__THE MICHIGAAN DAILY FlUDAY , MAY 13, 1938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I infl r N1 IO apsp .n u Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not -otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as [second class mail matter. . , Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail. $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 RiPRS!NTgD POR NATIONAL ADVERTSING BY NationalAdvertiingService,Inc. Ctlegi Publishers Reresueortive 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CnIAO . BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - BA FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR.... ........ TUURE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR.........WILLIAM C. SPALLER ASSOCIATE ,EDITOR..........ROBERT P. WEMIS WOMEN'S EDITOR...............HELEN DOULAS SPORTS EDITOR ....................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER............ERNEST A. JONES AREDIT MANAGER............DON WILSHER ADVERTISITcO MANAGER .... NORMAN . STEINBRG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY KAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MAGAET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: TUtRE TENANDER It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational Institu- tions in the best meaning. of the term. - Alexander G. Ruthven The editorials published In The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily stAff and represent the views of the writers oinly. TIhe Kid S e Street .. SPRING BRINGS each year among Other things, Tag Day, on which are sold tags for the worthy cause of sending under- privileged American children to summer camps. To maiy, after almost a year of ceaseless tag days conceived to send relief to China. Spain, and" many other parts of the world, more solicitation seems to be exorbitant and something to be- ignored. The fact that is notable about Friday's sale, however, is that it is for the benefit of Amer- ican youngsters, and not for the inhabitants of some foreign land. The slum-bred, poorly cared for children of this country should draw just as much sympathy concretely and otherwise, as those who are really not our responsibility, and at any rate they should not be given any less attention than the latter. It is not necessary to repeat an account of the excellent advantages that the "fresh air" -camps give to children, who have never seen sun- shine except as through the pall of city dust and smke; who have never had a playground in which they didn't have to spend most of their time dodging traffic and keeping an eye on the corner cop; or who never could go swimming except in the greasy black water by the ferry boat docks. These things do not need repeating;1 they are too obvious. That someone at home, near at hand, is in need is sdmetimes forgotten, however, in the fervor of sending ambulances to Spain and rice cakes to the coolies. The kid in the. American street needs a few breaths of fresh air. Robert Bogle. And His Gods. UOTING from a recent Associated Press dispatch: "It is not a mere incident but a dispensation of the almighty g that two such mighty statesmen should have me in a friendship destined to be everlasting . ." These are the words of Adolf Hitler. The use of the term "almighty gods" proves to the world exactly where Der Fuehrer stands. He is not speaking of the God of Christianity ano Judaism, but of the Nordic dieties, Wotan and Thor. The camouflage of the Niemoller-Muller controversy has been washed off and we can see just how Christian the National Socialist regime is. Hitler, Rosenberg. erstwhile head of foreign affairs. Darre; minister of agriculture, and Hit- ler-Youth-Leader von Schirach are not against Nienzoller and a free Lutheran Church Their quarrel is with (1hristianity and its concept of a unTfiversal God. Goebbels has claimed that the quarrel between church and state is merely one of organization. But Nazi theory and practice contradict this. The Party programme declares that the people must obey the instructions of the State; there can be no higher authority, no divided alle- giances. ,"We wish for no other God than Germany," Hitler has said, while von Schirach, during a ceremony of the Hitler Youth, proclaimed, "I am absolute dictator, a brief note from him and pa- ganism will descend to its once-buried Valhalla. But he does not stop paganist propaganda. He does not prevent Himmler from educating the Storm Troops on anti-Christian doctrines. He does not halt von Schirach's fire-worshipping parleys, nor does he discard Rosenberg as he did Roehm and von Blomberg. The excuse can no longer be given that Hitler does not know; that these trends are independent of his brand of National Socialism. For he has admitted to us the names of those whom he credits for his success: the Sun God, the Moon goddess and their progeny, Adolf Hitler. Leonard Schleider. Thie Governmen t A11 Unwelconle Censor... R ECENT HEADLINES have described confiscation of thousands of copies of Life Magazine, suspension of use of the mails for Ken Magazine and Prosecutor Duncan Mc- Crea's ban on Hemingway's late novel. One wonders how much of what we read is censored and how effective this may be made at any time. Life published a synopsis of a moving picture belonging to the American Committee on Ma- ternal Welfare and endorsed by physicians al- most universally. Local offices in several cities confiscated copies of the magazine. Heming- way had published another book on the life of a Florida racketeer Seven months later it was ordered removed from the library