THlEMIC -IGAN DAILY E MICHIGAN DAILY :ti .,,;a : 'I Edited and managed by students Of the University of Michigan under the authority of the lcard Iin Control of Student Publications. :Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in, this newspeaper. All rights of republication of allOther matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second~ class maili matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPnzEvNTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTIBIN, my NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. College Publishers Reiresentative 420 MADISON AV. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHEICAGO " BOSTON -'Los ANGELES - SAM FNANCISCQ Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. TUtIRE TENANIDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR.........WILLIAM'C. SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............ROBERT P. 'WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR...............HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR.................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER............ERNEST A. JONES OREDIT MANAGER .... ......... DON WILSH~ER ADVERTISING MANAGER ... .NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER,......BETTY-pAVY. WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT WEEXS r.s [ It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. - Alexander G. Ruthyen The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Cricket? Wat 'Does That Mean ... -T T ISN'T SPORTING, says a Japanese war communiq1e, the way those Chi- nese soldiers fight. It s ems that the dirty Chinamen have been doffing their uniforms, filtering across the lines and then attacking the Nipponese troops from the rear. These tactics, complain the officers of the world's first time-table army, are mean and underhanded and surely not in Spalding's Rule Book. The novels of Sir Walter Scott do not record such methods, nor have they ever been taught on the playing fields of Eton. One could argue that the Chinese cannot be held responsible for disregarding the rules of warfare. After all, Japan has insisted that this is not a war, but merely an incident. But in retaliation for these violations of the code of warfare, the Japanese "defenders," all in the mood of good, clean fun, have been obliged to burn Chinese villages, bomb cities and shoot people who claim to be innocent bystanders. So is it not necessary to remind the Tokyo War Office that "civilized warfare" has. been a dead issue since the invention of gunpowder. Today's professional mass-murderer is out to kill, and all attempts to dissuade him from that purpose are clearly unconstitutional, Leonard Schleider. under present conditions will, at least, make it- self felt. And the two reasons why Herr Hitler was so enthUsiastic about playing host to the nations of the earth in 1936 are obviously Japan's motives too--publicity and foreign money. Writers the world over have denounced the Berlin show the biggest propaganda stunt pulled off in history. And as their minds were filled by Hitler propaganda, the pocket-books of these "guests" were also being drained. Any chamber of commerce chairman will tell you that there's no way to build up prosperity like inviting a lot of people to come into your town, spend their money, and then go home. Japan needs money, and sponsors the Olympic Games. Japan is not exactly popular, and spon- sors the Olympic Games. There are the two birds and the one stone. The question is will the stone ever get across the Pacific. David I. Zeitlin. The ditor Gets 'Told...Q He Wants A 1934 'Ensian To the Editor: Not having. any information regarding your next visit to Boston, I am writing you now about something that has been bothering me for some time. When I graduated in 1934, financial condi- tions were suc hthat I didn't think I could af-. ford a class yearbook. Since that unfortunate decision, I have been hoping that somehow you might be able to act as scout for me at the University in search of a copy of My MICH- IdANENSIAN. I don't care if it is old or new and would be willing to pay any reasonable prem- im price to get a copy of that yearbook (1934). -Ernest F. Dietz, '34. 