14 1938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Five Senior Women To Lead Lantern Night Line Of Marc Underclassmen Will No Longer have Leaders Former Heads Announced By General Chairman Will Lead Procession A departure from tradition will oc- cur when five senior women only lead the line of march on Lantern Night, Monday, May 23, Norma Curtis, '39, general chairman of the event an- nounced yesterday. It has been the practice in former years to invite members from each class to join the line as leaders and this year those leading will be only the holders of five of the major posi- tions for women in campus activities. Hope Hartwig, former president of the 'League, Mary Johnson, former president of the Women's Athletic As- sociation, Angelene Maliszewski, for- mer president of the Judiciary Coun- cil, Harriet Shackleton, former pres- ident of Panhellenic Association, and Helen Jesperson, former president of Assembly, have been chosen to lead the procession. - All Women Invited All women on campus are invited to take part in Lantern Night, a tra- ditional event to honor senior women. The line of march will form at 7:30 p.n. in front of the General Library. The seniors, who will wear caps and gowns and carry lanterns, will be es- corted to Palmer Field by underclass- men, the line being led by the Uni- versity Band. The traditional block 1V will be formed on Palmer Field at the close of the procession. Mary Alice MacKenzie, '39, is in charge of the line of march. 'Sing To Fllow March The Lantern Night Sing will be held on Palmer Field after the line of march. All sororities, dormitories, and independent zones have been asked to take part in this event, which will be the first all-campus women's sing to be held on this campus. The number of members of each group participating in the sing will be lim- ited to 35, Miss Curtis said. A cup will be awarded by the Women's Athletic Association to the winner of the sing, according to Miss Curtis. In case of rain the affair will not be held. Survey Made Sho wig Ideas About Religion By VIRGINIA VOORHEES There is a God who may be reached by prayer, declare 91 per cent of the women of America contacted in a na- tion-wide survey conducted by the Ladies' Home Journal to determine what the women of this country think about religion. The same percentage believe in a life after death,. writes Mr. H. F. Pringle, author of the Journal article, which emphasizes the fact that Cath- olics, Protestants, Jews and women with no formal religious affiliations agree on these fundamental creeds. The survey further indicates that 75 per cent of the women who re- ceived religious training want to give their children the same training. The dissenting minority feel, in general, that there should be "more freedom of choice, less rigidity" in religious matters.' Women Approve of Religion To the women brought up without religious instruction of any kind was put the question, "Would you allow your children to grow up without it? An emphatic "no" was the response of 74 per cent., I In the face of this strong manifes- tation of faith in a Supreme Being, it is a startling fact uncovered by the survey that 53 per cent of these Chris- tians do not attend church regularly. Furthermore, the churches of New England and of the South draw the :majority of consistent church-goers, which number 47 per cent. This is all true in spite of the fact that church m'embership has not decreased noticeably in the past decade, Pringle writes, for 76 per cent of the women, who represent all ages and sects, are church members. Youth Still Believes The idea that youth has cast aside the religion of its fathers and fore- fathers is undermined by the sur- vey findings which show that 87 per cent of the women under 30 believe in God, 88 per cent believe in the im- mortality of the soul and 72 per cent are church members. The long discussed plan of uniting the Protestant churches into one was favored by only two groups-the di- vorced women and the women not having any church connections. Na- tionally, only 48 per cent, Pringle writes, endorsed joint worship of the , ._._'P Smart For Beach Wear y P y:. A bobby little coat that looks like something from Greenwich Vil- lage is the ideal solution to your problem of what to do when there's a spanking breeze that's fine for sailing but too cool for just a wet suit. Foreign Group Picnic Planned Invite American Students To Affair Tomorrow1 A picnic supper to be held tomorrow on the River Road at the bluff above the Island has been planned for for- eign students by the Church