system. Ken, several weeks ago, published an article allegedly written by a prostitute. Local papers reported that Farley had ordered Ken suspended. Of the three, this article was in the poorest taste. Its reason for being printed is, if any exists, extreme- ly elusive, but the government had asserted its power to censor. With these three examples, the charges have become serious. The crux of the matter is just who is to be "guardian of the public's morals." Is it the publisher, the government or the individual? The ideal situation is for 'the individual to guard himself from what he should not or does not care to read. He selects the papers and mag- azines he wishes to read, thereby placing his faith in his publisher -This faith he backs up with his money. This is the controlling force with which he keeps the publisher and author in hand. - In this way the individual assures himself of getting only the truth, or only what he wants to read. But when the government, local or national, interferes, dictating what he can and what he cannot read, he is never sure of the facts he sees. The government is not, exactly an impartial referee as we can see in modern Europe. Along with the development of a free press has come the liberation of the populace. Along with authoritarian government goes a regimented press. Charles Dana, editor of the New York Sun, had for his motto "What the good God lets happen, I am not ashamed to print." Life, Hem- ingway, Ken and others are trying to change this "ashamed" to "afraid." Meanwhile, obvious untruths in newspapers are not -illegal. Dorothy Thompson can still go on writing things untrue as Heywood Broun charges. The Hearst papers still go on chang- ing dispatches as the Associated Press, charges. Walter Lippman continues to mangle history as our own professors will testify. But we are prevented from reading the truth because it of- fends the tastes of certain persons. Zola, Hen- drik Ibsen, Hardy, Flaubert were all accused of writing immoral literature which we now have accepted as literature. It is their fight being carried on that we see today. Malcolm Long. r 1-eyw ood Broun I think that motion picture exhibitors are un- grateful when they single out certain stars and assert that the ladies have lost their luster. These were the great names of the screen once upon a time. Perhaps they still are. It is just barely possible that the whole con- troversy is a press agent stunt to diaw patrons into heavy arguments ad up to the box office. This I doubt. There is a certain tide in the affairs of } y :K men and nations and motion picture stars. And if a play- er begins to lose something of her popularity, it really indicates that she has done her job too well They tell me that in the begin- ning Westerns were supported largely by cowboy audiences. The men on the ranges had never seen such costumes or incidents and episodes. They would ride dozens of miles across the prairie to get away from their own humdrum existence. But presently the actual cowboy began to look exactly like the motion picture ones. ;Art always manages to stay a couple of jumps ahead of life, and when life catches up it wants some- thing different. The riders of the purple sage never knew that it was purple until they saw it in technicdlor After the phenomenon had been called to their attention they weren't interested any more. And what was the point of riding many miles to-see Tom Mix when everbod in the bunkhouse had a ten-gallon hat copied precisely after the pat- tern of that worn by the actor? I'm told that today the cowboys go in chiefly for light drawing room comedies and particularly films concerning English butlers. But when the ranch house cook learns the trick of looking and sounding exactly like Jeeves the whole crowd will pass up this type of picture and enlist in the vast army which follows Shirley Temple. Greatest Draw i The Country I have a great admiration for the skill of Miss Temple, and I'm told that right now she is the greatest draw in the country. But disillusion may lurk just around the corner. Hundreds and thousands of doting ,mothers are dressing up their kids to make them look as much like Shirley Temple as possible. Some of the little brats are even dragged down from the nursery at parties to do imitations. As in the case of Sheridan at Shenandoah, these little disciples of Shirley Temple are twenty miles away. Some of them are at least a thou- sand miles off the individual they would portray and yet all this is harmful to the authentic Shirley. If her shadow and semblance, grqssly caricatured, are to be thrust under your nose at every turn, the law of diminishing returns begins to set in. If it is true that Mae West (I don't know what the association of ideas may be) has lost some part of her huge following, it may be traced to the fact that so many ham amateurs and pro- fessionals have gone around saying, "Come up and see me some time." It got so that you didn't even want to hear Mae West do it any more. For my part, I believe that Joan Crawford is just as good an actress as she ever was, but I have seen' too many pseudo Joans employing precisely the same tricks and makeup. And few would ever have tired of Greta Garbo a truly great artist, if one smM-li privilege had been ac- corded to her. The authorities should have given her permission to carry a shotgun and mow down anybody who said, "I tank I go home now." Personalities Too Vivid On the stage as well as on the screen many players suffer because their personalities are too vivid and they do things too well. Miss Ethel Barrymore once