy footing.
O.S.U.'s diminutive Bob Lewis
turned in performances second only
to Watson's, 'giving the Snydermen
11 points with flashing victories in
the 100 and 220 plus a leg in the win-
ning one-mile relay. Lewis looked
like a champion as he negotiated the
(Continued on Page 3)
Brazil Denies
Germany Aided
Fascist Revolt
RIO DE JANEIRO, May 14.-(P)-
Brazil replied today to a German pro-
test against the arrest of six German
suspects in last Wednesday's short-
lived Fascist revolt with assurances
that they were held only as indi-
The government advised the Ger-
man embassy that there was no in-
dication tl e Germans were agents of
any foreign power oni organization, al-
though President Getulio Vargas de-
clared last night that the greenshirt
plot had help from an unnamed for-
eign source.
"Meanwhile, the government con-
tinued to round up suspects here and
in the interior. More than 800 ar-
rests had been made
Among them was the "chamber of
forty" or executive commission of the
greenshirt integralists who fomented
the abortive rebellion.
Additional quantities of greenshirt
munitions were seized. They includ-
ed 80 powerful bombs found cached
in an outlying section of Rio De
A number of Sao Paulo politicians
were placed under nominal arrest and
confined to their homes. Those

against whom evidence is found will
be given summary trials before the
National Security Tribunal at a date
as yet to be fixed.
Prof. Colby To Read
ReportOn Tuesday
Prof. Martha G. Colby of the de-
partment of psychology will read a

Seniors Will Parade
For Annual Swin gout
Seniors from all colleges will be
given a chance to parade in caps and
gowns one week from today when the
annual Senior Swingout will. be held.
Starting in the middle of the af-
ternoon, the Swingout will commence
on the steps of the General Library
and circle the campus, ending at Hill
Auditorium. There, a faculty repre-
sentative and a member of the senior
ztlass will spak.
More than 1,000 seniors from every'
school turned out for the traditional
ceremony last year. Wally Ladd, '38,
and Fred Cushing, '38, are in charge
of Swingout this year.
Holmes Speaks
Before Friends
Other Churches To Hold
Lectures, Round Tables,
And Panel Discussions
Prof. Jesse Holmes of the phi-
losophy department of Swarthmore
College will address the Ann Arbor
Society of Friends at 6 p.m. follow-
ing their regular Sunday worship
service to be held at 5 p.m. in the
League. Dr. Holmes will also speak at
the Annual-May breakfast of the De-
troit Meeting of Independent Friends
In the Highland Park YWCA at 9:30
a.m. Ann Arbor Friends are specially
-invited to this breakfast.-
Miss Margaret Morrison of the
Christian Science Board of Lecture-
ship of the Mother Church in Boston
will present a free public lecture on
"Christian Science Reveals the Unity
of God an'd Man" at 3:30 p.m. in the
Ann Arbor High School Auditorium.
Two student guilds will hold out-
door picnics at 4 p.m. The Congre-
gational fellowship will picnic at the
Island. The Lutheran student club
will also have an outing.
Mrs.'Grace S. Overton, well known
author and lecturer and one of a
group of 15 speakers who have been
visiting college campuses, will address
the Methodist'Student Guild at 6 p.m.
in Stalker Hall. Mrs. Overton's sub-
ject is "Christianity and Personal
Living." At .fellowship hour and
supper will follow the talk.
Senor C. P. Roji, Mexican consul in
Detroit, and Dean Samuel T. Dana
of the School of Forestry will present
a forum on the general topic, "Is Mex-
ico another Spain"? a$ the regular
11 a.m. worship service of the Uni-
tarian Church. Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, Counselor in religion, will speak
to the Liberal Student's Union at 7:30
p.m. in the Unitarian Church Library.
Plot To Smuggle
Planes Revealed .,