of Christ Guild, it was announced by Howard Holland, '38, member of the Interna- tional Council. All American students interested In international affairs, as well as the foreign students, ,are :invited to attend, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, coun- selor to foreign students, said. Games and baseball will furnish the entertainment for the occasion, and. there will be a sunset vesper service. The groups will meet at 4:30 p.m. at International Headquarters, Room 116, at the Union and will leave in private cars at 5 p.m. In case of rain, Professor Nelson an- nounced that the program will be held at the church. Faculty Reception Given Honoring Patronesses A formal faculty reception was giv- en recently by Delta Delta Delta in honor of its three new patronesses, Mrs. Axel Martin, Mrs. D. M. Ma- thews and Mrs. H. H. Reeker. Chairman for the affair was Mrs. W. A. Reichardt, assisted by Jane Lyon, '39. Mrs. Carl Braun, Mrs. Ar- nold Goss, Mrs. Edward Krause, and Mrs. Inez Bozarth poured. Among the guests of honor were Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Jeannette Perry, and Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher. church was likewise covered in the survey. The results indicate that gambling and drinking should receive the strongest condemnation, with di- vorce, birth control and cigarette smoking following closely. atrolns Of Phi Epsilon Kappa Dance Named MIIen's Honorary Physical Education Group Affair Is TonightIn W.A B. Patrons and patronesses for the Phi Epsilon Kappa. national honorary physical education fraternity, infor- mal dance which' will be given from 9 p.m. until midnight today in the W.A.A. building have been announced by Edward Slezak, '38Ed, general chairman. The list includes Dean and Mrs. James B. Edmonson of the School of Education: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Mitchell; Dean and Mrs. Walter B. ea; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. O. Morgan; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Riskey; Mr. and IMrs. Abah A. James; Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Webster; Dr. Mowat Fra- zer; Mr. and Mrs. Orlando W. Steph- enson. Patrons Are Listed Others are Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Dempster; and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Miller; Dr. Tryphena Humphrey; Dr. Lloyd Gates; Miss Miriam J. Highley Mr. Frederick W. East; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Baker; Miss Laurie E. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Crisler; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Doher- ty; Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost; Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hoyt; Miss Marie Hartwig; Miss Ruth M. Helsel; Miss Virginia Peaseley; and Miss Ma- bel Rugen List Cojtinues Continued on the list of patrons are Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Fisher; Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Weber; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mann; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Weir; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martineau; Mr. and Mrs. John Johnstone; and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Oosterbaan. Mr. and Mrs. West Altenberg of De- troit will represent the Detroit alumni 4 chapter of the fraternity. Bill Frazier's orchestra will play I for the dance, according to Slezak. The committee in charge is composed of Slezak, Larry Luoto, '4Ed; Han- ley Staley, '38Ed; William Frazier, Grad. and Charles Coogan, '38Ed. Dance Attended By Over 400 Newman Club Entertains At Spring Formal More than 200 couples attended the open Spring Formal held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. yesterday in the Union Ballroom by the Newman Club. Ruth Kanowski of Detroit was the guest of Donald Siegel, '39E, general chairman. Miss Kanowski wore a chiffon formal in rainbow shades. Violet chiffon with blue and rose accessories was selected by Mary Jane *Kronner; '40. chairman of decorations committee. Miss Kronner attended with John Robinson, '40. John O'Hara, '39, had as his guest Ann Sheahan of Detroit who chose a brown net with green accessories. Genevieve Spurgeon, '41, who attend- ed the dance with Robert Wayne, '39, wore pink mousseline de soe with white accessories. Blue polka dot taffeta with bril- liant red accessories was worn by Catherine DeVine who was the guest of Joseph Adams, '39. Rosemary Klug, Grad., was gowned in chartruse chif- fon. Miss Klug attended the dance with Rexford Burnham, '40E. ALPHA SIGHA PHI Alpha Sigma Phi announces the pledging of Gordon H. Arnold, '40E, of Flint. One Informal, Seven Formals To Be Tonight Lane Hall, Country Clubs, Houses To Be Scenes Of Dinners And Dances With one exception the dances to- night, like those of last night are formals. Alpha Gamma Delta will give a house dance from 9 p.m. to midnight. Chaperons for the affair will be Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Griggs and Mrs. Sarah Tennant. Jimmy Fisher and his orchestra will play. To Hold Spring Formal Jerry Beissel's orchestra will pro- vide the music for the Alpha Kappa Kappa's spring formal. Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Todd and Dr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Shaw will act as chaperons. Washtenaw Country Club will be the scene of Delta Sigma Pi's dinner dance. Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Detroit and Prof. and Mirs. Dudley Phelps. Russ Rollins and his orchestra will fur- nish the music for the dance. Plan Dinner Dance Phi Beta Delta's dinner dance will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Bothman and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gilbert. Bill McKay's orchestra will furnish the music. Dr. and Mrs. John H. Ferguson and Dr. and Mrs. William Gordon will be the chap- erons for the formal dance which Phi Beta Pi is giving tonight. Fred Jud- son and his orchestra will play. Phi Rho Sigma's formal will havc as its chaperons three couples. They are Dr. and Mrs. Richard Freyberg. Dr. and Mrs. James Snow, and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bannow. Literary Circle Gives Dance The Polonia Literary Circle is giv- ing an informal dance at 8 p.m. at Lane Hall. Ray Carey's orchestra has been obtained to play for the affair. The chaperons for the danceatwill be Prof:. and Mrs. Felix W. Pawlowski, Mr. and Mrs. John Klimek, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Levandowski. Dr. and Mrs. Dean A. Meyers an Dr. and Mrs. C. Whoward Ross have been asked to chaperon the Theta Kappa Psi spring formal. The dance will be preceded by a dinner honor- ing the new initiates. The dinner will be given at the Union. Red Good- man's orchestra will play for the party. Announce Fourteen New Members Of Tennis Club Fourteen woen were tried out and admitted as members of the Women's Tennis Club at the first meeting held recently. They are Elizabeth Coons, '39, Beth Mihlethaler, '3, Roberta Moore, '40, Dorothy Rogers, '39, Cecily Forrest, '40A, Alberta Royal, '40, Ida May Davis, '40, Ruth Barber, '39, Mar- garet Waterston, '38, Sally Lou Wie 1li, '4, Jean McKay, '40, Merida Hobart, '39, Catherine Wedemeyer, '39 and Dorothy Maul, '39. ALPHA SIGHA PHI Alpha Sigma Phi recently elected the following men into office: Francis Anderson, '39, president; Orlen Zah- now. '39E, vice-president; Stanley P. Anderson, '39E, secretary; Newton Hagar, '40E, corresponding secretary; Paul Cook, '39, house manager; Fred- erick Pearce, '40, marshal and Hil- ton Hornaday, '40, custodian. XI PSI PHI Xi Psi Phi announces the initiation of John McAlpin, '40; Miguel Pastra- no, '40; Gerald Barrows, '40; Anthony Laforgia, '41; Dr. George Marin, Grad., Oscar Deloreto, '41 and Wil-' liam Zakrejsek, '39. Few Teaching Positions Open To Womet College Professors Need Aid Of Wives Socially, Asserts Dean Nicolson l 1 M The scarcity of good teaching posi- tions open to women in coeducational colleges is due largely to the fact that, women have no wives, stated Miss Marjorie Nicolson, Dean of Smith College and a graduate of the Univer-; sity, in a recent correspondence with The Daily. Wives are a priceless aid to college professors, not only in keeping a peaceful, well-arranged home but in doing the routine work of their re- search for them, Miss Nicolson be- lieves. The absent-minded professor who dresses dowdily and is hazy about social obligations is fondly tolerated as a campus character. However, Miss Nicolson states, no allowance is made for the lady scholar who in her quest for knowledge forgets to mend a run in her stocking or neglects de- tails for an important dinner-party. Coeducational colleges today offer women graduates very little oppor- tunity for advancement in the teach- ing field in comparison to the number of women they train for teaching po- sitions, Miss Nicolson has found. Therefore ambitious women are forced to turn to women's colleges, where research material is much more united. The best, women's colleges have a broadening policy of employing half men and half women on their teach- ing staff, while coeducational col- leges seldom have a fair proportion of women, Miss Nicolson believes. The few women who are employed in state institutions are largely in the low- est rank of assistant. Biology is against women in many respects, Miss Nicolson states. Schools hesitate to give them expensive basic training because of the probability that the experience will be wasted if the woman marries. Even if her mar.