20 Burr Road, Newton Centre, Mass. What's The Answer Mr. Bishop? To the Editor: Thanks again for publishing my last letter. Perhaps together we can convince the student body that "L'Humanite" would be an entirely unnecessary addition to the already abundant sources of thought in the Periodical Room. Today I would like to take the liberty of describ- ing a magazine unique in its precedent-breaking attack on supernatural phenomena. All students, I am sure, have at one time or another come to grips with spiritual problems, and the mag- azine I am about to describe takes care of every- thing from Angels' Wings to the Zodiac. This interesting and informative publication is known as "The Rosicrucian Magazine" and is published at Oceanside, Calif. Subscription price is $2.00 per year, which I am sure Mr. Bishop is more than glad to pay. One question which the Rosicrucian Magazine really takes by the horns and answers completely concerns what we look like between rebirths. It may be found on p. 79 of the February, 1938 issue, where, in the Question Department, an in- quisitive reader asks, "Can you give me some idea of what the virgin spirit, that is, the real man or woman, looks like between lives when coming down to ,rebirth?" Simply and forthrightly without equivocation, or any of the sensational goggle-eyed physical material found in a recent issue of "Life," the .answer is given: "In the third heaven before the spirit comes down to rebirth, it appears as a spark of daz- zling white light from which there flows a vi- briating stream of force composed of three deli- cate scintillating colors, blue, yellow and red. "In the third heaven, the spirit has with it the seed atoms of its former dense, vital, desire and mental bodies. On its journey toward rebirth it reaches first the Region of Concrete Thought vhere it collects enough material to build its new mental body. This material forms itself into a sort of bell shape, open at the bottom with the seed atom of the mental body at the top. "Next the Desire World is reached and the necessary amount of material from this region is formed into another' bell inside the first one. The seed atom of this body is placed at the top of the bell. The spirit next enters the Etheric Region where the Recording Angels form the matrix for the new physical body. "This matrix is composed of ether, and is placed in the uterus of the future mother. Under the direction of Jehovah the seed atom of the dense body is placed in the body of the prospec- tive father. After conception the etheric matrix of the vital body and the fertilized ovum enter the bell-shaped vehicle containing the incarnat- ing spirit and the bell closes at the bottom. From this time on until birth in the Physical World the spirit broods over its slowly developing dense body, entering into it at the time of quickening." I wish to thank Mr. William Warner Bishop personally for seeing to it that literature of this caliber is to be found on the shelves of the Periodical Room. "L'Humanite" indeed! What sane person would even think of reading an obscure French newspaper when we can enjoy, in black and white, the direct and uncompromis- ing answer to some of the most puzzling questions of the day in the Rosicrucian Magazine which Mr. Bishop has put out for us?' -Pierre Roulante. Cal And Herby Are Gone Tab the Editor: When Cal and Herby was in the White House, people was sayin' the Republicans oughta reor- ganize that awful mess in Washington. Even the Democrats said it was a good idea. Course, nobody paid any attention to them since Itfeemr to M Heywood Broun Two of the younger Broadway dramatic critics are engaged in a public controversy. It is an is- sue which has been debated many times, and yet never settled wholly to everybody's satisfaction. Dick Watts says that it is "nice to have good- looking women appearing in plays from time to time." John Mason Brown doubts it. Of course, the argument could be carried on more sci- entifically if the young men would define their terms more accurately. After all, a thing may be "nice" and still destructive to the bes interests of the American drama. As a man who has known Mr. Watts for many years I feel certain that he has his eye fixed on the greater good. He would not, I feel certain, sacrifice the dramatic unities for the smile of.some pert baggage. And the word is used advisedly, for beauty, save in the written phase and the painted drop, is excess baggage in the playhouse. There are countenances so fair that they tend to make the tired business man forget the plot, and at times they even confuse the more cap- tious critics. Easy To Look At Once I went to see "Macbeth," accompanied by a college chun. The name of the lady whr essayed the role escapes me. Dramatically she was far from gifted, but she did