ran into a terrific slump because she read a line superbly. Every dinner party contained some miss from finishing school who would say when the coffee was served, "That's all there is. There isn't any more." It is a mistake to do anything too well. I imag- ine that the tragedy of the one perfect perform- ance might even afflict a columnist, although I will admit that, as far as I know, this problem still remains academic. Frank Stockton once wrote a short story about a playwright who did a smash hit. His next play was not so good, and all the critics compared it to the first one. Finally, everything he wrote was a failure, and the reviewers invariably re-{ ferred to him as a man who was good once. As OthersSeeIt , Alabama Jolts Klan Alabama has given the Democratic nomination for Governor, which in that State is equivalent to election, to Frank M. Dixon, a man who prom- ised in his campaign speeches to "drop the Kilby penitentiary on anyone who begins riding around in a night shirt, frightening the countryside." And the Governor-to-be is described as a very determined sort of fellow. He is a former World War aviator, and was decorated for bravery for bringing his machine down safely after one of his legs was shot off in combat with a German. plane. He is a nephew of Thoinas Dixon, who preserved the drama of Reconstruction days, including some Klan episodes, in novels, which' later were made into one of the most popular films of all time, '"The Birth of a Nation." But Alabama's gubernatorial- nominee thinks the Klan should have passed out with the Recon- By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Fifth Concert Excerpts from The Ring of the Nibelungs - Wagner "Let me assume for the moment that you are a young and good-look- ing woman. Try to imagine yourself in that character at Klondyke in 1898. The place is teeming with gold. If you are content to leave the gold alone, as the wise leave flowers with- out plucking them, enjoying with perfect naivete its color and glitter and preciousness, no human being will ever te the worse for your knowl- edge of it; and whilst you remain in that frame of mind the golden age will endure. "Now suppose a man comes along: a man who has no sense of the golden age, nor any power of living in the present: a man with common desires, cupidities, ambitions, just like most of the men you know. Suppose you reveal to that man the fact that if he will only pluck this gold up and turn' it into money, millions of men, driven by the invisible whip of hunger, will toil, underground and overground day and night to pile up more and more gold for him until he is master of the world! You will find that the pros- pect will not tempt him so much as you might imagine, because it involves some distasteful trouble to himself to start with, and because there is something else within his reach in- volving no distasteful toil, which he desires more passionately; and that is yourself. So long as he is pre- occupied with love of you the gold, and all that it implies, will escape him; the golden age will endure. Not until he forswears love will he stretch out his hand to the gold, and find the Plutonic empire for himself. But the choice between love and gold may not rest altogether with him. He may be an ugly, ungracious, unamiable person, whose affections may seem merely ludicrous and despicable t you. In that case'you may repulse him, and most bitterly humiliate and1 disappoint him. What is left to him then but to curse the love he can never win and turn remorselessly to the gold? With that, he will make short work of your golden age, and leave you lamenting its lost thought- fulness and sweetness. Golden Cities "In due time the gold of Klondyke will find its way to the great cities of the world. But the old dilemma will keep continually reproducing it- self. The man who will turn his back on love, and upon all the fruitful creative, life-pursuing activities into which the loftiest human energy can develop it, and will set himseli single-heartedly to gather gold in an exultant dream of wielding its Plu- tonic powers, will find the treasure yielding quickly to his touch. But few men will make the sacrifice voluntar- ily. Not until the Plutonic power i so strongly set up that the highe- human impulses are suppressed a rebellious, and even the mere appe- tites are denied, starved, and in- sulted when they cannot purchas their satisfaction with gold, are the energetic spirits driven to build thei lives upon riches. How inevitable that course has become to us is plair enough to those who have the power of understanding what they see as they look at the plutocratic societieI of our modern capitals." According to Mr. Shaw Such, according to George Ber- nard Shaw in his The Perfect Wag- nerite, is the thesis on which Wagne based his cyclic music drama, Th( Ring of the Nibelungs. The gnomisl Alberich is repulsed in his amoro' attempts upon the rhinemaidens, fai wardens of the symbolic gold. He takes the only course left him in hi frustration and forswears love ant all that it stands for, thereby gaining the gold and its vast powers. But immediately he is tricked of hi hoard by Wotan, father of the god- family and symbol of law and right whose greed for luxury and omnipo- tence has led him into an indebted- ness with the giants, brutes of phys- ical strength, and who steals from Alberich to pay them. One giant killn another to save sharing the reward. and so the "old dilemma continuall3 reproduces" throughout fourteen hours of tightly woven music drama' until the slate is wiped clean and the