- riage does not interfere with her career, child-bearing often forces her to give up her work. A contributing factor to the scar- city of women professors. Miss Nicol- son pointed out, is the fact that they are too conscientious. Since they are content to do tedious but necessary work at pay much smaller than a man with the same training would accept. only the most ambitious rise beyond the rank of instructor. Another difficulty with women as aj group, according to Miss Nicolson, is that they have made very few con- tributions to the higher realms of philosophical thought. or to creative fields such as art and music. There- fore colleges prefer to give fellowships in these subjects to men. Dean Alice Lloyd, who attended the University at the saie time as Miss Nicolson, agrees heartily with her opinions on this subject. When asked how the University of Michigan com- pared with other colleges in this re- spect, she replied that although this school is conservative in offering teaching positions to women, it is no more so than any of the large state institutions. Michigan was totally a ran's col- lege for 33 years before women were allowed to enter as students, she re- called. In time, she believes, women will overcome the prejudice against them and their own lack of training. 1 J r Store YourFurs NOW! ZWERDLI NG'S THIRTY-FOUR YEARS' EXPERT SERVICE ... COSTS NO MORE Don't wait until the warm weather sets in. STORE your furs NOW! Good furs deserve good care . . . absolutely insured from fire, moths, heat and thieves until you want them iII the Fall. I I I. I I I I Low Summer Rate Now on Remodel- ing, Repairing, and Relining Our Fur Cleaning kills all possible moth life and re- stores the natural oils, beauty and life of the fur. PHONE 8507 We Cqll For and Deliver 11 ZWER DLING' FURII SHOP 34 YEARS' DEPENDABILITY IN FURS S 215-217 EAST LIBERTY I I j o Adkk CHURCH DIRECTO RY 'I . HILLEL FOUNDATION East University and Oakland. Dial 3779. Dr. Bernard Heller. Director. Sunday: 3:30 P.M. Avukah meeting. Elec- tion of officers. 6:00 P.M. Hillel Banquet at the Union. .1- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 512 East Huron Tel. 7332. Rev. R. Edward Sayles Rev. Howard R. Chapmatn 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. Mr. Sayles will preach on "The Ministry of Beauty." 9:30 A.M. The Church School. Dr. Logan, Superintendent. 6:00 P.M. Roger Williams Guild at student house. Four speakers; Paul Slabaugh, Oc- tavius Osborn, Miss Ruth Enss, Miss Mary Welch; discussing vocations chosen and their service to society: 11 mmommoommommawk- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCI ENTIST S Sunny California Gives Us I . F j f 409 South Division Street. Sunday morning services at 10;30 a.m.Sun- day school at 11:45 a.m. Free public reading rooms at 206 East Lib- erty. Social hour; refreshmexts. I .4,. . f X: '., ^". rim t ,ti+r + .. GJy Blue Denim Playtogs. SHORTS . . . slacks . . . playsuits . . . and the goodlooking new "bush-coats" (borrowed from the men) all done up in faded blue denium with white piping which does such wonderful things for sun tanned complexions . . . and seemingly wear forever! 't'hese same togs also come in sunkist-orange and workman-blue trimmed with red BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH 432 South Fourth Avenue Theodore Schmale, Pastor. Tel. 8498 9:00 A.M. German service. 9:30 A.M. Sunday School. 10:30 A.M. English service. Topic: Proof of Discipleship." 7:00 P.M. Young People's Group. "The FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Stalker Hall - Student Headquarters, State and Washington Streets 9:45 A.M. Student Class at Staiker Hall. 10:40 A.M. Worship Service at First Metho- dist Episcopal Church, State and Wash- ington. Dr. C. W. Brashares's subject is "Why Not Christ." 6 P.M. Wesleyan Guild meeting and felloy- ship supper at Stalker Hall. Miss Grace Cloan Overton will speak to the group on "Christianity and Personal Living." ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Liberty at Third I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw. Tel. 6005. Rev. W. P. Lemon, D.D., Minister. it III I I It