delight the eye. Accordingly, all through the sleep-walking scene my friend kept muirmuring in my ear, "The poor little thing! Somebody should put her to bed. Isn't she a honey?." You see, he completely missed the intent of William Shakespeare. And yet, on the whole, pulchritude is less destructive to tragedy than to comedy. Sad plays can be carried on with'a dead pan which may be regal or noble, or even regular, and no harm is done. But nobody can sit so hard on a comic scene as a pretty woman. The girl who fits upon a magazine cover does not belong in farce or any entertainment where pace is essen- tial. She knows her best expression, and she is prepared to fight it out along those lines if it takes all evening. And this is natural enough. Suppose you had a pretty face, gentle reader. What would you do? Why, of course. The same answer goes for all of us. "Let well enough alone." And so good comediennes are almost invariably drawn from that large group of girls who haven't quite made up their minds which is their best expression, if any. They are trying to find out. They will try anything. And it is startling what extraordinary results are sometimes achieved by some plain miss who starts out like' Columbus with a few jewels and launches only little ships. A Nevada Landscape A face which may have been no more than a Nevada landscape can upon occasion blossom like a Connecticut meadow when irrigated With a smile. And in the theatre the alert critic and the self-reliant spectator should not want to have full, complete and finished beauty thrut at him from the minute the curtain goes up. The true lover of the drama will prefer to view in the first scene some countenance which leaves him in suspense. 'To put it in the baldest terms, he will have his curiosity piqued by the problem, "Just how many caravels can be as- sembled by a face like that?" And he will want to know how it all turns out. None of this is mere theorizing. Rejane, who was by most accounts the greatest comedienne of her day, was certainly not a beauty. And here on our own stage I could name half a dozen Amer- ican actresses who belong close to the top, and all six are decidedly plain, RINI1 Sixth May Festival Concert Carmiien (in Concert Form)--Bizet. It is a cur- ious fact that some of the music most strikingly characteristic of certain races or classes of peo- ple has been written by men who were them- selves aliens to that particular race or class. The best loved songs of the southern Negro were written by a white man. Two Russians, Tschai- kowsky and Rimsky-Korsakow, were responsible for the colorful caprices representative of Italy and Spain, respectively. Hungarian music is best known through the Dances of one German. and the Rhapsodies of another. And so it happens that the most famous "Span- ish" opera ' is the creation of a Frenchman, Georges Bizet. Musical cosmopolitanism was the rule rather than the exception with Bizet; his opera Djamileh is laid in Egypt, Jolie Fille de, Perth in Scotland, The Pearlfishers in the orient, and his music to Daudet's L'Arlesienne is of Prov- ence. In each of these works, as well as in Carmen, the composer indulged his love of "local color," imitating skillfully certain of the distinc- tive harmonic and rhythmic peculiarities of the native music of those localities. In reality, however, Carmen is not really a Spanish opera, any more- -than Verdi's Aida is Egyptian, beyond the fact of the story and the occasional introduction of such definitely Span- ish music as the "Seguidilla" and the "Haban- era" (the latter of which was not originally Span- ;o11 T isci. i-nA et... eei m -hn" ..rirh MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Third Concert From the overcast Russian night of Thursday the 45th May Festival yesterday afternoon passed into the festive brightness of its annual Young People's Festival Chorus and F the Philadelphia Orchestra in thea premiere performance of Dorothy t James' cantata, Paul Bunyan, with f Hardin Van Deursen the baritone so- f loist. Again this year the children gave evidence of their excellent training, b achieving high standards in fluent n execution and exemplary diction, with that purity yet solidness of tone that is attained only with a mixed chorus t of children. Miss James' cantata n was, on the whole, highly effective and t showed a great abundance of imagin- t ation and musical resource; being r somewhat more pretentious in form s and aim and more symphonic in tex- p ture than the composer's first