universe returned to its "golden age" by the sacrificial love of Brun- hilde at the close of Goetterdaem- merung, as she gives back the golder- ring to its rightful owners and car- ries the whole decadent civilizatior of gods, giants, dwarfs and men with her into Siegfried's flaming pyre. 35 Years After Today, thirty-five years after th( writing of Shaw's book and the period of countless other tracts which hailed Wagner as the supreme philosopher. dramatist, musician, and plastic art- ist all in one, we have come to realize that Wagner the Great Artist was Wagner the Musician, that the other, aspects of his nature were, sowto speak, merely the scaffolding with the aid of which his mightly musical edifices were erected-necessary at the time of construction, but later to be removed and forgotten. So Shaw's highly individual, interesting, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Vniverstty. Copy received at'the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) should not be done except by those for whom it is necessary to reach their own cars. On several occasions pe- destrians have escaped by the nar- rowest chance being hit by drivers backing out from a parking stall. A moment or two saved by walking "cross-lots" is comparatively of small importance. It is repeated that all persons are urged and warned not to walk unnec- sarily in parking spaces or driveways. Note to Seniors, June Graduates, and Graduate Students: Please file application for degrees or any spe-1 cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi- t cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive a de- gree or certificate at commence- ment in June. We cannot guaran- tee that the University will confer a degree or certificate at commence-1 ment upon any student who fails to file such application before the close of business on Wednesday, May 18. If application is received later than May 18, your degree or certificate may not be awarded until next fall. Candidates for degrees or certifi- mates may fill out card at once at ffice of the secretary or recorder of uheir own school or college .(students enrolled in the College of Litera- mure, Science,tand the Arts, College of 9rchitecture, School of Music, School >f Education, and School of Forestry and Conservation, please note that application blank may be obtained and filed in the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall). All ap- >lications for the Teacher's Certifi-1 ;ate should be made at the office of ;he School of Education. Please do not delay until the last lay, as more than 2,500 diplomas and certificates 'must be lettered,1 ;igned, and sealed and we shall be1 greatly helped in this work by the 3ary filing of applications and the( :esulting longer period for prepara- tion. The filing of these applications does tot involve the payment of any fee whatsoever. Shirley W. Smith. To the Members of the University Senate: There will be a meeting of ;he University Senate on Monday, Nay 16, at 4:15 p.m. in Room C, Haven Hall.t Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.I Attention. Seniors. The Burr, Pat- ;erson & Auld Company, 603 Church St., will continue to accept orders for 'ommencement Announcements un-1 Ail 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 14, 'ollowing which time there will be no 1urther opportunity to purchase these1 ,ommencement booklets and folds. German Departmental Library: All1 ooks, unless due at an earlier datei nust be returned on or before May 23.t Summer Work: The Golfmore Ho-] el, Grand Beach, Michigan, has just lotified the Bureau of Appointments( ,hat the students who made applica- ;ion for summer work there in Feb 'uary cannot be considered since their season opens too early for the em-1 Mloyment of college students. University Bureau of Appointments1 and Occupational Information,. 201 Mason Hall Phi Beta Kappa: Attention new nembers: The key order has been ;omewhat delayed by the illness of ;he Secretary. Academic Notices1 Directed Teaching,nQualifying Ex urination: All students expecting to, to directed teaching next semester are required to pass a qualifying ex- imination in the subject which they ,xpect to teach. This examination mill be held on Saturday, May 21, at 1 >.m. Students will meet in the audi- orium of the University High School.. the examination will consume about .our hours' time; promptness is there- fore essential. Mathematics 300, Orientation Sem- nar: Will meet Friday at 4 p.m in Room 3014 Angell Hall. Mr. Herbert 3-rosch will speak on "Mathematical Particles in the Expanding Universe." T. H. Hildebrandt Events Today Concerts The May Festival: The schedule of .M~ay Festival concerts is as follows: Third Concert: Friday afternoon, 2:30. Albert Spalding, Violinist; Har- lin Van Deursen, Baritone; The Chil- iren's Festival Chorus; The Phila- ielphia Orchestra, Juva Higbee and Eugene Ormandy, Conductors. Fourth Concert: Friday evening, .3:30. Nino Martini, 'Tenor; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Fifth Concert: Saturday afternoon, 2:30. All Wagner Program. Marjorie Lawrence, Soprano; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene' Ormandy, Con- ers of season tickets are requested to detach before leaving home, and pre- sent for admission, only the coupons for the respective concerts. Those leaving the Auditorium during in- termission are required to present their ticket stubs before re-admission. Doors will be closed during numbers. Parking regulations under the di- rection of the Police Department and the Buidings and Grounds Depart- ment will be in operation