Max Hodge To Publish
Gargoyle; John Mitchell
Will Manage Finances
Gilmore And Mayio
Are Daily Associates
Robert D. Mitchell, '39, of Ann
Arbor, was named managing editer of
the Daily for next year and Philip W.
Buchen, '39, of Sheboygan, Wis., was
named business manager by the Board
in Control of Student Publications
' yesterday.
The Board also chose the heads of
four other publications.
Albert P. Maylo, '39, of Detroit, and
Horace W. Gilmore, '39, of Circleville,
0., were named editorial director and
city editor, respectively, and William
L. Newnan, '39, of Grosse.Pointe and
Leonard P. Siege~man, '39, of Cleve-
land, 0., were named promotions
manager and local advertising man-
ager, respectively of the Daily.
Irving Silverman, '38, of Buffalo,
N.'Y., was appointed managing editor
of the summei Dalay, and Ernest
Jones, '38, of Jamestown, N. Y., was
selected to head the business staff this
summer. John McFate, '38, of Green-
ville, Pa., was named editor of the
Summer Directory.
David G. Laing, '39, of Dowagiac,
was chosen to head the 'Ensiari edi-
torial staff next year, and Charles
Kettler, '39E, of Washington, D. C.,
will be the year book's business man-
The Gargoyle editorial staff will
be headed by Max Hodge, '39, of Pon-
tiac, and John _Mitchell, '39, of Ro-
chester, N.Y., will be its business man-
Last -night, the new Daily manag-
ing editor appointed as senior asso-
ciates next year, besides Gilmore and
Mayio, Saul Kleiman, '39E, of Brook-
lyn, N. Y., Joseph Gies, '39, of Ann
Arbor, Robert Fitzhenry, '39, of New
Rochelle, N.Y. and Robert Perlman,
'39, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Bud Benjamin, '39, of Cleveland
Heights, O., was selected sports editor
of the Daily, and Dorothea Staebler,
'39, of Ann Arbor was named women's
Robert Mitchell is a member of Psi
Upsilon fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa,
and Sigma Delta Chi. He has served
as a night editor duting the past year,
as have his associates.
Buchen, a member of Delta Kappa
Epsilon and Sphinx, served as con-
tracts manager this year, and New-
nan and Siegelman acted as service
(Continued on Page 2)

- iw_ - - - -

Ghost Of Yankee Doodle' Opens
Drama Season Tomorrow Night


Held For Sending Aid
To Spain Via Mexico



WASHINGTON, May 14.-(A')-
President Roosevelt and Senator La
Follette (Prog., Wis.) cruised down
the Potomac River today on a week-
end trip that stirred political specula-
tion because of La Follette's recent
espousal of the new National third
party movement.
It was the first cruise the black-
haired young Progressive had made
with the President in recent months,
although they formerly were together
on such trips frequently.
Th Senator took issue with Mr.
Roosevelt last year over curtailment

The premiere of the ninth annual
Ann Arbor Dramatic Season will take
place at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, when
Civic ommittee, under the executive
directorship of Helen Arthur, will
present Aline MacMahon, well-known
star of stage and screen in Sidney
Howard's comedy of American life.
"The Ghost of Yankee Doodle."
Supporting Miss MacMahon will
be Otto Hulett, Russell Hardie, and
Joanna Roos. Others in the east in-
clude Frederic Tozere, William Post,
Jr., Edgar Kent, Alan Hewitt, Em-
mett Rogers, George Lambert, Jose-
phine Bender, Hayden Rorke, Jus
Addiss and Barbara Dirks.
The theme of "The Ghost of Yan-
kee Doodle" approaches the point of
hard-pressed liberalism faced by an-
other world war and tangled in the
complexities of neutrality. For this
modern comedy, Howard has arrayed
a large cast including a middlewes-
tern family of early American stock,

NEW YORK, May 14.-(IP)-Dis-
closure of an alleged plot for "smug-
gling" planes across the Mexican bor-
der from Texas, destined for eventual
shipment to ,Government forces in'
Spain, was made today in Federal
Assistant United States Attorney
John K. Carroll said that more than
a dozen licensed American pilots were
being held in Houston, Texas, pend-
ing a hearing on June 5, in connec-
tion with the scheme.
The disclosure of a Federal investi-
gation came at the arraignment of
Cloyd Peart Clevenger, 40, a licensed
pilot, on charges of violating Presi-
dent Roosevelt's proclamation of
April 13, 1936, establishing an arms
Carroll said that Clevenger was
wanted as a fugitive from the south-
ern district of Texas, where he faces
trial with other pilots.

Chinese Press
Assault TO Halt
Suchow Attack
SHANGHAI, May 15., (Sunday)-
(IP)--Chinese today pressed desperate
counter attacks to break the lines of
Japanese columns steadily tightening
a noose on China's central front for
an assault on the key city of Suchow.
Concerted Chinese attacks south of
the vital East-West Lunghai rail-
road, which a Japanesecommunique
said had been cut, were directed par-
ticularly against Yungcheng and
Mengcheng in northern Anhwei pro-
Both towns are behind the Japanese
column that was said to have fought
its way north to the railroad near
Tangshan, 50 miles west of Suchow,
where the Lunghai crosses the north-
south Tientsin-Pukow railroad.
The Lunghai also was severed, Ja-
panese said, by heavy aerial bombard-
ments that prevented movements of
supplies to China's huge central army.
Japanse army spokesmen declared
that 400,000 Chinese troops had been
blocked off from retreat and faced
surrender or annihilation.
Two hundred Japanese warplanes
supported the forces aimed from
north and south at several points
along the Lunghai.
Repeated raids were made on Su-
chow, causing heavy casualties and
serious damages to Chinese defenses
and war stores in the junction city.
Despite the cr-itical war situation,
however, the Chinese high command
was said still to be optimistic. It was


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