chil- dren's cantata, The Jumblies, and ' less dependent on a flow of charming melody, Paul Bunyan put more of a strain on the limited interpretive powers of the children and therefore u was less immediately appealing. Mr. h Van Deursen, in the name part, gave I a highly imaginative and vocally r accomplished impersonation of "the a Great American Giant." Preceding the performance of the cantata the children sang delightfully chosen t songs by Morley, Purcell, Reger, and S Gretchaninoff. with accompaniments C orchestrated by Donn Chown. and tj Henry Bruinsma. f Mr. Ormandy's orchestral contri- f butions of the afternoon consisted in a c spirited rendition of the Smetana Overture to the Bartered Bride and a jocosely fantastic narration of Z Dukas' grotesque tale of The Sorcer- t er's Apprentice; the Orchestra's in- c comparable verve and virtuosity were 2 marred only by an occasional return a of ,the roughness in tone and en- i semble noticed Wednesday night and b by a lack of sonority resulting from a depleted orchestra. But the most satisfying item on " the program was master violinist Al- d bert Spaulding's well-rounded exposi- 1 tion of the solo part in Brahms' D a major Concerto. The first move- o ment, with its frequent interludes of passagework and technical "nood- ling," is to us always a thing to borne with as well as enjoyed; and here the soloist was slow in adjusting him- self to the rigors of the part. But the mellow, dispassionate beauty of the Adagio was supremely revealed in a glowing tone and a transcendant po- etic insight, and the finale carried with vigor and brilliancy to a'glorious d conclusion. Fourth Concertt By DON CASSELt Nino Martini's superbly lyric voiceF and the peerless virtuosity of the C Philadelphia Orchestra were given full recognition in the choice of selec- tions on last night's May Festivale concert. 4 In the first group, -Martini sangs .the very wistful aria "Rudolph's Nar- rative" from "La Boheme" by Puc-1 cini and the well-known "Una fur-t tiva lagrima" of Donizetti. Follow-t ing the intermission he sang Bizet'sI "Je crois entendre encore" from "Les Pecheurs des perles" and " lucevanr le stelle" from "Tosca." Though thist collection offers little contrast, it doesr present Martini at his very best. His1 unusually pure quality and his in-< sistent regard melodic movement and1 phrasing more than compensate for; the limitations of his voice in otheri respects. In response to the enthusi-a astic applause following his second group, Mr. Martini sang "La donna e mobile" from Verdi's "Rigoletto" and an aria of Mascagni. The orchestral portion of the 'con- cert began with the Cailliet transcrip- tion of the monumental Prelude and Fugue in B minor of Bach. The Pre- lude seemed quite satisfactory both as to orchestration and performance but the Fugue seems too lavishly orches- trated and throughout the ensemble' of the orchestra was not up to stan- dard. The major work of this portion was the Sibelius Symphony No. 5. Here for the only time in the entire concert, Conductor Ormandy seemed to be treading on foreign soil. The first twohmovementsain particular lacked that vitality and'robustness which the work must have. The over emphasis on delicacy of phrasing re- sulted in a disconnected performance. In conducting Sibelius with such a technically facile organization as the Philadelphia Orchestra one must make special compensations in favor of a more rugged, less adroit inter- pretation. The last movement was performed in a much more convinc- ing manner, perhaps, because it is less of a pitfall. The Paganini "Perpetual Motion" was performed with amazing skill, and precision by the violins of the orchestra. The whimsical "Till Eulenspiegel" of Richard Strauss was a thoroughly satisfactory climax to the concert. It is doubtful whether Strauss, him- self. ever hoped to achieve such real-. SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 161 Student Loans: There will be a' mleeting of the Loan Committee in Room 2, University Hall on Monday afternoon, May 23. At that time the Committee will consider applications for loans for the summer session andi for the school year 1938-39. German Departmental Library: AllC ooks, unless due at an earlier date,' nust be returned on or before May 23. Summer Work: The Golfmore Ho- el, Grand Beach, Michigan, has just i notified the Bureau of Appointments t hat the students who made applica- ion for summer work there in Feb- 'uary cannot be considered since their eason opens too early for the em- )loyment of college students. University Bureau of Appointmentst and Occupational Information. 