during the Festival. The University Musical So- ciety will greatly appreciate the sym- pathetic cooperation of all in atten- dance, to the end that confusion, in- terruptions, etc., may be reduced to a minimum. Charles A. Sink, President. English Journal Club: Mr. Robert Warshaw will speak on "Some Ap- proaches to Shakespeare" at the meeting Friday, May 13, at 4:15 p.m., in the English Seminar Room in An- gell Hall. The faculty, members and guests are cordially invited to attend and to participate in the discussion following the paper. Nomiations for faculty and stu- dent offices will be submitted by the Executive Committee at the business meeting at 4 p.m.; all members are urged to be present. Students in Recreational Leader- ship: The class will meet at the Women's Athletic Building today at 4 o'clock before leaving for the out- door supper. 1938 Dramatic Season. Box office, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre now open daily, 10 to 6, for season and in- dividual ticket sale. Phone 6300. Stalker Hall. Class in "Through the Old Testament" led by Dr. Brashares at 7:15 o'clock. Open House at 8:30 p.m. All Metho- dist students and their friends are in- vited. Hillel Foundation: Services tonight will take place from 7:15 to 7:45. Coming Ei vents Attention Foreign Students: The Counselor to Foreign Students and Mrs. Nelson wish to entertain the foreign students who plan to leave the University between now and next fall in their home Sunday, May 22. If, students who have not already re- ported their plans will leave their names in Professor Nelson's office, arrangements will be made for trans- portation. American Association of University Professors: The annual dinner meet- ing of the local chapter will be held on Monday, May 16, at 6:30 -at the Michigan Union. ' Chapter officers will be elected and there will be fur- ther consideration of the problem of objective appraisment of the value of Faculty members to the University. All members of the Faculty and oth- ers who are not members are cordially invited. German Table ' for F'aculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon.meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be an informal 10- minute talk by Mr. Werner F. Strie- dieck on "Kritisches uber Paul Heyse. S.A.E.: There will be. a meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers Tuesday, May 17, 7:30 .m. at the Union. Officers for the coming year will be elected. Professor Nickelsen will talk on shock-absorbers and their use on the new streamlined trains. A special invitation is extended to Transportation Engineers. R.O.T.C. Ceremony, Tuesday, May 17, at 4 p.m. Report in and get rifles at Waterman Gym. Kappa Phi will have initiation, in- stallation of officers, and breakfast in honor of the seniors, Sunday, May 15, at 7:00 a.m., in Mrs. Goss' rock garden. All members will meet at the church, where transportation will be furnished. All seniors are request- ed to wear caps and gowns. We will attend :Church in a group afterwards._ This is the last meeting of the year. The Congregational Student Fellow- ship will have a picnic at the Island starting at 4:30 Sunday -afternoon. Everyone is most welcome. Please make reservations by Saturday noon by calling 21679. The Christian Student Prayer Group will hold at its regular time, 5:00 p.m., Sunday, May 15, in the Michigan League, a combined busi- ness and prayer meeting. Charles H. Trautman of the Inter-Varsity Chris- tian Fellowship of Canada will bring us a special message. It is important that every student interested in the Group be present. Hillel Foundation: There will be a t Second Concert The poetic melancholy of Old Russia brooded over Hill Auditorium last night. In Moussorg- sky's mournful Kowantchina entr'acte, Rach- maninoff's grimly but appealingly fatalistic chor- al symphony, The Bells, and the B-flat minor Piano Concerto of Tschaikowsky, was disclosed, the soul of a unique people-a people whose art had a vitality unseen in the music of their modern emancipated descendapts. For the first number Eugene Ormandy conducted the Philadelphia Orchestra; in The Bells Dr. Earl V. Moore coor- dinated the work of soloists Agnes Davis (so- prano), Arthur Hackett (tenor), and Chase Baro- meo (bass), the University Choral Union, and the Philadelphia Orchestra, with Palmer Chris- tian assisting at the organ. Artur Rubenstein was soloist in the Tschaikowsky Concerto. It was an evening of lofty ideals-except on the part of the penny-throwing audience-and they were remarkably achieved. Briefly but first must be mentioned the excellent work of solo- ists, chorus, and orchestra in The Bells; wit, moving realism the wistful melancholy and som- the strikingly effective score of Rachmaninoff. Except for occasional incoherent passages in the inner movements this is music of the first order, and Dr. Moore, with fine support from the three soloists and a chorus that was alert and tonally sound. if at times top-heavy, brought about a profoundly affecting recreation. In this sym- phonic texture the Orchestra also played an important role, and, as under Mr. Ormandy in the opening and closing numbers, turned in a completely satisfying performance, The most rousing cheers of the evening went to Artur Rubenstein, for his brilliantly resolute and yet sensitive playing of the appealing Tschai- kowsky Concerto in B-flat Minor. Although-some in the audience seemed to be more attracted by the artist's motions than by the remarkable ac- curacy, fluency, and sincerity of his playing, all were genuinely carried away by the Cossack fer- 9