201 Mason Hall' w Michigras: A loud speaker system u ised in one of the Michigras boothsA ias been brought to the office of the . Dean of Students. The owners are 'equested to call for this equipment t their earliest opportunity. Attention Seniors. The Burr, Pat- a erson & Auld Company, 603 Church t., will continue to accept orders for 3ommencement Announcements un- il 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 14, h ollowing which time there will be no S urther opportunity to purchase these ommencement booklets and folds. L To Graduate Students in Education: i The preliminary doctoral examina-o ions for graduate students in Edu- ation will be held on May 26, 27 andl 8. 'Those desiring to take these ex-H iminations should leave their name n Room 4002 University High School s before May 15. Glee Club Men: The following men have tickets for the banquet on Tues- 1 day: Collins, Roberts, Viehe, Nelson' Draper and Spencer. Tickets also available at the bus ticket booth all day today.G 5 ConcertsM The May Festival: The schedule of T May Festival concerts is as follows: t Fifth Concert: Saturday afternoon, u 2:30. All Wagner Program. Marjorie t Lawrence, Soprano; The Philadelp ia C Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, Con- ductor. Sixth Concert: Saturday evening, d 8:30. Bizet's "Carmen." Hilda Burke, A Agnes Davis, Sopranos; Bruna Cas-1 tagna, Contralto; Giovanni Mar- i inelli, Arthur Hackett, and Maurice a Gerow, Tenors; Richard Bonelli and - Hardin Van Deursen, Baritones; v Chase Baromeo, Bass; Choral Union; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Earl V. Mloore, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time. Hold- ers of season tickets are requested to detach before leaving home, and lre- sent for admission, only the coupons for the respective concerts. ThoseV leaving the Auditorium during in-o termission are required to presentF their ticket stubs before re-admission. Doors will be closed during numbers. Parking regulations under the di- rection of the Police Department and the Buidings and Grounds Depart- ment will be in operation during the Festival. The University Musical So-8 ciety will greatly appreciate the sym-.f pathetic cooperation of all in atten-k dance, to the end that confusion, in-1 terruptions, etc., 'may be reduced to a9 minimum.t Charles A. Sink, President. Carillon Recitals: Wilmot Pratt,F University Carillonneur, will give twot recitals on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, Sun- day, May 15, at 4:15 p.m. and a "Full Moon" program at 9 p.m. Events Today The Outdoor Club will meot .art Lane. Hall at 2:00 o'clock today for a hike. All students who are interested are invited to attend. Hillel Foundation: There will be a reception and social tonight after the May Festival Concert. Members of the Philadelphia Symphony Orches- tra will be guests of honor. All are welcome. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be an informal 10- minute talk by Mr. Werner F. Strie- dieck on "Kritisches uber Paul Heyse. The annual dinner meeting of the local chapter of the American Asso- ciation of University Professors will be held on Monday, May 16, at the Michigan Union at 6:30 p.m. Chapter officers will be elected and there will ha fiaihj rnnsideration nf the nroh- nd Tectonic Influence of Stable Plat- orms in Submarine Areas." Professor SC. Fries will speak on "The Chang- ng Grammar of Modern English." The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Biological Chemistry, Monday, May '6, 4 p.m., Roomn 303 Chemistry Rldg. Dr. Icie G. Macy of the Children's und of Michigan will discuss "The litrogen and Mineral Metabolism of hildren." All interested are invit- d Physics Colloquium: Dr. C. T. Zahn ill speak on "Free Rotation andthe tructure of Organic Molecules" at ,he Physics Colloquium on Moaday, Bay. 16, at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. 1hysics Bldg. S.A.E.: There will be a meeting of he Society of Automotive Engineers 'uesday, May 17, 7:30 p.m. at the , nion. Officers for the coming year vill be elected. Professor Nickelsen ill talk on shock-absorbers and their se on the new streamlined trains. special invitation is extended to 'ransportation Engineers. The Graduate Student Council will neet at the Union, Tuesday, May 17, t 8 p.m. Election Commission to be et up. Final meeting. All members e present. Public Lectures: Miss Lidia Zamen- of of Warsaw, Poland will speak unday afternoon at four o'clock at he Michigan League. Miss Zamenhof, a daughter of Dr. Ludwig Zamenhof the author of Es- eranto, is well known as a teacher Af that language and as. a lecturer n that and kindred subjects. This is ier second appearance in Ann Arbor. Her subject Sunday is The Return of piritual Heroism. The Baha'i group ponsors the lecture and cordially in- ites the public to attend. R.O.T.C. Ceremony, .Tuesday, My 7, at 4 p.m. Report in and get rifles t Waterman Gym. The Christian Student Prayer Group will hqld at its regular time, :60 p.m., Sunday, May 15, in the Michigan League, a combined busi- ess and prayer meeting. Charles H. T'rautman of the Inter-Varsity Chris ian Fellowship of Canada will bring is a special message. It is important hat every student interested in the Group be present. International Council Picnic: Sun- day, May 15, at 4:30, foreign and American students will meet in Room 116 of the Michigan Union before go- ng to the Island for a picnic super and program as guests of the Disciples Guild. In case of bad weather, there will be a program at the same time. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall at 2:45 on Sun- day and will go for a hike. The Annual Hillel Picnic will be held Wednesday, May 18 from 4:30 p.m. on. All Hillel members are welcome, Reservations must be made at the Hillel office by Monday at 6 p.m. + hurches Ann Arbor Friends will hold their regular meeting for worship Sunday, 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. Jesse Holmes, professor of philosophy at Swarthmore 'College and nationally prominent Friend, will address the group at 6 o'clock. All whoare in- terested are cordially invited. Ann Arbor Friends are also invited to the annual May Breakfast of the Detroit Meeting of Independent Friends in the Highland Park YWCA cafeteria, 13130 Woodward Ave. at 9:30. a.m. Sunday, following which Dr. Holmes will speak. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) 10:45 a.m., ornmg Worship, Rev. Fred, Cowin, Minister. 5:00 p.m., The Guild will entertain the foreign students of the University in an outdoor picnic and vesper serv- ice. Students are requested to meet promptly at the Guild House. In case of rain the meeting will be held at the church, First Baptist Church. Sunday, 10:45 a.m., Rev. R. E. Sayles will speak on "'The Ministry of Beauty." 9:30, 'The Church School. Dr. A. J. Logan, superintendent. 4:30 p.m. The Junior High group will meet at the church. Mrs. Her- man Frinkle, leader. 6:00 p.m. The Senior High Group will meet at the church. Mr. Sayles leader. ' Roger Williams Guild, 503 E. Huron, Sunday, 6 p.m. A special program by four members. Paul Slabaugh, For- ester, Octavius Osborn, Chemical En- gineer, Miss Ruth Enss, Director of Music, Miss Mary Welch, Teacher. These will discuss their chosen voca- tions and how they furnish avenues for a Christian contribution to society. .. From Mt. Olympus To Fu.iana.. N DEFINITELY DISMAL is the present outlook for the 1940 Olympic Games, assuming, of course, that there will be an Inter- national sports festival on that date. There are many reasons. First of all is the present armament race. Orders for track and swim suits have given way to a demand for military attire. It's bayonets instead ofbats, and guns and real bullets instead of starter's pistols that explode harmless blanks. The youth 'of the world is .exercising vigorously -not for the fatherland's Olympic team, but for the fatherland's army. Ironically, the men who make the best athletes also make the best sol- diers. And the premium on man power in cer- tain countries has left coaches without talent. China claims it has enough men to swamp its Japanese foes. Perhaps by 1940 there won't be any Japan. And that is where the games are sup- posedly going to be held. Assuming however, that the islands of the Nipponese are still intact at the end of the current decade, and that the smoke of battle is completely absent from the world horizon, we still find the Olympic situa- tion in a bad way. Japan is located in a funny part of the world. It might almost be said that it is far from everywhere. It cost the United States $300,000 to send a team to Berlin in 1936. Raising that sum was a terrific task, an amazing accomplish- ment. But the monetary price of having a team on hand in 1940 in Tokyo will take at least $400,000, and probably a half million dollars. Another point is the new set of dates. Amer- ica's Joe Colleges who make the team will have